Conversation with teenagers on the topic of family. Conversation on the topic: “Family in my life.” Family is work, taking care of each other

Elena Popugina
Lesson for teenagers “Me and my family”

The target audience: minors 12-18 years old.

Form and methods of work: conversation-dialogue, work in groups, individual work; verbal-visual, playful, explanatory-illustrated.

Methodical techniques: teacher’s story, creative tasks, practical tasks.

Target: definition and understanding of the concept « Family» , concept formation "Happy family» , role disclosure family in a person's life, awareness of the value of family relationships.

Tasks: promote the formation of a sense of responsibility and duty to family, develop the desire to show responsibility in family relationships, cultivate kindness, responsiveness, patience, a sense of respect and mutual assistance.

Expected Result: consolidate concepts « family» , "happy family» , "family values".

Equipment: house cards, task cards.


1. Motivation for activity.

2. Updating knowledge.

3. Work on the topic.

4. Moment of relaxation.

5. 5. Reflection.

Progress of the lesson:

Exercise – greeting: “I am glad to communicate with you”

Give it to the person standing next to you with the words “I’m glad to communicate with you” and so on in a chain with the same words. Everyone joins hands, a circle is formed - this is a symbol of unity, the energy of creativity.

Educator: Why are they combined into one group? (because they are about family) .

What do you think we will talk about today?

(we will talk about family) .

It was not by chance that I chose this topic. You will soon become completely grown up, and each of you will create your own family. I really want you to take this action responsibly, so that your family was friendly and happy.

Guys, how do you understand the word « family» ?

(children's answers).

Well done guys, from the words you said we can give a definition - Family is a group of relatives living together.

Now let's try to build a house for a happy families.

Where does the construction of a house begin? (from the foundation).

Here is a set "bricks". Read the words written on them and choose those that are needed for a strong foundation in family relationships.

Do you think we have a strong foundation? (children's answers).

A house within the walls of which mutual understanding should reign, for this it is necessary to fulfill "rules of life" that lead to understanding each other.

Game exercise: "Chest of Family Values".

I put cards from the chest on your table, they contain "rules of family values". Choose the ones you think are correct.

Do you think these rules are family values? Or are the real valuables brooches and earrings? (children's answers).

The walls have been erected, do you think it will stand strong? (children's answers).

Contest "Heart"

There are hearts in front of you. Write words with which you will address others in your home.

Guys, what do we have left to build? (roof).

I suggest conducting an interview.


1. My greatest wish…. (children's answers).

2. In mine family is excluded.... (children's answers).

With such desires and aspirations, you will succeed.

What do you think can interfere with happiness in family? (children's answers).

The radiant sun is not divided into parts,

And the eternal land cannot be divided,

But a spark of happiness from a silver ray

Publications on the topic:

Event for pupils of the social rehabilitation center for minors “My family is my joy”“My family is my joy” Goal: to cultivate a sense of respect for family and friends. The introduction to the event is L. Zharikov’s fairy tale “Oak.

A comprehensive lesson on cognitive development for children of different age groups “My Family” Write a creative story about your family. Goal: 1. To form and develop children’s idea of ​​a family as people who live together.

Open lesson in the second junior group “My Family” open lesson in the second junior group. Topic: My family (minem gailm) Objectives: 1. To form an idea of ​​the family and its members.

Open lesson “My Family” for children of the speech therapy group aged 5–6 years Direct educational activities on social and communicative development in senior speech therapy group No. 5 “Fairy Tale” MBDOU.

Thematic week “My home is my family” “My family” (GCD summary in the younger group) Goal: to introduce the concept of family. Objectives: to cultivate the child’s attachment to the family, love and caring attitude towards his family members;.

Lesson for teenagers “Developing our abilities” Goal: to help students decide on their interests, desires, aspirations, professional preferences, to convince them that.

Conversation : "My family".

Target: formation of moral values.


1. To promote in children a sense of love and respect for loved ones;

2. To promote the formation of the right attitude towards the family, its members, and their relationships;

3. Contribute to the unity and development of the class team;

4. Create a comfortable situation for students’ creative self-expression and manifestation of their activity.

Equipment: laptop, song “Smile” from the film Little Raccoon; questionnaire “Me and my family”

Class design: family photographs of children; epigraph: “A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its relatives.”

Preliminary work:

Students are given the task in advance to bring photographs and prepare a story about an interesting incident in the family, or a successful vacation, or a favorite holiday, or an outstanding event in the family. Based on these photographs, a presentation or video is prepared.

The “Me and My Family” questionnaire is conducted anonymously, the questions are thought out by the teacher himself, the results of the questionnaire can be used for parent-teacher meetings.

Progress of the event

1.Organizational moment

What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house greets me with warmth,

They are always waiting for you here with love,

And they send you off on your way with kindness!

Without anything in this world
Can't adults and children survive?
Who will support you, friends?
Your friendly... family.
Right! We'll talk about family today.

2. Riddles:

You are strong and brave
And the biggest one
You scold - to the point,
And you praise - with all your heart! (Dad)

Who came to me this morning?
Who said: “It’s time to get up”?
Who managed to cook the porridge?
Should I pour tea into a bowl? (Mother)

Fragrant jam,
Pies for a treat,
Delicious pancakes
At my beloved... (Grandmother)

He didn't work out of boredom,
His hands are calloused
And now he's old and gray
My dear, beloved...(Grandfather)

One father-mother child,
And not anyone's son. (Daughter)

In the morning it goes at four,
During the day at two, and in the evening at three.
(Child, adult, old man)

They walked in a crowd:
Mother-in-law and son-in-law
Yes husband and wife
Mother and daughter
Yes, grandmother and granddaughter,
Yes, daughter and father.
Are there many of them? (4)

3. Introductory conversation.

Guys, what do you think family is?
Children:Family is dad, mom, brother, sister, grandfather, grandmother.
Educator:Family is the most precious thing a person has. All family members love, respect each other, take care of each other.
Educator:Today you brought photographs of your family from your family photo album. Tell us who lives in your family? But first I want to tell you about my family, listen. (I post the photo on the board). This photo shows my family. (the teacher tells about his family and hobbies). I love my family very much. Now, let's listen to your stories about your family.
(Children who are willing tell stories about their family from photographs. The teacher praises the children for their interesting stories, helps with guiding questions if they have difficulty, and draws attention to the fact that in all the photographs the family members are cheerful, smiling, which means they love each other).
Educator:Well done, the stories turned out good, but not all the guys were able to tell, but I want to hear from everyone what kind of family you have. I suggest playing a game called “What kind of family is yours?” (the game is played with a ball).

4. Conversation “My family. Family relationships."

Indeed, the closest, dearest, most beloved and loving people - mom, dad, sisters, brothers, grandfathers, grandmothers, aunts, uncles - are your family.

- What do you think a family is?

During the conversation, it turns out that the family consists of people who are relatives and live together. The origin of the word family – “seven I” – is discussed.

- Why do you think a person needs a family? What, besides family ties, unites people in a family?

The family is warm, reliable, calm, they will always understand, help, and protect. When you are sick, everyone at home is attentive to you: they set a thermometer, give you medicine, and say kind words.

-What kind words do they say to you?

Students come to the conclusion that family members are united by caring for each other and helping each other.

I wonder what family members usually do together? What are your family's favorite holidays? How do you prepare for and conduct them?

Children talk about family holidays and hobbies.

It’s cozy and warm at home, thanks to the tireless care of loved ones. Tell me how you should treat everything you have?

By your attitude towards things you can judge how you feel about the work of your parents.

Children conclude that they need to protect not only things, but also family relationships.

5. Game "What is your family?"
Children stand in a circle, in the center of the circle there is a teacher with a ball. He throws the ball to the child and asks: -What kind of family do you have? The child who caught the ball must answer by choosing an adjective (big, small, friendly, caring, hardworking, cheerful, kind, good, strict, healthy, strong, happy)

6. Tour of the photo gallery.

Today you brought photographs of your parents and loved ones. On them we see how happy you are. Tell us about your photographs.

5. Questionnaire “Relationships in your family”

1. Do you consider the relationships in your family:
- very good;
- good;
- not very good;
- bad;
- not very bad.

2. Do you consider your family to be friendly?
- Yes;
- not really;
- No.

3. What family traditions help strengthen your family? List them.

4. How often does your family get together?
- daily;
- on weekends;
- rarely.

5. What does your family do when they get together?
- solve problems that have arisen together;
- do family and household work;
- spend leisure time together, watch TV shows;
- discuss issues of children's education;
- share your impressions of your day, your successes and failures;
- everyone minds their own business;
- something else (add).

6. Are there quarrels and conflicts in your family?
- Yes;
- often;
- Sometimes;
- rarely;
- No.

7. What methods of resolving family conflicts are used?
- reconciliation;
- joint discussion of the situation and adoption of a common decision;
- natural attenuation of the conflict;
- seeking help from other people (parents, neighbors, friends, teachers);
- conflicts are practically not resolved and are protracted.

6. Summary.

Let's summarize our conversation. How do you understand the proverb “A tree is held together by its roots, but a person is held together by its relatives”?

Conversation on the topic: "Family through the eyes of children"

Target: Continue to form children’s ideas about the family and its members.


Educational : Learn to name family members correctly. Give the concept of “family”.

Developmental : Develop ideas about family as people who live together, love each other, take care of each other.

Educational : cultivate love and respect for your family;

Integration of educational areas : “Cognition”, “Communication”.

Material and equipment : a letter with riddles, individual pictures depicting family members, a picture depicting the whole family, a picture “house”.


    Organizing time.

What could be more valuable than family?
The father's house greets me with warmth,

They are always waiting for you here with love,

And they send you off on your way with kindness!

Educator: Guys, postman Pechkin sent a letter. Let's see what's in it.

(the teacher opens the letter.)

    Conversation. Riddles about family members.

Educator : What kind of letter is this, let's see. There are mysteries here, guys. Listen here:

Who washes, cooks, sews

Tired at work

Waking up so early?

Only caring...

Children: Mother.

Educator : Well done guys, right.

(the teacher takes out a picture of mom and inserts a house into the panel).

Conversation (interview of 2-3 children)

What's your mother's name?

What does your mother affectionately call you?

-Who are you to your mother?

How do you help your mother around the house?

Children: answers.

Educator: Amazing. Another mystery:

Who will teach you how to hammer a nail?

And he will tell you how to be brave,

Strong, dexterous and skillful?

You guys know everything

This is our favorite...

Children: dad.

Educator : Right, good

(the teacher takes out a picture of dad and inserts a house into the panel)

Conversation (interview of 2-3 children)

What's your dad's name?

Who are you to dad?

What kind of dad is he?

Children: answers.

Game "Joy or Sadness"

Educator : We have already talked about the fact that your family loves you and takes care of you. How do you take care of your loved ones? About mom? About dad? Your actions can please or sadden your loved ones.
Postman Pechkin sent us mugs: red and blue. Which one do you think represents joy (red) and which one represents sadness (blue)? Now I will give you mugs and we will play: I name the action, and you use the circle to show whether this action will please or upset your loved ones.

    You ate all the porridge for breakfast;

    All the toys were scattered around the room;

    Helped mom wash the dishes;

    We drew and gave dad a beautiful drawing;

    They tore up the new book;

    Before going to bed we wished everyone “good night”

I see that you know what actions can upset your loved ones. And I hope that from now on you will do only good deeds.

Educator : Well done. Okay, let's give you the following riddle:

Who never gets tired of loving

He bakes pies for us,

Delicious pancakes?

This is our...

Children : grandmother.

Educator : Well done, of course...

Conversation (interview of 2-3 children)

What's your grandmother's name?

Who are you to your grandmother?

What can grandma do?

What do you like to do together?

Children : answers.

Educator : Well done, next riddle:

He didn't work out of boredom,

His hands are calloused

And now he is old and gray - My dear, beloved...

Children : grandfather.

Educator : Well done guys, right.

Conversation (interview of 2-3 children)

And what is his name?

Who are you to him?

Who wants to talk about their grandfather?

Children : answers.

Educator : great guys, but I still have a riddle, listen:

Who can guess the riddles?

He recognizes his relatives.

All the relatives you live with,

Definitely your friends,

Together you are alone...

Children : family.

Educator : And all these people together are called by one word -Family.

Let's guys show the whole family on our palms.

    Finger gymnastics “Family”

This finger is grandpa

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mom

This finger is me

That's my whole family.

Educator : Guys, look here is our family. Tell me who is drawn here.

Children : family(list everyone)

Educator : That's right guys, who, who is it? Let's try to count who lives in our apartment!

Guys, there are also large and small families.Small family , this is dad, mom and child. If children, parents, and grandparents live in one family, they say that this isbig family.

(The teacher asks 2-3 children to remember and determine what kind of family he has - small or large, to name all family members by name.)

Lesson summary . Guys, what did we study in class today? Which family members do you know? What did you like most about the lesson? Postman Pechkin is very grateful to you for your answers, which helped me solve riddles about the family.

Ethical conversation

"My family is my treasure"

Prepared by:

primary school teacher

Municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 21 with in-depth study

individual items" Ukhta

Mayburova Tatyana Ivanovna

"My family is my treasure"


    define the concept of “family”;

    form the concept of a “happy family”.


    reveal the concept of “family” and the meaning of “wealth” of the family;

    to form positive ideas about family traditions and family values;

    cultivate a respectful attitude towards all family members;

    create comfortable conditions for students to express their thoughts;

    contribute to the unity and development of the class team.


cards with words, photographs of families, Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary, sheets for independent work, markers, class photo, tape recorder, audio recording of the song “My Joy”.

Form: ethical conversation

Location: cool room

Progress of the event:

Guys, I invite you to talk about wealth today. Which one?

What is wealth? (children's statements)

Cards with words that the children name appear on the board.

What can you call these values ​​that you listed (car, apartment, cell phone, computer, etc.)?

All these things are made from certain materials, which means they are called material assets. .

On the board there is a card in the left column - “material assets”.

Highlight those words that, in your opinion, can be attributed to material values.

What about the rest? (place the remaining words in the right column)

On the board there is a card in the left column - “spiritual values”.

Is there a difference between material values ​​and spiritual ones? (material values ​​are values ​​that have real benefits; they can be exchanged, sold, bought, and spiritual values ​​are wealth that influence our views, our spiritual state)

Is it possible to put an “=” sign between them?


Let's try to answer it at the end of our conversation.

Choose the value group that you would like to talk about today. (children's statements)

Who has a car?

Much money?

Expensive cell phone?

Who has a parent's house? (children answer)

So what do each of us have in common? (family)

Everyone has a family. And the lines “My family is my wealth” come to my mind.

There is a card on the board - the topic of the conversation is “My family is my wealth.”

Listen to a short parable.

A long time ago, on a distant island there lived a boy. He lived all alone. No one raised him, no one punished him, no one shared the nuts and fruits that grew on the trees with anyone. But this boy was very sad.

One day he went to the seashore. And suddenly a gray-haired old man came out to meet him. He was very old, but very wise.

- Where are you going? - asked the old man.

- I'm going to look for a place where I won't be so lonely.

- I know how to help you. “Come with me,” the old man suggested.

Let's listen to the parable to the end and check if your assumptions were correct?

He brought the boy to his house, where his children and grandchildren lived.

- Look! – said the old man. “We all live in the same house, we rejoice together, we are sad together.” Together we eat what nature has given us, we help each other. Stay! I will be your grandfather, my son and his wife will be your father and mother, and my grandchildren will be your brothers and sisters.

The boy stayed, and after a while he realized that only now had he learned to rejoice and become truly happy.


The boy stayed, and after a while he realized that only now had he learned to rejoice and become truly happy. And this happened because he had a FAMILY.

People create families out of love. Children are born from love. This is how a family appears.

When I was a child like you, my family was my mother, father and brother. Now I have my own family - my husband and two beautiful daughters. (photo of my family)

Please imagine your families too. (Children hang photos of their families on the board)

In Ozhegov’s dictionary, the word “family” is explained as “... a group of close relatives living together.”

“A family is a group of close relatives living together” - on the board

I will ask you to complement this term, to expand it.

Work in groups. (Cards “Family is...”)

Let's hear what the first group did. (children's statements)

What additions did the guys from the second group make?

Tell me quickly, offhand, what comes to mind when you hear this word? (children's statements)

Why is the word “family” interesting?

The word family can be divided into two words - “seven” and “I”. And then it seems to tell us: “A family is seven people like me.”

But the number of family members may vary. Nowadays, a family with 3 or more children is considered large. A large family is ready to give a lot of love, care, and warmth. Mothers who gave birth and raised 5 or more children are awarded the Motherhood Medal of 1st and 2nd degree. (show medal)

I am glad that there are 4 large families in our class. Tell us briefly about your families.

Guys, you will all become parents in the future. How many children would you like to have?

(children's statements)

All members of one family are united by some traditions and hobbies. In Ozhegov’s dictionary, the word “hobbies” is explained as “... great interest in some business.”

For New Year I received a gift that made me feel warm. Elya gave me this cute little mitten that she made with her family. I know that everyone in her family loves to be creative. Decoupage and painting are their family hobby.

What are traditions?

The dictionary says that “Tradition is something that has been passed on from one generation to another.”

Let's listen to what the original Russian traditions were.

"Traditions of Russian families"

    Gathering with the whole family at the parents' house on holidays,

and also celebrate family holidays;

    Everyone sing and play musical instruments together;

    Invite guests and gather a feast with games and jokes;

    Collect and store family photographs;

    Store things that belonged to relatives as objects

antiquity and as a memory of relatives and friends, as a talisman;

    Representatives of one family were engaged in one type of activity.

This is how dynasties of potters, military men, builders, teachers, etc. were born.

What traditions do your families have?

What traditions would you like to carry into your family?

Can you, children, be the founders of family traditions?

I want to give you a gift where the traditions of Russian families are written down. But I leave the lines free so that you at home, together with your parents, can supplement them with your own family traditions that exist in your families or that you are planning.

Now I will ask you to stand up and put your arms around each other’s shoulders. Do you feel close to each other?

Now go around the chairs and put your arms around each other's shoulders.

The distance between you has increased, but still, each of you feels the closeness of each other. While going home, you also feel this closeness, call each other, ask for help, walk together.

Can we call our class a family?

What kind of family is this?

We are also a family - a school family.

Class photo on the board.

Why? What unites us?

We are united by common school activities - studies, joint holidays and tea parties, competitions, trips to museums and libraries. We wish each other a happy birthday and give each other gifts. We take care of each other, help those who need help. Everyone, like in an ordinary family, has their own responsibilities.

Let's go back to the beginning of our conversation.

Is it possible to put an “=” sign between spiritual and material wealth?

This question cannot be answered unambiguously. And we will return to it again.

There is a lot of information about the family. People have always composed poems, fairy tales, songs about family, because this topic touches the soul of every person.

I would like to end our conversation with a very soulful song. Diana hums it very often. And those who know the words, sing along.

Song "My Joy"

Municipal state educational institution

Secondary school No. 10




Developed and conducted in 9th - A grade

Sityanina L. A.

Biryusinsk - 2012


Development of students' ideas about family.

Formation of concepts about the life ideal of a family and family values.

Fostering deep respect for family.


“Happy is he who is happy at home”

L.N. Tolstoy

“What does it take to be happy?

Quiet family life...

With the opportunity to do good to people.”

L. N. Tolstoy.

1. Teacher's opening speech:

The family originated in a primitive society and has come a long way in its development. At all stages of human development, it played a big role in people's relationships. The family remains the group in which the main part of a person’s life passes.

A person’s life begins in the family, where he is formed as a citizen. From birth to adolescence, we live in our parents' house. A few years later we get married and start our own family. In the family we experience our first experience of love in our relationship with our parents. This love creates our character.

In the family we acquire an idea of ​​life, of morality, of morality. What well? What is wrong? What is possible? What's not allowed? We acquire economic skills, take our first independent actions and receive their assessment, learn to evaluate the actions of others and our own...

Family... Quite often we hear or pronounce this word, but how often do we think about what it means? How would you define the concept of “family”? ( Children's answers.)

Different dictionaries give different meanings to the word "family".

Etymological:collective from “seven household members”, in the original meaning - “living in the same village.”

Old Russian: “servants, household members, family; husband wife".

Greek: "village".

Ancient Chinese: “homeland, spouse, citizen.”

Old Indian:“dear, friendly, kind.”

Modern dictionaries define family as “a small social group based on love, marriage and kinship relationships; united by common life and household management, legal and moral relations, the birth and upbringing of children.”

In Yuri Kuranov’s work “The Warmth of the Hearth” the concept of “family” is revealed in this way: seven - I. That is, I am repeated seven times in my children. Because it was believed that every family should have seven children. And why? The number “seven” has long been considered significant and especially happy, because it means the fullness of a person’s earthly life, success in all his good endeavors.

2. Make a statement on the board from individual words.

"The family is all together - the soul is in place."

“A family is like a stove: it’s so cold, everyone gathers around it.”


As you can see, all definitions have one thing in common - this unity.

3. Reading poems in which you can find the answer to the question “What is family?”

Reader 1:

How did the word "family" come about?
Once upon a time the earth did not hear about him...
But Adam said to Eve before the wedding:
- Now I will ask you seven questions.
Who will give birth to children for me, my goddess?
And Eva answered quietly:
- I.
- Who will raise them, my queen?
And Eva answered obediently:
- I.
- Who will prepare the food, oh my joy?
And Eve still answered:
- I.
- Whoever sews the dress, washes the linen,
Will he caress me and decorate my home?
Answer the questions, my friend!
“I... I...” Eva said quietly,
- I... I...
She said the famous seven I.
This is how a family appeared on earth.

Reader 2:

Family is happiness, love and luck.

Family means trips to the country in the summer.

Family is a holiday, family dates,

Gifts, shopping, pleasant spending.

The birth of children, the first step, the first babble,

Dreams of good things, excitement and trepidation.

Family is work, taking care of each other,

Family means a lot of housework,

Family is important!

Family is difficult!

But it is impossible to live happily alone!

Always be together, take care of love,

I want my friends to say about us:

How nice your family is!

Reader 3:

Family is what we share among everyone,

A little bit of everything: tears and laughter,

Rise and fall, joy, sadness,

Friendship and quarrels, silence stamped.

Family is what is always with you.

Let the seconds, weeks, years rush by,

But the walls are dear, your father's house -

The heart will forever remain in it!

Finding out the meaning of the word “values”.

Value (in this case) is the importance, significance of something.

What values ​​underlie a happy family? Listen to parables and legends and draw your conclusions.

5. Listening and discussing parables and legends.

Reader 1.

One morning a fisherman and his two sons went fishing. The catch was good, and by noon the three men were ready to return home. But as they began to pull out the nets, a storm suddenly blew in and completely obscured the coastline. And at the same time, the storm did not spare their small house. It caught fire and the fire burned their home and all their property to the ground. When the fisherman and his sons got ashore, a crying wife was waiting for him, who told her husband and children about the misfortune that had befallen them. But the fisherman didn’t even raise an eyebrow. The wife was indignant: “Husband, we lost everything we had, but you don’t even care.” Then the fisherman replied: “The fire that destroyed our house turned out to be the light that in the fog showed us the way to the shore.”

Reader 2.

I'll tell you one legend. In ancient times, there lived an amazing family. The family was huge, 100 people, and peace, love and harmony reigned in it. Word of this reached the supreme ruler himself. And he decided to visit this family. When the ruler was convinced that this was true, he asked the elder, the head of the family: “How do you manage to live without ever quarreling, without offending each other?” Then the elder took the paper, wrote a hundred words on it and gave it to the ruler. He quickly read it and I was surprised: the same word was written a hundred times on the sheet. What word do you think it is?



What qualities does a person need to develop the ability to communicate?

A person who can think critically and is capable of self-analysis will not blame another for not being understood. He does not expect changes in other people or circumstances. He changes himself.

Students are offered"basket of opinions"where the sheets are located, the rules of life are written on them, the implementation of which leads to mutual understanding. Students take out sheets of paper from the “basket” and read them aloud:

Rules of life, the implementation of which leads to mutual understanding

1. Put other people's interests above your own.

2. Be devoted to your family, avoid the possibility of betraying them.

3. Be faithful and reliable.

4. When respecting other people, respect yourself.

5. Be tolerant of other people's points of view.

6. Treat people as equals.

7. Learn to empathize with others by putting yourself in their shoes.

8. Know how to forgive and don’t be offended.

9. Live in harmony with yourself and other people.

10. Show sensitivity.

11. Be confident and worthy of your home.

12. Be free from lies and deception.

13. Know how to control your desires and actions.

14. Persevere towards your goal, regardless of obstacles.

15. Strive to do everything as best as possible.

16. Take the first step forward if a quarrel or conflict arises.


- How many mistakes we could avoid if we never forgot that each of us is a link in the chain of generations. Our good deeds and actions inspire our children and grandchildren, while our bad ones place a heavy burden on them. After all, they inherit not only our external data, but also the history of our lives. Let's live in such a way that our relatives will not be ashamed of us. And God forbid that our bad deeds and thoughts come back as a boomerang to our children or grandchildren.

I really like the morally beautiful advice of Vladimir Monomakh, which he gave to his sons:

Honor the old as your father, and the young as your brothers;
- Do not be lazy in your home, but watch everything yourself;
- Beware of lies, and drunkenness, and fornication, because the soul perishes from this
and body;
- what you can do well, don’t forget, and what you can’t do, don’t forget
visit the sick, see off the dead, for we are all mortal;
love your wife, but do not give her power over you;
wherever you go and wherever you stop, give drink and food to the beggar;
Most of all, honor the guest, no matter where he comes to you, whether he is a commoner, or a noble, or an ambassador;
- do not let a person pass without greeting him, and say a kind word to him.

Reader 3.

Parable “Fifty Years of Politeness”

One elderly couple, after many years of marriage, celebrated their golden wedding. Over breakfast, the wife thought: “For fifty years now I have been trying to please my husband. I always gave him the top half of the bread with the crusty crust. And today I want this delicacy to go to me.” She buttered the top half of the bread for herself and gave the other half to her husband. Contrary to her expectations, he was very happy, kissed her hand and said:

My dear, you have given me the greatest joy. For more than fifty years I have not eaten the bottom half of the loaf, the one I love most. I always thought that you should have her because you love her so much.


What values ​​underlie a happy family?

Explain the meaning of the following concepts in relation to family life:

Empathy. (The ability to feel another person, to feel in his place.)

Equality. (Assumes that you have each other's interests in mind.)

Support . (You two are capable of a lot.)

Tolerance . (The ability to accept a person as he is.)

Compromise. (The ability to give in to each other.)

Confession. (Respect and gratitude.)

. Adaptability b. (Ability to adapt if circumstances require it.)

Love . (Tender care for each other.)

Loyalty . (Devotion to each other.)

Listening skills . (Listen to each other.)

Humor . (Laughter supports physical and mental health.)

Confidence . (Feeling of safety and confidence.)

Tenderness . (Sensitive attitude towards each other.)

. Spending time together. (You should always find time to be together.)

7 . Assignment “For my family.”

There are pieces of paper in front of you, write all your family members on them. Under each of your relatives, write down four things they like.

(Students write down the names of all their family members on a sheet of paper and under each name - at least four things that a particular member of their family loves).

Now you need to turn over the piece of paper and write on the reverse side the same relatives and under each of them, what you can do to bring him joy.

(Students write down).

Look at your sheet, why do you think we wrote this. What it is? ... Yes indeed, we have compiled for each of youa loving plan for the whole family.


It is difficult for everyone to live alone. Only in the family, in unity with relatives, is a person truly happy. Every person must be needed by someone, must take care of someone, help someone. People want to share joy and sadness with someone, they want to be expected and loved.

“What does it take to be happy? A quiet family life... with the opportunity to do good to people.” L. N. Tolstoy.

Compiling a syncwine:
Line 1 - noun - the central concept of the topic,
Line 2 - two adjectives characterizing the main concept,
Line 3 - three verbs explaining the essence of the events taking place,
Line 4 - a phrase, sentence or catchphrase expressing the author’s attitude to the topic,
Line 5 - a word (synonym) that summarizes or expands the meaning of the topic, the summary of the topic.

Loving, friendly
Educates, protects, helps
Unit of society

Final words from the teacher:

The family is the guardian of human values, culture and historical continuity of generations, a factor of stability and development of society. Thanks to the family, the state strengthens and develops, and the well-being of the people grows. At all times, the development of a country has been judged by the position of the family in society and in relation to it by the state.
In 1993, the United Nations established International Day of Families on May 15th. The goal is to draw attention to the numerous problems of the modern family.
Since 2008, Russia has celebrated the Day of Family, Love, and Fidelity on July 8 in memory of Saints Peter and Fevronia, the patrons of family happiness. On July 8th it is customary to celebrate weddings. It is believed that the marriage will be strong and prosperous. The chamomile became the symbol of the All-Russian Day of Family, Love and Fidelity.
A person’s well-being depends on family well-being; the formation of his personality takes place in the family; the foundations of his worldview are formed in the family.

I wish you and your families happiness!