Tattoos on private parts. Men's tattoos on intimate places

Explicit, uncensored intimate tattoos for women can significantly affect your personal life: both for the better and for the worse. We have prepared more than 100 uncensored photos of intimate tattoos and written their meaning depending on the location and type of tattoo. Read the article to the end and make sure that explicit intimate tattoos will only decorate your body and make you a little happier and add a little sparkle to your sex life.

Women's intimate tattoos without censorship: male and female views

By the way, men's and women's visions of intimate tattoos are different, and opinions on them vary. The stronger sex would prefer not to see a tattoo on their beloved at all, that is, men, if possible and have a strong influence on their significant other, would forbid getting a tattoo on intimate places. Why? The most common answer that unites opponents of such tattoos: after childbirth, the image will change shape and will look deplorable.

The best places for an intimate tattoo:

  • breast
  • pubis
  • hips
  • buttocks
  • coccyx
  • nipples

And over time, cellulite acquired with age will also contribute to changing the appearance of the tattoo. As a compromise, you can swear to your loved one that you will play sports even at 70 years old. And a tattoo on the tailbone is unlikely to be subjected to the “torture” of pregnancy.

Beautiful ladies love to put the image on the lower back, tailbone, buttocks or in the navel area. Why do girls get intimate tattoos? It hurts more than on any other part of the body. There are at least three reasons why such images are applied:

  • women love to decorate their bodies;
  • intimate tattoos create the image of a mysterious, sexy and passionate lady;
  • a tattoo can hide stretch marks and scars after surgery.

Uncensored tattoos on intimate places: how to choose a design?

The choice of tattoo on intimate places, style and shape is a personal matter for the girl. Still, it is recommended to talk with the artist, who will help to further reveal the meaning of the chosen drawing. The option with the name of a spouse or lover is not the most successful, because life loves to present surprises and not always pleasant ones - this includes parting with loved ones. Favorite spiders and cobwebs also, unfortunately, do not look aesthetically pleasing and, according to men, reduce libido. And the spider itself is a symbol of drug addicts.

Candid tattoos in intimate places: 58 photos of intimate tattoos

The meaning of intimate tattoos for women:

  • cat - shows the playfulness of female nature
  • dragon is a symbol of limitless power
  • rose flower - passion, love, bright emotions
  • dolphin - fertility, health, devotion to partner
  • lizard - a manifestation of femininity and flexibility
  • butterfly - chastity and harmony (and not as is commonly believed initially)
  • sweets and berries - the ability to get pleasure and enjoyment

It should be borne in mind that such cute creatures as butterflies, as well as some musical instruments and roses, are a sign that their owner prefers to be with women in bed.

Rules for choosing a salon for applying an intimate tattoo

You need to take the choice of a salon and artist very seriously, check his reputation, look at his portfolio, collect reviews and find out about his qualifications. A good artist will definitely introduce you to the meaning of the chosen image and tell you about proper tattoo care.

Remember that the procedure of getting an intimate tattoo is painful. You should not be offered anesthesia, as it contracts the muscles and the pattern, after restoration of muscle tone, becomes deformed.

Candid intimate tattoos without censorship: 5 beautiful photos

Intimate tattoos for girls: history of origin

This may sound sensational to you, but explicit intimate tattoos without censorship are not a trend of the new century and not a product of the sexual revolution. They have a much deeper history. They appeared many centuries ago and in their “antiquity” can compete even with ordinary, familiar chastity tattoos.

As historians who understand this issue have been able to establish, intimate tattoos first appeared several centuries BC. Girls and women from Mesopotamia and Ancient Egypt glowed on their chests and lower abdomen:

  • flowers;
  • the moon;
  • Sun;
  • and other pictures.

There is even an opinion that such “tattoos” played the role of a kind of amulets, allowing one to maintain marital fidelity, ensure ease of childbirth and healthy offspring. Although, of course, no one today can tell exactly what intimate tattoos were several centuries ago - perhaps they were just a decoration for the body.

How should tattoos be placed on intimate places?

Women's tattoos on intimate places are located on the body depending on the characteristics of the design.

For example, if we are talking about decorating the chest, it is recommended in this case to use:

  • inscriptions;
  • flowers;
  • vegetable ornaments.

Such drawings will give the girl a special charm, uniqueness and sophistication. Of course, sexuality - but we won’t even talk about it once again, since it is inextricably linked with such a concept as intimate tattoos of girls.

Note! Decorating the chest with tattoos should be approached carefully and selectively. After all, over the years, the breast changes its shape. Its appearance is influenced by weight changes, lactation and its end, and much more. Therefore, the drawing can change its appearance, so you need to choose a sketch as responsibly as possible.

But in the 90s of the last century, tattoos on the tailbone and lower back became popular. Many girls decorated this part of the body with drawings. There could be completely different drawings here:

  • floral ornaments;
  • inscriptions;
  • various patterns;
  • Gothic motifs;
  • animals, etc.

For such a tattoo to look beautiful and harmonious, it needs to be filled strictly in the center of the lower back. Relatively common are tattoos applied to the stomach and its lower part. Such designs are preferred by athletes or dancers, since such a design requires a slender, graceful body. Otherwise, it will look just ridiculous.

Note! Sometimes such tattoos are chosen by those representatives of the fair half of humanity who have undergone surgery, which is reminiscent of a scar on their stomach. The tattoo helps to hide it.

But the most revealing intimate tattoos, photos of which are presented below, are in the bikini area, on the pubic area, or even affect the labia. There is a special meaning hidden in them. Drawings can be absolutely anything. For example, among these stand out:

  • flowers;
  • animals;
  • inscriptions, etc.

Some girls even get full-fledged paintings on the most intimate part of their body. Such intimate tattoo photos, which are presented in our catalog of images, look especially charming and alluring!

Intimate tattoo photos: 5 popular intimate tattoos

Tattoos on intimate places: what to choose and why

Now let's talk about how to make intimate tattoos for girls. In principle, there are no restrictions. Here you can apply virtually any picture. The main thing is to clearly understand the line between sexuality and outright vulgarity - the latter will be repulsive. Please also note that tattoos on intimate places should not carry a double meaning. This will avoid unpleasant interpretations. For example, indicating that you are a representative of an ancient profession or simply a girl of easy virtue.

With the right choice of design - its theme, sketch, location - an intimate tattoo will give its owner:

  • romance;
  • flirtatiousness;
  • special femininity.

How exactly the sketch is chosen is of great importance. It should not be specifically sexual in theme - it will give the drawing and image a certain vulgarity. An intimate tattoo is considered such not because it depicts various intimate processes, but because it is applied to a certain part of the body. If you combine sexual themes and the intimate area, everything will be very vulgar and vulgar.

By the way! Considering all of the above, there is no need to get too revealing tattoos on intimate places - a small flower is enough to give your image a sexy look!

Some girls, in a fit of tender feelings, get explicit tattoos on intimate parts of the body, the name of a loved one. Yes, such an impulse is touching, it shows the depth of feelings. However, we must remember that nothing in this world lasts forever. No one is immune from breakups and separations. Just imagine how you will feel (and look!) when new love appears in your life!

Women's intimate tattoos: what men think about them

And in conclusion, we’ll talk in more detail about how a female representative of the stronger half of humanity evaluates an intimate tattoo. An anonymous survey found that the vast majority of men do not want to see intimate tattoos on their beloved.

The survey results are hardly surprising. Men have an opinion that tattoos in a woman’s intimate places indicate her:

  • availability;
  • depravity.

Some even consider bodies decorated with intimate tattoos to be dirty. But that's a separate conversation! In addition, you should remember that an intimate female tattoo can lose its original appearance under the influence of factors such as:

  • age;
  • changes in weight and body shape;
  • pregnancy, etc.

As a result of all this, the tattoo no longer looks really beautiful and can even cause disgust. Taking into account the above, we will add - if you decide to decorate your body with an intimate tattoo, do not surprise your chosen one. First, consult with him, find out if he wants to see body designs on his chosen one, and then just pin them on!

Many tattoo fans do not want to display their own body decorations for everyone to see. An intimate tattoo is a choice just for such people. Since the entire pattern or a significant part of it is hidden under clothing or underwear.

Pubic tattoo

An intimate tattoo has several important advantages:

  • This design gives aesthetic and erotic pleasure to your sexual partner.
  • Stealth. Such a tattoo is not visible to a potential employer or other unwanted observers.
  • Relative painlessness. After all, tattoos are most difficult to tolerate in places close to the bone. While the pubic bone of even the slenderest tattoo fans is protected by a layer of fat.

Tips for applying and choosing a pubic tattoo:

  • Choose an appropriate design. For girls in such a place, images of some cute animals or insects, such as butterflies, are relevant. Such drawings on men will look at least strange. For guys, more masculine and brutal images are appropriate. For example, some kind of predator or elephant with a penis included in the drawing. Pubic hair is often used as a beard for some kind of portrait.
  • Don't get a tattoo in the summer. Heat can complicate healing and create discomfort in the painting area.
  • Contact an experienced professional. Choose a person who has already had successful tattoos in intimate areas. Find out from him the details of caring for such a tattoo.
  • Get epilated. A newly applied tattoo requires careful care, which can be hampered by growing pubic hair. While on a healed tattoo you can shave the hair in the usual way. It is better to do preliminary hair removal with wax, since laser or other means can ruin the paint.
  • Use cotton or silk underwear. Synthetic materials can cause skin irritation and delay the healing process.
  • Don't use scrubs. Classic skin care products can only be used after the tattoo site has completely healed. Typically this period is about two weeks.

In addition, do not forget about the general rules for applying and caring for a tattoo. The main ones include the following:

  • Do not drink alcohol the day before application and several days after.
  • Use anesthesia for low pain thresholds.
  • Do not take a hot bath or shower.
  • Use a special ointment during the healing stage of the tattoo.
  • Protect the place where the design is applied from direct sunlight.
  • Protect the tattoo from any physical influence, including scratching or rubbing with a towel.

Women's tattoos on intimate places have come down to us through the centuries. In the 19th century, such a pattern was considered depraved, but our ancestors did not disdain to decorate their bodies in this way. Today, painting intimate places is not only a way of self-expression, but also an opportunity to change the train of thought and lifestyle.

How to choose an intimate drawing?

Tattoos on intimate organs have undergone many changes these days. If earlier it was popular to draw only floral motifs and fragments of various celestial bodies in the neckline, on the buttocks or pubis, today intimate tattoos are much more diverse. In addition, in the last century, a sexy tattoo was considered the top of bad manners, and today it is one of the options to emphasize your sexuality, emancipation and individuality.

All girls who decide to make themselves an intimate tattoo, but have not decided on its content, should pay attention to such points:

  • Firstly, the drawing must fully comply with the proportions of your body, perception of the world and lifestyle.
  • Secondly, you should refrain from applying the name of a loved one to the body, especially if there is no guarantee that your feelings will not subside after a year or two.
  • Extremely ugly, and sometimes vulgar on the delicate female skin and sophisticated body, tattoos of brutal content or portraits of favorite movie characters, political leaders, writers and poets look like.
  • If you already have a young man and a tattoo on an intimate place is done just for him, it would be useful to ask the guy's opinion.
  • And finally, you need to decide in advance on the location of the picture. First of all, ask the tattoo artist to draw a sketch with a pencil and see how the selected image will look from the side.

Treat the choice of a tattoo on the intimate area as responsibly and meticulously as possible, and remember that the chosen drawing will remain with you for the rest of your life.

Top 10 Best Tattoos

The ten most popular and erotic tattoos in intimate areas look like this:

  1. Butterflies and small animals. One song sings about butterflies fluttering in the stomach. But we know firsthand that this type of insect can also be in the form of a tattoo on the pubis. Such sketches are often chosen by girls with an easy character, not burdened with any everyday problems.
  2. Floral motifs. Quite a bit in popularity, butterflies are inferior to various floral motifs. Such tattoos are extremely successful on almost any intimate part of the body, whether it is the décolleté, buttock, thigh or lower abdomen.
  3. Inscriptions. Phrases or single words in English, Latin or Chinese characters have become very popular for intimate tattoos. It is believed that such inscriptions can change a person's life, push him to accomplish some feat, or simply protect him from adversity. True, for what reason the girls began to fill them in hidden areas is still not entirely clear.
  4. Asterisks and hearts. These are excellent and non-binding symbols. They do not carry any additional meaning and simply fulfill their intended purpose - they decorate the body of the owner. Asterisks and hearts can be either in a single copy or in a group. In both cases, such a tattoo looks very sexy and harmonious.
  5. Feathers. This is a symbol that romantic natures really like. A light feather can be presented in the form of a loincloth, a picture on the pubis, or depicted under the chest.
  6. Tribal motifs. Tribal ornaments are still in fashion among the beautiful half of humanity. They will become a worthy decoration of the area under the breast, collarbone or lower abdomen.
  7. Kitties. Cute and fluffy animals are a symbol that speaks of the softness, complaisance and playfulness of the character of their owner.
  8. Abstraction. A practical mindset, foresight, a demonstration of strength and faith - this is how you can characterize a tattoo in the intimate zone of an abstract form. The nature of such a drawing carries a semantic, and not artistic, load.
  9. Birds. Images of birds do not go out of fashion, although in recent years they have not become so popular. Such an ornament is most often chosen by ladies who like to be in the spotlight, but at the same time always retain their individuality and adhere to a clear position in life.
  10. Openwork patterns. The world of intimate tattoos and various openwork-lace patterns have not bypassed. Such tattoos look favorably on large muscles, for example, the thigh, as well as at a distance from the waist to the chest and buttocks.

It is better not to get an intimate tattoo if ...

Quite often, recently one can hear the opinion that tattoos on the pubic part of a woman brought only disappointment and deceived expectations. To prevent this from happening to you, you should not apply a drawing under such conditions:

  • You do not plan to constantly maintain a minimum level of vegetation in the intimate area.
  • If it is hard and painful to endure any painful sensations, because the very procedure of applying a tattoo can be very unpleasant.
  • A trip to warm countries is expected soon. The skin after the tattoo will be reddened, inflamed and bleed for some time, which will not add sexuality to the woman. Experts recommend carrying out the procedure in winter or autumn.
  • You are not maintaining a stable body weight. Remember that a tattoo that will look beautiful on an elastic ass and toned breasts can stretch out ugly if you gain a couple of extra pounds.

Tattoos have been a part of human culture for centuries. Their story begins with tribal traditions and today is embodied in modern art form. Most people strive to come up with unique tattoos that artistically express an idea or image that they want to identify with.

Indeed, we must acknowledge that there are so many beautiful tattoos out there now, and give credit to the artists who have worked hard over the years to bring tattoos into the mainstream. But you should always be prepared for the fact that you may come across tattoos that are so crazy that the only thought that comes to mind is: “What the hell are they thinking?!”

So, prepare to be amazed because here are the top 10 craziest tattoos of all time!

1. Dolphin

The key idea behind many tattoos is the original use of a specific part of the body. And this dolphin is one of the most incredible and shocking embodiments of such a concept. Even though this drawing looks very disturbing, its owner at least approached the loss of his hand with humor and imagination. And if you think about it, what would he look like without such a tattoo? Agree, it’s a very contradictory idea: on the one hand, it is very visually attractive, but on the other, some cruelty is still felt.

2. Drawing all over the body

Neither this unique woman nor her completely tattooed body are young anymore. Still would! Just imagine how many years (and money) it took to paint absolutely the entire body! And it was worth it: such a beautiful floral design will shock one and all. Moreover, it is important to note the following: it is unlikely that you will ever see another grandmother like this. This woman and her tattoo are one of a kind!

3. Tattoo that goes beyond the bounds of decency

And another tattoo-loving grandma in our list of the craziest tattoos of all time. The most amazing thing about this woman's tattoo is not that it covers the entire shaved head, but that it depicts a colorful floral design that does not consist of ordinary cute flowers, but of aroused male genitals! I can’t even imagine what this grandmother was thinking when she got such a tattoo...

4. Tattoo on the tongue

Didn't know that you can even get a tattoo on your tongue? Now you can see with your own eyes that this is quite possible. All that remains is to decide whether the pain in your tongue with a needle stuck in for several hours is worth the fact that you can suddenly surprise and shock people with such a crazy tattoo.

5. Hole in the skull

Face and head tattoos in general seem to be rapidly gaining popularity by the day, but they are usually done in a cute design around the ear. However, this guy went much further! His funny and at the same time ugly tattoo depicts a bloody gaping hole in his head. Does this fact mean that he actually has no brains?

6. Creepy image

Apparently this guy had at least three different goals in mind when he decided to get a full face tattoo like this:

A) He wanted to scare small children;
B) He decided to stay away from any type of paid employment;
C) And, probably, in his plans for the rest of his life there is no place for intimate relationships. Well, at least not now for sure.

7. Imitation skull

This incredible tattoo teaches us all a very important lesson: what looks really cool as a Halloween costume doesn't have to translate into a face tattoo. Or does it not look so bad after all? In any case, there are as many opinions as there are people. But this look is clearly not for everybody.

8. Anime girl

This anime-style portrait of a child would look disturbing and creepy even if it weren't a tattoo on a woman's pubic area. But there it takes on a simply terrible subtext! The baby's genitals are cleverly "hidden" under the woman's underwear - what a brilliant idea! Just imagine: you bring home a girl from a club and suddenly discover this kind of art in bed...

9. Lizard Man

In addition to having reptilian scales tattooed all over his body, Eric Sprague, "Lizard Boy," performs more amazing body modifications in his mission to transform himself into a reptile, including teeth grinding, subcutaneous silicone grafts, and tongue splitting surgery. This guy is a real freak star at many carnivals.

10. Assorted

This guy's head is a shocking example of what you might call an assortment of tattoos, combining portrait, tribal tattoos and various other styles into one hardcore skull composition.

So you are convinced that these amazing tattoo ideas can be called the most crazy and shocking without any hesitation. Whatever your opinion on tattoos before, you probably now know that there are some things that you really should NOT get.

In this article we will talk about the meaning of tattoos on a woman’s body. It’s not enough to just decorate it—you should also learn more about the image that you’ll have to wear for the rest of your life.

Not all people look approvingly at tattoos on a woman’s body, considering this type of decoration to be an exclusively male attribute. But is it? Indeed, in countries such as India, since ancient times it was the female body that was decorated with various patterns. Moreover, with patterns that carry a certain meaning. Let's see what secrets tattoos hide today.

Places for tattoos on the body for girls

Back- a great option for those ladies who want to get some freedom in terms of applying the image. This area of ​​the body can accommodate big tattoo, which will look advantageous both live and in photographs.

IMPORTANT: There is, however, some nuance - the tattoo on the back may become deformed when moving. Therefore, it is recommended to choose a spatula for its location - it is both convenient for drawing and attractive.

A tattoo on the shoulder blade is the best option

Concerning areas along the spine, which some girls find attractive, it should be chosen only by those who have a high pain threshold. Since the bones in this place are close to the skin, applying such an image is not recommended for sensitive people.

Small of the back- quite an interesting option for the so-called “golden mean”. This means that the image can be easily hidden if desired, but if you choose the right clothes, it will intrigue others. Tattoos are often done on the lower back, especially by girls who are bold and flirtatious.

IMPORTANT: The main thing when ordering such a tattoo is to ensure the symmetry of the design. It is inconvenient to place the inscription on the lower back, but some kind of butterfly will come in handy.

As for pain, judging by the number of women with lower back tattoos, this procedure is tolerable. Although the lower back is considered a sensitive area.

Buttocks- the pictures in this place are made by extraordinary, carefree and adventurous people. Most often, such women work fashion models, dancers, play sports - that is, they can show off their tattoo. However, often the image on the buttock is simply part of a larger composition that affects other parts of the body.

The advantages of such a place refers to his insensitivity to pain. For girls with a low pain threshold, this is simply a great option!

Bikini area— abstract ideas and minimalism are most often implemented here. Cesarean section marks or other scars can be hidden in this way and, in addition, an attractive and sexy picture will appear. Since the pubic bone is far from the surface, the procedure promises to be painless.

Coccyx - a tattoo in this place, as in the case of the lower back, is easily disguised, but somewhere on the beach it is perfectly visible. However, beauty in this case classically requires sacrifice, forcing one to endure a painful procedure.

Belly - if he is fit, then tattoos look attractive on him. Women rarely post images at the top - that's a male prerogative. Most often, the lower abdomen, navel area, and area around the abdomen are decorated with patterns. If you make the tattoo longer, you will get an emphasis on a beautiful figure.

Keep in mind, that such a zone reacts painfully to the application of images. At the same time, complex compositions are not easy due to the softness of the muscles.

On the side - this option is better than the belly, which stretches after childbirth. However, excess weight also affects tattoos on the side, so girls with this decoration need to exercise. Please also take into account that It’s better for thin girls not to choose bulky designs.

IMPORTANT: As for pain, if you are susceptible to it, you should not touch the rib area. In this case, it is better to choose the lower part of the body.

Breast - another option for athletic girls. If you regularly exercise, the picture will not lose its contours over time. However, you can always choose the option with the area above or below the chest. Often a pattern is chosen that is wide at the bottom and stretches out in the solar plexus area.

Clavicles - a part of the body that many slender young ladies want to emphasize. Protruding collarbones in this case seem graceful and require decoration. It is recommended to choose a symmetrical pattern - one for each collarbone. It can be either an inscription or two flowers.

Neck- a fairly stylish and attractive option, but very painful. This is especially true in the anterior region and the vertebral region, since the skin there is especially thin and there are many nerve endings. In addition, the image from the side looks more interesting and flirty.

Area behind the ear - ideal for compact and original tattoos. They can be easily hidden behind your hair if desired. Such a place is considered ideal for applying an elegant hieroglyph with meaning, but other images are also suitable.

IMPORTANT: If you want to decorate yourself with a design behind your ear, you will have to endure discomfort.

Sketches and drawings of tattoos for girls on the body

Tattoos for girls are small, mini on the body

Bee - tells everyone about diligence, hard work, energy and thriftiness of its owner. Even the ancient Greeks were convinced that this insect tirelessly helps the gods.

Another rather interesting interpretation - motherhood. If we turn to the epic of peoples in which matriarchy reigned, it will immediately become clear that the bee was revered.

Hare - will talk about carefree and happiness owner. According to the Chinese horoscope, this long-eared animal is generally the happiest of all those presented there. In many other cultures it symbolizes abundance.

The hare can also be perceived as a talisman that brings good luck. The British, for example, were convinced that the animal is characterized by well-developed intuition, which means that a person with such a picture is able to find a way out of different situations.

IMPORTANT: For girls, such a tattoo is especially desirable, since the hare, among other things, is considered a symbol of femininity and renewal. This talisman, as some peoples believed, was capable of facilitating the process of childbirth for a woman.

Tattoos for girls on the back: angel wings, inscriptions, dragon, patterns, flowers and their meaning

Angel wings- a rather impressive tattoo that emphasizes the uniqueness of its owner. This image suggests that the girl wants to break away from her usual everyday life, its hustle and bustle and problems. Large luxurious wings also symbolize purity, spiritual strength, purity.

The Dragon - In the mythology of both Asia and Europe, this creature has a lot of place and is respected. It was associated with nobility, strength, mystery, loyalty, perseverance, beauty, overcoming the boundaries of the possible. But the most common meaning is wisdom.

Water lily - tells others what is in front of them a nature ready to strive even for the unattainable. Moreover, barriers do not interfere. And all this is not surprising if we remember that this flower grows in swampy areas, but stubbornly reaches out to the sun, maintaining its purity.

IMPORTANT: If you want to depict something related to awakening, then you cannot find a better symbol than the lotus. It is not for nothing that Buddhists are depicted sitting on a lotus flower.

Water lily tattoo on the back of actress Lena Headey

Sakura- symbolizes the importance of every moment in life, youth, beauty. The fact is that sakura blooms only once a year, after which it quickly flies away. Often in this way girls say that they experienced beautiful, but fleeting love.

Lettering on the back look great in the spine area. It is quite possible to place some long saying there. For example, "Gaudeafilus igitur, Juvenea dum Sumus"(“Let us rejoice while we are young”).

Marine themed patterns They look great on the back. For example, you can choose stingray, talking about the desire for freedom and independence. Stingrays are able to change color and survive at great depths, which can serve as a symbol of perseverance. The turtle will talk about peace, patience, and will serve as a talisman for longevity.

Tattoos for girls on the lower back: patterns, inscriptions, cat and their meaning

Cat - This animal has been predominantly respected since ancient times. She acted as the embodiment femininity, motherhood, kindness, grace and beauty. Even superstitious sailors always wanted to take this furry creature on board.

IMPORTANT: The fear of black cats, originating from the Middle Ages, is unfounded and is a common superstition. Therefore, in our days, this animal should not be considered a harbinger of misfortune.

Regarding the inscriptions, then they won’t turn out big on the lower back. You can compensate for this with a picture combined with text. Short words or phrases like "Homo liber"("Free man").

Patterns on the lower back they look great too. Eg, Celtic. As a rule, they mean rebirth, the ability for spiritual growth.

Tattoos on the neck for girls on the back, side: crown, flowers, hieroglyphs, inscriptions and their meaning

Crown - Oddly enough, this tattoo is not so common. Most often it means the elite position of a person or the desire for such a position. There are other interpretations - tendency to lead, ability to control oneself.

Lotus - a good option for a neck tattoo. It symbolizes overcoming difficulties, determination. But few people know that the lotus is also symbol of the feminine What does Roman mythology tell us?

Inscriptions on the neck they look elegant, while impressing others. Original natures will be pleased with such decoration. Something seems like concise and meaningful. For example, "Free"("Freedom"), "Free your mind"(“Be free in your thoughts”).

Concerning hieroglyphs, then it is best to place them behind the neck. If you want to depict one icon, then this should be capacious word(“flight”, “paradise”, “love”). However, two or three neat hieroglyph icons will also look great.

A girl can have this hieroglyph tattoo on her neck, which will be translated as Family

Tattoos on the collarbone for girls: inscriptions, feathers, swallow and their meaning

Inscriptions It is best to prop it up on the collarbone brief. The fact is that getting a tattoo in this place is painful, and elegant images look preferable on it. For example, you can write "Opera et studio"(“With labor and diligence”), "Oportet vivere"("Need to live").

Feather - A fairly common tattoo on the collarbone. Perhaps the fact is that this picture successfully follows the shape of the collarbones. Or maybe it’s a matter of interpretation: the feather is a symbol of rebirth to life, lightness, spiritual uplift, love of freedom.

IMPORTANT: This image especially attracts creative people.

Martin - is also a great option for a collarbone tattoo. She is associated with home comfort, happiness, warmth. The Celts also believed that this bird could ward off trouble from a person. The Egyptians considered it symbol of motherhood.

Tattoos for girls on the shoulder blade: inscriptions, rose, bird, panther and their meaning

As for the colors, it looks great rose- a noble, delightfully beautiful flower. It symbolizes love, purity.

IMPORTANT: A rose with thorns notifies others that love is often accompanied by sacrifices, beauty by sacrifices, and major achievements by risks.

Panther - symbolizes courage, leadership, readiness to always protect the family, perseverance, cunning, contempt for boundaries, impetuosity. This animal amazingly combines fighting qualities with tender motherhood.

Firebird looks great on the shoulder blade. Its main meaning is immortality, rebirth. Since the firebird is associated with the sun, it represents light, life. The Slavs believed that this mythological creature was powerful amulet, which can protect both from major misfortunes and from the banal evil eye.

Concerning inscriptions, then there is room on the shoulder blade to diverge. Long Quotes are quite suitable for this. Eg, "Nolite judicare et non judicabimine"("Judge not lest ye be judged"), "Magna et veritas, et praevalebit"(“There is nothing higher than truth, and it will triumph”).

Quote from Shakespeare on Megan Fox's shoulder blade

Tattoos for girls on the side, on the ribs: inscriptions, patterns, flowers and their meaning

Jasmine - counts symbol of love. He is strongly associated with tenderness, femininity. Christians generally embodied in this flower all the virtues that a woman can have - purity, purity, modesty.

IMPORTANT: Jasmine is also good for those who want to add a touch of mystery to their image. Few people know, but in ancient China the secret orders that existed there chose this particular flower as their symbol. Perhaps this can be explained by the fact that it blooms at night, which gives it mystery.

Orchid - embodiment swiftness, power and beauty. The energy emanating from this flower is simply amazing, which allows you to associate it with something chic, sophisticated. There is a belief that a girl who is deeply in love should stock up amulet in the form of an orchid - then the relationship will be strong.

Pansies- this elegant flower tells others that the girl is spending a lot of time thinking. Pansies are also associated with heartfelt melancholy, memories.

Concerning inscriptions, then the side is the ideal place to apply some long text. This tattoo will turn out to be quite intimate, because we don’t always show our sides, but in the summer somewhere on the beach it will look original. For example, this could be the inscription "Cupido atque ira consultores pessimi"(“Passion and anger are the worst advisers”).

IMPORTANT: Although it is tempting to write on your side, keep in mind that this will be painful in the area of ​​the ribs. It is best to choose the lower torso.

However, if you are not afraid of pain, you can get a tattoo on your ribs

Mandala - it's kind of amulet, protecting human spiritual values. It is believed that it follows the structure of the universe.

Tattoos under the sternum, under the breasts, on the chest for girls and their meaning

Tattoos are rarely applied directly to the chest., since the skin in this area is very sensitive. But above or below the chest, the weaker sex often gets tattoos that look like necklaces, pendants, various openwork weaves.

You can also stuff something like this above the chest bat, which will appeal to brave natures. The bat is associated with supernatural powers, and vigilance and insight. The Chinese perceive these creatures completely without mysticism, considering them talismans for longevity and good luck.

A tattoo in the form of goddess Isis which looks great under the bust. Isis, according to Egyptian mythology, served the embodiment of motherhood and femininity. For example, singer Rihanna got a similar tattoo in honor of her grandmother, who was a wise mentor for the girl.

Rihanna has a tattoo of the goddess Isis under her breasts.

Flashlight It will look interesting under the bust. He talks about perseverance, purity of thoughts. If you are a creative person and need bright, interesting thoughts, feel free to choose this option.

IMPORTANT: A person with a lantern tattoo rarely falls into despair. He knows how to enjoy every moment in life and is able to put an end to his suffering. It is recommended to apply such an image as a sign of good times ahead.

Moth - means naivety, lightness, attractiveness, tenderness, fragility, freedom. In ancient times, these insects were considered messengers from above, a kind of human protectors. The Chinese and Japanese considered the image of a moth a talisman to maintain harmony in the family.

Anchovy looks great under the bust. She is also called "by the hand of God", "by the hand of Fatima" and think protective amulet. The palm has been such an amulet since Paleolithic times. As for the eye, it is intended to enhance the protective properties of the sign. The eye can be replaced with a star of David, a square, fish, a month.

Tattoos for girls behind the ear and their meaning

Clover- this small plant in the mythology of the ancient Egyptians adorned the headdresses of Isis and Osiris, the Indians saw it as the embodiment of the cardinal directions, and the Chinese always associated it with summer. Christianity made clover a symbol of the Holy Trinity, connecting soul and body together.

IMPORTANT: If you want to make a clover also a talisman, you should depict four petals on it. In nature, they are very rare, which was the reason for the emergence of such symbolism.

Ladybug- always associated with kindness, optimism. At all times, it was considered, like clover, symbol of good luck. Not because of rarity, but because of the fight against aphids. A person with such a tattoo embodies g harmony, positivity, determination.

Maple leaves can be both a sign of falling in love and a sign of separation. The tree itself is resistant and rebellious to any storms - that’s why the Celts considered maple leaves a symbol of strength. Asians considered such leaves to be a sign of lovers.

Pepper - This image is not often used by women, but it is quite interesting. The bearer of the picture emphasizes his piquancy and warns that when communicating with him you can get burned. In addition, the pepper follows the contours of the auricle.

Treble clef- but this image is often used for a tattoo behind the ear. The interpretation is simple - a person really likes to listen to music or his work is related to it.

Intimate tattoos for girls in the bikini area and their meaning

Cherry- as a symbol sexuality and youth Ideal for an intimate tattoo. Wherein the berry should not be on the branch, since with a branch it signifies innocence. You can draw a cherry on the cake for added spice.

Fire- in this case means burning temperament tattoo owners are willing to follow their passion.

Butterfly- symbolizes lightness, beauty, sophistication. Also, the butterfly has always been associated with rebirth, because from a nondescript caterpillar it can turn into a stunning creature.

IMPORTANT: For some reason, the butterfly is sometimes associated with girls of easy virtue. However, if you do this tattoo not on the lower back, but in the bikini area, then it will still be hidden for general viewing.

Tattoos on the tailbone for girls and their meaning

Dancing men- serve as a symbol releasing energy, connecting to something higher. It is not for nothing that dance has been used since ancient times by our ancestors to try to show their vision of the universe, to receive blessings for something. Pair dance, for example, serves as a kind an amulet for a successful marriage.

If you want something unusual, you can depict Pegasus. He always acted as an image speed, strength, durability, endurance. Often they choose this picture for themselves creative people looking for constant inspiration.

Tattoos for girls on the buttocks: octopus and its meaning

The octopus looks great on the buttocks, repeating their shape. As for the meaning, a huge number of legends are associated with this creature, but people most often associate it with rebirth, resourcefulness, willpower.

IMPORTANT: Sometimes the octopus acts as the embodiment of negativity and darkness. But you shouldn’t take this literally when creating a tattoo, since such a belief is connected only with the fact that this creature lives in the dark watery depths.

The octopus is, according to some beliefs, a symbol of eternity and cyclicity. It should be applied purposeful girls who are not afraid to move forward when they fail.

For a tattoo that will be mostly hidden from prying eyes, the octopus is also great because it’s also rare to see a live mollusk.

Tattoos for girls on the stomach on a scar, on stretch marks: inscriptions, patterns, peacock, flowers and their meaning

posh peacock tail able to disguise any scars and stretch marks, and disguise it beautifully. And this bird itself has always been perceived as the embodiment of beauty, grandeur, wealth, royalty. Cheerful girls striving for self-realization You won’t go wrong if you choose a similar tattoo for yourself.

Abstract patterns They will hide scars perfectly because they can repeat the outlines of the scars themselves. The need to adjust the drawing to the specific appearance will disappear. Moreover, it is absolutely not necessary for the pattern to have any special meaning.

Wonderful problem areas can be hidden using an image bouquets. These may symbolize beauty roses, foreshadowing longevity peonies talking about strength of character thistle flowers showing femininity wildflowers.

IMPORTANT: If possible, it is better to choose a small bouquet for the tattoo, as applying it will be painful. You cannot do anesthesia or take painkillers in this case, otherwise the body will take longer to heal, and the picture itself will turn out blurry.

Based on the fact that it is painful to apply images to the abdominal area, it is better to choose one an inscription that barely covers the problem area. For example it could be something like "Debes, ergo potes"(“You must means you can”).

As we can see, tattoos look quite harmonious on a woman’s body. They can favorably emphasize the appearance and at the same time tell others about the character, aspirations, and passions of the woman.