Meaning of piercing. Reading this is interesting! Everything you wanted to know about nose piercing

We continue talking about body piercings. Now not much history. I will also tell you about the meaning of body piercing. Everyone who comes to the tattoo parlor often asks even very often the question of what this or that tattoo means, but for some reason, when they come to the studio to do a navel, ear, lip or any other piercing, they don’t ask what a navel piercing can mean, for example? So? Let's open the veil a little and talk about it. So what does ear piercing, lip piercing, navel piercing, tongue piercing, nipple piercing, nose piercing all mean?

Ear piercing.

The simplest type of piercing is the ear piercing. Among the Indians of America, the ears were pierced to men, ear piercings were made both in the lobes and in the cartilage. But for representatives of the European race, ear piercings were done only for the female half for a long time. Although there are exceptions, they pierced the ear of a sailor who crossed the equator for the first time. Ear piercings became more popular among men in the 80s thanks to the benchmarks of those years. Nowadays, a man with an earring in his ear or with earrings in his ears can safely move along the street and no one will look askance at him. Nowadays, piercing is no longer exotic, men and women pierce not only the ear, but also the eyebrows, lips, noses, tongue and navel. IN modern world ear piercing can show a person's belonging to a particular sexual orientation.

Lip piercing.

In Africa, the women of the Makololo tribe pierced their upper lip, and they did this in order to sound an alarm in time of danger, making a sound completely different from others. And the tribes of Central America and South America pierced the lower lip and pierced it with a wooden plate.

In ancient Egypt, a navel piercing meant that a person who had a navel piercing had communal rights, special privileges. Time is running and everything changes, and the pierced navel has now become the sexiest place. Today, almost any representative of the fair sex, having made a navel piercing, can become even more sexy. And among the ancient Egyptians, a navel ring meant belonging to the nobility.

Tongue piercing.

Among the Aztecs and Mayans, tongue piercing was part of a ritual that connected shamans with the Gods.

It’s the 21st century in the yard and no one knows what the next step fashion will take. Nowadays, piercing is new wave fashion, the main purpose of which is the decoration of the most attractive parts of the body.

Nipple piercing.

Nipple piercing is not uncommon these days, but it's not common enough either. intimate decoration which is not for everyone. We digress a little, so what does nipple piercing mean - for the first time in history, Roman centurions were Caesar's personal guards who made nipple piercings for themselves, this immediately distinguished them from the general crowd of "guards", and it was a very functional thing. To the rings in the nipples they hung capes. It must have been a very indescribable feeling. A little later, nipple piercing was revived already in Victorian era, women began to do it to improve the shape of their breasts, because at that moment about plastic surgery didn't even dream of it.

Nose piercing.

And now it’s even more interesting, girls, know that when you get your nose pierced, it means that you are married. Such a tradition came from India, the girls who made themselves a nose piercing showed everything to those around them that they were married. True, in the modern world, almost everyone does not follow this tradition. But the fact is quite remarkable and little known.

... At night, I woke up in a cold sweat, lying on the ground, one hand was pressed to my stomach, and the other convulsively rested on the bottom of the tent ... A second before I woke up, some black entity with tentacles crawled out from the center of my stomach. A feeling of anxiety and fear, from which there was no escape, took possession of me in this nightmare, the voice pursued me throughout the house, there was nowhere to hide from it, electrical appliances went out of order, and when I lowered my head down, I saw This ... With a scream, I squeezed my stomach hands and Something grabbed me from behind and threw me face down. It was in this position that I realized myself at night, after I removed the piercing the day before, after 10 years of continuous wearing of an earring in my navel.

After personal experience, there was an intention to write this article and talk about what piercing is, how it manifested itself in different cultures and eras, and what is its effect on our physical and subtle bodies.

Historical retrospective

Word "piercing" comes from English piercing, which means "puncture" and is rooted in antiquity. In various cultures, people subjected their body to modifications as a sign of belonging to a particular tribe or cult, status or hierarchical distinction. Was and back side such a “leaky” medal: often a person of the lower hierarchies, especially women, was branded with the help of piercings and forced into lifelong slavery, piercing various parts of their bodies in order to attract the attention of the opposite sex.

Let's turn to the sources and find out how piercing was treated in various cultures of antiquity. The Vedas said that the earring on the side of the nose symbolized the worship of the goddess Lakshmi, and since from the point of view of Ayurveda, the nostrils are associated with reproductive system women, nose jewelry is still common in India, which is worn during the maturation of a girl or before marriage. “A woman’s nose should be decorated on the left side in a curl. This allows you to connect the mind and body, gives a woman peace of mind, reduces lust, greed. As for other parts of the body, some prescriptions are in favor of large earrings in the ears with an ornament of flowers and leaves, without broken lines, so as not to cut through the energy. But was it a real puncture or a safer alternative - clips? Other sources claim that punctures of any parts of the body have a detrimental effect on the person as a whole, why - we will find out a little later.

In the Middle East, as well as among many indigenous tribes of Africa, America and New Guinea, it was common to pierce the nasal septum and wear large bone jewelry, which was a symbol of masculinity and courage. To this day, tribal peoples living apart from modern society have preserved the traditions of piercing and stretching "tunnels" with the help of huge rings or plates, as a sign of high status, reaching 15 centimeters in diameter and changing the shape of the nose, ears and jaw.

Tongue piercing, for which the spines of poisonous plants were used, was practiced for ritual purposes to achieve an altered state of consciousness and worship the gods. Ancient cultures used all kinds of amulets and amulets to connect with Nature and communicate with spirits, and some of these adornments were always with a person on his body, which protected him from dark forces.

As for our ancestors, the ancient Slavs did not use protective symbols as decorations. There is an opinion that the first "punctures" and the distribution of rings, earrings and other jewelry were due to a protest against the forcibly implanted religion of Christianity.

At the time of the birth of Christianity in Europe and the Middle East, rings in the ears, lips, nose, anklets and hand bracelets, neck rings were a sign of slavery or belonging to the lower class. Slaves, infidels and heretics were simply required to wear such insignia. Later, by decree of the Church in 1139, it was forbidden to pierce the nose, ears and other places in order to insert iron rings or hang bells. It was said about man: "God created the body of man perfect and the devil forces him to adorn it in order to try to correct what God created."

So, we see that the traditions of piercing various parts of the body have deep historical roots and contradictory meanings embedded in these customs.

With the advent of modern world religions (let's call this period "religion"), the attitude towards piercing has largely changed under the influence of the Bible, the Koran and other sacred texts. Now that man has become "God's servant," he should not "desecrate the Temple of God, in which the Holy Spirit dwells": " For the dead don't cut on your body and do not stick letters on yourself. I am the Lord” (Leviticus 19:28). " And Jacob said to his house, and to all that were with him, Throw away the foreign gods that are among you, and purify yourself, and change your clothes; And they gave Jacob all the foreign gods that were in their hands, and earrings that were in their ears, and Jacob buried them under the oak, which is near Shechem» (Genesis 35:2-4). So, the Bible says that the incisions and tattoos on the body are the same as the inscriptions on the wall of the temple. They do not decorate the temple, but desecrate both it and the God who dwells in it. And since any independent bodily changes are contrary to the concept perfect body according to God's image and likeness, then they all belonged to pagan occult manifestations and were under the strictest ban.

According to the Koran, piercing is also a change in the appearance created by Allah, therefore wearing jewelry in various parts bodies are strictly prohibited. "What Allah has created cannot be changed"(Quran, 30:30),

« Don't expose yourself with my own hands to death"(Quran, 2:195). Therefore, no Muslim who is aware of his belonging to Islam should do this. Retreat here is seen only for jewelry in the ears of women - in order to please the gaze of her husband.

In Eastern religions, we will not see prohibitions from above on wearing jewelry on your body, since a person in the system of the universe does not take the position of a slave in relation to God. Many argue that the most striking example of "ear tunnels" is Gautama Buddha, who is usually depicted with drooping lobes - a sign associated with human spirituality - the larger and more pronounced it is, the more independent the spirit and the desire for liberation. But it is worth adding that the earlobes of Tathagata Shakyamuni have nothing to do with the “ear tunnels”, because due to certain circumstances, the bodies of the Awakened Ones have long earlobes.

In the religion of the peoples inhabiting the Indus Valley, Lord Shiva was most often depicted with rings in his ears in the form of Kundalin and in the formidable form of Bhairava, symbolizing His all-pervading nature. Goddess Durga has huge tunnels, and yogis and siddhis also often appear with numerous "accessories" in the ear area.

But back to reality today, we understand that piercing has become a familiar attribute of the younger generation and no longer carries any symbolism, but only the spirit of resistance and the desire to stand out from the crowd, which turns into joining the "piercing herd". The second argument in favor of wearing earrings on the body is a tribute to fashion, which is formed and controlled by well-defined structures.

Unfortunately, few who pierce the most important energy points on the body realize what consequences await them in time.

Of the 100% of people who pierce themselves, 93% do it only in the earlobes, 4% add another navel and 1% each on the nose, lip and intimate parts of the body. From a physical point of view - punctures in the body can lead to infectious infections, disruption respiratory tract(tongue piercing), suppuration and more serious illnesses– hepatitis, AIDS, etc. Injury to the vessels of such sensitive parts of the body as oral cavity or genital organs, may lead to the development heavy bleeding, and dangerous microorganisms that accumulate inside often lead to inflammation and interfere with the natural hygiene of the body.

From the point of view of health sciences - Acupuncture and Ayurveda, in human body there are many important energy points or marmas (among them there are 108 death points), in which prana is concentrated. Marmas have important for life and are responsible for certain processes and organs in the human body. By stimulating these points, we can get a certain positive effect on the body, but prolonged wearing of an object at such points leads to constant irritation of one or another organ, which gradually becomes ill. Even the most experienced craftsmen piercings cannot determine the location with 100% accuracy key points on the human body, and when the disease manifests itself, the person begins to treat the effect, not realizing that the first stone of the cause was laid in the piercing salon.

From the energy level, any damage to the rough shell - the human body, leads to a violation of the integrity of the subtle body, which prevents the correct harmonious flow of energy through the body, and, as a result, such a violation will also affect internal organs. So, in the case of eyebrow piercing, vision is impaired, the earlobes interact with the kidneys, and due to a puncture in the navel, the functioning of the intestines and pancreas may deteriorate.

If you adhere to a healthy lifestyle, engage in spiritual practices and follow the Path of self-development, then it will become natural for you to control the work of energy channels (nadis), which, according to various sources, number from 72,000 to 3 million in the human body. Blocking the channels with foreign objects leads to interruption of the free flow of energy, and, as in the case of the navel, its accumulation in the lower centers or chakras. In turn, the disruption of the work of the chakras will inevitably lead the wearers/owners of jewelry to focus on the lower and basic needs of a person - food, sex, pleasures. Their energy will not rise to higher centers, which will entail a stop in spiritual development.

By the way, the navel is our physical and energy center - the “door” to the subtle human body, the place of balancing the whole organism, the place of power in all manifestations. There is 84 energy channels and the connection of a person with his mother, and through her - with the family. The piercing cuts through all these channels, cutting off the ancestral roots, and as quickly as possible turns a person into an easily controlled spiritless creature. It was navel piercing that was an attribute of concubines in harems, who were thus blocked by the most powerful energy channels.

So piercing is nothing but effective remedy management of a person, which, like “fashion”, is introduced into society with subtle tools, making life-long slaves out of people.

Here are excerpts from piercing service sites for a good example:

  • “Among the most aesthetic and feminine places for piercing, the first place is taken by upper lip(Ears are not taken into account, this is banal). The names of the punctures speak for themselves: Monroe (artificial front sight on the right), Madonna (front sight on the left), Medusa (front sight in the center under the nose).
  • “Piercing is often associated with a certain amount of aggression and the aroma of inappropriateness. The secret of the attractiveness of piercing is in the desire to be different from others. Being different is worth a lot.”
  • “The navel piercing is quite common and attracts with its ease of execution, beautiful aesthetic appearance (provided that the tummy is tightened).”

I hope you draw your own conclusions based on these descriptions.

The purpose of this article is not to condemn people who wear jewelry on their bodies, but to Once again to open our eyes to what tricks we are drawn into the net of ignorance, so long as we are comfortable, led and easily controlled.

Continue to develop, do not stop on the Path of self-knowledge, go beyond the proposed, and then humanity has every chance to wake up, breaking out of the shackles of sleep.

As Nicholas Roerich wrote: “The last war among people will be a war for truth. This war will be in every single person. War - with its own ignorance, aggression, irritation. And only a radical transformation of each individual person can become the beginning of a peaceful life for all people.

For the Benefit of All Living Beings!

It seems that quite recently, for the average inhabitant of our country, any objects inserted into pierced skin evoked associations with natives.

However, time, as always, makes its own corrections, and now it has become strange not the presence, but the absence of holes with trinkets stuck in them in the navel, nose or eyebrows.

Why do people get belly button piercings? Reviews confirm that the popularity of this form of avant-garde art as body art is associated with the solution of three problems:

  • expression of teenage protest;
  • demonstration of belonging to some kind of movement;
  • increased sex appeal.

Where did he come from, this piercing?

The custom of inserting jewelry into punctures in the skin existed even in Ancient Egypt. Although most often, when talking about piercing, we remember the appearance of representatives

It is known about the connection of such a tradition with totem cults. One of the versions tells that disfigurement female faces holes were made in order to reject them in the eyes of slave traders.

One way or another, but in Russian chronicles the first mention of piercing is associated with the name of Prince Igor, who wore it in his ear. Other people did this, regardless of gender and age. The fashion for piercing the body then left, then returned again.

IN currently we are seeing another surge of interest in this type of exterior decoration.

How is a navel piercing done?

The procedure is performed under sterile conditions. The master works in surgical gloves, the operation is accompanied by local anesthesia.

The marker marks the points of punctures in the upper part of the navel (there are less blood vessels). The working area, tools and hands are disinfected, the sterile needle is lubricated with Vaseline. The skin is pinched with tweezers to reduce blood flow to the operation site.

Only special laser-cut needles are suitable for belly button piercings. Reviews leave no doubt: these tools are so sharp that they do not damage tissues, but seem to push them apart, which cannot be said about pistols.

In addition, this instrument can be sterilized at high temperatures. The needle is inserted into plastic tip, and only its tip is visible from the outside. With its help, the pinched skin is pierced with a sharp movement, after which the instrument is removed, and only a plastic cap remains in the wound.

It creates a hole large enough to thread the ring through. After that, the cap is removed, and the Vaseline-lubricated ring remains in the skin. Then it closes, the wound is treated with cotton wool with a disinfectant solution. After the procedure, it is usually recommended to lie down for two hours.

Do you need it?

Surely each of us has many friends who have already made themselves a navel piercing. Reviews, consequences and care - they are ready to provide you with all this information. Listen to their advice carefully and consider some circumstances:

  • The piercing procedure is contraindicated when an inflammatory process develops in the body, a cold or an exacerbation of a chronic disease.
  • Piercing is not recommended for people involved in active sports. The fact is that a lot of sweat accumulates in the navel area, and this can provoke severe irritation after operation.
  • The habit of wearing tight-fitting clothing can seriously slow down the healing process of a puncture, as friction will create irritation and infection.
  • Piercing is not recommended for people with overweight, as fat folds lead to the formation of sweat in the injured area, creating a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria.
  • Too or a protruding belly can make the appearance of the piercing unaesthetic. It's worth thinking about.
  • It is necessary to be able to devote 15 minutes twice a day to hygiene procedures cleaning and another 10 minutes to soak the piercing in saline solution. This regimen will be maintained for 3-4 months, for some it is difficult to comply with it.

Pregnancy and piercing

Many women are interested in whether a navel piercing can affect the bearing of a baby. The reviews are unambiguous: at the beginning of pregnancy, this type of jewelry is not a hindrance. But as the abdomen grows, the appearance of stretch marks is often observed, the puncture can increase in volume and become inflamed.

In some cases, even scars appear. Along with the growing belly, the navel bulges outward, the earring clings to clothing, causing pain, and sometimes irritation and even tears.

For this reason, it is better to refuse to wear trinkets on the navel while carrying a baby, and instead of decorating, insert a silk thread into the canal so that it does not become overgrown.

If no precautions have been taken and scars have formed, they can be removed with laser resurfacing in a medical institution.

To reduce the likelihood of defects on the skin, it is recommended to apply to puncture sites. special cream from stretch marks or fatty oil. It is especially risky to do piercing shortly before pregnancy (less than 1-1.5 years).

Possible negative consequences

Practice shows that the consequences of piercing are not favorable in all cases. Reviews of those who underwent the puncture procedure indicate the need to comply with certain conditions in order to avoid problems:

  • Do not touch the inserted jewelry with tight-fitting clothing. This often leads to injury to the wound, infection and the occurrence of an inflammatory process. Such a risk always exists, but it is especially great until the wound is completely healed.
  • If the puncture is not made deep enough or the decoration is incorrectly selected, even rejection may occur. This usually happens 10-15 days after the operation. With an incorrectly made puncture, the earring rises and seems to be pushed out, rising above the skin. It causes discomfort and even pain.
  • One of frequent complications piercing - inflammation - can occur as a result of bathing (water ingress), maceration of clothing, touching dirty hands etc. This complication is best addressed under the guidance of a specialist.
  • If it is not possible to cure the inflammation in a week, then the jewelry will have to be removed, the puncture will be overgrown, and the whole operation will have to be repeated. Otherwise, deformation of the canal is possible, and this complication negatively affects the navel.

Keep in mind that if flaws are initially noticeable in a fresh puncture, then you can redo it without any problems. If a lot of time has passed, and the wound has healed, then in order to re-pierce, you must first completely overgrow the existing channel.

In addition, remember that piercing after 40-45 years has its own characteristics. Skin that has lost elasticity is easier to pierce than tight, young skin. Yes, and the decoration will be much better to stay in a natural position. However, healing processes are slower with age, so it is desirable that a highly professional specialist be selected for the procedure.

Care of the puncture site

Because of contaminated tap water, poor quality jewelry, sweat on the wound and irritation from her clothes, it sometimes takes a year to two years for the navel to heal! To speed up this process, we recommend:

  • Take 50 to 100 milligrams of zinc and at least 500 milligrams of vitamin C daily. In no case should you remove the jewelry from an unhealed wound.
  • Wash the puncture at least twice a day, disinfect it and do not touch it with dirty hands.

Belly button piercing. Reviews of men

The opinions of the representatives of the stronger sex about this type of body decoration are ambiguous. Of course, no one has done research on this topic, but from the reviews on the forums it follows that female piercing attitude is more favorable, although positive feedback still less than 50%.

But what about when a representative of the stronger sex does a navel piercing? Men's reviews are often negative due to suspicions of gay owners of such "beauty".

Supporters of decorating themselves by deforming the body call their opponents “Stalinists” who are not capable of creativity. Passions boil, but the truth, as always, is far from extremes.

“You can be a smart person and think about the beauty of your nails,” the poet once said, and it’s hard to disagree with him. Some people get pierced, some don't. Someone considers this a manifestation of freedom and individuality, but for someone it is squalor.

So is a belly button piercing worth it? The pros and cons must be carefully weighed before the procedure. The appearance should express the inner content, and each has its own. At the same time, it is important to understand that reviews about navel piercing in men will most likely be negative.

A bit of history

Today this type of decoration own body became predominantly female hobby. But it was not always so. During the time of the Egyptian pharaohs, priests inserted jewelry into the body. At the same time, the piercing of the navel meant that the man had special privileges.

The navel ring in ancient Egypt was the privilege of the nobility. By the way, the same can be said about the Roman centurions. Caesar's bodyguards pierced their nipples, and that's what made them stand out from the rest of the guards.

Moreover, this decoration also had an applied purpose - capes were attached to the rings worn in pierced nipples.

Which earrings do you prefer?

It is very important to choose the right material for the jewelry you use when making a piercing. Customer reviews indicate that cheap alloys often cause allergies and inhibit wound healing.

Teflon or PTFE earrings are considered the safest. These substances are used in surgery, they are soft, elastic.

Silver items often oxidize when in contact with the skin and cause irritation even after the wound has healed. This is true for gold jewelry is safer, but only if their sample is not less than 585th.

If a piercer offers you a surgical steel earring, then the level of his skill should be questionable. Jewelry made from this alloy releases hazardous components. They can cause not only allergies, but even pigmentation and scarring, not to mention the fact that such an injured puncture will take a very long time to heal.

How to choose a salon?

Piercing is not a very expensive service. In Moscow, the price for it ranges from 1.5 to 3 thousand rubles. Having bought a local newspaper, you will surely see a lot of ads on this topic: piercings, discounts, reviews and beauty salons.

First of all, you should think about your health and try to choose a good salon:

  • A credible institution can be considered one in which a minor client will be required to give written permission from their parents to carry out the procedure. This point is important, it speaks of the level of professionals who value their reputation.
  • A good salon should be licensed, and the master should have a diploma from a doctor or a piercing specialist.
  • Ensure that the instruments used are sterile.
  • The specialist conducting the procedure should be available at any time for consultation in case of complications in the postoperative period.
  • Run from the salon where they offer a puncture from a pistol.

Follow the tips in this article and get yourself a beautiful belly button piercing. Reviews of friends will certainly cheer you up!

Many people in the world are so eager to stand out from the crowd that the regulars invent new methods of how to do it. However, speaking of piercing, you need to know that it has existed for a very long time and still primitive people they made punctures in the ears, lips or even in the nose, and not only for beauty, but to show their courage and endurance, to prove something to the ancient gods of the elements and events. Today, such punctures no longer surprise anyone, and if you have firmly decided that you simply need it, like air, you should understand that a piercing in the nose and the consequences can have a variety. So it's worth considering seeing a specialist rather than trying to do everything yourself.

The expediency of a puncture: what does a piercing in a girl’s nose mean and how to prepare for it

Always underline own beauty, stand out from the gray mass, express yourself the way you want, these are the main reasons for a nose piercing called modern girls and women, and guys also do not lag behind them in pursuit of originality and originality. Today, nose piercing is at the peak of popularity, but it is not the latest invention, but has been known and successfully practiced for many centuries, for example, among Indian women, where everything, no matter what is done, matters. But even before that, on the hot shores of Africa, members of tribes and communities proved their masculinity with the help of such punctures.

Initially, the tradition of making a puncture in the nose and inserting an earring into it came to America, and then to other parts of the world from India, where it was brought by hippies. Imbued with culture, they wanted to be like those whose life, views and ideals they liked so much. In fact, the piercing was done indian girls and guys, they put an earring ring in the hole to demonstrate that they were busy or married. Today, no one puts such a meaning into a puncture, however, it is worth knowing such information for general education.


Modern young people are not even interested in the name of a nose piercing before they do it, meanwhile, there are several types of such piercings, and each of them has its own name, which will not hurt to find out if you are going to take such a step. In addition, you need to know that the first earring for the nose cannot be either platinum, or gold, or, moreover, silver. Exclusively medical steel and nothing more.

Restrictions and contraindications

It should be understood that despite the seeming simplicity and accessibility of such a puncture, nose piercing can cause quite unpleasant consequences, which we will talk about a little later. In the meantime, it is worth discussing what steps need to be taken to similar consequences to avoid. In fact, everything is quite simple, it is worth taking the time to the issue so as not to regret later, because with an incorrect puncture or subsequent care, it is quite possible that surgical medical care will be required.

  • Before deciding on such a puncture, make sure that you do not have heart disease and vascular system, inflammatory processes in the body and fever.
  • Do not get a nose piercing if any chronic illness is in a state of exacerbation.
  • Do not drink for a week before the piercing oral contraceptives, as well as other hormonal drugs.
  • You should consult with your doctor about the use of tablets before and after piercing, especially those that affect blood clotting. For example, aspirin such cases strictly contraindicated.
  • A day before the puncture, you should not drink coffee and strong tea, limit smoking, completely give up alcohol, whether it be a sip of wine or a glass of beer.

Types and types of nose piercing: how to do nose piercing and not only

It would seem that everyone knows what a puncture is, but not everyone can answer what a nose piercing is called. The thing is that there are several types and types of punctures that differ in their location, and, therefore, the names are different. First of all, you need to understand the name of a nose piercing - a ring that can be inserted not only into the wing of the nose, but also into the central septum.

Nose piercing, or Nostril piercing, is the most current, as well as the most common type of piercing, which everyone has seen without a doubt.

There is also a Septum piercing, in which a hole is made in the nasal septum. Moreover, it can be done both with the capture of cartilage tissue, and by it.

Bridge nose piercing is the passage of an earring or barbell through soft tissues, that is, the skin, in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe bridge of the nose, approximately at eye level. Moreover, both horizontal and vertical bridges are distinguished. Some make whole compositions by inserting several decorations with different sides or one above the other.

There is also a Septril piercing, which is essentially very similar to a septum, but the earring itself is displayed vertically down.

The horizontal nose piercing, called Nassalang, as well as its variety Austin Bar, is the most complex in terms of technology and is a continuous puncture of the tip of the nose, which affects both wings, as well as the internal septum.

Among other things, there is another type of piercing, which is much less common, but exists, and therefore you need to pay attention to it. Nasal tip piercing is carried out from the inside, up, and out at the very tip of the nose. There are also a wide variety of combinations of punctures of varying degrees of difficulty.

The technology is simple or how nose piercing is done: piercing with a steel needle

If you have made up your mind about what unusual decoration you definitely need a nose and without it the light is not nice to you, it is worth studying in more detail how it is done in order to clarify this issue once and for all. So such a procedure will seem less frightening and dangerous, but you should always beware, because in addition to the puncture technology, you will also need to know for sure how to care for the nose piercing afterwards.

The preparatory process is the most important

It is worth once again focusing on the fact that all nose piercing procedures should be carried out exclusively by real professionals, and without experience it is better not to take on such a thing at all. Only in the salon can they provide an adequate level of protection against infection of the wound, as well as give invaluable recommendations for care for the next six months. To begin with, the skin at the puncture site must be disinfected, but it is not recommended to use alcohol-containing preparations for these purposes. The best choice can become germicidal soap and any antiseptic. Do not forget that the master must be in sterile gloves, like a surgeon.

First, a piercing site is selected, for example, in the wing of the nose. With the help of a surgical marker, a dot is placed, which shows where the earring will subsequently be. You can experiment until the place seems the most suitable for you. It also does not hurt to pick up the earring itself, which you will wear for the next few months. Most often, craftsmen have special hygienic earrings made of medical steel, it makes sense to choose the one that you like the most.

Works of a puncture: it is worth a little patience

After proper preparation, you can proceed to the puncture itself. To do this, you will need to use round tongs with holes, which will need to be installed so that the place marked with a marker lies just in the place of the hole in the clamp. Using a special steel hollow needle with a silicone catheter, a puncture is made, and then an earring is inserted into it. Professional craftsmen insert a special silicone plug inside the nostrils, but preferably plastic, so as not to accidentally hook the mucous membrane on the septum when piercing.

Many are interested in a very entertaining and really important question, whether it hurts to do a nose piercing, but no one can definitely answer it. It's all about the susceptibility of the body, as well as the level of pain threshold for each specific person. For some, the operation seems completely painless, while others believe that doing a nose piercing is extremely painful and unpleasant. However, there are options here, if you are afraid, you can ask the master to apply special anesthetic ointments or creams that he definitely has.

Care and proper healing: how long does a nose piercing heal

It is clear that all nasal punctures that affect cartilage, and not just soft tissues, will heal much longer and more painfully than usual ones. And much more care and attention will be needed. And in general, a nose piercing is one of the most difficult and painful processes, and not the making of a hole itself, usually it does not take much time, but its tightening. To begin with, decide immediately on the earring, as it must be selected in such a way as not to injure the mucous membrane, and the puncture channel itself.

After everything is set, and a fresh wound has been treated, it remains for you to properly care for it so that a clean and healthy channel is formed, which can be tightened very quickly if the earring is removed. For example, ten minutes after you remove the earring, it will be problematic, and sometimes even impossible, to put it back on.

In no case should drugs containing alcohol be used to disinfect a wound. This will not only burn the mucous membranes, but can also contribute to the formation of a granuloma, which, if not properly treated, can create very serious problems.

  • You should not even accidentally touch your nose with your hands on the street, in educational institution at work and even at home. If there is some kind of emergency, then first you need to thoroughly wash your hands with soap, and preferably with bactericidal, and only after that do something.
  • "Chlorhexidine" and "Saline" should become an integral part of your first aid kit for a long time. With these tools, you need to process the puncture three times a day, respectively, from the outside, as well as from the inside. So how do you treat a nose piercing? Use cotton swabs for this.
  • Do not apply to the skin while the puncture is healing. cosmetical tools, you need to give up tonics, milk, sprays and even ordinary micellar water, let it be better to wait for better times.
  • Many also ask how to remove a nose piercing, and they think that this can be done almost immediately after piercing. In fact, in no case should you change the earring before the wound is completely healed and the channel becomes absolutely clean.
  • Falling down with your nose buried in a pillow will no longer work, consider this fact. Yes, and tight sweaters and golfs with narrow necks will have to be abandoned for a while so as not to injure the wound.

To the question of how long a nose piercing heals, there is also an answer: each time in a different way. However, it is recommended to wait a period of several months, up to six months, so as not to miscalculate. At least for the next three weeks, you will have to give up swimming in ponds and pools, do not sunbathe in the open sun and do not visit the solarium. You will be warned about the consequences, because nose piercing, before and after photos should be considered in detail, it is not quite as simple and safe as ear piercing.

Earring change after complete healing

You can put in a new earring only after the canal has completely healed, and the period for each can vary greatly. For example, some already after three weeks freely remove and put on jewelry, while for others, even after two months, the wound does not completely overgrow. Moreover, you need to understand that a carnation with a ball inside will be easy to remove and determine back, but alas, not everyone knows how to insert a piercing into the nose with a hook. But this is by no means difficult:

  • Soak your crocheted earring in peroxide for about five minutes. This will completely destroy harmful microorganisms and bacteria.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water, put on gloves, and disinfect the piercing without removing the first earring with your usual means.
  • In order for the earring to simply and easily enter the puncture, it is recommended to lubricate it with Levomekol.
  • Carefully remove the stud, and carefully insert the earring with the hook into the channel, and then simply turn it until it takes its place.

After that, everything must be treated in exactly the same way as with the first decoration, so that neither inflammation, nor suppuration, nor granulomas occur. Moreover, a nose piercing is exactly what you will be messing with all your life. That is, you will have to take care, disinfect, regularly check the condition often, and also for a very long time. Your nose piercing will never be as clean and painless as in the ear, and if the earring is removed and not worn, the hole will completely heal very quickly, and the whole process will have to be repeated over again.

Piercing is the piercing of a certain place on the body and decorating it with an earring or other product. It has firmly entered our lives and almost every second young man there is a hole in the body. But few people think about the origin of this method of decorating the body, and what meaning lies in it. Women wear earrings in their ears and this is quite standard and is considered natural. Several hundred years ago, an earring in this place meant something mystical and mysterious. It is worth understanding the art in more detail and learning what piercing is.

What is piercing and its history

The appearance of this culture is due to the tribes and nationalities living on the shores of Polynesia. The first person to wear jewelry on their ears and lips was from the Masai tribe. Today these products are called piercings or tunnels. Scientists speculate that similar method body transformation was used to mutilate oneself, so as not to fall into slavery. According to another version, people did this to give the appearance of maximum resemblance to the sacred revered animals.

In many states, the size of products and the number of punctures were direct evidence of belonging to a high social status. The leader of the tribe had everything to the maximum. Ancient Roman warriors considered it a special dignity to pierce their nipples. This is a kind of expression of courage and masculinity.

The navel piercing was invented by women in ancient Egypt. So the mistresses of the great pharaoh and all the ladies were singled out from the approach. Holes in the cartilage and earlobes were popular among the Indians of America. The meaning of piercing around holes in the human body was common - scaring evil forces capable of penetrating the soul.

It is difficult to tell everything about the piercing, since it has long history. In the modern world, it became popular in the 20th century and still does not lose ground.

Types and features of technology

Over the years, the piercing has been improved. If in ancient times only ears, lips, nipples were pierced, today it is fashionable to do this with eyebrows, nose, navel, tongue. Decoration gains more and more popularity intimate parts. There are daredevils who have decided to make holes in the skull. The name of this type is brain piercing. If the master performs the procedure correctly, then the rings in the head will properly stimulate the brain, which will produce hormones of pleasure and happiness. But this service is dangerous to human life and health. This is the most dangerous type of piercing.

Puncture in intimate area has aesthetic and healing benefits. Earrings located on the clitoris and at other specific points intensify and intensify sexual sensations and give a lot of new sensations.

Piercing corset looks unusual, original and exotic. This variety involves the application a large number holes around the back. Rings are inserted into the holes, and then a lace and ribbon are threaded.

The usual piercing of the ears has also undergone a fair transformation. Today, boys and girls are actively making “tunnels”. To create them, a cylinder is inserted into the earlobe. big size and gradually expands the hole.

The procedure is available to absolutely everyone. Most salons deal with punctures and have the necessary equipment. To ensure sterility, instruments are autoclaved.

Before the procedure, the master conducts a thorough treatment of the puncture site. antiseptic solution. Then, using a disposable needle, he makes a hole, which then expands slightly and an ornament is inserted into it.

Decorative items may be different forms and sizes. Their functionality and design varies depending on the body part and purpose.

Work in sensitive areas performed under anesthesia.

Most popular puncture sites

What part of the body to pierce and what the piercing will mean, everyone decides for themselves. Ears remain a popular place for decoration at all times and to this day. Usually the product is inserted into lower part- a lobe, but you can do it along the edge of the ear. For men, one ear piercing is in fashion, and for both women, there are no restrictions on the number of earrings here either.

Creative people who want to stand out from the crowd make holes in the eyebrow area. Bars with balls and rings are popular for transforming this place.

A few hundred years ago, a fashion for punctures in the nostrils was born in India. In those days, when people saw such a piercing, they knew what it was and why it was made - a status symbol married woman. It doesn't make any sense in today's world. It simply adds charm and mystery to the female image.

Cheeks and lips are decorated with "flies". Rings, rods and other decorations are inserted into the navel, genitals and nipples. They are ideal for relaxed people.

Selection of jewelry

When choosing a product, study the photos of piercings and decide on appearance earrings. The most important factor here it is not the form that counts, but the material.

  1. PTFE. It is a type of Teflon. This hypoallergenic plastic can be used by allergy sufferers and pregnant women.
  2. Surgical steel. IN European countries such products are prohibited, although they are widely used in our country. Its components negatively affect the lymph and blood.
  3. Titanium. Perfect option used in implantation.
  4. Gold. Not suitable for primary piercing. For rare occasions, it is better to choose jewelry of the 750th sample.

Indications and contraindications

The main purpose of piercing is body decoration. In some cases, it is used to mask aesthetic defects.

Who is prohibited from making punctures?

  • Problems with blood clotting.
  • Severe form of diabetes.
  • Age under 18 years old.
  • Premenstrual syndrome.
  • Diabetes, skin diseases
  • Chronic diseases, Oncology.
  • Fibromas, adenomas in the mammary glands, etc.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Allergic reaction to metals.
  • Diseases of the oral cavity with a puncture of the tongue and cheeks.
  • Gynecological diseases, pregnancy.
  • Bronchial asthma.

Modern owners of jewelry do not give them mystical meaning, but always gives a special meaning. If you decide to use this method of self-expression, then strictly consider the contraindications and choose right place for a puncture.