Non-traditional sexual orientation in adolescents. Straight people, tell us why you made this choice

Change sexual orientation is very, very ambiguous. It cannot be argued that a person cannot change sexual orientation, but it is also wrong to think that anyone can do it. The possibility or impossibility of changing orientation depends on many factors: the appearance of orientation, the type of non-traditional orientation (bi- or homosexuality), the desire or unwillingness of the person himself to change his orientation. And here it should be noted that one desire of a person to change his orientation is far from enough.
For example, many are annoyed that they are looked not only at them, but also at other women. And if the wife blames her husband for this, he will answer: "I have nothing to do with it, it male nature and I can't do anything about her." Or he can pretend to her that he does not look at other women - but nothing more. Now, this is what "nature" or attraction is.

Speaking of sexual and emotional attraction, it is usually divided into natural and unnatural. Orientation can also be divided into traditional ("normal") and non-traditional. However, not everything is as simple as it seems at first glance. For example, what orientation can bisexuality be attributed to: traditional or non-traditional? So, the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, argued that all people are born with congenital bisexuality. And only in the process of development does a person become monosexual.
We can say that a person with a bisexual orientation is "luckier" than a homosexual. After all, he has the opportunity to enter into with a partner of the opposite sex, and at the same time not follow his nature. Although this will not mean that bisexual orientation will change to heterosexual. This would mean prioritizing relationships with a partner of the opposite sex.

Before trying to change a homosexual orientation, you need to understand the causes of its occurrence: genetic predisposition, upbringing, psychological trauma, or even all together. In the case of acquired homosexuality, a non-traditional orientation may be a consequence of being raised as a child of the opposite sex, the child's prolonged exposure to people of the opposite sex, various psychological traumas, and other factors. In the case of congenital homosexuality, the child may feel like a person of the opposite sex, and according to the results of some studies, often in the blood of such children there is an increased content of hormones of the opposite sex. By the way, science cannot yet give an exact explanation of the cause of congenital homosexuality. And most psychotherapists and sexologists say that it is impossible to cure congenital homosexuality. Unless, of course, we consider non-traditional sexuality a disease, and not individual feature person.

Indeed, there are cases of change sexual orientation through psychotherapy. True, there is no unambiguous opinion about the change of orientation with the help of psychotherapy. In any case, opponents of conversion (reparative) therapy consider it very doubtful and even dangerous for the psyche. In fact, these are methods of reprogramming the human brain, and how ethical this is is a very controversial issue. Considering that in the past, methods of reparative therapy used methods such as electroconvulsive therapy (electroshock) and aversive therapy, which used the induction of nausea and vomiting with medications while demonstrating homoerotic materials to the patient.

In general, opinions about changing sexual orientation depend mainly on attitudes towards it. Some time ago, homosexuality was considered a disease that psychiatrists should treat. Nowadays, non-traditional sexuality is no longer considered a mental disorder. Proponents of conversion psychotherapy consider it a psychological disorder that (again) needs to be corrected, and many religious people consider it a sin that needs to be combated. Not to mention homophobes, in which the fear of otherness speaks. At the same time, many psychotherapists, sexologists and scientists consider homosexuality to be nothing more than one of the directions of sexuality. Therefore, a gay affirmative approach is gaining more and more support, aimed at accepting one's sexuality, finding inner balance and harmony. "Remember, it doesn't matter

IN modern world people's sexual orientation often causes scandals, as people began to openly admit that they are "not like everyone else." It will be interesting to know what types of orientation are, what is considered the norm and what is a deviation, and how it is formed.

What is sexual orientation?

Sexuality has four main components: sex, gender identity, social gender role and sexual orientation. The last component is understood as a more or less constant emotional, sexual and sensual attraction of a person to other individuals of a particular gender. There may be a sexual orientation of hetero-, homo-, bi- and other species. None of these are considered to be a disorder. A person can be aware or deny his orientation.

Types of sexual orientation

Many people think that there are only three main types of orientation, but this is not true and there are many more. The list of sexual orientations is constantly updated and the following types can be cited as an example:

  1. Asexuals. People who do not feel sexual desire, although they can appreciate the attractiveness of others.
  2. Sapiosexuals. One of the strangest kinds of orientation, as people get aroused by intellectual abilities partner. By the way, among sapiosexuals more women than men.
  3. pansexual. Signs of sexual orientation in women and men are attraction to people of any gender and even transgender people. Pansexuals are more interested in the personal qualities of the object and the emotions that he experiences during communication. For them, spiritual intimacy is more important than gender.
  4. aromantics. People with this sexual orientation are only interested in sex, but they are not important to them. In most cases, they simply sort through random partners, since affection is not characteristic of them.

Traditional sexual orientation

If the individual feels sexual desire exclusively to members of the opposite sex, then it is considered that he has a heterosexual orientation. This species is dominant. Heterosexual - a normal sexual orientation, which is considered correct. This is explained by the fact that in the animal world homosexuality in pure form manifests itself rarely, and in them, individuals of the same sex in most cases do not feel attracted to each other, but, on the contrary, show aggression in the struggle for the best partner.

This type of orientation includes homo- and. In the first case, people have an attraction to individuals of the same sex, and in the second - to representatives of both sexes. Previously it was believed that people with non-traditional sexual orientation have psychological deviations. At the beginning of the 20th century, psychologist Havelock Ellis proved that homosexuality is innate, so this is one of the variants of the norm.

Formation of sexual orientation

There are different versions of how orientation is formed, and many of them are wrong. Scientists have proven that sexual orientation cannot change due to the wrong attitude of parents, emotional shock, and so on. To understand what determines sexual orientation, studies have been conducted on the formation of the fetus in the womb.

Scientists believe that 6-8 weeks after conception, the embryo receives a large number of hormones that are important for the formation of sexual characteristics and brain structure. The first part of them is spent on the development of sexual characteristics, and all that remains is on the configuration of the brain. If the amount of hormones is not enough, then there is a shift in sexual orientation. The main causes of hormonal failure: illness and taking certain medications in the first 2 months. pregnancy.

How to determine sexual orientation?

Scientists and psychologists in America have done research that has produced sensational results. The definition of sexual orientation can be carried out by the length of the fingers on the hand. As a result, the following conclusions were made:

  1. lesbian- The ring finger is longer than the index finger.
  2. Girls with hetero orientation- unnamed and forefinger has the same length.
  3. gay The index finger is longer than the ring finger.
  4. Guys with hetero orientation- length ring finger more than index.

Sexual Orientation Grid

In 1985, Fritz Klein, in order to more accurately define and measure the orientation of people, proposed a scale with three dimensions, taking into account sexual experience and fantasies in three periods of time: present, future and past. The Klein Sexual Orientation Grid helps you see the variability of sexuality over the course of a lifetime. Each of the three columns must be filled with values ​​from 1 to 7 for each parameter. When filling in, it should be borne in mind that, since the lattice does not imply asexuality, the corresponding columns can be left blank.

In most cases, they showed on different scales, they are not the same. They can be added in three columns (past, present and past), and the resulting sum divided by three. To determine the overall score for hetero/homosexuality, find the sum of all indicators for all columns and divide it by the total number of filled cells, which can be either 21 or less. The sexual orientation grid includes the following parameters:

  1. sexual attraction- people of what gender cause excitement and attract physically?
  2. sexual behavior- gender real sexual partners, that is, with whom there was physical contact: kisses, hugs and intimacy.
  3. sexual fantasies– what is the gender of the people you represent in your erotic fantasies?
  4. Emotional preferences What gender are your friends with whom you keep in close contact?
  5. social preferences– with what people do you prefer to communicate, work and spend your free time?
  6. Lifestyle Do you spend most of your time with people who have different sexual orientations?
  7. self-identification How do you define your orientation?

Egodystonic sexual orientation

This term is understood as a mental disorder in which a person talks about his persistent desire to change his sexual orientation. The failure does not concern the orientation itself, but the presence of a need for a change in orientation, experiences and depressions. Statistics show that such sexual orientation disorders are more likely to occur in homosexuals who cannot accept their attraction due to the onslaught of the public.

To diagnose this disorder, studies of sexual self-identification, features emotional sphere And interpersonal interaction, as well as clinical and psychopathological studies to rule out serious mental problems. In order for sexual orientation to be accepted, treatment is carried out aimed at increasing social and sexual adjustment. Are used different types psychotherapy.

Celebrities with non-traditional sexual orientation

Since society is becoming more condescending towards representatives of sexual minorities every year, more and more often singers, designers, Hollywood actors with non-traditional sexual orientation openly admit this. Let's pay attention to the confessions that caused a stir in the public:

  1. - first spoke about his unconventional orientation in 1976.

  2. Ellen DeGeneres- in 1997 a magazine was published, on the cover of which there was a photo of the presenter with a confession.

  3. Tom Ford– in an interview with a well-known magazine, he spoke about his long term relationship with the editor-in-chief of Women's Wear Daily magazine.

  4. Stefano Gabbano and Domenico Dolcefamous designers, have been in a relationship for over 15 years, but now they have other partners.

  5. Adam Lambert- never hid his sexual orientation.

Right now you have a lot of debate going on in the world about gay people and transgender people. I want to dispel your myths and guesses and show everything as it really is. So why do certain people take this path?

You know that, as souls, you can incarnate not only in the body of one gender, but also of the other. The soul also has a gender. It even has sexual organs, as it is the totality of all your subtle bodies. And each of these bodies has all seven chakras, including the second, which is manifested on the physical level in an organ designed to continue the human race. Souls generally choose to incarnate in bodies that match their gender: male soul- V male body, the female soul - into the feminine. There is no such thing that you are alternately born as a man, then a woman. You can only sometimes try yourself in the role of the opposite sex. However, this is rather an exception to the rule.

And yet there are souls who are interested in experience in two forms: both male and female. And they are more often than others, incarnated either in a female or in a male body. Such souls are a minority, but they exist. And often such souls, intuitively remembering their experience as the opposite sex, begin to reach out to their own sex.

A considerable number of homosexuals are female souls who have a female psyche and the corresponding subtle organs. That is, they have a lot of feminine energy in their subtle bodies. It is, one might say, women in the bodies of men. And these domestic women, despite the sex of their body, begin to reach out to their own sex and become homosexuals. Initially, such female souls wanted to have a full experience in the male body in order to develop the energies masculine and balance yin and yang in yourself, thereby evolving. They did not plan to become homosexuals. But they have the freedom of choice in the moment now, and by inertia they began to play a role that does not correspond to the sex of their body.

There are souls who reluctantly agreed to incarnate in the body of the opposite sex. The Higher Powers insisted that they needed to experience the male or feminine to balance yourself. So they inspire intensely if they see that their ward soul is mired in degradation and inferiority, when it has too much male energies and is an extremely rude and primitive person, or she has an excessive amount of female energies and is spineless, weak, unable to independently make decisions and show willpower. All this greatly interferes with the evolution of a particular soul. And if the soul listens to advice Higher Forces and agrees to incarnate in the body of the opposite sex, then such an incarnation occurs. Only a certain part of souls, the smallest of them, having incarnated in the body of the opposite sex, takes the path of non-traditional sexual orientation. Most of them live their experience as a normal heterosexual person.

If you talk to many transsexuals, they will tell you that they don't feel like a woman when they have female body, or a man, having a masculine. And this is their inner knowledge about the belonging of one's soul to a certain gender, which does not always correspond to the gender of the body. Many homosexuals and lesbians will tell you the same thing.

But still a considerable part of souls becomes non-traditional in sexual orientation due to their spiritual degradation. You may have observed that many people of low morals are gay or lesbian or transgender. The energy of darkness in the soul blurs all boundaries and boundaries, turning everything into chaos. Darkness blurs the boundaries between the sexes, and harmonious relationships with one's own and the opposite sex are violated. Everything is mixed up. And so they become homosexuals and lesbians because of their inner darkness.

Demons, dark forces - they are all bisexual, transgender, homosexual and lesbian. They have no boundaries. They have chaos inside and around. The masculine and feminine are not balanced in them, and this causes the sexual attraction of the souls of both sexes. Where there is no balance, there are excessive potentials that interfere with harmony.

All people who consciously walk the path of darkness do not consider it shameful to copulate with a person of their own gender. They have no morals, no boundaries. Everything is permitted to them, and at the same time they are slaves of everything. Keep in mind that a large part of people who have chosen the path of non-traditional sexual orientation are under the power of maya-illusion, darkness, which blurs all the boundaries of harmonious interaction. Chaos is a property of darkness, an uncontrolled mixing of everything with everything. And that is why orgies, collective copulations are so characteristic of dark consciousnesses. This is the mixing of all with all.

To summarize, dear ones. How should people behave if the gender of their soul does not match the gender of their body? I'm talking to you, darlings. After all, among the awakened there are souls who have a discrepancy between the sex of the soul and body. If you have been given the body you have now, then it was meant to be. You decided to receive and strengthen the qualities of the corresponding polarity in yourself. If you have a male body, develop in yourself masculine qualities. If feminine, then feminine qualities. However, you should not be limited to this.

In fact, regardless of the gender of the body, you must develop both masculine and feminine qualities in yourself at the same time, fully evolving in your mind. But the sex of the body and the corresponding roles in society contribute to the development of the qualities of a particular sex. And this should be used, and not switched to the path of transgenderism, homosexuality or lesbianism. You need to live the experience as it was planned by the soul.

Not a single soul in the world, except for those who consciously chose darkness, has ever wished to become a person of non-traditional sexual orientation. This is not written in the chronicles of fate. And embarking on such a path is always a departure from the plan for the soul. And dark souls are supervised by dark forces, and they can plan such a scenario. But such souls among people of non-traditional sexual orientation are a minority, while the majority are souls who have chosen the experience in the body of the opposite sex.

Dear ones, there are civilizations in the universe like yours that also live in third density. The situation is exactly the same there, and there are also people of non-traditional sexual orientation. If n If it were not in your dimension of darkness, then there would not be such a global sexual distortion that I have already described to you. Darkness is the basis for the perversion of harmonious relationships between people of the same sex.

Do you still have a sore subject related to the legalization of same-sex marriages. From the point of view of the Supreme Consciousness, there should be no doubt that this is wrong. A pure soul, unclouded by illusions and imbued with goodness and happiness, would never pass such a bill. She simply feels what is harmonious and leads to true bliss, and what is not.

Same-sex relationships are a departure from the plan of the soul, this is a certain abnormality in terms of evolutionary and energy processes. God did not design human bodies to allow intercourse between people of the same sex. After all, it carries the main mission - the birth of children. But if people of the same sex cannot reproduce offspring in any way, then this clear sign that there is something wrong here. The nature of your bodies signals what is right and what is wrong. And non-traditional sexual orientation is a violation of the natural laws of nature and the harmonious interaction of the male and female principles.

Departure from the truth, from the light is a disease. If you live in darkness, then you have gone from the light. And this inner darkness literally leads to physical illnesses later. The nature of your body is light. And the departure from its original functions is darkness and disease. And because same-sex intercourse is a disease on a par with alcoholism and drug addiction. It is unpleasant to accept those who have chosen this path. But do not be afraid and do not be offended, dear ones. After all, you people are walking the path of darkness in many areas of your life. And it is not surprising that in sexual terms you also follow the path of illness. The main thing is to admit that this is a disease. And then the truth will awaken in you, and it will lead you away from this path, so that you take the path of inner self-purification and harmonious development their male and feminine qualities simultaneously.

Of course, it is impossible to legislate same-sex marriage. After all, this will allow same-sex couples to raise orphans or “order” them from surrogate mothers. This will have a detrimental effect on the minds of such children. The energies of the inharmonious interaction of same-sex pseudo-parents will flow into them. And this can lead to the fact that they will take the same inharmonious path. And this is unacceptable in society. Don't fall into darkness. It is impossible to tolerate dark plans and dark foundations. The bright traveler of God can always say "No!" to what is trying to enslave the bright human spirit. Light must be defended. Harmony is above all!

But how do you treat, dear ones, people of non-traditional sexual orientation? Certainly not with anger, my fair ones. Anger breeds darkness in the world, which means it will only increase the manifestation of same-sex relationships in the world. Everything is interconnected: the world and you. Do you need to accept these people for who they are? Certainly, it is necessary. But don't encourage it. After all, when a person is ill with a serious illness, do you not think that it is good for him, since he manifests himself like that? You accept that a person is sick, but you believe in his recovery. Also believe in the recovery of people who choose this path. Don't get angry, don't judge. Do not breed evil in this world. Don't be a source of injustice.

It is better to treat such people calmly and neutrally. And do not look at them purely through the prism of their sexual preferences. Evaluate them as just a person, for certain qualities of the soul. Remove the template. All of you are human. Remember this. And if this person is sick in a sexual way, then you are sick in another way. Each of you is biased. And therefore, do not look for reasons to condemn, but also do not encourage the crooked facets of consciousness, both your own and those of other people.

No aggression. Only a calm attitude, understanding and acceptance without encouragement.

Your Goddess Venus

Reasons for non-traditional sexual orientation
We had a big conversation on this topic in the "Dialogues with a Priest" community. in my world on mail. In order not to return again to this topic from the very beginning, I place my old article on this topic. I could add something to it now, but I hope my position will be clear anyway.
Psychic (Sensual).
Two types of hormones determine
the sexual component of the individual. "Estrogens" - female hormones. "Testosterone" - for men. (V
further Es. and Ts..)
At conception, a person's gender
is determined not only by the various combinations of spermatozoa known to everyone, but
and the development of Es and Ts in it. They are determined by several factors.
Nutrition and the environment.
Mother's wish.
Nutrition and the environment.
American scientists in the seventies
years of the last century, they noticed that in one of the rivers all crocodiles became female
gender. Studying this phenomenon, they saw that it is associated with a biochemical plant,
throwing waste into the river. Further research showed that in different
regions of the country, various plants produce different action on
environment associated with various bioproducts produced by them.
Bioproducts got to humans through the environment, bioadditives in feed
animals, bioadditives in food and medicines.
These products worked for people
differently. In an area where substances are produced that stimulate male
hormones increase divorce rate
due to unfaithfulness of husbands, and increased emancipation
women (struggle for men's rights).
Where were the substances
stimulating female hormones increased the amount of unconventional
sexuality in men, prostitution of women, etc.
Thus, it was found that these substances also affect
formation of the sex of the fetus in the womb. The main one is bisphenol A.
Mother's wish.
It has been established with certainty that
normal state of a woman's body, the mother's desire affects
formation of the sex of the fetus. So big birth boys before the war is
unconscious desire to have a protector. In Japan, studies have shown that
various traditions aimed at a woman before pregnancy and during her pregnancy.
the birth of a child of a certain gender are directly related to the formation of this
Thus, the desire and will of the mother participate in the formation of the sex of the child.
Ordinary, healthy child has in
the body the amount of Es. and Ts. According to his gender. If this balance
violated then the child will have no proper development. So girls with
an increased amount of male hormones will strive for a "boy's" life
and vice versa. This position also shapes the psyche. This is how people appear
having one gender, and another hormonal, internal state.
Thus the hormonal
component of this main reason wrong sexual orientation.
Psychic (Sensual).
Children by hormonal reasons prone to
non-traditional sexual orientation, not only unconsciously strive for
her. But they are often attracted by adult "non-traditional" people who understand them.
the problem and those who use it. As a rule, involvement in relationships occurs on
at an early age, when the child himself is not yet able to assess the correctness
of your choice. When involved in sexual play he gets sensory experience,
which will become for him in the future the main thread connecting with the community. IN
In Proto-Oslavia, this is called "falling into passion." In this ray of mortal sin -
fornication, when the natural qualities of a person aimed at procreation and
procreation is used to satisfy lust. When changing, due to
age or therapeutic measures of the hormonal component, mental
component remains a serious problem. It can only be defeated by moral
principles or replacement for other, more constructive directions of their
feelings. But as a rule, the environment that involved the child in this trouble is neither moral nor other
does not recognize feelings. Lack of spirituality in patients with non-traditional sexual
orientation practically destroys all ways out of the impasse.
If we talk about the environment of the formative
unconventional sexual relations, then we must talk about highly organized,
a community that supports its members and has its representatives in all
strata of the population. However, there is also a definite trend in
less wealthy segments of the population have more traditional relationships. Social
the environment shapes the view of this problem in children and youth. Unfortunately, this
as a rule, one-sided representations of the problem as mental or even spiritual, and almost never
as a common disease of the hormonal system, quite simple and curable.
What will be the proposals?

Hormonal abnormalities
It is necessary, already for parents, before the birth of a child, to know their hormonal profile.
At the birth of a child, it is imperative to determine the balance of Es. and Ts. In the body and maintain the one that matches the sex of the child. (Mass - spectrum - analysis is done by the Anti-Doping Center of the International Olympic Committee.)
In the continuation of the development of the child (up to 21 years), monitor this balance and treat deviations with vitamins Vitayun and Pantolex.
Try to shape the environment of the child according to his gender (appropriate games, circles, sections, etc.)
Keep track of your diet and intake.
Parents themselves should monitor the deviations of their hormonal component so that they themselves do not deviate from the functions of their gender.
Spiritual and moral (Mental deviations)

For prevention, it is necessary to monitor the spiritual and moral state of the child. To instill in him traditional morality and spirituality. Orthodoxy has everything necessary for the prevention and overcoming of the problem. There is this in other traditional churches.
When a problem arises, it is necessary to apply enhanced measures to interact with the Church in overcoming it. You can turn to a psychologist who adheres to interaction with the church.
Truthful information about the problem is needed, not fairy tales and fantasies.
Society should be careful and have a certain attitude towards those who are ill with "non-traditional sexuality", since the danger posed by this disease can hardly be overestimated, since it destroys the foundation of society - morality. In addition, this is the environment of drug addiction and AIDS. However, we must remember that these patients almost always have a broken psyche and "unconventional" thinking that justifies any deviation from morality, which means that they need our sympathy and attention. Christians can only do this.
Archpriest Mikhail Makhov

Psychiatrist: gays are "sick, abnormal people"

According to psychiatrist Francesco Bruno, gays, like other patients, should be treated, writes Marco Pasqua in an article published on the website of the newspaper La Repubblica.

"Francesco Bruno, criminologist, psychiatrist, professor, lecturer at the universities of Salerno and La Sapienza in Rome, who is often invited to television to comment on some episodes from the criminal chronicle, defended Giuseppe Pip, a member of the Lecce city council, who insulted the governor of Puglia, Niki Vendola, not hiding his sexual orientation," the newspaper writes.

In response to questions from the editor of the Pontifex website, Prof. Bruno stated that " World Organization health care has decided not to talk about homosexuality as a disease ... but I do not deviate from my opinion and I am not afraid of accusations from gays. Homosexuality is a deviation from the norm. "A homosexual becomes the most different reasons, including for hard-to-explain reasons of a natural nature. "From a conceptual point of view, a homosexual is in the same position as a disabled person, deaf or blind ... Gays are differently oriented in terms of sexuality, and these differences indicate deviations from the norm," the psychiatrist is sure.

"The professor also said that he had helped many parents of young men and women with a changed sexual orientation: "Those who say that the father or mother is satisfied or accept the behavior of children are well aware that this is a lie. For both parents, the realization that children have such an orientation is a great trauma," the author of the article writes.

"Francesco Bruno opposes excessive tolerance towards gays:" Excessive tolerance for deviations from the norm, and homosexuality should be perceived as such, leads to the fact that ... people no longer understand what is good and what is bad, "the author writes articles.