Where to celebrate a child's birthday with a big company. Where to celebrate a child's birthday

It would seem that you have just arrived from the hospital and brought this tiny touching little man into your house, you have just fed him with your milk, you have just admired his first accomplishments, you have just heard his first words. It was all like yesterday.

But here he sits next to you and looks at you with his clear eyes, in which the huge blue sky seems to be reflected. He stands before you on the threshold of his sixth birthday. Yes, your child’s sixth birthday is approaching and, as always, you are wondering: where to celebrate the child’s birthday - 6 years old, because the entire subsequent holiday scheme depends on the choice of the venue for the celebration.

Options, on the one hand, a little, on the other, and a lot. If you celebrate a birthday at home, then you can and even need to invite an animator or an entire animation group to the holiday, as six-year-old children are incredibly sensitive to this kind of entertainment. If you dwell on the option of celebrating outside the walls of your native land, then organizing a solemn event frees you from many of the significant disadvantages of holding a home birthday.

  • Firstly, celebrating a birthday outside the walls of your home, you are freed from tidying up both before the holiday and after it.
  • Secondly, the time of the celebration becomes clearly regulated.
  • Thirdly, you will not need to try on the role of a leader and entertain children for several hours, attracting whose attention at this age is already quite problematic.
  • Fourthly, if you stop at a holiday, part of which will be held, for example, in a museum where various excursions for children are held, then both you and the children will have the opportunity not only to have a great time, but also to get new and useful information . All this will save your personal physical and emotional strength.

Where to celebrate the birthday of a child of 6 years old - options

A good option for celebrating is going to the cinema. Watching the long-awaited animated film in 3D or 5D format will bring joy to the birthday man and his friends. Now in many cinemas there are cafes and pizzerias. After the film show, a festive "feast" can be held there. The usual tea party with a cake at home or a walk with children in the park can also complete the holiday.

An equally attractive option would be a birthday in a bowling alley. This way to celebrate the holiday allows children to show their physical qualities and just have fun. You can organize a competition in accuracy and reward the winners with small prizes. And then in the same place to arrange a mini-tea party with cake, ice cream and cotton candy.

You can celebrate the birthday of a child - 6 years old in the game center. This is a simple, but no less attractive option. Before entering school, play activities are leading in children, so trampolines, slides, swings and all kinds of attractions will come in handy. Having frolic, your child and his dear guests, led by you, can go to a solemn tea party in honor of the birthday boy. It can take place both at your home - a more budget option, and in a children's cafe, which are located right in the game center.

How to celebrate the birthday of a child of 6 years old - guests and entertainment

A six-year-old child has already managed to acquire a large number of friends. Therefore, the birthday man will probably want to invite children from the kindergarten and from the yard to his birthday. In addition, your child has already developed his own "I", and he has his own clear opinion about who he wants to see at the holiday.

This opinion, of course, is worth listening to, but often parents are not able to fit a large number of children in their small house or pay for all the children, celebrating a birthday in a children's cafe. Therefore, you can stretch the holiday by dividing it into two days: on the first day you receive kindergarten friends of the birthday boy at home, on the second - friends from the yard.

Regardless of which place you have chosen for the holiday, you can not do without entertainment: games and competitions. In the case of a home birthday, there should be more of them than in the case of a celebration in another place. If the birthday takes place in the game center or in the bowling alley, you can invite the guys to play "card game" don't worry, playing cards have nothing to do with it.

The essence of this exciting game is that you lay out two stacks of small cardboard cards with questions and answers on the table, the children take them out in turn, as a result, one child has a card with a question in his hands, the other has an answer, the question is read first, then the answer. Since the cards are mixed up, the question and answer do not match, very funny and funny stories are obtained.

Children will also like the famous game "Guess". Divide the kids into two groups. Any member of the first team must depict something with the help of gestures and facial expressions, without resorting to verbal expression. The task of the second team is to guess what it shows. Then the groups change places. The team with the most correct answers wins. It is advisable that the guys, before the start of the pantomime show, tell you in your ear what exactly they are going to portray, so you will avoid the cunning tricks on the part of the kids that are characteristic of them at this age.

The funny game "Tails" will amuse children and give them a good mood. Choose two guys, each of them tie a belt around the waist, the end of which is tied in a knot. The task of the players is to spin and dodge each other (but not run away) so that the opponent cannot grab the knot on the “tail”. The one who first falls into the hands of another loses this competition.

What to give a child at 6 years old for his birthday?

What's a birthday without a gift? For children of six years of age, it would be appropriate to present a present in two stages: in the morning give the child a small gift, and leave the main one for the evening, when all the guests are assembled. For a boy of this age, Lego sets, transformers, games for PSP, as well as various educational and board games are appropriate; sports gifts: children's punching bag, two-wheeled bicycle, table tennis, football and hockey, boomerang, skis, rollerblades and skates. Also, the birthday boy will be delighted with a small microscope, binoculars, a home planetarium, a magnifying glass and a globe, since the age of six years is the age of active knowledge of the world and its structure.

Girls of the age of six are actively preparing for entering school, and they are interested in everything related to it. You can please your daughter with children's encyclopedias, plasticine, paints and other creative kits, or a new backpack and bag. But do not forget that your daughter is still a small child, and she is still interested in pink horses and ponies that sing songs, dolls that can talk, doll houses, a children's sewing machine, educational computer games and sets of children's cosmetics. In any case, whatever your choice, the main thing is to surprise the child. A game music center that connects to a computer or TV will be appreciated by both boys and girls.

Having bought the right gift, pack it in a bright and colorful package and decorate it with ribbons, beads, stars and butterflies, all this will enhance the impression of the present. Or you can go the original way: put a gift in a huge box, and pour small soft toys or sweets on top. Presenting the gift to the birthday man, do not forget about the kind words addressed to him. Tell us how much you love him, how glad you are that he appeared in your life six years ago, and how much you cherish him.

The end of the holiday

It is from the age of six that children begin to treat their birthday in a special way. They already understand its value, its importance and meaning. In order for the child to have a positive idea of ​​​​this holiday and he later waited for its onset, certain holiday traditions should be introduced into the celebration program, adhering to which you can instill a child’s love for the family and for family holidays. The usual “loaf”, the songs “Happy Birthday to You” and the song of the Crocodile Gena, pulling the ears and blowing out the candles on the birthday cake are all traditions of celebrating a birthday in Russia.

But if you want to make your child's holiday really memorable and original, read about the customs that are observed in Europe or in North and South America. For example, you can hide a coin in the cake, finding which the birthday person will find out that this is a sign of his future well-being, or instead of pulling the hero of the occasion by the ears, toss him into the air according to the number of years he has turned - this is how they do it in the UK.

Or plunge with the birthday man into the history of birthday celebrations in Germany, where the tradition came from to present the hero of the occasion with a cake with lit candles, which should burn on the cake all day, and only in the evening the birthday man blew them out. On every birthday of their child, the Danes hang a bright flag outside the window, informing all passers-by about the great and joyful event in their family. Why don't you do the same original way?

And you can observe an interesting custom practiced in Thailand. On the birthday of a child, it is customary to release an animal into the wild. Of course, it’s not worth driving your dog or cat out on your face, but what prevents you from acquiring special pigeons and releasing it into the sky together with your child? In any case, no matter what tradition you choose, the main thing is the attention, love and care that you will surround your child with on his sixth birthday.

In conclusion, see the instructions on how to launch sky lanterns. What is not an alternative to pigeons?

It is still far from hormonal storms, contradictions in actions in particular and in behavior in general, far from dividing the world into “black and white”, but in the structure of your child’s consciousness there are already certain shifts towards independence and interest in the opposite sex.

Therefore, one of the most pressing parental questions: "Where to celebrate the birthday of a child - 11 years old" can be answered - anywhere, most importantly - without the active participation of adults, but under their control and supervision invisible to children.

Yes, eleven-year-olds prefer to celebrate their birthday without their parents, but of course, you must be present anyway to ensure the safety of the birthday boy and his guests. Leading roles can be given to the guys themselves. It is imperative to involve the hero of the occasion in preparing the birthday and developing the script.

The children present at the celebration should have enough freedom and time to enjoy plenty of communication with each other, because at the age of eleven, it is friends, not parents, who come first.

The choice of the scenario for the birthday of an eleven-year-old child depends not only on the financial situation of his family, but also on the tastes and preferences of the birthday man and, importantly, all his friends. Maybe the hero of the occasion and his comrades are united by some particular passion or hobby? Then it would be appropriate to rely on them when organizing a holiday. Show a little imagination and everything will work out!

Where to celebrate a child's birthday - 11 years old

In matters of choosing a place to celebrate the birthday of an eleven-year-old child, parents are divided into two groups. Some believe that the best place for a solemn event would be at home. The second insist that children of this age are already crowded within the framework of a home holiday, and even competitions and games organized and offered by adults are completely indifferent to modern children. Which of them is right, we will not undertake to judge, everyone chooses the appropriate option for themselves.

The only thing that needs to be stopped here is the enumeration of places that are no longer relevant for celebrating the birthday of a child who turns eleven years old. Leave in the past children's cafes with clowns, fairies and other fairy-tale characters. A trip to a museum, theater and zoo will also not meet with enthusiasm from your child. With a home holiday, everything is usually clear, but a celebration outside its walls sometimes still raises questions. Which? Read on.

Many parents stop at such a celebration option as going to a pizzeria. Why is this option so attractive? The fact that it gives children of early adolescence the opportunity for full communication in a friendly environment. That gives them a sense of "adulthood". And, finally, the fact that at a minimum cost you will organize a holiday for your child that meets all his wishes.

General points on how to celebrate a birthday

Early adolescence has entered into its legal rights, and now girls prefer a purely female company, and boys invite only “real men” to their holiday. Therefore, it makes sense to allow the daughter to confine herself to inviting her friends to her birthday, the same applies to the birthday boy, with the only difference that he will invite his friends to him.

If you are going to celebrate the holiday at home, then first agree with the parents of the invited children that the children stay with you overnight. This will bring a little “extreme” to your child’s holiday and allow children to keep secrets over a “night mug” of tea and scare each other with “horror stories”.

For boys of eleven years old, you can organize team sports or captivate the guys with intellectual tasks. An excellent option is also the game "Mafia", various experiences and experiments. If the holiday takes place outdoors, then it’s a sin not to arrange sports competitions, bike shows or a football match. Well, if you in this case take on the role of a judge or presenter.

The girls will surely like master classes in make-up and hairdressing, a holiday in the style of a “fashion week”, a disco and intellectual games: quizzes, riddles. You can arrange a photo session for young ladies, shoot a music video with a birthday girl in the title role, or arrange competitions like the ever-popular TV show “What? Where? When?". Three different contestants are invited to sing three completely different songs, and the melody of the song will not match its content. In addition to the participants, the competition requires the presence of a jury. The task of the singing children is not to lose the rhythm and not to forget the words of the song during the competition. The winner is the one who coped with this difficult test. Children are divided into pairs. The first in a pair is the one whose appearance is to be changed, the second is the one who will deal with this difficult task. The competition requires a variety of clothing and easily washable makeup. There may be several winners here. The nominations “The most charming person without a fixed place of residence”, “The brightest and most daring make-up” and “The most lightning-fast reincarnation” will allow all children participating in the competition to receive their share of attention. Two children are blindfolded and offered to draw an animal on a large drawing paper. One participant needs to draw, for example, a bear, the second - a horse. Naturally, the guys think that they are drawing the same animal. Then the next pair of players starts the game. Paradoxically, the two with the funniest picture wins.

What to give a child for the eleventh birthday

One of the most common mistakes parents make when choosing a gift is a present - a toy. Your child has already grown up and, most likely, such a turn of events will not cause him anything but bewilderment. Although this caveat does not apply to board games.

It is not worth giving money for the eleventh birthday either - this is an “adult” gift, such a present is possible only if the child himself asked for it in order to buy something significant on his own, something for which he has been saving money for a long time.

Various puzzles, chess and checkers, backgammon and economic board games, which allow not only having fun, but also training logical and abstract thinking, will be great gifts for a birthday boy. He will also like the gift - sports equipment, whether it be new skates, a kimono for martial arts, a hockey stick and a puck, in general, any attributes that allow the boy to grow up dexterous and strong.

Collectible cars on stands, models for gluing, city constructor - all these gifts should please. In any case, draw on your knowledge of your son's preferences, hobbies, and favorite hobbies when choosing a gift for his eleventh birthday.

Eleven-year-old girls begin to think about their femininity and with might and main imitate the older representatives of the beautiful half of humanity. If you give your daughter a set of cosmetics with colorless lipstick and mascara, sparkling shadows, or please her with a new bottle of light floral perfume and a manicure set in a beautiful case, she will surely say to you: “Thank you.”

Avoid gifts such as expensive jewelry. It is unlikely that your daughter will appreciate expensive gold earrings, she will be much more interested in ordinary jewelry, which you can change at least every day, because girls of this age are so fickle. Bright straps and beautiful handbags, a new dress and trendy trousers - this is what all girls need without exception.

Festive feast for the eleventh anniversary

Eleven-year-olds are famous for their good appetite. Their growing body requires a lot of energy. Therefore, the festive table should be distinguished by a wide variety of dishes. They can be quite simple, but there must be a lot of them to satisfy the nutritional needs of all those invited to the holiday.

Organize a buffet table or buffet. This will allow children to move freely around the premises in which the holiday is held, without focusing their attention on the holiday “gatherings” they do not like so much. Any guest can come to the table at a convenient time for him and refresh himself when his body requires it.

You can serve sandwiches, canapes, snacks on skewers and soft drinks to this table. The crown of the festive table, as before, will be a cake with candles, because no matter what the guys say, they are still children who believe in miracles and love surprises.

Maria Vyalykh
Women's legs.ru

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The ideas for this collection are borrowed from acquaintances and friends, read on the forums of parents, taken from the numerous letters from the organizers of the holidays that come to my mail.

If I forgot something, please add it in the comments, let the children of the whole country be satisfied and happy :-).

1. Sports birthday

For such a case, a group of children with adults is supposed to leave for a special club.


After the 2014 Olympics, there was another surge of interest in this sport. Children will pick up shoes, instruct, tell the rules of the game. If you have 2 teams of 4 people, go ahead! There are many clubs, but it is better to rent tracks in advance at a convenient time.


A great option for a child's birthday when there are many children with a big age difference among the invitees. Bowling is perfect for a mixed company of adults and children.


Oh ... There will be a lot of impressions. It's really scary, although it's just bright paint flying at you, not a bullet. There are special programs for children's holidays in the clubs, it will not be boring. By the way, girls are also happy to participate in such a war.

As a rule, in all institutions you will be offered a cafe or a separate room to deliciously “complete” your birthday.

3. Holiday with hosts or animators

This is how it happens for us:

  • You choose the theme of the holiday (we have a much wider choice of standard pirates and princesses). We have a lot of funny characters in high-quality costumes, only professional actors.
  • Choose the number of actors. Of course, one can do it, but if you invite two, in addition to competitions, you can count on a mini-performance, as the characters will exchange remarks. Everything happens much more interesting, without pauses and hitches (one animator will need to disappear from time to time and prepare another prop).
  • Animators arrive 30 minutes before the start of the holiday, call up the parents. it is better to change clothes with neighbors, but if this is not possible, the actor should be quietly let into the apartment, given the opportunity to prepare. In a few minutes, he will already ring loudly at the door in the form of Spider-Man.

Of course, it is always good when there is enough free space in the room for the holiday. Competitions will be more diverse, children will be more active, parents will be calmer :-). If this is not the case, there are special scenarios for small apartments, in which, in addition to comic contests, there will be a creative master class and interesting board games.

4. Game center (all at once)

This is a whole play town under one roof, in which different entertainment areas are combined into a single space, but at the same time, each group of adults and children can enjoy their own holiday.

These are quests, hide and seek in the dark, laser tag, a climbing wall, virtual attractions, pools with balls for kids, creative zones, photons and tables for tea drinking. Certainly convenient. How many games you book and for how long is up to you. Comfortable and really festive.

13. Cafe with an animator

In this case, the emphasis is on the feast, which is diluted with games and contests with the actor. It is convenient if the cafe has a games room. Usually we book a table next to such a room to watch the children.

Minus: there are a lot of strangers in the cafe. It happens that other people's children participate in competitions and ask for prizes :-). So what to do? Don't drive them away? All visitors to the cafe have the right to use the game room.

For children 9-11 years old, you can organize a culinary master class right in the cafe. My daughter and her friends made pizza, brought boxes to their parents as a gift.

5. Exit quest (host with props comes to you)

Field quests can be organized at home, in a cafe, in the courtyard of a house or school, in a children's club, in a nearby park, in nature, in special decorations.

A detective, historical or fantastic plot is twisted, in which each participant has his own role and his own task. The game involves professional actors who appear at the most unexpected moment and throw new clues, ideas and "artifacts" to the children.

8. Everyone cares (literally)

This is a musical rhythm game. A team-building program, during which you need to enter into a single rhythm of your team, master many small noise instruments (percussion), learn your part on the darbuka drum and in the finale unite into a single orchestra.

9. Creating a cartoon and other master classes

Great idea! I often hear rave reviews, with pleasure I recommend for a children's birthday to all parents.

Where to hold the master class:

  • master class can be held at home (you need a free large table)
  • in the cafe
  • at the kids club
  • in a special room equipped for creative master classes (outdoor event)

What else happens?

There is a painting of gingerbread, the preparation of chocolates, modeling from sugar mastic. In total - 30 options, you will find to your liking.

Among I will highlight creative master classes painting glass, stones, ceramics and wooden toys, painting T-shirts, soap making and making gel candles, painting with sand in a bottle and decorating Venetian masks, pottery, lampwork, marzipan figurines, making jewelry. Everything is very interesting, souvenirs remain as a keepsake.

10. Birthday at the culinary studio

A wonderful and emotional holiday, during which the children prepare treats for themselves under the guidance of a great chef. It's fun, delicious and very photogenic.

11. For "little Einsteins"

Thanks to the organizers of the holidays for the opportunity to “touch” science with your hands. In every major city in Russia there are museums that offer children an interactive study of objects and phenomena.

“Museum Adventures” is arranged by estate museums, art galleries, historical, geological, zoological and paleontological museums, theaters, planetariums, oceanariums.

This is not an easy tour! This is a performance with the participation of actors and guests, in which you need to look for and hide copies of the exhibits, solve mysteries, conduct experiments and make discoveries.

If you invited 5-6 children to a child’s birthday, this is ideal, since large groups in this format of the holiday are not welcome.

By the way, you can choose a whole tour with games and contests. Something like this...

13. Rope course

Large parks have ready-made obstacle courses where you can arrange individual and team competitions. Of course, this is only suitable for the spring-summer season. Very fun and reckless, at the end of the holiday - pleasant fatigue and a lot of impressions.

In Panda Park, for example, there are programs with animators in costumes who organize an interesting competitive program on rope structures.

15. Interactive science show

It's not just impressive and spectacular! These are real physical and chemical experiments that clearly demonstrate the properties of objects and the essence of phenomena!

Children will control lightning, experiment with nitrogen, dry ice and carbon dioxide. Everything is absolutely safe and insanely interesting! I have no doubt that adults will also discover a lot of new things.

17. Fitness club

There is one subtlety. You will only be allowed to hold a children's sports party in a fitness club if one of the parents has an annual subscription. The animator will be in sportswear, and the competitions are all "Olympic". Often part of the holiday takes place in the children's pool, which all children are madly in love with. The program is not just fun, but also health-improving. Great!

18. Water park

All children love water attractions, so a birthday in the water park is a real holiday. The program with animators, as a rule, does not take much time (15-30 minutes), it is paid separately from entrance tickets.

I think that most of all the water park is suitable for a small company of children and adults. Better, let everyone be with their mothers, otherwise you yourself will have to dry the long hair of each girlfriend with a hairdryer :-).

You can feed guests only in the “wet” cafe of the water park, but there is something in this, you see.

19. Go to the kids club

It makes no sense to describe any one children's club now, since in every district of the city there are excellent establishments equipped for holidays. The animators in the clubs are full-time, so collect the reviews of moms from neighboring yards to know who to choose.

Amusement park "Immersion"
From 4 years old

Immersion is a new format of entertainment for the whole family, the park is located in the main family vacation aggregator in Moscow - in the Riviera shopping center. The park has playgrounds, many sports and intellectual action games.

The total area of ​​the park is 3,500m2. On the territory there are 5 themed banquet halls, 12 performances with actors, special programs for children (game + banquet hall + show programs + food).
For adults - programs for stag and hen parties.
The park has games for all ages - from the Kids zone to an erotic performance (18+).

Legion laser tag club
From 6 years old

Celebrating a child's birthday at a laser tag club is always a great idea. The brand new Legion club has 2 playgrounds, 3 banquet halls. It is conveniently located 2 minutes walk from the subway.
Children are entertained by professional instructors-animators who have dozens of game scenarios in stock. The club has a variety of gaming equipment: machine guns, submachine guns, pistols, grenades, tactical shields, control points, combat bases, first aid kits, command posts, combination locks, bombs, etc.
And a very affordable price for the holidays - the average bill for a three-hour birthday is up to 15,000 rubles.


From 0 years

In Motor city Grand, you can organize a holiday, the program of which includes a set of exciting tasks and tests. Animation programs for different ages have been developed for the birthday boy and his guests, and there is a whole City of Racers with real attributes of the highway: Gas station, Wash, DPS, Ministry of Emergency Situations and a fleet of children's electric vehicles.
Among the programs: Police quest, Transformers and dances of the missing crystal, School of spies or spy stuff, Fire alarm (program - Initiation into Firefighters). And also - Mafia or a robbery in Italian based on the movie "Robbery in Italian" and the game "Crane Kranych or Bob the Builder".

From 1 year

In the children's CITY OF BUILDERS on the territory of the shopping center "Riviera" there are three themes: construction, pirate and marine. Children operate a tower crane, a conveyor or a conveyor belt, load and deliver soft bricks and huge Lego blocks to a construction site, build houses and erect skyscrapers from soft bricks, and also frolic in the water play area, play sea battle and set ships sailing . And waterproof vests will help you stay afloat even in the midst of fun.

At the disposal of children - complete construction equipment (helmets, vests, trowels and hammers) and a whole arsenal of construction equipment. Here the work of a whole brigade is going on, led by young foremen. In addition to soft bricks, there are large Lego blocks with which the guys build buildings and lay the wall of a glass house.

A construction or pirate themed birthday program will appeal to both boys and girls.

Entertainment center LaserLand
From 6 years old

LaserLand is a network of entertainment centers in Moscow. The main entertainment in the centers is laser tag, the total area of ​​arenas for the game is 1900 sq.m. All arenas have a different design, mostly in a space style.
All centers host children's parties with any theme: from Disney Princesses to Star Wars. In addition to the holiday, guests can order cakes and desserts (there is their own confectionery), show programs and master classes. The pricing policy for children's holidays is different, each guest will find what he likes and can afford.

Darwin Museum
6 to 12 years old

A birthday party at the Darwin Museum consists of a 1.5 hour interactive tour and tea in a private tea room. You can bring the cake and all the treats with you, one hour is allocated for the meal. There are 5 different themes to choose from. After the end of the program, you can walk around the museum and see the interactive exposition "Walk the path of evolution." You need to pay for a children's holiday in the museum, where you can also buy nice invitation cards for guests.

Museum "Experimentanium"
4 to 15 years old

Children's birthdays at Esperimentanium are celebrated on a scientific scale, and birthdays are congratulated free of charge on the museum radio. There are several different scenarios to choose from, designed for children 4-6, 7-11 years old and teenagers from 13 years old. All programs last exactly 1 hour and are interactive games with a variety of puzzles and tasks that involve active interaction with the museum exhibits.
Additionally, you can order a festive banquet in the museum cafe (menu options - 370 or 430 rubles per person), and bring a birthday cake with you (bringing drinks is prohibited).

Moscow Planetarium
6 to 14 years old

There are several scenarios for birthdays in the Planetarium: "Save the Planet of Knowledge" (6-9 years old), "Expedition to Distant Planets", "Star Team" (8-11 years old), "Intergalactic Intelligence" (9-12 years old). You can take the course of a young cosmonaut and learn how real space pilots are trained in just an hour. Each program includes an excursion and competitions lasting 1 hour, as well as a session in the Big Star Hall (30-50 minutes) or a 4D cinema (15 minutes).
All participants will receive memorable prizes and souvenirs. Additional services: face painting and photography services. You can arrange a festive feast in the Telescope cafe (you can choose from a sweet table with desserts and ice cream and a full meal with hot, snacks and salads).

Adventure Museum "Living History"

From 7 years old

The Living History Museum offers to celebrate a child's birthday by going on a journey through time. There are 7 historical eras and 7 extraordinary programs to choose from. Any program consists of an interactive part (1.5 hours) and tea drinking (1 hour). Tea and utensils are provided by the museum, you can bring everything else with you. It is not necessary to come to the museum to book a holiday. The order is made by phone.
Programs: "Adventures in the knight's castle" (9-12 years old), "Treasure hunt" (7-11 years old) - children themselves will be able to try how it was: carry buckets on the yokes, handle the grip, spin on a spinning wheel, shoot from a real Luke; “The secret behind the seven locks. Medieval Japan” (8-12 years old), “Expedition to Ancient Egypt” (8-12 years old), “Treasure of Agra. Ancient India” (8-12 years old), “The Great Journey to the Stone Age” (7-11 years old), “Time Code. Ancient Rome” (9-12 years old) – it will be possible to try on the armor of a centurion and a legionnaire, dress up as beautiful Roman women.

Museum of Animation
From 5 years

As part of the holiday, children will take a guided tour of the museum, shoot their own cartoon and watch it on the big screen along with other animation novelties, take part in a master class and learn how to create cartoons in the computer program “Animator for Yourself”. The birthday boy will receive a museum diploma and a DVD with his own cartoon as a gift, and all participants will get a disk with a program for creating cartoons as a keepsake.
You can choose an economical or full version of the program. In addition to the activities already listed, the full version of the holiday includes congratulations from the museum mascot - Grandfather Cartoonych, a solemn removal of the cake, a children's disco and tea drinking.

Museum of Soviet slot machines
Any age

There are no special programs for children's birthdays in the museum, but you can rent the entire room after hours or have a picnic on the museum balcony. In the first case, the museum will be entirely at the disposal of the birthday boy and his guests, who will be able to play on the slot machines as much as they like. The second option involves gatherings on the balcony, designed for 10 people, and the birthday boy and his friends will receive 15 game tokens. During the festival, a museum employee will be present in the room, who can tell about the exhibits, explain the rules of the game or help in controlling the machines.
Parents can bring all the treats with them, and you can also order tea, coffee, milkshakes or drink soda from a Soviet machine in a local cafe.

Museum of fairy tales "Once upon a time"
5 to 11 years old

During the celebration of the birthday, the birthday boy and guests will be invited to the hallway of the magical house, where many miracles will await them. In the company of fairy-tale characters, children will complete tasks and pass tests, lie on the stove, try on heroic armor, try rejuvenating apples and find a guiding star. The program is designed for 1.5 hours, after which the holiday can be continued in the courtyard with the parents. The birthday boy will receive a gift from the museum, and you can take a picture with fairy-tale characters.
Treats for the festive table are brought by parents, half an hour is allotted for the feast.

Museum "Buratino-Pinocchio"
5 to 11 years old

The birthday boy and his guests will be invited to the magical land of Buratinia, where they will travel in the company of fairy-tale heroes. On the way, the children will complete tasks and pass tests, and then they will find the Golden Key, open the door behind the painted hearth and get into the magic theater "Lightning", where a festive concert will take place, congratulations with games, contests and dances. The program is designed for 1.5, after which the holiday can be continued with the parents in the Tavern of the Three Minnows. The birthday boy will receive a gift from the museum, and you can take a picture with fairy-tale characters as a keepsake.
Treats for the festive table are brought by parents, half an hour is allotted for tea drinking.

Moscow City Museum
4 to 12 years old

The birthday program in the museum is designed depending on the age of the birthday person, his interests and the number of guests. The program is based on an entertainment program from animators - it can be a costume design master class or a game quest in the halls of the museum. In case of good weather, a street quest will be held for children, while parents will be able to set the table in the meantime. You can bring all the treats with you, and to create a festive atmosphere, museum staff can decorate the hall with balloons and decorations. You can add any master class from invited instructors to the program. The duration of the holiday is 3 hours.

In the branch of the Museum of Moscow - Museum of Manor Culture— have their own offers for young birthdays. In the Ministry Wing for children from 7 years old, the Angel Day program is held, which includes an interactive tour, a festive tea party and a musical program with ancient music and dances. The program is conducted by a guide in historical costume, and all guests receive invitations in the style of the 19th century. The cost of the program is 13,000 rubles. The number of participants is no more than 15 people.

Birthdays can also be celebrated Equestrian yard of the museum. The program for children aged 7-12 includes a tour of the World of Childhood exhibition, historical games in the children's room, a visit to the stable and acquaintance with horses, outdoor games and entertaining quizzes. Additionally, you can order a ride in the museum carriage (100 rubles for children, 150 rubles for adults). The cost of the program is 13,000 rubles. To arrange a festive feast, you need to order the “Tea Party in the Museum” program (200 rubles per person).

Museum-estate "Kolomenskoye"
From 6 years old

The museum-reserve has several programs addressed to young birthday people. One of them, the "Family Circle", will take guests through the territory of the Sovereign's Court and the House of Peter I. In the process, you can learn a lot of old songs and dances and try on royal outfits. The duration of the program is 1 hour 50 minutes. Also, interesting master classes are held in the museum-estate, which can also become part of the holiday.
A festive feast can be arranged in one of the cafes and restaurants located on the territory of Kolomenskoye. Guests are treated to tea and pancakes with jam.

Theater "Alice's House"
3 to 7 years old
"Alice's House" is a theater of unusual holidays for children and adults. Birthday, bachelorette party or baby shower will be prepared and organized here on any day of the week. The refined interior of "Alice's House" is made in the English style, and hundreds of thoughtful little things and unusual items create the atmosphere of a real Looking Glass. Holidays here are held in the format of performances, with props, decorations and bright costumes. The hallmark of "Alice's House" is tea parties: "Traditional English Tea Party" and "Mad Tea Party". In them, the Carroll characters are their own person. There are also programs for kids “Tea Feast with Princess Sofia” and “Peppa Pig: French Picnic”. There are many holiday scenarios, most of which include animation, a mini-performance and a creative workshop.

Space Museum
4 to 12 years old

For birthday people, three interactive programs have been compiled that will interest children 4-8 and 7-12 years old. Depending on the theme, guests can visit different halls: learn how to make tea in zero gravity or find out what astronauts eat. The museum's arsenal includes three gaming excursion programs for birthdays: "Flight to the Moon" (4-8 years old); "Happy birthday, young cosmonaut!" (from 7 years); "Meet Planet Earth!" (from 7 years). Regardless of the option chosen, children will have a bright tour of the museum and a banquet in the company of a cheerful animator. Duration of the holiday: 2 hours 30-45 minutes. Parents take care of food and drinks.

Cafe "Sea inside"
Age: from 3 years

For the birthday boy and his guests on the roof-veranda, they can arrange a quest-adventure, during which the guys will puzzle over riddles, go through difficult and fun tests and complete creative tasks. You can spend a holiday in an animation studio, where, in the company of professional merry fellows, children will transform into their favorite cartoon characters, or in a creative laboratory, where you can master many artistic techniques and create real masterpieces. Another festive scenario - "Day without barriers" - will allow children to do everything that adults usually forbid: splashing with water, running around like mad, or smearing themselves with colorful paint.
You can bring your own cake to the celebration, subject to a deposit.

Chain of restaurants "Uryuk"
Age: from 1 year

The basis of the program can be a puppet show and master classes in soap making, pottery, wood painting, plasticine modeling or jewelry making. You can organize an animation program on a pirate, circus or Indian theme, arrange a show of soap bubbles or scientific experiments, a disco. The duration of the programs is from 60 minutes.
Guests can bring their own treats or order them on site. The room for the holiday will be decorated with balloons at the expense of the institution.
Children's holidays are held in all Uryuk restaurants that have children's animation: Uryuk on Prospekt Mira, on Marshal Zhukov, on Smolenskaya, on Pilyugin, on Vavilov.

Cafe network "Khachapuri"
Age: 4 to 14 years old

There are no standard programs in Khachapuri: each event is thought out before the holiday. You can hold a small family feast at a separate table or rent a separate room or a whole restaurant. The components of the program can be educational activities, arts and crafts workshops, outdoor or board games, contests, competitions and quizzes, or a large-scale street quest outside the restaurant.
You can bring your own cake to the party. There are still some restrictions: if the holiday takes place in the common hall, guests are not allowed to invite animators in costumes of fairy-tale characters or superheroes - this violates the concept of the institution.

Chain of family restaurants "Ribambel"
Age: from 1 year

The club's arsenal has already accumulated more than a hundred holiday scenarios, so that every young birthday boy can choose the most interesting for himself: from the mystical "Spies" to the "Kingdom of Princesses". Each program can be supplemented with creative master classes, soap bubble shows, alchemical tricks or performances of robots or trained animals. The Ribambel club area will surely appeal to children: kids can “swim” in the pool with balls, and older children can explore the “magic river” and themed houses.
"Ribambel" holds holidays on a turnkey basis: from organizing an event to a festive table with refreshments. From the outside, you can only invite a photographer or cameraman. Usually a children's party lasts no more than 3 hours, but you can order a 5-hour program.

Family Cafe Lilac in Sokolniki Park
For any age

The basis of the holiday program can be a children's performance, a concert or, for example, a science show. Fascinating master classes are offered to choose from: kids are offered to cook festive dishes, cook fragrant soap, decorate T-shirts, paint gingerbread cookies, create jewelry, paintings from seeds, crafts from feathers or salt dough, weave from beads, try their hand at pottery, origami art or macrame. You can invite a living statue or a caricaturist, magicians or trainers, a children's DJ, silent mimes or incendiary presenters and animators to the celebration.
You can’t bring your own treats to Lilac, but there is a confectionery in the cafe where you can order a birthday cake of any complexity.

Restaurant Bocconcino
Age: from 2 years

There are several programs to choose from, differing in budget, duration and types of entertainment. The main components can be theatrical performances, musical concerts and classes and creative workshops. You can invite a children's DJ, decorate the hall with balloons or flowers, print personalized invitations for guests.
Treats for guests must be ordered at the restaurant - the Bocconcino confectioner will prepare a birthday cake.

Chain of cafes "Shokoladnitsa"
Age: from 5 years

In "Shokoladnitsa" you can celebrate the birthday of the baby, graduation in kindergarten, the end of a quarter or academic year. An exciting festive program from a real Magician with a disco and competitions, as well as a master class "Academy of Chocolate Art" awaits young guests. There are other animation programs: "Laboratory-Shoko" with exciting experiences and experiments, culinary classes "Chocolate Legend" or "Marmalade Adventure", after which the kids will have sweet figures created by their own hands. You can invite a clown, a fairy-tale character and a photographer to the holiday, and if you wish, you can spend the holiday on the road - at home, in the country, at school or kindergarten.
You cannot bring your own treats to the cafe, you can choose a treat from the children's menu.

Confectionery factory and cafe "Konfael"
Age: 3 to 15 years old

Each holiday program is based on a chocolate master class: guests will draw chocolate pictures or make sweets with their own hands. The duration of the programs is from 60 minutes. A fascinating lecture about chocolate, its history and cooking recipes can be held for the birthday boy and his guests. A celebratory tasting of all three types of chocolate, which are prepared at the Confael factory, will help to consolidate the information received.
Treats for the festive table must be ordered on the spot. Children can bake a cake themselves, which will be decorated with birthday candles and served with tea. If desired, the chocolate program can be held on the road: in this case, the parents set the festive table on their own.

Network of family cafes "AnderSon"
Age: 1 to 14 years old

A holiday can be arranged in any of the cafes of the network, except for the cafe on the ak embankment. Tupolev and on Strastnoy Boulevard. A birthday at Anderson can be celebrated in a variety of ways: watch a puppet show, arrange a pillow fight, throw cakes and much more (only in the café of programs for the birthday boy and his guests). For example, for a birthday, you can order The Puppet Show Anderson, an interactive performance in the best traditions of the Muppets and Sesame Street.
Of the restrictions: you are not allowed to bring your own cake - everything can be ordered in a cafe. It is necessary to book a hall and time in advance, an advance payment of at least 30% is required.

Toy store Hamleys in the shopping center "European"
Age: from 3 years

Which of the kids did not dream of a birthday in a toy store? This dream can come true in the Hamleys store in the European shopping center. A huge selection of toys and professional actors and animators will help the birthday boy and his friends to be transported into a wonderful fairy tale. The mascot of the store, a cute Hamley bear, will also bring congratulations in person. There are several exciting programs to choose from: “Pirate Party”, “Princess Ball”, “Transformers Battle” or “Soap Bubble Show”.

Moscow Zoo
Age: from 3 years

You can also celebrate a child's birthday on the territory of the Moscow Zoo. The program includes an interactive theatrical performance, a tour of the zoo, a quest around the zoo, a visit to the petting zoo, an animation program and a birthday cake. Activities are adapted to all ages. The total duration of the program is from 2 to 3 hours

Climbing wall "Rock City"
Age: from 7 years old

With the No Clowns project, you can celebrate your birthday at the Skala City climbing wall. Clowns, groovy animators and fairy-tale characters with plastic noses will not be invited to the holiday. Instead, the birthday boy and his guests are offered a series of competitions with original contests and games. There are several scenarios to choose from. You can choose a small program: with a relay race, a climbing wall, horse fighting, a game of saboteurs or a coliseum. A large program for children 7-10 years old can be supplemented with jumps, and for children 10-13 years old - jumps and biathlon.
in Lianozovo, in Tsaritsyno or in Fili park .

Equestrian club "Izmailovo"
Age: from 4 years old

Communication with horses in the Izmailovo equestrian club will give children a charge of positive emotions and a great mood. The events are hosted by professional hosts, and the horses and ponies are beautifully decorated to match the moment. On the territory of the club there is a cafe where you can arrange a festive feast, a banquet hall for 70 seats and a spacious forest glade for a picnic. Guests are offered a children's menu and many additional treats, such as a chocolate fountain.

Water park "Kva-kva park"
Age: from 3 years

In "Kva-kva Park" you can celebrate a children's birthday surrounded by water splashes and fun rides. Programs differ in duration, age of participants and cost. The shortest - "Impromptu" (2950 rubles) - lasts only 15 minutes and consists in shaking the child from the animator in the costume of a fairy-tale character. As part of the half-hour program "The Secret of the Seven Seas" (3800 rubles), the child and his friends will be initiated into sailors and treated with a birthday cake. Entrance tickets must be paid separately. There are also longer and more intense programs for schoolchildren who already know how to swim. You can also order photo or video shooting, set a festive table for the birthday man and his guests.

Beauty salon "Victoria's Dreams"
Age: from 7 years old

A birthday party in a beauty salon will make the dreams of little fashionistas come true. The Beauty Birthday program is designed for 5 or more participants aged 7 years and over. The birthday girl and her guests will be able to do festive styling, light make-up and manicure, after which they will take part in an interesting master class. For example, you can learn how to create beautiful bracelets with your own hands. The administration of the salon completely lays the gastronomic chores on the shoulders of the parents, who need to take care of the treat. There are no special restrictions in Victoria's Dreams. You can arrange a holiday in any of the two Victoria's Dreams salons in Moscow: in the flagship salon on Leninsky Prospekt or in branch on Petrovsky Boulevard .

Children's Center for Scientific Discoveries "InnoPark"
5 to 13 years old

In the science park, children are offered several options for a holiday in the format of a quest: "Mysteries of the Green Beard" for children 8-13 years old, "Space Odyssey" (10-13 years old). There is also a version of the interactive game "Message from Space", the program is suitable for children from 5 to 10 years old. Duration of programs: 1 hour. The program includes a visit to the mini planetarium. Additionally, you can rent a children's room, hold a competition, a master class, invite a photographer. There are discounts for holidays on weekdays.

Scientific and educational center "Eureka-Park"
Age of children: from 5 to 13 years

In "Eureka-Park" you can celebrate a child's birthday on 4 different exciting programs, depending on age and preferences: Musical Journey (from 5 years old); Homemade animation kitchen (from 5 years old); Academy of Focuses (from 7 years old); The magic of light and color (from 7 years old) (Chemistry program). The holiday lasts 2.5 hours, of which 1.5 hours is an interactive master class in which children are sure to do something themselves, and 1 hour is provided for tea drinking. Products are brought by parents, and refreshments can also be ordered at a restaurant (located in the same building).
Additionally, you can organize a disco and invite the host to play with the children.

Everyone knows the truth - children grow up very quickly. Their interests and hobbies change no less quickly, which means that every child’s birthday requires a special approach in preparation. And when the birthday of a 12-year-old child is just around the corner, where to spend it is not so easy to decide, because this is an age when your child is no longer a baby, but not yet a teenager, which means you need to choose an option somewhere on the border of children's and teenage entertainment.

When choosing a place of celebration, it is worth considering that for children it is not so much a treat, a feast, but a fun and non-banal entertainment program.

You also need to think in advance what budget you are ready to allocate for the celebration, because the choice of place also largely depends on this.

We will try to consider the maximum number of possible options for holding a special day, describing in detail the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

A very traditional option, which, nevertheless, has the right to exist. Most children's, and not only children's, birthdays are held in restaurants and cafes, and this place has become familiar, somewhat banal. Let's look at its advantages and disadvantages.


  • parents will definitely not have to take care of the treat;
  • the celebration is not strictly limited in time - you decide when to start it, but it ends with the closing of the institution;
  • it is convenient to organize the performance of clowns, animators;
  • in most establishments, they allow you to decorate the hall to your liking or in the style of a party;
  • Depending on the class of the institution, you can choose an affordable option.


  • this option is quite traditional, one might say banal, it is difficult to organize some new entertainment, for example, a quest;
  • if the cafe does not provide entertainment programs, then the organization of entertainment additionally falls on the shoulders of the parents;
  • it is not always possible to allocate a separate room for you in a cafe, which means that strangers will be present at your celebration, which is not always comfortable for them and you.

kids club

Another traditional place to celebrate a birthday. Perhaps your 12-year-old child will find this option too childish, but it has its undeniable advantages:

  • this institution was created in order to celebrate various children's holidays, which means that everything is thought out to the smallest detail so that the birthday boy, guests, and parents are as comfortable and interesting as possible;
  • such clubs have entertainment programs and their own animators, which means that parents do not have to bother about entertainment;
  • the cost of renting such a club, as a rule, is quite affordable;
  • you do not have to clean up after the kids - this will be done by the club staff.

Of the shortcomings, it can only be noted that the treats, for sure, will have to be carried with you or ordered separately, with delivery.


You can’t bring kids 3-5 years old here, but it’s quite possible to celebrate a children’s birthday of 12 years old here. Water parks often have special programs for birthday parties, and the atmosphere itself, the atmosphere is quite unusual for such events, which will make your child's birthday original, unbanal. A light buffet or a sweet table can be arranged somewhere in a cafe, not far from the water park. Water parks are often located in the premises of large entertainment centers, which means that finding a suitable institution there is not difficult.

Of the minuses, it can be noted that not every child knows how to swim, and some are completely afraid of water, therefore, when planning to celebrate a birthday in a water park, think carefully, and perhaps even ask the parents of the invited children about whether everyone will like this option holding a holiday.


There is also water here, as well as dolphins, fur seals and a fun entertainment program. But, unlike the water park, it is safer here, because the children are not in the water, but sit in the stands. Nevertheless, it will be interesting for them to watch the performance, which means they will like and remember this day.

For the birthday person himself, you can organize a swimming session with dolphins under the guidance of an instructor. Communication with these marine inhabitants will give him a lot of pleasure, which means that this day will be remembered for a long time.

If we talk about the shortcomings, you will again have to look for a cafe somewhere nearby or negotiate with the management of the dolphinarium so that they allocate a separate room for a sweet table.

Museum, planetarium

Places for the curious. Although, with a variety of excursion programs, any child can be interested in an interesting story about the stars and planets or about historical finds.

As a rule, the program is designed for an hour and a half - just optimal so that the children do not have time to get tired, but at the same time they learn a lot of new and interesting things. It will be not only an interesting, but also a useful birthday, because for sure the knowledge gained will be useful to the birthday man and his guests in the educational process.

Of the minuses, one can single out the same as in the previous two options - the lack of space for a buffet table and the need to organize it yourself. Although modern museums and planetariums in large cities often have a special room for such needs, there are more and more people who want to celebrate their child's birthday in the museum.

Entertainment Center

Another traditional place for a birthday. Here, parents should not have problems either with organizing leisure activities or with organizing a buffet or a sweet table, because such centers often have children's cafes, pizzerias and other establishments where you can organize a festive table.

Many entertainment centers have ready-made programs for birthday parties, their own full-time animators, presenters, so that parents will only have to finance the event and enjoy the solemn day.

If we talk about the minuses, then these will rather be the minuses of the entertainment center itself, because not everywhere they carefully monitor the safety of children during entertainment, not everywhere they take hygiene responsibly, so the task of parents is to choose an entertainment center in which the kids will not only have fun but also safe.


This option is suitable if the birthday falls on a warm season. Agree, it’s not very pleasant to watch frozen animals in enclosures in the cold. But in the summer or spring to touch the world of nature - why not? Especially if you bring a group of children. Together they will be more interesting, and the birthday boy will remember such a day with pleasant memories.

From the nuances - you again have to think about how to organize a treat. After the zoo, you can go to a cafe for tea with a cake, or you can organize a small sweet table at home. Having run around the zoo, the kids will calmly drink tea with sweets and share their impressions of the tour.


A place for a more active pastime. Here, guests and the birthday boy will definitely not be bored. Right in the bowling alley, you can arrange a small photo session as a keepsake. In addition, bowling often has a cafe or restaurant, which means that the problem with refreshments will be solved.

Of the nuances - safety. Still, active games are always a certain risk, which means that parents constantly need to control the actions of the participants in the holiday. For these purposes, you can enlist the support of the parents of one of the guests, or negotiate with the administration of the bowling alley to provide you with an instructor.

Karting club

Also an unsafe place, so choose a karting club carefully, stop at one in which all safety measures are observed, because we are talking about children.

A karting club is more suitable for a boy's birthday, but there are also girls who don't mind driving.

But you will have to take a treat with you if there is no cafe or restaurant nearby, which is not very convenient.

Quest room

An exciting adventure on a holiday is what almost every 12-year-old child dreams of. At this age, kids want to learn something new, as well as express themselves by solving interesting riddles and going through each stage of the quest. Such a birthday will definitely not leave indifferent either the birthday man or his guests.

And after completing the quest, you can invite everyone to your home for a sweet table or a light buffet, where the kids can discuss their unusual adventure.

If we talk about the minuses, then there are no significant ones. Unless you can consider the option that the children will not cope with the quest. Here you will have to think carefully in advance and choose a quest that they will definitely pass, but at the same time, you should not take the easiest one either.


You can consider as an option the usual group trip to the next session, or you can rent the entire hall. To do this, there are special halls designed for a small company, in which you can set a small table, and there will be a place where you can frolic a little, organize a couple of competitions, and you choose the movie or cartoon to watch yourself - this is perhaps the most optimal birthday option.

Country house

If, after considering all of the above options, you still have not decided where to celebrate the birthday of a child of 12 years old, an alternative to children's clubs and other institutions can be a country house or cottage. It would be more appropriate to celebrate a summer birthday in the country, but if the house is heated, there are all conditions, then in winter you can have a good rest in it.

The advantages are obvious:

  • a lot of space;
  • there is an opportunity to independently set the table, which means saving money;
  • you are not limited in time;
  • children are given complete freedom in choosing entertainment;
  • fresh air is always healthier and more pleasant than stuffy rooms.

If we talk about the minuses, then it is one, but very significant - you will have to organize everything or almost everything yourself - entertainment, food, and decor. But if you approach the process creatively, then the preparation will only bring pleasure, and this is another plus))) It's so nice to surprise and delight your child!

House, apartment

Perhaps not the best of the options, but also having the right to exist.

You need to be mentally prepared for the fact that the preparation will fall on your shoulders, as well as cleaning the apartment after a noisy fun.

Well, now for the pros:

  • If you cook the treat yourself, there is an opportunity to save a little;
  • Decorating a room with your own hands is an interesting, creative, exciting process, which means it will bring a lot of pleasure and positive emotions. You can also attract the birthday man himself or the birthday girl to him;
  • You can invite animators home and thus diversify the leisure of the birthday man and guests;
  • You can also organize a small master class at home. You can either organize it yourself or invite a specialist for this;
  • And you can also independently prepare a couple of contests or even a whole quest for a home birthday party. Your child will certainly be pleased that his parents are actively involved in the preparation of his holiday;
  • You are in full control of the entire celebration process, all its participants are safe.

We have listed far from all the places where you can celebrate the 12th birthday of a child, having considered only the most popular ones. We hope that the information provided above will help you in this difficult choice. In any case, the choice is yours, and let it be the right one, and the birthday will be fun, interesting, leaving only pleasant memories behind!