Women's diseases due to absence. Lack of sex. Abstinence of a woman: possible consequences

We have all heard about the signs of long-term or chronic disease, as well as the dire consequences of its absence. However, one should think about whether this problem affects only women or whether men may also have problems with their sex life, which lead to undesirable consequences and can make the cause noticeable to others.

Of course, the absence of both a natural and desirable process of procreation and everything connected with it has a detrimental effect on representatives of both sexes. Lack of sex often leads to certain mental illnesses.

Therefore, of course, it is good to be fully armed and recognize this illness in a person right away. Being savvy in its manifestations and consequences, you can avoid negative factors that may arise when communicating with such a person. In the case of women, everything is quite clear - irritability, a tendency to hysterics and mood swings, but in the case of men?

So, what are the signs that a man is lacking sex?

  1. They have persistent or even obsessive thoughts about sex. For many men, this condition is normal even with constant sex life. Therefore, it is the appearance of obsessions that is a signal that violations are occurring. Most often, the symptom is not visible to others, which is why it does not cause concern.
  2. They are protected from others. This symptom is a defensive reaction of a person who does not want to show his problems to others. Locking themselves in their inner world, they find hobbies in private, some are interested in computer games, like World of Tanks, others seriously begin to get interested in music or become well versed in football leagues of different countries.
  3. They show ostentatious hatred towards the female sex. This sign not only indicates a long absence of sex, but may also indicate mental disorders, which, in turn, is much worse. At this stage, real maniacs are born.
  4. They are angry. This symptom is similar to female manifestations of a similar problem. But only an aggressive man is much more serious and unpleasant for society. It is very easy to identify such an individual, since when communicating with him on almost any topic, they react aggressively and gesticulate, seemingly on the most harmless topics.
  5. They experience heightened sexual desire. This is typical both for short-term absence of sex and in cases of long-term absence. Such people often follow a woman passing by with their eyes, like gopniks at the entrance, or while sitting at home they stop switching TV channels to dubious beauties.
  6. Their sexual desire is weakened. This also happens, especially when abstinence is too long. In some cases, it can lead to physiological and mental changes in personality, including loss of gender identity.
  7. Their attentiveness weakens and general absent-mindedness appears. This is also evidence of hormonal imbalances caused by lack of sex.
  8. They have an unhealthy shine in their eyes. This shine indicates mental changes. As with drug addiction, this is already a pathological stage of this disease, when the consequences are already irreversible and cannot be cured simply by eliminating the root cause of their occurrence.

These are the main symptoms and manifestations. As for the means of struggle, in addition to the simplest and most obvious, if there are reasons that do not allow them to be used, physical labor and active sports are recommended.

What signs would you identify of lack of sex in men?

Having a permanent sexual partner is the key to good male and female health. And these are not just words based on the spread of free thinking about sexual relationships. This statement has quite logical and even scientific explanations. Lack of sex for men and women is an equally negative phenomenon.

The importance of regular sex for women

A woman's sexual desire is determined by her willingness to trust the man of her choice. Yes, in most cases we are talking about trust, since representatives of the fair sex are more inclined to analyze possible connections than men. The processes and sensations that a woman experiences during sex are also related to this.

The key is relaxation. It is important for a woman to feel comfort and security next to her prospective man. This, in turn, has a primary psychological effect on her, which encourages closer communication. From the point of view of emotional health, primary flirting helps you become more confident in your attractiveness and more relaxed.

The transition from coquetry to sexual intercourse is accompanied by the release of a large number of substances in a woman’s body. Among them are serotonin and dopamine - sources of joy, as well as estrogens - one of the most important female hormones, which largely determine the appearance and mood of the fair sex. As an element of health, sex in this case acts as a process of normalizing the activity of hormones and the glands that produce them.

Stimulation of the heart muscle and accelerated blood circulation allows you to enrich all body systems with oxygen in a matter of minutes. This becomes an excellent prevention of congestion and tumor growths. In particular, regular lovemaking can be called an effective counteract to the development of uterine fibroids and breast cancer. By the way, the notorious headache can also go away after a short intimacy with a loved one.

Increased blood supply to the body helps in the fight against fat deposits, as well as the formation of problem areas. So, with regular sex, the breasts increase slightly and retain their shape for a long time, which is also due to the active production of collagen fibers.

Thanks to the maintenance of hormonal levels, this intimate process underlies the long-term preservation of a woman’s youth and attractiveness.

We should not forget that consistency in sexual relationships brings satisfaction to a woman as a factor in her own success. Success in intimate relationships is reflected in everyday life and makes the fair sex more collected, calm and reasonable. From a psychological point of view, potential intimacy with a man encourages a woman to take more careful care of her appearance and health.

Lack of regular sex in women: consequences

Unlike men, women's manifestations of lack of sex are much brighter and more noticeable, although we should not forget about the individuality of each person.

1. Increased irritability and aggressiveness. It’s not for nothing that they say about “old maids” that they are angry with the whole world - it’s all about a sharp reduction in serotonin. There is not enough joy hormone, so where will the good mood and positive outlook on life come from! At the same time, it is very difficult to replace sex with something full-fledged, so preference is given to the most accessible - sweets or work.

2. Depression, increased fatigue and chronic fatigue. Without regular intimacy, women often withdraw into themselves, begin to criticize themselves - complexes are born. This entails a number of psychological problems and a desire to hide from the whole world. This is how long-term depression is born. And the desire to hide one’s need for affection behind household responsibilities turns into a process of destroying the last objective forces to fight one’s own pessimism.

3. Gaining excess weight. Sometimes very active. First of all, this is due to hormonal imbalances, as well as abuse of the most accessible way to increase the amount of serotonin secreted by the brain - food. Sweets, smoked foods, saltiness – everyone has their own preferences, which ultimately lead to a colossal transformation, not for the better. It’s worth noting here that physical activity, dancing, yoga, and hobbies are great ways to overcome the desire to binge on the lack of sex, but at the same time increase the level of serotonin and dopamine in the body.

4. Disruption of the endocrine system. The longer there is no regular intimacy, the worse these problems can be, up to the development of benign and malignant neoplasms. Therefore, if you have not had an intimate relationship for a long time, then the regularity of visiting a gynecologist and endocrinologist should increase in order to prevent diseases from becoming established.

5. Psychological, emotional blockers. Most often they occur if the lack of sex is caused by past failures and disappointments, as well as low self-esteem and harsh self-criticism.

The importance of regular sex for men

Unlike women, men do not need serious preparation to enter into an intimate relationship with the woman they like. They are more prone to non-binding relationships, but contrary to the stereotype that a man is only interested in sex, one can say that the hormone oxytocin, produced during intimacy by the man’s body, puts him in a certain state of euphoria, which perpetuates desire. This desire is fixed on a subconscious level, which makes men more open to sex, but does not at all mean that they cannot regularly make love with the same woman. The process itself is important to them.

Why is the pleasure he strives for so important to a man? In addition to the anti-stress effect and reducing the increase in the pain threshold during intimacy, intimate connection gives a man confidence in himself and his masculine powers. This in turn makes him more active in workers' affairs. In a word, it is this confidence and the correct functioning of sex hormones in the body that is the strong side of humanity that gives birth to an inner lion capable of winning in any life situation.

Medical research on the influence of regular sex on men's health has helped determine that consistency and moderate consumption of sweet pleasures in the life of the stronger sex makes him smarter. During intimacy, the production of gray matter in the brain accelerates. Of course, this factor is relevant if a man is, in principle, focused on development. Then regular sex will help him be more focused and purposeful in his actions.

Scientists have also found that men who regularly make love live ten percent longer on average and are less likely to suffer from coronary heart disease, strokes and heart attacks.

Lack of regular sex in men: consequences

In their discomfort experienced in the absence of regular intimate relationships, women and men are very similar. A defining feature of male suffering is the danger of early development of sexual impotence, infertility, as well as a number of other diseases that can develop due to stagnation of biological fluids in the ducts of the genital organs.

Aggressiveness and stress are also inherent in men during periods of lack of sex. This often affects your ability to work productively and achieve your goals. Even the most long-awaited desires can be put on hold. The objectivity of assessing one’s own abilities and appearance also decreases.

Against the backdrop of a decline in mood and a decrease in overall activity, the entire body suffers. Immunity decreases and the risk of developing vascular diseases increases. In the absence of any action, men are also prone to obesity.

Zinaida Rublevskaya
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Sexual abstinence is not such a rare thing in our lives. For example, a quarrel with a husband often results in a protracted sexual war until the enemy agrees to regularly take out the trash can. Or the boyfriend decides to sublimate himself into work - and now the bed is overgrown with cobwebs. But is abstinence really as harmless as they say?

Ph.D., psychotherapist, sexologist A. M. Poleev (www.prosex.ru):

In general, abstinence is a rather dangerous thing. For men - in terms of physical health, and for women - mental health. It is among the fair sex that voluntary refusal of sex is common, for example, if a woman does not have a permanent partner, and she does not want to “sleep with just anyone.” Men solve this problem simply. If a man does not have a beloved woman, he goes to the unloved one and somehow satisfies his needs. And among the stronger sex, abstinence is therefore most often forced (for example, during military service).

Research shows that a woman's long-term abstinence from sex can create big problems for her.

The fact is that for women everything is “involved” in psychology - the pleasure of sex and orgasmic release are needed for normal psychological functioning. If they are not there, the woman becomes irritable, hot-tempered, and very serious changes occur in her character. Sex is not only sexual intercourse, but also a symbol of “confidential communication” with another person. And when there is no such communication, a woman begins to perceive the world schematically, through the prism of some principles: she becomes tough, very critical in her judgments, inclined to condemn. Most often, all this has nothing to do with personal, intimate life, but extends to the sphere of interpersonal relationships in general, to professional activities, for example.

In principle, to prevent all this from happening, you can replace sex with masturbation. But if men almost always engage in it (even when everything is in order with their sex life), then a woman, with voluntary abstinence, often refuses it too. But if it is very difficult for you to endure abstinence, and going to bed “with just anyone” is not in your moral principles, it is quite possible to engage in self-satisfaction.

Sexologist Irina Gumennikova:

In addition to the purely psychological consequences of abstinence (sexual abstinence), sexual function also suffers in both men and women.

In men, during abstinence, erection may be impaired and problems with ejaculation may appear. Moreover, the consequences for the body depend both on the age of the man and on the duration of abstinence. If he is 25 and has a strong sexual temperament, then it will be difficult to endure even two weeks without sex, but regardless of the duration of abstinence, this will not affect sexual function in any way. At the age of 30-35 years, a break in sexual activity for several months can lead to premature ejaculation and worsening erection. But, as a rule, this goes away when the usual sexual rhythm is restored. If a man is 40 years old, he may even require serious treatment from a sex therapist. And at the age of over 50, a break of two to three months can lead to the cessation of sexual activity forever.

In women, abstinence first leads to a sharp increase in desire, and then, after a few months, it may disappear completely. Moreover, after resuming sexual activity, a woman may experience discomfort and even pain in the vagina, since due to abstinence it begins to produce less lubricant. And the excitement will not grow so quickly. By the way, problems with discharge may also arise. Orgasm during a long period of abstinence may “return” only after a few months.

What to do? First, after a period of abstinence, you should ask your partner to extend foreplay longer. If, with a normal rhythm of sexual life, a woman needs 15 minutes, now it takes at least 30 to awaken the “sleeping” erogenous zones. Ideally, it would be if a man brought you to orgasm through cunnilingus. With such stimulation, almost all women receive a full-fledged, vibrant orgasm even after prolonged abstinence. And for vaginal intercourse, additional lubricant should be used until it again “learns” to produce the required amount.

If it turns out that it was not you, but your man, who abstained for a long time, then here too you need to follow several recommendations.

Since the longer the period of abstinence, the more a man is afraid whether everything will be fine in bed, you must be as tactful as possible. Ridicule or reproaches for male incompetence can lead to serious sexual problems. Therefore, even if something doesn’t work out for a man, just tell him that he is valuable to you primarily as a person, and not as a sexual partner, and that next time everything will be much better.

Ph.D., sexologist Yuriy Prokopenko:

Abstinence can indeed be very harmful, but you shouldn’t think that “for your health” you need to have sex all day long. First of all, you need to have an intimate life as often as you want. It is known that regular sex is an excellent prevention of prostatitis in men and gynecological diseases in women if they arise due to stagnation of blood in the pelvis (for example, during arousal). On average, a person under the age of 30 makes love 4-5 times a week, up to 40 - 3-4 times, up to 50 years - 2-3 times, but the frequency of sexual activity depends on temperament and psychological characteristics.

If you have sex less often than you want, if you restrain yourself, then hormonal balance may be disrupted and blood stagnation may occur. And if you force yourself to go to bed when there is no particular desire, trying to cure something in this way, if not physiological, then psychological problems may arise. So don’t make sex a “compulsion”!

First reader

Singer Larisa Chernikova about sexual abstinence

Abstinence certainly cannot have a negative effect on the state of the body. All the stories that if you don’t make love three times a day will have a bad effect on sexuality and a woman can become almost indifferent to sex are complete nonsense. Sometimes, on the contrary, it is worth abstaining, because it exacerbates sensuality.

But as for the psychological state, problems may arise here. For example, those who make a career and sit at work all day often do not have a permanent partner. Unfulfilled sexual arousal makes it difficult to concentrate on work, and even leads to neurosis. That’s why in the spring many people try to get out of work early, and if that doesn’t work out, their productivity somehow drops sharply! So, if you can’t sublimate your sexual energy into work, don’t torture yourself! It's better to earn less money than to get depressed due to lack of personal life. And if you really can’t find the person of your dreams, take up sports, for example. This helps to free yourself from overwhelming sexual emotions.

I spend most of my sexual energy on stage. By dancing, I “wind up” the hall and after the concert I feel empty, but satisfied. Just like having sex with the man you love!

Intimacy is an important part of the relationship between a man and a woman. Sex not only brings people together, but also strengthens the union. It has also been proven that regular sex life has a positive effect on physical and mental health. But what are the consequences of a lack of sex for both partners? Numerous studies have found that long-term abstinence, regardless of whether it is forced or conscious, leads to disruption of the functioning of organs and the body as a whole.

A few words about the benefits of regular sex life

The sphere of intimacy is a subject that scientists study constantly. After doing a lot of research in this area, they came to the conclusion that sex is good for health. Thus, full intimacy strengthens the immune system. And all because with regular lovemaking, the level of immunoglobulin, which destroys viruses, is maintained at a high level.

It also has a positive effect on blood circulation. As a result of proximity, blood circulation improves, which leads to increased brain performance: memory is strengthened, and new knowledge is better absorbed. The fact is that blood, actively moving through the vessels, is saturated with oxygen during intimacy, which is necessary for the normal functioning of the brain and other organs.

Healthy sex also has a positive effect on the reproductive system. Regular sex life contributes to the production of motile sperm in men and normalization of ovulation in women. Intimacy also makes menstruation less painful and more stable. All this significantly increases the chances of conception.

Regular sex reduces stress levels. This is due to the fact that during orgasm, endorphins are released - hormones of joy and pleasure. They also lift your spirits and give you a feeling of euphoria.

After regular sex, insomnia disappears, and no trace of stress remains. In addition, the person becomes calm, balanced and happy.

Intimate caresses are also good for the beauty of the figure. After all, during active movements, different muscles are pumped, including the muscles of the abdomen, hips, and upper back. And as a result, physical fitness improves. Sex is also good for your skin and hair. After it, pimples disappear, and the skin becomes elastic, soft and refreshed. Hair gains strength and shine.

What happens to the female body in the absence of sex?

For a woman, intimacy is an important component that makes the fair sex more confident and emotionally fulfilled. Every woman experiences the lack of sex differently. Those who have a weak sexual desire can live without sexual activity for quite a long time - up to 7-8 weeks.

And those women who are naturally insatiable endure the lack of intimacy quite hard. But in both the first and second cases, the following health and emotional problems are observed:

. Women's problems. Long-term abstinence from sex often leads to polycystic ovary syndrome, mastopathy, tumors in the uterus, painful periods, severe PMS and menstrual disorders. Such troubles occur as a result of a decrease in the level of female hormones.
. Acne, weight gain, active growth of unwanted hair - all these manifestations are the result of hormonal surges, which often occur with a long absence of sex.
. Cardiovascular diseases. Girls who do not have sex are susceptible to vascular diseases, strokes, and heart attacks.
. Decreased immunity. Without regular sex life, women often suffer from colds and flu.
. Sleep problems. During orgasm, oxytocin is released in the body. This hormone serves as a natural sedative. And when there is no sex, insomnia and nightmares begin to torment.

Against the background of a lack of sex, frigidity often develops - a lack of sexual excitability.

Premature skin aging. With regular intimacy, collagen is released, which is responsible for the strength, smoothness and youth of the skin. When this protein is insufficient, the dermis becomes dry and wrinkles begin to appear on it prematurely.
. Anorgasmia. Against the background of long-term abstinence, anorgasmia can develop - a sexual disorder in which it is impossible to achieve orgasm, both vaginally and clitoris.
. Frequent hysterics, neuroses, aggressiveness, irritability and mood swings.
. Stress and depression. In the absence of sex, a strong blow falls on the emotional background. A woman’s self-esteem decreases and complexes appear. She feels inferior and unwanted.

What happens to a man’s body during prolonged abstinence?

If women can still somehow survive long-term abstinence from intimacy, then for men the lack of sexual intercourse is a real disaster. After all, for them sex is akin to food and sleep. Failure to satisfy a natural physiological need has a bad effect on their psycho-emotional state. “Hungry” representatives of the stronger sex become aggressive and angry. They are often overcome by neuroses, insomnia, as well as stress and depression. Some men may even experience mania, split personality, obsessions and other mental disorders. Many guys often feel impotent and then experience failures in bed, which drive them even deeper into a depressed state. In some cases, a change in orientation may even occur.

What are the consequences of lack of sex for physical health? If a man does not make love for a long time, this often leads to:
. frequent wet dreams;
. premature ejaculation;
. cardiovascular diseases - occur due to lack of sexual training, stress and depression;
. decrease in muscle mass - occurs due to lack of testosterone;
. sudden weight gain - men often compensate for the lack of intimacy with huge portions of junk food and alcoholic drinks, which is where the extra pounds come from;
. deterioration in sperm quality - the cause of this problem is stagnation of blood and secretions in the prostate gland;
. prostatitis - occurs against the background of stagnation of prostate secretions;
. weakening of sexual abilities - if you abstain from intimate caresses in the period from 30 to 45 years, a man becomes weak in intimate matters. And long-term abstinence completely leads to loss of sexual abilities;
. decreased performance and mental activity.

Impotence and infertility are the most severe consequences of lack of sex. Such problems arise due to the weakening of the functions of a non-functioning penis.

Men, like women, cope with prolonged absence of intimacy in different ways. Representatives of the stronger half of humanity with a weak sex drive can completely do without sex for 3 weeks, or even more, and without any particular harm to health. But true “males” cannot live even a day without sex. They immediately feel bad both physically and emotionally.

If the consequences of a lack of sex frighten you, and loneliness depresses you, do not grab casual sex. Look for a good and reliable partner who will make your life more harmonious, bright and unforgettable.

To understand the consequences of sexual abstinence in women, you should approach each representative of the fairer sex individually. Probably, men often notice that one girl actively responds to even the lightest caress, while the other remains equanimous despite the very careful efforts of her partner. What's the matter?

Sexual appetite

Sexologists emphasize that all individuals are divided into 3 groups. The first includes men and women with high temperament, the second - with average, and the third - with low. So, let's try to learn how to determine whether a person belongs to one of the types. All this will help you understand the dangers of abstinence in women.

Representatives of a strong temperament usually mature earlier than their peers. Accordingly, at a young age they develop an interest in their body, its needs and sex in general. They begin sexual activity early, at 12-13 years old. As they grow older, these girls begin to feel the need for daily sex.

Statistics show that these representatives of the fair sex pay great attention to the process itself, and foreplay is not so important for them. However, if such a woman is left without a man for some time, this will immediately affect her psychological state. This mainly manifests itself in extreme irritability and aggression.

Average temperament and thoughts about sex

The majority of the female population has an average sexual temperament. Such girls admit that they indulge in carnal pleasures 2 times a week. And this is the norm for them. Girls with a similar temperament need prolonged male caresses, gentle words and a suitable environment for making love.

But it is easy for such a partner to suppress her sexual appetite with sloppiness or an unpleasant odor. And then the girl will prefer to remain without sex at all this time. How should abstinence in women be assessed in such a situation? The benefits and harms from this will run in parallel lines.

That is, physiologically the person will remain dissatisfied, but psychologically she will protect herself from negative feelings. What could a girl's thoughts be? She is able to think like this: “If there are no conditions for intimacy, then I will refuse it today.”

But psychologically such a girl may remain dissatisfied, but this is unlikely to show. Why is such abstinence dangerous for women? The consequences depend on how often similar situations occur. Scientists emphasize that representatives of the fair sex often remain calm when they have to refuse sex. But in the end they may be overcome by melancholy or blues.

Low temperament and abstinence

Low sexual temperament includes women with late sexual development. The saying “Sex is not the most important thing in life” usually belongs to them. Owners of this temperament are usually monogamous, and making love once a month does not bother them. Often they have to go without sex for a long time, and then a number of questions arise. Why is abstinence dangerous for women? And what will its consequences be? Are you serious?

There is an opinion that such girls are too picky. They should be pushed towards sexual contact smoothly, paying a lot of attention to the emotional mood and erogenous zones. However, representatives of low temperament suffer more from the lack of male attention than from physical contact. Therefore, such women psychologically calmly tolerate the absence of sex for a long time.

Abstinence in women. Benefits and harms

In fact, there are different opinions of doctors and psychologists on this matter. Still, most experts are inclined to believe that the lack of intimacy is not so harmless. This applies to absolutely all women, no matter what type of temperament they have.

After all, it is known that sex is the best means for healing and rejuvenating the body. And for the fair sex this is always important! In addition, it has been proven that ladies who abstain from sex are most susceptible to depression and obsessive fears. What else can long-term abstinence for women lead to? The consequences are very different.

Lack of sex is the path to illness

Often, a lack of sexual relations can give the green light to many diseases. Firstly, excitement and a feeling of dissatisfaction will begin to eat the girl from the inside. As mentioned above, women in such cases become irritable.

Thus, dissatisfaction in sexual life tries to find a way out. Secondly, the risk of developing gynecological diseases, which can become complicated and lead to cancer, increases.

There are many theories about the sex life of opposite sexes. Many are trying to figure out what abstinence leads to in women. The benefits and harms are considered for each representative of the fair sex individually. If we talk about the positive side of refusing sex, then it is most likely the only one and is pleasant. It has been revealed that after a period of abstinence, another intimate contact with a man causes strong emotions. It turns out that refusing sex intensifies sensations, giving them a brighter color.

Long abstinence of women. Consequences

Statistics show that young ladies are not as susceptible to diseases as their older friends. It is known that a person changes periodically and must meet certain standards. When an imbalance occurs in the body during prolonged abstinence, a woman’s metabolic processes may be disrupted.

This often leads to something drastic with all the ensuing consequences. In the work of sexologist Yaroslavsky “Abstinence in women. The benefits and harms of lack of sex” describes in sufficient detail that uterine fibroids, nodular and diffuse mastopathy, and malignant neoplasms are serious diseases. And they don’t just happen.

Representatives of the fair sex may suffer from a severe form of premenstrual syndrome. As a rule, it is accompanied by frequent mood swings and migraine attacks. It has also been noted that refusal to have sex has a detrimental effect on the thyroid gland, adding additional health problems to the woman.

All of the above diseases can appear due to prolonged sexual abstinence. During this period, an imbalance occurs and affects women.

Medical studies show that the lack of intimate life not only leads to depression, but also causes a woman to suffer from attacks of neurasthenia. This often leads to severe neurosis, which you cannot always get rid of on your own. Some young women change their sexual orientation and begin to pay attention to members of their own sex. This is another significant point for those who are concerned about the dangers of abstinence in women. And its consequences, as you can see, can hardly be called positive.

Female behavior in the absence of sex

What could be the reason for refusing to have sex? The reasons may be the lack of a permanent partner or psychological problems. Conflicting opinions often arise when the topic of abstinence in women is raised. Benefits and harms must be considered in each particular case separately. It should be noted that the reaction of ladies to the lack of intimacy varies.

If a lady has a low interest in this side of life due to her natural temperament, then she practically does not suffer from this morally. Moreover, many individuals successfully sublimate sexual energy into productive activities and creative pursuits. Moreover, if a woman is actively involved in sports or dancing, then she manages to safely avoid many of the diseases listed above.

However, not all representatives of the fair sex feel comfortable without intimate relationships. Over time, their negative character traits inevitably outweigh them. Such ladies are distinguished by their rigidity in judgment, often demonstrating categoricalness in communicating with others.

Refusal of sex in a couple

It should be noted that it is not only single women who abstain from sexual intercourse. Those who have a regular partner are often prone to this. What motivates them: fatigue from monotony, loss of attraction to a man, or boredom?

Psychologists are unanimous in the opinion that refusal to have sex with your chosen one inexorably leads to problems in the couple. After all, intimacy is a kind of indicator in a relationship. Its deficiency or absence inevitably leads to the collapse of the union.

How to avoid this? When such a problem arises, a woman should not withdraw into herself. On the contrary, you need to discuss the reason for your reluctance to be intimate with your partner. After all, such behavior can not only prevent a couple from breaking up, preserve the health of both, but also give new breath to established relationships.