What to do if the skin peels off after sunburn. The skin peels off after sunburn - what to do? What to do if the skin is flaky after sunburn: regular moisturizing

Very little time is left before the start of the season of beach holidays and sunbathing. Long-term exposure to the sun, especially near the water, provides an excellent opportunity to acquire a beautiful dark golden tan. However, due to certain factors, you may encounter such an unpleasant problem when the skin begins to peel off after tanning.

Sunburn is a change in the natural tone of the skin that occurs through exposure to ultraviolet rays. In the upper layer of the skin there is a special substance - melanin, and its production is activated precisely under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. Even after a short stay in the open air, the body begins to actively reproduce this pigment, which gradually gives the skin a dark shade, protecting the cells that are in the deeper layer of the epidermis from damage.

If melanin is not produced enough or it is slowly reproduced by the body, there is a high probability of getting a sunstroke or a burn, as a result of which the top layer of cells dies off and the process of peeling of the skin begins.

As a rule, a violation of the simple rules of safe tanning leads to such a deplorable result:

  1. To be on the beach only in the morning and evening hours, and not to appear in the open air from eleven in the morning until four in the evening, when solar activity is very high.
  2. Sunbathing should be gradual, starting from five to seven minutes, then you need to take cover in the shade. Gradually increasing the interval of being outdoors, you should not exceed the maximum allowable mark of fifteen minutes.
  3. Twenty minutes before going to the beach, be sure to apply sunscreen and renew it every two hours of being outdoors or after every swim.
  4. After sunbathing, be sure to moisturize the skin of the body and face.

Reasons why the skin begins to peel off after sunburn

When ultraviolet radiation affects the skin for too long or too intensely, melanin fails to protect the epidermis and the top layer of the skin begins to die, forming a film that peels off the body and exposes the deeper layer of tissue. That is, due to the radiation received, the skin dries up, and the body begins to reject its dead layer as a foreign substance. Most often, the reasons why the skin begins to peel after sunburn are:

  • Dry or pale skin type that does not lend itself to tanning, when a reddish tint appears after sunbathing.
  • Visiting the beach in the afternoon and afternoon.
  • Excessive exposure to the sun, for example, during an excursion, jeeping or boat trip.
  • Staying in one position for too long while tanning.
  • Ignoring the use of sunscreen on the beaches and after-sun moisturizers.

When the skin is oversaturated with ultraviolet radiation, after a couple of hours the skin begins to burn and redden, the body temperature may even rise, chills, nausea and headaches appear. If the epidermis is too severely damaged, swelling, rash or blisters may appear at the burn site.

If time does not begin to take measures to soothe and restore the skin, the peeling process will drag on for a very long time, as well as the manifestation of pain.

Emergency measures after sunburn

There are several primary measures that can help reduce pain and prevent swelling and blisters:

  1. Hide from the sun. If you experience skin itching or any feeling of severe discomfort, you should immediately leave the beach and take shelter from the solar radiation indoors.
  2. Apply a cooling compress. To do this, you need to take a soft cloth, handkerchief or gauze, moisten it in cool water and apply it to the affected skin area for at least twenty minutes. If the area of ​​the burnt area is very large, then it is better to take a cold shower.
  3. Take medication. To relieve pain, you can drink one tablet of aspirin or ibuprofen.
  4. Apply a home remedy or pharmacy ointment, the action of which is aimed at eliminating the consequences of a burn and blocking the pain syndrome.

Traditional medicines and cosmetics used in the treatment of sunburn

Traditional medicine recipes can be the first helpers in such an emergency as getting a sunburn, because they can be prepared from the ingredients at hand and applied immediately before purchasing pharmacy products. There are several effective folk remedies that help soothe the skin and activate its recovery processes:

  • Green tea compress. To prepare it, you should brew strong leafy green tea, insist it for fifteen minutes and cool it. Then moisten gauze in the resulting infusion and apply to the affected area of ​​the skin for half an hour during the day, but at least three times a day.
  • Dairy products. Application to the affected area of ​​any fermented milk products available in the refrigerator (kefir, yogurt, sour cream, natural yogurt, etc.). They should be applied for fifteen to twenty minutes during the day.
  • White cabbage. Applying raw chilled cabbage leaves.
  • Talc or potato starch. Powders of talc or potato starch. If the burned area is large in size, you can, after sprinkling the skin with talc or starch, wrap yourself in a sheet. If the burned area is not very large, it is better to dilute potato starch in a small amount of water and use the resulting mass in the form of gauze lotions.
  • Potato mask. To prepare it, raw potatoes should be grated on a coarse grater and put on gauze or a towel. It is allowed to add a small amount of flour to grated potatoes. The mask should be applied for twenty minutes, then rinse with cool water.
  • Mask of potatoes and sour cream. To prepare it, potatoes should be boiled in their skins, peeled and mashed, add fat sour cream and mix. The mask must be kept for half an hour, then rinse with cool water.
  • Compresses with medicinal herbs. To prepare a compress, you can take any dry pharmacy collection, for example, chamomile, succession, St. John's wort, celandine, calendula, willow-herb and prepare an infusion according to the instructions. Pour the finished infusion into a glass container and cool. In a chilled infusion, moisten a gauze or cotton swab, then apply to damaged areas for at least fifteen minutes. The procedure should be repeated at least three times a day.
  • Juice compress. Cucumber, aloe or watermelon juice is used to treat burns, however, it is worth noting that such compresses give a brightening effect. To prepare compresses, the juice obtained with a juicer, grater or blender is mixed with drinking water, in a ratio of one to one. To relieve pain, it is better to cool the resulting mixture and moisten gauze in it, apply a compress according to the scheme. For an hour, apply a gauze lotion for ten minutes, then moisten the gauze again. You need to repeat the procedure a couple of times a day.

Pharmacy funds

In order to effectively and long-term skin treatment for burns, it is better to use pharmacy products, which are creams, sprays, ointments and gels, the most popular are:

  1. Means based on panthenol (bepanthen, dexpanthenol, depanthenol and others). They have a different form of release, but more often creamy. These funds are able to activate the process of cell reproduction in tissues, which contributes to the rapid restoration of mucous membranes and skin.
  2. "Rescuer"- balm, the action of which is aimed at relieving inflammation, itching and swelling. It also contains substances that accelerate the regeneration of the epidermis.
  3. "La Cree"- cream based on panthenol and plant extracts. It is recommended to use it for mild forms of burns, or at the stage of healing and the formation of a new layer of skin. At the stage of skin peeling, the cream is not recommended.
  4. Olazol- a spray with antiseptic properties, and due to the presence of sea buckthorn oil in its composition, it helps to accelerate the healing process of damaged skin areas.
  5. "Eplan"- an ointment that copes well with the treatment of burns of varying severity.
  6. Solcoseryl- a drug that has a release form in the form of a gel and ointment. The gel relieves allergic syndrome and stops the inflammatory process. It can be applied to peeling skin or after blisters have opened. When the recovery phase begins, an ointment with the same name should be used, it perfectly restores the epidermis after burns.

Response measures if the skin has already begun to peel off

If the skin begins to peel off after sunburn, the following steps should be taken:

  1. The very first rule is to stop further injury to the epidermis, that is, you do not need to rip off the film that has appeared or pick the peeled areas.
  2. Instead, a light exfoliation of the skin of the body and face should be carried out to speed up the recovery process. It should be noted that scrubs should not be used in this case, they can additionally injure already damaged skin. Peeling has a finer texture, and it is much more delicate to deal with the problem. For these purposes, you can use ready-made peels of industrial production, or homemade recipes based on sugar, sea salt, and ground coffee:
  • mix half a tablespoon of sea salt with drinking water to a mushy state, apply to the skin and massage for five to seven minutes, then rinse with warm water;
  • dilute four tablespoons of ground coffee with boiled water, apply to the body in a circular motion, rinse with warm water;
  • dilute five tablespoons of granulated sugar with drinking water, massage the skin and rinse with warm water.

After the peeling procedure and during the entire recovery phase, the treated areas of the skin must be moisturized. To do this, you can use special after-sun cosmetics that have a powerful moisturizing effect. The following products are considered the most effective: Sublime Sun soothing restoring body milk (Loreal Paris), refreshing Protection and Moisturizing face and body gel of the Sublime Sun series (L "Oral Paris), Sun Kissed Skin moisturizing lotion (Nivea).

  1. We should not forget that the condition of the skin is strongly influenced by the internal processes occurring in the body. Therefore, the diet should be reviewed in such a way that it contains the nutrients and elements necessary for the rapid healing and restoration of the skin. To achieve the desired effect, first of all, it is required to provide the body with vitamins A and E. They are found in beef liver, nuts, vegetable oils, sea fish, and many vegetables and fruits. It is also necessary to monitor sufficient fluid intake (at least one and a half liters per day). This measure is necessary to restore the dehydrated epidermis. And the use of dairy and protein-rich foods (chicken, turkey, legumes) contributes to the rapid restoration of the epithelium.
  2. Intensive moisturizing and nourishing the skin of the body and face with the help of cosmetic and home remedies.

Cosmetics and homemade recipes for skin treatment

When the process of exfoliation of the upper dead layer has already been started, you should carefully select an effective moisturizer that will quickly restore damaged areas and maintain the proper level of moisture in the new emerging layer. It is allowed to apply such a remedy or apply several different recipes in turn throughout the day, but at least three times a day. Moisturizing procedures should be carried out daily until the skin is completely restored.

When choosing a particular cosmetic product, you should pay attention to the presence of the following components in its composition: panthenol, allantoin, hyaluronic acid, thermal water, vitamins A, C or E, useful plant extracts (shea butter, epilobes, aloe, etc. ). You should also pay attention to the texture of the product, the lighter it is, the better the active substances are absorbed and penetrate deep under the skin.

The following remedies are considered the most effective in this case: Posthelios (la Roche-Posay) after-sun face and body regenerating agent, Capital Ideal Soleil (Vichy) sunburn repair balm, after-sun spray with Ambre Solaire (Garnier) cactus extract.

Or you can use special pharmacy creams and ointments, the action of which is aimed at deep moisturizing and restoring the skin. As a rule, such products necessarily contain extracts of medicinal herbs - chamomile, aloe, calendula, etc. Also, natural essential oils - wheat germ, sea buckthorn, avocado, lavender, apricot, grape seed or almonds. Oils are applied to clean skin two to three times a day.

As an alternative method or addition to cosmetic and pharmacy products, you can prepare home remedies aimed at moisturizing and regenerating burned skin areas:

Honey mask with aloe juice

To prepare it, you need to take the amount of liquid honey sufficient to apply to the entire damaged area. Separately, aloe juice should be mixed with drinking water, in a ratio of 1: 1. Then mix all the components and apply to the necessary areas of the skin. Keep the mask for half an hour, then rinse with cool water and apply a moisturizer.

Lotion based on olive oil and grape seed essential oil

To prepare this moisturizing lotion, you need to take three tablespoons of oil and add six drops of essential oil. Gently rub the lotion into the skin, do not rinse. If necessary, the number of ingredients can be increased, observing the original proportion.

Baby cream with the addition of liquid vitamin E

To prepare the cream, you need to take a portion of a pharmacy baby cream, which is enough to apply to damaged skin, and add one or two ampoules of vitamin E, mix well. It is better to apply this cream before going to bed.

Further skin care and recovery measures

After the process of exfoliating the dead layer is completed and a fresh skin is formed, close attention should be paid to caring for this delicate area.

The main measures for skin care during this period include:

  1. Intensive moisturizing of the skin, at least twice a day. For these purposes, the use of both ready-made cosmetics (creams, milk, lotions) and home-made products is suitable.
  2. Daily skin nutrition. Nutrients differ from moisturizers in that they are aimed not at retaining moisture inside the skin, but at saturating it with essential trace elements and minerals, thereby performing a regenerating function. In this connection, nutrients should be applied before bedtime.
  3. Mandatory use of sunscreen before every outdoor activity. It is also necessary to choose clothes that will hide the delicate newly formed skin from the sun.
  4. Being in the shade. It should be remembered that the subsequent access to the beach in order to get a tan is possible no earlier than two weeks after the disappearance of the stratum corneum and the formation of a new one.

Tanning is a process that requires preparation, moderation and daily application of measures aimed at protecting the skin from burning. In the event that after tanning, the skin began to peel off, this process should not be allowed to take its course. After all, the consequences of a sunburn can be very long and unpleasant. It is better to immediately take the necessary measures to restore the skin and get a new opportunity to tan, but in a way that is safe for health.

The fair sex may experience disappointment due to the fact that after a long-awaited rest or a visit to the solarium, the skin will peel off after tanning. In this article, we will talk about what can be done in such a situation.

What is a burn?

Sunburn damages the basal layer of the skin, causing it to lose its protective functions. The subcutaneous tissue, which is responsible for the formation of new cells, does not have time to carry out the regeneration process normally. Imbalance leads to too rapid death of epidermal cells and, as a result, to rejection and peeling of the upper layer of the skin.

Causes of peeling skin

Sea tan with a matte bronze tint is very short-lived. Nevertheless, many people want to admire the look of their skin, even if only for a short time. Not everyone, having been on vacation, gets severe sunburn. But upon returning from a trip, rarely anyone is spared by such a negative manifestation as skin peeling. This fact prompts many girls to worry about why the skin will peel off after tanning.

In fact, unwanted inflammation on the skin occurs due to the neglect of a few elementary rules. Basically, the sad consequences befall vacationers only after excessive enthusiasm for being in the sun.

Peeling can occur against the background of allergic reactions caused by ultraviolet radiation. Such manifestations are also characteristic of people with dry skin type. Therefore, before you go on vacation, it would be good to do some skin moisturizing procedures.

There is another explanation that sheds light on why the epidermis reacts so sharply to exposure to ultraviolet radiation - this is an individual feature of the body. In particular, behind this lie violations of the processes of melanin production, which provides protection to the surface layer of the skin. People with too light and sensitive skin get deeper burns, and their skin is much more peeling after sunburn. What to do with such blond beauties? It turns out that with maximum effort and patience, they can also get a beautiful brownish skin tone. Below in the article some recommendations are given in this regard.


Signs of sunburn are not long in coming. Owners of sensitive skin already after 1.5-2 hours begin to feel the effects of sunbathing. Visible manifestations are expressed in redness of the skin. Shoulders, upper legs, back and face are the most vulnerable areas. Sunburns are always accompanied by the following symptoms: chills, tingling in the burns, headache, itching, swelling, pain and fever.

With intense damage, the skin can become blistered.

If you ignore these symptoms, then dehydration will occur, and the skin will peel even more after tanning.

First aid

Sunburn is a deep skin lesion that requires complex treatment, which consists of a number of specific procedures.

Before using special preparations, it is necessary to apply a compress. The tissue that is at hand should be moistened and applied for 20 minutes to the reddened area of ​​​​the epidermis.

With severe inflammation, all actions are aimed at eliminating the burn. Soothing and cosmetic products used after sunburn should not recede into the background. It should be noted that different areas of the skin react differently to treatment. If it is noticed that the skin on the back will peel off after sunburn, then it is absolutely impossible to use ointments containing lidocaine and petroleum jelly in this area. This method slows down the process of regeneration of new cells.

Effective and fast help can be obtained after the use of hydrocortisone. The drug helps to relieve inflammation and irritation, and also eliminates pain.

Spray with panthenol has a healing and protective effect. Under the influence of this tool, the process of cell regeneration is significantly accelerated, and the skin condition improves markedly.

To reduce pain, you can use non-steroidal and analgesic drugs.


Young girls are especially worried when the skin of the face peels off after tanning. What to do in such a difficult situation?

If the exfoliation process could not be prevented, it remains only to accelerate the cleansing of the skin from unwanted scales.

After first aid, when the skin has recovered a little after the burn, you can safely start using the scrub. There are plenty of such products in cosmetic stores. The main thing is that such a tool should be gentle and not have too large and hard abrasive particles.

Young ladies who have peeling skin after sunburn on their face should apply green tea compresses and avoid the slightest exposure to the sun for the first few days. Aloe juice helps a lot, as it promotes cell renewal.

There are many proven folk methods that quickly come to the rescue. Often such funds are at hand and help no worse than popular creams and ointments. They are more delicate and less traumatize overly tanned areas. Here are two variants of already tested methods:

  • Coffee scrub. Mix olive oil and grounds after drinking coffee in equal proportions, and apply with light movements to the place where the skin is covered after sunburn.
  • Sugar scrub. Vegetable oil and granulated sugar are taken in equal amounts and mixed thoroughly. Sugar should be well immersed in the liquid, so as not to scratch the skin later.

Skin hydration

When the skin peels off after tanning and the main medical procedures have already been carried out, it still needs further care. Only after a thorough removal of keratinized epithelial cells, you can proceed to the next stage of restoring burnt skin.

She needs to be properly hydrated. The use of local remedies, such as Radevit and Bepanten, helps to cope with this task.

You can use a baby remedy or a regular cream that is familiar to your skin.

After suffering stress, the affected epidermis is best suited for natural-based products. The presence of chamomile, aloe and calendula will have a calming effect and relieve inflammation.

Oils, for example, sea buckthorn, have a good effect.

How to protect sunburn?

To get an even tan, accustom the skin to the sun should be gradually. In the early days, staying on the beach should be limited. It is better to go out for a short time in the morning and evening hours. When the epidermis acquires a brownish color without redness, you can increase the tanning time. Subsequent layers will already lay down more smoothly and beautifully.

The first step is to use sunscreen. At intervals of 3 hours, sprays and special oils should be applied to the skin.

If the necessary precautions have been taken, but the skin still peels off after tanning, then the exfoliating tissue cannot be removed on its own. After that, age spots may remain, which will be difficult to get rid of.

You need to try to avoid re-burns. The more often such phenomena will appear on the skin, the more its protective layer will be depleted. Over time, the epidermis will become more sensitive, and this will lead to other skin problems.

Going to the solarium, you should always follow the recommendations of a specialist. Excessive pastime in such establishments often ends in burns.

Beautiful tan

After the skin has already received a certain dose of ultraviolet radiation, you can use additional methods to correct the tan and provide it with a beautiful even color. Such methods will bring the expected result if the skin does not turn red and does not burn. Essential oils are a good way to do this. They can be used both before sunbathing and after each regular exposure to the sun. The best of them include: avocado, almond, apricot and grape seed oil. They need to be applied in a thin layer. In addition to a beautiful shade, the skin will receive the necessary nutrition and hydration.

Strengthening the body

Cosmetologists say that any manifestations on the skin originate from the inside. On the one hand, the epidermis, which has come under the active influence of ultraviolet radiation, of course, needs to be treated with external agents. However, one should not forget about the internal restoration of the body. Together, these two methods will help to quickly deal with the problem.

To restore the water-salt balance, the body needs minerals and vitamins. This also implies an increase in the amount of liquid, in particular water.

It is necessary to consume foods such as liver, vegetable fats, nuts, vegetables, seaweed, fish, carrots, apricots, green tea. Such nutrition will enrich the body with vitamins A and E, the content of which it especially needs during this period.

The diet should include protein and dairy products. Nutrition during this period should be balanced and varied, so it is not recommended to follow any diet.

Folk remedies

If the skin peels off after sunburn, then the most effective way is the well-known recipe of our grandmothers. Dairy products have always saved lovers of the sun's rays. Moreover, they can be applied immediately, as soon as the first symptoms of the lesion begin to be felt. Kefir or low-fat sour cream is applied in thin layers and left until completely absorbed.

Cucumber juice relieves inflammation very well. But using such a tool, you should remember that it whitens the skin.

A honey mask with aloe juice can give a positive result. Honey promotes deep hydration and nourishment of the skin.


Sunburn is, of course, good. But an illiterate approach to this event can lead to disastrous consequences. Beauties who want to have a chocolate skin color should always follow the recommendations of experts. Only in this case, rest in the hot season will bring pleasure.

Peeling is a frequent alarming sign of skin diseases resulting from the rejection of dead cells of the epidermis. How long and intense this process will be depends on the provoking factor. It can be short-term and without special therapeutic procedures, pass in a few days, or last for decades.

A visit to the solarium or intense sunbathing can provoke such an unpleasant phenomenon when a person's face is flaky. The foundation does not hide this flaw, but only emphasizes it more. Therefore, it is important to restore the skin.

Peeling and peeling skin after sunburn

Causes of peeling

Prolonged sunbathing provokes the appearance of particles of the dead layer of the epidermis on the surface of the skin. They have an unaesthetic appearance. Peeling occurs due to overdrying under the influence of ultraviolet radiation. This process leads to the death of the epidermis.

Peeling is more prone to people who have dry and normal skin. In turn, oily skin is less cracked and flaky. This condition does not threaten serious negative consequences, but causes aesthetic discomfort. If severe peeling was provoked by a sunburn, the patient may be disturbed by pain and discomfort. The skin reacts to a burn after sunburn with redness and pain. In some cases, red spots appear.

Peel off the skin on the body after sunburn

After sunburn, the skin can peel off for 3 main reasons, such as:

  • Failure to comply with the rules of care. If you have dry facial skin, and you do not apply a special cream while in the solarium, do not moisturize it, it is very dry.
  • Failure to comply with the water-fat balance. If oily skin is prone to peeling, and a person uses alcohol-containing care products, the situation is aggravated. For those with dry skin, an oil-based nourishing cream is suitable.
  • The occurrence of peeling after sunburn is a burn. With a long visit to the solarium cabin, the skin burns. Therefore, it is important to monitor the duration of the session.
  • Allergy to tanning products, as well as the chemical composition of cleaning products for the solarium cabin. Such a reaction occurs in rare cases, but with increased sensitivity, this factor should be taken into account.

Severe burn on the body after sunburn

Other causes of peeling

If the peeling has affected the entire body, the reasons may be as follows:

  • Increased external impact on the skin, as a result of which they tend to renew themselves.
  • Washing powder.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • Applying soap in the shower several times throughout the day.
  • As a result of a lack of fluid, the skin cracks and dries up.
  • The action of salt water.
  • Dry indoor air.

Salt water can cause flaky skin on the body

Sunburn symptoms

Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, the skin begins to rapidly produce melanin. It prevents sunburn. If a person is in the sun for a long time and does not moisturize the skin with a special cream with SPF protection, melanocytes malfunction.

Sunburn can be easily diagnosed at the initial stage by symptoms such as:

  • redness of the skin;
  • increased sensitivity to touch;
  • peeling .

If you do not give due importance to these signs, a burn with ultraviolet rays after sunburn passes into a more severe stage - generalized. It is characterized by fever, a feeling of ache all over the body, dehydration.

Redness of the skin is a symptom of sunburn

Remedies for peeling

The main provoking factor is overdried skin. Therefore, it is necessary to replenish the supply of water in the body. For this purpose, you need:

  • Apply local cosmetics. After sun exposure, the skin needs moisture. To do this, you can make fatty creams, which include olive oil. Sunflower oil and butter are also applied to reddened skin. A greasy kefir mask will eliminate redness after sunburn, soften the skin. It is not recommended to use Vaseline, so as not to aggravate irritation.
  • To restore the moisture supply, you need to drink more liquid - 3 liters per day. Not recommended for kidney disease. The more liquid you drink, the less dry skin cracks. As a result, the skin will not peel off after sunburn.

It is necessary to drink more liquid, about 3 liters per day

  • Vitamin and mineral complex. Accelerates the regeneration process of the complex, which includes vitamins of group B.
  • Keep a moisturizer handy at all times, especially if your skin is cracked. Some girls use baby cream or oil.
  • You can make scrubs with an oil base, as well as small granules. The light peeling procedure will remove the dead layer of the epidermis. If you decide to make a scrub at home, you can use oatmeal. It is crushed in a coffee grinder and poured with warm water or kefir for 5 minutes so that it swells. After that, in a circular motion, the scrub is applied to the surface of the skin. After 15 minutes, you can apply a moisturizer.
  • If you are severely burned, you can use preparations that include Panthenol. They will eliminate redness, restore the surface of the skin.
  • It is recommended to do moisturizing masks 2 to 3 times a week. If you have dry skin, a greasy mask is recommended, which should be based on heavy cream, olive oil, fat sour cream, honey. If the skin is oily, you can make masks based on fruits.

The appearance of cracks in the hands

The skin is especially cracked in the area of ​​​​the hands and during low temperatures. There are many provoking factors that cause the skin to crack:

  • frequent contact with chemicals and water;
  • temperature change;
  • change in humidity level;
  • contact with glue or paint.

The skin on the hands dries and cracks

These are external factors that cause cracking and flaking of the skin. Internal factors include fungus, changes in hormone levels, eczema, insufficient amounts of vitamins and minerals. In the presence of internal factors, a doctor's consultation is necessary. With external provoking factors, it is necessary to eliminate the irritant. When cleaning, hands should be protected with rubber gloves. To eliminate irritation, you can use a decoction of medicinal plants. Herbs with an antiseptic effect are suitable for him: chamomile, plantain (grass). The hands are placed in a decoction for 10 minutes, after which a nourishing cream is applied.

Hands especially need nourishment before bed. You can use baby cream. In advanced cases, a doctor's consultation is necessary. Cracks often occur due to insufficient amounts of vitamins (A and E). To eliminate the provoking factor, the doctor may prescribe a vitamin complex.

Use a nourishing cream before bed

Prevention measures

The peeling process and sunburn can be prevented. It is enough to observe some precautions when visiting the solarium cabin or the beach.

What tricks does the beautiful half of humanity go to in order to boast a beautiful golden tan in the summer. Sometimes even such an expected vacation becomes only a means for the fulfillment of desires in the form of a bronze shade of the body. It becomes especially unpleasant when, despite all efforts, the skin becomes dry, begins to peel off and peel off.

Reasons for peeling skin

The top layer of the skin dies due to oversaturation with ultraviolet radiation. This is the so-called “SOS” signal, after which the skin is renewed, or rather, the opening of its deeper layer.

Skin peeling methods

Although skin regeneration, which takes the form of peeling, is an integral process, maintaining a bronze tan still remains a priority.

  • Body Scrub

When choosing a brand and formula, it must be remembered that the main task of this cosmetic product is to help, and not cause microtrauma to the skin.

Therefore, the scrub should be soft, light and not have sharp abrasive particles in its composition, and it does not matter whether it is ready-made or cooked on its own. An ideal option for almost all skin types can be a coffee bean scrub, a sugar scrub, which includes olive oil, almond oil and avocado.

The main feature of these tools is skin exfoliation with its parallel moistening. A feature of scrubs in this category is an oily film that remains after application.

It does not need to be washed off and rubbed off, but only given time until the final absorption, after gently blotting with a towel.

  • Skin hydration

It is an essential element of daily care after obtaining the desired tan. Ingredients in cosmetics with healing and soothing properties, such as chamomile, aloe or calendula, can provide the necessary level of moisture and soothe skin damaged by ultraviolet radiation.

At home, you can use sour cream, cream, olive or other vegetable oil.

The effect of these funds will be no worse than from store options, the main thing in this matter is regularity - 2 times a day, in the morning and in the evening after taking a shower.

  • Sufficient water and good nutrition

The beauty of the skin depends not only on external care, but also on the internal state. The daily intake of water should be 2.5 liters.

You should not get carried away with carbonated sugary drinks and coffee, it is better to give your preference to pure non-carbonated water, green tea and milk, rich in protein, which is actively involved in the process of skin restoration.

The diet must contain foods rich in vitamin A (eggs, liver, etc.), E (seeds, nuts, etc.), B (seafood, etc.)

Prevention of sunburn. How not to get burned in the sun?

But much easier prevent sunburn before dealing with their consequences. This can be done quite simply, just following certain rules:

  1. sunbathing on the beach until 10:00 or after 16:00;
  2. use sunscreen with a high degree of protection;
  3. not in direct sunlight for a long time, spends most of the time on the beach in the shade;
  4. consume plenty of fluids and healthy foods;
  5. after sunbathing, take a shower and moisturize the skin with special products.

We girls do everything we can to get a golden tan in the summer. Admit to yourself that even on vacation you go to the lion's share just for a tan! However, how sad it becomes when, taking all the necessary measures to acquire and maintain a bronze tint on the skin, you still face the fact that your skin begins to peel and peel off.

In this article, we will help you find answers to such questions: "Why does the skin peel off after sunburn?", "What to do when the skin peels after sunburn?", "If the skin peels off after sunburn, is it possible to remove it?"

Why does the skin peel off after sunburn?

The thing is that in this way your body signals an oversaturation with ultraviolet radiation. Due to its overdose, the top layer of skin dies off, revealing a deeper layer of skin.

What to do with peeling skin after sunburn?

Of course, this regenerating function of the skin is very important for the body, but what to do with a tan? How to save it? We will tell you how to deal with the problem of skin peeling.

  • Body Scrub

In order not to injure your skin even more and not completely lose your tan, choose a soft, light scrub without sharp abrasive particles for your body.

You can buy a ready-made scrub in a cosmetic store or cook it yourself, but the most important thing is that it helps you get rid of the top layer of skin gently and without injury.

The most suitable option is a sugar scrub with natural oils of almonds, olives or avocados or a coffee scrub. Such a scrub will not only exfoliate dead cells, but also moisturize the skin, restoring its elasticity and even color. After using any of these scrubs, an oily film remains on the skin. Don't try to wash it off or wipe it off, let it soak in completely by simply blotting it with a towel.

  • Skin hydration

Find the right moisturizer for your body. In this case, choose those that contain healing and skin-soothing components of calendula, aloe or chamomile.

You can also use home remedies. Fermented milk products moisturize the skin very well - you can apply yogurt, cream or sour cream to the body.

You can also choose olive or other vegetable oil as a moisturizer - this is also an excellent and completely natural remedy.

Moisturize your skin twice a day - after morning and evening showers.

  • Water and nutrition

Take care of this problem also from within. To do this, increase your water intake to 2.5 liters per day. Give preference to green tea, natural juices or ordinary water. Milk will be no less useful - it has a lot of protein, which will help in restoring the skin.

Lean on foods that have a large amount of vitamin A (apricots, eggs, spinach, liver and), vitamin E (vegetable and animal fats, nuts, seeds), beauty vitamins - group B (brown bread, seafood, tomatoes).

Prevention of sunburn

We believe you know that it is better to prevent than to deal with the problem later, because in order not to peel off after tanning, you should follow a few simple rules:

  • sunbathe only in the morning before 10 and in the afternoon after 16 hours;
  • use high-quality protective cosmetics;
  • do not stay in the sun for a long time, spend most of the time in the shade;
  • drink a lot and eat foods high in vitamins and beta-carotene;
  • after sunbathing, take a cool shower and apply moisturizing creams to the body.

REMEMBER! Excessive exposure to the sun can provoke heat stroke, as well as skin burns of varying severity.