Oil base for oily skin. Oils for problem skin

Healing properties oils have found application not only in official medicine, but also in cosmetology, including home. They are effectively used for rejuvenation and removal of acne, acne, epithelial irregularities, acne scars, wrinkles, for healing oily skin. Along the way, health problems are solved: runny nose, headaches and other ailments disappear.

Features of oily skin

The peculiarities of oily skin are a thick layer of the epidermis and increased secretion sebaceous glands. It also has a grayish tint, uneven tone, enlarged pores and greasy shine, often occurring rashes, blackheads, pimples, boils.

But in addition to the shortcomings, oily facial skin has some positive traits. Sebum protects the epithelium from drying out, protects against temperature extremes, ingestion harmful substances, that is, it preserves the health of the dermis, slows down the aging process.

Essential for oily skin proper care which can be achieved through the use of natural oils.

Before using the ether, you need to make sure that there are no contraindications and individual intolerance:

  • Dilute a drop of essential oil in half a teaspoon of any vegetable oil, and apply it to back side wrist or elbow. If irritation, redness, burning or itching does not appear within 12 hours, then the ether can be used.
  • Another test is olfactory. Apply a drop of ether to a handkerchief or napkin and inhale its scent throughout the day. If shortness of breath, cough or difficulty breathing occurs, then the ether should not be used.
  • Do not compose new compositions of 5 or more on your own essential oils because their impact is not predictable.
  • If you do not like the aroma of the ether or cause negative associations, you do not need to use it.
  • Do not use oils with a relaxing effect before driving a car, and stimulating oils before going to bed.
  • Do not use one fragrance for more than a month. It can be addictive, and the effect of its use is reduced.

Essential oils in their pure concentrated form are used only for the treatment of acne, pimples, herpes, couperose nets, and scaly areas of the epidermis.

In order not to cause burns and skin irritation, the esters must be dissolved. They interact poorly with water, but dissolve in organic liquids. Therefore, esters are best diluted using base oils.

How to mix

In order for the prepared oil mixture to retain the beneficial substances as much as possible, it must be able to cook:

  • for mixing oils use glass or plastic utensils, by no means metallic;
  • for 1 tsp (5 ml) base oil take 1-2 drops of ether;
  • if several types of esters are used to prepare mixtures, they are not added all at once, but are kept for a two-hour interval. It is not recommended to use more than 5 esters at the same time;
  • the mixture is infused for 4 days;
  • keep ready mix needed in the refrigerator beneficial features it keeps for two months.

How to apply

  • Facial treatment is best performed in the evening, because after it you can not go outside for 2 hours. When exposed to the sun, some oils become toxic.
  • The skin of the face is cleansed with milk, tonic, herbal decoction, rose or mineral water.
  • Please note: oils must be applied to wet skin. Pour a small amount of oil into the palm of your hand and hold it until it warms up to body temperature. This will allow the substance to penetrate deeper into the pores.
  • Apply oil on the face with gentle light movements along the massage lines. Pay more attention to problem areas with acne and blackheads.
  • To enhance the effect, you can cover your face with warm water a linen napkin to better expand the pores.
  • After 10 minutes, blot the skin with a dry cloth. But, as a rule, the oils have time to be completely absorbed.

base oils

For daily care for oily skin, it is necessary to choose the right base oils that normalize the work of the sebaceous glands, are easily absorbed and tighten pores. They nourish, protect and moisturize the skin, have a high oiliness and, unlike essential oils, have almost no smell. They are called basic because they are the basis for the creation of cosmetics.

The effect of oils on the skin of the face:

  • Olive - contains antioxidants and vitamin E, which are responsible for prolonging the youthfulness of the skin of the face and slowing down the aging process, smoothes and prevents the formation of new wrinkles, saturates the cells with moisture.
  • Jojoba is great as a base for the manufacture of cosmetics. It has antibacterial properties, removes irritation, nourishes and moisturizes, does not leave a greasy shiny surface.
  • Grapeseed - contains antioxidants and vitamin E, thanks to which it has a rejuvenating effect and improves skin tone. Gives matte, improves complexion, tightens pores.
  • Gretsky and hazelnut- have a softening, toning, healing and regenerating effect. Absorb well and do not form oily sheen. Tightens pores and fights acne.
  • Wheat germ - gives elasticity and freshness, nourishes, slows down aging.
  • Apricot and raspberry pits - removes peeling, smoothes wrinkles and rejuvenates.
  • Rosehip - due to the high content of vitamins A, C, E, rejuvenates, nourishes and moisturizes, renews and restores facial skin cells.
  • Black cumin - effective against dermatitis, acne, purulent acne, restores the water-fat balance of the epidermis, cleanses pores, improves elasticity, gives softness and smoothness.
  • Almond - relieves inflammation and tightens pores.
  • Peach - cleanses, removes irritation, protects and moisturizes.
  • Tamanu - has an anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and healing effect, is effectively used to treat skin diseases.

These are excellent natural skin care products that eliminate the fatty film insoluble in ordinary water without consequences. They gently but effectively contribute to:

  • cleansing and narrowing pores,
  • fat dissolution,
  • skin whitening,
  • improving oxygen metabolism,
  • normalization of the hormonal background,
  • metabolism activation,
  • strengthening immune functions epidermis.

Unlike vegetable base oils, esters are highly concentrated and cannot be used undiluted. For use in cosmetic purposes they are diluted in other liquids and compositions, used in drops, and not with spoons or glasses.

Depending on the chemical composition oils have various properties and solve various problems of oily skin of the face:

  • cleansing - lemon, lavender, tea tree;
  • enlarged pores - cedar, rosemary, eucalyptus, mint, pine, lemon, grapefruit, myrtle, lemongrass, bergamot, yarrow, chamomile, juniper, limette;
  • furunculosis - carnation;
  • inflammation - tea tree, lavender, petitgrain, grapefruit, naioli, sandalwood, patchouli, thyme, bergamot, palmarosa, chamomile, yarrow, frankincense, geranium, immortelle, rosewood;
  • acne- basil, cedar, chamomile, juniper, clove, thyme, eucalyptus, mint, pine, mandarin, fennel, lemon balm, lemongrass, bergamot, lavender, lemon, coriander, marjoram, frankincense;
  • dry acne - geranium, petitgrain, sage, lavender;
  • pigmentation - nayoli, immortelle, tea tree, myrtle, grapefruit, oregano, cajeput, rosemary, chamomile, lemon, thyme;
  • cleansing - tea tree, lavender, lemon;
  • rejuvenation - lavender, lemon;
  • tone up - lemon balm, geranium, mint, rosemary, lemon, thyme, ginger, juniper;
  • soothe - ylang-ylang, chamomile, tea tree, patchouli, lavender.

Oil Blend Recipes

They penetrate deep into the pores and cleanse them, dissolve fat, and normalize the work of the epidermis. The mixture is applied to a wet face. It is recommended to prepare mixtures in the following ratio: 70% base oil, 28% castor oil, 2% essential oil. Esters are dissolved in the base. If after their application dryness of the skin is felt, the amount of base oil should be increased.

  • base oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • esters (drops):
    lemon - 2;
    eucalyptus - 1;
    neroli - 1;
    mint - 1.
  • base oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • clove ether - 4 drops.
  • esters (drops):
    cypress - 3;

Steam and cleanse oily skin, expand pores, create conditions for deeper penetration of care products.

  • water - 1-2 l;
  • esters (drops):
    grapefruit - 2;
    geraniums - 2;
    rosemary - 2.
  • water - 1-2 l;
  • esters (drops):
    lemon - 2;
    juniper - 2;
    cypress - 2.


Promote a rush of blood to the epidermis, cleanse the pores, nourish, refresh and rejuvenate the skin, increase its firmness and elasticity, smooth wrinkles.

  • steamed oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • esters (drops):
    grapefruit - 4;
    bergamot - 3.
  • natural yogurt - 2 tsp;
  • esters (drops):
    ylang-ylang - 1;
    lemon - 2;
    geraniums - 1.
  • clay powder - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • boiled water - 1 tsp,
  • calendula tincture - 0.5 tsp;
  • freshly squeezed lemon juice - 0.5 tsp;
  • clove ether - 3 drops.


Is daily remedy cleansing oily skin, penetrates into pores, fights acne, pimples, pigmentation.

  • water - 50 ml;
  • alcohol - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • tea tree ether - 10 drops.

Proper daily care for oily skin will ensure its freshness, firmness and elasticity, give even tone, remove wrinkles and prolong youth.

Video: Choosing oils by skin type

Nobody will deny that best care skin care is natural remedies. One of the main places in it is occupied cosmetic oils. They can be used alone or as a base oil when using essential oils.

When we are talking about caring for problematic, acne-prone skin, choice correct oil very important. It must comply with two main principles:

Do not clog (clog) pores;

Good nourishment and hydration.

In this article, you will learn about the best cosmetic oils for such skin, how to choose and apply them correctly.

What are base oils

When diluting essential oils, base oils are used. They may be referred to as carrier oils.

Usually this vegetable oils derived from nuts and plant seeds. In some cases, there may be macerates, i.e. oil extracts from herbs, flowers and other parts of plants. During the extraction process, vegetable oil is enriched useful substances contained in these plants.

Natural oils (because they contain no added fillers or chemical substances) are easily absorbed into the skin, protecting it lipid barrier prevent the evaporation of moisture.

They are able to regulate the production of sebum, improve texture, reduce signs of aging.

With the right oil for your skin type, clogged pores and oily skin are not a problem. They are clogged with synthetic oils.

What cosmetic oils to choose for acne

Problem skin prone to acne does not contain enough fatty linoleic acid.

Linoleic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid. It has anti-inflammatory properties, reduces inflammation, retains moisture.

Studies show that people with acne-prone skin low rates the content of this acid in the surface layers. This happens when too much sebum is produced.

The theory is that sebum is high in oleic acid, which makes skin more prone to acne. No, this acid moisturizes the skin well. But too much of it clogs the pores. As a result, the skin becomes oily and prevents the oil from being fully absorbed.

Clogged pores are an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, which in turn leads to breakouts and breakouts.

The addition of oils with a high linoleic acid content reduces oleic acid, promotes healing and prevents acne.

Such oils are lighter, well absorbed, leaving no oily sheen. Usually 20 minutes after application, it is completely absorbed.

Thus, if you have acne-prone skin, you need to choose oils high in linoleic acid.

But then the question arises what to do if the skin is dry or combination. If the skin is very dry, then an oil without oleic acid or with a small content will not moisturize the skin enough.

Therefore, with oily skin, you need to navigate so that it contains less oleic acid and more linoleic acid. The opposite is true for dry skin.

Oils are good for oily skin:

hemp seeds;

Rosehip seeds;

grape seed;

evening primrose;

For combination skin you need an oil that is balanced in terms of the content of oleic and linoleic acids. These oils include:


Apricot kernel.

Shea butter is high in oleic acid. Therefore it will the best choice for dry skin.

The second requirement is that the oil is non-comedogenic. All oils are rated on this indicator from 0 to 5. The higher the value, the more it clogs the pores.

It follows that for acne-prone skin, the lower the better.

Zero Oil:

hemp seeds;

Shi (shea);



Comedogenicity 1 for oils:



sea ​​buckthorn;


Pomegranate seed.

Comedogenic index 2 for oil:




evening primrose;


grape seeds;






The best cosmetic oils for problem skin

It is sometimes difficult for an ignorant person in cosmetology to figure out which oil to choose for care or dilution of essential oils as a base for problematic, acne-prone skin. This list best oils help you make right choice. It indicates not only the content of linoleic acid, but also the comedogenicity index.

  1. safflower oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 74.62%
  • Comedogenic rating: 0

This oil is perfect choice for skin with severe acne, with comedones and clogged pores. With a delicate pleasant texture, it can be used both independently and as a carrier.

  1. evening primrose oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 73%
  • Comedogenic rating: 2

Oil normalizes well hormonal background. It will be the best choice for those who suffer from hormone-related acne. It can be used on its own, applied directly to a pimple, as a base, added to creams and lotions.

  1. Grape seed oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 69.6%
  • Comedogenic rating: 2

This inexpensive oil has an ultra-light texture that won't feel greasy at all.

  1. Sunflower oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 65.7%
  • Comedogenic rating: 0

Sunflower oil (unrefined) is very similar to safflower oil. It has a comedogenic rating of zero, making it completely safe to use. bold type skin. It has a pleasant smell and a silky texture. Can be used in place of a moisturizer.

  1. Prickly pear (prickly pear) oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 65%
  • Comedogenic rating: 0

This exotic oil is only on this list because it can still be found in soap and home care stores.

Good oil for the care of oily problem skin with a pleasant texture. In addition, it has rejuvenating properties.

  1. pumpkin seed oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 57.2%
  • Comedogenic rating: 2

It can be used pointwise, to dilute essential oils, add to the cream.

  1. Black cumin seed oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 55.6%
  • Comedogenic rating: 2

Black seed oil is one of the best. It has antibacterial properties and is often used for skin and hair. For acne control and stabilization sebum you can add just a few drops to a mixture with other oils.

  1. Hemp seed oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 54.3%
  • Comedogenic rating: 0

It helps regulate sebum production and treats hormonal acne.

Make an acne lotion by adding 5 drops of sage oil and geranium oil to 50 ml of hemp oil. Apply it spot on.

  1. Argan oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 37%
  • Comedogenic rating: 0

Normalizes the production of sebum, regulates oiliness, keeps the skin smooth and supple.

  1. Rosehip seed oil
  • Linoleic acid content: 44.1%
  • Comedogenic rating: 2

Rosehip oil is excellent for removing acne marks. It is best used for spot application.

Pay attention to the list below listed oils for acne, depending on the type of skin.

For oily skin:


grape seed;

hemp seeds;




For combined and normal skin:

apricot kernel;

hemp seeds;

grape seed;





Sweet almond.

For dry sensitive skin:


hemp seeds;

Kukui nuts;





Sweet almond;

Wheat germ.

As a carrier oil and for self care calendula oil and pomegranate seed oil are suitable.

Calendula oil is obtained by infusing vegetable oil on the flowers of this plant. It is often used to treat skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema. Calendula imparts powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties.

Flowers can be infused with any of the above oils, which will only enhance their properties.

The antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties of pomegranate seed oil inhibit the reproduction and growth of bacteria, regulate sebum production, and protect the skin from free radicals.

Raspberry seed oil can be added to products as a sunscreen. His SPF is rated at 28-50. Suitable for all skin types.

Sea buckthorn oil is rich in carotenoids, it contains vitamins A, E, C. It fights free radicals and premature aging.

Tamanu oil copes with scars and acne marks, promotes their healing. Suitable for all skin types.

Blueberry oil is as rich in antioxidants as the berries themselves. Perfect for any skin type. Removes the first signs of aging: fine lines, wrinkles.

And now a few recipes with these oils for problem skin care.

1 tablespoon hemp seed oil

0.5 tablespoons sweet almond oil

0.5 tablespoons pumpkin seed oil

5 drops lavender essential oil

2 drops Geranium EO

0.5 tablespoons pumpkin seeds

0.5 tablespoons of jojoba oil

0.5 tablespoons grapeseed oil

3 drops of lavender essential oil

3 drops tea tree oil

1 drop lemongrass oil

0.5 tablespoons hemp seed oil

0.5 tablespoons rosehip seed oil

0.5 tablespoons pumpkin

2 drops Chamomile EM

2 drops of geranium oil

3 drops Sweet Orange EM

0.5 tablespoons rosehip oil

0.5 tablespoons of hemp oil

0.5 tablespoons pumpkin

0.5 tbsp avocado oil

3 drops frankincense oil

2 drops Chamomile EM

2 drops of geranium oil

Use these products morning and evening to cleanse and tone the skin of the face by dropping 2-3 drops of the mixture on your hands and a cotton pad and applying it to the affected area.

Cosmetic oils, as a rule, do not cause any problems. They are not allergenic for external use. And yet, before using any of them, first do a test to check for an allergic reaction.

Buy oils High Quality, designed for skin care, from trusted suppliers and sellers of these products.

Almost every person in his life faced with excessive oily skin. The cause of oily skin is sebum and its excess. This skin condition occurs in both men and women, it is caused by excessive work of the sebaceous glands. As a result, the glands begin to produce more sebum, especially during puberty. Oily skin looks untidy, oily and shiny. As a result of this, the pores expand, become clogged with dirt, dust and the remnants of dead skin flakes, after which comedones form and appear. inflammatory processes on the skin. Oily skin needs to be treated properly proper treatment the work of the sebaceous glands changes.
Pores get clogged up fast protective properties skin weakens and immunity decreases. To prevent and eliminate problems with oily skin type, essential oils will help us. Contrary to popular belief, many essential oils actually regulate the production of sebum on the skin and also treat acne successfully. Essential oils are potent, so you only need a few drops, and the dosage is almost always listed on the essential oil package. Essential oils soothe, tighten the skin, tighten pores and reduce inflammation, as well as treat acne and normalize oily skin.

Using essential oils for skin

Essential oils should only be used with base oils (transport oils) that are suitable specifically for oily skin types, such oils include:

  • grape seed oil;
  • Coconut oil;
  • almond oil;
  • oil apricot kernels;
  • hazelnut oil;
  • jojoba oil;
  • Sesame oil;
  • laurel oil.

Base oils also have a positive effect on the skin, prevent irritation, tighten pores, nourish and moisturize well, and also treat acne and acne. If transport oils are used correctly and regularly, this will help prevent rashes, redness, oily sheen and peeling, and the pores will be visibly cleansed. As a result, the skin will become matte and healthy look, and the relief of the skin will become even.

How to prepare butter mixture

The oil mixture is prepared by mixing 2-3 drops of essential oil (the dosage can be increased if indicated in the instructions for the essential oil) with 5-10 milliliters of base oil. One or more essential oils are added to the base oil. You need to mix only essential oils that combine with each other, adding it to the base oil and insist from two hours to four days.

Essential oils for oily skin

Oily skin has a positive effect, essential oils of rosemary, tea tree, eucalyptus, lemongrass, thyme, clary sage, cypress, etc. All these essential oils have anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, wound healing and antiseptic properties that perfectly tighten pores, regulate sebum secretion, treat acne and give a healthy look to the skin. So, let's take a closer look at all the essential oils for the care and treatment of oily skin.

rose essential oil

Rose essential oil is ideal for sensitive, dry or aging skin. But it also has a positive effect on oily skin, it not only has a tonic and astringent effect on the capillaries, but it is also effective for reticular veins and rosacea. According to the scientists, it also contains therapeutic compounds that may promote the healing process, especially anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents. As a result, rose essential oil helps to refine the tone and skin texture, and is also effective in diseases such as dermatitis, psoriasis and acne. Rose essential oil regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands, heals scars and dermatitis on the skin, and also has tightening properties. Oils such as sandalwood, bergamot, clary sage, orange, palmarosa, geranium, patchouli, lavender, neroli and jasmine are combined with rose essential oil.

Essential oil of rosemary

Another of the best essential oils for oily skin and acne is rosemary essential oil. Rosemary essential oil is extracted from the fresh flowers of medicinal rosemary. It has antiviral, antiseptic and antibacterial properties. Which favorably act on oily skin, rosemary essential oil treats acne and acne well. In addition, it reduces excess oil on the skin and also relieves acne. The anti-inflammatory action of rosemary essential oil reduces the redness and swelling caused by acne. The tart essential oil of rosemary is added to facial wash, moisturizers and skin scrubs. Rosemary essential oil restores youthfulness to the skin, improves blood circulation and skin tone. It is a versatile oil for problem skin care. Thanks to the antiseptic and astringent properties of this oil, it will prevent sagging skin, acne, and also tones the skin. Rosemary essential oil will give you healthy and glowing skin. Combined with rosemary essential oil are oils such as essential oils of lavender, cedar, thyme, frankincense, cinnamon, clary sage, grapefruit, eucalyptus, basil and mint.

Eucalyptus essential oil

This is one of my favorite essential oils for oily skin and I use it a lot in my skin care routine. It contains strong antibacterial, antiseptic and regenerating properties that effectively eliminate bacteria, regulate the sebaceous glands and reduce sebum production. Eucalyptus essential oil is mainly used to care for problematic and oily facial skin, as well as skin prone to acne and inflammation. Oils such as essential oils of geranium, tea tree, mint, cedar, lavender, juniper, rosemary, lemon and thyme are combined with eucalyptus essential oil.

Aloe essential oil

Aloe vera essential oil has healing, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, moisturizing and soothing properties. Regular use of aloe essential oil reduces redness, inflammation and acne, as well as has a cooling effect and prevents the formation of wrinkles. Aloe essential oil is rich in vitamins B, C and E, and this oil also has minerals such as allantoins, proteins, beta-carotene and amino acids.

thyme essential oil

Thyme (Thyme) Essential Oil – This oil is one of the best in treating oily skin and acne. Due to its antioxidant, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, it is able to prevent such manifestations as eczema, acne, blackheads, cuts, wounds and purulent inflammations. Also, thyme or thyme essential oil does an excellent job with bacteria, cleanses the skin and improves blood circulation. Combined with essential oil of thyme oils such as essential oils of rosemary, bergamot, lemon balm, cedar, tea tree, lemon, chamomile and juniper.

Essential oil of clary sage

Clary sage essential oil is used for skin health, this oil has a particularly positive effect on oily skin. It fights the signs of skin aging well, reduces swelling and redness caused by acne. Also, the essential oil of clary sage regulates the production of sebum and treats purulent formations on the skin. The important linalyl acetate ester found in sage essential oil reduces skin inflammation and acts as a natural treatment for skin irritation and acne. Clary sage essential oil also inhibits the spread and growth of bacteria, reduces feelings of anxiety and stress, and helps normalize hormones. Combined with the essential oil of clary sage oils such as essential oils of juniper, lavender, frankincense, grapefruit, cypress, bergamot and cedar.

Essential oil of basil

Another of the most effective essential oils for oily skin and acne is basil essential oil. It effectively treats scars and scars after acne, and is also indispensable for other skin defects such as papillomas, warts, burns and acne. In addition, when adding basil essential oil to homemade lotion for the body, perfectly nourishes and moisturizes the skin, and also smoothes wrinkles and regulates the production of sebum. When adding basil essential oil to a lotion or cream, it is necessary to mix it with the base oil. Combined with basil essential oil, oils such as essential oils of bergamot, clary sage, lavender, myrtle, lemon, eucalyptus, juniper, neroli and rosemary.

Chamomile essential oil

Chamomile essential oil has a positive effect on oily skin, this oil is known as a strong essential oil that reduces pain and swelling. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which is very effective in treating acne. Its soothing properties present in the essential oil can relieve the redness and irritation caused by acne. In addition, chamomile essential oil effectively treats acne and acne, as well as smoothes wrinkles and whitens the skin. You can add a few drops of essential oil to your homemade face wash and wash your face with it daily in the morning and evening until positive results. Oils such as lavender, rose, tea tree, bergamot, geranium, jasmine, lemon, neroli, ylang-ylang and patchouli essential oils are combined with chamomile essential oil.

Essential oil of cypress

Cypress essential oil is obtained by steam distillation from cypress branches, it has astringent properties that deeply cleanse the skin. It also effectively tightens the contour of the face and tightens pores. In addition, cypress essential oil is able to increase blood flow to the skin, as well as tones and reduces sebum production. Oils such as essential oils of jasmine, clary sage, orange, bergamot, juniper, grapefruit and lemon are combined with cypress essential oil.

Sea buckthorn essential oil

Sea buckthorn essential oil has protective antioxidant properties and is low in linoleic acid. Therefore, when mixed with other oils with a higher content of linoleic acid, an anti-aging effect can be created. In addition, sea buckthorn essential oil effectively eliminates scars, acne, acne and uneven skin, and also smoothes out fine wrinkles and promotes the speedy regeneration of the skin. Also, sea buckthorn essential oil is suitable for skin care around the eyes, because it is completely hypoallergenic. Oils such as bergamot, calendula, geranium, neroli, orange, carrot seed, lavender and rosemary essential oils are combined with sea buckthorn essential oil.

Lemongrass essential oil

One of the best essential oils for oily, acne-prone and porous skin is lemongrass essential oil. It perfectly nourishes the skin, has cooling, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Lemongrass essential oil perfectly cleanses pores, normalizes the function of the sebaceous glands and prevents inflammation.

essential oil of orange

Orange essential oil is one of the effective essential oils for oily skin and acne. Lemon acid present in this essential oil is able to regulate the production of sebum and other impurities. In addition, orange essential oil increases blood circulation. It also works as an excellent antiseptic that prevents pimples and acne. Orange essential oil perfectly tightens pores, eliminates acne scars, reduces wrinkles and restores skin elasticity. Oils such as clary sage, lavender, cardamom, coriander, ylang-ylang, sandalwood, neroli, rosemary, cypress and juniper are combined with orange essential oil.

Essential oil of bergamot

Bergamot essential oil is effective for oily skin and acne, it is excellent remedy for treatment problematic skin. Its antibacterial properties help in getting rid of pimples and acne. In addition, bergamot essential oil perfectly regulates the sebaceous glands and tightens pores. You can add this essential oil to any vegetable oil (almond, olive, etc.) and use it on your skin. Jojoba base oil 10 teaspoons, then add bergamot essential oil 10 - 12 drops, tea tree essential oil 5 drops and lavender essential oil 8 drops, and then pour all the above ingredients into a clean glass jar or bottle and mix thoroughly. This oil mixture is used for oily skin and acne-prone skin, as well as in the form massage oil, it is used every day, before going to bed. Cooked oil perfectly relieves acne and acne, as well as for the prevention of acne in the future. Oils such as essential oils of cypress, juniper, lavender, lemon balm, neroli, ylang-ylang, patchouli, coriander, eucalyptus and cedar are combined with orange essential oil.

essential oil of oregano

Oregano essential oil is also effective for oily skin and acne, it has antibacterial and antiseptic properties, and it also has great potential to eliminate unwanted pimples and acne from the surface of the skin. Oregano essential oil effectively treats such skin diseases like eczema, psoriasis, scabies, pimples and acne. This essential oil is diluted with base oils, such oils include jojoba oil, olive oil, and coconut oil. It is necessary to apply diluted oils regularly in order to acquire a healthy and clean skin. Oils such as lavender, eucalyptus, pine, rosemary, cedar and bergamot essential oils are combined with oregano essential oil.

essential oil of lemongrass

Lemongrass essential oil is obtained by steam distillation of lemongrass leaves and stems. It is rich in vitamin A, which helps to increase the regeneration of skin cells. In addition, it also removes dead skin cells, as a result, scars and acne spots become less noticeable. This essential oil is one of the ideal essential oils for oily skin, it is good at removing excess oil from the surface of the skin. This oil has bactericidal, astringent and antimicrobial properties that are great for treating acne. The astringent properties of lemongrass essential oil help reduce open pores skin, it well narrows pores, whitens the skin of the face, and also eliminates age spots. Lemongrass essential oil works as a natural astringent that does not dry out the skin and regulates the sebaceous glands. It is used not only for the face, but also this oil is successfully used for steam bath and herbal sauna. If you use lemongrass essential oil regularly, it will remove and prevent acne and pimples.

essential oil of palmarosa

One of the essential oils for oily skin and acne is palmarosa essential oil. This essential oil helps keep skin hydrated, regulates sebum production and stimulates skin cell regeneration. In addition, it is a natural antiseptic and also has antibacterial properties, which is very effective in removing the bacteria that cause acne. Combined with palmarosa essential oil oils such as essential oils of ylang-ylang, lavender, sandalwood, myrrh, geranium, frankincense, jasmine and rose.

Essential oil of juniper

Another of the effective essential oils for oily skin and acne is juniper berry essential oil. It has antibacterial and antimicrobial properties, making it a popular natural remedy for skin irritations and infections. Juniper essential oil also works well as a home treatment acne to get beautiful and flawless skin. In addition, it removes toxins well, restores the skin and protects the skin and body from harmful toxins that lead to acne. To treat acne, apply 2 to 3 drops of juniper essential oil topically to the affected area. For sensitive skin, be sure to dilute juniper essential oil with coconut oil or jojoba oil. Oils such as eucalyptus, sage and lavender essential oils are combined with juniper essential oil.

Carrot seed essential oil

Carrot seed essential oil is one of the most effective essential oils for oily skin. It is excellent in helping to regenerate skin cells, which in turn improves skin tone and complexion, as well as heals scar tissue in the skin. With regular use of carrot seed essential oil, the skin will become matte, oily sheen will go away, and acne scars will disappear.

Myrrh essential oil

Myrrh essential oil can reduce the aging process of the skin, helps in the treatment of oily and problematic skin. In addition, myrrh essential oil is effective in the treatment of eczema, chapped skin, acne, and skin damaged by sun rays. Essential oil of myrrh regular use gives the skin elasticity, even skin tone, reduces inflammation, smoothes wrinkles and treats acne. Oils such as sandalwood, clove, lavender and patchouli are combined with myrrh essential oil.

Essential oil of frankincense

Frankincense essential oil has the function of fighting bacteria and infections that negatively affect skin health. It effectively treats acne, helps reduce acne scars, tightens pores and reduces wrinkles. In addition, frankincense essential oil has protective properties and also stimulates the growth of new skin cells. If you use it regularly, the skin will smooth out, the facial contour will tighten, acne and scars will decrease, and the skin will take on a healthy look. Combined with essential oils of frankincense oils such as essential oils of geranium, sandalwood, grapefruit, lavender, basil, orange and patchouli.

Essential oil of geranium

Geranium essential oil is an excellent choice for treating oily skin. It effectively treats acne, tightens the skin, reduces wrinkles, improves blood circulation, heals burns and increases the elasticity of the skin.
The use of geranium essential oil can reduce the appearance of acne and various rashes such as eczema and ringworm. Also, this essential oil regulates the production of sebum, promotes rejuvenation and regeneration of the skin. Oils such as rose, clary sage, clove, sandalwood, lavender, bergamot and patchouli are combined with geranium essential oil.

essential oil of lemon

Lemon essential oil is one of the most amazing essential oils for oily skin. It effectively eliminates oily sheen, heals acne scars, brightens age spots and exfoliates dead skin cells. In addition, lemon essential oil slows down the aging process and moisturizes the skin of the face well. Oils such as essential oils of lavender, mint, neroli, cypress and juniper are combined with lemon essential oil.

neroli essential oil

Neroli essential oil is very beneficial for mature, sensitive and oily skin. It has bactericidal, antiseptic, regenerating and rejuvenating properties that promote the regeneration of skin cells, treat acne and acne. In addition, it well prevents stretch marks, smoothes and tightens the skin. Combined with neroli essential oil, oils such as essential oils of cypress, juniper, sandalwood, jasmine, rose, lavender, cardamom, myrrh, ylang-ylang and rosemary.

patchouli essential oil

Patchouli essential oil is an excellent remedy not only for aging skin, but also great for oily skin. This essential oil promotes the regeneration of new skin cells, reduces wrinkles, treats acne and tightens the contour of the face. Patchouli essential oil has antibacterial, antifungal and antiseptic properties. In addition, it treats dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema and acne well, and also relieves stretch marks. Oils such as ylang-ylang, lemon, neroli and rose essential oils are combined with patchouli essential oil.

Tea tree essential oil

Tea tree essential oil is the most popular oil for oily and acne-prone skin. It effectively treats acne and blackheads, fights bacteria and regulates the production of sebum. With regular use of tea tree essential oil, the skin will become fresh and healthy, inflammation will decrease, acne will disappear, and the skin will become less sensitive. Oils such as lemon, rose, eucalyptus, lavender, mint, geranium and cedar essential oils are combined with tea tree essential oil.

Essential oil of lavender

One of the effective essential oils for oily skin is lavender essential oil. It helps the regeneration of new skin cells, reduces acne scars, dark spots, and also promotes rejuvenation. mature skin. In addition, when used as an aromatherapy oil, it helps reduce stress and also has a relaxing effect. All essential oils are combined with lavender essential oil.

Essential oil of ylang ylang

Ylang Ylang essential oil is great for oily skin. It prevents the formation of acne, stimulates the growth of new skin cells, smoothes fine wrinkles and improves the elasticity of the skin. Ylang-ylang essential oil treats acne, pimples well, soothes irritation and relieves inflammation, and also prevents premature aging skin. Oils such as essential oils of jasmine, sweet orange, bergamot and cedar are combined with ylang-ylang essential oil.

Essential oil of jojoba

Jojoba essential oil reduces the production of sebum, reduces inflammation and moisturizes the skin well. With regular use of this oil, the skin will not look greasy, and will also become beautiful and matte.

Essential oil of sesame

Sesame essential oil has antibacterial properties that effectively remove bacteria. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that soothe irritated skin. However, this essential oil is not suitable for all people, it works in the opposite way, causing acne, because the fatty acids present in this oil can clog the skin pores. Therefore, before using sesame essential oil, it is necessary to test for small area skin, if after a while the skin remains clean, then this essential oil is right for you. If you can't use it on the face, then you can use it on the body.

tamanu essential oil

Tamanu essential oil has anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. It perfectly reduces scars, treats acne and damaged skin, and also stimulates the growth of new skin cells. Tamanu essential oil is an excellent remedy for damaged skin, it is good for treating stretch marks and acne. An allergy test should be done before using this essential oil.

fennel essential oil

Fennel essential oil is effective in treating oily skin, it cleanses the skin well and gives the skin a healthy look. Fennel essential oil is also great for mature skin, reducing wrinkles, promoting new skin cell regeneration, and regulating sebum production. Oils such as lavender, orange, ginger and chamomile essential oils are combined with fennel essential oil.

Essential oil of cedar

Cedar essential oil is good for dry and oily skin. It well relieves inflammation and irritation of the skin, and also treats eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis, acne, pimples and fungal infections. Combined with cedar essential oil are oils such as sandalwood, pine, ylang-ylang, juniper, clary sage, coriander, frankincense, myrtle, rose, bergamot, lemon and rosemary.

Note: Cedar essential oil should not be used during pregnancy because it can cause miscarriage.

Peppermint essential oil

Peppermint essential oil perfectly regulates the production of sebum, and also reduces inflammation on the skin and stimulates blood circulation. It treats acne and acne well, and also helps in the treatment of eczema, scabies, bruises and swelling. Oils such as clary sage, eucalyptus, lavender, rosemary, cedar, cypress, orange and lemon are combined with mint essential oil.


Before using any of the essential oils listed above, you should test for an allergic reaction.

The miraculous effect of essential oils in contact with the skin was noticed in antiquity, when aromatherapy was the main component of face and body care. They are not only famous for their pleasant aroma, but also have a healing effect, in particular, they are able to restore the protective function of the epidermis. Millions of women use various recipes based on miracle oils every day to improve and restore skin structure, as well as general condition organism.

Useful properties of essential oils.
Not everyone knows that essential oils do not belong to the category of real oils, because they lack fatty acids. Checking this is quite easy and simple: dropping a few drops of any of these oils onto a white sheet of paper, after a minute you will not see on it fat trace. Due to the minimum of molecules in the composition of essential oils, they are absorbed incredibly quickly, without accumulating in the body, but giving it all the useful elements they contain.

When buying aroma oil, remember that it is dangerous to apply it to the skin in a clean state, as it can become a source of severe irritation and provoke allergic reactions. IN this case as an exception, tea tree oil and lavender should be considered. Therefore, use all other oils in this category only with base oils or mix with creams. Before use, be sure to check the quality of the product and that you are not allergic to it. Olive, almond, apricot, linseed and other cosmetic and vegetable oils can act as a basic component. They have a delicate soft texture, so many "foundations" or "bases" are applied to the skin of the face in pure form.

Essential oils have wonderful property restore the oxygen balance of the skin, increase its level of moisture, thereby restoring elasticity. That is why many girls after 25 years old regularly use masks based on essential oils to prolong the youthfulness of facial skin. Moreover, aromatic oils have an antioxidant ability, so the healing of acne and wounds on the skin is significantly accelerated. For healing purposes, rose, sandalwood, jasmine oils are often used, which not only regenerate the skin, but also inhibit the processes natural aging and skin aging.

Thanks to unique combination bioactive elements and provitamins, essential oils can improve blood flow and restore the hormonal background of the body, which in the future will certainly have a positive effect on appearance and condition of the skin. Small pimples and rashes will disappear in a short time. For these purposes, use oil of rosemary, lemon, mint, juniper, ginger, thyme or lemon balm.

Skin care with essential oils.
Self-care is a very pleasant process that gives all women, without exception, a lot of pleasure and pleasant moments, and also pleases with excellent results. Essential oils in this process are effective helpers. All that is needed for this is to find the desired recipe on the Internet or read the desired recipe in a book and prepare yourself an elixir of beauty and youth on your own. There are so many recipes for masks, creams and emulsions based on aromatic oils today that your eyes often run wide, so try to use only those that your skin needs the most.

Before using aroma oil, decide what effect you want to achieve for the skin. When doing this, consider your age and, above all, skin type.

Recipes for normal skin care with the addition of essential oils.
Effective skin care is known to require integrated approach. Masks and creams with the addition of essential components are an important and part of the correct and regular home care behind the skin, so do not be lazy to prepare the "elixir" of youth and beauty with your own hands, then the result will make you quite surprised.

For owners of normal skin, oils of lemon, geranium, neroli, lavender, chamomile, ylang-ylang, jasmine, orange, mint, rose and tea tree are suitable. All these aromatic oils perfectly tone the skin of the face, soothe and help smooth out fine wrinkles. If your goal is to clear the skin and eliminate acne, then you should purchase lemon, eucalyptus, sandalwood, rose or lavender oil. It is enough to dilute one drop of the “elixir” with a dessert spoon of any base oil (for example, olive) and apply on the face thin layer, like an emulsion for about seven minutes, then remove the residue by blotting lightly with a paper or cosmetic tissue.

You can enrich your creams and emulsions with essential oils. For 10 ml of cream, two drops of essential components are taken. For example, mix two drops each of lemon and ylang ylang oil with one drop of peppermint oil and mix it all into a serving (10 ml) of your regular night cream. Or this recipe: add one drop of rose and mint oil and one drop of neroli to the base (cream).

Essential components are effectively used for steam baths. At normal type skin for half a liter of water, one drop of mint, lemon and ylang-ylang oils is enough. As usual, bring water to a boil, enrich with essential components and steam your face for several minutes.

To maintain normal skin in a healthy and radiant form, there is the following wonderful mask: the base in this case will be St. John's wort oil. For 10 ml of base or foundation, we need one drop of lemon, mint and neroli oil, as well as two drops of ylang-ylang. Apply the mask on a pre-steamed and cleansed face, which significantly increases the effectiveness of the procedure.

Dry skin care with essential oils recipes.
Girls with dry skin need regular softening and moisturizing, so the best option would be jojoba oil, sandalwood, damask rose, lavender, myrtle, geranium, patchouli and grape seed oil. Almost all of them have a satin texture, are perfectly absorbed into the skin and do not leave greasy spots. To maintain the elasticity, firmness and moisture level of dry skin, essential components are also recommended to be added to care products. The base in this case is also a cream (10 ml). So on given quantity the base is taken three drops of Damascus rose oil and two drops of myrtle oil, or two drops of rose oil, chamomile and sandalwood.

For steam baths with dry skin type, it is effective to add the essential components of rosewood (three drops) and sandalwood (two drops) to the water.

A mask based on wheat germ oil, enriched with orange, rose and chamomile oils, taken one drop each, and sandalwood oil (two drops), works favorably on dry skin.

The following mask perfectly cares for dry skin: pour four tablespoons of therapeutic mud chamomile infusion or tea until a homogeneous creamy mass is obtained, which, when applied to the skin, will not flow. Enrich the resulting mass with essential components by adding a teaspoon of wheat germ oil, one drop orange oil and three drops of tuberose. Spread the composition evenly over the face, excluding the area around the eyes, and when dry, rinse with gentle movements using warm water.

Oily skin care with essential oils recipes.
Owners of oily skin need to be on the alert, because many essential oils cause irritation, and sometimes even burns, so they must be used with extreme caution, observing the ratio of base and essential oils. If pimples and blackheads often pop up on your face, then in addition to special pharmaceutical products, apply 1-2 times a week masks with the addition of fir, camphor, lemon and rosemary oils. They contain elements that block comedones and acne, while normalizing the work of the sebaceous glands. For oily skin it is useful to use grapefruit, lemon oil, as well as oils of rosemary, Schisandra chinensis and bergamot.

Having bought an essential oil, do not rush to add it to cosmetic creams if they contain preservatives. The best option is to mix it with some of the healing creams bought at the pharmacy or with base oil. Oils are great to add to your nightly facials. Again, take 10 ml of cream and add: a drop of lemon balm, two drops of bergamot and three drops of grapefruit oil; or three drops of lemon and two drops of rosemary oil.

If you have oily skin with enlarged pores, it is effective to use chamomile, pine, lemon, mint, eucalyptus, juniper oils.

The same varieties of oils are effective for acne, as they have healing, anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory properties.

To steam the skin, it is effective to carry out a steam bath with the addition of essential components. For example, for 500 ml of boiling water, you need two drops of bergamot oil and a drop of Chinese magnolia vine, or add a drop of lemon balm, bergamot and two drops of grapefruit.

It cleanses oily skin very well, removing inflammation and providing an anti-inflammatory effect, a mask of a tablespoon of hercules flakes, previously steamed in boiling water, with the addition of three drops of bergamot oil and four drops of grapefruit.

Recipes based on essential oils for different skin types.
So, if you want to cleanse your face, we recommend preparing the following mask a couple of times a week: in a small glass container drip 1 drop of jasmine and lavender oil, add one teaspoon of liquid honey and stir well. Then, using a sponge, apply to the face, driving the composition lightly with the pads of your fingers. After about five minutes, wash off the residue with a damp cotton pad and apply baby cream on top.

For a deeper cleansing of the skin, it’s a sin not to use this recipe: on a pre-steamed face, apply a few drops of apricot kernel oil, put wet terry towel, lie down like this for two or three minutes, then remove the towel, and remove the remaining "fat" with cotton pads. After a couple of minutes, you need to wash with cool water. You will not believe, but throughout the day the skin will be matte.

For tired, tired facial skin, prepare this simple cream: mix two drops of sandalwood oil with two drops of orange oil and add to any night cream. This should be done before ten o'clock in the evening, and before going to bed, thoroughly blot your face with a napkin. In the morning you will notice that the skin is rested and well-groomed.

For all types skin suit here is such a mask: grind three or four strawberries to a gruel, add three drops of orange oil and one teaspoon of sour cream to it, mix everything well and apply on the face, bypassing the skin of the eyelids. Keep the mask for about a quarter of an hour, then rinse with water room temperature(may be cold).

Lotion with essential oils for oily and porous skin.
Perfectly cleanses the skin and normalizes the sebaceous glands lotion of 10 ml ethyl alcohol, enriched with essential components of chamomile, geranium and orange, taken in three drops.

Skin around the eyes.
In caring for sensitive area eyelids also effectively use essential oils, but in this case, you must be extremely careful not to allow particles of oil to get into your eyes. Favorably tone the skin of the eyelids, nourish and rejuvenate its oils of rose, mint, limette, sandalwood, myrrh, neroli, frankincense, pine. In this case, they can be added to your daily care cream, or mixed with the foundation. For 10 ml of base or cream, you can add two drops of rose and limette and a drop of incense, or a drop of sandalwood, limette and rose. There can be a lot of options.

Essential oils for washing.
Not many people know, but essential components can be effectively used in morning washing. It's simple: mix three drops of oils (you can drop by drop, but suitable for your skin type) in a liter of water. Preferably mixed with plastic bottle. At each procedure, it is necessary to prepare fresh water, since the essential components cannot retain their beneficial properties for a long time, being mixed with something. Such washing will return the natural glow to the skin, improving the complexion, and also smooth out wrinkles.

Essential oils for skin lightening.
Essential oils can also be used to eliminate freckles and age spots. good effect give lemon, rose, chamomile or grapefruit oil. But cypress, mint, lemon, sage oils will help to lighten the skin and make the vascular pattern less noticeable.

Recipe for anti-aging cream.
If you are already far from thirty, then your skin will certainly need regular moisturizing and home anti-aging program. Of course, no one forbids you to visit a beautician's office at the same time, but home methods for maintaining skin elasticity will not be superfluous. That is why we recommend a unique anti-aging cream recipe. For its preparation it is necessary to mix in glassware twenty grams of cocoa butter, and beeswax and grape seed oil, taken in 10 g each. Next, place the container in a water bath until the contents melt and turn into a liquid mass. After that, add preheated mineral water(better without gas). Beat all this slowly for ten minutes with a mixer. After the cream you have prepared has cooled, add aromatic ingredients to it, namely 10 ml of hazelnut oil and 5 ml of evening primrose, mix everything again. The cream is ready. Here is such a simple recipe for aging skin.

We hope that our advice will benefit you and prolong and preserve your youth and beauty for a long time!

A variety of oils are widely used to care for oily skin. With proper use, they help cleanse pores, normalize sebum production, relieve inflammation, and even out complexion.

Does it help

It would seem that the use of oils is unacceptable for oily skin types, because the production of own fat exceeds the required level, which causes many problems. The skin acquires beautiful shade, has a porous structure and many inflammatory elements accompanying the owners of oily skin.

However, the effect of using oils in a variety of cosmetics and in its pure form solves many problems:

  1. Dissolve fatty film.
  2. Brighten the skin of the face.
  3. Cleans and tightens pores.
  4. Normalize the hormonal background.
  5. Increase the functionality of the epithelium.
  6. Improve metabolism.
  7. Helps to increase the oxygen saturation of the skin.

The whole range of beneficial effects is easy to feel on your own skin. If you choose the right ingredients and the form of their application.

Before the beginning cosmetic procedures it is necessary to take into account the processes that will occur on the face after using each tool separately. AND required composition for specific skin problems.

How to choose

The range of oils used in cosmetology is divided into basic products and concentrated essential oils.

The base products used for oily skin have antioxidant properties and a high regenerating property.

Even 1 application is capable of:

  1. improve skin texture
  2. deep cleanse clogged pores,
  3. dissolve excess fat
  4. normalize the functioning of the glands.
  5. the skin becomes soft and tender.

The most suitable oils are those made from grape seeds and jojoba.

Best essential oils for oily skin:

  • Tea tree oil. It has a bactericidal effect, harmonizes the work of the glands, accelerates the processes of regeneration;
  • Lemon and bergamot. They have a significant effect in cleansing and narrowing the pores;
  • Camphor oil, strong antibacterial agent;
  • Fir, eliminates inflammation.

Essential oils can be selected according to necessary action and human taste.

How to use essential oils for oily and problematic skin

Rules for the use of essential oils for oily and problem skin:

  • Do not mix essential oils with cosmetics, only with base oils.
  • It is better to leave the use of essential oils in the evening, if you do the procedure during the day, at least 2 hours should pass before going outside. Some oils tend to become toxic when exposed to direct sunlight.
  • At the slightest allergic reaction the oil should be thoroughly washed off and no longer used. At high degree Allergenicity should be tested for sensitivity to the selected oil before use.
  • Before using any oil, follow the instructions. If there are contraindications indicated there, stop using it.

By following these simple rules, you will avoid negative influences which can be rendered by means.


Essential oils with a high concentration in their pure form should not be used.

For cosmetic purposes, mixtures of essential oils based on the base oil are used, a few drops of the selected product are added. You can use 1 essential oil or several at the same time.

Following the chosen recipe or intuitive selection of the composition, you can make a unique preparation that matches the desired. Do not use more than 5 oils at the same time.

steam baths

The steam bath procedure has a beneficial effect on oily facial skin when used in a complex of care or as an independent procedure.

Under the influence of steam, the pores are opened and deep cleansed, the blood circulation of the skin is also improved, which leads to increased nutrition and an improvement in the general condition.

After steaming, the effect of masks and serums applied to the face is greatly enhanced.

Priority should be given to:

  1. lavender,
  2. pine,
  3. sage
  4. mint.

At the end of the procedure, rinse your face with lemon water. This will reduce enlarged pores and nourish the skin with vitamin C, in addition, lemon has a brightening effect, which perfectly refreshes the face.

Baths are not allowed elevated temperature body or acute inflammatory process.


Face masks are indispensable comprehensive care, you can use ready-made cosmetic forms, or you can do it yourself using only high-quality and natural raw materials.

The time spent on preparing a fresh mask will more than pay off with the result and will amaze you with its cheapness.

With pharmacy clay

As a basis, you can take pharmacy clay, sour cream, fruits and vegetables. Everything has great result and it's pretty easy to prepare.

For skin with acne, a mask based on white pharmacy or blue clay is well suited:

  • add oatmeal,
  • mix with kefir and add a few drops of essential oil with anti-inflammatory action: tea tree or mint (optional).
  • apply a thick layer on the face and after 20-30 minutes rinse with warm water.

With sour cream or kefir

To lighten the skin in sour cream, add chopped fresh parsley, a few drops of any citrus oil, you can use natural juice lemon.

Apply a freshly prepared mask 1-2 times a week, best between 18:00 and 20:00.


Jojoba oil should be chosen as a base oil in order to restore the elasticity of the skin with the first signs of fading.

Add a couple of drops from the citrus row and mix with hercules, passed through a blender or meat grinder.

Face masks can solve almost all cosmetic problems. The main thing is to choose the right necessary components. To do this, you should determine the problem of the skin (dull color, acne or loss of elasticity) and, focusing on it, select the composition.

When using the mask in combination with a massage or a steam bath, the effectiveness increases many times over.

The number of procedures per week is selected individually for each skin. It is good to use 2 masks per week, with different directions. One should be cleansing, and the second anti-inflammatory or nourishing.

When sick skin Before the procedure, consult a dermatologist.


Tonics and lotions are indispensable in cleansing the skin of the face.

Tonics are aimed at removing excess sebum.

Refreshing effect on the face in the middle of the day, have excellent anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictive properties. Every girl can prepare a tonic at home.

The choice of ingredients for the lotion provides the desired effect: antibacterial property, wound healing, brightening, toning.

The only drawback of such a tool is a short service life. You will have to change the lotion weekly, and based on vodka every 3 days.

On the other hand, due to the need to replace the product with a fresh one, the composition can be adjusted taking into account the urgent needs of the skin.

A few recipes selected for oily skin:

  1. On a glass of green tea, a few drops of lemon essential oil, you can add lemon juice. Store in refrigerator for 1 week. Brightens and refreshes the face.
  2. White wine. Great product even without additives. Improves complexion, cleanses pores, has a rejuvenating effect.

To create a tonic, you can use:

  • various decoctions of herbs (calendula, chamomile, yarrow, mint),
  • with the addition of essential oils (tea tree, citrus, bergamot, lavender and others).
  • this will allow you to choose a remedy for any occasion without the cost of buying a ready-made store tonic.
  • You can change the composition at least every 3 days. Thus achieving perfect condition your skin.

Such a tonic will not damage the skin even with frequent use (for example, in the heat).

If you take alcohol, vodka, wine as a basis, then use the tonic no more than 3 times a day. Otherwise, you can "burn" the top layer of the epidermis, thereby provoking an increase in the secretion of sebum.

Video: Cream selection


Contraindications to the use of essential oils should be read in the instructions for the selected product.

The main factors excluding the possibility of using aroma oil are:

  • pregnancy,
  • component intolerance,
  • susceptibility to an allergic reaction,
  • violation of the integrity of the skin (burns, cuts).

Severe inflammation on the face, in such cases the procedure is aimed at treatment and has a point effect on the pathological element.

Precautionary measures

In any procedure, the basic rules must be observed. To exclude an allergic reaction, a skin test with a ready-made product should be performed.

Any procedure requires a competent approach, it is unacceptable to try to achieve results in a shorter time by increasing the amount of essential oil!

The essential oil must be completely dissolved in the base oil. High concentration does not provide for use in its pure form.