Course work development of coherent speech in children of senior preschool age in visual activity. The value of the child's speech in visual activity

Elena Kruglova
The development of speech of preschoolers in the process of visual activity

Drawing is the very first and most accessible means of expressing one's thoughts, feelings, and moods. Visual activity provides a full development of such processes, as perception, figurative representations, imagination, thinking, attention, will, as well as develops fine motor skills. Observations for activities children and the analysis of special literature on the problem of teaching children to draw made it possible to conclusion: drawing a child is as necessary as talking. Depicting an event It's easier to talk about it later.

In the same time preschool age is a period of active assimilation of the spoken language, the formation of all sides speeches. Complete development the personality of a child is impossible without educating him in the right speeches.

Therefore, the educator needs to help ensure that children have the opportunity develop speech in all activities, including in pictorial, and stimulate the children's own speech activity by organizing a speech environment in the group. The educator should strive wisely develop children's speech activity, tactfully correct mistakes, suggest words when the child does not know how to express his thought.

Thus, in the process of visual activity The educator performs the following tasks aimed at speech development of preschoolers:

1. To form the skills of pronouncing words of various sound-syllabic structures, pure tongues are used before and during visual activity:

Fly-fly-fly - draw (I draw, we draw, it turned out) airplane.

Woo-woo-woo - we will draw an owl.

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, I'll find a pencil.

Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo, I will circle the leaf.

Oh-oh-oh, oh-oh-oh, my leaf is small.

Blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, blow, wind, wind, don't blow!

Ah-ah-ah, ah-ah-ah, you leaf, don't fly away!

2. To clarify, systematize and enrich the vocabulary of children on a specific lexical topic, specially selected poems:

Subject "Toys":

We play with toys

We call toys:

Tumbler, bear, gnome,

Pyramid, cube, house.

Children repeat the poem with the teacher.

Subject "City":

We walk around the city

We see a lot, we call:

Traffic lights and cars

fairs and shops,

Squares, streets, bridges,

And trees and bushes.

3. To improve the grammatical structure speeches the following didactic games:

Di "Big small": Petya drew a cucumber, and Vanya is a small ... cucumber.

Di "Which? Which?": the tomato is round, and the cucumber ... oval.

Di "One is many": Petya drew one tree, and Vanya many ... trees.

Di "Where is it drawn?": (according to the figure "Winter") Where is the snowflake? Where is the icicle? Where is the ice frozen? Where are the kids riding? Where was the snowman made?

4. For development children's ability to speak coherently, justify their judgments used:

1) compiling a story based on your own drawing or the drawing of another child (according to the plot or subject picture):

I drew a lemon. This is a fruit. It grows on a tree. The lemon is round, yellow, hard, sour. It has bones inside. It is covered with skin. He's useful. They put it in tea.

A lot of snow fell. The boy went outside. He began to build a snowman. First I rolled up a large ball, then a medium one, and then a small one. Instead of eyes, he inserted pebbles, instead of a nose, a carrot, instead of a mouth, a twig. The snowman turned out beautiful, even the birds on the tree admire him.

2) drawing up creative story: "What will I draw", “What will happen to the characters of my drawing next” etc.

I want to draw a dog because she is affectionate, fluffy, loves to play.

5. Development regulatory and planning functions speeches.

The emergence of regulatory, planning functions speeches- central feature preschool age. Arises as a function generated by others, then becomes turned on one's own behavior in the form of an egocentric speech and, finally, goes into the inner plan. Inner speech appears only towards the end preschool age, its intense development is during the school years. To form inner speech, it is necessary to carry out systematic painstaking work. IN the process of teaching fine arts children learn to perceive the tasks of the educator, analyze patterns of drawing, modeling, perform drawings or stucco crafts in accordance with the requirements of the teacher. From the first years of being in kindergarten, it is important to teach children to understand the task and navigate it. Misunderstanding of individual words or phrases leads to incomplete or inaccurate orientation in the conditions of the task, which leads to its incorrect performance. Practical activities involve the formation of the ability to complete the task to the end, acting independently, observing the requirements of the teacher. When performing tasks, teachers should support children, make sure that the child does not stop or interrupt activity, brought the drawing or modeling to the end.

6. For development of speech motor skills, breathing, rhythm, expressiveness speeches the following articulations are used exercises:

Drawing "Elephant":

I imitate the elephant: I pull my lips with my trunk ...

Even if I get tired, I will not stop pulling them.

I will keep it like this for a long time, strengthen my lips.

Drawing "Woodpecker":

I knock on wood - d-d-d.

I want to get a worm - d-d-d.

Although he disappeared under the bark - d-d-d.

It will still be mine - d-d-d.

Drawing "Horse" (click your tongue after each line)

I am the horse Gray Side!


I will knock with a hoof,


If you want, I will!


Look how beautiful I am:


Nice tail and mane.


7. For development of fine motor skills, movement coordination uses the following exercises:

Children depict rain, tapping with index fingers on the table to the beat of the poem "Autumn":

Rain, rain

All day

Drumming on glass.

The whole earth

All earth

Wet from water...

Improvisation of movements to the beat poems:

Children go to the garden

Where vegetables grow

Children tilt their backs

And they pick peas.

The teacher reads the poem. Children, in time with reading, roll the pencil back and forth on the table with their fingers.

Finger gymnastics (on this topic)

Inflate, balloon, more!

Better puff up your cheeks!

Play with us longer:

Roll, jump and fly!

(Press the fingertips of both hands together, palms make small and then big "ball". Then release air: shhh.


The house is on the meadow.

Well, the way to the house is closed.

We open the gate

We invite you to this house.

We must always remember that visual activity is one of the ways to develop fine motor skills of the fingers, which has a positive effect on the speech areas of the cerebral cortex.

8. For development visual-spatial perception, hand-eye coordination, you can offer children the following poems:

I took a couple of triangles

And a stick - a needle.

I connected lightly

And it turned out to be a Christmas tree.

First I drew two circles - wheels,

And between them I placed triangles,

He made a steering wheel out of sticks and - what miracles! -

The bike is worth it. Ride, students!

I took a triangle and a square,

He built a house out of them.

And I am very happy about this.

Now a gnome lives in it.

9. To form an interest in creativity, the ability to express one's thoughts, feelings in speeches, the figure can use specially selected poems:


The sun's hands are hot

They work willingly.

All the earth tassels - rays

Covered in gold!

And the gray rain is a mischief

Quietly approached

And all chirped - chik-chik-chik -

With a simple pencil.

A. Shibaev


Winter had a huge leaf -

Incredibly white and clean!

He was good in his own way.:

Not a single spot.

And paint over it completely

Thought of spring.

Green is already visible

Lilac, yellow, blue…

What shades are not there

Patterns, spots, lines!

What happened?

Not a secret:

The most spring self-portrait!

A. Shibaev

Thus, during the artistic activities educators have every opportunity to speech development of their students.

Any activity, including visual, favorably affects the development of speech. Especially with regard to children with OHP, activities with paper, clay, paints, scissors are not only sensory-motor exercises, it reflects and deepens children's ideas about surrounding objects, and contributes to the manifestation of mental and speech activity.

Visual activity acts as a specific figurative means of cognition of reality, therefore it is of great importance for the mental development of children. In turn, the mental education of the child is closely connected with the development of speech.

In the classroom for visual activities, children can be introduced to new words, taught to understand, distinguish, and, finally, use words in active speech. The child can get acquainted with the names of objects, the actions that he performs with objects, distinguish and use words denoting external signs of objects and signs of actions.

The first step in the development of understanding of speech in the classroom of visual activity is the assimilation of the nominative (naming) function of the word: everything that is around the child, everything that he does and how he does, gets a name.

All types of visual activity contribute to this. A variety of visual material, which changes periodically, helps to clarify the understanding of the names of objects, actions, signs. The child learns to listen to a short phrase of an adult, to understand the meaning of gradually complicated statements, new words, clarifies their lexical, phonetic, grammatical shades. The word will shake the child in the knowledge of all aspects of visual activity, understanding the processes of the image.

In productive activity, the development of perception and understanding of speech by children occurs much faster, since speech acquires a truly practical orientation and is of great importance for the performance of one or another proposed activity. Various types of productive activities are favorable for the development of speech and the fact that during implementation it is easy to create problem situations that contribute to the emergence of speech activity.

Problem situations form the communicative orientation of speech.

The material that the classes are equipped with is used at different stages of correctional work with different speech goals, and its use varies depending on the speech development of children in this group. It is also important that the child in productive activity relies simultaneously on several analyzers (vision, hearing, tactile perception), which also has a positive effect on the development of speech.

Productive activity is favorable for the development of speech, primarily because the child himself directly acts with objects.

In productive activity, conditions are created for the implementation of a close connection between the word and the action, with the signs of the action.

understanding and following instructions

In groups with general underdevelopment of speech, it is necessary to specially educate children in the ability to perceive speech in the process of drawing, and then to combine their activities with speech.

Visual activity also makes it possible to solve correctional and educational tasks: to cultivate such positive qualities as independence and purposefulness in the performance of work, perseverance and perseverance, the ability to complete work, accuracy, i.e. all those qualities that are poorly expressed in children with a general underdevelopment of speech.

The teacher encourages the activity of children who follow the established rules, thanks to which children gradually develop conscious behavior, the ability to limit their activity, and endurance is brought up. This is especially important for disinhibited children who ignore the rules of behavior accepted in the group. When educating children with the skills of correct behavior, one should resort to comments and censures as little as possible, as they extinguish interest in activities. On the contrary, a positive assessment, praise, approval encourage further positive actions.

Thus, all of the above positive aspects of productive activity have a great influence on the formation of various aspects of speech during its abnormal development.

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More on the topic The importance of visual activity for the development of speech. Features of the organization of classes in visual activity in speech therapy groups.:

  1. The subject "Methodology for the development of children's fine arts": the goals and objectives of the management of fine arts.
  2. The lesson is the main form of teaching the visual activity of children with safe and impaired development. Lesson structure.
  3. 35. psychological features of visual activity. The role of the development of creative activity in the formation of the child's mind.
  4. 20. The value of fine arts in cultural and educational activities with children and adolescents. The specifics of the organization of exhibitions.
  5. Variable programs for teaching visual activity to children with safe and impaired development.
  6. 8. Features of the visual activity of preschool children with intellectual disabilities.
  7. 21. Organization and conduct of classes on the perception of works of fine art in an auxiliary school.

"The development of speech in the classroom for fine arts"

Visual activity is one of the most interesting for preschool children. It acts as a specific means of cognition of activity, therefore it is of great importance for the mental development of children.

In turn, the mental education of the child is closely related to the development of speech.

In the classes of fine arts activities, children can be introduced to new words, taught to understand, distinguish, and, finally, use words in active speech.

The child can get acquainted with the names of objects, actions that he does not perform with objects, distinguish and use words denoting external signs of objects and signs of actions.

The first step in the development of understanding of speech in the classroom of visual activity is the assimilation of the naming function of the word: everything that is around the child, everything that he does and how he does, gets names. In order for a word - a name to become a word - a concept, a large number of different conditional connections, including motor ones, must be developed for it.

A variety of material (visual), which changes periodically, helps to clarify the understanding of the names of objects.

The word helps the child in the knowledge of all aspects of visual activity, understanding the processes of the image.

In productive activity, the development of perception and understanding of speech by children occurs much faster, since speech acquires a truly practical orientation and is of great importance for the performance of one or another proposed activity.

Various types of productive activities are favorable for the development of speech and the fact that during implementation it is easy to create problem situations that contribute to the emergence of speech activity. Problem situations form the communicative orientation of speech. So, if one of the children specifically “forgets” to put a piece of paper, a brush or pencils, the child is forced to ask for the missing one, that is, to show speech initiative.

In productive activity, the child relies simultaneously on several analyzers (vision, hearing, tactile perception), which also has a positive effect on the development of speech. Productive activity is favorable for the development of speech, primarily because the child himself directly acts with objects.

In visual activity, this happens naturally, since the child himself performs various actions. For example: I took a pencil, pressed a rag, I draw a line, I draw a ball. With special training, children learn well a certain chain of sequential actions; characteristic of visual activity. This contributes to the development of speech - the correct understanding and implementation of instructions such as: "Draw a path, a ball." It is in these classes that children learn well the sequence of actions and the cause-and-effect relationship of various actions and phenomena: “The brush is dirty. My dirty brush. The brush is clean."

The actions of children in fine arts and constructive activities become more perfect, meaningful, purposeful, rhythmic, and adjustable.

Performing repeating movements in drawing (strokes, strokes, lines), children love to accompany them with speech to the beat of hand movements: top - top - (“traces”), cap - cap - (“It's raining”): enliven their completed work. This should also be used to develop different sides of speech.

Visual activity and design make it possible to solve correctional and educational tasks: to cultivate such positive qualities as independence and purposefulness in the performance of work, perseverance and perseverance, the ability to complete work, and accuracy.

Positive assessment, praise, approval encourage further positive actions. In the classroom for fine arts and design, special tasks are solved for the development of children's speech, the vocabulary is enriched, colloquial speech is improved, and the appearance of coherent speech is being prepared.

Good luck to you and your children!

Drawing classes in kindergarten are combined under the name of visual activity, since the result of them is the creation of a certain product by the child: a drawing.
Along with the solution of the main tasks for this type of activity in the classroom of visual activity, it is possible to successfully carry out the development of children's speech. In kindergarten, this task is solved along the way, being secondary to visual tasks.
It reflects and deepens children's ideas about the surrounding objects, contributes to the manifestation of mental and speech activity. This determines its connection with remedial education.
The value of drawing for the comprehensive development and education of a preschooler is great and multifaceted. Visual activity acts as a specific figurative means of cognition of reality, therefore it is of great importance for the mental development of children. In turn, the mental education of the child is closely connected with the development of speech.
In the classroom for visual activities, children can be introduced to new words, taught to understand, distinguish, and, finally, use words in active speech. The child can get acquainted with the names of objects, the actions that he performs with objects, distinguish and use words denoting external signs of objects and signs of actions.
The first step in the development of speech understanding in visual arts classes is the assimilation of the nominative (naming) function of the word: everything that is around the child, everything that he does and how he does, gets a name.
In order for a word-name to become a word-concept, it is necessary to develop a large number of various conditional connections, including motor ones. All types of visual activity contribute to this. A variety of visual material, which changes periodically, helps to clarify the understanding of the names of objects, actions, signs. The child learns to listen to a short phrase of an adult, to understand the meaning of gradually complicated statements, new words, to clarify their lexical, phonetic, grammatical shades. The word helps the child in the knowledge of all aspects of visual activity, understanding the processes of the image.
In visual activity, the development of perception and understanding of speech by children is much faster, since speech determines a truly practical orientation and is of great importance for the performance of one or another proposed activity.
Having studied the scientific literature, we can say that visual activity has a great cognitive, educational and correctional value due to its visibility. Children learn speech material faster and more fully if natural objects are used as a visual support.
Given the desire of children to draw while playing, visual activity should be used in order to clarify ideas about objects and possible connections between them.
The inclusion of the method of describing an object according to the completed subject drawing in the process of teaching coherent descriptive speech, in our opinion, is effective for children to master the skills of independent description, helps to consolidate ideas about the main properties of objects, as well as increase children's interest in classes.
When writing the article, the following literature was used:
1. The program of education and training in kindergarten / Ed. M.A. Vasilena, V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. - 4th ed. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2006
2. Guidelines for the "Program of education and training in kindergarten." / Ed. V.V. Gerbovoy, T.S. Komarova. - 3rd ed., Rev. And extra. - M .: "Mosaic-Synthesis", 2008. - 400 p.
3. Artistic and aesthetic development of preschoolers. Integrated classes: music, drawing, literature, speech development. / comp. E.P. Klimov. - Volgograd: Teacher, 2007. - 77 p.


Zapunidi, Anna Alexandrovna

Academic degree:

PhD in Psychology

Place of defense of the dissertation:

VAK specialty code:


Developmental psychology, acmeology

Number of pages:

Chapter 1 Development pictorial activities in preschool age.

1.1. Stages of development of visual activity of children.

1.2. Conditions for the formation and development of the visual activity of children.

Chapter 2. Functions of speech of preschool children.

2.1. Regulatory function of speech.

2.2. Significative function of speech.

2.3. The problem of classification of speech statements.

Chapter 3. Analysis of visual activity and features of speech development in conditions of deviant development (pilot study).

3.1. The influence of the development of visual activity on the development of speech activity in children with general underdevelopment of speech.

3.2. Visual design as a unit of analysis of drawing and speech development.

Chapter 4. The relationship of the idea with the level of development of visual activity and speech in preschool children (the main study, ascertaining the series).

4.1. The purpose and objectives of the study.

4.2. Characteristics of the sample of subjects.

4.3. Methodological tools.

4.4. Features of the development of visual activity and the conditions for its formation in children of senior preschool age.

4.4.1. Analysis of children's drawing.

4.4.2. Analysis of the conditions for the formation of visual activity.

4.4.3. Functions of speech.

4.4.4. The discussion of the results.

Chapter 5. Analysis of the influence of visual activity on the development of speech functions (main research, formative series).

5.1. Description of the forming series.

5.2. Members of the formative series.

5.3. The main results of the formative series.

5.4. Analysis of the influence of the formative series on the development of visual activity and speech functions (control series).

5.5. Discussion of the results of the forming and control series.

Introduction to the thesis (part of the abstract) On the topic "The role of visual activity in the development of speech functions in preschool children"

The study is devoted to the study of the influence of visual activity on the development of speech functions in preschool children.

Relevance of the research topic. Currently, parents and preschool institutions are turning their efforts to the cognitive development of the child, the so-called preparation for school. At the same time, they bypass those types of activities that are typical for preschool children. This is a role-playing game and productive activities (drawing, design).

Visual activity is of great importance for the development of personality and cognitive activity of preschoolers (J1.C. Vygotsky, 1984; O.M. Dyachenko, 1996; E.A. Ekzhanova, 2003; E.I. Ignatiev, 1959; T.G. Kazakova , 2006; T. S. Komarova, 2005; V. S. Mukhina, 1981; Yu. A. Poluyanov, 2000; K. Ring, 2001; M. Brooks, 2005; M. Sokh, 2005). The hypothesis about the connection between drawing and speech belongs to S. Buhler and JI.C. Vygotsky. L.S. Vygotsky wrote that drawing cannot be considered without verbal accompaniment of the process of creating a drawing. Many modern researchers also emphasize the connection between drawing and the development of children's speech (S.O. Abidzhanova, T.V. Lavrentyeva, 1996; T.V. Akhutina, N.M. Pylaeva, 2003; L.A. Venger, 1996; O. M. Dyachenko, E. L. Porotskaya, 1996; A. Toomela, 2002). However, the mechanisms of the influence of visual activity on the development of children's speech and its functions are still poorly understood.

The increased number of children with certain speech disorders requires new means and ways of compensating for a speech defect. Speech development disorders are not only phonetic, lexical and grammatical in nature. The number of children with functional speech disorders has increased, in which the functions of planning, regulation, control, nominative, generalizing functions suffer (T.V. Akhutina,

N.M. Pylaeva, 2008; J.M. Glozman, 2009; Yu.V. Mikadze, 2008).

Compensatory work should be carried out within activities relevant to the age of the child. For a preschool child, such activities will be a role-playing game, designing, drawing. The role of drawing in the development of speech functions in preschool children has not been subjected to special study.

Visual activity in kindergartens is reduced mainly to copying ready-made samples. Copying ready-made samples does not involve working on your own idea, planning a drawing. Children's drawing becomes reproducing. Corrective and developmental work using visual activity in modern research turns into teaching new graphic elements or images (O.A. Vepreva, 2001; A.G. Gizatullina, 2002; V.A. Korneeva, 2003; Yu.V. Levitskaya, 2005; O G. Murzakova, 2001; A. N. Orlova, 2000; N. V. Ryzhova, 2006; R. P. Jolley, 2010). The basis of these works is the formation of the executive side of visual activity. The indicative basis of the visual activity of a preschool child, which provides the content and development of the drawing, is not taken into account. However, drawing in a developed form requires the child to independently determine the program of the upcoming activity, the sequence and methods of its implementation, and requires independent setting of the goal of the activity. All this is carried out with the help of speech and is embodied in the pictorial design, which requires a special study.

The purpose of the study is to identify the role of visual activity in the development of speech functions in preschool children.

The object of the study is the development of speech functions in preschool children.

The subject of the study is the role of visual activity in the development of speech functions in normally developing children and children with general speech underdevelopment (ONR).

General hypothesis of the study. To identify the connection between speech and visual activity, it is necessary to single out a unit of analysis that combines the functions of speech and drawing. According to our assumption, the unit of analysis of the relationship between pictorial activity and speech can be a pictorial idea. The idea is the central, system-forming link, forming which can simultaneously contribute to the development of the basic functions of speech, and the development of visual activity.

Private research hypotheses:

1. Children with different levels of pictorial design will have differences in the speech accompaniment of the drawing process, expressed both in the speech activity of children and in the implementation of the basic functions of speech.

2. Children with different levels of intent have different widths of the zone of proximal development in the construction and implementation of the intent.

3. The idea arises and is formed at preschool age in parallel with the development of speech generalizations. The use of a specially organized, controlled process of concept formation will allow children to be transferred to a higher level of development of generalizations.

4. The formation and development of the idea raises the visual activity and speech accompaniment of the drawing to a higher level of development.

Research objectives:

1. Analyze the literature on the research problem.

2. Develop and test diagnostic tools.

3. To identify the level of actual development of drawing and speech in preschool children in conditions normotypic and deviant development (ODD).

4. To reveal the connection between the construction of the idea and the possibilities of speech support for the process of drawing in children with general underdevelopment of speech.

5. Establish a connection between the idea and the level of graphic activity and the peculiarities of the mental and speech development of preschool children.

6. Develop and test a program of a formative experiment aimed at developing the idea.

7. Conduct a control experiment in order to identify the influence of the formative influence on the development of speech and drawing.

The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is: cultural-historical theory (JI.C. Vygotsky); activity approach in psychology (A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein); theory and method of systematically-staged formation of mental actions (P.Ya. Galperin); the concept of sign-symbolic activity (N.G. Salmina, E.E. Sapogova); the concept of drawing as a sign system (B.C. Mukhina); periodization of visual activity (B.C. Mukhina, N.P. Sakulina, N. Gardner); concepts of the development of speech functions (L.S. Vygotsky, A.A. Leontiev, A.R. Luria, P.E. Levina, D.B. Elkonin); the concept of general underdevelopment of speech (T.V. Akhutina, Zh.M. Glozman, P.E. Levina, N.S. Zhukova, E.M. Mastyukova).

Research methods:

1. Observation of the process of visual activity of children and analysis of their drawings and speech accompaniment.

2. Ascertaining experiment using the following methods: test " Color progressive matrices» J. Raven; " Drawing figures"(modified by O.M. Dyachenko); " Free classification"(J. Piaget); " Directional visual associations"(T.V. Akhutina, T.M. Pylaeva); "Yes and no"(N.I. Gutkina); conflict drawing; naming pictures from the Classification test (B.V. Zeigarnik); " Free visual associations"(T.V. Akhutina, T.M. Pylaeva); a story based on your own and someone else's drawing.

3. Formative experiment based on the developed author's program.

4. Statistical methods of data analysis: descriptive statistics, crosstabulation, Kruskal-Wallace univariate analysis of variance, U-Mann-Whitney test, Wilcoxon Z test for dependent samples. Statistical data processing was carried out in SPSS 11.5.

Characteristics of the sample of subjects. The sample of the pilot study consisted of 30 children aged 5; 2 - 7; 1 years (mean age 5; 10) with a diagnosis of " general underdevelopment of speech"(ONR), attending the preschool department of the State Educational Establishment "Primary School-Kindergarten No. 1883" in Moscow.

The main part of the study involved 60 children aged 5;4 -6;2 years (mean age 5;9 years). Of these, 26 boys and 34 girls. The study took place in 2007-2012. on the basis of the preschool department of the State Educational Establishment Center for Curative Pedagogics and Differentiated Education "Our House", Preschool Educational Institution No. 1084, Moscow.

A total of 90 children aged 5;2 - 7;1 years took part in the study.

Organization of the study:

At the first stage (2004-2006), a pilot study of the visual activity of children in conditions of insufficient speech development (OND) was carried out. On the basis of this study, a general hypothesis of the main study was compiled and diagnostic tools were selected.

At the second stage (2006-2010), the main study was carried out, which included a stating series, forming and control series.

Scientific novelty of the research. Based on the methodological principle of searching for a unit of analysis in cultural-historical psychology (L.S. Vygotsky), for the first time, a visual concept is considered as a unit for analyzing the relationship between visual activity and speech.

It is shown that children with different levels of intent are characterized by different profiles of speech accompaniment. It was revealed that the levels of regulatory, nominative and generalizing functions of speech depend on the level of intent.

Based on the analysis of modern foreign studies, a methodology for studying speech accompaniment during the visual activity of preschool children has been developed and tested.

A system of dosed assistance has been developed to study the zone of proximal development in children with different levels of design in the drawing.

A program of formative classes has been developed and tested, aimed at overcoming the difficulties underlying the construction and implementation of the plan. The role of visual activity in the development of speech functions, as well as mental functions systemically associated with visual activity in preschool children - visual-figurative thinking, imagination, the level of generalization is shown.

Theoretical significance of the study. Expanded ideas about the development of visual design in preschool children. The main stages of the development of pictorial design are clarified and the zone of proximal development in children with different levels of design is established. It was revealed that with the help of specially organized training aimed at the development of visual design, it is possible to correct the functions of speech. The results obtained allow us to deepen our understanding of the role of visual activity in the overall mental development of preschool children.

Provisions for defense:

1. The formation of a visual concept goes through four stages: the absence of a concept; unstable form of design, changing throughout the creation of the drawing; the template form of the idea used in the creation of drawings for a long time; complete, holistic form of design. A holistic design is a developed form of visual activity in preschool children.

2. There is a connection between the development of drawing and speech - teaching children new ways and means of drawing leads to changes in the speech accompaniment of the drawing (increased speech activity, the appearance of the planning function of speech).

3. The transition of visual activity to a higher stage of development with the help of the formation of a visual concept in children entails the development of the intellectual functions of speech (nomination, generalization, regulation, planning).

4. Education based on the development and formation of visual design as a unit of drawing and speech leads to:

To change the role of speech in the construction of a picture, i.e. to the development of visual design;

To change the level of graphic activity of children.

The practical significance of the study. The approach to the analysis of productive activity (drawing) proposed in the work can be used in practical diagnostic and correctional work with normally developing children and with children with OHP. The developed system of training tasks can be used in preparation for studying at school. Also, this system can contribute to the development of visual activity of children in the conditions of preschool institutions of a general developmental and correctional orientation.

The reliability and reliability of the results are ensured by the methodological validity of the initial theoretical provisions; application of methods corresponding to the subject, goals and objectives of the study; a sufficient sample of subjects and the use of adequate methods of statistical analysis.

Approbation of the results. The results of the study were discussed at the Department of Developmental Psychology and Developmental Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov. The materials of the dissertation research were reported and discussed at the 17th international conference EECERA "Exploring Vygotsky's ideas: crossing borders" (Prague, Czech Republic, 2007); IV Congress of the Russian Psychological Society (Rostov-on-Don, 2007); conference " Child in modern society"(MGPPU, Moscow, 2007); international conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Lomonosov. Section Psychology” (MSU, Moscow, 2008-2009); II Congress of the International Society for Cultural Activity Research (ISCAR, San Diego, USA, 2008); V Congress of the Russian Psychological Society (Moscow, 2012).

The main results of the dissertation work are presented in eight publications, including two articles in journals recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission for publication of the main results of dissertation research, and materials of two international conferences.

Work structure. The work consists of an introduction, five chapters, a conclusion, a list of references and applications. The main text of the dissertation contains 175 pages. The work contains 22 tables, 9 figures. The list of references contains 156 titles, 49 of which are in a foreign language.

Dissertation conclusion on the topic "Psychology of development, acmeology", Zapunidi, Anna Aleksandrovna

2. The results of the study of the role of enrichment of the executive side of the visual activity of children in conditions of deficient speech development (OHD) indicate that there is a connection between the development of drawing and speech and teaching children new ways and means of drawing leads to changes in the speech accompaniment of the drawing (increased speech activity , the appearance of the planning function of speech). It turned out that changes in the quality of drawing and speech are accompanied by the appearance of the planning function of speech. The children first planned the drawing verbally (albeit in an elementary form), then they began to draw. This idea usually turned out to be unstable, subject to changes, but, nevertheless, it was the presence of a verbal intention that led to the fact that the drawing became objective. Also, the presence of the original intention led to the emergence of regulatory statements, in a situation of deviations from it or difficulties. These data suggest that the unit of analysis of the relationship between drawing and speech can be a pictorial idea.

3. Four levels of design were identified and described, which made it possible to supplement and clarify the existing three-stage classification (O.M. Dyachenko):

155 missing plan, intermediate plan, template plan, holistic plan. The idea and the level of graphic activity develop in close unity. Children with different levels of design in the drawing have their own developmental characteristics of the main conditions for the formation and development of visual activity. Children with different levels of design (actual level of development) have different zones of proximal development in the actions of planning a visual design.

The development of speech in children with different types of intent has distinctive features. The development of the idea is reflected in the planning statements of the child. There is a gradual increase in the proportion of planning statements depending on the level of intent. Depending on the level of conception, the direction of planning statements changes from the operational and technical side of drawing to the actual pictorial conception.

4. The tested formative series, based on the idea of ​​pictorial design as a unit of analysis of the connection between drawing and speech, showed that the formation of an idea leads to the development of not only the graphic activity itself and the visual-figurative thinking, imagination, sign-symbolic activity associated with it, but and the main functions of speech - planning, regulation, nomination and generalization.

5. Changes in the development of concept, graphic activity, visual-figurative thinking, imagination, sign-symbolic activity are based on changes in the speech activity of children: an increase in general speech activity, the appearance (or increase in the share) of planning and regulatory statements, a change in the direction of planning statements, which in turn leads to the development of orienting activity.

6. The positive influence of the forming series on the development of the idea of ​​the drawing, graphic activity and those basic conditions that underlie it is revealed. Along with the change in the design of the drawing, there was a transition of children to a qualitatively new level of speech accompaniment for them. In addition to the increase in speech activity, there have been positive changes in the development of the main functions of speech, which include regulatory, generalizing, and nominative functions.


The study is devoted to the study of the influence of visual activity on the development of speech functions in preschool children. Theoretical analysis showed the existence of a close relationship between drawing and speech, but this relationship was not subjected to experimental study. To study the relationship between drawing and speech, we turned to the search for a unit of analysis of this relationship. The search for a unit of analysis, which is the methodological principle of cultural-historical psychology, led in theoretical and practical study to a pictorial concept. In modern domestic psychology, research on pictorial design is extremely small and disparate. The concept of pictorial design is not operationalized and is mentioned in connection with other parameters for assessing visual activity or imagination. In foreign psychology, there is no such concept, and the study of drawing is reduced to a quantitative description of the degree of detail of a drawing or its projective analysis.

In the course of the empirical study of pictorial design, it was revealed that the idea carries the features of both pictorial activity and speech. The study of drawings and their speech accompaniment in children with general underdevelopment of speech showed that underdevelopment of speech leads to a lag in the development of visual design and the main functions of speech, including speech activity, planning and regulation. Due to the fact that children with general underdevelopment of speech have a low level of development of graphic activity, the corrective education of children was based on the executive side of visual activity (teaching new methods and means of drawing). It is shown that teaching children with general speech underdevelopment, based on the enrichment of the executive side, leads to the development of visual activity, and also raises the level of speech accompaniment of the drawing process to a higher level of development. The first particular hypothesis about revealing the connection between the construction of a concept and the possibilities of verbal accompaniment of the drawing process in children with general underdevelopment of speech was confirmed.

The study of visual design in children under conditions normotypic development made it possible to clarify and supplement the existing periodization of the development of the concept, to identify the features of the mental development of children with different levels of concept, the connection of the concept with such mental functions as imagination, visual-figurative thinking, speech functions (planning, regulating, generalizing, nominative functions). The main differences in the speech accompaniment of the drawing process in children with different levels of intent are described, which relate primarily to speech activity, the share of planning statements in the total number of statements of the child and their focus (on the executive or indicative part of drawing). The second particular hypothesis about the presence of differences in the speech accompaniment of the drawing process in children with different levels of pictorial design was confirmed.

The study of the zone of proximal development in the construction and implementation of the plan made it possible to identify and establish the main difficulties in children with different levels of design concept. On the basis of this, tasks of the formative series were developed, united in three blocks. Education based on the formation of a plan leads to the development of not only the visual activity itself and the visual-figurative thinking, imagination, sign-symbolic activity associated with it, but also the main functions of speech - planning, regulation, nomination and generalization. Changes in speech consist in an increase in the speech activity of children, in the appearance or increase in the proportion of planning statements, as well as in a shift in the direction of planning statements from the operational, executive side of the drawing process, to the actual pictorial design. This leads to the development of the orientation activity of the child. The appearance and change in the direction of planning statements is persistent and manifests itself in other types of children's activities.

The results obtained in the course of the study deepen and expand the understanding of the development of visual activity and speech functions in senior preschool age, and make it possible to identify the mechanisms of the influence of visual activity on overall mental development. The results of the study allow us to recommend a method for the formation of a visual concept for implementation in preschool educational institutions of a general and correctional orientation when teaching children in the classroom for visual activity.

The hypotheses put forward were confirmed in the dissertation work. The generalization of the results obtained indicates that the goals and objectives of the study set by the author were implemented at the theoretical, empirical and applied levels in full. The paper shows the importance of visual activity in the development of speech functions in preschool children.

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