Remove old stretch marks with cream. Underwear for the prevention of skin stretch marks. Homemade creams and lotions

About 60% of women face such a serious problem as stretch marks on the body. Naturally, the ladies have a natural question: how to get rid of them? Unfortunately, this pathology of the skin, which is localized mainly on the abdomen and chest, cannot be completely eliminated. The appearance of these small scars (striae) on the skin is cosmetic. It is possible to make them less noticeable with the help of various means used at home. Below are ways to remove stretch marks on the body yourself and with the help of salon procedures.

Types of stretch marks

To effectively combat striae, you need to understand their varieties. Specialists distinguish such stretch marks on the body:

  1. New ones that have a pinkish or purple hue. This color is explained by the formation at the site of ruptures of collagen and elastic fibers of the connective tissue, which has a large number of small blood vessels. Wherein? the more striae, the more intense their color. Such stretch marks are considered new for 12 months from the moment of their formation.
  2. The old ones are over a year old. They become lighter. This is due to the fact that the blood vessels in the stretch marks become empty. Such stretch marks, even after sunbathing, will have a light shade, since pigment production stops in places where the skin is damaged. At this stage, you can perform correction and getting rid of stretch marks.

New striae respond better to treatment, since the scarring process ends only a year after the appearance of this skin defect.

Salon removal methods

Among the most effective ways to remove stretch marks, the following should be highlighted:

  • Seaweed wraps. This procedure is effective for small striae. 6-12 wraps are enough to noticeably smooth the skin. At the same time, its tone improves significantly, which helps prevent the appearance of new stretch marks on the body.
  • Photopigmentation. This painless procedure allows you to remove new striae in just 10 sessions. Photopigmentation helps to activate the process of regeneration of skin cells.
  • Microdermabrasion. This procedure is a process of grinding striae with a jet of air and sand. It enhances the production of collagen and elastin, which contributes to the restoration of the normal state of the skin.
  • Grinding with a laser. After several such procedures, striae become almost invisible. During grinding, local anesthesia is required. The number of procedures is prescribed by a specialist depending on the type and size of stretch marks.
  • Enzyme injections. During such procedures, scars are smoothed out, and damaged tissues are almost completely restored. Unfortunately, the effect of injections is short-lived. The result of these procedures is stored for 2-3 years.
  • Plastic surgery (abdomenoplasty). This treatment for stretch marks on the body is the most cardinal. During this operation, scarred areas of the skin are completely removed.

Home remedies to get rid of stretch marks

home remedies

You can get rid of stretch marks with the help of such regular procedures:

  1. Coffee beans are ground to form large particles and rub this substance into places on the body where there are stretch marks once a day. It is advisable to perform this manipulation with a rigid mitten. For 1-2 months, you can make striae almost invisible, while you can still get rid of cellulite.
  2. In 150 ml of natural yogurt add 1 tbsp. spoon of almond oil and 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grated lemon zest. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed and applied to areas where stretch marks are present. This peeling is used 2-3 times a week. This mixture can be stored in a tightly closed glass container in the refrigerator.
  3. To prepare a scrub for stretch marks, take one glass of medium-sized salt and sugar. 0.5 cups of vegetable oil (preferably palm oil) are added to them, the mixture is well mixed and massaged with it all the problem areas. The scrub is washed off with warm water, after which body lotion or moisturizer is rubbed into the skin. This procedure is performed daily for 1-2 months.
  4. Green cosmetic clay is kneaded with water to form a batter. Being in a dry bath, the mixture is applied to the affected areas and wait 10-15 minutes until it dries. The dried clay is washed off with warm water, after which a warm bath is taken with the addition of rosemary essential oil (20-30 drops per bath). These daily procedures are performed for two weeks.
  5. You can also get rid of stretch marks with the help of such a natural remedy as mummy. In 1 teaspoon of warm boiled water, 1 g of mummy is diluted. This solution is added to any baby cream (100 g). Rub it into problem areas once a day. Store this product in the refrigerator.
  6. To 0.5 cups of aloe juice add 0.5 cups of olive oil. A few drops of vitamins A and E are added to this mixture. The places of localization of stretch marks are rubbed with it twice a day (in the morning and at night). Store the mixture in a tightly sealed glass container in the refrigerator.
  7. To 1 teaspoon of almond oil, add 8 drops of rosemary oil and rub it into the skin affected by stretch marks daily until they become almost invisible.
  8. In 250 ml of milk, boil 0.5 cups of pharmacy chamomile. A dense tissue is moistened with this decoction and wrapped around the parts of the body affected by striae. A plastic film is placed on top of it and the compress is insulated with a towel. After 15 minutes, the body is rinsed with warm water and a moisturizer is applied to the skin. Such compresses are done daily until the stretch marks on the body disappear.

Water procedures and self-massage

Daily contrast showers with alternating hot and cold water will help get rid of stretch marks. In this case, the procedure ends with cold water. Such a shower improves blood circulation. It favors the increase in the production of elastin, which makes the skin more elastic.

Regularly performed self-massage improves tissue tone, which improves its appearance and makes stretch marks less noticeable. Do a massage after taking a contrast shower. It is advisable to spend it for 15-20 minutes in the morning and evening. Problem areas are massaged with fingers or a towel rolled up in the form of a roller. Self-massage begins with light movements with the palm of your hand. Then move on to light tingling and rubbing. After this procedure, the skin is moisturized with almond oil or body milk.

Despite the complexity of the fight against stretch marks, with the right approach and regular procedures, it is quite possible to make them almost invisible, as well as prevent the appearance of new scars on the body.

About 70% of the world's population has striae on their bodies. Many people want to get rid of stretch marks. And demand creates supply: a huge number of cosmetics and procedures inspires hope for a speedy recovery of the skin. But how not to get lost in all this diversity?

Stretch marks and their causes

The mechanism of formation of stretch marks, called stretch marks by physicians, has long been known. After the rupture of the skin fibers, the damage sites are “sewn together” by the connective tissue, and wavy stripes with uneven edges of different lengths and widths appear on the body. Why do skin fibers - elastin and collagen - break? Scientists identify two factors:

  • stretching of the epidermis;
  • hormonal disruptions.

This may happen:

  • during pregnancy- when the abdomen and chest increase;
  • with fluctuations in weight- a quick set of extra kilos or when losing weight, since the skin does not have time to adapt to changes in volume;
  • during periods of intense physical activity- the epidermis stretches more slowly than muscle mass increases;
  • in adolescents - an active period of growth involves the transformation of the skeleton and other changes in the body that the skin does not keep up with (adolescent restructuring is called the main cause of stretch marks on the back, and in girls, stretch marks can form on the hips and chest);
  • with metabolic disorders- there is a failure in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, the skin becomes inelastic and "torn".

Stretch marks appear on different parts of the body:

  • on the back - in adolescents and athletes;
  • on the stomach - with excess weight and weight loss, in pregnant women;
  • on the hands - with body fat, in athletes;
  • on the chest - during pregnancy and lactation, with a rapid increase in muscle mass, in teenage girls, with excess weight;
  • on thighs and buttocks- with sudden changes in weight, in athletes, in adolescence, less often during pregnancy.

Prevention: 3 treatments in 2 steps

It is easier to prevent the appearance of stretch marks than to deal with them later. Prevention of stretch marks is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • skin hydration;
  • providing epidermal cells with nutrients and vitamins;
  • acceleration of regeneration processes;
  • activation of blood microcirculation;
  • stimulation of the synthesis of elastin and collagen.

To solve these problems, you can do with just three procedures, which can be done in two steps.

  1. Cold and hot shower . The session should start with hot water and end with cold water.
  2. Nutrient application + massage. Rub a cosmetic product intended for the prevention of stretch marks between the palms, and massage the areas of the body prone to the formation of stretch marks with pinching and patting movements.

As a prophylactic drug, you can use:

  • cosmetics for nourishing and moisturizing the skin of the body;
  • cosmetics for the prevention of stretch marks;
  • cold-pressed vegetable oil (such as olive oil).

To enhance the effect, once a week it is advisable to work out the areas of the body subject to stretching with a scrub. The product can be bought, or you can make it yourself by mixing two tablespoons of ground coffee beans with an equal volume of olive oil or shower gel.

Skin tone is largely determined by the state of the muscular corset, so rational physical activity is an important step for the prevention of stretch marks. It is necessary to choose feasible exercises for those parts of the body where stretch marks may appear, and perform them regularly.

How to remove old and fresh stretch marks on different parts of the body

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks on the body if it was not possible to prevent their appearance? Despite the fact that the answer to this question is yes, there are several points to consider when setting out to cure stretch marks.

  • Act without delay. Pink, red-bluish, purple striae are considered fresh - they are quite easily eliminated. After about six months, the stripes on the body turn pale due to the natural death of the capillaries. It will not be possible to completely remove old stretch marks on the skin: it is only possible to make them less noticeable.
  • Combine different methods. The use of several methods aimed at combating stretch marks at once significantly increases the chances of success.
  • Do not stop. Removing stretch marks is a lengthy process, so be patient. It may take several months to see visible results. Procedures should be resorted to regularly, and not from time to time.

Folk and professional cosmetics

Fresh stretch marks on the skin can be treated at home. Stretch marks can be affected by the use of cosmetics. The easiest way is to go to the store and purchase a product specifically designed to combat stretch marks. Judging by the reviews, the following products have proven themselves well:

  • creams - Mama (Sanosan), 9 mois (Mustella), Bepantol;
  • lotions - Palmer's;
  • oils - Weleda, Frei;

Effective in the fight against stretch marks and folk remedies.


  1. Mix in equal proportions finely ground sea salt and cane sugar.
  2. Add enough olive oil so that the resulting mass has the consistency of a paste.
  3. Apply to wet skin with stretch marks with massaging movements, rinse with warm water after two to three minutes.
  4. Repeat once a week.

massage mixture

  1. Melt a tablespoon of shea butter in a steam bath.
  2. Mix with a teaspoon of wheat germ oil and a tablespoon of almond oil.
  3. Use to massage problem areas.


  1. Dilute 4 g of mummy in a tablespoon of boiled water and combine the mixture with 100 g of baby cream (any body lotion will do).
  2. Let it brew for a quarter of an hour and mix.
  3. Apply to problem areas every evening after a shower.
  4. Wash off after two to three hours.


Wraps will help to quickly remove stretch marks on the arms, hips and abdomen. As a therapeutic mixture, you can use:

  • any unrefined cold-pressed vegetable oil;
  • cream with mummy (see recipe above);
  • cosmetic clay diluted with water or oil to the consistency of a paste;
  • liquid honey.

To enhance the effectiveness of the mixture for wraps can be enriched with essential oil (one or two drops per two tablespoons of the composition). In the fight against stretch marks, fragrant extracts have proven themselves well:

  • neroli;
  • tangerine;
  • rosemary;
  • juniper;
  • incense.

Also, the procedure will require a roll of cling film, loose clothing and a warm blanket. The procedure is carried out in eight stages.

  1. Take a warm shower or bath.
  2. Massage problem areas with a scrub or hard washcloth.
  3. Rinse with clean water, pat dry.
  4. Lubricate areas of the body with stretch marks with the prepared composition.
  5. Wrap treated areas with cling film.
  6. Put on loose clothes and lie down for 40-60 minutes under a warm blanket.
  7. Take a shower.
  8. Lubricate the skin with stretch mark cream or any other nourishing agent.

The full course of wraps includes 12 sessions, which are recommended to be used every other day.

Cosmetic baths

Relaxing treatment will improve skin elasticity and speed up the process of removing stretch marks. The duration of the procedure is 15-20 minutes. The most effective courses of cosmetic baths, consisting of 10-12 sessions, which are recommended every other day.


  1. In a bath filled with warm water, add five to eight drops of an essential oil suitable for fighting stretch marks.
  2. The fragrant product must first be mixed with a tablespoon of sea salt, honey or milk, otherwise the oil will not dissolve in water.


  1. Pour a tablespoon of mint with a liter of boiling water and soak in a steam bath for ten minutes.
  2. Filter and pour into a tub filled with warm water.


  1. To prepare a salt bath, you need to mix 500 g of sea salt with 100 ml of any cold-pressed vegetable oil.
  2. Brew 200 g of dry kelp with a liter of boiling water, filter after a quarter of an hour.
  3. Dissolve the infusion together with the salt mixture in a bath filled with warm water.
  4. Wrap the kelp remaining after making the infusion in a small piece of gauze and also lower it into the water.

Pitfalls of home treatment

Although home remedies for stretch marks are considered safe, precautions must be taken.

  • Consult a doctor. It is necessary to exclude contraindications to the procedures, especially in the presence of chronic diseases, skin pathologies.
  • Conduct an allergy test. Before use, it is necessary to check the reaction of the skin to the cosmetic product, including the composition for body wraps. To do this, apply a little product to the bend of the elbow. If after a day no undesirable reactions (peeling, burning, irritation) are found, you can use it.
  • Consider possible contraindications. In some cases, the use of cosmetic procedures is dangerous to health. It can exacerbate the manifestations of existing diseases, lead to exacerbation.

According to the table, you can determine the list of contraindications for the use of certain procedures.

Table - Contraindications for home treatments for stretch marks

Wraps- Individual sensitivity to the components of the composition;
- pregnancy and lactation;
- heat;
- bad feeling;
- vascular and heart diseases;
- infections;
- gynecological diseases;
- critical days;
- dermatological pathologies;
- oncology;
- varicose veins;
- diabetes;
- hypertension
Cosmetic baths- Individual intolerance to "therapeutic" supplements;
- elevated temperature;
- bad feeling;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- some dermatological and gynecological diseases

With caution and only after consulting a doctor: pregnancy and lactation

When taking a bath for stretch marks, you need to ensure that the chest is located above the water level.

In the specialist's office: radical methods

Chronic stretch marks can be dealt with at home, but in advanced cases, you have to contact a beautician. Modern medicine offers several methods that can make stretch marks as invisible as possible.

  • chemical peeling- acids applied to the skin “corrode” the damaged epidermis and start the processes of regeneration and production of elastin and collagen;
  • ozone therapy- with the help of an injection, an ozone-oxygen composition is introduced, which stimulates metabolic processes in skin cells, helping it to recover;
  • laser resurfacing- the laser beam "burns out" atrophied cells and activates the growth of new ones;
  • mesotherapy - biologically active substances are introduced into problem areas of the skin (most often by injection) that start the process of skin renewal;
  • microdermabrasion- a kind of mechanical grinding, through which destructive tissues are removed.

Each of these procedures has a number of contraindications, which you need to carefully read. It is also worthwhile to first consult with your doctor about the appropriateness and safety of the chosen method.

Features of treatment during pregnancy and lactation

Already in the first months of pregnancy (and preferably two to three months before conception), you need to start caring for your skin with the help of specially designed products. Well proven:

  • MomComfort;
  • Indulgent Body Cream (Avent);
  • 9 mois (Mustella);
  • Mama (Sanosan);
  • Destock (Vichy).

Contrast showers and massages, as well as physical activity, should be used only after consulting a doctor. In some cases, even despite the preventive measures taken, stretch marks after childbirth may still appear. You need to start treating them right away. Stretch marks on the abdomen after the birth of a child can be dealt with using the home methods listed above. However, it is necessary:

  • consult a doctor;
  • refuse to use essential oils;
  • do not allow cosmetics to enter the baby's mouth;
  • discontinue use of the product if adverse reactions occur.

The methods of aesthetic medicine described above during pregnancy and lactation are contraindicated. If you start working with stretch marks in a timely manner, while they are still fresh, you can prevent the need to contact a cosmetologist.

There is no definite answer to the question of how to get rid of stretch marks on the body as efficiently as possible. The choice of a suitable method depends on the "age" of striae, and on the individual characteristics of the organism, and on financial capabilities. One thing is for sure: when deciding on ways to solve a problem, you should rely on the recommendations of doctors, common sense and study the reviews of women who were able to overcome the problem.

In medical parlance, stretch marks are called " striae". These formations on the skin are hated by all their owners, because they look, to put it mildly, unattractive. Unfortunately, no one is immune from stretch marks, but you need to fight them at the first hint of their appearance, because old stretch marks, alas, will remain with you forever. Favorite places for localization of striae are abdomen, chest, buttocks and thighs .

From the article you will learn the following information:
Why do stretch marks appear?
– Procedures and remedies for stretch marks;
- Proper nutrition for the skin, massage, scrubs and wraps.

Today we'll talk about how to get rid of stretch marks once and for all . We will try to find the answer to the question - is it possible to remove stretch marks on the body, we will find common causes of stretch marks on the skin.

Remember that all the recommendations in the article are purely advisory in nature and in no case guarantee you a 100% result in getting rid of stretch marks on the skin. Each organism is individual and not always general advice can give a confident result.

The risk of stretch marks increases greatly during adolescence, as well as during the period of bearing a baby. Breaks do not occur out of the blue. Their appearance is always preceded by severe stress for the skin. This stress can be caused by:

  • sudden significant change in body weight
  • hormonal changes in the body
  • great physical activity

It is hard to stay without stretch marks after pregnancy, because during this period several adverse factors are combined at once - both hormonal changes and changes in body weight. The skin is under a lot of pressure.

It is worth considering this and taking care of the condition of the skin in advance. There is also a hereditary predisposition, so if one of your relatives had a body abundantly strewn with stretch marks, be on your guard.

Home treatments for stretch marks. Can stretch marks be completely removed?

If you answer the question: is it possible to remove stretch marks on the body, you should know that it is almost impossible to completely get rid of stretch marks on the body by conventional means. Unless they are young, only the stretch marks that have appeared are of a pinkish color.

And here old stretch marks can be masked using different skin rejuvenation procedures or using different means. The essence of this method is to safely restore the skin in the area of ​​stretch marks so that they are not so noticeable.

Or, as a cardinal method, you can remove long-standing stretch marks using a laser stretch mark removal procedure. However, removing stretch marks with a laser is quite expensive and not every girl is able to afford this modern procedure.

To improve the appearance of your skin, simple procedures that you can carry out yourself at home will help you.

Massage against stretch marks

Daily correct massage in the area of ​​striae will help smooth the skin. It is very important to use the correct oils for this procedure. For this case, tangerine, orange, almond, bergamot, rosemary and rosehip oils are suitable. You can even use a mixture of them. Or other effective mixtures for skin rejuvenation, recipes for which can be easily found on the Internet.

Useful vitamins for skin repair

Stretch marks are predisposed to skin that suffers from a lack of collagen and elastin. That is why you should use cosmetics that fill this gap. In addition, the intake of vitamins A, C, E will benefit.

Skin scrubs to remove the appearance of stretch marks

As has long been known, properly prepared scrubs also quite effective in fighting stretch marks. They should be applied to problem areas, and then intensively massage the skin. Scrubs are easy to make on your own: for this you need to choose a base, which can be salt, sugar or ground coffee, and fill it with any vegetable oil. By the way, with regular and proper use, it is precisely scrubs are able to maximally change the structure of the skin to hide visible stretch marks.

Cold and hot shower

Practice Regularly cold and hot shower– and you will notice how the condition of your skin has improved. In addition, such a simple procedure has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. This technique is used to increase blood circulation in the body and, as a result, improve metabolism, due to which skin cells regenerate as well.

Popular wraps for stretch marks

From stretch marks, it is recommended to apply a clay or oil wrap. Clay has the ability to increase the elasticity of the skin, you can add a variety of oils to it in order to use their beneficial properties to restore the skin. As for the oil wrap, for the effectiveness of the procedure, several types of oils should be mixed. Olive, rosemary, lemon and orange oils are perfect.

It is useful to combine the procedures described above and carry them out regularly, then a positive result will not be long in coming.

Proper nutrition for stretch marks

If your skin is prone to stretch marks, then your diet should include as many foods as possible to help increase skin elasticity. The following products can boast a large amount of elastin and collagen in their composition:

  • all kinds of vegetables and fruits, especially greens
  • various seafood
  • nuts
  • vegetable oils

And, of course, healthy and beautiful skin requires proper drinking regimen. Remember, you should consume about two liters of clean drinking water every day - and your body will thank you very much for this. Needless to say, it is much easier to prevent the development of stretch marks than to cure them later.

Now that you have learned about the nature of the appearance of stretch marks, about the prevention against the appearance of stretch marks and about the means to help get rid of stretch marks, we think you can answer the question: is it possible to remove stretch marks on your own body.

In this article, we tried to reveal the topic for you:.

We hope that the information was useful and relevant for you in order to use it in your life. Stay always on top, thanks for your attention, women's online magazine website

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Find out now how to do shugaring at home step by step. Sugar hair removal - smooth skin without hair!

Stretch marks or striae are a cosmetic defect that upsets women. Uneven light-colored scars do not cause pain and discomfort, do not itch and do not stand out above the skin. They look unaesthetic. Women are embarrassed to undress on the beach, and the daily contemplation of pale stripes evokes melancholy.

Is it possible to get rid of stretch marks? From fresh ones - yes, from old ones - there are less chances. You have to put in a lot of effort. How to act? Learn helpful tips.

Reasons for the appearance

Why and from what do stretch marks appear on the body?

The mechanism is simple:

  • the skin is stretched excessively;
  • the cell mass does not have time to grow, there is a lack of collagen;
  • the skin becomes thinner, torn at the level of the connective tissue;
  • striae are formed.

Provoking factors:

  • pregnancy;
  • taking hormonal drugs;
  • breast-feeding;
  • sharp fluctuations in weight;
  • too vigorous exercise.

general information

What do striae look like? It's easy to recognize them:

  • after a rupture of the connective tissue, scars appear on the body. Color - from red to deep blue. Together with the skin, small blood vessels are torn;
  • gradually the blood leaves them, the stretch marks turn pale;
  • after a while, uneven stripes become almost white;
  • they do not hurt, do not itch, do not interfere;
  • stretch marks spoil the appearance, look very ugly against the background of a bronze tan;
  • Ultraviolet does not affect the connective tissue, because it lacks melanin.

Note! The more elastic the skin, the less they are threatened with damage and ruptures. Sufficient production of elastin and collagen allows the skin to stretch and contract with the least impact on appearance.

Striae are:

  • fresh. They look like scars of saturated colors;
  • old - whitish stripes that do not rise above the skin.

Favorite locations:

  • hips;
  • stomach;
  • buttocks;
  • breast.

How to get rid of stretch marks

Set yourself up for a long period of treatment. Only regular implementation of the procedures will give a good result.

Helpful Hints:

  • start the fight for beauty at the first sign of stretch marks;
  • getting rid of fresh scars is much easier;
  • old gaps cannot be completely removed, but you can make them inconspicuous;
  • complex therapy is required - therapeutic ointments, creams, folk methods, hardware cosmetology;
  • try home methods, visit a beauty salon or beauty parlor;
  • your perseverance will be rewarded.

Medical treatment

Medical cosmetics will help to strengthen the body, get rid of a cosmetic defect. Special creams for stretch marks on the body of adolescents are produced by well-known cosmetic companies that specialize in the production of such products.

How to remove stretch marks on the body? Pay attention to the best series of medical cosmetics to combat stretch marks. Choose one of the special creams:

  • Phytolastil by Lierac;
  • ANTI-STRIES by Gernetic;
  • Biovergretures from Biotherm;
  • universal cream for stretch marks, Vichy company.

As part of the funds - elastin, collagen, extracts of medicinal plants, essential oils. There are special remedies for stretch marks, the use of which does not harm the pregnant woman and the fetus.

Folk methods and recipes

Many treatments can be done at home. The components are easy to find in a pharmacy or a nearby supermarket.

An effective system consisting of three mandatory parts:

  • cleansing the skin with scrubs;
  • rubbing special compounds;
  • massage of the desired areas.

Use the full arsenal of tools:

  • masks;
  • healing oils;
  • water procedures;
  • nutrient mixtures.

Best Recipes:

  • mummy cream. Composition - 80 g of baby cream, 1 tbsp. l. boiled water, 1 g mumiyo. Mix the components thoroughly, rub the mixture daily into the affected areas. Store the mixture on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator;
  • salt scrub. Mix 0.5 tbsp. olive or sunflower oil, a glass of salt and sugar. Gently treat problem areas, rinse, lubricate the body with lotion or nourishing cream;
  • coffee scrub. Finely ground coffee - 100g, linseed, olive, coconut oil - 1 tbsp. l. Pour a little boiling water into the coffee, steam it. In the resulting gruel, add 6-8 drops of one of the essential oils - rosemary, grapefruit, bergamot, orange. Rub into the desired areas for 3 minutes, rinse, then - the cream;
  • masks with sour-milk products. Take sour cream, fatty yogurt, rub for a few minutes. Another option is to wear a natural product, leave it on the body for 20 minutes, rinse;
  • homemade moisturizer. Choose a thick leaf of aloe, take out the pulp, grind in a blender. Add 0.5 cup of olive oil, 10 drops of vitamin E. Use daily.

A good effect is given by regular rubbing. Procedures:

  • skin elasticity is restored;
  • lighten stretch marks;
  • the body becomes tender, velvety.

As a base, use the following types of oils:

  • almond;
  • thirst;
  • tea tree;
  • hazelnut;
  • from wheat germ.

Enhance the effect of essential oils:

  • rosemary;
  • orange;
  • jasmine;
  • grapefruit.

Follow simple but effective procedures at home. They do not require financial costs, perfectly tighten, nourish the skin, increase elasticity.

Cold and hot shower

Alternately pour cold and hot water on problem areas. At the end of the procedure - always cool water.


  • improves the elasticity of blood vessels;
  • skin tone increases;
  • along the way, the manifestations of cellulite are reduced;
  • session duration is 5 minutes.

Helpful Hints:

  • start with warm water;
  • gradually reduce the temperature;
  • each set "hot / cold" lasts no more than 40 seconds;
  • after rubbing the body, cover the skin with a cream for stretch marks or an anti-cellulite agent.

Important! Consult your doctor. The method has contraindications. A contrast shower is not recommended for pregnant women.

Self massage

The benefits for the body are invaluable:

  • blood circulation improves;
  • tissue regeneration is accelerated.

During the massage, use a cream or oil. Buy a special massage brush that enhances the effect of the procedure.

Salon procedures

Requested methods:

  • chemical peeling with fruit acids;
  • laser resurfacing of stretch marks;
  • mesotrapriya - the introduction of vitamin cocktails under the skin during injections. The latest technology is non-injection mesotherapy. Substances are injected under oxygen pressure;
  • microcurrent therapy stimulates the regeneration of new connective tissue;
  • micropolishing. Fine abrasive particles exfoliate the top layer of the skin;

Plastic surgery is the last resort. Suitable for removing multiple striae. First, try home methods, salon procedures.

Sport exercises

An active lifestyle is necessary for everyone who wants to improve their figure and skin condition. Dosed physical activity will help tighten the skin. Increasing the elasticity of the skin will certainly affect the stretch marks - their size will decrease.

Effective exercises for:

  • hips;
  • buttocks;
  • waist;

Be sure to give not only cardio, but also perform muscle stretching exercises. Be careful with the power pack. In some athletes, stretch marks appear precisely because of the high intensity of training.

Advice! Pay attention to yoga, Pilates. Calm, measured workouts tighten the body, improve muscle elasticity, and get rid of extra pounds.

Stretch marks on the body during pregnancy

A cosmetic defect appears in many women during childbearing or after childbirth. The skin under the influence of the growing uterus is constantly stretched.

With low elasticity of the epidermis, ruptures of the connective tissue are inevitable. The larger the fetus, the higher the risk of ugly stripes on the body.

How to avoid stretch marks? Follow certain rules - striae will be subtle or not appear at all.

Proper nutrition

  • include fatty fish, vegetable oils, vegetables, fruits, dairy products, eggs in the diet;
  • whole grains, cheese, nuts, beef, chicken are useful;
  • enrich food with vitamin E, eat enough protein;
  • less sweet - more milk porridge;
  • season salads with olive oil;
  • do not overeat, control weight.

Physical exercise

  • perform a special set of exercises for pregnant women;
  • visit the pool;
  • walk more;
  • visit a fitness club if you can not force yourself to exercise at home.

Important! Check with your doctor before starting exercise. Avoid sudden movements, do exercises carefully, do not work to the limit.

Body care

How to proceed:

  • use only natural remedies;
  • after consulting a doctor, lubricate problem areas with oils: almond, wheat germ, olive, jajoba. Make sure that there are no allergic reactions;
  • a moisturizer is required;
  • apply nutritional formulations after a shower on a wet body;
  • prepare your own scrubs, body masks from natural products.

Proper clothing

Prevention of stretch marks is impossible without a careful choice of underwear, wearing special bandages. One of the important measures to prevent stretch marks.

  • wear clothes made from natural fabrics;
  • things that squeeze the body are prohibited;
  • from the second trimester, wear bandages that support the spine, stomach;
  • sagging skin of the abdomen will warn a special belt for expectant mothers;
  • Buy a prenatal bra that supports your breasts well.
  • during pregnancy, take care of your body, do special exercises, wear bandages, eat right;
  • during intense exercise during sports, support the proper absorption of protein in the body. Get enough protein. Replenish the diet with protein products, sports nutrition with collagen, chondrotin, glucosamine;
  • regularly care for the body, increase elasticity, skin tone. At the first sign of stretch marks, buy healing creams;
  • rub various oils into problem areas, make masks, cleanse the body with scrubs. Don't forget about moisturizing milk;
  • watch your weight. Sudden weight loss or weight gain inevitably causes stretch marks on the body;
  • enrich your diet with foods containing vitamin E;
  • remember about physical activity, do it with pleasure, regularly, do not forget about complexes for problem areas;
  • in case of hormonal imbalance, visit an endocrinologist, undergo a course of treatment;
  • in the absence of contraindications, visit a massage room. The procedures give an excellent effect, prevent skin flabbiness;
  • take a contrast shower, go swimming.

If you find ugly reddish scars on your body or decide to get rid of old stretch marks, be patient. Home methods, salon procedures, dosed physical activity will help to put the skin in order. Daily use of medical cosmetics will make the dream of perfect skin come true.

In the next video, Elena Malysheva will tell even more details about stretch marks on the body:

Stretch marks are a concern for many women, especially after childbirth. Stretch marks are formed on the hips, buttocks, abdomen, chest. Cosmetologists recognize the fight against stretch marks as a thankless task - it is impossible to get rid of them completely by the forces of cosmetology. Although there are many "combat" methods in the arsenal of beauty salons and clinics.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks - the "folk" name for stretch marks - white or purple (red) lines in places of skin stretching. Stretch marks represent scar tissue. In English literature, stretch marks are called: Striae Atrophicans, Striae Rubra, Striae Alba, Stretch Marks, Striae Distensae

Why do stretch marks appear?

Stretch marks appear due to overstretching of the skin and hormonal changes. Under the influence of hormones (corticosteroids, progesterone), the skin can lose its elasticity, its surface layers can become thinner, and as a result, internal tears occur during stress, which are then replaced by connective tissue.

Why are there different colors of stretch marks?

After the appearance of connective tissue in the internal tears of the skin, there are blood vessels in it, giving the stretch marks a red or blue color. Over time, the vessels become empty and stretch marks become white. Stretch marks are represented by a connective tissue in which there is no pigment, therefore, when tanned, the stretch marks remain white and are more visible against the background of tanned skin.

When do stretch marks occur?

Stretch marks appear during pregnancy, in adolescence, with an intensive increase in body weight, as well as in endocrine diseases, in particular Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, characterized by an increase in the synthesis of glucocorticoids by the adrenal glands.

Stretch marks can appear with prolonged use of glucocorticoids (prednisolone, hydrocortisone, etc.) both orally and locally.
Stretch marks may be the result of genetic causes.

Where do stretch marks most often occur?

During pregnancy, stretch marks most often occur on the abdomen, thighs, and breasts. Stretch marks that appear in adolescence are more often located on the abdomen, hips, lower back, chest.

With prolonged use of glucocorticoids (prednisolone, hydrocortisone, etc.), as well as with Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, stretch marks can appear throughout the body and on the face. At the same time, stretch marks occupy large areas and are themselves longer and wider than stretch marks that occur during pregnancy and adolescence.

Are stretch marks dangerous to health?

Stretch marks do not affect health, however, some of the causes that cause their appearance, in particular Itsenko-Cushing's syndrome, can be hazardous to health. If stretch marks appear out of connection with pregnancy, with an increase in blood pressure, redistribution of body fat in the upper body, as well as with the appearance of unwanted hair on the face, chest, upper back (hirsutism), it is necessary to consult a doctor.

How to prevent the development of stretch marks?

There are special creams.

These products include essential oils, plant extracts, collagen and elastin, which strengthen the skin. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, you can use home remedies, such as olive oil, which should be applied to the skin in places where stretch marks are suspected. The appearance of stretch marks due to increasing body weight can be prevented by diet and the use of anti-stretch marks.

How to treat stretch marks?

Data have been obtained on the successful use of trichloroacetic acid as a skin peeling agent. In the treatment of stretch marks, laser resurfacing is used, which can be carried out in combination with peeling. Retinoids (Retin-A, Avita) are also used for stretch marks.

Can stretch marks be completely removed?

It is impossible to completely remove stretch marks without surgery. During abdominoplasty, overstretched skin is eliminated along with stretch marks, however, with a significant number of stretch marks, it is impossible to completely remove them during this operation.

Some tips for getting rid of
Skin stretch marks are a cosmetic defect that almost every one of us faces at some point in life. This is not just a problem for older women. Many girls, and even boys, face this phenomenon during the maturation period. During this period, the growth of bones, outpacing the growth of skin and muscles, leaves stretch marks on the hips, legs, abdomen and arms.

Stretch marks occur when the tension on the skin increases dramatically. The reason for this can be both growth and exercise. Many women develop stretch marks during pregnancy. The skin consists of three layers: the epidermis of the dermis and the subcutaneous layer. Stretching occurs in the dermis, the elastic middle layer that allows the skin to hold its shape. If the dermis is stretched continuously for a long time, the thin connective fibers are torn and the skin loses its elasticity.

This phenomenon, also known as "pregnancy scars", also depends on heredity. If your relatives have had stretch marks, you should read this article carefully. But obesity, malnutrition, or hormonal imbalances can also cause stretch marks.

Scars can be different. Fresh scars are mostly red, but over time they turn white.

To reduce existing stretch marks or the risk of them:

* Take food supplements containing vitamins A, E and C.

* After showering, apply vitamin E oil solution to stretch marks.

* Eat more foods containing fatty acids necessary for the formation of cell walls. Fatty acids are most found in vegetables, vegetable oils and fish.

* French drug Endermolozhi helps to reduce scars. The device, which is a roller that has a slight suction effect, additionally massages and exfoliates.

* The best way to get rid of stretch marks is to moisturize. The retinol component perfectly moisturizes the epidermis without penetrating deep into the skin where stretch marks appear.

* Alpha hydroxy acids - fruit acids, very effective in the fight against stretch marks. They moisturize the skin and accelerate the regeneration process.

* In severe cases, a laser will save you from scars.

* Massage a cream containing cocoa butter into the skin.
If stretch marks appear
Deep and old stretch marks are much more difficult to remove from your body. In this case, procedures at home will no longer help. Beauty salon specialists will offer microdermabrasion (special skin resurfacing) or a rather expensive laser therapy procedure.
Skin resurfacing is the best treatment for stretch marks: they fade, become thinner, and even gradually disappear completely. True, such a happy ending is possible if all measures are taken in hot pursuit. There is also a method of dissection (resection) of striae, it allows you to get rid of stretch marks in the event that pregnancy has become the cause of their occurrence. The negative side of such an intervention is the long and painful healing of the treated areas.
Help from a tube
At home, you can also try using creams for stretch marks, which are sold in pharmacies and are produced by some cosmetic lines. With their help, perform a pinch massage, despite the fact that it causes pain, it is very effective: apply cream on the stretch marks and gently pinch, grabbing the skin with your thumb and forefinger.
Truly effective products that help in the fight for smooth skin are not cheap. As a rule, they are produced by reputable companies specializing in the manufacture of medical cosmetics. The composition of such creams and gels includes essential oils, plant extracts, in particular citrus fruits, collagen and elastin, phytic and tartaric acids, which help to increase skin elasticity and firmness. You can’t count on a quick result, all products require long-term and regular use - in pursuit of smooth skin, one tube will not do. True, the result of a stubborn struggle can justify all material costs.
Solve the problem of stretch marks on the vine
The main thing in the fight against stretch marks is not to waste time, not to let them freely settle on our body. With a small number of stretch marks at an early stage (no more than one and a half years), compresses with essential oils help, which can be done at home.
You will need a gauze pad the size of the problem area you will be treating. Mix 4 drops of rose oil, 2 drops of neroli oil, 1 drop of lime, 1 drop of petite grain with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of kefir. If this composition is not enough for a compress to a certain area, increase the amount of all components in proportion. Moisten a gauze cloth in the resulting mixture and apply a compress to the problem area for 7-8 hours. Carry out this procedure 3-4 times a week for three months, after one and a half to two months you will be able to evaluate the first clearly noticeable results.
Chamomile will help fight stretch marks. Boil a handful of inflorescences in 250 ml of milk. Moisten a dense cloth with a warm mixture and wrap the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body where the stretch marks have “settled” with it. Put a film on top and insulate with a terry towel. Keep the compress for 15 minutes. After the body, do not rinse, but wipe and apply cream.
Replaceable compresses from a decoction or infusion of chamomile will help maintain skin elasticity, reduce its sagging, stretching. The broth is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. spoons of dry inflorescences pour a glass of water and boil for 10 minutes, cool and strain. Water infusion: 2 tbsp. spoons of chamomile pour a liter of boiling water, strain after 20 minutes. Everything is ready and you can apply compresses. Moisten a gauze or linen napkin, folded two or three times in the form of a scarf, with warm infusion of chamomile, quickly wring out and wrap the treated area. Hold the hot compress for 3 minutes. Then moisten the "scarf" in cold broth, wring out and apply again for 5 seconds. Change the compress 3 times, do the procedure once a week.
After the contrast procedure, wipe the skin of the chest with a pre-prepared lotion: pour 2 teaspoons of rosemary into 4 glasses of cold water, put on fire, bring to a boil and cool. Strain the broth, add 2 teaspoons of table salt, 2 teaspoons of alcohol and 4 teaspoons of lemon juice.
A lotion of dill and linden flowers will also help. Mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of chopped dill with the same amount of linden flowers, pour 1.5-2 cups of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. Then strain and apply to problem areas where the skin is flabby, with stretch marks. The lotion should dry on the skin without using a towel.
Watch your posture - it protects the chest from premature withering: the shoulder blades are together, the chest is forward, the abdominal muscles are drawn in as if rooted to the spine. "Keep" your back while walking, and when you sit down.
Breathe deeply. The chest develops normally only when we breathe correctly and deeply. In the morning and evening, in front of an open window, take up to 20 deep breaths and exhalations. Do not forget to follow the correct breathing throughout the day, so you will soon get used to it and then you will not have to control yourself.
Swim more. If possible, swim all year round, in the summer - in the reservoirs, in the winter - in the pool. Swimming is one of the most effective ways to combat stretch marks. While in the water, you can combine special exercises with swimming to give elasticity to the chest, abdomen, hips, and shoulders.
Nourish your breast skin. The skin of the chest needs moisturizing and nourishment no less than the skin of the face, neck, hands ... Once a week after bathing, gently rub a moisturizing or nourishing cream into the skin of the mammary glands, and then make a warm compress using a terry towel. Keep the compress for 15 minutes, after which rinse your chest with cool water. Use creams containing soy, horsetail, ginseng, hops, mint. The natural components of these plants help to keep the skin in good shape, enhance the regeneration of connective tissue, increase the elasticity of the fibers, that is, they provide what is needed to eliminate stretch marks.
First of all, prevention
Stretch marks are easier to prevent than to stubbornly get rid of them. The main principle on which the complex of preventive measures is based is maintaining the elasticity of the skin, which depends on the presence of the right amount of collagen and elastin in the connective tissue. This is achieved through proper nutrition, massage, the use of specialized creams and gels. Maintaining a stable weight is also important: sharp fluctuations in body weight during its increase or weight loss contribute to the appearance of stretch marks.

For preventive purposes, just in case, to smooth the skin, it is recommended to take a bath with the addition of a tablespoon of coniferous extract. Bliss for 15 minutes at a water temperature of 38 degrees.
Try this method: mix 350-500 g of starch in 2-5 liters of cold water, which is then poured into the prepared bath.
Another recipe for stretch marks:

In my opinion, the best thing is to rub the area, then apply a mixture of ether and base oil, and then wrap it with a film and put on a warm thread. And walk around as long as you can. I sometimes managed to go to bed like this:

3 tbsp camelina oil (I will replace it with vitamin E oil)
1 tbsp avocado oil
1 tbsp wheat germ oil
7 drops e. m. tangerine (tangerine)
7 drops e. m. geranium
5 drops e. m. lavender
5 drops e. m. neroli
5 drops e. m. carrot seeds (carrot seed)
Mix all this in an opaque glass bottle and apply to stretch marks.
According to the composition of the miracle recipe
And a selection of reviews!
- stretch marks began to appear in me at the end of the ninth month and literally a couple of days before the birth they painted it like frost on the glasses, although I used all kinds of creams, milk, oil, and everything was not cheap and from the appearance of stretch marks, but ... Six years passed after giving birth, again All this time I have been smeared with something, so much money has gone that I could do plastic surgery, but I'm afraid. in some places they completely disappeared, but it’s still noticeable, although in the summer they sunbathe on me and you can’t see anything (almost) and now I’m smeared with contratubex - it HELPS from scars and scars!
- now I am trying such a remedy: dissolve one or two tablets of mummy in a container with a small amount of regular body cream, mix and apply the resulting mixture as usual, especially in places of stretch marks. You can use massage movements to enhance the effect. Of course, stretch marks will not be completely removed, but, they say, they will significantly decrease. Rub every day.
- Proven way:
For one teaspoon of cream (any for the body) from 8 to 15 drops (it’s better to start with 8, gradually increasing, skin characteristics are individual, it can be burned if you take a lot at once) rosemary essential oil (high-quality, for example, German Bergland, Austrian styx, etc.) and rub after a shower into the skin affected by striae daily for 2-3 months (depending on age, depth of stretch marks). In a month and a half, you will definitely see the effect. For many, they practically disappear if the skin is young and the striae are fresh (up to six months). In any case, you can make them more inconspicuous 100 pts! I myself found this method with difficulty, the reviews were good, I decided to try it and did not regret it. I advise.
Yes, rosemary rocks!
I use 2 weeks. In the morning and in the evening. The blue stretch marks have become intermittent. Whites have ceased to rise above the surface of the skin. And that's in 2 weeks! I smear further ... I will write about the results ...
- Girls, I accidentally discovered that a bath with salt makes stretch marks almost invisible at all !!!
They were advised to me to remove excess fluid from the body, and after the procedures done, everyone noticed the disappearance of stretch marks !!! (they naturally did not disappear and were detected during a routine examination, but it's magical)))
Bath Recipe:
For one bath 1 kg of salt (preferably without dyes and natural) Temperature 37 * time of admission 20-15 minutes. You can add an anti-cellulite mixture of essential oils. And there are 10 such baths in a row, a repeat in a month.)))
Yes, I heard about rosemary - I used it myself, but I not only use it, I also add mummy to the cream! In general, I alternate both methods, and there is an effect - part disappears, and deeper ones decrease!
And one more thing - so that rosemary does not smell so strong, you can add bergamot oil, and the smell is more pleasant for others!
I advised my girlfriend - stretch marks on her stomach have decreased from rosemary, so it’s worth trying!