Why do pregnant women have a stripe on their stomach. Causes of a dark stripe on the abdomen in pregnant women. The duration of the disappearance depends on

In the body of a woman who is in an interesting position, a number of changes occur at the physical and emotional level. And every day, even if they are not visible to the naked eye. One of these changes is the strip on the abdomen during pregnancy. Dark, clear, unusual, it gives rise to a bunch of myths and beliefs around itself, to the point that it is called an indicator of the sex of the child. Is this true, and what does the mysterious transformation really mean? It's time to deal with this.

An unusual "drawing" on the tummy of a future mother never causes concern among doctors. Do you know why? Because they know what it means. It turns out that along with a dark stripe, there is also a white one. And she is always present, just a woman does not notice her. This is a clear line that stretches from the pubis to the xiphoid process of the sternum.

In fact, this is a kind of border between the muscles that are located on both sides of the abdomen. This strip is formed from the collagen fibers of the tendons. The different composition of tissues explains its appearance.

Why does this strip appear only in an interesting position? It is interesting that pundits have not yet been able to give the most accurate answer to this question, meanwhile, they suspected a connection between the hormonal background and its staining.

After conception, the level of certain hormones in the body, which are responsible for bearing the baby, increases significantly in the body. In addition to the usual estrogen and progesterone, they also include melanotropin. It stimulates the production of melanocytes - cells that synthesize pigment and increase the risk of staining, or skin pigmentation. In other words, a dark stripe is a pigmented stripe, the appearance of which is identical to the process of the appearance of freckles, birthmarks or age spots.

In general, a dark vertical line along the abdomen does not pose a threat, and therefore does not cause concern. Moreover, it is a kind of indicator of pregnancy, indicating that everything is going as it should.

When it appears and when it passes

According to statistics, a brown strip appears on the tummy in 90% of expectant mothers. Some are ashamed of it, others are proud of it, but absolutely everyone notices that there are no exact dates for drawing it. When it appears, it depends on the individual characteristics of the representative of the beautiful article, but this happens, as a rule, not earlier than 12 weeks. And some mothers do not notice it until the third trimester.

When will the streak pass? Here, too, everything is ambiguous, because it seems to go through certain stages of its development. Initially barely noticeable, it gradually enhances the color, acquiring a brighter color at the time of the highest concentration of hormones. One thing is clear: having appeared once during pregnancy, it remains on the body until the end of the term. After childbirth, it gradually begins to lighten.

Due to the troubles and worries about the little man, not all mothers can describe the fate of their strip. But it usually goes away within a few months. Interestingly, with each subsequent pregnancy, the line on the abdomen appears earlier, up to the drawing in the early stages. At the same time, its shape, size and even shade differ in different women.

In medicine, there are cases when the pigment strip did not leave the skin for another 12-14 months after childbirth, but they are rather an exception to the rule and also do not indicate the presence of pathologies, except perhaps non-compliance with the rules for its prevention.

How to determine the sex of the child by the strip on the stomach

At a time when pregnancy was a gift from God, and the people could not control its course in any way due to the lack of accurate diagnostic methods, signs and superstitions were born everywhere. Many of them were connected with the determination of the sex of the child and simply could not help touching the unusual strip.

According to beliefs, a barely noticeable, light, short line that does not go beyond the area above the navel, as in the photo below - to the appearance of a girl.

At the same time, dark, clear, rich and stretching from the womb to the xiphoid process (almost under the chest) - to the birth of a son. An example of such a strip is shown below.

Whether to believe these signs - everyone decides for himself. In the end, those who are especially interested in order to find out whether they will have a boy or a girl, it is enough to wait for the results of the ultrasound.

Why is there no stripe on the stomach

There is always a minority - the minimum percentage of women in whom an unusual line does not show through. There are only 10% of them, and if some of them do not even think about the reasons for this phenomenon, others worry that “everything is lost”, but in vain. Although the mechanism of occurrence of hyperpigmentation has not yet been thoroughly studied, doctors assure that everything is decided by skin color and some other factors. Why doesn't someone have a stripe on their stomach? Turns out:

  • In swarthy expectant mothers, a special “pregnant mark” may not appear, which is explained by the increased production of melanin by their skin cells, even in natural conditions. In other words, it may exist, but with all the desire it is simply not visible.
  • Another factor is the place of residence of the future mother in labor. In the inhabitants of the southern latitudes, under the influence of the active sun, the body produces more melanin than we would like. As a result, if they show a dark strip, it remains completely invisible.

Do I need to worry about the fact that an unusual sign has bypassed you? If the pregnancy is proceeding normally, and the woman herself feels good, the doctors are sure not. In the end, the increased production of hormones is reflected on the entire surface of the skin and does not always please the ladies. A striking example of this is the “pregnancy mask”. In this case, we mean the appearance of age spots, which annoy the representatives of the beautiful woman and do not always go away after childbirth.

Then they have to use various cosmetics and folk methods to eliminate them. By the way, not always effective, although promising a visible result. These spots do not go away as easily as they appear. Therefore, if you still have not noticed them, as well as the mysterious strip along your tummy, do not despair. Perhaps you are just lucky.

Is it possible to warn?

This question is always heard by women who are embarrassed by the rapid changes that have occurred in their body. Doctors assure them that there are no effective ways to influence the hormonal background during this period and, as a result, to predict or delay the appearance of the coveted strip along the tummy. The only thing that the expectant mother can do is to “adjust” the degree of her coloration. How?

  • Limit time spent in the open sun, especially if the second and third trimester of pregnancy falls in the summer. Ultraviolet radiation is also dangerous for a non-pregnant woman, especially since it can provoke the development of cancer cells. In addition, it also enhances pigmentation.
  • If you have a trip to the sea or a trip to the beach, you should use sunscreen lotions as much as possible. The main thing is to choose the means allowed in an interesting position. Then no rays can harm the future mother and her child.
  • Do not abuse. In an effort to look fashionable, some women spend too much time in the sun without covering their exposed skin. And it concerns not only their bust, but also the tummy, back, buttocks. Aggressive, lunch, it enhances skin pigmentation and plays a cruel joke with the ladies - they provoke the development of pathologies. Do not repeat their mistakes, wear loose, but covering you to the maximum clothing.
  • For a while, give up the solarium. A lot has been said about the dangers of artificial tanning. Whether to believe rumors or not is a personal matter for everyone. But in order to minimize possible harm in such a crucial period, it is better to postpone going to the solarium. Ultimately, this will also affect the degree of manifestation of an unusual strip.

If she nevertheless appeared, folk remedies allow to speed up the process of her disappearance.

The safest skin whitening products approved for use during pregnancy are cucumber and yarrow.

Cucumber recipe.

  1. Take one fresh cucumber, wash it with soap and cut into rings.
  2. Lay cucumber rings on your stomach along the brown stripe. If necessary, you can slightly cover the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with cling film so that the rings do not slip.
  3. Wait 10 minutes. Repeat every day or every other day. A course of 15 procedures is recommended.

Recipe with yarrow.

  1. Take one filter bag or 1 teaspoon of yarrow leaves, put in a mug and fill with hot water.
  2. Let it brew for 30 minutes.
  3. Cool to room or lukewarm temperature.
  4. Wet a cotton pad with the resulting decoction and wipe the brown strip 8-10 times.
  5. Repeat every other day. Requires a course of 12 treatments.

How to quickly remove the strip

Minimizes the appearance of pigmentation:

  • lack of strong tea and coffee in the diet;
  • refusal of fat;
  • the inclusion in the diet of foods with folic and ascorbic acid - vegetables, fruits, especially citrus fruits, greens;
  • reception allowed for pregnant women.

Now you know what the pigment strip means and why it appears. So stop worrying about her and just enjoy your pregnancy. It ends so quickly...

Most women wonder - why does a dark stripe appear on the abdomen during pregnancy? What does this mean and can it be avoided? Some are worried - isn't it dangerous? Read the article to the end and you will find out the answers to these questions.

Why does a strip appear on the abdomen during pregnancy, and what does this line mean?

The dark line on the belly of the future mother is nothing more than a consequence of increased pigment production. In other words, hyperpigmentation.

Such a strip is a line running vertically from the navel to the pubis. Sometimes it reaches the level of the ribs. But, for any length, such a line is always located strictly in the center of the abdomen.

It should be said that all women have such a strip, it’s just that during pregnancy it turns brown and becomes noticeable.

Why is this happening? The reason lies in the endocrine system. When pregnancy occurs, the function of the pituitary gland increases several times, and the active production of adrenocorticotropic hormone begins. And this, in turn, affects the work of the adrenal glands. In addition, the body of a pregnant woman is more sensitive to the level of this hormone and reacts more vividly to it.

As for the adrenal glands, their job is to produce adrenaline - the stress hormone and mineralocorticoids - hormones that are essential for the body of a pregnant woman.

Functions that replenish mineralocorticoids:

  1. Contribute to a decrease in immunity in a waking mother, due to which there is no rejection of the fetus.
  2. Enhance the production of dark pigment.
  3. Contribute to the strong growth of hair on the body of a woman (hypertrichosis).

In addition, the level of estrogens (female sex hormones) in the body of the expectant mother increases, which in turn causes the liver to produce more proteins that bind adrenal hormones. And this complicates their disposal.

The whole chain of processes above leads to the fact that the level of adrenal hormones in the blood of a pregnant woman rises, and this leads to excessive deposition of dark pigment. As a result, a dark stripe appears on the abdomen.

For the same reason, during pregnancy, the number of age spots increases and the nipples darken. This becomes especially noticeable in the second and third trimester.

Other hormones that affect the appearance of the dark line:

  1. melotropin or calming hormone. It is he who is responsible for a calm state during stress, and during pregnancy, its production depends entirely on the state of the embryo.
  2. Somatropin. The level of this hormone during pregnancy increases hundreds of times, since the growth of the abdominal walls and the stretching of muscle tissue depend on it. That is why the middle line becomes thin and transparent, so there is a preparation for the appearance of a dark band.
  3. Progesterone. The hormone responsible for the complete restructuring of the female body during pregnancy.

As for concerns, you should know that such a line does not pose a danger to either the expectant mother or the baby. All this is just a natural reaction of the body. Moreover, if there is such a band, it means that hormonal processes are going correctly.

Reference. Dark-haired women with swarthy skin are more prone to the appearance of this line. With them, it acquires a very dark, almost chocolate color.

When does a stripe appear on the abdomen during pregnancy?

In this case, it all depends on the body of a particular woman. For some, the strip appears already at the beginning of pregnancy, but throughout the entire period it is not very noticeable. In others, on the contrary, the strip appears late, but has a pronounced brown color and stretches from the ribs to the pubis.

For most expectant mothers, the streak appears around the 12th week of pregnancy. At first, it is almost imperceptible, then it becomes more and more pronounced. This happens as the concentration of hormones in the blood. By the 23rd week, the strip becomes clearly visible.

In rare cases, it does not appear at all or becomes noticeable only in the 3rd trimester.

Attention! In some women, the strip before childbirth acquires a bluish tint, but do not be afraid - this is one of the options for the norm.

How long will the dark line be present on the abdomen?

In most cases, the dark line disappears a few weeks after delivery. But, there are times when it becomes lighter, but does not disappear completely.

Both the appearance and disappearance of a dark line are closely related to hormone levels. And this means that its disappearance will occur as the concentration of their level in the blood decreases. If a woman is breastfeeding, then this process is slower, and the strip will last longer. In nursing mothers, it disappears a few months after childbirth.

Reference. With repeated pregnancies, the dark band appears earlier and is more visible.

Is it possible to prevent its formation?

The answer is unequivocal - no. It is impossible to completely get rid of or prevent the appearance of the band, but its manifestation can be significantly reduced.

Ways to deal with the dark bar:

  1. Try to wear closed clothing. The less sunlight gets on the stomach, the more inconspicuous it will be flat.
  2. Avoid direct sunlight and stay indoors on hot days.
  3. Be sure to use sunscreen in the summer.
  4. Include foods rich in folic acid in your daily diet: orange juice, asparagus, beans, wheat, spinach, etc. After all, vitamin C deficiency contributes to the appearance of hyperpigmentation.
  5. Try to avoid black tea and coffee.
  6. Use skin whitening creams or gels. But, be careful, the products that you use must consist of natural ingredients. The use of products containing mercury compounds, AHA acids and hydroquinone is strictly prohibited.

Folk remedies for lightening the dark stripe:

  1. Peeling based on honey will help not only lighten the strip, but soften the skin, make it smooth and silky.
  2. If you mix lemon juice with alcohol and apply on the skin, it will reduce the appearance of pigmentation. Do this at the very beginning of the appearance of the strip, and it will be almost invisible. This method can be used as a preventive measure.
  3. You can wipe the stomach with a decoction of chamomile or linden. To do this, 1 tablespoon of dried flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water and heated in a water bath for 10 minutes. After the decoction has cooled, wipe the skin on the stomach with it. The temperature of the broth should be pleasantly warm, comfortable.
  4. A wrap based on cottage cheese, cucumber or lemon juice will also help in the fight against pigmentation.

If the birth has already passed, but the strip remains, seek help from a beauty salon.

Attention! Vitamin D is essential for the body of the expectant mother, so you can not completely avoid the sun. But, measure is important here. The presence of a pregnant woman in the sun should be no more than 30 minutes a day.

Signs and superstitions

Since ancient times, the color and length of the strip determined the sex of the unborn child. It is believed that if the line is light and pumps at the level of the navel, then a girl will be born. If the strip is dark and stretches from the womb to the ribs, then a son will be born.

Whether to believe the signs, everyone decides for himself, but this information has not received scientific confirmation.


Summing up, it is worth saying that there is nothing wrong with the fact that a pregnant woman has a dark stripe. After all, this does not affect the health of the mother and the unborn baby. And some even believe that the darker the line, the more stress-resistant the child will be.

Especially for- Elena Kichak

With the onset of pregnancy, various changes gradually occur in the female body. For nine months of bearing a child, a restructuring of all the organs and appearance of the girl takes place. One of these noticeable changes is the appearance of a dark strip in the abdomen (statistically present in 90% of women). In other words, these are the initial manifestations of pigmentation. The strip is a vertical center line that runs from the pubic area to the very top, through the navel.

In fact, all women on the planet have such a strip, it's just that when a girl is not in a position, she is completely invisible. The presence of a brown line on the abdomen is due to increased pigmentation in this area.

This band most often appears from the end of the second trimester. Medical practice shows that in dark and swarthy women it may appear much earlier, and will have a more pronounced color. So, owners of blond hair and white skin may not notice the pigment strip at all for the entire period of pregnancy and after the birth of the baby.

There are cases when the strip is visible from the first weeks of pregnancy. This is due to exposure to sunlight on the skin, as well as a visit to the solarium in beauty salons.

Causes of stripes on the abdomen during pregnancy

All the changes that occur to the expectant mother are primarily associated with the restructuring of the hormonal background in the body. During pregnancy, the level of such hormones increases:

  1. Melanotropin. Refers to those types of hormones that are responsible for a calm state during stress, and its synthesis during pregnancy is completely dependent on the embryo. When the glands in the fetus work on the surface of the abdomen, a vertical strip is formed. Through the connective tissue, melanocyte cells are visible, which are formed long before the girl's interesting position. What does this mean? For example, if a mother has light brown hair, then this may indicate the comfort of the crumbs in the womb or that the fetus itself produces this type of hormone, which then enters the girl’s bloodstream. At the birth of a white-skinned baby with blond hair, this suggests that the newborn will have a powerful genetic resistance to upcoming stresses and experiences. Also, this hormone contributes to the appearance of freckles and birthmarks. Therefore, do not worry.
  2. Estrogens and gestagens.
  3. Somatotropin. The hormonal line during the bearing of the crumbs arises as a result of an increase in the hormone hundreds of times. Somatotropin promotes the rapid growth of the walls of the growing tummy (this involves stretching the muscle tissue). In the process of stretching the fabric, the middle line becomes thin and transparent. So the hormone prepares the basis for the formation of a dark stripe on the surface of the skin.
  4. Progesterone. Without it, it is impossible to endure a small miracle normally.
  5. Production of adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Its main task is to control the work of the adrenal glands (produce adrenaline and mineralocorticoids) and all systems of the female body.

Therefore, when a line appears in the center of the tummy, then you should not worry. After all, the pigment strip indicates the normal and correct operation of the entire hormonal system of the expectant mother.

Many people worry about when this pigmentation will pass. The following fact should be noted: throughout the pregnancy, the strip will lengthen, and become more and more brown along the entire length. There are some tips on how to remove, or at least reduce the manifestation of this pigmentation on the skin of the abdomen:

  • recommend not to be exposed to open sunlight;
  • use special means from the sun;
  • in case of unbearable sun, one should hide in the shade;
  • regardless of whether it is hot or not outside, doctors advise wearing light, closed clothing;
  • never go to the solarium.

Sometimes, a hairline can also form parallel to the darkening stripe. This is all related to the natural process of bearing a fetus. You should not panic and worry, because over time everything will return to normal.

Folk signs regarding the formation of a strip during pregnancy

There is an opinion that the sex of the child can be determined in advance by the strip in the tummy of the expectant mother. This can be recognized as follows: if there is a light line that is interrupted in the part of the navel, this indicates that there will be a girl, if there is a black stripe that is located to the very top, this may indicate the birth of a boy.

There is still no scientific confirmation of popular superstition. We can say, in this case, only one thing: the presence of dark pigmentation through the navel proves that the baby in the womb develops correctly, without any deviations.

Features of the strip on the abdomen after childbirth

When a line appears on the body of a pregnant woman, then it is not necessary to influence it by all means, since this is a normal course of the entire process of bearing a fetus. So, after the birth itself, the hormonal background of the woman in labor begins to gradually return to normal, and in a few months the pigmentation will disappear by itself. There are situations when this process can drag on for a longer time, for example, for a couple of years. The woman can only wait until the skin color becomes the same.

There are girls in whom the brown stripe does not make itself felt throughout the entire bearing of the child, and as soon as the baby is born, it can immediately appear. In addition to all this, pigmentation can be in other places on the body (it all depends on the individual).

For many, it is very important when pigmentation on the skin passes. You have to be patient and wait. If the mother is breastfeeding, then you should not experiment and use folk methods and medications, as this can harm the health of the newborn. As a result of the fact that the skin along the center of the abdomen is more sensitive, experts recommend using a honey peel. It is also advised to use a washcloth made of natural materials at home, if possible and on the recommendations of doctors - visit a sauna or try to make a brightening wrap.

The right choice of corset after childbirth

After the procedures, pigmented skin becomes softer, silky, and the line itself becomes invisible. If you have not so sensitive skin, you can try making masks with a brightening effect. Basically, for their preparation, you can use low-fat cottage cheese, lemon juice, fresh cucumbers. Decoctions of linden and chamomile help effectively. The result will not keep you waiting.

Pregnancy is a happy period in the life of a young family. A woman is in a new physiological state for herself, when the body changes, there is a restructuring of the internal organs and the internal state. Some changes delight and delight, others, on the contrary, bewilderment and questions. Most attention is drawn to the strip on the abdomen in pregnant women and pigmentation.

The phenomenon is not dangerous, refers to natural hyperpigmentation. A thin vertical line begins at the junction of the abdomen and pubis and stretches up straight to the navel. Rarely reaches the ribs. Its location is always strictly vertical in the center.

Statistics say that the strip appears in 90% of pregnant women. One in ten manages to keep the body clean. The probability of manifestation is higher in the fair sex with dark hair and dark skin.

Reasons for the appearance

The pigment strip on the abdomen during pregnancy is an individual phenomenon. The reason is clear and understandable. The appearance is preceded by hormonal changes, or rather fluctuations in the level of progesterone and estrogen. During their restructuring, the secretion of the hormone melantropin increases. This substance is responsible for the production of pigment, which makes the skin dark. Due to numerous chemical reactions in the body, the pigment is unevenly distributed. As a result, a dark spot or a whole pigmented area may appear on the thigh, face, abdomen, back. Increased hair growth throughout the body can join these cosmetic defects. Almost all women note darkening of the areolas of the nipples. They become dark brown in color.

Doctors suggest that the darkening of the vertical line is due to the fact that there is no muscle tissue in the middle. The pregnant belly grows, stretches week after week, and the connective tissue in the center begins to stretch and thin, resulting in translucence. The hollow gap visually looks dark.

How long does it take for pigmentation to appear?

It is impossible to provide an exact answer to the question posed, the process depends on internal factors. In some of the fair sex, the appearance of a stripe is regarded as an early sign of pregnancy. At short periods, it may be yellow and gradually the color changes to dark.

The main part of expectant mothers notices a pigment strip on the abdomen during pregnancy, reaching 12 weeks. But it can also appear at a later date - 7-8 months.

It is not possible to predict exactly how long a strip will appear on the abdomen. There are no algorithms. Everything is individual and unpredictable. If pigmentation was in the first pregnancy, it will occur in subsequent ones.

What determines the intensity of pigmentation

For each expectant mother, the line has distinctive characteristics in terms of color concentration and location. It is intermittent, crooked, slightly to the left or right, depending on the position of the fetus. When the color begins to appear light, barely noticeable. With an increase in the term, the color is more intense, brighter. The process is driven by an increase in hormone levels.

There is a belief in women's circles that it is easy to predict the sex of the unborn baby from the strip on the abdomen of pregnant women. If absent, this will mean that a girl will appear in the family. And with an intense bright, black line, a male child should be expected. Scientists advise not to listen to mythical predictions. Numerous studies have not revealed a direct relationship between the sex of the fetus and the level of pigmentation.

When does it go away and can it be prevented?

Age spots on the abdomen that appeared during pregnancy is a natural process that cannot be controlled and managed. They will gradually pass, disappear within 6-12 months after childbirth. It rarely happens that childbirth does not correct the situation and the dark striped belly remains for a long time, sometimes for several years. It is impossible to whiten the belly, it remains to be patient and wait, the speck will pass on its own. Methods have not been developed to remove it in a short time, but you can smooth out the color without abusing a sun tan.

  • use natural-based bleaches without hydroquinone, mercury, and AHAs as soon as you get pregnant;
  • give up black tea and coffee in large quantities or remove from the diet;
  • protect the skin from ultraviolet radiation;
  • increase the consumption of dairy products;
  • avoid stressful situations, anxiety, worries that cause a surge of hormones.

Now we know what causes a strip on the abdomen in pregnant women. Take care of your nerves, keep calm even in case of ugly changes in appearance. Enjoy a wonderful period, each pregnancy is a unique feeling and emotion, and there is no need to be distracted by negativity. If the problem is very disturbing, get feedback from your doctor regarding the issue of interest. Pigmentation is a small part of the physiological changes, as well as a protruding navel. The natural process is not dangerous for the expectant mother and for the child. After childbirth, the pigment will pass and return to the prenatal appearance. Some have a horizontal dark seam from a caesarean section, but it will quickly brighten and disappear. Your main task is to wait and love yourself and your new body.

A woman always wants to remain the most beautiful and desirable. And any ugly manifestation on the body for her is a real disaster. The biggest changes in the appearance of a woman undergoes during pregnancy. After childbirth, there is weight gain, muscle flabbiness, the appearance of stretch marks and age spots, for example, a strip on the abdomen. Over time, most of these problems disappear: the body takes on its former shape, the muscles become stronger. However, many of the fair sex are worried about the dark strip that divides their stomach into two parts, will it pass?

Why do pregnant women get a stripe on their stomach

Why does a long brown stripe often appear on the abdomen in pregnant women? - this question worries most women, and in order to answer it, you must first figure out what this line is. Our abdominal press consists of muscles located symmetrically on the left and right sides. These muscles are connected by tendons that run just in the middle of the abdomen. This is a vertical line and is called the "white line of the abdomen".

However, at a certain stage of pregnancy, you may notice that the navel has darkened, and a brown track has appeared on the pubis and abdomen. This pigment line can be dark brown or light brown in color.

Such a path does not darken in only ten percent of pregnant women. Scientists believe that fair-haired and blue-eyed girls are more likely to avoid such pigmentation.

Exactly why pigmentation appears is unknown. However, scientists attribute this to the fact that melanin pigment is intensively secreted during pregnancy. This is due to the fact that the pituitary gland produces a large amount of ACTH, which stimulates the production of melanotropin by the adrenal glands, due to which melanin is formed. Thus, you must understand that the strip is not a deviation from the norm and does not pose a threat to either the mother or the child. The absence of a strip is also not something bad.

Adrenal hormones, which include melanotropin and adrenaline, are responsible for more than just pigmentation. Here are a few visible factors that are associated with the increased production of these hormones by the body.

What do adrenal hormones do?

  1. Adrenal hormones are directly related to the decrease in immunity during pregnancy. This is necessary so that the body does not perceive the baby as a foreign object.
  2. These hormones retain salt and water in the body. Because of this, puffiness is characteristic of all pregnant women.
  3. Pigmentation is also due to the release of these hormones. In this case, most likely, not only the pigment path will appear, but the skin around the nipples, on the face and in the pubic part also darkens.
  4. Also, because of these hormones, the hairline (fucking) path grows, the hair on the legs and lower abdomen grows intensified.

Increased estrogen secretion also plays a big role. Because of this, proteins begin to be released in large quantities that bind adrenal hormones.

When does a stripe appear on the abdomen during pregnancy

Girls bearing a child are interested in when it is necessary to wait for the appearance of such a sign of pregnancy as a mother-in-law strip. Everything is individual here, but there are times when the red or brown carpet appears most often.

The birth strip always runs down to the pubis from the navel. However, in some cases, such a line may continue from the navel and up to the chest.

We suggest you look at a few facts about the appearance of the birth path. They will be of interest to you and will allow you to better understand when this sign that accompanies pregnancy will appear and when it will pass.

At what time does the birth path usually appear:

  1. Sometimes the birth path crawls out at the earliest possible date. However, in the first trimester, it mainly appears in swarthy and dark-haired women.
  2. Usually, the birth path begins to be visible after 12 weeks of pregnancy. Over time, it becomes darker and may become covered with hair.
  3. A pink, brown or red stripe will decorate the center of the belly throughout the pregnancy. Before giving birth, she never disappears.

The period when the strip appears depends mainly on the amount of melanin produced by the body. However, by the middle of the second trimester of pregnancy, it is usually already clearly visible. Sometimes such a spot is covered with hair, the color of which can be either light or black.

How to avoid the appearance of a strip on the stomach

While waiting for the baby, it will not be possible to completely avoid the appearance of a dark strip on the tummy. And, unfortunately, nothing can be done about it. However, in order for the strip to be medium in brightness, and not saturated, several rules must be followed.

Since the dark stripe on the abdomen appears under the action of melanin, the production of which provokes the sun, in hot countries, some girls wear such a mark, even without children.

So, returning to the question: "How to make the strip less noticeable?", I must say that, first of all, it depends on your lifestyle. Basically, the brightness of such a line is affected by food and sunlight.

What needs to be done so that the strip is not very bright and does not remain for life:

  1. UV promotes a more intense release of melanin by the body. Therefore, in order to avoid too bright pigmentation, pregnant women should not visit tanning salons and sunbathe on the beaches. Also in the summer, when going outside, it is advisable to apply a cream with UV protection to the skin.
  2. You also need to watch how much you consume foods rich in vitamin C, you should get this substance as much as possible. In this case, it is advisable to refuse food that adversely affects the liver.
  3. A bright line comes out due to a lack of folic acid. Dark green vegetables, nuts, beef, liver and red fish will help you replenish the balance of this substance.

Following these tips will not help you remove a strip that has already appeared. But with their help, you can prevent the darkening of such pigmentation.

When will the strip on the stomach pass after childbirth

Women who have already noticed a dark line on their stomach ask, “Will it go away, or will it stay for life?”. In most cases, such a mark disappears within 1.5 years after childbirth. However, sometimes, it remains for life.

If you still have such a strip, do not worry, with the help of simple methods you can make it lighter. As polls show, most men are not embarrassed by such lines on a woman's body.

If you do not want to wait 1.5 years for the strip to disappear on its own, then you can use folk recipes that will help you reduce this period to 3 months. Also, our tips will help you lighten the line if it does not pass by itself.

How to get rid of a family line:

  1. Lotions of lemon juice or redcurrant puree will help you lighten brown stripes. To do this, gauze is wetted in the product and applied to the problem area for 15 minutes. After that, the juice must be washed off under running water.
  2. A sweet pepper belly mask can also help you. Pepper is rubbed on a grater, after which it is laid out on the stomach for 20 hours. After that, the agent is washed off.
  3. You can use fermented milk products, yogurt, sour cream, kefir or yogurt to lighten pigmentation. The mask is applied to problem areas for half an hour and then washed off with warm water.

With the help of such recipes, you can quickly and effectively lighten age spots. It is possible that after a few treatments, the dark line will disappear. These methods are suitable not only for the birth path, but also for other colored areas of the skin.

Sex of the child and a strip on the abdomen during pregnancy

It is believed that with the help of a pigment strip, you can determine the sex of the child. It is based on determining where the line starts from. Of course, this method is not scientifically confirmed. However, for the sake of the experiment, fortune telling on pigmentation can be used.

What does the birth line mean?

  • If the strip is light and continues from the navel to the pubic bone, then there will be a girl;
  • If the strip starts from where the womb is located and ends at the chest, and at the same time has a dark color, you will have a boy.

There is also a belief that the darker the strip, the more stress-resistant the baby will be born. This is due to the fact that the formation of such a line is promoted by a substance that is a natural antidepressant.

Why does a stripe appear on the abdomen during pregnancy (video)

A dark stripe on the abdomen occurs in nine out of ten pregnant women. However, such a mark in most cases disappears after childbirth. Therefore, do not worry.