Stylized costume in folk style. Russian style in clothes (photo). Fashion collections in Russian style

Discover the wonderful world of Russian style in women's clothing. The world podium in different countries and continents appreciated the originality and relevance of outfits in the Russian style.

Ksenia Sobchak in a Pavlovo Posad shawl

Alena Vodonaeva

Miroslava Duma

Conquered the hearts of contemporaries and: sheepskin coats, bloomers, as well as hats with earflaps. Although they came to Russia in the fifth century from the Baltic states, they were accepted here only from the nineteenth century and since then they are considered primordially Russian. In a sewing workshop in St. Petersburg, the hat was improved and ribbons were added to it. Since the Great Patriotic War, hats with earflaps have been registered in the women's wardrobe.

Because of their practicality and ability to transform, earflaps are in fashion today. And thanks to the imagination of our designers, they come to the wardrobe of fashionistas of the whole world in new and new variations. They are wonderfully accompanied by improved models of boots, mobile phone cases, wallets, handbags, belts, mittens and many other accessories of the same Russian folk style.

An interpretation of a hat with earflaps in the collection of Jean-Paul Gaultier

It did not remain unused, of course, and thanks to which children around the world began to look like babies from bast pictures. If such clothes are made according to folk canons and only from natural materials, then it becomes very high quality, beautiful and comfortable. All mothers who have given preference to the Russian style in children's clothing will confirm that modern folk clothes for children are very comfortable, beautiful and cool. Loose-fitting shirts, blouses, sundresses and skirts, decorated with cute embroidery and lace, give children a touching doll-like look.

Clothes in Russian folk style

Ethnic motifs in the outfits of contemporaries are increasingly popularized. Elements can already be guessed in collections based on the fashion of other countries. But many characteristic details have also been introduced into our culture, for example, from Indian (paisley or “cucumbers”), Scottish (original cage), gypsy outfit (variegated puffy skirts) and so on. Of course, both Russian and any other clothes are slightly "modernized", but the main idea remains: these are free, comfortable, practical outfits. In the national style, the best fashion houses today offer their own options for outfits.

Ulyana Sergeenko is a well-known fashion designer in Russian style

Outfits from the collection of Ulyana Sergeenko

For example, - dresses of wide models, with assemblies, elastic bands, with embroideries and pleats at the neck. Sleeves - raglan, short, with elasticated cuffs. The hem of their hem is slightly rounded. In folk traditions, the material is natural (most often linen, cotton and even hemp). Long checkered shirts, slightly elongated, with a comfortable hood. A short fastener is placed in the front in the middle or on the side (a kosovorotka option). The sleeves are rolled up, fastened with a strap. On the hips - elastic band. Beautiful and comfortable!

Russian motifs in the Gauthier collection

Especially often used in women's wardrobe, children's dresses with frills and edging of snow-white lace with fine embroidery are also decorated. On the top of the dress there is a loose elastic band, the straps come unfastened; lined with fine cotton. Flannel shirts, Russian-style sundresses, linen tunics, blouses, ribbons, hair bands, trouser belts, woven dresses with shoulder straps, knitted children's and women's capri trousers and many other clothes in Russian folk style are also decorated with an ornament. And if once for poor peasants, embroidery or lace was the only way to give the usual outfit a festive look, today the analogues of those decorations are equated with high art.

As a result, the conclusion suggests itself that a modern fashionable person should be able to skillfully combine jeans and Russian ethnic motifs in his wardrobe. Even a business dress decorated in Russian folk style will look luxurious at the most strict receptions. Therefore, allow yourself to show your essence of a Russian person not only in actions, words and thoughts, but also in clothes.

Russian folk clothes photo

Natalya Vodyanova

Ulyana Sergeenko in a John Galliano coat

Miroslava Duma

It's no secret that recently on the catwalks of European and American fashion weeks there are models dressed in Russian shirts, furs, and zhupans by couturiers. Why did the fashion for the Russian style go?

The answer is obvious: we live in a globalized world, and although the motives of those countries that were the pioneers of the modeling business dominate in the field of fashion design, our craftsmen are also not sitting idle. The offer of clothes with Russian elements is growing every year. Let's try to briefly highlight this issue for you, especially since this trend is especially relevant in the cold season, and you will find out why by reading further.

A bit of history

Traditionally, casual and designer clothes mainly included the national motifs of those countries that gave the world the most famous fashion houses and beauty magazines - France, Italy, and the USA.

And this is not surprising, because admiration gives rise to imitation, such is the law of both fashion and human nature.

And the first residents of fashion in the West were Russian designers Vyacheslav Zaitsev and Valentin Yudashkin, not counting the tailors who left the country in search of a better life.

But modern fashionable Russia lives not only by Valentin Yudashkin, but also by a number of copyright, independent fashion houses. Talents appear every year, and some of their ideas are even intercepted in the West.

Of course, not all classical elements of the Russian style can be embodied in mass production. For example, some retro solutions of designer clothes in the original Russian style suggest such things as “povoynik” or “koruna”.

Not only that, only historians know what it really is and who wore it with what before. But also the theoretical mass production of these outfits would not have been possible without the involvement of manual labor. Such a hand-made would greatly increase the cost of tailoring and transfer such solutions to the category of haute couture.

By the way, a special hat for every day for a woman was called a warrior, made of colorful rich fabric with lush folds at the back of the head. And the koruna is the opposite, for a girl for a holiday, with foil inserts, beaded sewing, like the crown of the Snow Maiden. Now you know what the difference is, but you are unlikely to come across this item in a clothing store.

Historical costume or fashion detail?

Strictly speaking, modern trendy clothes in the Russian folk style are mainly borrowing elements of the Russian national costume. Not a complete set, as if from an exhibition in a historical museum, but only the most authentic ideas that, for some unknown reason, inspired this or that designer.

Surely you are wondering how to recognize that in front of you is not an antique outfit, but a fashion trend?

For designers, this trend is subject to certain rules. This is a special palette that you can adopt, and prints (fabric pattern), and decorative techniques that tailors and couturiers love.

For example, the following motives are very often present:

  • print with the image of "branched" lines;
  • leafy and herbal ornaments;
  • fine satin stitch embroidery with gold and silver threads;
  • catchy colors, especially red and blue;
  • sable fur or real sable;
  • heavy fabrics with brocade effect;
  • "Autumn" palette - saturated colors.

The fantasy of fashion designers does not end there, but already knowing at least this list, you can feel more or less aware of the trend.

A few words about decor

A very important component of such clothing is jewelry. It is embroidery, sewing with gold threads and pearls, in simplified versions with beads, that is probably the most recognizable sign that this is fashion for Russian antiquity. Moreover, the trend will be the thing that meets two criteria for such a decor - an abundance of finishes and technology, like folk craftswomen. Socialites try to combine such outfits with diamonds, but we do not recommend taking such risks - the contrast will be too great.

Haute couture with Russian folk motifs

Thanks to these unique elements, clothes in the Russian style are of interest not only to Russian designers.

It inspired the famous Italians Dolce&Gabbana in their fall-winter 2012/13 collection, and this collection won recognition and honor from the Milanese and Parisian catwalks, who are not accustomed to Eastern European exotics.

Russian-style clothing was present in the collections of Valentino, who used motifs of blue and white Gzhel (antique Russian porcelain with a characteristic pattern), Jean-Paul Gaultier, who admired Soviet constructivism and worked in this vein, Kenzo and many others.

A little earlier, almost the entire decade of the 1980s in Western Europe passed under the sign of Russian aesthetic influence in fashion, but we hardly noticed this.

In the 90s, the trend changed to the opposite, and already Russian designers borrowed Western European motifs for the outfits of our fashionistas with might and main.

But foreigners are foreigners, and the most popular Russian style of clothing is used by Russian designers. Women's clothing and shoes with national elements are present in the collections of Alena Akhmadullina, Anna and Alexei Borodulin, Vyacheslav Zaitsev.

The following traditional elements are of greatest interest to these and other domestic designers:

  • township shawls and scarves;
  • thread painting;
  • Khokhloma patterns;
  • nesting dolls.

Returning from the clouds of haute couture to the earth in everyday life, let's think about what folk motifs will help you stand out in the crowd with monotonous Chinese and Turkish outfits.

What to wear to be in trend?

In summer, a floral skirt or sundress with embroidery will definitely come in handy. In Russia, they are very fond of a long dress on the floor, always with a thin waist, but you can also choose the option with a high waistline.

A Russian woman at all times would like to look like an elegant rich woman more than others, so do not skimp on the fabric so that you do not look too simple, with a minus sign, complete with a folk simple cut.

To give your image a frankly ethical look, you can put on a kosovorotka, the female version of which has been called "stan" since ancient times. Dilute such bows with something modern, for example, straight-cut jeans or, if the figure allows, in tight skinny style. Or choose plain beige trousers, gray, khaki, black, in a word - something basic that will serve as a background for the main thing and will not interrupt its sound in the ensemble.

Winter clothes in expressive Russian style are, of course, sheepskin coats and coats with fur trim, scarves, boyar hats. Few self-respecting ladies from the upper classes in pre-revolutionary Russia allowed themselves to go out without fur in winter, but even now the presence of fur in the wardrobe will please any fashionista. Despite the animal welfare movement, Russian luxury is never complete without natural sable.

If you are far from thinking of wearing a natural fur coat, try to achieve the same effect with faux fur, but be careful, as faux fur is different and looks cheap and tasteless in case of poor quality. If you are still not in furs due to economy, add at least a small fur accessory to your look - an edge on gloves, a purse, a hat, a collar

And the last piece of advice: you don't need to make your entire wardrobe in this spirit to be fashionable. By ordering in the atelier or by sewing just one thing with a traditional Russian touch, you will attract the attention of people and show yourself as a cultured girl who is interested in the history of the country. Now these are not just words, but a fashion trend!

Nevertheless, the leading couturiers use elements of national clothes and, moreover, decor techniques typical of Russian-style clothes in their collections. And it invariably becomes a sensation in world fashion.

Such masters as Jean-Paul Gaultier and Vyacheslav Zaitsev tried to work in a truly Russian style. Too original, and often ethnic style did not succumb to the influence of fashion masters. But the brightest details were used in the best collections.

Russian style in modern clothes in these photos of the collections of world fashion houses speaks for itself:

Clothes in Russian folk style from Nadezhda Lamanova

These clothes have their own value. The outfits and silhouettes characteristic of the true Russian style became the idea for creating original outfits.

Clothes in the Russian folk style were first brought into fashion by Nadezhda Lamanova. She sewed dresses for the last Russian empress and her daughters - this is a true symbol of modern Russian style. No lubok, and kokoshniks, only a modern interpretation of silhouettes and luxurious handmade trim. Nadezhda Lamanova managed to save not only her Moscow Fashion House until the mid-1950s, but also her style.

She dressed and considered it an honor for the stars of that era - actresses and simply the most beautiful women in Moscow who could afford such a luxury. Nadezhda Lamanova literally revived the unique beadwork, strict and feminine silhouettes of dresses in the national style, skillfully multiplying them with European trends. A glorified place for any fashionista "Kuznetsky Most" and modern clothes in the Russian style - this is her merit.

They tried to revive the same trend, but with less success in Europe, thanks to frank Russians - fur, brocade and - modern designers use these techniques today. One of the main silhouette solutions is still a sundress, a short fur coat and a poneva - wide and long in the pleat. There are analogues of such a skirt only in historical European costumes.

If you think that the manner of tying a scarf - preferably - like a badan or through the neck, as Hollywood stars do - covering their hair - is a modern trend, then you are mistaken. These are typical tricks characteristic of Russian women.

Women's clothing in the Russian style quite often becomes a source of inspiration for the best and top world designers. But they use too obvious styles and techniques - like exotic ones: fur hats and brocade coats with precious fur lining.

See how the Russian style of dress looks on the catwalks in these photos:

Outerwear in Russian style from Yves Saint Laurent

Folk Russian style in modern fashion was first appreciated by the master of luxury style Yves Saint Laurent. He most likely liked the idea, which turned out to be relevant in the 70s of the last century. It was he who first brought outerwear in the Russian style to the Parisian catwalks, namely.

Their prototype was the traditional sheepskin sheepskin coats worn in Russia. Of course, Yves Saint Laurent gave them a Parisian gloss, making them thinner, sleeker and more elegant.

But it was he who brought into fashion this versatile clothing, not as expensive as, and not as simple as. With his light hand, they are still in fashion and are not going to leave the trends.

But not a single modern clothing in the Russian folk style can be compared in popularity with headdresses in the national style. Difficult to translate into any European language, the word "earflaps" has long become international. They are worn not only by tourists who were lucky enough to visit Russia, but also by everyone who loves informal and lives in a cold climate. It is characteristic that the earflap was originally an exclusively male headdress, and now the most notorious fashionistas flaunt it.

Winter clothes in the Russian style presented another impeccable trend - sable, silver fox or arctic fox. Oddly enough - this is also a masculine style, which fashionistas willingly use.

In outerwear there is another, literally exclusive element - Pavlovo Posad shawls. The Moscow region manufactory, which dates back at least two hundred years, has created a unique style that cannot be repeated - complex floral patterns, printed patterns on woolen or cotton fabric of bulky scarves - this is a Russian brand. It is highly regarded by real fashionistas all over the world.

Fashionable clothes in Russian style for children and adults

This direction does not fit into the concepts of "ethnics" or "folklore". Of course, you should not collect a total image in this style - just one, but bright detail is enough - a Pavlovo-Posad shawl, worn like sheepskin coats in the style that your great-grandmothers preferred or embroidered felt boots (weather permitting). Fashionable clothes in the Russian style are a stylish mix with things in a casual way, by the way, they go well even with.

Russian clothing style in 2017 is gaining new momentum. Young Russian designers got down to business, actively promoting the ideas of almost ideally feminine silhouettes and looks. Against the background of the general dominance of everyday and too popular styles, frankly bright and stylish outfits look especially advantageous.

It has always been considered a typical detail of such an outfit. Expensive, elegant and bright - this is the tradition. Red boots of any style are especially valuable in such an outfit - without them, a harmoniously built image will remain unfinished.

It is noteworthy that black was very rarely used in national costumes; in Rus' (unlike, for example, Italy) it is the color of mourning. Burgundy, blue, beige, bright red, always with boiled white - the true range of such outfits.

Traditionally, elements and symbolic signs of various provinces are used in decoration. Today they have already lost their original meaning of amulets and identification marks. But they still look very nice. The motives for finishing - hand embroidery, first of all, were flowers: from simple field ones to garden roses.

Not only dresses for adults deserve special attention, but also children's clothes in the Russian style. These are, first of all, stylish sundresses - clothes are not only beautiful, but also as comfortable as possible. It is enough to change tops and t-shirts to look different every day. For many very young fashionistas, the question “what to wear?” important even at the age of 3-4 years.

Modern models have adopted excellent cuts, but not style - no folklore elements of design or decoration - it's just not fashionable. But to teach a girl to wear a scarf or a scarf beautifully is a must. This is a great headwear for the summer - when you need to cover your head, even tying it like a bandana. By the way, this manner of wearing was generally accepted in Russia.

Clothes for children in the Russian style are made of sheepskin or sheepskin coats and embroidered or painted - weather permitting. Perfectly warm, comfortable - including dressing yourself. In addition, such sets always look advantageous and impressive.

Discover the wonderful world of Russian style in women's clothing. The world podium in different countries and continents appreciated the originality and relevance of outfits in the Russian style.

The Russian ethno trend in modern fashion is becoming extremely popular, although it is considered a little original, it differs from other styles in its naturalness, colorfulness and expressiveness.

Folk motifs are present in almost all collections of modern fashion designers, they create an image of simplicity, originality and even shyness.

The increased popularity of the Russian style in clothing prompted us to create a separate publication on this topic. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the basic concepts of the Russian style in the women's wardrobe and get acquainted with its key features.

Examples of Russian clothing style in advertising photo shoots

This fashion has long been loved by many beauties.

Basic concepts in Russian style

Distinctive original symbols that distinguish the Russian style of clothing are: Khokhloma patterns, township shawls, nesting dolls.
From its inception to the present day, such an outfit is an unusual combination of modern motifs with national Russian elements, embodying in comfortable and convenient everyday things for every day.

Where and when did the Russian style originate?

Since 1910, the Russian style began to conquer the world in small steps. The French Couturier Paul Poiret came to Russia and was amazed by the local culture, returning to his homeland, in 1911 he created the first clothes in the world of European fashion with a Slavic style. These were dresses embroidered with gold thread, coats with a voluminous floral pattern, reminiscent of the patterns of Pavloposad shawls, hats made of expensive Siberian furs, which were especially liked by the Parisian public and became Russian classics of style.

Russian style clothes and ornaments on Pavloposad women's scarves

Until now, Western couturiers associate Russian chic with exoticism, aristocratic sophistication, and luxury.
From 1920 to 1930 Russian style clothing takes a leading position in the worlds of fashion with the help of the first wave of emigration. Designers Jeanne Lanvin and Paul Poiret, fashion houses Paul Caret, Worth and others created for their clients wedding and evening headdresses made to look like a kokoshnik, straight-cut blouses and wrap dresses with a clasp, embroidered with a symbolic ornament or painted under a lubok, voluminous long coats with stand-up collars like those of the boyars.
Coco Chanel came up with dress shirts with an embroidered belt and collar, matching bags worn over the shoulder, suits and coats embroidered with beads and decorated with fur.

Details of the Russian style in individual items

Yves Saint Laurent released a collection in 1976 called "Russian Ballets", which aroused great interest in the West in the mysterious Russian traditions. On the podium there were boyar high-waisted puffy skirts, a Russian-style coat with a printed pattern, a knitted white dress made to look like a nesting doll, painted shawls, and sheepskin vests. The French Couturier fixed the Russian style in the fashion of world capitals for many years.

The history of the name of the Russian style

At the origins of the name of the Russian style is still the French fashion innovator Paul Poiret, who secured the national decoration of Russia with his collection.

In Europe, under the word "Russian" they represent: 1) scarves with a woven printed pattern of wool, cotton, silk have been worn in Russia since the end of the 17th century. They complemented and even replaced the headdress of a woman of all classes, and were also part of the outfit as an ornament.

Examples of women's scarves in the Russian style

2) COAT, which was worn by our queens and princesses of the XIX century. These are long, fitted, generously decorated with fur and expensive embroidery with high collars. Noble ladies at that time were distinguished by gold embroidery and beaded decoration on the upper layer, the fabric was made of felt, plush, velvet, brocade, always with a silk lining.
3) A hat with earflaps, which became the Russian national headdress in the 19th century. The hat is made of suede or fur with flaps sewn to the sides and back.

During the Great Patriotic War, women in the service tried on men's uniforms, and from that time on, the earflap cap finally established itself as a ladies' wardrobe.

Clothes in the Russian style and its main features

There are very few original Russian distinctive clothes in the wardrobe: a long sundress, a shirt-shirt, a winter caftan and a scarf. But any clothes that exist now can be decorated in a Russian theme. For example, with the help of hand-tied thin lace, Russian-style drawings on fabric, hemstitch embroidery.

Russian style accessories and its features

The decoration of the Russian style are:

  • - colorful ribbons;
  • - flower wreaths;
  • - bracelets made of wood and leather;
  • -beads.

You can also complement the image with stylized earrings, a kokoshnik embroidered with stones and beads. You can use colorful shawls, scarves, capes as an outfit.

Variants of Russian kokoshniks

The relevance of the Russian style

Properly selected clothes in the Russian folk style will make you stand out in a gray faceless crowd of identical outfits, allowing you to look original, beautiful and not ordinary.
A girl in such clothes will certainly attract the attention of others, causing considerable interest.

Who will suit the Russian style and why?

The Russian style in modern clothes, of course, is very suitable for women of the Slavic type of appearance, emphasizing their ethnic origin.

Casual clothes in Russian style on the streets of Russian cities

This style is suitable for any age, any physique. Indeed, in a long sundress with vertical uneven lines or a wide caftan, you can hide your appetizing forms in the best possible way.

Who does not suit the Russian style and why

It is undesirable for people with an African skin type to resort to the Russian style of clothing, since the image is created on the contradictions of style and appearance.
Blonde women with curvaceous forms are not recommended to use clothes painted with Gzhel in their image, they will emphasize even greater fullness, making the figure wider, and blond hair will make you faceless against its background.

Russian style 2017. New trends

Unusual and elegant evening dress created in Russian style in spring-summer 2016 will be fashionable in any decor variations. For example, golden embroidery, flared hem, voluminous flowers, and so on. The dress should be long, without a pronounced waist.

It is worth noting that clothes with Russian patterns are, as a rule, red and white colors and a floral print.

In the new year, the fashion for red and white colors is extremely popular among Western European designers. It is enough to skim through several dozen collections from the spring-summer season to make sure that red and white have become the unspoken favorites of the new season. It is with this that the revival of the relevance of this style in the modern women's wardrobe is associated.

Fashion for Russian style in designer collections of recent seasons

Prints are used: flowers or folk patterns that emphasize the figure and good taste. Focus on the stars dressed in the Russian theme.

Stars in Russian style

Many celebrities use the Russian style in their image: Ksenia Sobchak, Alena Vodonaeva, Miroslava Duma, Natalia Vodyanova, Ulyana Sergeenko and many others.

Fashion collections in Russian style

In 2016, fashion designers prepared a collection of clothes in the Russian style: Yulia Yanina with a collection of autumn-winter 2015-2016, Vyacheslav Zaitsev with a new ethnic style fashion collection.
Russian style in clothes has always been and remains a fashion trend. And if you are not a true adherent of folk motives, at least one detail of your wardrobe must be made or decorated in the Russian style, this will attract the attention of not only men, but will also make many women jealous.

The global fashion trend of recent years is an appeal to national traditions. Our designers do not lag behind and also actively use folk flavor in their models. Clothes in the Russian style today are not the lot of grandmothers from folklore ensembles, but part of the wardrobe of fashionistas. Today I will tell you in more detail how to create a trendy look and look elegant and feminine.

The Russian style of clothing makes reference to the national Russian costume. The characteristic features of the outfits are a simple free cut, natural fabrics, an abundance of decor in the form of embroidery, complex ornaments and bright colors. Clothing - loose undershirts, skirts and sundresses, men's blouses - comfortable and practical, ideal for a troublesome life. Outerwear for a harsh winter - a fur coat with fur inside, a caftan, a fur hat and a scarf.

History of appearance

At the beginning of the 20th century, with the Russian Seasons, Diaghilev opened a window to Russia for Europe, awakening the interest of Europeans in an unknown country. Then the wave of emigration after 1917 spilled the Russian intelligentsia (and not only) throughout Europe and even across the ocean. There, yearning for their homeland, the emigrants tried to compensate for the loss of Russian motives in clothing and everyday life.

Soon, Coco Chanel drew attention to clothes that were unusual for the European eye and, as they say, it started: Paul Poiret, Yves Saint Laurent, Kenzo and many others in their collections “cited” and continue to “quote” Russian flavor.

Models and styles

Fitting is not typical for the Russian style, clothes should not hinder movement and cause inconvenience, therefore female models are characterized by a straight loose cut, high waist, long skirts and sundresses to the floor. Characteristic features are puffed sleeves, a turn-down or gathered collar with an elastic band. Clothing was decorated with hand embroidery, lace, ribbons and ribbons. All these details are used in modern patterns.


Various combinations with white are inherent in women's folk dress: white-blue, white-red, white-green, white-yellow or golden. Today, fashion designers in branded models are not limited to the usual combinations and create clothes from fabric that imitates Khokhloma, Gzhel, Zhostovo painting, and matryoshka painting.

However, some designers are of the opinion that restrained tones are more suitable for a Russian woman, because they keep their collections in the Russian style in soothing colors.

Who will suit

Properly selected feminine clothing in ethnic style will equally suit both young girls and accomplished ladies. In addition, characteristic floral prints perfectly hide the imperfections of the figure, which is ideal for overweight women.

How to dress

If you decide to dress in the national style, this does not mean at all that you need to put on a magnificent sundress and put a kokoshnik on your head. A few bright details (a shirt with embroidery on the collar, a long skirt with a floral print, a scarf, a burlap bag) are enough to diversify the familiar look.


The Russian style is characterized by round fur hats in winter and scarves in the warmer season. A Pavloposad or Orenburg shawl will perfectly complement the look in any season, both as a headdress and as an accessory.


In addition to a scarf, as an addition, you can choose a belt for a dress or shirt, a canvas bag, a straw hat, a cape, stylized earrings and a necklace. For a harmonious look, you will need one or two accessories.

Where to wear

Wherever you wish! A spectacular dress with a print of a pavloposad shawl will be equally useful for every day and at a festive evening. Style sets almost no limits. Well, perhaps not all business negotiations can afford such beauty. Although a slight accent in the form of a scarf would be appropriate here, the main thing is to know when to stop.

What to combine

There are no trouser sets in the original women's suit, therefore, if you decide to strictly adhere to the Russian style in the image, choose a dress or a skirt as the main clothing.

If you decide to “play” a little with styles and choose trousers, stop at a narrow straight or cropped model, and put on a loose shirt with embroidery on top. And an accessory in the form of a bright scarf will go well with a strict office suit. Look at a selection of photos with the right combination of things:


To strictly maintain the style, choose shoes with low heels or wedges with a woven platform and a minimum of leather elements. Intricate woven sandals and slippers with floral embroidery will come in handy. Winter shoes - of course, felt boots, fortunately, now there are enough interesting and "shameless" models.

Manicure hair and makeup

In the old days, young ladies did not have such a variety of decorative cosmetics, therefore naturalness and naturalness will come in handy in the ethnic image: a short manicure with neutral varnish and nude shades in makeup. A recognizable feature of a Russian beauty is a tight braid, and if you are a happy owner of lush hair, be sure to braid the braid with a ribbon.

If the braid is not destined to be, carefully collect the hair into a knot (loose beauty will not work for a beautiful girl) and decorate your head, for example, with a flower wreath.


Massive beads, heavy earrings in folk style, bracelets can be used as decoration. Hand-made accessories made from natural materials will look organic: stone, straw, textiles, wood.

What not to wear

To maintain style, ditch the trousers, jeans and shorts, as well as high-heeled shoes - all this is knocked out of the original suit and knocks down accents. But if you decide to just dilute your usual look with an ethno-detail, this is not necessary.

When choosing clothes for the image, give preference to things made from natural fabrics: linen, silk, cotton, wool. Choose things not strictly according to the figure, but free cut. If you like a bright patchwork model - take it: patchwork is very Russian. If you have embroidery, give preference to one-color work.

Your main goal is to create a feminine and chaste image, so forget about skimpy outfits.

How to care for clothes

Since ethno-style implies practicality and natural fabrics, such clothes do not require special care, except for the standard one: periodic washing and ironing. Cotton and linen items are best ironed slightly damp, so you have to make less effort to smooth out wrinkles.

Fashion is the display history of any nation. Today I would like to talk about the history of the Russian style, which has practically disappeared since the time of Peter the Great and its revival begins in small steps. For example, thanks to Ulyana Sergeenko, we remembered what Vologda and Yelets lace are, and thanks to the Valentino collection, what Russian hand embroidery, natural linen, brocade and beaded ornaments are - all this is undoubtedly the real Russian style.

Grazia Chiuri and Pier Paolo Piccioli, whose collection became the pearl of the Haute Couture week in Paris, claimed that it was Prince and Princess Yusupov, the most beautiful couple of Russian emigration, who served as their source of inspiration. And not only and not so much their aristocratic faces and precious costumes, but the fates - in general, the fates of people who have lost everything and managed to start life anew, which sounds more than modern.

Russians in exile did not lose heart. They took on any job that would give them the means to survive the time before returning to their homeland. A new life for women was associated with fashion - they became fashion models and embroiderers, seamstresses and knitters, adding aristocratic chic to simple crafts. Last but not least, thanks to them, fashion has risen to a worthy rank of high arts. The men found jobs as taxi drivers, shop assistants, and newspaper distributors.

For me, the Russian style is associated with the most beautiful and most touching - with bright images of the family of the last Tsar Nicholas II - quivering young ladies in lace and velvet, silk blouses with high collars. They hide their hands in muffs and wrap themselves in indispensable furs.

Ulyana Sergeenko, dress decorated with Vologda lace.

Valentino. The style of a traditional Russian sundress.

Until the 17th century, it is practically unknown what the Russians wore, since portraiture did not really exist in Russia and Russian costumes were mostly captured by foreign travelers. In the Middle Ages, Russian clothing was associated with Turkic influence and resembled the clothing of the Turkic peoples.

And at first glance, primordially Russian concepts like “kokoshnik” or “sarafan” actually have a Turkic origin. Sarfan - Loans. through Turkic. särara(i) from Persian. serārā "dress of honor". But Russian masters brought these types of clothing to great heights, often creating real works of art.

Lefebvre Robert. Portrait of Princess M.F. Baryatinsky with her daughter Olga, 1817.

The clothes of our ancestors and their attributes were also affected by our confrontation with the Lithuanians and Poles. The main enemy of Russia at that time was the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the struggle with the Lithuanians and Poles was reflected in a large number of items that were of precisely this origin and despite the fact that they were of Eastern European origin, they reflected fashion trends associated primarily with Germany. This was expressed in the predilection of Russians for imported fabrics.

500 years ago, very few fabrics were made in Russia and there was practically no weaving production of its own. Fabrics came from Italy and the Ottoman Empire. The fabrics were interwoven with gold thread, as well as brocade and taffeta, also velvet. Imported fabrics were used in festive costumes even by wealthy peasants. Imported fabrics with gold threads are what Russian women and men always dreamed of in those days. These fabrics were quite expensive, but people in Russia have always lived richer than in other countries. And they never skimped on clothes and jewelry. For example, the robes of Russian princesses - look at what expensive outfits they are wearing.

Ball in the Winter Palace, dedicated to the Romanov dynasty. The photo shows a traditional dress in the Russian style of the 16th-17th century. 1903 St. Petersburg, Russia.

Costumes for the ball were created according to the sketches of the artist Sergei Solomko and with the involvement of folk costume consultants. They cost a fortune. They were sewn by the most famous masters of that time: Nadezhda Lamanova and the beloved fashion designer of the Empress August Brizak. Furs, fabrics, jewelry - the customers did not save on anything. These suits were the hallmark of their wealth.

Zinaida Nikolevna Yusupova dressed as a noblewoman. Also at the ball in the Winter Palace.

Also a certain princess at a ball in the Winter Palace. I don't know the name unfortunately

Have you noticed what expensive jewelry we see on the princesses? Chanel announced that it was she who introduced pearl beads into fashion, but she would not have held real pearl beads in her hands if not for the Russian prince Dmitry Pavlovich, who gave her the first pair of real pearl beads. In Russia, beads were worn long before Chanel announced that she had invented a pearl thread, even peasants had pearls. By the way, they lived quite prosperously, but more on that later. Russian aristocrats wore diamonds from 5 to 35 carats, it was considered decent, but it’s already a shame to have a smaller size. Smaller ramzer diamonds were used for cutting glass.

Prince Dmitry Pavlovich with Coco Chanel.

In Russia, they have always loved fur and glitter. And if these things were not there, then the person was considered not rich. It is not surprising that even today Russian women try to dress more effectively than women in other countries. This is due only to the demographic situation. According to official statistics, 45% of men account for 55% of women. That is, Russia lacks 17 million men. Therefore, women do everything to attract the attention of men through their clothes and makeup.

But for example, in the 19th century, short clothes did not take root in Russia, and makeup too. But the Europeans just wore short clothes. Foreigners amazed Russians with their sexuality. What was it expressed in? For example, wearing tights and men's cologts. In Russia, a man should not show anything, and a woman could bare her chest and shoulders a little, but no more. If you are at court, you must shine with natural beauty. The noblewomen adorned themselves with jewels, natural flowers and appreciated lace very much.

They loved French lace, also Vologda, Yelets and Mikhailov. Makeup was not used until the October Revolution. The exception is the era of Peter the Great, but more on that later. Only public women used make-up. By the way, St. Petersburg in 1914 was recognized as the most elegant capital in the world. It operated 200 fashion houses and another 100 in Moscow. After the October Revolution, for many years there were only two of them for each of the capitals.

Grand Duchess Tatiana Romanova of Russia in court dress.

Also Grand Duchess Tatiana Romanoff. Very delicate dress.

Grand Duchess Romanovs.

Of course, Europe had a huge influence on the Russian style. Or rather, even Peter the Great, who returned from Europe and issued, in my opinion, a terrible decree, which began to destroy the best examples of Russian culture.

Peter I forbade the nobles and townspeople to wear the old Russian costume on August 29, 1699, in January 1700 he ordered everyone to wear a dress in the manner of the Hungarian, in August - "all ranks to people", except for the clergy and arable peasants, to wear Hungarian and German dresses, and trousers (culottes). Subsequent decrees ordered the wearing of German dress on weekdays and French dress on holidays.

Portrait of Uncle Peter I - Lev Kirillovich Naryshkin in traditional Russian costume.

Peter I in a foreign outfit strikes home. Painting by N. Nevrev.

From January 1, 1701, women were also required to wear a European costume. Russian dress was forbidden to be produced and traded. Violators were threatened with fines, exile to hard labor with confiscation of property. Samples of models of European cut were exhibited on the streets, poor people received a reprieve to wear out old clothes, but from 1705 the entire urban population had to wear new clothes under the threat of a fine. The secrets of European tailors began to be mastered by Russian masters.

Accustomed to long and wide sundresses, to multi-layered outfits, now the girls had to put on a narrow European dress that opened their shoulders and chest. The corset could not be put on on its own - the lacing on the back of the girls was tightened by the maids, it was difficult to breathe and relax or bend the back in it. Out of habit, many ladies, being in a tight dress all day, fainted. In addition to the inconvenience, the corset was also unhealthy: in it, the body became vulnerable to stomach and lung diseases. However, overcoming torment, the noblewomen obeyed the trends of fashion - all the more, there was another way out with a strict decree.

Like a narrow corset, a very wide skirt was an integral part of the women's dress, which looked especially contrasting against the background of an elegant top. In order for the skirts to keep their shape, frames were put on under them - fizhma. Such skirts, which came from Europe, were suitable for the warm French climate, but the Russian winter required warmer clothes, so in the cold season the skirts were quilted with batting.

Like everything foreign, European outfits have taken root in Russia with some amendments, mainly dictated by the harsh climate. In addition to the aforementioned batting-quilted skirts, scarves, scarves and capes became an integral part of the wardrobe at that time. Women forced to wear dresses made of thin fabric with bare shoulders, arms and neckline, used these accessories more for warmth than for beauty. Around the same time, and for the same reason, stockings came into use - in everyday life, girls wore cotton or woolen ones, and wore silk ones during ceremonial exits.

After the death of Peter I, part of the urban population returned to pre-Petrine clothes - until the end of the 19th century. in the costume of the merchants and bourgeoisie, elements of the traditional costume were preserved. Therefore, tailors specialized in either European or "Russian" dress.

And how did the peasants live and what can we say about their style?

As for the peasants, under Peter the changes in their clothes practically did not affect them: they still wore traditional clothes. A shirt, a sundress, a padded jacket, a fur coat - the wardrobe of women from the people remained the same as several centuries ago. European fashion came to the village only at the end of the 18th century.

Contrary to popular belief. The peasants lived quite prosperously, although at that time they were serfs. And they passed on their elegant clothes from generation to generation. For example, a pearl kokoshnik. They loved a very red color: "Sew me a red sarfan, mother." They loved the combination of red and gold, and this combination is a traditional combination of empires, for example, as it was in the Roman and Chinese empires. Unlike nobles, peasant women loved makeup. Used crushed brick for lipsticks and beets for blush. The peasants looked very well-groomed and neat. Since it was a very cold winter, a terrible time, frosts down to -30. Therefore, the clothes had to be of high quality, not full of holes and warm. And not at all the one that can characterize some estate as “needless erratic”. Clothing helped the inhabitants of rural Russia not to freeze, to feel confident, and in the end, to survive and give birth to many children.

We can see this in photographs and in painting.

A young woman in a kokoshnik-collection and girls in headbands at a festival in the village of Nenoxa. Beginning of XX century. Photo by V.V. Suslova.

A young woman in a Kargopol kokoshnik. Second half of the 19th century. A collection of photographs of festive outfits of peasants in the northern provinces of Russia from the collection of V.P. Shabelskaya.

Bride's outfit in a korune headdress. Second half of the 19th century. A collection of photographs of festive attire of the peasants of the Northern provinces of Russia from the collection of V.P. Shabelskaya.

Old men. Ryazan province. 1910

Bogorodsk peasants of the Tula province. Photo by A. Karelin, 1870s.

Ivan Petrovich Argunov. Portrait of an unknown peasant woman in Russian costume. 1784.

Konstantin Makovsky Peasant lunch in the field.

Ivanov Sergey Vasilievich Family.

The October Socialist Revolution, which abolished the classes of the nobility and the bourgeoisie and approved the new social composition of society, inevitably influenced the formation of the fashion of the Soviet country, in which there was no longer room for luxurious toilets. Clothes became cheap and very simple. But this is a completely different topic and I don’t want to attribute it to the Russian style. This is a terrible time. The most difficult economic conditions, devastation, civil war that followed the revolution and the most brutal policy of war communism. People were simply dying of hunger, they were not able to get basic hygiene products and household items, what kind of fashion could we talk about. There were clothes that personified a harsh and ruthless time. It’s a pity that it all happened, everything collapsed, one of the reasons is the banal envy of Europeans in relation to wealth in Russia, the photos are excellent evidence, as it was, for example, in the village then and now.

Thank you for your attention!