Summary on the topic of family in the senior group. Integrated lesson “my family” in a group of older children

Program content. Enrich the spiritual world of children. Foster a culture of communication. With the help of musical, poetic, theatrical and visual arts, instill in children love and respect for all family members. Develop sociability and communication skills. Help the child develop memory, logical thinking and creative imagination by using game situation, theatrical games, crosswords, puzzles. Exercise children in the ability to talk about their impressions coherently, consistently, competently, using complex sentences. Learn to use direct and indirect speech. Improve the dialogical form of children's speech. Enrich lexicon children, clarifying the concepts: crossword, rebus. Introduce new names: artists Z. Serebryakova, N. Bogdanov-Belsky, F. Reshetnikov, composer J. S. Bach

Preliminary work. Conversations between the teacher and children on the topics: “My family”, “ Best watches and moments of family leisure", "Family everyday life", "Caring for others", " Family holidays", etc. Getting to know folk traditions, family way of life, proverbs and sayings about family. Learning the poems “My Family” by E. Gomonova and “My Relatives” by Y. Akim. Preparing a family album and a story about your family. Dramatization of poems and short jokes on the theme “My Family.”

Material and equipment. Reproductions of paintings: F. Reshetnikov “Deuce Again”, Z. Serebryakova “On the Terrace in Kharkov”, “At Breakfast”, N. Bogdanov-Belsky “New Owners”, B. Kustodiev “Blue House”. Songs: “My Family” (music and lyrics by E. Gomonova), “Sunday” (music and lyrics by L. Olifirova); “Waltz-Caprice” by A. Rubinstein. Watercolor, oil pastel, A3 paper. Music center and audio cassettes with recordings, video sketches “Family Portrait” with the participation of family members of several children of the group. Ribbons (colored), attributes for performing mini-scenes.

Progress of the lesson

Teacher. I propose to start our lesson with a game, but with an unusual game. Do you know what a crossword puzzle is? (Children's answers) I suggest you solve a crossword puzzle that is directly related to the topic of our lesson. You need to correctly name the words horizontally.

Crossword Questions

The people closest to the child. (Mom and Dad.)

The youngest member of the family. (Child)

Who in your family goes to kindergarten? (I.)

Everyone is dressed up in the morning: me, brother and... (sister).

The oldest members of the family. (Grandfather and grandmother.)

A word with the letter “O” meaning dwelling, shelter. (House.)

The most joyful day for every person, which happens only once a year, and everyone has their own. (Birthday.)

Children, together with the teacher, solve a crossword puzzle and name the phrase vertically: my family.

Teacher. Do you know what a rebus is? (Children's answers) Try to guess from this picture which word is encrypted here.

Shows a card that shows: 7 I. Children say the word: family.

What do you think this word means - family? (Children's answers). This means that you seem to be repeating yourself family of origin seven times. Take a closer look at your family. Your smile resembles your mother’s smile, your gait resembles that of your father’s, the color of your eyes is the same as your grandmother’s, the oval of your face and mole are like your grandfather’s. You are like your brothers and sisters. But the similarity is manifested not only in appearance; you have inherited many character traits from your parents and grandparents.

They say that in the old days

And so it was.

Many brothers and sisters

It was fun to be friends.

We drank milk together

We ate sushi together.

Real kindergarten

Each one had a hut.

(Yu. Entin)

People say: “The family threshes the peas.” Do you know proverbs and sayings about family?

Children remember and then pronounce them one by one.

Proverbs and sayings about family:

Agreement and harmony are a treasure in the family.

Grief does not take a willing family.

The family agrees that things are going great.

Land without water is dead, man without family is empty.

When there is no family, there is no home.

A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.

A family without children is like a flower without a scent.

The family pot is always boiling.

In the family the porridge is thicker.

There is discord in the family and I am not happy at home either.

There will be no good if there is enmity in the family.

Hints and reproaches are family vices.

Family gives a person his first start in life.

In a good family good kids grow.

Teacher. It’s not for nothing that people say: “You don’t need a treasure if there is harmony in the family,” “A family that agrees is the happiest!” We even have a song about a happy family!

Children sing the song “What is family?”

What is family? (Music and lyrics by E. Gomonova)

What is family?

Father, mother and me,

And my little sister -

That's our whole family...

Well, what about grandmothers?

Well, what about grandfathers?

What is family?

Father, mother and me,

Baba Zoya, Baba Zina,

Grandfathers: Egor, Vasily,

And my little sister -

That's our whole family.

Well, what about uncles?

Well, what about the aunts?

What is family?

Father, mother and me,

Baba Zoya, Baba Zina,

Grandfathers: Egor, Vasily,

Aunt Anya, Aunt Tanya,

Uncle Vova, Uncle Vanya,

And my little sister -

That's our whole family...

And brothers and sisters

Name all cousins

After this song, I remembered the comic poems of Pyotr Sinyavsky:

Sings well in chorus

The whole family is in our choir.

Children (continue).

Dad with grandfather Egor,

Mom, grandma and me.

Uncle Vanya with a drum

Cat with Barsik - cat.

And the kitten is under the sofa

He directs with his tail.

Teacher visual arts draws children's attention to the paintings presented at the vernissage, leads them to Zinaida Serebryakova's painting “On the Terrace in Kharkov.” A free conversation is taking place. Children answer the teacher’s questions and share their impressions of the plot of the film. At the teacher’s suggestion, one of the children (optional) reads Mikhail Yasnov’s poem “The Main Desire.”

Child .

More than anything

I want the table to be set

And so that today dad

Came a little early

And for mom to dress up

And smiled at everyone

And to be praised

For being silent and eating.

More than anything

I wish I could live like that!

And so that there is enough time

Talk to everyone...

The teacher invites the children to the picture “Again deuce!” Fedor Reshetnikov. Without naming the picture, he invites the children to look at it carefully and asks them questions related to the plot of the picture.

Art teacher. Who do you see in the picture? What is the mood of the people depicted in the picture? Have you guessed what happened to the boy? What would you call this painting yourself? Who in the picture is not upset, but friendly and joyful, and why? (Have a free conversation with the children.)

I invite you to a magic screen that will help children talk about their family. Three or four children talk about their family based on video materials.

Teacher. Do you go to the theater with your parents? What theaters did you visit? What performances or concerts have you seen? (Children answer questions and share their impressions). Let's set up a theater at our place and perform small performances ourselves.

The teacher invites the children to prepare to perform skits.

Resourceful mom

Saying goodbye to kindergarten until tomorrow,

A daughter walks with her mother next to her.

But I whined along the way:

I'm tired of walking and walking!

Why walk? - said the mother.

Try to gallop like a hare.

Like this. Come on!

Great! Hey bunny!

Now try and show me

Like a hedgehog mincing towards its hole...

Now - how a puppy runs.

Wow! Headlong, without feeling your feet!

How does a cat sneak after a chick?

Inaudibly, insinuatingly, cautiously...

How does a big elephant walk?

The walls of the house are shaking!

How's the little squirrel?

But wait! Here we are already at home!

(S. Pogorelovsky)

On the forest path

Marinka went to pick mushrooms,

Suddenly she pressed herself close to her mother.

Mom, mommy, wait -

The ant is crawling big!

He will bite!

The two of us

Let's deal with the ant, daughter.

Only he won’t touch us -

Who has a job?

He won't get into a fight.

(G. Ladonshchikov)

What am I?

Characters: dad, mom, son.

Mom and dad tell me...

You are so stubborn!

Everyone washed up and ate,

Only you are lying in bed.

How many times can you repeat?

It's time for you to get up!

I washed my face cleanly with soap -

Mom immediately praised:

Now, son Alyosha,

You are obedient and good!

I'm always like this with them:

Either good or bad!

(D. Sheyanov)

Visiting grandmother

Characters: grandmother, granddaughter.

Little girl, tell me where have you been?

I visited my old grandmother

At the other end of the village.

What did you drink at grandma's?

I drank tea with jam.

What did you tell grandma?

"Thank you!" and "Goodbye!"

(S. Marshak, translation from English)

Grandmother and granddaughter

Characters: presenter, granddaughter, grandmother.

Leading. Katya has two eyes, two ears, two arms, two legs, one tongue and one nose.

Granddaughter. Tell me, grandma, why do I only have two, and one tongue and one nose?

Grandmother. And therefore, dear granddaughter, so that you see more, hear more, do more, walk more and talk less, and don’t stick your nose where it doesn’t belong!

Granddaughter. This, it turns out, is why there is only one tongue and one nose.

Grandmother. Clear?

Granddaughter. Clear! (According to E. Permyak)

Teacher. It's so nice when the whole family is together. And this usually happens on weekends. Child .

Very, very happy

My whole family is here:

And dad is with me, and mom is with me,

What a wonderful weekend!

Today no one is in a hurry,

Nobody runs to work in the morning.

We're all just walking through the park together,

We play, laugh and even sing!

(E. Gomonova)

Children perform the song “Sunday”, music and lyrics by L. Olifirova.

There are a lot of words in the world,

Like snowflakes in winter.

But let's take these for example:

The word "I" and the word "we".

“I” am lonely in the world,

“I” is not very useful.

One or one

It's hard to cope with adversity.

The word “we” is stronger than “I”.

We are Family,

And we are friends.

We are the people

And we are united.

Together we


(V. Orlov)

The art teacher invites children to draw all members of their family or depict the most interesting event that happened in the family. Children independently choose the material to work with and start drawing. While painting, “Siciliana” from the Suite in E-flat major for flute and harpsichord by J. S. Bach, CD “Classics Encore” is played. Then the adults prepare an exhibition of children's works, and the music director calls the children to join him.

Musical director. Did you notice what kind of music was playing when you were drawing? Is this music familiar to you? Did you like her? Will you recognize it if you hear it again? (Children's answers.) The music of Johann Sebastian Bach sounded. You are not yet familiar with his work - this acquaintance is yet to come. Today I want to tell you that this famous German composer, who lived and worked more than 300 years ago, was born into a large and friendly family. His father, grandfather, and great-grandfather were musicians. And he himself had 13 children - for them he was a father, a teacher, and a mentor. It was very friendly and a happy family. How do you, children, understand the words - happy family? What is happiness? (Have a free conversation with the children.) A happy family is a family where they live in harmony. Everyone - both old and young - feels the love and support of all other family members, the joy of communicating with each other. With the help of ribbons, I suggest you portray joy, and let music be your assistant. Children perform an improvisational dance to “Waltz-Caprice” by A. Rubinstein, CD “Waltzes and Polonaises of Russian Composers”. The art teacher evaluates children's work.

A kindergarten is also a family, and today I want to capture us all together. I invite a photographer, let him take a photo as a souvenir.

The composition “Freeze Frame” is performed: dancing freely, the children freeze in a pause position. A child photographer “takes a picture.”

We wish...

To every house -

Plenty of joy.

Every home

To be passed over

Offense, misfortune.

Every family -

Above the roof of a stork.

Every family

Enough joy

Life - up to a hundred,

Anna Shilchenko
Lesson “My Family” (senior group)

Target: show value family in a person's life.

Tasks: to reinforce children’s idea of ​​penises families, family relationships in family; develop dialogical speech; instill in children a sense of pride and love; develop interest in family traditions.

Progress of the lesson

1. - Guys, look out the window. You see how brightly the sun shines, how it smiles at you and gives you its warmth. Let's stand in a circle, hold hands and share a good mood with each other just as the sun shares its warmth with us.

Let's hold hands tightly and smile at each other. The breeze is friends with the sun,

And the dew is with the grass.

A flower is friends with a butterfly,

We are friends with you.

Everything with friends in half

We are happy to share!

Only friends quarrel


Now take a seat (the chairs are in a circle, in the middle there is a table on which lies an album with family photos children). Now I’ll tell you a riddle, and after you guess it, immediately tell me what our topic is today. classes.

Everyone knows this word

Wouldn't change it for anything!

To the digital « seven» I'll add "I" -

What will happen? (Family) .

Sasha, name the topic of our classes? (« Family» ).

Today we will talk about family. How do you understand the word « family» ? (These are close to us People: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, sister, brother; live in the same house, take care of each other, show attention.)

There are also aunts, uncles, cousins sisters, if a person has many relatives, it means he has a large family!

2. Conversation based on photographs.

(The teacher picks up an album with photographs and reads a poem)

The main thing in life is family,

Where there is mom, dad and me!

Together with as a family we go for a walk,

We get up and go to bed together.

We do everything together, always

Because we are real family!

Each of us has a family album that contains photographs of all members families. So we have an album with your family photos. And now I invite you to write a story about your family and show in the photograph all the members of your families. (if I have difficulty writing a story, I ask questions)

Who do you live with?

How many people are in your family?

What members you have family(mom, dad, grandma, etc.)

Who is the youngest and who is the most eldest in your family?

Who oldest?

Who is the youngest?

What is your parents' home address, profession and place of work?

Who is your favorite player to play with?

Well done guys, you have a lot to say about family. Remember: that mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, grandfathers, grandmothers are your closest relatives, your relatives, your family who will help you and support you in any situation.

3. Finger gymnastics

My family. This finger is grandpa. This finger is grandma. This finger is daddy. This finger is mommy. This finger is me. That's all mine family.

4.- And now we will play a game "My family» (children pass the ball to each other, choosing words that characterize family)

(native, friendly, happy, hardworking, economical, athletic, cultural, strong, cheerful, hospitable, healthy)

5. Now I will ask you riddles, and you will guess them. Listen carefully.

Who is the cutest in the world?

Who do children love very much?

I'll answer the question directly:

Ours is the cutest of all. (Mother)

Who hard work

Can I do it on Saturdays? -

With axe, saw, shovel

Ours is building and working. (dad)

Who never gets tired of loving

He bakes pies for us,

Delicious pancakes?

This is ours. (grandmother)

Who is the cheerful little one -

Does it crawl quickly on its belly?

Amazing boy -

This is my youngest. (bro)

Who loves both me and my brother,

But does he prefer to dress up? -

Very fashionable girl -

My older. (sister)

He didn't work out of boredom,

He has calloused hands,

And now he old and gray -

My dear, beloved. (grandfather)

6. Physical education minute

One two three four, (Clap our hands.)

Who lives in our apartment? (We walk in place.)

One two three four five (Jumping in place.)

Dad, mom, brother, sister, (Clap our hands.)

Murka the cat, two kittens, (Tilts the body left and right.)

My cricket, goldfinch and me - (Turns the body left and right.)

That's all mine family, (Clap our hands.)

- Family– this is the most important thing in a person’s life. These are the closest and dearest people, without whom we cannot exist. These are the ones who love us and care about us.

7. Reading and discussing proverbs and sayings about family.

Your home is the best place.

He who lives well, has everything going smoothly.

All family together, so the soul is in place.

He who honors his parents never perishes.

Family is strong when there is only one roof over it.

In good family, good children are growing up.

Parents are hardworking - children are not lazy!

his families and the overall picture is created.

Bottom line classes.

Guys, let's stand up again, hold hands and smile at each other. I wish you that each of you has a friendly, happy and strong family.

Publications on the topic:

“Dad, Mom, I am a sports family” (senior group) Presenter: Good evening, Dear friends! Hello, dear mothers and dads, fans and guests! It's so good that we all came together for this.

Implementation period: 1.5 months. Type of project: Educational Participants: Children of the senior group, teachers, parents of children. Focus: Cognitive.

Project “KAMAZ and my family” (senior group) 1. Project type. Research and creative. 2. Composition of participants. Child-adult. Children and parents of group No. 12, teacher Sharafutdinova.

Abstract of the educational activity “My Family” (senior group) Tasks. To clarify and expand children’s knowledge about the family, its composition, family relationships, family values, and relationships in the family.

Summary of the lesson “Storytelling based on the painting “Family of Hedgehogs” (senior group) Objectives: Teach children to compose a story based on a picture, using their existing knowledge about the life of wild animals (hedgehogs); learn to select the same roots.

NOD “My Family” (senior group) TASKS: expand and systematize children’s knowledge about the family, family relationships; practice in correct construction proposals.

Lesson in senior group"My family"

Target: creating conditions for children to form an idea of ​​a family as people who live together, love each other, take care of each other, to consolidate the concept of “family” and who it consists of.

Consolidating knowledge of proverbs about family. Train children in the ability to answer questions correctly and choose the right adjectives for words. Develop coherent speech logical thinking, attention, cognitive interest

Cultivate positive relationships in the family, respect, mutual assistance, love for all family members.

Equipment and materials: Microphone, box, badges, “Friendly Family” medallions, cardboard cups for breathing exercises, for physical exercises. just a minute - obstacles, decorating a wonderful garden, group tree, photo of children, easel

Preliminary work: writing stories about your family; acquaintance and learning proverbs about family; learning the poem “Who does he look like?”, learning the texts of warm-up games, talking with children about family.

Homework: Creation family tree, design of a photo collage with photographs of children's families.

Progress of the lesson.

Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to our friendly circle. I'm very pleased that you have good mood and I want the good mood to not leave you throughout the day! I invite you to hold hands, look tenderly into each other’s eyes and convey the warmth and kindness of feelings, the joy of our meeting to our guests!

Organizing time:

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Guys, look how many guests have gathered, let's welcome them.

Guys, let’s imagine that we were all invited to a television studio for the children’s program “My Family.” Do you agree to be participants in this program? Then let's quietly enter the television studio and take our seats.

Children and the teacher enter the hall, the teacher seats the children on chairs.

Participants of the program, please take your seats. Are you ready? Let's start. Good afternoon, dear TV viewers! We are starting our program “My Family” and I, its host. Today in our studio there are guests of the program and participants, guys from the senior group. They came to our program to talk about themselves, their family, their dear and close people.

So first question:

1. What are the people who live in the same house or apartment called? (Family, family)

2. Guys, what kind of relatives does the family unite? Who do you live with?

Children: Answers 3-4

Vos-l: Yes, family is home. A family unites relatives: parents, children, grandparents, brothers, sisters. These are our relatives, relatives. Family is a world where love, devotion and friendship reign. Family is the most precious thing every person has.

It is no coincidence that there are so many sayings and proverbs about family in the Russian language. Guys, who knows proverbs and sayings about family - let's tell them to our TV viewers:


    They are friends in the family - they live, they don’t bother.

    A family is strong when there is only one roof over it

    In the sunshine it’s warm, in mother’s time it’s good

    What a treasure when the children get along

    He who honors his parents lives a happy life

    Where there is love and advice, there is no grief

    There is no good in an unfriendly family

    Good children grow up in a good family

    The bird is happy about spring, and the child is happy about its mother

    Parents are hardworking - children are not lazy

    Agreement and harmony - there is a treasure in the family

Educator: Well done guys, our TV viewers and guests in the studio, I think it was interesting to hear proverbs and sayings about family. But now we want to hear stories about your family.

Therefore, I want to invite you to an unusual, wonderful garden. We will now find out why it is unusual. In the meantime, I want to tell you the rule that you need to follow in this wonderful garden: “You need to listen carefully and quietly to the one who is speaking.” But the path ahead of us is not an easy one, and these mendalions and a magic box will help us along the way. Are you ready to go on this journey?
Children: Yes.
Educator: then let's go.

(Children go to a stand where tree trunks made from children’s hands hang, and instead of fruits there are photos of relatives ( homework))

Along the way, children perform various physical exercises. exercises, example now we need to jump over a stream, use mendallion and say Magic word about family. (Kind) Then we put the mendallion in the magic box.

At the end, see how much kind words children know about family.

Big, friendly, athletic, cheerful, caring, kind, good, strict, healthy, strong, happy family, hospitable, small, hardworking.

Well done everyone for completing the task! Our box is full

Educator: So you and I have come to a wonderful place, unusual garden. (Draws the children’s attention to the fact that in this garden they grow unusual trees. Placed on the easel family trees.)

Educator: Children, look at these trees, why are they unusual, wonderful? (Children's answers).
Educator: That's right, instead of fruit on the trees there are photographs. These are family trees. (The teacher invites the children to sit down.)

Educator: I would like to hear stories about your family members. Who will tell us first

Olya will tell us about his mother. My mother's name is Elena Alexandrovna. She's my favorite beautiful mother on the globe. And she is also very kind. She loves and understands me and dad, our house is always clean and comfortable. Even when it’s drizzling outside, the sky is gloomy, gray - from mom’s smile it becomes clear and warm, as if the sun has risen in the room. Dad and I take care of mom, help her with everything. The more we help her and the less we upset her, the longer she will be young, beautiful and healthy.

V-l: Thank you, Olya! Who else can tell?

Sasha I want to tell you about my grandmother - my father's mother. Her name is Inna Anatolyevna. Grandma works, she doesn’t live with us, but we often go to visit her. My grandmother always has warm and affectionate hands, she will feed you delicious food, take pity and caress you.

V-l Thank you, Sasha!

Kate And I want to tell you about my grandfather. He is not very grumpy, but we always congratulate him on the holidays, happy birthday, because he needs affection and care. Grandpa and I drew family tree our family. In the roots we placed the great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers, a little higher, on the tree table, we placed the grandparents. On the branches are dad and mom, and at the very top of the tree is me, Dima. Everyone in our family is very musical: great-grandmother, grandfather, mother all played the piano. We are all alike. I love my big family.

V-l: Who else wants to tell

Dima: And I want to tell you about myself. My name is Dima, I am 5 years old and I live in the city of Furmanov. By nature I am cheerful, calm, good boy. I have advantages. Virtues are traits that are beneficial to the people around me and to me. I am neat, cultured, polite, thrifty. I always tell the truth. I have one drawback, which gives me nothing but trouble: I am very afraid of vaccinations and injections, and I start crying. Then, I feel very ashamed. I have many friends, I love them very much.

V-l, Guys, you did a great job interesting stories about your families, and most importantly, you have fulfilled the rule of the wonderful garden, where you need to quietly and carefully listen to each other. But unfortunately, we don't have much time. You and I will return to our wonderful garden and tell the rest of the children in our group about our families.

Always be together, take care of love,

I want my friends to say about you:

How nice your family is!

Now we need to get back to the studio.

Guys, I propose now that I want to play a game with you called “If I...”

If I am your mother, then you give me......?

If I am your grandfather, then you give me....?

If I am your aunt, then you give me.....?

If I am your daughter, then you give me....?

If I am your sister, then you tell me...?

If I am your uncle, then you tell me....?

If I am your niece, then you tell me...?

If I am your granddaughter, then you tell me.....?

If I am your godmother, then you will...?

Well done, everyone completed the task. So we returned to our studio, and now I suggest you relax and drink a cup of hot tea.

Breathing exercises"Hot tea"

(Children blow on pre-prepared cups)

Educator: It’s so good guys that you all have families! You are the happiest children in the world, because in your families they love each other and live together in harmony.

Do you know that you have another family, where they also love you, are always happy to meet you, cook delicious food, play with you, spend interesting activities, read, help to become strong and healthy. What kind of second family is this?

Children:(Kindergarten, our group).

Yes, the group is also like a family. Right! Therefore, I propose to do our group too Family Tree, Look what tree I grew in our group.

(Takes out a tree and pre-prepared photos). First let's stretch our fingers

Finger gymnastics “Who has arrived?”

/fingers of both hands are folded with their tips together/

Who has arrived? / thumbs/

We, we, we /4 fingers, except thumbs/

Mom, mom, is that you? /thumbs/

Yes Yes Yes / index fingers/

Dad, dad, is that you? /thumbs/

Yes, yes, yes /middle fingers/

Brother, brother, is that you? /thumbs/

Yes Yes Yes / ring fingers/

Oh, little sister, is that you? /thumbs/

Yes, yes, yes / with little fingers

Together we are one big one, Friendly family/thumbs/

Yes Yes Yes. /all fingers/

(children glue it to tree branches on their own).

Look at the tree we have, we will put this tree in the group.

And so let's summarize what our TV show was about today.

(Children's answers)

This concludes our TV show. Goodbye! Until we meet again, dear guests and participants of the TV show “My Family”.

Educational area: social and communicative development

Age: senior group

Subject: " My family"

Target:formation in children of a correct idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe family.



Shape respectful attitude children to their parents and parents to their children.

Learn to say your first and last names, your relatives (mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers).

To give an idea of ​​a family as people who love and care for each other.


To promote the ability to write stories,

Develop Creative skills children;

Encourage children to use folklore (proverbs, sayings) in their speech;

Improve the ability to coordinate nouns with adjectives during the game;


To instill in children a sense of pride, love, and respect for family members.

Equipment: house layout with photographs

Preliminary work with integration educational areas(reading fiction, guessing riddles, looking at illustrations, learning proverbs about family, talking about family)

Progress of organized activities

The teacher and children come to the music, the children stand in a circle and hold hands. The teacher recites the poem with them:

Here we are, you and me.

We are a family!

Smile at the one on the left.

Smile at the one on the right.

We are a family!

V-l: Guys, we have guests today. And we are always happy to have guests. What words do we greet our guests with?

Children: - hello, welcome.

(children sit on high chairs ).

V-l: Guys, of course, you all love the people closest to you: mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, brother, sister. This is your family.

Family is home. Family is a world where there is love, friendship and care.

Child:My family is my wealth

Love, protection, tenderness, brotherhood.

Tenderness and comfort are valued here,

They will never betray you here.

Everyone celebrates the holidays together,

And they don’t miss everyday life either.

And I know for sure, friends,

What is most important in life is family!

Vs:Family is the most precious thing a person has. All family members love each other, take care of each other, and try to do everything so as not to upset their near and dear ones. Now will the guys tell us about their family?

(Children take turns approaching the house where photographs of their family are located, they tell who is depicted in them. As the stories progress, the teacher asks about family members, whose name is, in what place the family was photographed, etc.)

Vs:Thank you guys for such interesting stories about your families. Guys, it was not in vain that I placed a photo exhibition on the house, because a HOME is a place where a person feels protected, needed, loved and all family members live in it together and happily.

And now you and I will have a little rest.

Physical education lesson "I have a family"

I have a family -

She is very friendly.

Mom and I bake pancakes ( Imitation of movements.)

Unprecedented deliciousness!

My grandfather and I are digging beds. ( Imitation of movements.)

My grandmother and I plant flowers. ( Imitation of movements.)

Dad and I play football - ( Imitation of movements.)

We score the ball into the goal.

I love you very much ( Wrap your arms around yourself.)

Your sweet family.

Vs:Take a closer look at your family. Your smile resembles your mother’s smile, your gait resembles that of your father’s, the color of your eyes is the same as your grandmother’s, the oval of your face and mole are like your grandfather’s. You are like your brothers and sisters. Each family also has its own surname.

Vs:What is your last name? (children's answers)

But in addition to the last name and first name, every person has a patronymic. The patronymic is given to the child by the name of the father, for example, if the father is Sergei, then the child’s patronymic is Sergeevich.

Held game "Name the middle name."

The teacher invites each child to say his father’s name and give his middle name.

Vs:Some families are big, some are small.

Child:They say that in the old days

And so it was.

Many brothers and sisters

It was fun to be friends.

We drank milk together

We ate sushi together.

Real kindergarten

Each one had a hut.

(Yu. Entin)

Vs:The main thing is not the number of family members, but how they relate to each other. Now you and I will listen to the poem “Mom has come,” and (child’s name) will read it to us.

Child:I helped my mother unbutton her fur coat.

She came home tired from work.

She said, cowering:

I was chilled by something.

It's so cold outside, son.

And I rush her to the kitchen:

Put your hands on the battery

And I’ll warm my cheeks with my palms.-

Mom whispered:

My sun.

(V. Prikhodko)

Vs:Guys, what was said in the poem? (children's answers)

And what can we conclude? (children's answers)

Vs:That's right, guys, in a family everyone should respect each other, love each other and take care of each other. And it is no coincidence that our people have so many proverbs about family. People say: “The family threshes the peas.” Do you know proverbs about family?

Let's tell them to our guests.


1. A family is strong when there is only one roof over it.

2. They are friends in the family - they live, they don’t bother.

3. The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

4. A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by a family.

5. The family agrees that things are going great.

6. When there is no family, there is no home.

7. There will be no good if there is enmity in the family.

8. Good children grow up in a good family.

V-l: Well done, you know a lot of proverbs.

Different situations happen in every family.

Here, for example, like in this little scene that the guys will show us.

Scene "Sorry"

Dad broke a precious vase.

Grandmother and mother immediately frowned.

But dad was found:

Looked them in the eyes

And timidly and quietly

1 child:“Sorry,” he said.

And mom is silent, she even smiles:

2 child:-We will buy another one,

There are better ones on sale...

"Sorry!" - it would seem, what’s wrong with it?

But what a wonderful word! (N. Yusupov)

Vs:Guys, you liked the scene. Why did she like it?

(Children's answers).

Vs:Of course, you said everything correctly. If one of the family members did or broke something, or broke it, it is better to tell the truth about it and apologize, but in no case deceive or shift the blame onto another person.

Vs:Guys, I suggest you draw your family.

First, let's prepare our fingers and play

Finger game “Our Family”

Children draw

Guys, let's remember once again what we talked about today.

(children's answers)

Vs:That's right, guys, we talked about family, about the fact that all the people who live next to you love you very much. When you grow up, each of you will have your own family. And this will be the most best family, where adults will take care of children and elderly parents, and children will obey adults.

Guys, do you know, there is even a holiday called that -

Day of Family, Love and Fidelity. In our country it is celebrated in the summer -

July 8.The holiday has a very gentle symbol - the chamomile flower. And today I want to give you all a chamomile and wish you health, good relations in the family, sensitivity and understanding.

Target: creating conditions for children to form an idea of ​​a family as people who live together, love each other, take care of each other, to consolidate the concept of how a family appears and who it consists of.


Reinforce the concept of “family” in children; consolidate knowledge of the full names of family members.

Equipment and materials: collages with photographs of children's families, microphone.

Preliminary work: writing stories about your family; acquaintance and learning proverbs about family; learning the poem “Who does he look like?”, learning the texts of warm-up games, talking with children about family. Parents writing riddles about their children after learning

Progress of the lesson.

Hello guys! I am glad to welcome you to our friendly circle. I am very pleased that you are in a good mood and I want your good mood to remain with you throughout the day! I invite you to hold hands, look tenderly into each other’s eyes and convey the warmth and kindness of feelings, the joy of our meeting!

Organizing time:

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

Guys, let’s imagine that we were all invited to a television studio for the children’s program “My Family.” Do you agree to be participants in this program? Then let's quietly enter the television studio and take our seats.

Children and the teacher enter the hall, the teacher seats the children on chairs.

Participants of the program, please take your seats. Are you ready? Let's start. Good afternoon, dear TV viewers! We are starting our program “My Family” and I, its presenter, Elena Sergeevna. Today in our studio there are guests of the program and participants, the guys from the senior group of the school “Flashlight”. They came to our program to talk about themselves, about their family, their dear and close people.

So the first question:

    What is a family and how is it formed? (Children's answers)

    What do adults sometimes call their loved ones? (family, family, relatives).

Family is home. Family is a world where love, devotion and friendship reign. Family is the most precious thing every person has. Family is when dad, mom and children live together

Family is the most precious thing a person has. It is no coincidence that there are so many sayings and proverbs about family in the Russian language. Who knows proverbs and sayings about family - let's tell them to our TV viewers:


    They are friends in the family - they live, they don’t bother.

    A family is strong when there is only one roof over it

    In the sunshine it’s warm, in mother’s time it’s good

    What a treasure when the children get along

    He who honors his parents lives a happy life

    Where there is love and advice, there is no grief

    There is no good in an unfriendly family

    Good children grow up in a good family

    The bird is happy about spring, and the child is happy about its mother

    Parents are hardworking - children are not lazy

    Agreement and harmony - there is a treasure in the family

Well done guys, our TV viewers and guests in the studio, I think it was interesting to hear proverbs and sayings about family.

Who will solve riddles,

He recognizes his relatives:

Some are mom, some are dad,

Who is a sister or brother,

And to know your grandfather and grandmother -

There is no need to think at all!

All the relatives with whom you live,

Even uncle or aunt

Definitely your friends,

Together you are one FAMILY!

She works during the day

In the evening she is the wife,

If it's a holiday, she's a lady

Who is this? - My mom)

Now Arina will tell us about her mother:

There are many mothers in this world, children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother,

She is dearer to me than anyone else,

Who is she?

I will answer: this is my mom.

Who does the hard work

Can I do it on Saturdays? -

With axe, saw, shovel

Ours is building, working... (father)

Sasha Voroshilov will tell us about dad:

My dad is handsome

And strong as an elephant.

He is loving, attentive and affectionate.

I'm looking forward to seeing dad get home from work.

He always brings me something in his briefcase.

My dad is resourceful, smart and brave

He can handle even difficult things.

I will hug him and quietly whisper:

My daddy, I love you dearly!

You are the most caring, dearest,

You are kind, you are the best

And you are only mine!

He didn't work out of boredom,

His hands are calloused

And now he is old and gray -

My dear, beloved... (grandfather)

Abrosimov Nazar will tell us about his grandfather:

My dear grandfather,

We are all proud of you!

And I'll tell you a secret:

There is no better grandfather in the world!

I will always try

Look up to you in everything!

He will always treat you with jam,

The table will be set with refreshments,

Lada is our darling,

Who? - Dear... (grandmother)

Sonya Khilko prepared a poem about grandmother for us

Our grandmother walks around, banging her stick.

I tell my grandmother: “I’ll call the doctor!

His medicine will make you healthy!

It will be a little bit bitter, - What’s wrong with that?

You will be patient for a moment, and the doctor will leave,

You and I, grandma, will play ball!

Let's run, grandma, jump high!

Do you see how I jump? it's so easy!

The grandmother smiled: “What do I need a doctor for?”

I'm not sick, I'm just old!

Just very old, gray hair.

Somewhere I lost my young years.

Somewhere behind the huge dark forests,

Behind the high mountain, behind the deep water.

People don’t know how to get there...

I tell my grandmother: “Remember this place!

I’ll go there, I’ll swim, I’ll go!

I will find your young years!

WELL DONE BOYS! All the riddles have been solved! Now let’s play the game “What is your family like” (children stand in a circle and pass the ball to each other, saying words - for example:












Well done everyone for completing the task!

Responsibilities of family members.

Each member of a large or small family has responsibilities.

Let's remember what mom usually does in the family?

What does dad do in the family?

Guys, now I want to play a game with you called “If I...”

If I am your mother, then you give me......?

If I am your grandfather, then you give me....?

If I am your aunt, then you give me.....?

If I am your daughter, then you give me....?

If I am your sister, then you tell me...?

If I am your uncle, then you tell me....?

If I am your niece, then you tell me...?

If I am your granddaughter, then you tell me.....?

If I am your godmother, then you will...?

Well done, everyone completed the task.

Guys, your family is like a tree and each family member is a leaf. We will now grow a family tree for each of you. This is a tree without leaves; the leaves will be grandma, grandpa, mom, and dad.

Now it is becoming a tradition again to compose your own family tree. You and I were familiar with this. And today Ksyusha brought us her family tree and will tell us about her family.

Do you know that you have another family where they also love you, are always happy to meet you, cook delicious food, play with you, conduct interesting activities, read, and help you become strong and healthy. What kind of second family is this? (Kindergarten).

Look what tree I grew in our group

So let's summarize what our lesson was about today.

Dasha Beloshapkina will recite a poem

Family is happiness, love and luck,

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

Family is work, friend caring for a friend,

Family means a lot of housework.

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want my friends to say about us:

How nice your family is!