Flowers from satin ribbons on a stick. A master class on how to make beautiful flowers from satin ribbons with your own hands. Satin Ribbon Rose


What could be more unique than a handmade jewelry. With satin ribbons, exclusive items for decoration are made. Any novice craftswoman can create flowers, and if you practice, you will get masterpieces. Learn how to decorate clothes, a gift in an original way.

How to make flowers from ribbons with your own hands

There are different methods for assembling flowers from satin ribbons. It will take perseverance, but the results will be admired. Start with simple things, then turn on your imagination and create unique jewelry. To make flowers from satin ribbons with your own hands, you will need:

  • lighter or candle;
  • sharp scissors;
  • needle and thread;
  • glue gun;
  • tweezers.

Do-it-yourself flowers from satin ribbons for a headband

Try decorating the headband using oriental kanzashi technique. Experiment with colors, number of buds and petals. The creation technology will not cause difficulties, but if in doubt, watch the master class: the video is below. To create a flower with five petals, you will need 5 pieces of 5x5 cm. You need to take the same number of circles with a diameter of 15 mm, fired around the perimeter. Make a bezel like in the photo:

We create flowers from ribbons with our own hands as follows:

  • fold the piece at an angle three times;
  • we make a fold;
  • cut the end
  • burn, fix;
  • cut the lower end of the petal;
  • burn, fix with fingers;
  • create all 5 petals in the same way;
  • we sew the petals into an inflorescence;
  • glue a circle of fabric on the reverse side;
  • fasten to the rim;
  • decorate.

How to make flowers from ribbons - roses

Making flowers from satin ribbons with your own hands is an exciting needlework. The original rose, as in the photo, can decorate the hairstyle, dress. They do it in different ways, we offer one of them. If not everything is clear, watch the video. For manufacturing, you need a tape measuring 25 mm. It is necessary to cut off 8 pieces 7 and 5 centimeters long, burn the ends.

Start work like this:

  • 4 petals are made from a 5 cm blank;
  • bend one end at an angle of 45;
  • the bent edge is heated with the base, fixed with tweezers;
  • repeat on the other side.

How do the middle and outer petals, leaves:

  • 4 blanks of 5 cm are also folded in two directions, but they should be sewn with threads, making a seam with a small assembly;
  • using the same technology, 8 outer petals are made from pieces 7 cm in size;
  • leaves are cut from a green blank 2.5x5 cm;
  • fired around the perimeter, making bends;
  • make veins by bending the leaf, heat it, squeeze it hot.

Collect the finished product in the following sequence:

  • gently twist the first workpiece with a tube, fix it with glue;
  • the next 3 blanks are sequentially glued around - this is the middle of the bud;
  • fix the middle and outer petals, distributing them around the perimeter, forming a blossoming bud;
  • it remains to glue the leaves, fasten the pin.

How to make a kanzashi ribbon flower - chamomile

Decorations will be beautiful and elegant - do-it-yourself flowers from satin ribbons. To create such a spectacular chamomile, as in the photo, you will need to make 40 small blanks.

If you have questions about technology, watch the video. The craft can be used as a hairpin or an elegant brooch. For manufacturing you will need:

  • 1.2 m white tape 12 mm wide;
  • green, yellow - 6 mm wide - 0.3 m each;
  • 2 pieces of white felt, in shape - a circle with a diameter of 20 mm;
  • barrette.

They begin to make artificial chamomile like this:

  • cut 40 white blanks of 3 cm;
  • corners are cut off from one edge;
  • melted with a lighter, making the rounding of the petal;
  • the bottom is folded with an overlap, with the front side inward, melted;
  • on a blank of felt, a circle is drawn 5 mm from the edge;
  • the petals are glued along the mark, in a circle;
  • along the inner circumference they are fixed in a checkerboard pattern.

To create stamens with your own hands, you will need a needle with a wide eye, a narrow yellow ribbon. Do it in this order:

  • a needle with a ribbon is stuck from below into the center of the flower;
  • pull up;
  • a tape is wound on a needle for one turn, injected down, fixing the loop;
  • repeat the operation in a circle from the center to the edges until the weaving closes the inner surface;
  • for leaves, cut the green blank into 3 parts, fold it in half, clamp the fold;
  • the ends are crossed, fixed with fire;
  • glued from below to the chamomile;
  • insert the hairpin into the second circle of felt;
  • glued to the flower.

Do-it-yourself lush flower from a satin ribbon - peony

You can learn how to make ribbon flowers for beginners using the example of a peony. It will look like in the photo. You can decorate with a peony a hairstyle or an elegant dress. Make one large flower according to the proposed technology, if necessary, refer to the video tutorial to clarify all the details. For manufacturing, you will need 25 mm satin blanks.

Needed strips:

  • yellow - 1.4 m - cut 22 strips 6 cm long;
  • pink - 1.3 m - make 27 blanks of 4.5 cm each;
  • burgundy - 3.2 m - cut 18 strips 6 cm long and 38 - 5.5 cm each.

They make a peony using this technology:

  • cut off the end of the yellow blank at a slight angle;
  • burn both sides;
  • screw on tweezers, fixing with glue;
  • carefully removed - it turns out a stamen;
  • take pink stripes, cut off a semicircle (you can use a paper pattern);
  • heat the edge with fire - it is better to use a candle, make a wavy surface with nails;
  • the bottom is folded, fixed by heating;
  • on burgundy blanks round the edge;
  • hold over the fire - it will bend outward - the front side is on top;
  • a fold is made from below, fixing with fire.

Assembly is done like this:

  • collect stamens in 3 rows, fixing with glue;
  • glue pink petals, face inward - in 3 layers;
  • short burgundy blanks are laid inside out, fixed with glue;
  • the last row is made of long petals, glossy side on the outside;
  • decorated with green leaves.

Wedding bouquet of satin ribbons for the bride

It looks very beautiful and will remain as a memory of the wedding bouquet, decorated with your own hands. The decoration was originally conceived using brooches, beads, lace, as in the photo. To make a bouquet, you first need to make 19 roses, from white and purple ribbons, as, for example, in the video tutorial, which you can watch for a better understanding.

To decorate the decoration, you must have:

  • blank-ball of foam with a handle;
  • lace;
  • thin lilac satin ribbon;
  • wide - white, purple;
  • decorative elements - beads, brooches.

In addition to the bouquet, using this technology, you can make a topiary - a tree of happiness. Assembly is done like this:

  • the handle is wrapped in white;
  • lace is attached to the ball, fixed near the handle;
  • in the lower part, thin lilac strips folded in half are glued - 12 pieces;
  • lace - next row;
  • further folded strips of white and purple ribbons;
  • roses are tightly glued to the surface of the ball;
  • the bouquet is decorated with decor.

I will tell you how I learned to make flowers from ribbons with my own hands, explain how to make complex and simple flowers from ribbons and show some inspiring photos and videos.

The specificity of this skill

What do you imagine when you hear or read about beautiful satin ribbon flowers? Someone represents unpretentious gerberas, collected from a crossed narrow ribbon, and someone - an imitation of live roses, which is made by hand and collected by petals. As always, the truth is somewhere nearby - few people make a completely realistic copy of fresh flowers, for this there are still artificial ready-made floristic compositions, but it’s not worth learning to make very simple daisies - you can collect them simply by inspiration.

Making flowers from ribbons is an interesting process. He attracts me with the fact that despite the apparent complexity, in half an hour you will definitely get a flower. Yes, perhaps a little ridiculous (you won’t look at my first roses without pity). But - it will work. This is not knitting, for which you will kill a couple of days, and not a miniature painting, which obviously needs talent, but here it is enough to look at the master class about creating flowers from ribbons with your own hands and you will get a finished flower.

Almost all silk ribbon flowers are made in such a way that they are durable. Of course, if you plan to make just decorative bouquets, then special strength is not needed, but if you suddenly want to make a beautiful headband as a gift for your child, on which fabric flowers act as a decor, then I advise you to make every effort to ensure that the flowers do not frayed in the first couple of days.

How is it done

I will tell you several ways to make flowers. I must say right away that the methods are basic, on their basis you can make any other flowers that are visually similar to those described by me. By the way, I advise you to try to make fantasy compositions without trying to embody any living flowers - this way you can better feel the technique and its features.

Preparing for production

So where do we start preparing? What is required for work? Write down:

  • ribbons of different widths and different colors, I prefer satin ones, they look very elegant;
  • good sharp scissors (I have ordinary tailor's ones);
  • needles and threads of different thickness;
  • glue gun and several sticks of transparent glue;
  • a pair of tweezers (those for eyebrows will do, but it's better to have a good one if you are going to be making flowers seriously).

In addition, you will also need - beads and flower centers, sequins and fishing line, a floral sleeve and much more that you have lying around in your needlework basket.

I prefer to work at a clean desk under a table lamp, and I advise you to prepare your workplace - remove everything unnecessary, adjust the light.


My first acquaintance with flowers took place just when I came to the kanzashi master class. This MK became my starting point, and I am grateful to the girls who, in just a few hours, taught me and a bunch of other girls to make amazing kanzashi flowers from a narrow ribbon, chic kanzashi from wider satin ribbons, and gave a deep understanding of this technique and its capabilities.

What is kanzashi? This is the art of decorating hairpins, which came to us from Japan. Pieces of fabric were folded into the shape of flower petals, and amazing flowers bloomed on hairpins that could decorate any hairstyle. Now kanzashi is in vogue, so it is not surprising that many girls have mastered this technique.

To work in the kanzashi technique, in addition to the tools described earlier, you will also need a ruler, a chalk pencil for cutting (you can replace it with a simple pencil or a sharpened piece of dry soap) and a candle for singeing.

Some girls use a lighter, but I think a candle gives a more even flame, and you can fold the fabric much more accurately when your hands are free.

In total, three types of petals are used in the kanzashi technique:

  • round;

  • sharp;

  • long.

A kanzashi flower from a 5 cm wide ribbon will turn out to be medium in size - you can decorate clothes or a hairpin with it, decorate a headband or make a beautiful home decor.

How to make different petals:

And how to make kanzashi leaves:

Let's start manufacturing

  • To make a kanzashi flower from a 5 cm wide ribbon, cut the ribbon into equal squares.

  • Then each square must be folded diagonally (as in the photo), and lower the side corners to the central one.

  • At the resulting rhombus, you need to bring the side corners back, and firmly clamp the cut from below with tweezers.

  • Uneven media are cut with scissors, and then melted on a candle.

  • You have a round petal, you need to make a few more according to the same principle - fold, clamp, cut and melt.

  • Next, the petals need to be collected on a thread, rolled into a flower and glued to the base, and glued on top of the middle for kanzashi (in extreme cases, an ordinary button covered with satin will do).

  • Your first kanzashi flower from a 5 cm wide ribbon is ready!

How to make a kanzashi flower from a 5 cm wide ribbon? The wider the ribbon, the larger your flower will be in diameter.

If you want to make a magnificent flower from ribbons, then I advise you to look at this MK:

And these videos show how to combine different shapes of petals, make double petals from a satin ribbon with your own hands, and how you can collect not only flowers, but also plants, insects and even small animals using the kanzashi technique. By the way, it is kanzashi that is suitable for making snowflakes - watch the video to make sure.

melted petals

The following method of making flowers from satin ribbons is suitable for those who want to make a large composition at once, for example, I made a basket of flowers for my mother's anniversary using this technique. However, there are some nuances:

  • melted petals look less neat than kanzashi, so you should not use these flowers next to a formal outfit;
  • be prepared for the fact that it will not work right away;
  • not every ribbon is suitable for the manufacture of these colors, it turns out only by experience.

For manufacturing, both satin ribbons and ordinary nylon ribbons (in the manner of children's bows) are suitable.

Step-by-step instruction

  1. From cardboard we cut out a pattern in the shape of a plump half-heart (as in the photo below).
  2. We cut out the petals (you will have to tinker) - at least 6 pieces of large ones and the same number of smaller ones and even less, you can double each size.
  3. Each petal needs to be processed with the help of fire - the edge will gather a little, and the petal will become voluminous.
  4. Then the petals are collected on the central thread, arrange them symmetrically, with a slight overlap, so that the flower looks voluminous, and best of all, collect them in a checkerboard pattern (see photo below).
  5. A few beads are attached to the center on a string to imitate the middle.
  6. Your flower is ready.

simple flowers

Very simple and at the same time expressive fabric flowers can be made in just a few minutes. If you have never tried to make flowers from ribbons, then this way you will definitely succeed.

How to make flowers in five minutes?

  1. Cut the tape - into pieces of 5-10 centimeters. You can take the same pieces, or you can use segments of different lengths, then the flowers will be more natural.
  2. Slices are carefully melted on a candle - so as not to fray. Make sure that you do not get dark sloppy influxes.
  3. On the bottom, we make a free line with a strong thread (it is better to take a medium-sized needle so as not to make too large holes.
  4. We tighten each segment to get a petal.
  5. From the resulting petals we collect in color - in the middle we use small segments, closer to the edges are larger.
  6. Glue the middle into the center.
  7. You can decorate flowers with narrow white ribbons - for example, make stamens or centers.
  8. The collected flowers are folded into a composition and glued to the base.

A few words about embroidery

Since we are talking about crafts from ribbons, it is worth mentioning such a type of needlework as embroidery with ribbons for beginners. To be honest, before I became interested in this type of needlework, I thought that simple patterns were embroidered from a narrow satin ribbon. No matter how! Embroidery is done not only with the use of thin ribbons, very wide ones are also used - they drape beautifully and allow you to get volume.

Why are schemes good? Despite the fact that all needlewomen embroider the same pictures at first, the embroidery you make will be unique - firstly, because you will choose the colors yourself, and secondly, because ribbons are the material that needs to be draped. Well, see for yourself - there are more than five shades in each picture, and each one will have to be draped in its own way, which means that the volumetric elements will be different. Don't want to do what someone else has done before you? Embroider small flowers according to your own sketches.

Unusually delicate and airy wild flowers embroidery with ribbons - I am sure that this is the best gift for any holiday, especially if meadow grasses are added to the wild flowers.

I really like embroidery with ribbons of wild flowers - the pictures are not too big, smaller than a landscape sheet, but very delicate and expressive. And for the first embroidery, I advise you to take a simple pattern and ribbons less than a centimeter.

Lessons and workshops for inspiration

How to make cute flowers from ribbons: a master class for the little ones - according to this master class, we made flowers with our daughter, she really liked it.

Festive flowers from satin ribbons: a master class of medium complexity - make chic decorative flower arrangements for the holiday, decorate your home and gifts for loved ones.

And a few more simple ones:

  • we make flowers from a 5 cm ribbon for a hairpin;

We are sure that such creative work will be of interest to you for several reasons.

Firstly, now you can make original jewelry and accessories with your own hands, it can be floral or stylish brooches.

Secondly, crafts will take a minimum of time, which is very important for a modern woman who is constantly busy with household and work chores.

Thirdly, and this point seems to us no less important than the previous ones, the availability of materials, because we only need tapes that can be bought even in a small provincial town.

When we talk about crafts from ribbons, we most often mean satin material. But you can find other master classes, for example, air ones can be made from thin organza, and pastel crayons can be used for additional decoration. If you want to learn how to make flowers in order to create hair ornaments for a child on your own, then it is better to pay attention to the rep ribbon, which is a pleasure to work with.

We will dedicate the first master class to the queen of the flower garden - a rose, which we will perform using the kanzashi technique. It is worth noting that kanzashi, although the most popular technique, how to perform DIY satin ribbon flowers but far from the only one. Directly, this option can be called one of the simplest among kanzashi, but later we will look at more complex lessons, where one petal will be made from several layers.

Now let's talk about the materials that we need to work. As already mentioned: the set of the necessary is the most accessible for every craftswoman:

  • Satin ribbons (width 5 cm) - red, green
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Candle
  • Matches (lighter)
  • The needle is thin
  • Sewing threads to match the material
  • Glue gun

Of the materials that you should purchase at the store, only ribbons and a glue gun are listed here (although if you are doing needlework, you probably already have this device and you only need to buy rods). The red ribbon will be used directly for the petals and the green ribbon for the sepals. We will start by creating a voluminous bud, so at this stage of the work we will need a red material. Of course, you can make a rose in any color scheme, it can be yellow or white, even black if you like gloomy accessories.

For the petals, you will need a lot of identical squares, they must be cut in advance, this is what we will do at the first stage of work. Since the width of our ribbon is 5 cm, then the side of the square will be just that. You can, of course, take a narrower strip, but for the first time you should train on 5 cm squares. Our rose will have 25 petals, so we will cut that many squares (you can have a couple more for training).

DIY ribbon flowers: master class

When 25 blanks are ready, their edges must be singed with fire, otherwise the atlas will crumble. It is necessary to singe quickly so that the edges remain even. For singeing, it is convenient to use a candle that can be placed on the table, while both your hands remain free. Each square blank must be singeed on two sides.

Next, we will look at how to fold one petal to make beautiful do-it-yourself ribbon flowers, master class involves the use of tweezers, which are convenient to hold the blank for the petal at the stages of singeing and gluing.

We need to bend the square diagonally to make a triangle. Then both corners must be bent to the center line, holding the bottom with your fingers or tweezers. The photo shows that the corners are scorched, but this is not necessary at this stage if it is convenient for you to hold the workpiece with tweezers.

When you bend both side corners to the center, you will have a petal, from which you need to cut off the lower corner - approximately 5 mm from the edge. At this stage, we again need a candle to immediately scorch the cut with fire. You can immediately fix the cut line with tweezers, then cut it off so that about 1 mm of the allowance remains, and, also holding it with tweezers, singe this allowance with fire.

The fire will not only help to avoid shedding the threads from the satin material, but also reliably solder the edges, so we do not need glue to form the petals. Thus, it is necessary to process all 25 square blanks to get beautiful petals.

When the petals are ready, you can begin to form, and at this stage we need a thin needle with a thread to match the material. The first workpiece must be twisted to form a dense middle. In order to fix the shape of the roll, the part must be stitched along the bottom with a few stitches. Then you need to attach the second petal, rounding the middle with it, and also sew along the bottom.

So we will form a bud, bending around the next petals around the middle. To fasten the petals evenly, place the beginning of the next one in the middle of the previous one. The bottom must also be sewn with a few stitches. Also try to make the bottom of the bud even, so that later it is easier to attach it to the base for an accessory, be it a brooch or a hairpin.

Following our master class, you can easily master DIY ribbon flowers for beginners, and when the rosebud is ready, you can do a few green leaves that will complete our craft. We fold the leaf as shown in the photo, then cut off the excess at an angle and singe the edge with fire. For a green leaf, we took a piece of satin material 4 by 8 cm.

When you glue the green sheet to the wrong side, all that remains is to decorate the wrong side to hide the whole process of stitching and gluing. You can use a circle of felt or eco-leather, which is glued to the wrong side.

Do-it-yourself ribbon flowers: video

If you are not comfortable learning a new type of needlework from step-by-step photographs, you can see how do-it-yourself ribbon flowers video, where you can repeat all the steps for the master.

In the next work in the kanzashi technique, we will complicate the task a little, here they will also consist of individual petals, but they will fold in a different way. We will complicate the craft by using several shades of red. This time we will create a chrysanthemum from thin, miniature, sharp petals.

The set of required materials remained unchanged:

  • Satin ribbon (width 5 cm) - five shades from delicate pink to deep red
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Needle with thread
  • Large half-bead or crystal (for decorating the middle)
  • Candle with lighter
  • Glue gun or Moment glue
  • Circle of felt

This time we will need five pieces of tape: a creamy pink shade, from which we need to cut 6 squares and 18 squares of the remaining shades. The highlight of this flower will be that each petal will consist of two shades and, accordingly, two parts. This will create additional volume for our chrysanthemum.

Do not forget to singe both cuts of the ribbon square with candle fire, and then you can begin to form the petals. A gently pink square must be bent diagonally, and then again - in half. Then the second - pink - must be rolled up in the same way. Both resulting triangles must be folded together so that the soft pink is on top. And now we bend two blanks in half at once to get one petal. The corner of the finished part must be cut off and immediately singed with fire, thereby you solder two workpieces together. It is also necessary to cut off the bottom of the workpiece, as shown in the photo, to get a flatter part. Now the edges of the cut should only be singeed, but not connected to each other. In total, we need to prepare six details of these two colored ones (soft pink and pink).

Do-it-yourself ribbon flowers: photo

Using the same creation scheme, you need to make six other details - pink on the outside, raspberry on the inside. We will have six parts like this - raspberry on the outside, red on the inside. We will have 12 outer petals like this: red on the outside, dark red on the inside. Thanks to the two-tone petals, we can achieve a gentle transition of color so that the chrysanthemum turns out to be very beautiful.

Now it's time to form from individual petals DIY flowers from satin ribbons first will use a needle and thread. We need to string two types of light details on a thread, alternating them with each other. So we will string 12 parts on a thread, in the next step we will pull the thread, while lifting the light parts up, and the darker ones should be at the bottom. We got the beginning of a chrysanthemum of two levels.

Next, we will use glue and darker details that should be glued between the petals of the second row. In the fourth row, we need the darkest details, which should also be glued between the petals of the previous row.

A voluminous chrysanthemum with sharp petals is almost ready for us, and it remains only to decorate the core. To do this, we take a large rhinestone to match the flower and paste it in the middle.

How to make a flower from a ribbon with your own hands

If you look at classic kanzashi do-it-yourself flowers from ribbons photo, you will see that for most of the work wide ribbons were used, with a width of 25 mm to 50 mm. But also thin ribbons, the width of which is only 5 mm, will allow you to decorate bright and unique buds, for example, a delicate aster with sharp petals.

Materials for crafts are the same:

  • White and yellow ribbons (width 5 mm)
  • Large bead to match
  • Cardboard circle (diameter 3 cm)
  • Scissors
  • Tweezers
  • Glue "Moment"
  • Candle with lighter
  • Ruler with a simple pencil

Working with thin ribbons is even more interesting, so don't be sure to try to complete the aster according to the proposed master class. First you need to cut the ribbon into segments: we need 12 light green pieces 8 cm long, 6 white and light green pieces 7 cm long, and 12 white pieces 6 cm long.

Now let's start forming the petals: the light green segment must be folded in half and mark the future cut line from the fold side using a pencil and a ruler. Along this line, you need to cut off a corner, and then process the edges with fire to fasten them together. When you unfold the folded blank, you will get a pointed petal. The lower ends must be connected, as shown in the photo, after which the lower edge must also be soldered over the candle fire.

We will use a similar scheme to form a sufficient number of petals using a white and light green thin ribbon. As a result, we have petals of three sizes, with which we will form our multi-layered aster.

In previous master classes, how to make a flower from a ribbon with your own hands, we first formed a bud, and then we hid the wrong side with a felt circle. This time we need a cardboard circle, which will be used to form the aster. You see that we have two more circles drawn inside the circle, for each we will paste the next layer of petals.

The outer circle must be formed from the largest light green parts so that they are evenly spaced. In the next row there will be an alternation of light green and white blanks of a smaller size, they must be glued in a checkerboard pattern to the previous row. We will form the central circle exclusively from white blanks, which are also glued in a checkerboard pattern. At the end, it remains only to glue a large bead in the center.

DIY ribbon flowers: TOP - 100 ideas

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Very beautiful artificial flowers can be made from fabric or ordinary ribbons. Using some tools that are easy to find in any sewing department, you can make beautiful roses and wildflowers.
Following the step-by-step instructions, you will be able to make unique artificial flowers with your own hands, which can be used to decorate both the interior, gifts, postcards, clothes, and even a hairstyle.


Beautiful decoration of flowers from a satin ribbon



You will need:
- satin ribbon
- burlap or felt
- scissors
- pencil
- thread and needle


1. First you need to make a round base with which you can twist the flower.


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This base can be made from burlap or felt:
- draw a small circle on the burlap (diameter from 6 to 10 cm)
- cut a circle
- cut a small segment in a circle
* The larger the segment, the higher the cone will be.
- connect the ends of the circle to make a cone.


2. Begin applying the tape to the base. Secure it with thread.


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Follow the photo instructions to make a rose.

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3. Several of these roses can be combined into a bouquet.

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The bouquet needs its own base.
Prepare a handle for a bouquet or any sticks that need to be folded into a bundle and secured with tape and then tied with a satin ribbon.
Glue a foam ball to the base of the sticks. If not, you can use crumpled paper wrapped with tape.
Now you can glue roses to the ball.


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* Bouquet can be inserted into a pot.

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How to make a flower and ribbon wreath




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DIY lace flower

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You will need:
- braid or narrow satin ribbon
- scissors
- button
- ruler
- lighter or matches


1. Prepare a narrow ribbon and cut it into equal strips.




* To make one flower you will need about 6-8 strips.


* Petal length = 1/4 strip length.

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2. The edges of each tape must be treated with fire.

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3. Apply hot glue or superglue to the middle of each strip and attach both ends to it.


4. All the blanks from the ribbons now need to be glued together to make a flower.


5. You can glue a button in the middle of the flower.

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How to make simple flowers from ribbons (master class)



You will need:
- satin ribbon
- scissors
- lighter or matches
- simple pencil
- glue gun or superglue
- thread and needle


1. Prepare a satin ribbon and cut it into equal pieces. In this example, 5 strips are used.
* The petal has a length equal to 1/2 the length of the strip.




2. Use a lighter to lighten the edges.


3. With a simple pencil, draw the middle of each strip.


4. With a thread and a needle, you need to carefully grab two opposite edges (see image).


5. Each strip must be folded in half.

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6. Apply some glue to the inside back of the workpiece and glue the stitched place.


7. Start stringing the petals onto a thread and sew them together.


* You can decorate your flower with a button.

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Cotton roses - photo master class



You will need:
- green felt
- chintz
- thin wire (preferably floral)
- ribbon
- glue gun or superglue
- thread and needle


28:825 28:835

1. Prepare green felt and cut out a rose cup from it.


2. Prepare a chintz and cut out 6 petals for each rose.

28:1086 28:1096

29:1601 29:9

3. Take the wire and wrap it with satin ribbon, securing it with glue.

29:136 29:146

30:651 30:661

4. Fold each petal in half.


5. Collect the petals on a thread (along the cut).

30:809 30:819

31:1324 31:1334

6. Using glue, assemble all the processed petals as shown in the image. Wait until everything is dry.



32:514 32:524

33:1029 33:1039

7. We make a button.


To do this, you need to glue a rose to one end of the wire and then put the lower part of felt through the hole.

33:1280 33:1290



* You can make a bouquet from several similar flowers.

34:116 34:126 34:136

Simple flowers from organza or nylon ribbons



You will need:
- synthetic fabric (organza, rayon)
- thread and needle
- candle (lighter, matches)
- jewelry (beads, beads, rhinestones)
- cardboard
- scissors
- pin
- simple pencil


1. Prepare cardboard and cut out 2 shapes from it as shown in the image (different sizes).




2. Lay each shape on the fabric and trace with a pencil. You need to cut 6-8 pieces of each size.


3. Gently finish the edges with a lighter or candle. Hold the fabric higher so that there are no scorch marks.

37:382 37:392

39:1404 39:1414

41:2426 41:9

4. Start collecting petals. Use thread for this. You can sew on 3 petals. Start with large petals and then with smaller petals.

41:277 41:287

43:1299 43:1309

* Collect all the petals in a fan to keep the flower symmetrical and natural looking.

43:1473 43:1483



5. It remains to sew the beads into the center of the flower, and fasten the clasp on the back.

44:163 44:173

45:678 45:688

Making flowers from ribbons: poppies


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Satin ribbon pansies


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52:1029 52:1039

Beautiful ribbon flower



You will need:
- green satin ribbon (width 5 cm, length 10 cm)
- satin ribbon of any color (length 1 meter)
- thread and needle
- scissors
- Candle, matches or lighter
- sheet of pattern paper
- pin, hairpin or hair band


54:996 54:1006



glue gun


Small piece of felt

54:1133 54:1155 54:1165

1. Make a petal pattern. You can find out the dimensions from the images (5 cm high, 2.5 cm wide). The width at the base is not more than 2.5 cells.


2. Since the width of the ribbon is 5 cm, the petal should have a slightly less height. Fold in half and cut out the pattern.



56:1021 56:1031

3. Put the pattern on the tape and cut out the shape. Cut off the top edge of the ribbon, you may need to lower the pattern below. It is worth noting that the base of the petal with edging.

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59:514 59:524

4. From the tape you need to cut out the petals. You can fold the ribbon and cut out several petals at once. For convenience, you can fasten the tape with clerical clips.


5. Reduce the pattern by 0.5 cm on all sides except the base.


* You can make a new pattern.


* You should get 3 rows of petals, which means you need to prepare 3 patterns of different sizes.

59:1184 59:1194



62:514 62:524

6. When you have cut out 3 groups of 6 petals, begin to gently burn the edge of each petal. No need to burn the bottom edge.

62:751 62:761

Modern directions of piece needlework in the hand made style are so diverse that you do not have time to close your mouth in surprise at one product, as it opens again in admiration when you look at another. We also decided to explore the subject of handicrafts and could not help admiring the flowers from satin ribbons. Making such beauty with your own hands is not as difficult as it seemed to us at first glance! The editors of the site offer to decorate your life with wonderful flowers, the secrets of making which you will find in this article.

Where can I use flowers from handmade ribbons

If you think that the range of applications for artificial flowers from satin ribbons is small, then we will surprise you!

The variety of decor depends only on the imagination of the author

In addition to the above products, you can make topiary from ribbon flowers, decorate flower pots, clothes, shoes, bags with them. This is a boundless manifestation of imagination and the creation of comfort in your home.

What you need to make flowers from satin ribbons

If you are fond of embroidery and want to try working with satin ribbons, then you will need:

  • a set of silk and satin ribbons of different colors;
  • needles with a wide eye;
  • scissors;
  • base fabric with a hoop;
  • lighter or matches to cauterize the tip of the ribbons;
  • beads, beads for decoration;
  • simple pencil for drawing.

If you want to try yourself in the kanzashi technique or just to manually make flowers from satin ribbons with your own hands, you need to stock up with such tools:

  • ribbons, beads, beads, sequins, base fabric;
  • scissors, tweezers;
  • glue gun.

Much depends on the width and length of the tape.

How to make flowers from ribbons - a master class for beginners

You are ready? Let's first watch a video tutorial where you will understand all the nuances of creating fabulous beauty. So, we make a tender lily:

Here is another tutorial for making ribbon flowers for beginners.

Follow all the steps in the pictures in sequence. The main thing is to make the same petals. It remains only to fold them and flash them.

Do-it-yourself ribbon flowers - a master class on making complex compositions

We offer a master class on making flowers from ribbons with your own hands:

Illustration Description

We will get such a rose after 40-60 minutes of hard work.

We need a wide satin ribbon: it needs to be cut into 12 pieces of 19 cm each. We measure 12 cm and put a mark with a pencil.

Fold the tape along the mark. It turns out two identical pieces. Let's fold the tape a few more times. It remains only to cut the folds with scissors.

Rule: so that you do not cut off, the edges of the tape must be seared. The fire should not be located under the product, but slightly to the side.

For the manufacture of leaves, prepare a wide satin green ribbon. We will make leaves of two types.

We measure 5 pieces of 7 cm and 6 pieces of 4 cm.

Cut out a few circles for the sepals.

Fold one half of the leaf, and then wrap the edge inward. With a needle and thread, we pierce the petal from the side of the wrapped edge.

On the other hand, we bend half of the petal in the same way and bend the edge.

The entire petal must be slightly collected and secured, as it should, with threads.

Cut the leaves for the leaves fold in half and cut out the shape of the leaf. Don't forget to burn the edges!

We should get such neat leaves.

Prepare the wire that will hold your rose. Lubricate the edges of the petal with hot glue from a gun.

Wrap the first petal around the rounded end of the wire.

Glue all the petals one by one around the first one.

To keep the rose tightly on the wire, turn it over and fill it thickly with glue. Let it cool down completely.

We attach the sepals and the remaining petals.

Kanzashi: paintings from satin ribbons - master class

The aesthetic Japanese came up with an unusual direction in making flowers from satin ribbons with their own hands - kanzashi. Initially, this word was used only in the meaning of hair ornaments. Today it is a popular trend not only for hair accessories. Kanzashi is used to decorate caskets, frames, jewelry, and topiary creations.


In total, there are two forms of kanzashi details: round petals and sharp ones. The rest are made from combinations of these forms.

Accessory in kanzashi technique

And here is a small MK for creating paintings using the kanzashi technique.

Material: yellow and green ribbons 2.5 cm wide, felt for the circle under the base (Ø7 cm), black (1 × 40 cm) and brown (1 × 50 cm) ribbon for the center.

Illustration Description

Cut the yellow ribbon into equal pieces 5 cm wide.

Take the yellow piece and fold it right side out.

We grab the edge of the petal along the oblique line and cut it off. We do not let go of the flap!

We immediately burn the cut edge with a lighter, soldering the remaining edge.

We straighten the petal and fold the lower edges inward towards the center. To fix, use a lighter, pressing the edge with your fingers. We do such manipulations with the rest of the yellow shreds. The number of petals of the first row - 18, the second - 14.

We string the brown ribbon onto a thread with a needle and weave it together.

With black thread, repeat the procedure. You should get two tight accordions.

We collect a flat snail from a black accordion, twisting it in a circle and sewing it together with threads.

Step-by-step instructions for making different types of flowers from ribbons with your own hands

We have prepared several step-by-step photos for making flowers from ribbon with our own hands. If you do not rush and do everything consistently, then the result will be impressive.

DIY roses from satin ribbons

As in the world of living roses, there are several varieties of tape compositions. From satin ribbons, these are relatively easy-to-make flowers with your own hands.

Now we can make two more sunflowers, green leaves according to the described instructions and collect them into one summer picture!

This rose was obtained by alternately folding a wide ribbon in half.

The petals are prepared separately and come together only on the stem.

Making peony flowers from satin ribbons

Now we will tell you how to make another flower from a ribbon with your own hands - a peony. Prepare a lighter, a 5 cm wide ribbon for kanzashi flowers (choose silk, satin or organza), a needle, scissors.

  1. The tape is divided into squares: 10 pcs. size 5×7 cm, 9 pcs. − 4×6 cm, 8 pcs. − 3×5 cm and 7 pcs. - 2 × 4 cm. You can take fewer petals, the main thing is that they be from 25 to 40.
  2. Cut out petals from each stack of identical squares.
  3. To give a beautiful natural shape, you need to walk under each edge with a lighter or candle flame. Hold it at a distance of 2 cm from the petal.
  4. The smallest petal is folded into a roll and fixed with a thread and a needle. Then the second petal is fixed with stitches.
  5. Petals are sewn in size from smallest to largest in a checkerboard pattern.

The peony will turn out lush and like a real one!

Do-it-yourself bouquet of hyacinths from satin ribbons

For hyacinth, we take a pink and green satin ribbon, scissors, a needle and thread, wire, beads, and a heat gun.
