Strong whispers for the love of a man in bed. Conspiracy for longing. The most powerful and fast-acting conspiracies for melancholy and love

If a girl wants to warm up her feelings young man, who lives far from her, or just to make his sympathy for her increase, she can use the dryer on the guy. This procedure is magical and very powerful. You can make it yourself, at home. Dry on a young man is one of the strongest variants love spells, and also has a very strong effect.

This area does not belong to white, but to black magic. It means that this procedure takes energy from the person on whom it is carried out, you take away his will. However, some magicians think that this is even closer to corruption, since after this a person begins to feel terrible.

You can make a dryer in the following situations:

  1. A very strong crush on the guy at home can be produced by a girl who wants to arouse the sympathy of the opposite sex, for example, a guy she met recently.
  2. This method is also suitable if the girl is already in a relationship with a guy, but his love for her has weakened. A girl can use this method if she notices that there is a rival on her way, and she needs to get rid of her. She can also help if the relationship is threatened with a break, and they need to be urgently reanimated.

In what cases does the dryer not work? Before running at the speed of light to do this terrible ritual, the girl needs to familiarize herself with the situations in which the described ritual has the opportunity not to work:

  • a man is a leader, has a great will, leads people. IN this case prisushka does not work on him. It also happens that a man recently broke up with a previous girlfriend, but still has not stopped loving her.
  • Also, this ritual will not work if the young man found out that you are going to produce it. Moreover, in this case it may be directed against you.

In all of the above cases, the dryer will not work, however, if you want the ceremony to be successful, it is better to seek the help of professionals.

There are the following types of prisushki for a guy who is at a distance:

What threatens the dry

After whispering for love at a distance, young people may well converge, however, they will begin a difficult period of relationship: they will often quarrel about and for no reason, get angry, swear, be indignant, look for traits that no longer suit them. Drying at a distance is one of the most powerful rituals, and before taking such a bold step, carefully consider whether you really need it so much. this person that you are ready to take away his will, and not just tease.

Attention, only TODAY!

Whispers are quick and effective conspiracies which are very popular. With their help, you can even attract the attention of a man.

Whispers are special conspiracies for happiness, good luck and, of course, for love. Many women want to get attention and feelings from a man. This can be done with a few whispers that will attract the love of any man in a short time.

Whispers at a meeting

A whisper will be most effective if you say it when meeting a man. To achieve desired result, it is only necessary to read it correctly at the moment of meeting with the object of adoration.

One of the most effective is whisper in the back of a man. Saying goodbye to your loved one, follow him and, looking after him, clench your fists and whisper the words:

"Look at me, my faithful, love me forever, never let go, be with me to the end."

This whisper will be much more effective if your chosen one turns after the words you said.

Another strong whisper at a meeting - with a touch, but it is much more difficult to implement. Having met the man of your dreams, you need to whisper the words quietly:

“I give you my love and all desires from my hands. May you be mine forever."

After that, you need to lightly touch the man's left hand. Without touch, a whisper will have no power. For the greatest effect, after touching the hand of your chosen one, read the words again to yourself.

whisper when meeting eyes— especially strong and effective. It is necessary to maintain eye contact with your loved one, because the eyes convey most of our feelings and emotions. When your eyes meet, without looking away, whisper:

“You are only in my heart, in my power. You will not be with anyone else, only in my life ".

If you are already in love relationship with your chosen one, these whispers can still be used to enhance the feelings of a man. They will be especially useful for those relationships that have only recently begun.

Whispers for love in the distance

It is difficult for many women to arrange a meeting with their chosen one in order to use whispers directly at the meeting. Therefore, there are no less effective whispers for a man's love at home.

A whisper is very effective. on a photo of a beloved man. To do this, you need to take the photo in your hands and, lightly touching it with your lips, whisper:

"Always remember me, my dear, be by my side and love me forever".

The photograph must be hidden in a secret place and taken out only if you want to repeat the plot.

Whispers are also popular. before leaving home. This conspiracy is very effective and able to attract see you soon with a chosen one. Before leaving the house, stand at the exit and say the words:

“We will meet soon, my love. We will be happy together and find love.”

Reading whispers at home, you need to mentally imagine the image of your beloved man. This will make the plot most effective. Remember that only with good intentions is it worth starting to perform these rituals. Whispers cannot harm your chosen one in any way, but you should not get carried away with white magic either.

The whispers are in a simple way attracting love, but at the same time very effective. You can read whispers at any time, and they are not capable of doing any harm to you or your loved one. We wish you happiness family well-being and love. Good luck and don't forget to press the buttons and

17.08.2018 07:39

The power of numbers is enormous. For this reason, many experts in the field of bioenergy advise the use of digital conspiracies, ...

We all want to feel loved and desired. Every girl dreams of a strong and friendly family. But not all girls manage to get married, and others, if they find a soul mate, then painful disagreements and quarrels occur in the relationship.

There are also girls who, being attractive, smart and economic, cannot go down the aisle in any way. IN similar situations our grandmothers said that you need to “whisper”, and then, you see, everything will work out.

Some are skeptical of whispers, calling them village magic; others, thanks to their help, solved their love problems.

There is the simplest whisper that kindles love. It is read while sitting at a table with a person you like.

You need to pour a little wine or beer from your glass to someone who attracts you and whisper the following words:

"Drink, drink, love, don't forget."

Whispers on male love with a powerful effect:

“As the grass spreads in the spring, so you will begin to spread before me.”

“I don’t breathe, but I tell fortunes.

Breathe out for me, breathe in for you.

So that you dry for me.

A whisper called "The Secret Word":

Seeing the man you like, touch him and at that moment say a secret word to yourself. If you are still unfamiliar with the object of your sympathy, do it as if by chance when you pass by.

The secret word is Kabbalah.

Whispers for the love of a spouse

Whisper on the threshold of cheating husband

If your husband is walking, this whisper must be read on the threshold of the dwelling:

“Go where you went, you will return anyway.

You leave me as a gelding, in my house you will become a stallion.

As she said, it will happen.

As soon as your husband steps over the threshold, the slander will begin to work. Therefore, make sure that no stranger, for example, a neighbor, crosses the threshold.

Salt for fidelity

Whispering on homemade salt:

“As people praise salt in food, so that the husband loves his wife!”

To return affection and attention from the husband, they whisper:

“Damn-brothers, stand behind the back of the slave (name),

Follow him, follow him

Whisper after him, put my name (your name) into his soul.

Step by step, trail by trail, do not leave and do not lag behind,

Remind me about.

To know and remember my name,

And never forgot. Amen".

Whispers in bed

“There is a golden pillar, you can’t rip it off with your hand, you can’t loosen it with your fingers.

Crepe - strong, and all to me. Amen".

You should also whisper the following words to arouse the old feelings:

“From the body to the body is a love affair.

The blood is mine, but your love.

Love me more than yourself.

The twig bends in the forest, I feel where it will stick.

Whisper on a guy's love

If a girl has not yet found that one, unique and incomparable, with whom she would like to walk her life's path side by side, then to attract love, you can whisper:

“Roads wind, wind, and then converge into one.

So let my fate meet your fate.

What you think - will come true, what you wished - will happen.

The whisper must be pronounced at sunset.

If, however, a person close to you, dear to your heart, looks past you, does not pay attention, then for such a situation there are magical, miraculous words that will resurrect his interest in you. But just before you whisper them, you need to buy beautiful ribbon scarlet, go to a river or lake, and, throwing a ribbon into the water, read:

“My ribbon should swim and redden, and my heart (name) will burn for me.”

What girl does not dream of getting married with her beloved?! But what to do if your chosen one is in no hurry to give a box with the coveted ring? A whisper conspiracy will help here, which is read on a bread crust, previously slightly salted.
This whisper speeds up and promises a wedding in the near future. Here he is:

“Let the guests gather in our house, taste bread and salt in an honest world, and at a wedding feast.

Not ten years later, but this year.”

Effective whispers to attract love from a guy:

“Bake, dry on my sugar.

Body, heart, head.
Like a fly sticks to sweet syrup,

So are you, slave (name),

Turn to me, loving, slave (your name).

Take advice, in my absence grieve,

Love me as they cherish the most valuable and dear.

And so it will be!”

“You are my beloved, I am your dove, I will swallow you with both hands and feet and soft hair, and with all valiant thoughts.”

Spell-whisper in the back of the spouse:

“Go, go, don’t forget me (name).

Walk a little away from me, but quickly run to me.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever, and forever and ever.

You need to whisper to your husband in the back if he leaves the house.

If your husband's work is fraught with some kind of danger, whisper these words when he begins to leave for the service:

“In your mercy, Lord, I trust and trust you, our Guardian, the servant of God (name). Amen".

If your husband leaves you, say the following whisper after him:

“Just as water returns from the earth to the sky, so will you, by fate, return to me.”

To resurrect the extinguished passion on the part of your husband, go up to him, touch his back, run your left hand along the spinal column and say to yourself:

“As there is no woman without breasts,

A man without bones

So there is no one more desirable than me.

And sweeter for the servant of God (name).

I am your delight, I am your joy and support,

Now and forever.

Key. Lock. Language.


Today I will tell you about some of the most severe dryness which can be used without harm to both of you. Prisushi (prisushki - whispers of love) about which we will tell the Magin have been tested by me more than once and always allowed me to quickly dry a guy or not married man . But proven whisper - dry on a beloved man or a guy you like will allow you to dry it to yourself for up to 1 month, and dry will begin to act the next day. This is very convenient to to dry a person and get to know him better. If you match, you can use strong love spell and after reading a conspiracy to bewitch a loved one to yourself. If you are too different, in a month you will part as friends and, if you wish, you will simply support a good relationship. Read prisushki and whispers of love Maginya started at school so that the boy I liked drew attention to me. Now the relevance of using the strongest dryness has not lost its attractiveness due to the very fast action and always the expected result. The next day after drying, the beloved himself shows interest in me, showing me clear and not ambiguous signs of attention.

The first dry spell is read in the forest when your loved one is away from you. Going into the forest, take a black thread with you, find a fern in the planting and pluck it. In the same forest, an aspen with foliage is needed. Go to the aspen and sit with your back to it, start whipping yourself with fern leaves whispering words of love:

Dry, grass, dry, wien.
Let it dry the same way for me

My dear friend, servant of God (name).


Then tie the fern grass to the aspen with a thread of 7 knots and leave without looking back.

Dry to the wind is the easiest way to dry your loved one to yourself. In windy weather, at any time of the year and day, go outside and stand with your back to the wind, say words love dryer into the wind:

Thirteen winds, thirteen whirlwinds,
Come from behind the mountains, raise the mountain,
Find on the servant of God (name),
So that he misses, grieves, did not see the white light.
Call him to me in the afternoon with the sun, in the evening with the moon,
Find him the torment of the Lord for me, God's servant (name).


The next day, the dear and beloved will come running to you, no matter how far away he was from you. He will begin to look after you, trying to please you in everything, which means the dry spell has worked for the wind and a month after the dry season, the beloved whom you have dried to yourself will only be yours.

© Copyright: Maginya


To attract a man, it is enough just to whisper a few phrases, passing by him. He will immediately pay attention to you - you just need to know at what moment and what words to say. With this method, you can cause both sympathy at first sight and lasting love.

Many psychologists, especially male psychologists, argue that in order to attract men the best option- draw as much attention to yourself as possible. But what about those girls who are shy and not used to noisy companies? And it is not always convenient for a confident woman to approach and get acquainted with the man she likes.

Since ancient times, the husband was considered the head of the family, the getter of food and the protector. And since then it has been accepted that a man gets acquainted first, taking the initiative. Much has changed now, but sometimes we so want to remain fragile women and at least sometimes cede the right to act to another. It was for such cases that they came up with small conspiracies, which are called whispers.

Features of whispers

Whispers to attract love are very effective, but they should be used on first dates or at the first meeting. It is then that they allow you to attract the attention of a future partner, interest in your personality and encourage him to take the first step.

Whispers are an easy version of a love ritual. It is very easy to understand with them whether you really want a relationship and how suitable you are for each other - in case of insufficient energy supply, your conspiracy simply will not work. Whispers are very easy to use and do not require special preparation. In order for the words to work, it is enough to be in the same room with the man you like.

Whispers for love

There are several ways to use this folk remedy, and all of them help to rekindle love feelings. The only difference is in the conditions of application: how long have you known each other and how the circumstances initially develop.

First way.

If you see a man for the first time, you like him, but you don’t know how to get to know him and what to do, the following whisper will help you: “ You are attractive to me. I am attractive to you. We create love". These words need to be whispered to yourself, slightly moving your lips. While whispering, you need to look at the man you like, otherwise completely different people may come to meet you.

The second way.

It suits those who are in the company long time. For example, you came to the wedding of a friend and you liked one of the groom's friends. You know there is still time, so take your time. You have the opportunity, as if by chance, to pass by him several times, and if your eyes meet, this is your chance to say the following words to yourself: “ Eye to eye, soul to soul, love to love". It's pretty short phrase, but you need to look into the person’s eyes all the time while you pronounce it.

The third way.

This option is suitable for those who have the opportunity to touch the object of their adoration. The touch should be unobtrusive and natural. If you pull your hand away abruptly, it may seem suspicious. It is enough to ask to pass water, a salt shaker, a pen, or, asking a question, just touch his shoulder with your hand to attract attention. During the touch, you need to say the following to yourself: “ You are mine, I am yours, love strongly and only me».

By applying these easy ways, with the help of a simple whisper, you can find a chance for happiness. mutual feelings. So take advantage folk methods and enjoy relationships in love. Enjoy life, be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.10.2015 00:50

Short conspiracies, called whispers, have been used by healers and healers since ancient times to achieve certain goals. Effective whispers...