Men's shower gel. Men's shower gel Which company's shower gel to choose

Quality shower gel for men consists of natural ingredients. It not only cleanses the skin, but also nourishes it. This is a fairly important cosmetic product that carries several useful functions. Some gels are suitable not only for washing the body, but can also be used instead of shampoo. To choose a suitable gel, you should select it according to several criteria.

Properties of a good shower gel

In our store you can buy shower gel in Moscow from well-known brands. We bring to your attention products that have mandatory conditions for the care of the male body:

  • natural ingredients nourishing cells;
  • thick foam;
  • nice smell;
  • antibacterial properties;
  • relaxing and tonic effect.

The funds available to our customers from well-known brands fully comply with these requirements. The client will only have to choose the desired flavor. Our range has a wide variety of flavors to suit every taste. Descriptions for each product are made with maximum accuracy, which will allow the choice to be based on facts. Most often, men prefer the smells of moss, fern, musk, citrus and cedar, so our range is based on products from this direction.

The cost of funds from different manufacturers is different, because they use different components, some of which are very rare and valuable.

How to order shower gel for men in the online store

Original products of famous brands can be ordered directly on our website with delivery to any region. We have a courier service in Moscow. You can also make a purchase by phone. We are always happy to help and, if necessary, give advice or provide additional advice.

The gel was received as a gift by my husband. But since he is able to replace almost all cosmetics with laundry soap, this lonely bottle on his edge of the bath somehow did not take root. But I got accustomed to mine - the good does not disappear ;-) I'll tell you about my first experience of using a men's shower gel.
Packaging and price

Such a gel costs about 150-170 rubles. The bottle opens from the bottom, so it is convenient to use it even when there is very little left. Packaging with a masculine character - naturally: a gray bottle, white letters with a well-known logo Dove. The manufacturer is laconic: he only indicates that it is activated on the skin, has a pleasant aroma and is gentle on the skin. They can wash both the body and the skin of the face. I, however, use it only for its primary purpose. Packing volume - 250 ml.

Aroma and texture

The scent is definitely more masculine than feminine. It is understandable ;-) And at first I was terribly worried: would I smell like a “male spirit”? It turned out not. The aroma of the gel is felt only in the shower, when you go out - I no longer feel it on my skin. Yes, and the perfume that I put on after a shower, he does not interrupt and does not mix with them. The skin smells just clean, neutral. By the way, there are very gentle and, as it seemed to me, creamy notes in this gel - it was with them that I was tempted.

The color of the gel is bluish and transparent. The consistency is quite thick. To squeeze out more, you need to properly press the bottle. However, you don’t have to try hard: the gel is quite economical, it foams well. Foam, by the way, is light and gentle.

It does not dry the skin at all, it feels very good after water procedures, without the slightest discomfort.

Of the minuses - the impression was that the gel is rather difficult to wash off the skin. It's like there's some kind of film left. I felt it from the experience of use, but then I found confirmation in the composition (see the Composition paragraph).
Perhaps it seemed strange - this is what the manufacturer indicates that the product has a refreshing aroma. It seemed to me that there was just a little freshness in it. If you need an invigorating thermonuclear gel for a vigorous morning, it is better to look for something stronger.


The gel is neutral pH. As for the mentioned film, I found that it can cause petrolatum(Vaseline), which is in the composition in one of the first places. This component can create a film with a slight sheen, it also clogs the pores, blocking the access of oxygen deep into the skin. Because of this, toxins and slags are also worse removed.
Among other hazards: there are carcinogens here Cocamide DEA And Etrasodium EDTA, and three more dyes.

As for the thickener and components for creating foam, acrylic copolymers, which are neutral to the skin, are primarily responsible for this.

The composition, as you can see, is not the best, but not the worst, which could be ...

My conclusions:

1. My first experience with a men's shower gel was a success. True, I won’t say that any male gel is suitable for a woman: for me, as I already wrote, the worst thing is if after a shower I feel a male fragrance right on me)

2. Despite the fact that the fragrance is quite masculine, I think many women would not mind using it. He, of course, is not for everyone, but if a woman does not like all these traditionally feminine gels with vanilla and chemical cherry, then she will like the fragrance quite well.

3. This gel is a real find for joint trips: both a woman and a man can use it at once, there is no need to carry additional jars with you.

It is unlikely that I will buy it myself again (I didn’t like it that much), but it was an interesting experience)

In the matter of skin care, both women and men think about choosing a cleanser. Now in any bathroom, in addition to soap, you can also find shower gel. This washing product doesn't just help wash away dirt. It also moisturizes, nourishes the skin, restores it, fills it with vivacity, energy, tones, and can also relax, soothe, and prepare for sleep. On the market for shower gels, men can find many fragrances and choose the right one for themselves.


Representatives of the strong half of humanity need to use male shower gels. These products, unlike women's, contain lactic and fruit acids. They are necessary, as the male body contains more sweat glands. Therefore, a more active agent is needed to help cope with the smell and cleanse the denser skin of a man.

Unlike soap, which is made on the basis of animal fats, shower gel cleanses the skin softer and more delicately. This is achieved thanks to the neutral pH level. Soap has an alkaline environment, which is able to dry and tighten the epidermis. For those with sensitive skin, it can cause itching and irritation. Therefore, shower gel is a good alternative.

Distinctive features:

  • variety of aromas;
  • natural ingredients, oils and vitamins in the composition;
  • beautiful packaging design;
  • thick foam;
  • ease of use.

When choosing, special attention should be paid to the color and smell of the cosmetic product. The main guideline should be the individual characteristics of the skin. What suits oily skin is absolutely contraindicated for sensitive and dry skin. The absence of parabens is another plus.


Today, there are products on the market specifically designed for men, women and children.. Among all this variety there are antibacterial, with oils, vitamins, for sensitive, dry or oily skin, perfumed, tonic, softening and moisturizing.

Perfumed gel will help not only to make the skin clean, refresh, but also replace eau de toilette. Moisturizers gently cleanse and do not damage the skin, as they contain a lower concentration of detergents than other products. Classic gel without dyes and additional additives is best suited for oily or normal skin. For sensitive, manufacturers produce fragrance-free gels with a neutral acid-base environment; such funds practically do not cause an allergic reaction. There are gels with microparticles, they not only wash away dirt, but also remove dead cells of the epidermis.

How to choose

It is very important when choosing a hygiene product to pay attention to the composition. It is best when it contains natural ingredients, vitamins and oils as much as possible. This will protect the epidermis.

Shower gel will help you start the day right, cheer up and wake up. To do this, you should choose a tonic or aromatherapy cosmetic product.. It is important when choosing to pay attention to the pH level, it should be neutral. Pay attention to products that do not contain soap in the formula. This will protect the skin from drying out, and the pores from clogging.

For dry skin, a moisturizer is best. The sensitive will love the soothing gel. Oily skin will appreciate the seaweed gel, which normalizes the sebaceous glands. For the epidermis prone to allergies, there are also special products.

Rating of popular manufacturers

To determine which brand to give preference to, it is worth examining the results of tests in which ordinary men participated.

Ax "Anti-Hangover" does not tighten the skin, has a pleasant aroma, easily foams and is economically consumed. This cosmetic product has a thick texture and is saturated with air bubbles. An undoubted advantage for aesthetes will be the bright color of the product and convenient packaging. Ax gives the skin a feeling of hydration and velvety, has a neutral pH, which is safe for the skin. Convenient packaging design will not allow the gel to slip out of your hands, and you can open it with one left hand.

Nivea for Men "Silver Protection" has an additional deodorizing effect. This gel does not damage the skin and helps in the fight against sweat odor. However, the product acts as a deodorant for only an hour. As strengths, a pleasant smell, good foaming, moisturizing and cleansing properties can be noted.

Silver citrate, which is part of the composition, has an antibacterial effect.

Dove "Men+Care" "Cleanliness and Comfort"- This is a cleanser not only for the body, but also for the face. Such functionality is possible thanks to the soft formula and micro-moisturizing technology. Those who used this product said that the product is more suitable for oily and combination skin. Owners of sensitive after a shower will additionally have to use a cream. The formula contains petroleum jelly, which can clog pores and prevent oxygen from entering the epidermis.

Adidas "Pure Game" Guaiac Wood promises to have a relaxing effect. This gel is designed to wash the body and hair, so it is convenient to take it with you on a trip. This 2-in-1 cleanser can replace shampoo. It was developed with the participation of athletes.

However, manufacturers used a lot of water and volatile substances, which did not have the best effect on the quality of the product.

Palmolive Men "Sport" stands out among its competitors due to its high-quality product base, as well as thick foam and pleasant smell. But let me down with the cap of the dispenser, it is very inconvenient to use, although the packaging itself is stylish and beautiful. The composition includes many moisturizing and washing components, as well as a high-quality base, however, the skin is a little tight and overdried. Also, the epidermis is unlikely to like a slightly acidic pH. The smell is quite sharp and for an amateur.

Armelle manufactures products based on chamomile flower extract. Shower gel contains panthenol, aloe juice. Such care will help to cope with skin irritation, itching and peeling. A feature of the product is the presence in the composition of amino acids, vitamins, minerals, trace elements. Cells are better regenerated, there is an antioxidant effect.