Fashionable sayings. Fashion quotes from famous designers

Fashion has long ceased to be just a concept of current seasonal trends or trendy clothes. Today, this industry has grown so much that fashion is becoming more than just a hobby. It is rather a way of life that most men and women from all civilized countries adhere to. modern world. Actualtips from world designersarouse keen interest not only among the fairer sex. Many men have also realized the importance of a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. And now we visitluxury goods storenot so much out of necessity as out of own desire. After all, what could be better than looking your best.

Clothing, accessories and shoes are part of fashion. But fashion itself goes far beyond these familiar concepts. It has its own canons, its own philosophy, gives its own school of life and forms its own unique culture. And if trends are a passing thing, then you can’t say the same about fashion. Just read somequotes about fashion and clothesfrom well-known figures in the fashion industry, and you will understand everything yourself.

The best sayings about fashion and beauty

Ralph Lauren, one of the most prominent designers of all time and a talented entrepreneur, has a lot of great things to say about the fashion industry. But the most deeply imprinted in history is a phrase that reflects the whole essence of fashion as a phenomenon. She says:

" High-fashion - this is what is born in a person "

It is very difficult to disagree with his words, because each person has his own unique sense of style, his own taste and personal beliefs. All this is born inside him, and external factors have only a corrective effect.

“I don't really have my own style. I am just me. Many women believe that they should dress the way the majority tells them to. It's good when you have your own opinion" - Miley Cyrus. The famous pop artist is not listeningadvice from famous designers and she doesn't need it. She didn't always wearauthentic things, but her image shone every time with beauty and grace. Fashion, apparently, was really born inside Miley.

“Fashion is a way of striving for freedom, not a cause of inconvenience” - Alexander McQueen. The talented British designer believes that even the mostexpensive brand clothesshould be comfortable first and foremost. And the collections of his production have always been particularly comfortable and practical. They were not devoid of external grace, thanks to which McQueen achieved public recognition.

« small black dress does not allow you to look too chic or too modest" - Karl Lagerfeld. If constantlyfollow up fashion trends , then you can see that small black dresses always remain in trend. The reason for their popularity in the brightest way explained the outstanding designer Lagerfeld.

“When creating clothes, I strive to ensure that people pay attention not only to Nice dress, but also on a woman" - designer wedding dresses, Vera Wang. Largely thanks to her.latest fashion trendsfocus not only on the item of clothing, but also on its owner.

“Accessory is the foundation for creating graceful image- Michael Kors, designer. Manyfashion quotes from designersdevoted to the question of image formation, but Michael Kors put it most clearly. For him, the accessory has always been a starting point. He believes that other items of clothing should be selected specifically forluxury accessories, and not vice versa.

“Dressing well is good manners” - Tom Floyd, designer. With these words, Tom emphasizes the fundamental nature of fashion. This is not just a commercial industry. This the whole world. And beautiful clothes in it equate to good manners. Do you want people around you to give you positive? Delight them with your elegant appearance!

“Change your clothes. Cut off the waistband of your jeans. put on a shirt reverse side" - Victoria Beckham. One of the most famous women planets and a real style icon has never welcomed standard and template solutions. She doesn't writefashion and beauty articles. She creates fashion every day, and encourages every woman to do it. After all, for this you don’t need to be a world designer at all - it’s enough to start small and adjust the clothes for yourself.

“I see beauty in imperfect and awkward things. It seems to me that they are much more interesting than perfection ”- Marc Jacobs, designer.Vintage and branded clothingby Marc Jacobs epitomizes his approach to fashion. He is looking for beauty in flaws, and he succeeds!

"In order to be always interesting, you must be different" - Coco Chanel, designer. One of the founders of the industry haute couture lived in this world, and gave all her strength to give him a bright future. Coco Chanel owns many greatstatements about fashion and style, but it is this quote that makes you look at things differently. Beautiful does not always mean interesting, because interest breeds diversity.

"I don't do fashion - I am fashion itself" - Coco Chanel. And from this quote, you can guess what opinion Koko herself had about herself. However, she had the right, because then noworld fashion trendscould not do without her direct influence.

“A person with the help of clothes represents himself to the world around him. Fashion is a universal language.” - Prada Miuccia, designer. And the truth is expensive shoes sometimes it can say even more about a person than a short conversation with him.

"Style is a simple language for expressing complex thoughts" - Jean Cocteau, designer. The French colleague agrees with Prada Miuccia and confirms the above point of view. He believes that style is able to tell others, if not everything, then a lot.

“Style is a way to say who you are without saying a word.” – Rachel Zoe As you can see, manyquotes fashion designers personify himself fashion phenomenon as a way to communicate. And Rachel Zoe is no exception!

“Elegance is the only thing in the world that is never threatened by old age” - Audrey Helburn, actress. As long as there is fashion and style. Until women lose interest in fashion industry, the concept of elegance will always remain relevant. It is something eternal, not subject to time or any external factors.

"Dress like there are always three men looking at you" - Oscar de la Renta. Elite bags , expensive shoes, elegant dresses- all this should be present in the wardrobe of every woman. After all, how else to satisfy the interest of those same three men who act as your inner judges.

"If you don't know what to wear, then choose red" - Bill Blass. According to Bill, red is a universal color for any woman. He is able to elegantly emphasize the piquancy of the character and make the image much more passionate and "fiery".

“Nothing gives a woman more beauty than her own confidence in her irresistibility” - Sophia Loren. Sophie is sure that the beauty of a woman largely depends on how confident she is in herself. And it's hard to disagree with that.

"Shoes without a heel just do not allow me to concentrate" - Victoria Beckham. And againfashion and style quotes, characteristic only for beautiful Victoria. She is so deeply imbued with the fashion industry that she can no longer imagine life without long heel. Wanna make a lady expensive gift ? Buy her some pretty shoes!

"Fashion is joy, but not therapy" - Donatella Versace. A great phrase to complete our list of quotes. Enjoy fashion, enjoy it and admire it, but remember that this is not a panacea for all problems. Do not forget to take care of yourself, and then from wearing beautiful clothes you can have even more fun!

Fashion and Style Quotes- like any other quotes and aphorisms - another reason to think, smile and try on the views of legendary and smart people.

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Today my article is devoted to quotes and aphorisms about fashion and style.

Here you will find Coco Chanel quotes, and aphorisms, and statements by Karl Lagerfeld and Miuccia Prada. In general, great professionals who were not just fond of fashion, but lived it.

Fashion changes, style is eternal. Yves Saint Laurent

The most important detail in a dress is the woman who wears it. Yves Saint Laurent

Give a woman the right pair of shoes and she can take over the world. Marilyn Monroe

Whoever said money can't buy happiness just didn't know where to go shopping. Bo Derek

Elegance is the only beauty that never fades. Audrey Hepburn

Having become common, fashion outlives itself. Marie Von Ebner-Eschenbach

I like being a woman, even in a man's world. After all, men can't wear dresses, but we can wear trousers. Whitney Houston

Money should be where you can see it, namely in wardrobe! Carrie Bradshaw

The hardest thing about fashion is being known not for your logo, but for your style. Giambatista Valley

If you can't be better than your competitors, at least dress better. Anna Wintour

Fashionable women wear clothes, not the other way around. Marie Quant

Women don't dress for men. They dress for themselves and for each other. If women dressed for men, they would just walk around naked all the time. Betsey Johnson

Fashion is what designers offer you 4 times a year. And style is what you choose. Lauren Hutton.

The difference between style and fashion is quality. Giorgio Armani

Coco Chanel quotes about fashion

A girl should be able to do two things: be fabulous and stylish Coco Chanel

I don't do fashion, I am fashion. Coco Chanel

To be irreplaceable, you need to be different all the time. Coco Chanel

When you are well dressed, others notice you, when you are badly dressed, your clothes. Coco Chanel

A dress doesn't make any sense if it doesn't make men want to take it off you - Francoise Sagan

Walk as if three men are following you. Oscar De La Renta

Fashion is a language understandable without translation. Miuccia Prada

Beauty without intelligence is, firstly, insipid, and secondly, short-lived. Miuccia Prada

IN difficult times fashion becomes outrageous. Elsa Schiaparelli
Fashion is not labels or brands. Fashion is something that is hidden deep in your soul. Ralph Lauren

Style is a way to say who you are without opening your mouth. Rachel Zoe

Christian Dior quotes

Each piece eaten remains in the mouth for two minutes, two hours in the stomach, and two months on the hips. Christian Dior

You can't pay too much attention to your shoes. Many women think that shoes are not that important, but the real proof of a lady's elegance is what she wears on her feet. Christian Dior

Quotes by Karl Lagerfeld

You can't have artificial chic, but you can be chic in faux fur. Karl Lagerfeld

You can't look too chic or too modest in a little black dress. Karl Lagerfeld

Fashion is a game to be played seriously. Karl Lagerfeld

Things won't change the world, but the women who wear them will. Anna Klein

Beauty is strength, and a smile is her sword. Charles Reed

Remove the negative. Emphasize the positive. Donna Karan

You can buy fashion. Style is a must. Edna Woolman Chase

When in doubt, wear red! Bill Blass

I don't design clothes. I create a dream. Ralph Lauren

Simplicity is the limit of perfection. Leonardo Da Vinci

In shoes on flat sole I can't concentrate. Victoria Beckham.

True elegance in the head. If you have it, the rest comes by itself. Diana Vreeland

You don't have to be born beautiful to be devilishly attractive. Diana Vreeland

Fashion should be a way of escaping reality, not a form of confinement. Alexander McQueen.
For me, clothes are a form of self-expression: there are hints of who you are in what you wear. Marc Jacobs

If fashion was that easy, wouldn't everyone look great? Tim Gunn

Fashion is how you look, which in translation means: who you would like to be. Jean Paul Gaultier

For me, fashion is a mirror, a reflection of time. If it doesn't reflect the times, then it's not fashion because people won't wear it. Anna Sui

The biggest lesson I've learned being in fashion is that fashion is tightrope walking where you have to be consistent but contradictory. You need a connecting thread, but at the same time you need to surprise. Michael Kors

I don't draw my style from the shows and from the people on the catwalks. Fashion is what happens when you wake up. Shalom Harlow

Hairstyle affects how the day develops, and ultimately life. Sophia Loren

Women's dress should be like a barbed wire fence: serve its purpose without blocking the view. Sophia Loren

Fashion takes its inspiration from society and from Everyday life, which are the same for everyone, and that is why certain elements are repeated over and over again. Stefano Gabbana

Am I making fashion mistakes? Yes, but I won't tell you where. Domenico Dolce

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Fashion in the philistine perception is the meaning of the life of millions of women and the source of expenses for the same number of men. But in fact, clothing has one function - to protect the body. It is unlikely that the ancestors of our ancestors puzzled over which skin is in trend this year and which is a sign of mauvais ton.

Fashion history

Initially, clothing arose as a way to protect the body from external factors. It was made from the skin of animals. Later, when weaving arose, people already began to decorate their clothes with colored stones and beads. At the same time, the clothes of men and women began to differ in appearance.

The current fashion industry originates from the 14th century from Europe. Noble ladies of those times began to invent different ways stand out from the crowd. There are accessories and new types of hats.

In the 19th century, fashion was recognized as a social phenomenon. Sociologists began to take an interest in it. At the same time, the first fashion magazines. The first quotes about fashion are expressed.

Fashion as a phenomenon

According to the theory of the German sociologist, fashion is dictated by the elite. The mass adopts trends, trying to imitate them. It doesn't take long for the elite to innovate again. What do you think is the reason for this trend? The thing is that the elite at all times tends to stand out from the masses. Including the appearance. And it's an endless cycle.

Mark Twain was right when he said that "modesty died when clothes appeared." In the same sense, but in a somewhat gloomy form, Oscar Wilde expressed himself: “Fashion is such an unbearable kind of ugliness that you have to change it every six months.” This is even hinted at by fashion designers' quotes. For example, Coco Chanel: “Fashion no longer exists. It is created for several hundred people.”

Attempts to influence fashion

In the 20th century, the political system strives in every possible way to erase the difference between classes. At the same time, fashion remains and continues to develop. Now it is aimed at identifying not by class, but by age and occupation. This is realized by the introduction of special forms for employees of certain professions, schoolchildren and students.

However, the Soviet ideology actively opposes fashion and in every possible way instills in women the idea that work is more useful than beautiful. appearance. Nevertheless, fashion magazines did not cease to be published, on the pages of which flaunted fashionable outfits standards of beauty of the time. Since the 1950s, the USSR has created fashion collections, shows are arranged, quotes about fashion are expressed, the first

The formation of fashion in the USSR

In 1969, the first show of Christian Dior took place in the USSR. It was a landmark event in the history of Soviet fashion. However, the domestic elite still chose the local designer Vyacheslav Zaitsev and reads his fashion quotes. It's not even about imposed patriotism, but about the talent of the designer. Even foreign connoisseurs of beauty admired his works. There is even a quote about this: “I introduced the fashion for crimson jackets by showing the collection in 1989 in Florence. Then the idea was picked up and developed by Versace. His regular clients consisted of political and pop beau monde.

Since the 1980s, fashion is no longer considered a sign of frivolity. And the industry was no longer so meager. The 80s is the peak of the popularity of denim, leather trousers and wide jackets, acid leggings and one-shoulder tops. And the ascent of Valentin Yudashkin opened new stage in the development of Soviet fashion, smoothly blending with Western style.

Fashion in everyday life

Fashion is a way of self-expression. Quotes about fashion and style do not argue with this. Many people cannot understand the difference between style and fashion. Rachel Zoe put it succinctly in her fashion quote: “Style is a way of saying who you are without saying a word.” Fashion changes, but style is constant. Either a person has it, or he is still in search of his own style. If style is an expression of a person's life position, then fashion is his external design. However, it is difficult to combine both fashion and style in one outfit. Here you have to choose.

Style is formed from internal motives, and fashion is following other people's trends. Modern stylists advise not to chase fashion if it is beyond your means, but to look for your own. own style. Fashion is realized within the framework certain style. For example, in business style from year to year, the cut of trousers and the combination of colors change. Another great fashion quote says that "fashion is what designers offer you four times a year, and style is what you choose."

It should be remembered that fashion does not end with basic clothing. It also applies to accessories, perfumes and cosmetics. And shoes are half of the image, if not a large part. Moreover, the number of fashionable goods can be significantly expanded.

Men's fashion

If until the mid-1950s of the last century it was believed that fashion was an exclusively female prerogative, then after that the situation changes somewhat. Appeared and men's fashion with flared trousers, colorful jackets and shirts in flowers and fashion quotes. Nowadays, men's fashion does not differ from women's fashion. Famous world designers are working on creating images for the stronger sex.

From the 1960s to the present day, fashion has been divided into two classes: haute couture and ready-to-wear. The first class focuses on the elite, and the second - on middle class. Eminent Coco Chanel, Givenchy, Yves Saint Laurent and Christian Dior work for the good of the first class and spread fashion quotes.

Industry Feature

It should be noted that the fashion industry ranks 5th in terms of the amount of capital investment required. That is random people not in this area. Moreover, a significant part of the costs is spent on the creation and formation of the brand image. The fashion industry is not an industry where value is determined by cost. Through active and large-scale PR campaigns, the image of the company is first formed, and then only its brand begins to be realized. The ultimate goal is to make it clear to the consumer that he will not just wear clothes, but that these clothes will be a sign of his belonging to the highest social strata.

Unlike the 20th century, modern industry fully customized for the user. Now the elite do not want to wear what designers produce, following their own ideas. Before release new collection, famous brands through preliminary screenings and media appearances, approximate models of the future collection are collected. Only then, on the basis of these orders, mass production of clothes will be realized.

The future of the industry

Many women will agree with the quote. It says: "Money should be where it can be seen, namely, in a wardrobe." Each modern woman spends a significant part of its own and often other people's funds to maintain its external design. Many of them are guided by the fact that "only superficial people do not judge by appearance."

The Russian originates from the 1990s. Now it is in its infancy. And it's loud. Because 80% of branded clothing comes from Western Europe, mainly from Italy. Given the fact that creating a brand is a costly business and takes decades, we can say with confidence that the full potential will be revealed in the future, and quotes about fashion will always be relevant. This is evidenced by the appearance of such domestic brands as Paninter, Partizan and Tom Kline.

What to choose: fashion or style?

Many young women and men are concerned about how to become stylish or fashionable. As for fashion, everything is simple - it is a guide to the outside world. And the style is developed over the years. best achievement in matters of clothing is a combination of fashion and style in every thing. How is this achieved? This is creativity. For example, the fashion trend for 2016 is the combination of blue and pink flowers. And fashion in business clothes welcomes a free top and a strict bottom. Let's say you businesswoman. To look both fashionable and stylish at the same time, you should choose a loose-fitting pink top and blue tailored trousers.

For getting romantic image you can choose a pink outfit and blue accessories.

About finding your role

Ready-made solutions of the fashion world and quotes about fashion and clothes do not save a person from the need individual approach. After all, thoughtlessly following the crowd, you can lose your individuality. Especially if you are a public person. Balance must be achieved through independent work or the help of a professional stylist.

Here it would be appropriate to recall a quote from British designer Mary Quant: “ Stylish woman wears clothes, not the other way around. And the editor-in-chief of the American Vogue magazine advises: “Create your own style. Let it be unique for you and unattainable for others.

Where does fashion start?

Capacious quotes about clothes and fashion in themselves suggest key accents when compiling a wardrobe. For example, Yves Saint Laurent said: best dress for any woman is a hug loving man. For everyone else, there is me." Thus, the famous designer hints that personal happiness comes first. And if he is not, then his things are able to give their owners happiness, equivalent to love.

And from the lines of Giorgio Armani (" fashion dress- this is not something that catches the eye, but one that sticks in the memory"), we can conclude that the style is before the boldness of the outfits. Quotes about fashion in English also adhere to this position.

own image

In creating your own image, every little thing plays important role. Shoes occupy a special place. Here it would be appropriate to recall quotes about the fashion and style of Evelina Khromtchenko: “Give the girl correct shoes and she will conquer the world." Designer Christian Louboutin shares the same opinion: “Shoes transform your body language and behavior. They lift you both physically and emotionally."

When Price Matters

Moreover, shoes, both for women and men, must be, first of all, of excellent quality. And it is provided by expensive brands. Many are surprised by the fact that stars like to spend a quarter of a million dollars on shoes or a handbag alone. But not everyone knows that such models give a lifetime guarantee for both quality and relevance. After all, all branded items are unique in that the fashion for them never passes. They can be purchased even many years after release, and then sold at high prices at auctions. In this sense, fashion items are a kind of investment.

Is fashion affordable for everyone?

Quotes about fashion and beauty say that a woman must certainly be dressed in the upper class. However, the townsfolk understand that it is easy to talk like that from their bell tower. But in fact, the race for fashion requires a lot of money. But there is always a way out. Selling branded items at a reasonable price is a whole part of the fashion industry. In the age of information technology, there are many services and sites that sell real branded items relatively cheaper than in their branded boutiques. The fact that the designers themselves allow different alternative options wardrobe solutions, you can guess from the Karl Lagerfeld quote: “You can’t fake chic, but you can be chic in fake furs.”

Whether it's a fictional character like Carrie Bradshaw, accustomed to telling only the truth, the very real Coco Chanel with her infinite wisdom, or the pompous Simon Doonan, each of them has ever said phrases that have become quotes.

We present you 35 best quotes about fashion and style of all time:

1 . “Fashion is what designers offer you 4 times a year. And style is what you choose!” - Lauren Hutton

2 . "You either know fashion or you don't." - Anna Wintour

3 . “You can never think too much about shoes. Too many women believe that shoes are not so important. But the real proof of a woman's elegance is what's on her feet." - Christian Dior

4 . “The client is the final filter. People wear something that endures the whole process. I'm not interested in making clothes that end up gathering dust in some museum." - Mark Jacobs

5 . “I think there is beauty in everything. What “normal” people perceive as ugly, I usually see as something beautiful.” - Alexander McQueen

6 . "I hate narcissism, but I approve of vanity." - Diana Vreeland

7 . "I love my money where I can see it: and it's all hanging in my closet." - Carrie Bradshaw

8 . “Fashion is not something that exists only in dresses. Fashion in the sky, on the street. Fashion deals with ideas: how we live and what is happening around us.” - Coco Chanel

9 . “If you are uncomfortable or dissatisfied with something, then it doesn’t matter how smartly you are dressed. I would advise you to be happy, not well-dressed. It's always better to be happy." - Iris Apfel

10 . “Shoes transform your body language and attitudes. They lift you both physically and emotionally." - Christian Louboutin

11 . “Style is a way of saying who you are without using words.” - Rachel Zoe

12 . “The most courageous act is to think about everything yourself. And out loud." - Coco Chanel

13 . “Always dress as if you are preparing to meet your worst enemy». - Kimora Lee

14 . “Fashion is not necessarily about labels. These are not brands. It's something that comes from within." - Ralph Lauren

15 . "Fashion is final stage in front of tasteless. - Karl Lagerfeld

16 . "Clothes mean nothing until someone lives in them." - Mark Jacobs

17 . "We must never confuse elegance with snobbery." - Yves Saint Laurent

18 . “Fashion is just an attempt to embody art in living forms and social communication». - Sir Francis Bacon

19 . “Fashion is very important. This is life, and like everything that gives us pleasure, it must be done well. - Vivienne Westwood

20 . “Girls don't dress for boys. They dress for themselves, and of course, for each other. If girls dressed for boys, they would be naked all the time.” - Betsey Johnson

21 . “When I first came to New York, I had almost no money. And sometimes I would buy Vogue instead of dinner. I felt that he was feeding me more.” - Carrie Bradshaw

22 . “Don't be trendy. Don't let fashion control you. Only you decide who you are and what you want to express. Dress the way you live." - Gianni Versace

23 . “Clothes are like good food, good film or a great piece of music. - Michael Kors

24 . "The joy of dressing is an art." - John Galliano

25 . “Over the years, I realized that the main thing in a dress is the woman who wears it.” - Yves Saint Laurent

26 . “I think it's because I'm fat that my fantasy has such ease. I project my fantasy onto clothes and now all I do is light light clothes. It's the only thing I don't have. And that's why I'm afraid to lose weight, because then I could only make heavy clothes." - Alber Elbaz

27 . “When you go to a good restaurant, you want to relax and have a drink. You want to look at people who look good. And, of course, you don't want to look at some slob with an unbuttoned shirt and a hairy chest. At least I don't want to." - Iris Apfel

28 . “You must have style. This will help you climb the stairs. This will help you get up in the morning. It's a way of life. Without it, you are nothing." - Diana Vreeland

29 . “Fashion should reflect who you are, how you feel at the moment, and where you are going.” - Pharrell Williams

31 . “What you wear is an expression of who you are. How can anyone choose for me who I will be?” - Diane Kruger

32 . “I don't make fashion. I am fashion." - Coco Chanel

33 . "I love to wear gems but not because they are mine. You cannot possess radiance, you can only admire.” - Elizabeth Taylor

34 . “I know what women look good in. And I don't think those rules are changing." - Michael Kors

35 . “I have always believed that fashion not only makes women more beautiful, but also soothes them, instills confidence in them.” - Yves Saint Laurent

Not all people who have connected their lives with fashion are aphoristic wits. But when you think a lot about fashion, when your life is connected with fashion and style, words that form into sentences come to mind by themselves, in which nothing can be added or subtracted! ..

1. In order to be irreplaceable, you need to be different. Coco Chanel

2. Fashion doesn't just make women beautiful, it gives them confidence. Yves Saint Laurent

3. Pure, strong emotions. It's not about design. It's about feelings. Alber Elbaz

4. When you hear designers complaining about the problems of their profession, say: Don't get carried away, it's just dresses. Karl Lagerfeld

5. Fashion is not about labels. And not about brands. It's about something else that's going on inside of us. Ralph Lauren

6. We should never confuse elegance with snobbery. Yves Saint Laurent

7. Girls don't dress for boys. They dress for themselves and, of course, for each other. If girls dressed for boys, they would be naked all the time. Betsey Johnson

8. Women's dress should be like barbed wire: do their job without spoiling the landscape. Sophia Loren

9. Style is an easy way to talk about complex things. Jean Cocteau

10. Give a girl the right shoes and she can conquer the world. Marilyn Monroe

11. I don't do fashion. I myself am fashion. Coco Chanel

12. Fashion designers present on the catwalk four times a year. Style is what you choose. Launer Hatton

13. I like being a woman even in this. men's world. After all, men can't wear dresses, but we can wear trousers. Whitney Houston

14. Fashion should be a form of escapism, not a form of incarceration. Alexander McQueen

15. Always walk as if three men are following you. Oscar de la Renta

16. Perfume can tell more about a woman than her handwriting. Christian Dior

17. Dressing as Scheherazade is easy. Picking up a little black dress is harder. Coco Chanel

18. Being different is easy, but being unique is very difficult. Lady Gaga

19. Style is a way of saying who you are without words. Rachel Zoe

20. I don't model clothes. I create dreams. Ralph Lauren

21. I can't concentrate in flat shoes. Victoria Beckham

22. When in doubt, wear red. Bill Blass

23. Nothing makes a woman more beautiful than the belief that she is beautiful. Sophia Loren

24. My job is to combine comfort and luxury, practical and desirable. Donna Karan

25. Luxury should be comfortable. Otherwise it is not a luxury. Coco Chanel

26. Fashion is like architecture: the main thing is proportions. Coco Chanel

27. If you can't be better than your competitor, then at least dress better. Anna Wintour

28. Nothing ages a woman like an overly rich outfit. Coco Chanel

29. Attire - a preface to a woman, and sometimes the whole book. Sebastien-Roche Nicolas de Chamfort

30. A person is painted by clothes. Naked people have very little influence in society, if not none at all. Mark Twain

31. There is nothing special about a skirt when it sways on a clothesline. Lawrence Dow

32. If you can’t remember what a woman was wearing, then she was dressed perfectly. Coco Chanel

33. Fashion is a form of ugliness so unbearable that we are forced to change it every six months. Oscar Wilde

34. I dress for image. Not for myself, not for the public, not for fashion, not for men. Marlene Dietrich

35. Each generation laughs at the old fashion, invariably following the new one. Henry David Thoreau

36. I know what women want. They want to be beautiful. Valentino Garavani

37. I always thought white t-shirt alpha and omega of the fashionable alphabet. Giorgio Armani

38. Fashion is what we make ourselves out of every day. Miuccia Prada

39. Fashion is always inspired by youth and nostalgia and often draws inspiration from the past. Lana Del Rey

40. Fashion brings happiness. This is joy. But not therapy. Donatella Versace

41. There is no better designer in the world than nature itself. Alexander McQueen

42. A dress doesn't make any sense if it doesn't make men want to take it off you. Françoise Sagan

43. Buy less, choose better, and do it yourself. Vivienne Westwood

44. Fashion dictators sometimes make mistakes too, but there will always be millions of women willing to pay for it. Barbra Streisand

45. You can get used to ugly appearance, but to negligence - never.Coco Chanel

46. ​​Shoes are made so that even in clothes a woman appears naked. Christian Louboutin

47. A woman wants to dress like others, and suffers if she is really dressed like others. Leszek Kumor

48. Fashion is a controlled epidemic. George Bernard Shaw

49. In all trifling matters, style is important, not sincerity. In all serious matters, too. Oscar Wilde

50. If you doubt your taste, know that you have it. Wystan Hugh Auden