Love whisper. Simple whispers for the love of a man

We all want to feel loved and desired. Every girl dreams of a strong and friendly family. But not all girls manage to get married, and others, if they find a soul mate, then painful disagreements and quarrels occur in the relationship.

There are also girls who, being attractive, smart and economic, cannot go down the aisle in any way. IN similar situations our grandmothers said that you need to “whisper”, and then, you see, everything will work out.

Some are skeptical of whispers, calling them village magic; others, thanks to their help, solved their love problems.

There is the simplest whisper that kindles love. It is read while sitting at a table with a person you like.

You need to pour a little wine or beer from your glass to someone who attracts you and whisper the following words:

"Drink, drink, love, don't forget."

Whispers on male love with a powerful effect:

“As the grass spreads in the spring, so you will begin to spread before me.”

“I don’t breathe, but I tell fortunes.

Breathe out for me, breathe in for you.

So that you dry for me.

A whisper called "The Secret Word":

Seeing the man you like, touch him and at that moment say a secret word to yourself. If you are still unfamiliar with the object of your sympathy, do it as if by chance when you pass by.

The secret word is Kabbalah.

Whispers for the love of a spouse

Whisper on the threshold of cheating husband

If your husband is walking, this whisper must be read on the threshold of the dwelling:

“Go where you went, you will return anyway.

You leave me as a gelding, in my house you will become a stallion.

As she said, it will happen.

As soon as your husband steps over the threshold, the slander will begin to work. Therefore, make sure that no stranger, for example, a neighbor, crosses the threshold.

Salt for fidelity

Whispering on homemade salt:

“As people praise salt in food, so that the husband loves his wife!”

To return affection and attention from the husband, they whisper:

“Damn-brothers, stand behind the back of the slave (name),

Follow him, follow him

Whisper after him, put my name (your name) into his soul.

Step by step, trail by trail, do not leave and do not lag behind,

Remind me about.

To know and remember my name,

And never forgot. Amen".

Whispers in bed

“There is a golden pillar, you can’t rip it off with your hand, you can’t loosen it with your fingers.

Crepe - strong, and all to me. Amen".

You should also whisper the following words to arouse the old feelings:

“From the body to the body is a love affair.

The blood is mine, but your love.

Love me more than yourself.

The twig bends in the forest, I feel where it will stick.

Whisper on a guy's love

If a girl has not yet found that one, unique and incomparable, with whom she would like to walk her life's path side by side, then to attract love, you can whisper:

“Roads wind, wind, and then converge into one.

So let my fate meet your fate.

What you think - will come true, what you wished - will happen.

The whisper must be pronounced at sunset.

If, however, a person close to you, dear to your heart, looks past you, does not pay attention, then for such a situation there are magical, miraculous words that will resurrect his interest in you. But just before you whisper them, you need to buy beautiful ribbon scarlet, go to a river or lake, and, throwing a ribbon into the water, read:

“My ribbon should swim and redden, and my heart (name) will burn for me.”

What girl does not dream of getting married with her beloved?! But what to do if your chosen one is in no hurry to give a box with the coveted ring? A whisper conspiracy will help here, which is read on a bread crust, previously slightly salted.
This whisper speeds up and promises a wedding in the near future. Here he is:

“Let the guests gather in our house, taste bread and salt in an honest world, and at a wedding feast.

Not ten years later, but this year.”

Effective whispers to attract love from a guy:

“Bake, dry on my sugar.

Body, heart, head.
Like a fly sticks to sweet syrup,

So are you, slave (name),

Turn to me, loving, slave (your name).

Take advice, in my absence grieve,

Love me as they cherish the most valuable and dear.

And so it will be!”

“You are my beloved, I am your dove, I will swallow you with both hands and feet and soft hair, and with all valiant thoughts.”

Spell-whisper in the back of the spouse:

“Go, go, don’t forget me (name).

Walk a little away from me, but quickly run to me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever, and forever and ever.

You need to whisper to your husband in the back if he leaves the house.

If your husband's work is fraught with some kind of danger, whisper these words when he begins to leave for the service:

“In your mercy, Lord, I trust and trust you, our Guardian, the servant of God (name). Amen".

If your husband leaves you, say the following whisper after him:

“Just as water returns from the earth to the sky, so will you, by fate, return to me.”

To resurrect the extinguished passion on the part of your husband, go up to him, touch his back, run your left hand along the spinal column and say to yourself:

“As there is no woman without breasts,

A man without bones

So there is no one more desirable than me.

And sweeter for the servant of God (name).

I am your delight, I am your joy and support,

Now and forever.

Key. Lock. Language.

Since ancient times, women have used love magic, which helped to solve personal problems. Strong whispers for the love of a husband or boyfriend, which are short but strong, are very popular. They must be pronounced in a whisper, which allows you to endow the words with great energy. There are many such spells and this makes it possible to solve many problems.

Whispers for a man's love

Many girls suffer from their loneliness, dreaming of meeting a worthy life partner. In order to bring closer the day of meeting with a good man, you should read the following magic words during the evening dawn:

“The roads wind, wind, and then converge into one. So let my fate meet another fate. What is conceived - will come true, what is conceived - will come true.

In the event that there is a man who evokes sympathy, but he does not reciprocate, then there is another conspiracy to attract his attention. To conduct a simple ritual, you need to buy a scarlet ribbon, throw it into any body of water and say such a whisper to attract love:

“My ribbon will float and redden, and my heart (name) will burn for me.”

There is a spell designed to make the second rug yearn, so to speak, a light dryness. A whisper will not do harm, as in the implementation of a love spell, but its effectiveness is enormous. You can read it while being close to the object of adoration, for example, while driving in public transport, but a whisper to a man’s love at a distance is also considered strong, only in this case great importance has a strong visualization. The text of the spell is very simple:

“I don’t breathe - I tell fortunes.

Exhale from me

And in you - breath.

So that you dry without me.

If there is a suspicion that the beloved man has another, then you can get rid of the rival with a simple whisper. In order for the magic to work, you need to know the name of the competitor. Take garlic and put it in the pocket of any clothes of your chosen one, while saying these words:

"Throw away the garlic, throw out of the heart and (name of the opponent)."

When a loved one finds and throws away the garlic, the magic will work, and it will begin to deplete. Instead of garlic, you can use any other unnecessary item that a man will certainly throw away, but do not forget to change the text of the plot.

If the relationship has already lasted a long time and feelings have faded, then you can use the most strong whisper for the love of a man who will allow you to feel everything, like for the first time. The text of the plot is very simple:

“From the body to the body is a love affair.

The blood is mine, but your love.

Love me more than yourself.

The twig bends in the forest, I feel where it will stick.

Many of the fair sex complain that the man they love does not propose. To push him to this crucial step, you can enlist magical support. You need to take a crust of bread, salt it and read this whisper:

“Let the guests gather in our house, taste bread and salt in an honest world, and at a wedding feast. Not ten years later, but this year.”


As Mother Mother of God loves her son Jesus Christ, thinks of him with a tender soul, with an affectionate heart, with a smile on her lips, so would the slave (name) love me, think about me, dream, meet me with a gentle smile. He looked and did not stop admiring me either day or night, but throughout my whole life. Amen.
Read in bad weather: rain, snow, thunderstorm, wind.
The priest walked to the church. The wheel rolls, it is played, it throws itself under the feet of the ass, it clings to its floors. So the servant of God (name) would rush to me, throw himself around me, spin around me, pray at me, like a priest on an icon. Devils, brothers, help, conquer the servant of God (name). Amen.
This spell is cast on a human footprint that can be left on the floor from a bare foot, wet shoes, in the snow, in the mud, etc. After that, the person will run after you like a faithful dog.
Following the trail of the servant of God (name), there was a fierce misfortune, her longing called, it came in his wake, filled him with slaves to me. How faithful dog guarding the owner, running after the owner, so the servant of God (name) followed me in the footsteps, didn’t turn anywhere, didn’t go anywhere. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Others will be so tormented by jealousy that life seems not sweet. Speak on the water and let's drink three times.
Where are you, dog tooth? - In the mouth. Where are you, husband's jealousy? - In misfortune. So the husband would not be jealous, would not grind his teeth and would not yell, would not wave his hands. The word is strong and stucco. Amen.
They pour from their glass of beer, wine to the one you like, saying to themselves:
Drink, drink up, love, don't forget.
When you start dancing with a friend, look into his eyes and say to yourself three times:
Adam and Eve sinned, they gave birth to children, because they loved each other. So you will love me too. Amen.
Looking out the window, whisper nine times:
Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my hallway, to my threshold, according to my footsteps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen.
And this is how they do it dry on a string. Take the rope white color, but not transparent, that is, not from gauze, they tie as many knots on it in a row as it comes out involuntarily. If the number of nodes comes out even, then you can read the slander dry. If the number of nodes came out odd, leave it up to next day. The spoken rope is thrown where the darling lives. Will love and miss.
No matter how long the rope is, the last knot will be. No matter how you, slave (name), walk from me, my slander will destroy you. Love, the soul of a slave (name), the soul of a slave (name). Amen.
Treat yourself with candy (or at least chewing gum), and say to yourself:
As candy is sweet and pleasant, so you would like me too. Amen.
Bite your tongue lightly with the words:
I bite myself, I attach a slave (name) to myself. So that the slave (name) is bored, he does not know rest from melancholy, neither during the day, nor during the dark night. Everything to think about me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
Read for salt and throw salt after.
I, a sinful servant, will go past the holy church without laying down the cross. I will step over and step over my mother's blessing, through the priest-priest's petition at the church font, go around the burning candles, enter the apostates-disobedient, put a mournful heart, a sinful soul on the altar. That altar is in a black hut, near the devil in the chimney, and an unbaptized soul lives in that hut, dedicated to Satan. Icons don’t hang there, lamps don’t burn there, the people living there swear, bite and bite, throw angry words. So the slave (name) and the slave (name) would not live together, they would not eat bread, they would not drink water, they would sleep back to back, they would curse each other. There would be no peace between them for a single hour, not a single half hour. They would all swear and rush at each other. I lock everything with a black word, I fill everything with black pitch. Neither the first nor the last can correct or correct. And what I forgot to say - the devil will speak for me.
Stand with your feet on the threshold, face into the room, rest your hands on the doorposts and say three times:
I call to my doorstep a servant of God (name). Like this threshold under my feet, shoals under my hands. so you, slave (name), walk under my will. Slave (name), come to me! Amen.
They burn a candle, cutting off the flame with scissors, and say:
As this wax melts from burning fire, so you, slave (name), from my mighty slander will come and appear before my clear eyes. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
So that a person does not come to your home, for example, your enemy or a person whom you do not want to see, or vice versa, you do not want the person to leave you or from any place, you should do this. Get down (jump) on your right knee, while resting on the ground with your right fist. Bend your torso back and say the incantation:
Divide, fire, into two sides: the fire of heaven and the fire of hell. Unite in my desire, perform my spell. Let the slave (name) remain (that and there) and do not go (there and there): I command two fires, I conjure two fires. Fire of heaven and fire of hell, unite, as I said, so everything will happen. Word, fire, earth and servant of God I am, (name), Amen.
Talk about some gift or thing that he (she) will then have. The injunction is this:
You take a thing from me, you give me your peace. Not in the middle of the day, not in the middle of the night, you would not have peace and urine without a slave (name). Amen.
Keep a new pin pinned on yourself for three days, then, having spoken on it, fasten it in an inconspicuous place on your husband's clothes. They read like this:
Wear it, don't lose it, don't forget your slave (your name). Amen.
I will get up, blessing, go out, cross myself, from door to door, from gate to gate to blue sea. There are 12 brothers, I will go closer to them, I will bow lower. 12 brothers, go to the blue sea, there is an island on the blue sea, there is an oak tree on the island, under this oak tree lies a slab, longing for melancholy, dryness. Raise this slab, take away this melancholy, bring it, lay it on the zealous heart of the slave (name). Give him grief-sadness, so that he yearns, grieve, shout in a bad voice for me, slave (name). So that he could neither live, nor be, nor day to day, nor hour to hour, not a minute to pass. With you, the sun is red, with mother, the dawn of morning Mary, evening Mariamyan, midnight Ulyana, with you, the bright moon. I wouldn’t walk, I wouldn’t sit, I wouldn’t think, I wouldn’t smoke, I wouldn’t smoke, I wouldn’t go for a walk, I wouldn’t eat, I wouldn’t drink, I wouldn’t drink, I wouldn’t fall asleep, I would get up in the morning, take me to mind-mind, slave (name). Lighter than the noonday wind, faster than lightning, the fire howl, let another girl seem terrible to him, like a lioness, like fiery ones, like scary sea ones, like a striped owl, like a shaggy witch. And I am for him, a slave (name), a firebird. Amen.
Like a child cannot be without a mother, a sheep without a lamb, so that my dear friend loves me, the servant of God (name). To miss and grieve, I didn’t see the white light, I couldn’t live and be without me, a slave (name). Amen.
Read in the window at sunset.
Body to body love affair. My blood, your love. Love me more than yourself. The rod bends in the forest, I know where it will stick. Amen.
Words are spoken about themselves.
Just as a brownie cannot betray his house, his floor, his wall, so with no slave, no handsome man, no pock-marked one, my dear will not betray me. Amen.
Read to yourself during love affairs.
To slander on drinking, on food, so that the well done fell in love:
Ancient Beelzebub, give me the ring-key to open the door where the terrible beast lies. Call him longing. I will let him go and send him to the slave (name). Let him follow on his heels, torment him with heavy longing. Horned Beelzebub, you are the main Satan, you have been given the power to do evil, I will bow my relics to you, I will ask you for help, give me the heart of a slave (name). Amen.
If you love a young man and this love is a burden to you, so that you want to free your heart from love, reading this drying in the bath when you wash, you can alienate this person. Take a new birch broom, fight with it, then burn the broom and read:
I’ll wash it off, take it off, rinse it with water, love-dry, longing-longing for my dear slave (name). Heart, do not torment, free yourself from love for the slave (name). Amen.
If it's windy outside, go out and read this slander.
13 winds, 13 whirlwinds, go from behind the mountains, raise the mountain, find on the servant of God (name). So that he misses, grieves, does not see the white light. Call him to me during the day with the sun, in the evening with the moon. Find him the torment of the Lord for me. God's servant (name). Amen.
This slander is read if a person Blue eyes. They read early, early, between the time when the sun has not yet risen and the night has not left. Read at your doorstep.
Flashes and molochs, dawn and morning dawn, embrace, come together, consult. So the slave (name) and the slave (name) would have converged, consulted, admired, lived side by side, like morning and morning dawns. My word is sculpted, strong and reliable. Amen.
Little devils, stand behind the back of the slave (name), follow him, wander after him, whisper in his back, put my name (your name) in his heart. Track to track, step to step, do not lag behind and do not leave, remind me of me. So that I know and remember my name and never forget. Amen.
Go where you went, you'll always come back. From me you go as a gelding, in my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so be it. Amen.
You are the Lion, I am your Lioness, you are my Dove, I am your Dove. Love me as you love yourself, and more than anything. Amen.
When you see a person to whom you are not indifferent, touch her and at that moment say a secret word to yourself, if you are not closely familiar with your sweetheart, do it as if by chance, passing by.
The secret word is KABAL.
Reading out the window or open door holding a lit candle.
You come to me, clear falcon, not along one road, but along all at once. Listen to the damn command. Here is my threshold, here you are, here you live. Servant of God (name), come to me. I'm standing in front of you. I'm waiting for you today, and forever, and forever and ever. Amen.
They read for salt, then to salt the food for someone who liked it.
As people love salt and cannot do without it, so that you, the servant of God (name), also loved me and could not live without me, not a day, not an hour, minutes pass, everything would follow me and admire me. Amen.

Every woman dreams of pure, real and mutual love. Most want not only to love, but also to be loved. Unfortunately to meet true love quite realistic, but keeping it is not an easy task. modern men simple care, love, cleanliness and comfort in the house, children will not keep for a long time. Attractive appearance is also not a guarantee of good luck in personal life, very often even the most beautiful girls remain lonely. So what can be done to win the heart beloved once and for all?

Fortunately, you can always contact for help to heavenly powers. In order to bind a man to himself, there are a lot of different rites, rituals, conspiracies, whispers. If you learn to strictly adhere to the recommendations, concentrate, visualize what you want, you will definitely be successful in this difficult task. In this article, you will learn the secrets of your beloved man, all kinds of magic love spells, conspiracies that will help you fall in love with yourself anyone.

Since ancient times, girls have used various magical rites in order to attract and keep the betrothed. In each village there lived a grandmother-sorceress, to whom one could turn for the necessary services. All magical knowledge was inherited, and only sometimes it happened that ordinary girl learned the secret ritual. That is how love magic came to the people.

Witches and sorcerers were previously divided into several categories:

  • Involuntary
  • Voluntary
  • Natural

A voluntary witch was called if she independently studied various magic conspiracies, rituals, invented magical love potions. The love magic of voluntary witches was strong enough, however, it did not always work correctly.

Natural witches were those who inherited their unique gift. It was also believed that witches were born from the union of a woman with the devil. Of course, the love magic of those who received their gift from nature was the most powerful and effective. Only such witches knew absolutely all the secrets of love spells, whispers, egylets, sexual attachments and dry spells. It was said that such sorceresses couldn't die exactly until they transfer their magical power to someone.

Unwitting witches were those who gained power from a curse. Most often, such curses were made on a baby who was still in the womb.

The legend of the witch

There is a legend about the ancient sorceress Samara, who invented the recipe powerful potion, capable of not only attracting, but also keeping absolutely any man nearby. Samara lived all alone on the outskirts of the village, people turned to her for various purposes, but mainly to cure serious ailments. The sorceress inherited her gift from her great-grandmother.

Once a young man came to Samara and asked to make a love spell, because he fell in love with a girl very much, and she did not reciprocate. The witch refused to perform the ritual, and the young man jumped off a cliff out of grief. In the place where it was found, a month later sprouted magic grass. The sorceress collected it and prepared a potion based on it, which, in addition to the conspiracy, worked real miracles. Rumor has it that the grass is still harvested at that place, and used for various love spells.

To date, love magic has not lost its relevance, it is still popular among girls. Some suffer from loneliness, others dream of eternal mutual love, others want to take the married man away from the family. Anyway, heavenly forces can only help if everything you do is from pure heart. Someone turns to professionals for help, and someone tries to independently conduct a complex ritual. Both in the first and in the second case, both a positive and a negative outcome is possible. Next, we will consider the most effective rituals and whispers that can make a man fall in love with you.

Powerful prisushki and calls of a beloved man

Absolutely any drying must be done with the utmost care. Remember that each such ritual, as a rule, has back side. Even the strongest sling on a guy in some cases may not work. Drying represents correctly chosen words conspiracies that are energetically directed at your beloved in order to bind him to you at the subconscious level. Contrary to stereotypes, proper preparation to the ritual itself and the correct pronunciation of words to dry young man even a schoolgirl can. At the same time, experienced witches claim that young energy is several times more powerful than that of middle-aged women.

You can make a dryer like this:

  • through food, drinks;
  • through gifts;
  • through photo;
  • through a personal thing of the object of sighing;
  • through embroidery, sewn on button.

Prisushka by photo

The easiest way, if your loved one is not next to you, is to make a dryer remotely, from a photograph. To do this, select a photo in which the face of a young man is clearly visible, also pay attention to the fact that he is alone in the frame. The photo must be printed, electronic variant won't fit. At midnight, light a candle, take a photo with your loved one in your hands and read the following plot:

I (your name) will get up before dark, go out into the street, go into the open field. Violent winds, severe frosts, torrential downpours will not stop me. I will stand in an open field and bow to the powers of heaven, so that my heart will be calmed, so that my soul will be consoled, so that my tears will be wiped away and longing will be driven out of me. To carry my longing far, far away, across the seas, oceans, distant countries, to the land where my dear lives. So that they put longing into a white chest (the name of a loved one) and a cold heart, so that he yearned for me, grieved, so that he would remember my name in the morning and at dark night. So that I don’t eat this longing with dishes and sweets, I don’t drink beer, honey, and wine! My words are a castle, so be it! Amen!

Prisushku repeat thrice and put out the candle. Hide the photo, the next morning the conspiracy will take effect.

Drying in the full moon

There is another old dryer from the photo. For her, you will need to wait for the full moon, go outside with a photo of a young man and read the following words at the crossroads:

Mistress Moon, I ask for your help, help calm my soul, calm my heart and remove the painful longing. Let him yearn for me (the name of the beloved), let him not sleep at night, let him dry without me, moan, scream in pain. Let him not see others, let him suffer only for me, with me he has life, without me - no. As soon as my beloved comes to me, happiness will instantly find its own. All my words are locked, so that no one can remove the dryer. So be it!

After that, return home without looking back. At home, burn a photo of your loved one to the ground. The dryer will begin to act in the morning, if you do everything right.

Prisushka in the cemetery

Most strong drying the photo can be taken at the cemetery. However, keep in mind that this option, although it works 100%, can incur negative consequences for both you and your loved one. It is important to strictly follow all the instructions and do everything only from a pure heart. Remember your own safety and do not take risks if you are not sure that you have the courage to carry out the drying to the end. For cowards and those who do not believe in a positive outcome of drying, most likely, nothing will work out.

The ritual must be performed after midnight in the cemetery. Find the oldest abandoned grave, light a candle and start reading the plot:

I walk through the dead city, among the graves and coffins, I ask the dead from you: stand up girls, stand up well done and protect my betrothed (name) from all people. From beautiful and ugly, from high and low, from good and evil, from beautiful eyes and red smiles. Let it be mine only, so that his legs come to me, so that his little hands reach out to me, so that he can’t sleep, eat, drink without me. To yearn and grieve, dry without my presence. So that life without me would not be sweet to him. Tie him, brothers and sisters, with invisible threads to me, forever and ever. Let it be so.

How to permanently dry the man who lives with you

There are also simpler and safer rituals that can be performed at home. At correct execution they will be no less effective than damage and troubles.

  • Apple Pie Conspiracy

In the evening, take two red apples and pierce each of them 7 times with a thick needle. Then discreetly place one apple under your pillow, the other under the pillow of your loved one. In the morning, take out the apples and start making a pie according to your favorite recipe. Before you send the cake to the oven, read a whisper on it: “I bake for my beloved, and I put my love, my beloved will eat everything without a trace - our life will be long and sweet. Amen".

Repeat the words three times and put the cake to bake. After your lover comes home, he should be the first to cut himself a piece and try the cake. In order to consolidate the action and enhance the effect of a whisper, the ritual can be repeated from time to time.

  • Conspiracy on a string

For this plot, you will need a thick red thread and wax candle. It is best to perform the ritual at night, so that no one can see or hear you. Light a candle, take a rope and tie a strong knot on it. Then say the following words: "A strong knot - strong love, I tie knots on a string, I tie you, my lover (name), to me forever.

  • Candlelight conspiracy

This option is suitable for those who think that the husband or boyfriend has cooled off in his feelings. For him, you will need to prepare in advance one red and one white candle. At midnight, write your names on a piece of paper, put the piece of paper between two candles. Next, light both candles and start reading a whisper: “I whisper into a candle, I want to kindle a fire in a relationship, let my beloved person be with me forever.” Then burn the paper, put out the candles and go to sleep. Whisper will work in 3 days.

Remember that any conspiracy on how to tie a man to yourself forever must be read aloud, not in a whisper. Words are best known by heart or rewritten on a separate sheet. Do not rearrange words in places, speak clearly and confidently, invest maximum energy. Only in this case, all the plans will be fulfilled.

There were problems in a relationship with a guy, I really wanted to marry him, but he hesitated, could not make a decision, although at that time he was 32 years old. I decided to push him a little and use magic. I did a plot on a pie and a plot on threads - both of them worked! Zhenya proposed to me a month later. We have been living happily for 5 years, raising a child. None negative consequences did not have.


Once I tried to make a prisushka for the chef, I was secretly in love with him, but I was afraid to admit my feelings. The conspiracy seemed to work, but this person became completely uninteresting to me, for a long time I tormented myself and him. Therefore, girls, if you decide on this, then you need to be 100% sure of your feelings, otherwise no one will be happy.

I never believed in such things, but six months ago I fell very much in love with married man. He also had feelings for me, but he could not make a decision, he was afraid to offend his wife. Then I decided to make a binding, however, I didn’t do it myself, I turned to a specialist, which I advise you. Now we live together, planning a wedding. So do not rely on fate, your happiness is in your hands!


Attention, only TODAY!

Whispers for a man's love are variants of short folk conspiracies, a kind of positive affirmations that help fulfill wishes. Using whispers, you will awaken feelings in your chosen one and make him pay attention to you.

If the beloved is at a distance

The easiest way to bewitch a lover is if he is in close proximity to you. But what if you are separated by kilometers? Distance is no barrier to love magic so feel free to try it out.

The options for folk conspiracies for the love of a man who is at a great distance from you are as follows.

  1. Buy two candles: red and white. You will also need a clear photograph of your lover, in which he is depicted alone, and his eyes are looking into the camera lens (that is, in the picture he is looking directly at you).
  2. Wait for the night when the moon goes up. During this period of time, lunar energy most strongly affects love relationships, filling them with happiness and mutual attraction between partners.
  3. Sit down at the table, light both candles. Pick up a photograph of a man and take a good look at it. Feel as if your beloved is next to you, feel his invisible presence.
  4. Then, looking at your beloved in the photo directly in the eyes, read the whisper three times. Its text is shown below.

After that, wait until the candles are completely burned out. And go to sleep, putting a charmed picture of your loved one under your pillow. The ritual can be repeated from time to time, but not too often.

The second whisper to the longing of a loved one will help if the chosen one is also far from you, but there is no photograph of him in order to conduct the ceremony according to the previous method. What do we have to do:

  1. Wait for bad weather. The street must blow enough strong wind.
  2. In this weather, go outside. You need to find a place that rises above the surrounding space. Ideally, climb a hillock.
  3. Standing in the center of the dais so that your face is blown by the currents of the wind, read the whisper.

At the end of the plot, say the final words: So be it. Try to put all your energy, all your desire, all your intention into pronouncing the whisper. If you did everything right, and your energy is enough, the beloved will very soon let you know about himself.

He may unexpectedly call or write, invite you on a date or confess his feelings. If you are already in a relationship, your loved one will pay much more attention to you even when they are away from you.

There is a third option to strengthen the feelings of the chosen one at a distance. You have to wait until it rains. Moreover, it should be rainy, powerful, strong and long. Go outside so that your whole body is bathed in streams of water. And say cherished words:

The less clothes you wear and the heavier the downpour, the more effective the whisper will work. If the rite has not worked within two weeks, you can repeat it. It is possible that for the first time your energy and elemental power were not enough.

Whispers on the love of a man in the back

Some conspiracies need to be pronounced behind the back of the person you want to bewitch with the help of whispers. Most often, such options are not used to attract new love, but for the return of the old.

For example, when it is required to turn a husband away from his mistress and prevent adultery, the following whisper is used:

This plot will make your man blind to the charms of other women. He will simply stop noticing, will perceive as absolutely asexual creatures.

Another version of the whisper is used in the following cases:

  • you need to return the former young man who left you in the past, but you still feel for him romantic feelings;
  • protect the family from adultery if you suspect that the husband is able to go to the side;
  • to strengthen the feelings of his beloved: he will constantly miss you and want to spend as much time together as possible.

What to read in these cases:

Watch the video for examples folk whispers to attract the love of a man:

Another technique that is used to bring a husband back into the family after he left you. It works effectively both in cases where a man has gone over to his mistress, and in those when he simply went nowhere.

What do we have to do:

  1. sincerely believe that folk conspiracy will definitely work. Your faith activates the fulfillment of desire, is very powerful driving force without which dreams do not come true.
  2. Find out if you have enough energy. Wishes come true quickly only for energetically filled people. For those who constantly feel full of energy. The less life you have, the slower the conspiracy will work.
  3. Wait for the meeting with the chosen one. After he turns away and leaves, say the whisper text in the back. Try to do it quietly and imperceptibly so that the man does not make clarifications.

Very soon, the beloved will begin to actively seek meetings and communication with you. He will forget about other women - only you will attract him. Sooner or later prodigal husband will return to the bosom of the family, and everything will be fine.

Important Points

There are some nuances that you must consider in order for your wishes to come true:

  1. Sincerely believe.
  2. Clearly formulate what you are striving to achieve, what result to achieve.
  3. After the ceremony, mentally release your desire and stop obsessing over it.
  4. Do not make the desire to get a man the meaning of your life. Thus, you create the excess potential of your desire, increase its significance. This reduces the chance of fulfillment of desire to almost zero.

Therefore, say a whisper - and immediately go about your business. Do not scroll in your head what you will do when a man becomes yours and falls in love. Don't dream about how you will spend your time. Just live, work, study, spend time with friends and hobbies.