Smooth skin effect. Portrait - Face retouching while maintaining skin texture (3 ways)

With the advent of the digital age, glamor photos have been retouched by skilled photographers to remove skin imperfections. Today, with advanced image editors such as Adobe Photoshop, you can easily achieve realistic results in retouching. However, many existing techniques retouching removes too much detail, making the skin look plastic and unrealistic. In this lesson we will teach you efficient technique retouching without losing texture in Photoshop.

Step 1. To get started, go to the menu File (File) - Open (open), to open the photo you would like to edit. Since we will be working with fine details, it is important that the image is high resolution so that skin details are visible. The image I chose is high resolution 10 megapixels with fairly detailed skin.

Step 2 In the next step, we duplicate the layer twice and apply two filters to each of the new layers. Because the image I'm working with is a massive 31MB photo, the process of applying the filter will be CPU intensive and slow to apply. Before I continue to duplicate the layer, I need to use the tool Lasso (Lasso), to create a skin selection and duplicate just that area. This will reduce the number of pixels you need to work with and reduce the load on your computer. You don't have to do this if you don't need to. This can be useful if you don't have a powerful computer with lots of RAM, or if your photo isn't that big.

Step 3 So, press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + J or open the menu Layer (layer) - Duplicate layer (Duplicatelayer), to duplicate the layer. Do this again to get two layers. Now rename the top layer to "High frequencies" (High Pass), and middle layer in "Low Pass". As you might have guessed, on the layer “High frequencies” (High Pass) we will apply a filter Colour contrast (highPass), and on the layer "Low Pass" (Low Pass), we will apply a low pass filter.

Step 4 Let's start with the Low Pass layer. In the layers panel, click on the eye next to the High Pass layer to hide it and select the Low Pass layer we will be working on.

Step 5 Instead of applying a low pass filter, also known as a Gaussian blur (GaussianBlur), we will use the Blur filter on the surface (surfaceBlur). Select menu Filter - Blur (filter - Blur) and select Surface blur (surfaceBlur). The Surface Blur filter (surfaceBlur) will blur the image but leave the edges intact. It is great for smoothing the skin without losing contours.

Surface blur (surfaceBlur) provides two options:
Radius (Radius):
This setting specializes in the size or strength of the blur. Use greater value settings for a larger image.

"Parameter Radius (Radius) determines the size of the area selected for blurring” (Adobe Help Center).
Threshold (Threshold):
This option allows you to define the area to be blurred.
"Parameter Threshold (Threshold) controls how much the tone values ​​of neighboring pixels should differ from the value of the central pixel before becoming part of the blur. Pixels with a tonality value less than the value set in the parameter Threshold (Threshold) , are excluded from the blur" (Adobe Help Center).

To get started, install Radius (Radius) And Threshold (Threshold) so that the image is blurry but still legible. Then lower the value of the parameter Threshold (Threshold) and stop when the edges are sharp. Now adjust the setting Radius (Radius) so that the skin becomes smooth.

Step 6 We have finished working on the layer “Low frequencies” (Low Pass). Now we will work with the layer "High frequencies" (High Pass), which will show small parts such as pores and irregularities. Select the layer, click on the eye next to the layer “High frequencies” (High Pass) and change the layer blending mode to Linear lighting (Linearlight).
Fine skin blemishes become more visible on neutral skin tones and less visible on dark colors skin. To simulate such natural effect, we will add layer mask (layermask), which will reduce the visibility of jaggedness on dark skin tones in the image. Add layer mask (layermask) by clicking on the button or by going to the menu Layer - Layer mask (layerMask) and choosing "Show all" (RevealAll).

Step 7 Now we will add to the image External channel (applyImage) to apply a copy of the image to the layer mask. We now have a layer mask that defines and reduces the effect on those dark areas.

Step 8 We're done with the layer mask, so click on the layer thumbnail (not the layer mask).

Step 9 We will then apply the filter Colour contrast (highPass). We'll need a lot of fine adjustments in the next step, so before we start, set the image zoom to 100% so that the skin is visible.

Step 10 Select Filter - Others (filter - Other) and select a filter Color contrast (High Pass). In the filter Color Contrast (High Pass) set a small value Radius (Radius), to make the skin look natural.
Technique: Click on the slider Radius (Radius) and press the up and down buttons to more precisely reduce or increase the amount of effect applied.

Note. from translator: You can also use the mouse scroller: scrolling down decreases the radius value, scrolling up increases it. This technique also works when increasing/decreasing the brush size and other parameters inphotoshop, where scrolling is possible.

"Color Contrast (High Pass) keeps the edges of the details in the specified radius where sharp color transitions occur, and suppresses them in the rest of the image (a radius of 0.1 pixels preserves only the edges of the pixels). The filter removes low frequency details in the image and gives the opposite effect. Gaussian blur (GaussianBlur) (Adobe Help Center).

Step 11 Now we'll go back and tweak the settings a bit. layer mask (layermask). In the layers panel, click on layer mask (layermask), to activate it. Then go to the menu Image - Correction (Image - Adjustments) and select a tool Brightness/Contrast (brightness/ contrast) , reduce contrast (contrast) and adjust brightness (brightness) so that the roughness of the skin becomes less visible in dark areas and more visible in bright areas.

Step 12 We're done smoothing out the skin, but now the whole image is blurry. We need to use layer mask (layermask), to erase the effect from areas that are not skin. Select the top two layers and press Ctrl+G or go to the menu Layers (Layers) and select Group Layers (groupLayers), to group the layers. Then add a layer mask by going to the menu Layers - Layer mask (layer - layerMask) and choice hide everything (Hideall).

Step 13
Note. translator: Before proceeding with this step, read it completely, including step 14, it may be easier for you to use the tool Fastmask ( Quick mask ), if you have good experience work with her.
You should now see the image as it originally looked without the skin smoothing effect. We will paint with a layer mask on top of the skin. But since the effect is barely perceptible, it can be difficult to see it in the shaded areas. Therefore, before painting over the layer mask, add a new layer above the High Pass layer and fill it with red. Then change opacity (opacity) red layer by 50%.

Step 14 Select the Groups layer mask again by clicking on the black thumbnail in the layers panel. Choose a tool brush (Brush) and paint over the skin so that the effect of smooth skin becomes visible in the areas you paint over. To change settings brushes (brush), click somewhere right click mice, and you will see brush settings (brushsettings). Start with diameter (diameter) big size And stiffness (hardness) about 50. Then paint over small dots brush (brush) smaller size. You don't have to be too picky about this step. Small misses will not be noticeable.

Acceptance: For rapid change brush size, press the [ key to decrease its size and press the ] key to increase the brush size.

Step 15 Delete the red filled layer when you're done.
Final result
Look at the images to compare the results before and after the effect.

After reading this instruction on how to make a face photoshop in Adobe Photoshop, even a novice user can complete this task.

All you need is competent and detailed instructions. The retouching methods described in the article will help you retouch a photo no worse than professionals from glossy magazines.

Remember! At the final stage of retouching, the skin of the face should not be too blurry and “plastic”. Apply all the effects and techniques in moderation and then the photo will seem natural and of high quality.

Method 1. Working with layers

Stage 1. To start open photo, which you want to edit in the main program window. For retouching, only high-resolution images are suitable, that is, those that can be greatly enlarged and consider the very texture of the face.

Now we need to start working with layers. Duplicate the layer by pressing the Ctrl and J keys. Then immediately press Ctrl + G. The layer will be copied and placed in new group. For groups and layers, users must name them, so I'll list them as Airbrush1 and Blur1.

The created Blur1 layer is displayed in the program as follows:

Blur1 is essentially a blurry display of the skin. Next, you need to add another layer, with the help of which the skin and face will again acquire a natural embossed appearance. Again press Ctrl and J and Ctrl + G.

Double click on the previously created Blur1 filter. The layer editing window will open. To perform blurring, select the Surface Blur filter. It allows you to achieve a good degree of blur without smearing the edges of the lips, nose, eyes. Adjust the slider so that the skin looks even, but not too oily. Work out in detail each fragment of the picture, using the zoom window. Take Special attention edges of lips and eyes.

After finishing editing the layer, save all the changes made and close the layers window. As a result, the main image should be very even, and the skin of the face smoothed, as shown in the figure. In this case, the eyes and lips will have natural look, as it shown on the picture:

This blur stage allows you to create a foundation for subsequent work. If it seems to you that you have leveled the layer too much and the picture looks unnatural, but the following steps will give us the opportunity to fix this problem.

Stage 2. Simultaneously press the Shift+F5 keys to open the fill window. In earlier versions of the program, the hotkey combination may not work, so open the window using the Edit - Fill menu. Set the window parameters as shown in Figure 4. Click OK to save the changes.

Rice. 4 - change the texture fill parameters

Stage 3. At the third stage of editing, you should add quite a bit of extraneous noise. This trick can make the skin of the face more natural and natural. Remember that after working with the filter, the image should not be very sharp.

Open the Filter - Noise window. Adjust the slider so that the skin has a barely visible relief, as shown in the image below:

To leave the skin natural and remove the extra created noise on the rest of the photo, you need to use the Gaussian blur tool (Gaussian Blur). Select it by going to the Filter - Blur window.

In the window that opens, you need to set the radius of the created blur and apply the effect. We advise you to set the parameter to "1". After that, press the OK button.

Stage 4. Now we need to determine the exact skin color that is used in the blur layer. This can be done using the well-known pipette. This tool is located on the toolbar on the left side of the main program window. Select an eyedropper and click it on the area of ​​the skin, the color of which is the most natural for you. Then a color palette will be displayed, on which the color you have chosen will be determined. Click on the triangle to open the color options list box. In the list, check the HSB model. Remember the meaning of the HSB fields. This will be very useful in future work.

Stage 5. Now let's adjust the color saturation. To do this, select “Background Saturation” in the main menu of the program or press the Ctrl and U keys. The Colorized item should be checked. Next, set all three parameters to the same values ​​that the HSB model had at the previous stage.

Stage 6. Now find the layers panel. It is always displayed in the main program window. Click on the previously created Airbrush1 layer. Now on the main menu, select the "Layer" window. In it, click on "Layer Mask" and then click on "Hide All".

This action allows you to create new mask layer. It will be completely filled with black. This area is needed to create areas that will later be used to retouch the image.

Stage 7. Press the D button on your keyboard. This allows the program to automatically detect background colors. On the Photoshop toolbar, select Brush. Set the following settings shown in the figure:

The illustration must be enlarged by 100 percent. This will help to see the skin of the face as close as possible. Now paint over the skin with the brush. If the tone seems unnatural to you, it's okay - in the next step we will even out the color. Use the brush on areas of skin that need to be corrected for bumps and imperfections. Increase or decrease the size of the brush depending on the element being edited.

As a result, those places of the face where you used the brush will be displayed on the black texture layer in white. The skin itself should look very smooth.

Stage 8. Now we need to remove the unnatural look of the face, while leaving the skin very smooth and even. Select the layer called Texture and open the settings window for this layer by pressing the Ctrl and U buttons.

To reduce areas of red areas of the face, you can set the Hue (background color) parameter to "10". If there is no skin a large number in such areas, it is better to leave the original value of the parameter.

The next parameter is saturation. Its setup takes time. By decreasing the value of the parameter, you can even out the skin tone. Adjust the value until you get desired result. Please note that the skin should not be too pale, do not overdo it.

Parameter Brightness (Lightness) also needs to be changed. While adjusting the slider, you can clearly see how the color rendering of the picture changes. Set the value that suits you best. The photo should not look too bright, achieve the effect of “daylight”.

Stage 9. At this stage, the skin still feels unnatural and a bit plasticky. You can remove this unpleasant effect by restoring individual skin details. In the main menu of the program, click on Tools. Then select External Image Channel. Now a window will appear in which you need to set the settings shown in the figure below:

As you can see in the figure, a red channel has been added to the parameters. This allows the skin to look more natural. You can also experiment with color channels to find the one that works best for you. The display of the skin in all three color channels looks like this.

The final result of the work. The final image of the face is indicated in the figure:

As you can see, the result turned out to be very successful. This technique of using an airbrush allows you to achieve very smooth skin and mask even the most obvious of its shortcomings. To see the work done, zoom in on your photo, focusing on the skin texture. As you can see in the figure, the skin in our figure acquires some features of porosity. At the same time, it is very even and has a healthy shade:

This technique is universal. All the necessary tools for work are in any version of Photoshop. You can apply effects to any photo. For achievement best result advises using images in which the face is shown close-up.

Method 2. Remove acne and wrinkles

In the previous method, we showed how to even out the tone and complexion using fairly good skin as an example. If you have visible imperfections that you would like to remove and leave the original complexion, use this method. It is very fast and can be used even in those photographs where the face is not shown close-up.

Open the photo in the program and immediately create a duplicate layer. You can do this in the layers window. Right-click on the "background" element and in the pop-up list, click on "Duplicate Layer".

Zoom in on the photo in the program. This will allow you to see and remove even the smallest skin imperfections. Use the Scale tool:

Now select the Healing Brush at the top of the Toolbox. Edit its diameter and hardness. We advise you to set these parameters as 20 pixels and 50 percent, respectively. This level of hardness allows you to paint over imperfections in such a way that the brush marks will not be visible later.

Rice. 20 - the final result of retouching using the healing brush

After applying the Healing Brush, you can adjust color scheme images using the Color window. Adjust the brightness and contrast settings as you like.

When photographing people in dimly lit rooms, many use a flash. At the same time, even from an external flash, ugly highlights can remain on the face, usually on the forehead and tip of the nose and shadows under the eyes. There is a very simple way, using Photoshop, if you do not solve this problem entirely, then significantly smooth out the unwanted play of chiaroscuro. In addition, using the same technique, you can improve general form skin in the photo, hiding fine wrinkles and small defects. So, let's try to fix the flash action and achieve perfect skin in Photoshop. I advise you to also read about how to use Photoshop.

I'll use the photo on the right as a base. The photo was taken, as they say, on the go, and even with a flash, so highlights and shadows are very noticeable, in addition to this, there are two moles on the face, which should also be removed to get perfect skin. But first, in my opinion, it is worth slightly sharpening the photo in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hair, eyes and lips. To do this, as usual, we create with a copy of the image. Then apply the filter "" (" unsharp mask") with the following parameters: "Amount"- 89%, " Radius"- 1.2," Treshold«- 0.

We got a sharper image, there was a beautiful shine on the hair and in the eyes, but at the same time the whole image became sharper, which is absolutely not necessary. Therefore, add to the layer from the menu " layer» (« Layer«) — « layer mask» (« Layer mask"), but not as in the previous lessons, but in the mode" hide all» (« Hide all“) and, taking a soft brush, carefully circle the girl with white, leaving the background “under the mask”. As a result, we have increased the sharpness of the portrait, while the background remains the same as it was at the beginning.

Now we need to remove skin defects on the face, namely 2 moles on the cheek and under the eyebrow. To correct the image, we need to go on the top layer from the mask directly to the picture, for this we click on the preview to the left of the mask in the layers panel. Now select the tool Clone Stamp Tool» (« Stamp"). At the top, you can select the properties of the tool, as for a brush. We choose a hardness of 50% and a diameter of a little over size moles in the photo. Then move the mouse over the area next to the defect on the cheek and while pressing the " alt»Click on this place with the left mouse button. Thus, we have chosen the source for cloning, now we just carefully paint over the mole. Repeat for the mole under the eyebrow. We will talk about the Stamp tool in more detail in another article, but here it works just as an auxiliary tool.

There are no more large natural defects on the skin of the face, and it's time to remove the excessive play of chiaroscuro. To do this we need another layer. Copy it from the bottom one, and it will appear below the layer on which we sharpened. Now take the left mouse button on the top layer with the mask and move it under our new one.

Select the top layer (the one without the mask). And blur with the filter Gaussian Blur» (« Gaussian blur") with radius 3. Parameter " Radius» (« Radius") we choose in such a way that all unnecessary defects on the skin, in this case shadows, highlights and wrinkles from the nose to the lips were very blurred.

The last action left is to apply a mask on the blurred layer in the “ hide all» (« Hide all“) and again, taking a soft brush, we begin to sketch the skin on the mask. In this case, we need to leave the eyes, lips, and nose hidden, with the exception of the glare at the tip. If this is not done, then the face will turn out flat and unnatural.

To make it more clear, I got such a mask. Now let's relax a little Opacity» (« Visibility") of our blur layer, the slider is at the top right in the layers panel. I chose a value of 75%.

As a result, after applying blur, we get a photo with almost perfect, even tone skin, and with correct mask save volume. At the same time, highlights and shadows from the flash are softened, of course, you can remove them completely, but again, this can lead to an excessive flattening of the image.

If this article did not quite help you, I can suggest reading about how in Photoshop.

How to do smooth skin in photoshop.

In today's portrait retouching tutorial, we'll look at how to make smooth skin in Photoshop. The option that I offer you is simple to implement, understandable and perfect for beginners in Photoshop for the first retouching lessons.

Let's start studying the lesson.

Step 1.
Open the original photo in Photoshop. On the Internet, for some reason, photos of models are taken as an example all the time. They have already been retouched beyond recognition. I specifically took as an example a photo of a normal live girl, and not a photo model, to show how everything is done.

Step 2
We remove the lock from the layer in order to work with it without interference. To do this, double-click on the lock with the left mouse button and click OK in the pop-up window.
Step 3
We remember that we always do retouching on a copy of the layer and make this very copy. Press the key combination Ctrl + J and see that a new copy layer has appeared.

Step 4
Let's paint over the girl's face. To do this, use the Eyedropper tool to poke in the place on the face where the color and texture are most ideal.

Our chosen color immediately appears on the icon of the main color, now you can apply the brush. Select the Brush tool, select a soft brush, select the size. Lower the opacity of the brush to around 30%. Then we brush over the girl's face. Most Attention focus on more problematic areas of the skin. You can adjust the opacity of the brush, but don't overdo it in painting, otherwise it may just turn out to be a mask on the face. Do not worry if you hit the eyes or lips with a brush, we will fix everything in the future.

Step 5
After everything is neatly painted over, apply the Surface Blur filter.

The filter parameters can be adjusted to your liking to even out the skin.

Step 6
Let's start washing the eyes, cleaning the lips. Take the Eraser Tool, adjust its size and opacity. Don't bet 100% right away, take less. We check that we are on the topmost layer. Gently clean eyes and lips. For convenience, we increase the view, you can use the slider on the Navigator panel, or you can use the Ctrl + keys.

Again adjust the opacity and size of the eraser and clean up the eyebrows and the contour of the face. We pass once more along the contour of the eyes.

We love the result. The girl's skin is smooth, lively and does not look like a puppet mask. I also put some blush on the cheek and eye shadow. Here is such a beauty, my girl Anechka.

Good luck!

The lesson was prepared for you by Marina Kolesova.

In this tutorial, you will learn how to make your skin matte and smooth, like models on the covers of glossy magazines.

Here is a photo of a young girl who really wants to be on the cover of a magazine. But with such irregularities on the skin, no one will let her in there.

The only one who can help her is Photoshop.

Open the image in Photoshop and duplicate it.

Once you're done with the tool, duplicate the layer again and apply Filter - Noise - Dust and scratches(Filter > Noise > Dust & Scratches)

For my example, I used the following settings:
radius 5 px and threshold 0 .

But be aware that the settings depend on the quality of the photo.
As a result, we should get a soft blur of the image, something like this:

The next filter we will be using is Gaussian blur(Filter > Blur > Gaussian Blur)

And again, the settings are up to you, I have radius = 2.

And the final step in creating a new matte skin is adding another filter Noise - Add Noise(Filter > Noise > Add Noise).

We all know perfectly well that human skin cannot be perfectly smooth. Thanks to this filter, the skin will take on the desired texture and will look more realistic.

I used 0.7% monochrome noise.

New skin for the model is ready!

At the bottom of the layers palette, click on the Add a layer mask button. A white square will appear next to the layer.

Take , set the color to black and click on the document.
If it doesn't work, then make sure that the foreground color is black, then press Alt + Backspace
What will happen? The "cloudy" layer will hide and the bottom "clear" layer will appear.

And now the most interesting part begins! Now we will apply perfectly smooth skin to the model. To do everything right, listen to the following recommendations:

Grab the Brush tool, make sure it's selected White color. Set the hardness of the brush to 0. You can also reduce its opacity. (It will be better if you return to the settings in the process and adjust them as needed)

So we are on the layer mask.

Your task is to paint with a white brush in those places where the skin needs to be updated, but do not affect the eyes, eyebrows, lips, hair, so that they do not lose their sharpness.

If you accidentally painted over too much, then switch to a black brush and fix everything.

Here's what you should get at the end of the plastic work:

Layers palette:

The girl's skin is a pleasant color, so we will not apply any color settings.

But if you have a different situation, then remember that there are parameters such as Hue / Saturation, Photo Filter, Color Balance, which will always be happy to help you.

And now we will add some sharpness to our image.

Duplicate the middle layer, I call it "leak brush". Change its blending mode to Overlap (Overlay).
Apply Filter - Others - Colour contrast (Filter > Other > High Pass)

Set the radius to your liking, remember that you can always reduce the transparency of this layer.

I'm sure you noticed how clear the eyes have become!

Here's what we ended up with:

If you want to add even more chic, then go ahead.

Merge all layers except the last one (so that it would be interesting to see how it was and how it became)

Duplicate the top layer, change the blending mode to Overlap (Overlay). It will be something like this:

Add a Gaussian Blur filter:

Add a layer mask and use a black brush to remove the blur from the hair to leave it shining.

Let's add some sharpness. Apply Filter - Sharpness - Unsharpness(Sharp - Unsharp mask) 2 times.

The result is such an oriental beauty:

My favorite is the final comparison: