Business (office) clothing style for women. Business style for women: looking for beauty in an office dress code

Do you want me to turn off the light in your eyes and spoil your mood with just one phrase?

"From this day forward, the strictest dress code is introduced in your office!"

Do you want me to tell you what picture has now arisen before your eyes?

And, of course, this one!

Well, girls, the pictures are really disgusting. If you do not want to dress like that, then I understand you :-)

If you think that what is shown in these pictures refers to the modern business style, I suggest that you erase your memory, and then sit back and get acquainted with how business clothes should actually look like.

Because dressing like in the pictures above is SIMPLY INCORRECT!

It is also extremely disadvantageous in terms of career and self-esteem.

You will feel dull in such terrible things. This time. Sad people don't impress anyone. This is two.

By the way, there are three more. From not understanding what modern business clothes look like, you can be thrown to the other extreme. And you will join the ranks of girls in guipure blouses and trendy sweatpants. Or rows of "cozy", but very unbusinesslike women in gray blouses!

How to dress stylishly for work?

I have already explained to you about the importance of having a stylish one, so I will not repeat myself. I'll just say this.

We live in the era of personal brands. Emphasizing your individuality is the TREND of the times. And the law of the local jungle. If you are not remembered, then you are forgotten.

We spend about 15 seconds to form our impression of a person.

That is, you won’t even have time to utter a word, as I will already think about you and “decide” everything. What are you "rastaka" or no.

Both in personal life and at work, decisions are made at lightning speed. Didn't like it at first sight? All! Past!

Let's leave personal life for now. This is a different story.

Let's continue about the career.

What do you think, do you want to raise the girl-gray-mouse? Yes, half the office does not even know about its existence, not like the boss!

Do you want to upgrade a leggy-lipped blonde in a miniskirt to panties? Hmm, I want to do something different with it, it is possible, of course, that for this you will have to increase it ... Well, here everyone decides for himself how to pave the way up.

Do you want to promote an eccentric fashionista who herself does not realize in which office and by whom she works, and from which half of the employees and Clients fall into shock of varying degrees? Also a good question. Fashion is fashion, you know. Girls freaks are not trustworthy for everyone.

Well, dear edition? I listed 99% of the office staff for you. Who will we raise?

And here is her! The one that already looks like she got the job!

Perhaps she is not the most professional employee ... Not the most experienced ... Well, let's train. At least it’s not embarrassing or scary to show it. She is the visual embodiment of what a PRO should look like in her position. They meet something by clothes, there is no time to talk, there is neither strength nor time, to be honest. I want a person to come, you look at him and relax a little. And then I listened, and he also says smart, right things. Yes! Deal!

And in that order. I saw - I believed. He listened - received confirmation of his words.

Well, you don't go to dentists with rotten teeth, do you? No matter what the right things the doctor says, trust will be undermined at the same second!

And the crooked hairdresser?

Yes, we will even take an interview for any position. If HR does not like you outwardly, if you are poorly dressed, he will not let you go further and will not show ANYONE.

I have 15 acquaintances of recruiters and headhunters who howl like Belugas, because the candidates "speak their business", but they look terrible and there is no point in sending them further. And then, having seen this, the Customers will not even talk further with their recruitment agency. They will say that they do not understand the corporate culture and the needs of their customers.

My friend recruiters sometimes, realizing that they have an ideal candidate in terms of qualifications, find the strength and tact to recommend a person to dress differently and come again. To make sure that in this form it is still worth sending for an interview at the Company. That they will not "fly" on the cap for the discrepancy. But most of the time they don't do it at all. It's awkward somehow. If the candidate himself does not understand by a certain age how to dress at work and at an interview, then it is better to let him go home.

Being able to dress is also a professional characteristic.

Dress appropriately for the position and line of business of the company you work for.

Your main goal is to show who you are BEFORE communicating.

Your social and professional status should be reflected in your appearance.

So, returning to the creepy pictures at the very beginning of the article, if only for this reason, such a “business wardrobe” is a sooooo bad idea. Only a student in practice during the summer holidays or line staff can dress like this, who has the same uniform for everyone and there are no other options.

If you are not given a uniform at work, buy yourself the right wardrobe. For success, for your career, for your unique personal brand.

You still will not go to work naked, you will still spend the budget on things.

So do not spend on nonsense, think and INVEST in yourself wisely. And sell for more!

Types of office dress code

And if you need help creating the perfect wardrobe for a marathon up the career ladder, you are here. This is easy to learn. Not only is it simple, it is also very pleasant and interesting. You will be captured! I promise!


The strictest version of the office dress code.

No one is naked, no one is flowered. Guipure and lace are prohibited. Nothing short, nothing long.

The length of the skirt is plus or minus the width of a credit card from mid-knee.

At your disposal is a strict business suit in muted or light shades, sheath dresses, closed shoes with heels and without a platform, an A4 bag.

To whom? Banks, lawyers, state companies, officials, diplomats.

For what? To inspire confidence, demonstrate status and the highest degree of professionalism and reliability.

And only in your hands look like this

Or like this

After all, both options are acceptable within the strict requirements of this dress code.

But only those who know how to dress stylishly and know the rules by which colors are combined and styles suitable for your personal figure are chosen are capable of the second option, who knows how to distinguish modern basic things from the dull disgrace of white-blouses-black-skirts, like waiters. Do you want to learn? That way .

A few more good examples:


Modern, relaxed business style.

Leave the jacket. It won't work without it. Business.

A few trendy colors, a few trendy cuts, stylish accessories, a flawless fit, a play of prints and textures. All! You are the queen of the office!

To whom? 80% of office workers who want to look professional without losing their individuality.

Let's apply both in conservative, and in creative business. The sexiest, trendiest and most stylish dress code ever. I know you liked it too!

For what? To inspire confidence and look professional first, and then also stylish. Like. Demonstrate your individuality by creating a strong personal brand that all professionals, Clients, bosses and partners will know.

To dress in this style you need to have good taste. Do you want to develop and pump your stylish muscle? Correct solution! That way .


You do not meet with Clients and the boss? Are you pushing for a career? Do you have a cozy and quiet office and a business that does not need the trappings of status and power? Are you an ordinary performer?

Then a MODERN basic wardrobe is for you.

Again, if this picture appeared in your mind with the words "basic wardrobe", come to the School of Shopping, I will erase your memory.

And I will explain that a modern basic wardrobe is like this:

Well, then, you are all like that

  • professional
  • Stylish
  • Confident

Navigate a couple of career ladders and put all competitors on the shoulder blades.

Stylish images for the office

Business is war.

The right business wardrobe is your weapon and armor.

Nobody goes to war unarmed. Otherwise, you know what will happen.

PS: By the way, check what your man is fighting in there. If he looks unpresentable, he will not be promoted in most serious and successful businesses. And instead of understanding this one day and buying the right suit, you will wonder for years why the stupid but stylish Vasya has already been promoted three times, and Petya, so smart, has been stuck in the same position for the fifth year. The right look makes all the difference.

While women were true housewives, they dressed smartly and brightly. But the activity of emancipated ladies led to the fact that the girls wanted to be equal to men in everything - in opportunities, rights, knowledge, achievements. First, I had to abandon luxurious dresses and prefer the classic style of clothing in the wardrobe. Later, the requirements increased a little more, and in order to achieve victories in the world of male office games, the ladies had to change into dry and almost faceless business dress for women. Of course, you can see a certain charm and elegance in it, but the limited frames create serious problems for this.

Business styles: three levels of severity

Each office has its own rules - the corporate code. It regulates the style of behavior, the quality of communication, options for work rest, seminars and training, and, of course, business style for women. Why for women? Because for men in this regard, everything is simpler - classic suits and strict shirts. Ladies, on the other hand, have the talent to create fashionable bows from “nothing”, and this is not at all appreciated by employers. Therefore, the office style of clothing for women is regulated especially carefully!

There are three levels of business style rigor:

  1. Conservative or classic. As the photos show this office clothing style for girls, it is characterized by calm and only achromatic colors - black, noble gray and snow-white. Of all the variety of models, this can only be a suit. Pumps and strict jewelry are matched to it. Recommended for negotiations, meetings. Good for interviews.
  2. Everyday. The most common option and, as this business style in clothes for women photos shows, it is distinguished by great loyalty to colors, models, and accessories.
  3. Friday style or conditionally business. Allows the use of elements of casual or sport styles in combination with models of a classic strict orientation. Most often found in mid-range companies or used in established organizations as the world-famous "Friday style".

Since the most popular business style for women is casual, it is worth focusing on it when creating a quality wardrobe with a touch of personality. But liberties are allowed only at a minimum, since at work any woman is just a valuable employee and staff unit.

Business style for women: basic principles

Today, women increasingly prefer trousers to other outfits, but the office style of clothing for girls still implies a different direction. If you want to reach the top in the world of business, then you should give up trouser products in favor of dresses and skirts. It is they who, according to the canons of a business image, are considered the “correct” women's outfit.

When the right stylistic direction is set, it is easier to navigate in particulars. For working women, these nuances will be:

  1. Tights are a calm flesh color. They are matched to the color of the skin, as they should not stand out from the image. The quality of the products is exceptionally high - there should not be any arrows and clues.
  2. Linen. The business style of clothing for girls dictates the requirements here too. Linen must be! This moment is always specified specifically to cool the ardor of some original ladies. Products should match the tone of the base outfit - not stand out under the clothes in color or style.
  3. Accessories. Only strict, calm, corresponding to the office mood. No large, original and ethnic things - only jewelry and moderation in other details.

  1. Makeup and manicure. Officially, the business style of clothing should be set off by a suitable make-up. Today, nude shades are in trend, and they perfectly match the office style. For manicure, you should choose only varnishes that are neutral in shades.
  2. Perfume. The classic style in women's clothing is complemented by light fragrances. They should only be guessed, and not shock others with an intense train.
  3. Color spectrum. Restrained, allows the presence of rich deep, but not bright colors.
  4. Fabrics. Business style requires expensive solutions. Good quality means woolen and blended fabrics based on wool, silk options, linen and cashmere.

The remaining elements of a business women's wardrobe should be considered in detail and separately, since there are many nuances that must be taken into account.

Business style skirts: which ones to choose

The modern office style of clothing gives some choice. For example, if earlier only the model was allowed, today there are no such categorical restrictions. Among the possible styles, ladies can choose cut skirts:

  • tulip;
  • pencil;
  • Sun;
  • flare

The priority is a slightly tight-fitting silhouette and a strictly sustained length. Here, the solutions are similar to those shown by the photos demonstrating the classic style of clothing - the length is up to the knee and fluctuation is allowed approximately one palm up or down. But no minis! Maxis are allowed only in some organizations, but must be strictly maintained according to the mood in fabric and colors.

  • ruffles;
  • shuttlecocks;
  • frills;
  • transparency;
  • bright colors;
  • irregular length.

Assessing the business style in clothes for women from a photo, you pay attention to the rest of the wardrobe details. For skirts, these are jackets and blouses. They are subject to no less stringent requirements than the bottom of the office bow.

Business top: jackets, cardigans, blouses

Skirts and trousers in office style give a certain scope for choosing products. Of course, strict jackets are a priority, but models are allowed:

  • cardigans;
  • bolero;
  • jackets;
  • blazers.

To withstand the classic style of clothing for girls, only one thing is required - to achieve the perfect combination with the bottom.

  • silhouette - semi-fitted or fitted;
  • length - not shortened;
  • material - woolen or half-woolen;
  • color - black, olive, pastel shades;
  • ornament - a small strip, a cage, a herringbone.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of a blouse or office shirt. White is recommended for her, but with strict suits of achromatic tones, plain and colored blouses are allowed. Since the female business style of clothing requires a jacket or cardigan to be worn over blouses, the presence of a collar or jabot in models is welcome. This will emphasize the individuality and femininity of an office worker.

It is allowed to pick up for office style and dress. The requirements for them are similar to the rest of the business style criteria:

  1. strict style, ideally choose;
  2. obligatory jacket in the presence of a short sleeve at the dress;
  3. calm shades;
  4. expensive materials;
  5. minimal accessories.

As the photos showing the office style of clothing for women show, pants are allowed in the business world for girls. Straight, high waist and neutral colors only.

Office bow: what not to risk

The business classic style in women's clothing imposes very significant restrictions. They fall into the taboo category.

Clothing style is the calling card of any person, it is a way to tell others about who you are. This is especially important in the business sector, where often the first impression provides an opportunity to establish successful partnerships. In addition, the office style of clothing is strictly regulated and at first glance leaves little room for self-expression. However, it is possible.

Features of office clothing style

Almost all modern corporations today are moving to a more democratic business style. Rarely where you will meet a strict requirement to wear only a white top and a black bottom. Therefore, modern business people, deciding what to wear to work, can afford many options for a business suit.

There are three types of business attire:

  • Classic style- this is just the strictly regulated office style of clothing, obliging to wear a white shirt with a black skirt for women and trousers for men. Heels for women should be minimal, and ties for men should not be bright. Other permitted colors include navy blue, beige, gray and brown.

  • Casual business style- the most common at the present time. It is based on the classic, but allows you to combine colors and shades, textures. To this outfit, you can add discreet accessories and diversify shoes.

  • "Friday" style- in many companies on Friday it is allowed to wear what is called casual, that is, jeans, strict sneakers or loafers, T-shirts without bright prints, generally adding color and freedom to clothes are allowed.

However, in addition to colors and styles, there are other requirements for office clothing style. So, women's skirts should not be too short or too long. When choosing a blouse or shirt, you need to pay attention to the fabric - it should not be shiny, stick to the body, or wrinkle too much. It is better to choose natural fabrics - cotton, silk, knitwear, tweed. No need to choose too tight pants, both for men and women. The same rule applies to women's skirts and blouses.

How to create your business image

In order to choose what to wear to work, all things from a business wardrobe should go well with each other. Ideally, you need to make a capsule, that is, determine a number of things that fit together and go to the appearance of its owner for the perfect office style of clothing. With a capsule compiled in your head or on a computer, you need to go to the store and buy only the intended things. Then it will not turn out that the purchased skirt is combined with only one blouse, and for the rest of the days you need another “bottom”.

A sample capsule for women might look like this:

  • Classic suit consisting of a jacket and a skirt or trousers;
  • 4-5 business-style shirts or blouses, 2 of them must be white;
  • Cardigan or jacket in a calm shade;
  • Sheath dress;
  • Classic fit jeans;
  • Shoes with comfortable heels, preferably 2 pairs - black and beige pumps;
  • Strictly shaped bag.

Throw in a few accessories (a watch, a scarf, neat earrings) and this small set will allow you to create 6-7 different looks, enough to show up to the office in fresh clothes every day.

There are strict dress codes. All office items should have a simple style and not contain pretentious elements. The optimal length of the skirt is up to the knee or slightly lower, it can vary by 2-3 centimeters. Pants should be chosen straight, not too tight and not flared, with a classic waistline. The jacket in the traditional version has a straight silhouette, and its length should be about 10 centimeters below the waist. A blouse is another important element of business attire; it should have a straight cut without ruffles, bows, folds and other decorative elements. The color of the blouse is white or pastel shades.

If you choose a dress, then it should be a “case” model made of plain fabric, classic style and dense texture. The dress should fit well, not change its shape after washing (therefore, it is important to pay close attention to the quality of the fabric). A business wardrobe is generally better to be made up of quality items. At any time of the year, in any weather, flesh-colored tights or stockings should be worn. Even in the summer heat, it should be thin tights to match the skin color. Black tights or stockings are unacceptable in a classic business version, especially during the day.

The general color scheme of business-style clothing includes conservative and formal tones: black, blue, gray or brown. In summer, you can wear white, beige, caramel shades. It is desirable to have a pattern of business clothes in a single color or in a vertical strip.

Of the shoes, the most preferable are classic pumps of the usual black color: closed shoes, closed toe, closed heel. Elegance that emphasizes formality.

What exactly can not be worn in the office? Tight clothes, blouses and skirts with frank cutouts, tops, sundresses, exposing the back, shoulders, neckline. Decorative elements are highly undesirable: ruffles, sleeves, bows, sequins, beads. You can not appear even in the most intense heat in the office without pantyhose. No slippers, sandals. Heel maximum 5 cm. You can not wear massive, bright, catchy jewelry. Everything should be restrained and minimalist.

business casual

This is a style that will allow you to look businesslike and at the same time feel comfortable. The advantages of business casual style are in its diversity. This style allows you to combine many pieces of clothing and complement them with accessories, creating completely different looks. Let's say a white shirt with a skirt and trousers will look completely different if you add them with some accessories and jewelry.

Since business casual is still a business style, the color scheme here remains restrained. But at the same time, it would not be kitsch to wear red trousers with a neutral gray jacket or, say, a lemon yellow shirt with strict gray trousers. The color speck should be present, but at the same time be sufficiently balanced. If one piece of clothing is bright, then the second should be muted.

The basis of the wardrobe should be designed in black, white and gray, which will not lose relevance for many more years. A stripe is also appropriate for business casual. For example, blue-white or gray-white. In spring, when the weather is still cool, it is important to wear a jumper over a blouse - this goes well with classic trousers and skirts.

smart casual

Another step to transition from business office wear to casual style. What falls under smart casual style? Unlike business casual, the color palette in this style can be brighter, but in general elements with restrained shades should be preserved. Bright and acidic shades are not allowed. Here it is permissible to wear skirts above the knee with various prints. Although the classic pencil skirt is included in the style, jeans are a common wardrobe item in smart casual. Preferably classic, dark blue, no scuffs or torn models. Here you can combine jeans with a turtleneck, knitted blouse, blouse, vest, silk blouse. Naturally, a jacket is recommended, this is such an indispensable attribute. But unlike the classics, more textured fabrics, such as velvet, are acceptable. Pants can be more diverse: both narrowed and wide.

Relevant beige, gray, blue, black, purple, burgundy colors. A dress is one of the most successful options in smart casual. Unlike a strictly business style, you can combine it with leggings and even trousers if you put it under the strap.

street casual

This is a popular style, the main one for use in everyday life. There are no boundaries or restrictions here, you can choose almost any thing and their combination. The main principle is worthy self-expression. This style is so multifaceted and wide that it includes most of the things we are used to. Here you can already combine ripped or leather jeans with a shirt, or tailored trousers with a T-shirt, or create layered sets, for example, combine a glamorous dress and sweatshirt. All this is included in street casual, unpredictable street fashion: hats, printed T-shirts, semi-sports shoes, the presence or absence of a heel. And all this in combination with a variety of accessories. The main purpose of this style is to express and emphasize your individuality, to create an interesting and unique image.

Sport casual

This is somewhat ennobled sporty style. It is intended not so much for sports as for country walks, recreation, shopping, etc. The peculiarity of the sport casual style is the choice of sportswear, which we will combine with elements of everyday style. In this it is not much different from the street. This also includes jeans, T-shirts, voluminous vests, knitwear, various hats, comfortable low-speed shoes, caps, sneakers. The main element is the addition of accessories: neckerchiefs, sunglasses, elegant handbags that will make you stand out and emphasize your individuality.

Chic casual

This style is characterized by light elegance, simple, quite ordinary things, but at the same time sewn from expensive or rare materials, are suitable for its creation. In general, chic casual is a combination of casual and designer clothes. It is quite comfortable, yet elegant.

Style is embodied with the help of flowers, feminine accessories that will add the necessary elegance. This is a story of reincarnation. It is indispensable when you have little time to change clothes, but you need to get from the office, for example, to a secular party or even to the theater. Here, elegant accessories are a real salvation that will help transform. Chic casual is often chosen by "stars", who always need to be prepared for the fact that they will be in various places and at any time they can get on camera. The main rule is to combine simple and comfortable things with bright accessories, outstanding shoes and bags.

Natalia Dashkevich, stylist, image consultant, personal shopper


Reading time ≈ 8 minutes

Life in a modern city leaves a certain imprint on all areas of a woman's life and the wardrobe is no exception. The business style of clothing for girls and women of age has its own distinctive features. Much is dictated by a strict dress code, but something is influenced by seasonal fashion trends. The proposed office fashion in 2019 is distinguished by a certain color palette and the ability to complement the bow with various accessories, including textile ones.

Women's business style of clothing is traditionally divided into types used depending on the current situation. There are images for negotiations and everyday office visits, business trips and corporate events. All these subtleties should be taken into account. You can read about how to choose women's clothing for a business wardrobe for 2019 in the proposed article. You can also look at photos of new products and types of office style, some models of suits and skirts, blouses and jackets:

What is the business style of clothing for girls in 2019 (with photo)

What is your daily wardrobe made up of? Of course, from the basic elements of clothing, which, with the right choice, should be combined with each other and complement each other. Women's business style for girls in 2019 is no exception - there are no trendy new products here, everything is quite standard and prosaic. These are classic trousers and pencil skirts, traditional white blouses and shirts are complemented by pastel shades. However, for those places where smart casual style is allowed in a casual look, a blouse can be saturated blue, blue, burgundy and green.

All sorts of forms of suits have firmly fit into the women's business style of clothing. It is more profitable to have a three-piece or four-piece suit. In this case, the set includes a skirt and trousers, a jacket and a vest. Paired with a few blouses, turtlenecks and shirts, these office staples create a solid base for a day-to-day look. You can complement it with a beautifully tied neck silk scarf and sophisticated pumps.

In summer, suitable shoes are sandals and open-toed shoes. In the autumn period, these can be classic ankle boots and boots with tops just below the knee. Treads in this version are a rather awkward option for choosing shoes.

Look at the photo of the new business style clothing for girls for 2019:

The presented bows include a variety of options for blouses and jackets, skirts and trousers. But what styles are better to choose in a particular case - we will consider further.

Types of business attire: classic office, formal and casual

Even in such an area as business, there is always room for creativity and imagination. Types of business style of clothing for a modern woman are divided according to their purpose. It turns out that it is not at all necessary to constantly walk in a strict jacket, fastened with all buttons. There is the so-called casual business style of a woman's clothing, which implies a more free form.

Here, small prints on a skirt and jacket, multi-colored blouses, bracelets and rings will be just right. As part of such a bow, sundresses and vests, sleeveless jackets and skirts with an elegant type of cut - godet, pleating, pleating, flared are often used. This also includes knitted cardigans and vests, thin sweaters and. The opposite is the official business style of clothing, and in the middle is the classic office style. Look at the photo examples of such bows and choose exactly what is closer in your situation:

Modern clothing styles of a business person are sometimes actively transformed under the influence of the dominant fashion trends of the year. In 2019, a similar bias is observed mainly in the area of ​​​​comfort. Elastic, practical fabrics come into fashion, which wrinkle less and practically do not hinder movement. Knitted blazers and skirts become the basis for many office bows. A thin turtleneck or knitted top often replaces the classic one.

Consider the classic office style of clothing, which involves a certain combination of colors and cuts of products. It includes all straight skirts and trousers, strict blouses and shirts made of cotton and silk, plain neckerchiefs, fitted double-breasted jackets. No deviations in the direction of replacing the upper part with a light sweater or blouse are allowed here.

Main color palette: black, gray, brown, dark blue, white. It is better to refuse all shades of pink, blue, purple and green here. Look at the photo examples of the classic business style of clothing for women:

The most strict is the official business style of clothing, which includes only things of a certain format. Its distinguishing feature is the high price of the suit and expensive fabrics. Here it will be unacceptable to take a suit made of cotton linen and complement it with an openwork T-shirt.

Strict lapels of the English collar of the jacket, the complete absence of decorative trim on the skirt or trousers, perfect fit and a white shirt without ruffles and flounces. It is this bow that will be considered an official business image. Please note that it is inappropriate to use any other shoes except strict black pumps or boots made of smooth genuine leather without straps and other decorative trim.

Suit with a jacket, skirt and trousers in a business office style

A suit in a business office style can include both trousers and skirts. Moreover, experienced women of fashion can successfully combine a jacket from one suit with a couple of skirts, carefully matched to it according to the texture of the fabric and the color scheme. The situation is similar with trousers.

When choosing a suit with a skirt, you should think about the possibility of combining a jacket with trousers in the future, and sometimes with jeans of a standard cut. The photo shows options for combining these things in a casual and classic office style of images for girls and women:

Jacket styles include jackets, peplum models. All this is quite appropriate with a free style of office clothes. If there are no special requirements, then the jacket can be linen in the summer, satin, stretch, and even denim. Particularly popular in 2019 will be English-cut denim jackets with a one-color delay. Suitable denim colors are black and dark shades of grey.

Blouses should be chosen with great care. It should be remembered that the shirt itself should be strict and go well with the skirt. A harmoniously composed image can be completed with a neckerchief or tie. Also, do not neglect the possibility of using vests and sleeveless jackets.

Among the colors - the favorite is white, nude, beige, sky blue. A small cell, a thin vertical strip is welcome. From fabrics, you can choose cotton, silk, satin, chiffon, soft thin knitwear. Any prints should be left for free time.

Models remain a definite trend in office fashion in 2019. They should be mid-knee length. The preferred fabric is fine wool for fall/winter and linen for spring/summer. Currently popular colors are wet asphalt, deep blue, standard black, brown. In some cases, the burgundy color of the wine berry will be appropriate. The minimum number of buckles, wide shoulder straps, semi-round neck, patch pockets, fitted silhouette - all this will be relevant throughout the year.

Trousers for the office is a rather difficult choice, because you should immediately abandon the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bpurchasing fashionable bell-bottoms or tight-fitting pipes. Regular fit, straight fit and high waist are the main requirements. The length should reach the middle of the heel used. Preferred colors are burgundy, gray, white, black, brown.

Colors, accessories and shoes in a woman's business wardrobe

Colors and shades decide a lot. The same skirt style can be strict office if it is made in gray tones, and festive if it is a shiny material with a rich scarlet tint. The most sought-after colors are the whole gamut of soothing tones, from pure black to all sorts of shades of gray. White and pastel, brown and dark blue are always in demand. Green may be in demand depending on the corporate style of the company.

Accessories and shoes play a huge role. In the modern business wardrobe of a woman, there must be a collection of neckerchiefs and silk scarves that can instantly transform the bow. Also required are two pairs of pumps (beige and black), formal sandals, trouser boots, knee high boots, ankle boots (as needed).

From accessories, you should choose neutral products that do not attract attention. These can be stylish brooches, small in size, thin gold bracelets. Hair accessories should always be in the same color scheme with a common bow. Do not use bows, headbands with flowers, hairpins in acid colors.