Old Slavic conspiracies from svarog against black magic. Conspiracies from diseases

Ancient conspiracies from time immemorial have an incredible power of influence on any energy field, which can be learned in detail from the material of this article.

Ancient conspiracies of witches for money and good luck

So, in order to attract money and good luck, you need to conduct an ancient witch ritual on an egg. To do this, you need to take an egg with "live" energy and hold it in your hands with the tip to the top, soaking it with thoughts and desires. After that, you need to read, looking at the egg, the words of the conspiracy:

“I will go out of doors with doors, out of gates with gates,
Away from your home, away from your city,
Yes, I will go to seek my happiness in unknown ways,
Winding paths, on all four sides,
I'll go without looking back. My hidden happiness is waiting for me
Deep and strong - not to be found. Not in a strong chest
Not in a secret hiding place, not behind heavy doors
My happiness is hidden, but it will be found behind a thin shell
In a chicken egg, find me my happiness and not break it,
Do not split, do not lose along the way, and do not give it to anyone.
Hens lay eggs and raise chickens, and I live in wealth.
Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

At the end of reading the ancient conspiracy, the egg must be wrapped in black cloth and hidden in a secret place where no one will find it. A year later, you need to get the charmed egg and bury it in the ground. Immediately after this, wealth and luck will follow on the heels.

Ancient conspiracies and rituals for love, prayers for finding a job

One of the most effective and powerful conspiracies is considered to be an old love conspiracy, which is done with the help of fire. It is necessary to perform such a ritual only on the full moon in the time interval from 12 to 3 o'clock in the morning. To do this, take a wax candle and bring it to your face. Look into the blazing fire and imagine yourself together with your loved one, after which you need to read the words of the conspiracy without taking your eyes off the fire:

“I lit a fire in the stillness of the night, great bright spirits, helping love, diverting attack, you hear my voice calling to you. Do not extinguish the fire lit by me, it is lit with a pure heart and thought. I didn’t covet someone else’s husband, I didn’t touch someone else’s fiancé, but I lit a fire for the sake of my beloved, my husband promised by fate. I beg you, spirits of light, to give the fire your strength, good strength, love that protects from misfortune. Give the heart of the dear one with heat and singe it with my love, heat it with a hot flame, melt the frozen ice and his warmed heart will turn into love for me. Save me a loved one with heart full of love". After that, you should put out the candle and go to bed.

In order for good luck to accompany you in finding a good and profitable job, you need to be baptized and read “Our Father” before the very beginning of the job search. After that, gather your thoughts and say the words of the prayer:

"I'm leaving in the shirt of the Mother of God,
May the vapors of my God overshadow me,
Four crowns of heaven
Saint John the Evangelist, Saint Luke,
Saint Matthew, Saint Mark!
May they keep me from man and woman,
From lead, from iron, from steel,
So that they can't hurt me,
Neither cut nor break my bones!
Peace be to my God!”

At the end of reading the prayer, you will need to write the words on a clean piece of paper:
“There really is, there is in reality, there is in the word, in God, everywhere!”. A piece of paper should be put in your pocket and you can safely go looking for work.

Ancient conspiracies are very strong and the spell of Genghis Khan

An ancient very strong conspiracy is considered Old Slavic conspiracy, which is read on health from dashing diseases and various indiscretions. The words of the prayer are read quietly for seven days, in no case, without missing a single day. The spell words are:

“In the far side, on an island beyond the sea lies a white stone. Near the fuel stone stands a man, a father to three sons, a sovereign to all. He takes out his sharp knife, cuts with it all diseases and ailments, aches and dryness. So let (name) cut off all ailments and ailments, put it under a stone and close it with a key. He will throw the key into the sea, for all eternity he will close all ailments. My words are strong, they can be overcome only by those who gnaw through the stone with their teeth. Let it be so!"

A prayer for happiness is also considered a strong conspiracy. It should also be read seven days in a row at dawn, if after seven days things are not getting better, then the ritual should be repeated after 14 days. The words of the prayer are:

“Oh you, oh you, Mother Lada, Mother of the Most Pure! Do not leave, do not leave us without happiness and love! Send your grace to us, as if we honor and glorify you! So be, wake up like that, such a si, while Yarilo the sun shines on us!

To cast the spell of Genghis Khan himself, more solitude and concentration are needed. It is unimaginably strong and effective, and therefore must be done in complete harmony with one's thoughts and desires. Before pronouncing the words of the conspiracy, you need to cleanse yourself by washing spring water. You should not wipe the water, it should dry on your face and hands. After that, it is necessary to light candles in order to call for help the good spirits of nature and expel the evil ones, and read the words:

“Aba Ami Ariun Dallaga, Khurai, Khurai, Khurai!
Allah-o-Akbar, Allah-o-Akbar, Allah-o-Akbar
Ahmad-o-Lillih Rabil Ameen
Wadu ya Slim Sallam
Sabhan Allah
Allah-o-Akbar, Allah-o-Akbar, Allah-o-Akbar.

After that, quickly extinguish the candle and stay in a certain state of meditation for a few more minutes.

Ancient conspiracies and spells for enemies to make them feel bad

For ancient ritual, with which you can punish enemies and return to them all the bad things that they have done, you need to take two needles: one is small, and the second is large and long, and insert the smaller one into the large eye. Tie the place of their connection with black thread and read the words of the conspiracy over them:

“My needle is short, and yours is long, my work is good, and yours is evil. I pierce your perfect evil now and at the moment I return everything that was intended for me, everything that was directed at me, get everything mine back at this moment and forever. Amen".

After the needles are spoken, you need to go to the offender's house and stick a larger needle into the door jamb of the enemy so that the tip of the small needle looks to the right. There you should say the words of the conspiracy again. Then turn around and go home without looking back.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells that work

The ancient Slavic conspiracy against corruption and the evil eye must be carried out at dawn, going out into the street and turning your eyes to the sky, saying three times:
“In the name of Svarog, Perun and Veles!
The blood of the ancestors is pure,
Power of Heaven!
Protect, save
Grandson of Dazhdbozhy (name)
From every evil eye, from a bad hour,
From the female, from the male
From a child, from another,
From joyful, from hateful,
From colloquial, from negotiation!
May it be so! Goy!

For well-being and protection, the ancient Slavs used a conspiracy - an appeal to mother earth. For such a ceremony, you need to go out into the field to bow to the ground and light a candle and say the following words:
"Mother Cheese - Earth!
From you I was born, from you my body is complex,
You carry me
You feed me
You will take me back when I die.
Mother Cheese - Earth!
Protect me, your child
Direct the path Lada!
Let my deeds be - to the glory of you!
I bow down to you! Goy Ma! The words of the conspiracy must be read three times and bow three times after each reading.

Ancient conspiracies on Christmas time, clean Thursday, full moon

One of the most powerful conspiracies for Christmas time is held on St. Basil's Day. To perform such a ritual, you need to purchase three candles in the church, set them on fire and go to the threshold of the house, reading the following words above them:

“Happiness in the chamber - all the troubles, misfortune beyond the threshold. Whoever thinks evil will return three times, whoever wants to jinx it, trouble will happen to him. And the Lord will protect this house, Saint Basil will look after it. Amen".

After the words are spoken near the threshold, the same will need to be done near each corner in the house. At the end of the ceremony, candles must be wrapped in white cloth and hide in a secluded place.

One of the most effective ancient conspiracies on Pure Thursday the attraction of good luck, happiness, prosperity and profit is considered the conspiracy that is done on clean water. To conduct such a ceremony, you need to wake up on Maundy Thursday at sunrise, draw the purest water from the well and speak it with these words:

“Maundy Thursday praises Easter, all the people Orthodox Easter praises, so people would praise me, both young and old, so that the servant of God (name) would be honored by the authorities, so that my business would bring me profit. Gold sticks to my hands, clings. The coins in the wallet jingle. Key. Lock. Language. Amen".

Immediately after this, you need to cross yourself and wash yourself with charmed water. Ancient rite for protection from the evil eye and damage is performed on the night of the full moon. For this ritual, you need to light a red candle, sit by the window and pour a pinch of salt on a handkerchief. Moonlight should fall on a person who performs such a ceremony. Looking at the salts, you should say the following words of the conspiracy:

“From far to far, a river flows, wide and deep, bypassing the surroundings, wraps around me, protects from the witch’s and witch’s eyes, from any spell, from love plots, from love spells and slander!”

At the end of such a conspiracy, the salt must be wrapped in a scarf and stored where no one will find it. In the morning, this handkerchief with salt should be put in a bag or in a pocket of clothes, in short, it should always be there.

Ancient prayer conspiracies whispers from fullness

For what to hold ancient conspiracy from fullness it is necessary to light a red candle and at sunset during the waning moon read the words in a whisper:
“In the black-blue sea, hunger is constipated.
Don't let the hunger out
The servant of God (name) may not know.
Insomnia-starvation, calm down.
Dissolve to all directions of the world.
My eyes, sleep, do not pull your soul.
As there is no night, so I do not know grief.
Eyes to sleep, body not to break.
He said the word, tied it with a knot.
Amen. Amen. Amen".

Hundreds of years ago, conspiracies were practiced by our Slavic ancestors. Even then, the strength and power of the word was known, and the ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells were constant companions of man. Many years have passed, but the prayers and spells of our ancestors are still popular today. More to say, they are considered very strong and effective. After all, centuries of experience and magical knowledge helped to improve the rituals as much as possible.

The ancient Slavs quite often turned to magical rites for help. And this applies to both women and men. Various ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells were aimed at success in battle, attracting good luck, mutual love, good harvest, good trading, good health and other areas of life.

However, the performance of any rite involves following the basic rules:

before performing the ritual, you need to observe a strict fast for several days.
Before carrying out magical rite, it was supposed to completely abstain from alcohol, tobacco and meat dishes;

Old Slavic spells are read in a whisper.
This is done so that no one can hear the text of the rite, since this can negatively affect the effectiveness of the ritual;

could perform ancient rites only absolutely healthy man.
It is believed that if a person with a cold performs a ritual, then his condition may worsen. Naturally, one can forget about the effectiveness of the spell;

the Slavs paid great attention condition of the sorcerer's teeth.
A person with bad teeth, in particular, if the front two teeth are missing, cannot do very much. strong spells and conspiracies;

if a ceremony is performed for someone, then in no case should a monetary reward be taken from this person.
As a rule, among the Slavs, food products were used as gratitude, which were given from pure heart and after the ritual has worked;

Slavic conspiracies of a positive orientation should be read on Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday.
These days are considered easy;
prayers and conspiracies of a negative message are read on Fridays and Mondays;
the person who makes ancient Slavic rites, must unconditionally believe in the effectiveness magical influence and in their own strength.

The Slavic peoples believed in the power of magic and resorted to witchcraft in a variety of situations.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells for the Slavs were effective method impact on your own life, on other people and to achieve the desired result.

Ritual for health

This magical conspiracy is very effective means from various diseases and poor health in general. For the ancient Slavs, this prayer was used as a means of combating many ailments. The words of the prayer are read in a whisper:

“In the far side, on an island beyond the sea lies a white stone.
Near the fuel stone stands a man, a father to three sons, a sovereign to all.
He takes out his sharp knife, cuts with it all diseases and ailments, aches and dryness.
So let (person's name) cut off all ailments and ailments,
Put it under a stone and lock it with a key.
He will throw the key into the sea, for all eternity he will close all ailments.
My words are strong, only he can overcome them,
Who gnaws a stone with his teeth.
Let it be so!"

Slavic prayers for health are read for seven days. You can't miss a single day. As a rule, a person becomes better after a few magical sessions.

Prayer for happiness

Happiness and well-being should accompany every person. However, if the black streak of life dragged on, the ancient Slavs had spells to improve the situation.

This prayer is considered very effective if its words are pronounced at dawn:

“Oh you, oh you, Mother Lada, Mother of the Most Pure!
Do not leave, do not leave us without happiness and love!
Send your grace to us, as if we honor and glorify you!
So be it, wake it up, be like that, while Yarilo the sun shines on us!

The prayer is read seven times in a row. If troubles and misfortunes do not recede, then the ritual can be repeated after fourteen days.

Ritual for a healthy baby

The process of the birth of a new person both among the ancient Slavs and modern people considered almost magical. Therefore, for a successful birth and the birth of a healthy baby, a prayer service is read for a woman in labor before childbirth:

“Mother Rozhanitsa, sister sister, hear our words, our prayers.
Accept bloodless gifts and grant healthy offspring to the woman in labor (the name of the woman).
So that our family thread will never be interrupted.
We sing glory to you, but we invite you to the mansions.
From circle to circle, now and forever!
Be so!”

It is necessary to repeat the prayer three times. This ritual will help a woman give birth to a healthy baby and make childbirth quick.

Prayer for insomnia

Among the ancient Slavs, sleep problems were considered a serious disease, and therefore this disease was treated with the help of magic. At midnight on a person who suffers from insomnia, you need to read the plot, putting your hand on his head:

“Knock knock, sleep will come, and diseases will go away.
Sleep soundly - see dreams.
Go away thoughts, pass by!
Sweet to sleep - to be healthy!
Sleep (person's name)!"

You need to repeat the words of the spell three times, after which the person will be able to fall asleep.

Slavic conspiracies and spells to amulet at home

Even among the ancient Slavs, the protection of their homes was considered the main occupation. And even then there were many different conspiracies and prayers to protect the house. However, the most effective were appeals to Domovoy. It was believed that if he was appeased, then the protection of the home would be in good hands. The plot is read in the evening:

“Grandfather, Brownie, do not sleep, watch the house,
So that evil people bypassed, thieves ran far away!
Watch out, keep everything!”

Repeat the words of the appeal three times, after which be sure to leave a treat for the Brownie to appease him.

ritual for love

Even in ancient times, girls did certain rituals to attract love and happiness into their lives. In order for everything to work out in your personal life and finally meet your loved one, you need to read at dawn, holding on to a birch, the following prayer:

“Oh birch, beauty!
Help me, help me!
Send love and happiness to me!
Like birds nest in pairs,
So I want to meet my sweetheart!”

Build the words of the prayer seven times, after which you should thank the birch for help and go home. Within a few months, the girl will have to meet her soul mate.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies and spells were considered very effective. Our ancestors paid a lot of attention to protection from negative impacts and solved many problems using witchcraft. That is why the conspiracies that have come down to us are considered very effective.

Slavic conspiracies are pronounced in a quiet whisper. One of important conditions, on which the effectiveness of the ritual depends, was considered the condition of the teeth of the reader. Only healthy people can say ancient prayers. The best days for reading pagan spells are Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. To enhance the effect of the ceremony, it is useful to fast for several days before it, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke.

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    ancient power of ancestors

    During the appeal to their Gods, the ancestors had the opportunity to receive from them needed help. The use of sublime songs and hymns in everyday life was in itself a strong amulet against ailments. The main condition for getting positive result- visualization of a vivid image, and not the mechanical pronunciation of words.

    The ancient power of the ancestors was in the life-giving word. The word can carry both destructive (swearing) and creative (life-giving) power. In the conspiracies of the ancient Slavs, special verbal formulas were used that had healing energy.

    From spoilage

    Slavic magic helps to get rid of damage and the evil eye. Conspiracies and rituals from corruption are recommended to be used on the waning moon.

    A conspiracy from negativity

    This Slavic conspiracy is read at dawn, facing east:

    “The mermaid walked along a narrow path, scratched her tender leg with a thistle. And not bloody ore poured out of the wound, but pure, like a tear, water. Yes, water flowed across the world, and on the island of Buyan, a desert mound. On that desert mound White stone Alatyr lies, but no one will move him, no one will push him. Yes, water flowed under Alatyr, and behind it ailment and fever for eternity. From circle to circle. Be like that."

    Appeal to Mara to remove damage

    With the help of this cleaning, spoilage and the evil eye are removed. The rite is associated with an appeal to the goddess Mara - the patroness of harvest, death, witchcraft. The ritual is performed as follows:

    1. 1. One wax candle is placed on the table in four corners.
    2. 2. The contents of one bottle of wine of any kind are poured into a crystal vase.
    3. 3. Put a kilogram on the plate fresh meat- chicken or beef.
    4. 4. If cleaning is done on another person, his photograph is placed on the tablecloth or he himself sits opposite.
    5. 5. Candles are lit, and then the performer of the ritual turns to Mara in his own words with a request to remove the negative.
    6. 6. The words of the conspiracy are read several times (the amount depends on the severity of the damage).
    7. 7. Until the candles burn out to the end, you can not leave the room.
    8. 8. Then you need to open the window or open the window.

    Conspiracy text:

    “Mara Morevna, you are an angry mother.

    I got up in the dark night

    You are in control of everything.

    Measure each one with an earnest measure.

    Carry away the ailments and famously across the sea-ocean.

    Do not reject the family, do not leave the person.

    Rite on Koroschunov's night

    On Koroshunov's night, from December 21 to 22, Koschey (Chernobog, Dark Veles) "shorts" the day. Our ancestors believed that at this time optimal conditions to enter the land of "navi", dark creatures. Everything that used to be hidden due to the fear of the sun turns out to be on the surface of the earth. Traditionally, on Koroschunov Night are held powerful rites to get rid of negativity.

    To perform the next ritual, they make a small fire and burn any unwashed item from their wardrobe in it. At the same time, the words are pronounced:

    “In a gloomy night, even now he rules, I create my own care, I help myself. Flint-fire, create ashes. In it is every dashing and malice, destruction and weaving, sorrow and burden. Deal with every ailment from me, which confuses my soul and enslaves the flesh. Irritation and strife, bad repetitions, torment and anger, ulcers and malice, who inadvertently offered, deprived me of a good share, I would fall into the flames of all things. From now on it has been spoken, every dashingly removed. Be like that."

    In gratitude to the fire, fresh milk is brought, which is poured directly into the fire immediately after the completion of the conspiracy.

    From enemies

    The main condition for the effectiveness of protective conspiracies is the absence of evil intentions from the person who performs them. Even in relation to the ill-wisher, one should not experience aggression, negativity. Then the conspiracy will be effective.

    To mitigate anger

    This rite from enemies is associated with the goddess of love, beauty and harmony Lada. The sacrament will save from all harm and aggression of ill-wishers. They take a photograph of a person or keep his image in their imagination. Light a yellow wax candle, turn to face east. It is preferable to conduct the sacrament at sunrise. The phase of the moon is growing. The palms of the hands are carefully placed near the fire, as if trying to protect the candles from the wind. The photograph is placed in front of itself or represents the image of a person. Words are spoken:

    “Lada, spiritual delight! Warm your love (name), melt his heart and make him kinder.

    Then they imagine how the heat from the candles cleanses the heart of this person, neutralizes the negativity that fills it, instead filling it with compassion and light.

    To protect against the machinations of enemies

    They take two wax candles - black and white, a piece of white cloth, a metal mug. Light a candle and say a prayer to Veles:

    “Father Veles, protect us, your children. Restore dashing barriers and palisades to the one-eyed, warm the fertile land in the cold, open the deep well of the Vedas. We praise you, great and wonderful Velese. Exactly! ".

    Tilting a black candle, they collect the wax in a mug, saying: “Goy! Glory, Veles! Wash with clear tears yes clean water your son (daughter) (name), remove from him (her) dashing and sorrow, commotion and black, curses and spells. Goy! ".

    Then wait until the mixture finally hardens. After that, part of the mixture must be melted in a mug on the fire of a white candle, saying the words: “Be glorious, Fire Svarozhich! Burn the spell and famously. Gate him to Nav. Exactly! ". Melted wax is carefully poured into a plate at head level.

    The steps are repeated with the rest of the mixture two more times. The second time the wax should be poured into a plate at chest level, the third time at the level of the navel. When it has cooled, it is scraped off the plate, wrapped in a piece of cloth and buried in a deserted place.

    For love

    In conspiracies for love, they most often turn to the patroness family happiness Lada. Lada likes white flowers, fruits, sweets as a gift.

    To get rid of loneliness

    This rite is also associated with the goddess Lada. Preferred time is spring. Take three green apples. Silently at dawn they go out into the field. Standing facing the rising sun, stretch out their palms to it and utter a conspiracy:

    “Lada, you are the great Mother Goddess. I ask you, do not refuse me, your daughter (name) in love and happiness to help. I will meet mutual love, grant me my beloved. May the family become strong, may the children be healthy. Accept my gifts. Goy! ".

    Apples are placed on the ground and wait for a sign. If a bird’s cry is heard in the distance, a sharp gust of wind arises, or something else happens, things will go for the future.

    Rite of conflicts in the family

    The sacrament will benefit those couples who suffer from constant quarrels, conflicts. Held on the growing moon, on Friday or Sunday.

    They take their photograph, carefully place three pink wax candles around it. The resulting triangle shape should be pointing up. Candles are lit starting from the top. Say the words three times:

    “Lada, Goddess, favor me. Give me passionate and strong love. Who is next to me, may he always be in joy and in great love. Create harmony in my house, give understanding and peace.

    Then they wait until the candles burn out. Cinders are carried to three pedestrian intersections - one cinder for each.

    To harmonize marital relations

    The sacrament is performed at dawn on Monday. Take two white wax candles. In the center of the dwelling, a plate with fresh fruit is placed on the table, as well as flowers (preferably lilies). On one candle they scratch out their name with a needle, on the second - the spouse. Candles are lit and taken in hand. In the left - his candle, in the right - his wife. Words are spoken:

    “Goddess Lada-Ladushka! I bow to you, goy thou. I invite you to our (names) house, come to us soon, bring consent and love. Wake peace in our home, strong foundations. For small children - health and intelligence, and for me (name) and my husband (name) - plenty of love, understanding, kindness, and a comfortable, gratifying life. From now on and until the century, wake up like that.

    Candles are set in the center of the table, tightly, next to each other. Fruits can be eaten in the evening when the whole family gathers. The remains of candles are crushed and placed in each of the corners of the dwelling. You can remove them only after two or three months.

    Cooling for girls

    This conspiracy is intended for women who want to rid themselves of love for a man, cool their emotional ardor:

    “On the distant island of Buyan stands a high mountain, impregnable. There is a cleft in that mountain, and in the cleft a silver tomb hangs on chains. In it lies the red Mara-maiden. Her soul does not grieve, does not grieve, the blood through the veins does not flare up. Like a sister girl, Marena, the soul does not hurt, so I (name) would not be killed in one minute, not in one hour, I would not go into fierce longing and sorrow. The soul is serene and cold on men's words, views and deeds. With the silver tomb of Marena the maiden, my words are closed, sealed with oak bolts, wrapped in heavy coffin chains. Be like that."

    Conspiracies for beauty

    When performing rituals for beauty and charm, they turn to the goddess Zhiva, who personifies birth, beauty, and springtime.

    On the ring

    They take a ring or a ring, lower it into spring water and cast a spell on it:

    “I will become (name), Live I will bow. Be glorious and trislavna, goddess of Light and life! I'll go to the lake, draw clean water. Let me dip this ring into the water, let me wash mine white face. I will become good fellows and peasants, old women and old men, widows and girls more beautiful than the red sun and the clear moon. Wake my beauty to everyone, at every minute and hour. Glory Live! ".

    After that, they wash themselves with water and put on a ring. Jewelry is worn without removing.

    For beautiful hair

    Take a bone or wooden comb. In the phase of the growing moon, before midnight, they begin to comb their hair. At the same time, the words are pronounced:

    "Grow a braid, to the waist, do not fall out a single hair."

    The words are repeated slowly and thoughtfully 12 times. Then they say: "As she said, so it was." The comb is placed in a secluded place until the next time.

    Conspiracies for health

    Slavic rituals for health are traditionally performed with the help of water. It is believed that it helps to cleanse the body and spirit from diseases and accumulated negativity.

    Hex for healing water

    The following words are pronounced on the water from the stream:

    “Pain and sickness came from an empty box. From where she came, she went there. I conjure ailment, I send it back. For the villages and for the fields, for the blue rivers and for the seas, for the high menacing mountains, where conspiracies will not find you. Come again to the one who sent you, who did not know grief and dashing. Stay with him forever and ever, but don't come back here."

    Water is drunk in a third of a glass three times a day.

    Ritual with stones for children's health

    The mother of a sick child draws a ladle of water from a reservoir, pours stones with it in such a way that this water is collected in a separate container. She is considered a saint. Babies are poured with it, then dressed in new clothes. The old one is left to lie near the stone. During this ritual, the action of which is aimed at the health of the child, a conspiracy is pronounced:

    “I will rise (name) to the clear Sun, blessed. I'll go to the blue, fast river. There, on the river, on a high mountain, lies a white-flammable stone. The name of that stone is Alatyr. The icy water rolled down from the body, and the Sun brought health and mercy. As the water has gone down, so push back the ailments, fevers and fevers. From a small body, from a zealous heart. Be like that."

    Rites for money, for trade

    Special Slavic rituals help to attract wealth and improve trade. Most of the rituals are associated with the god Veles, who is considered the patron of prosperity and wealth.

    Appeal to Veles

    The sacrament is held in the forest. Will be required following items:

    • mug or bowl;
    • flat stone;
    • mead;
    • stick (taken right in the forest);
    • 11 coins (preferably copper).

    The ceremony is performed on the new moon in the afternoon or in the morning. An old deciduous tree is found in the forest and a stone is placed under it. Near it, you need to stick a stick, which will symbolize a staff.

    Mead is poured into a mug, saying the words: “God Veles and his goodness. Let gold and silver come to me, in the name of Veles. After that, they take the staff in their hand and turn to God, formulating their request in words. 11 coins are laid out on the surface of the stone, saying the words: “Yaki mushrooms are plentiful and multiplied in the rain, so the money in my bag does not become scarce and arrives.”

    Broom for health and well-being

    The magical birch broom will preserve health and increase prosperity. The birch energy is strong from 6 to 9 in the morning, so you need to go to the birch grove for a broom at this time. They take three yellow coins, a new knife, a fishing line, a red ribbon and a bottle of beer with them.

    First you need to walk a little between the trees, calm your thoughts and feelings. You can greet Leshy and ask him for assistance in choosing a tree. This is done in their own words or with the help of a conspiracy:

    “Hello, Leshy, master of the forest! Allow me to walk around your possessions, and find a slender tree, a birch, for a broom. For the prosperity and health of my honest family. Help me in this matter. Exactly! ".

    If a birch catches the eye or another sign appears, then they bow to it. In the case when the aura of a tree is felt as cool or prickly, you should look for another birch. If the aura is warm, the forest dweller will give a lot of energy through her branches.

    Around the trunk of the selected tree, pour beer and say:

    “Birch is a slender sister! Give me branches for health and prosperity. And in return, accept this beer as a gift. Exactly! ".

    If there are no fallen branches near the tree, they are cut with a knife. The branches are tied with a fishing line or cord, and then with a red ribbon. Then they thank the tree again, bowing three times and leaving coins under its crown. The words are spoken: “Paid! For the branches that carry health and strength, paid! Exactly! ".

    They return home in silence. Returning, they sweep from the threshold to the center of each of the rooms in the room. When sweeping, it is necessary to visualize how health and prosperity are swept into the house. At the same time, the words are pronounced:

    “I sweep the sweep, I sweep the power into the house. I sweep, I sweep health into the house. I’m sweeping, I’m sweeping wealth into the house. ” After that, a broom is placed in the eastern corner of the living room or in the room where the whole family most often gathers, saying: “Exactly! ".

    Charmed pot

    A rite is performed on the growing moon. Take 8 green candles, a small pot, a sheet of foil or green colored paper, essential oil (preferably patchouli or orange), a few yellow coins.

    Before performing the ceremony, they carefully clean the house, wash, put on best clothes. The sacrament is performed in solitude. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

    1. 1. The pot is wrapped in foil or paper and placed on the table.
    2. 2. Drop a drop on each of the candles essential oil by rubbing it in clockwise motions.
    3. 3. Candles are placed around the pot and lit.
    4. 4. They take coins one at a time, make wishes on each of them, trying to visualize in detail its fulfillment.
    5. 5. Representing the emotions that will accompany his performance, pronounce the words of the conspiracy (see below).
    6. 6. Then you need to wait until the candles burn out to the end.
    7. 7. Coins are put in a pot and placed near the entrance to the dwelling. It serves as a talisman that attracts wealth.

    Conspiracy text:

    “Veles, the Patron God, the protector of the human race! We glorify you dearly, our cover and defense. Do not leave us, your children, unattended, but protect us and our flocks from pestilence and pestilence. And may our storehouses and barns be filled with good. From circle to circle. Taco wake up! ".

    Rite to increase the flow of customers, protection from competitors

    Held in the forest. They find a small stump, symbolically draw a circle around it (you can just use a stick). An offering (food, alcoholic drinks) is assigned to him. Then they turn to Veles:

    "Father Veles, help your son (daughter)."

    After that, in their own words, they ask Veles for help in protecting against the intrigues of competitors, attracting income to the company, and concluding a certain deal. If God heeds the request, after pronouncing the words, a feeling of confidence and inner warmth will appear, or a sign - the creak of a tree, the cry of a bird. After the completion of the rite, the Ancestor should be thanked.

    For fighters

    The following Slavic conspiracy is used to protect a soldier, a fighter. It is read by a relative or close person of a warrior:

    “I will tie (name), five knots to every enemy and warrior. You knots will block all paths for adversaries. Let the archers not hit me, let the bullets not reach me, and no military weapon can beat me. In my ears is a hefty, terrible and snake-like power. It was taken from a many-headed serpent, from the sea-okiya, from the island of Buyan. That serpent was beaten by distant warriors under the distant oaks of Murom. In my knapsack my quarrelsome stepmother sewed up snake heads. I speak a warrior (name), stepping into battle and militia, with my strong conspiracy. May he defeat everyone, and return home alive, healthy and unharmed. Taco wake up, from circle to circle.

    In the old days, on a small piece of paper or parchment, they wrote the phrase “Do not touch! ". The note was placed in cloth and sewn into the collar of the garment worn until the end of the battle.

    Conspiracy for good luck

    They dress in clean clothes, put a jug of spring water in front of them. The words are read on it:

    “Sister-voditsa! Give me joy to drink. May I be warm in the cold, and satisfying in hunger. Yes, it will not be famously and fiercely, but okay yes smoothly. From circle to circle.

    After that, they wash themselves with water and immediately go to bed, without uttering another word. So next day good luck and luck will accompany you in everything.

    good weather spell

    The following conspiracy for the weather was successfully used by the ancestors. It involves an appeal to Stribog - the patron of the wind. Going to the reservoir, pronounce the following words:

    "Glory to you, Father Strya, gray hair! You rule with violent winds, you get along with storms. You are in every corner in the world, you know a lot, but you rule the weather. Your grandchildren are clouds and clouds, they do everything that you tell them. Fence but us from the cold winds. Protect us from the sultry, hungry winds. Turn your eyes on us, Strya, on your daughters and sons. Glory to you, Stribozh! Your hand will protect us and help us.

    As a sign of gratitude to Stribog, a bread crumb is lowered into the water.

    If any of the Slavic conspiracies is read by another person, he must be thanked. WITHLavian witchcraft does not provide for payment in money. As a payment, you can thank the one who performed the ritual with food, clothing, a useful thing.

Do you want Slavic conspiracies to forever change your life in better side? To do this, you need to understand how they work. It is about the magical technique of the ancient Slavs that will be discussed in this article.


Conspiracies are small folklore texts, with the help of which people try to achieve what they want in producing, protective, healing and other rites. They differ in originality of semantics, language and structure. The execution of conspiracies is purely personal. In functional and genre terms, they are close to folk prayers and spells.


Slavic conspiracies are first pronounced in a loud voice, and then in a whisper (especially healing ones). There is a well-known practice of reciting healing incantations using the “throat singing” technique, which is usually used by shamans. Adherents this technique it is said that it is this tone of the human voice that the divine forces pick up.

IN northern customs the skill of "singing" conspiracies is practiced. That is why runic shamans had to have a sonorous voice, developed hearing and a talent for persuasion. The latter does not apply to oratory, but rather is integral part charisma, natural charm, magnetism.

Ancient Slavic incantations are famous for their tradition of casting curses (Magia Maleficio), which suggests a certain ominous tone in the voice that distinguishes the magician from others. This sound is similar to a dissonant and hoarse howl, which causes the feeling of emotional depression and impressive discomfort in those who hear it.

Cosmogony and cosmology

As a rule, Slavic incantations recreate the components of the archaic reproduction of the Universe, including the details of cosmogonic and cosmological ideas - the center of the Celestial Empire and its axis, the horizontal and vertical model of the universe, the earthly firmament in the middle of the sea, the sublunar tree and heavenly bodies, motives for the rebirth and decay of nature, and so on. In addition, they reproduce elements of legends - the sea king, a snake, personified images of the lower and higher worlds, as well as ideas about the human microcosm (illness, as a cosmic disaster and healing, as the restoration of the order of the earthly vale), about his physiology and bodily substance, about his connections with other beings, details, and much more.

Slavic incantations also show the main features of the promotion of the ancient mythological and real Christian models of the universe.


Slavic paganism is called the system of pre-Christian concepts of man and the heavenly, based on magic and legends. It is reconstructed according to the language, rituals, folklore, beliefs and customs of the Slavs. Such paganism can be perceived not only as a historical stage in the worldview of the Proto-Slavs before they adopted Christianity, but also as a special civilizational model, the forms of which, mechanisms and semantic categories continued to exist after the establishment of Orthodoxy.

Wedding rites and customs

Slavic rituals and conspiracies were used by different tribes. wedding customs differed depending on the type of marriage. Pagan Slavic marriage could sometimes be polygamous. History distinguishes two types of marriage and wedding rituals among the Slavic tribes, which are symbolically called "matriarchal" and "patriarchal".

patriarchal marriage

Slavic conspiracies excite the minds of many people. As early as the 6th century, the Byzantine writer Mauritius described the manners of the glades. He said that the decency of their women was at the very high level. In his writings, it is written that most wives considered the death of their husband their own end and voluntarily strangled themselves, not wanting to be a widow for the rest of their lives.

Varangians-Rus were characterized by polygamy and patriarchal marriage. IN Ancient Rus' for the bride they took a fee, which was called "veno". The wedding ceremony was called "taking off the groom's shoes." The annals indicate that the bride was always "brought".

matriarchal marriage

Most of the data on pre-Christian customs and rituals can be gleaned from church instructions directed against paganism. They say that during the wedding, the idolaters took the bride to the river, drank a cup in honor of the demons, and then threw belts and rings into the water. And also in these works it is said that the pagans used foul language in the presence of their daughters-in-law and fathers, they did not have weddings, because at the games they took the young women away to themselves, conspiring with them. Very often these people had two or three wives.

The tradition of marriage by the water (well, lake) is confirmed by later ethnographic facts - folk beliefs and a ritual that, after Nikon's reforms, was recreated by some Old Believers.

phallic ritual

It is quite clear that in Ancient Rus' there really was a kind of wedding phallic rite. Undoubtedly, the phallus was used as a witch's sign: it was supposed to give fertility to the earth, and fertility to the newlyweds. Archeology also assures the facts of this morality - male virtues carved from wood were repeatedly found in ancient Russian villages.

It must be assumed that the Old Russian (and probably Slavic) wedding was accompanied by multiple manifestations of sexuality, with the help of which people tried to cause fertility and fertility. A birch-bark Novgorod letter is known, in which the matchmaker announces the marriage with peculiar abusive words: perhaps they are associated with the cult of Mother Earth, with whom the bride was compared. The same charter mentions the old (XII century) wedding ceremony"train".

In Slavic marriages, unusual demonstrations of sexuality were preserved until recently in the form of "shameful" ditties. Apparently, the Russian mat has its roots in the mythological archaic layer and has long been a ritual.

Love Slavic conspiracies were also found among Novgorod birch bark letters: with their help, young men and women tried to attract the attention of the chosen one. In this way they tried to change their fate.


Slavic prayers and conspiracies were used by our ancestors hundreds of years ago. Already in those days, the power and power of the word were known, and magical rites were constant companions of people. Many years have passed, but the spells and prayers of our ancestors are still popular today. Many consider them very effective and powerful. After all, centuries of experience helped to improve the rituals as much as possible.

Slavic magic, conspiracies were very popular among men and women. They often turned to them for help. Various prayers were aimed at winning the battle, mutual love, attracting good luck, successful trading, a good harvest, good health and other areas of life.

Of course, Slavic rituals and conspiracies implied following the basic rules: before the implementation of any ritual, it was necessary to observe the strictest fast for a couple of days. The person had to give up alcohol, meat dishes and tobacco.

It is known that the ancient spells of the Slavs are recited in a whisper so that no one can hear the text, as this can negatively affect the effectiveness of the ceremony. Only a perfectly healthy person could perform the ceremony. It was believed that if a performer with a cold cast a spell, he could get sick even more. Naturally, the effectiveness of the ritual in this case can be forgotten.

The Slavs paid much attention to the condition of the magician's teeth. If he was missing two front teeth, it was argued that he could not do strong conspiracies and spells. When a ceremony was performed for someone, it was forbidden to take payment in money. As a rule, the Slavs used food as a gratitude, which was given from a pure heart after the magic words began to act. Slavic prayers and conspiracies of a positive orientation were read on Friday, Tuesday and Wednesday. These days were considered easy.

Ancient Slavic conspiracies with a negative message always ascended on Mondays and Fridays. The person who performed such rites had to believe without reasoning in the effectiveness of witchcraft influence and in his own strength. The Slavs believed in the strength of spells and resorted to witchcraft in a wide variety of situations. For them, prayers and spells were a productive way of influencing personal life, fellow tribesmen and the result of activity.

Ritual for health

Consider the famous Slavic conspiracies. The protection they provide is undeniable. The ritual for health is a magical conspiracy that is effective tool from various ailments and poor health in general. The ancient Slavs used this prayer to fight various diseases. They read it in a whisper: “In the far side, on an island across the sea lies a white stone. Near the combustible stone stands a man, a father to three sons, a sovereign to all. He takes out his sharp knife, cuts all ailments with it, dryness and aches. So let (person's name) cut off all ailments and diseases, put it under a stone and close it with a key. He will throw the key into the sea, forever and ever. My words are strong, they can be overcome only by one who gnaws a stone with his teeth. So be it!" Slavic prayers for health are read for seven days. Not a single day can be missed. Usually a person begins to recover after two witchcraft sessions.

Prayer for happiness

Slavic brought happiness and prosperity to people's lives. If evil fate pursued a person, he resorted to the help of a spell to correct the situation. This prayer service is effective if its words are pronounced at dawn: “Oh you, oh you, the Most Pure Mother, Mother Lada! Do not leave, do not leave us without love and happiness! Send us your grace, as we glorify and honor you! So be, wake up like that, be like that, while the sun Yarilo shines on us! This text is read seven times in a row. If misfortunes and troubles do not disappear, after fourteen days you can repeat the ritual.

Strong Baby Spell

Slavic rites, conspiracies and divination were very often used to give birth to healthy babies. The birth new soul at all times it was considered almost a magical process. Therefore, for the birth of a strong baby, a prayer service is read today: “Sister sister, Mother Rozhanitsa, hear our prayers, our words. Accept bloodless gifts and grant healthy offspring to a woman in labor (the name of a woman). So that our family thread will never be interrupted. We sing glory to you and invite you to the mansions. From circle to circle, now and forever! Be so!”

This prayer must be repeated three times. This ritual helps a woman give birth to a strong child and makes childbirth quick.

Prayer for insomnia

Conspiracies and spells were used to treat insomnia, which was considered a serious illness. At midnight, a prayer was read for a person who had problems with sleep, putting a hand on his head: “Knock-knock, sleep will come, and ailments will go away. To rest soundly - to dream. Get out of your mind, pass by! Rest sweetly - be healthy! Sleep (person's name)!"

The words of the spell were repeated three times, after which the person fell asleep.

Amulet of the dwelling

Even among the ancient Slavs, the protection of their own home was considered the main occupation. And already in those days there was a large number of various conspiracies and prayers for the amulet of the house. The messages to Domovoy were considered the most effective. People thought that if he was pleased, he would protect the housing for sure. This conspiracy was read in the evening: “Domovoi, grandfather, don’t sleep, watch the house so that evil people bypass, thieves run far away! Watch out, keep everything!”

These words were repeated three times, after which Domovoi was given a treat to appease him.

Ritual to protect the life of a warrior

And conspiracies for fighters? The amulet to save the life of a warrior has the following lines: “Koval, you are a brother! Tin yourself, and your waxed heart, your clay feet, from earth to heaven, do not bite me, dog - let go! We are both from the earth! If I look with the eyes of a brother on you, then your waxed heart will be afraid of me and your legs will give way. You do not pierce my chest, but plow the ground, you do not chop heads, but scare flies. Well, plow the land and measure the groves of emptiness and air space!


Slavs from time immemorial used spells and rituals, some of which we will never reproduce. But we know those conspiracies that people memorized and retold to each other. They are effective, powerful, in harmony with the forces of nature, because our ancestors received energy from there. To enchant love, to find the lost, to expose a liar, to attract wealth - all this and much more is possible if old Russian witchcraft is correctly applied.

Today, some stores sell a book of Slavic conspiracies. It is in it that the magic of the Magi is described, who devoted themselves to interacting with spirits, working with the forces of nature. It is known that strong conspiracies must be pronounced wisely, as they contain tremendous power that can be harnessed. If you use the magical experience of your ancestors, the truth may be revealed to you.

History is silent about the fact that the Slavs used powerful charms. Previously, there were strong magicians - soothsayers of the future. They prayed to their own gods, made bloody sacrifices, knew how to control the forces of nature. Their divination was based on secret rites. The Magi lived far from human settlements, as worldly fuss interfered with them.

Where did they get their strength? The energy of the Sun is considered the most powerful of the natural. Sacrifices were made to this star, prayers were offered. When there were no clouds in the sky during the day, the Magi directly received energy, which they used for various purposes. Thunder and lightning - natural phenomena, carrying a formidable crushing force. Only an experienced, old sorcerer could curb them.

Earth is considered the beginning and end of everything. The Magi walked barefoot in order to constantly feel with the Mother of all things kinship. They knew that all sincere prayers to the Earth would be heard.

wind and water

Today, wind energy is often used by people, but in today's world, the number of open spaces is decreasing, and dry winds are squeezed into the vice of megacities and buildings. In ancient times, whirlwinds walked the earth without barriers, their energy could deliver spells anywhere in an instant.

It is known that the soft power of water is able to heal ailments, carry messages, wash away curses, carry away unhappy love. The Magi kept their rituals in the strictest confidence. If random person saw the ritual, he could pay for it with his life.

Sieve in the rituals of Rus'

A sieve is a household item that embodies the idea of ​​prosperity and fertility. It is associated with the motifs of rain, sun and sky. This item is used in rituals as a keeper of gifts, is an integral part of miracles and the absurd. In folk traditional medicine he plays the role of a talisman, and in divination - an oracle.

Blood in rituals

In folk beliefs, blood is considered the center of life, the abode of the soul, the substance life force. It has a variety of magical and ritual functions, primarily generating. Blood is the basis for central social concepts and institutions ( blood feud(kinship, victim)). Conditional substitutes for this liquid (mainly on the basis of color) are threads, viburnum, wine, linen and other items. This substance correlates with the concept of kinship and gender.


Many people ask: “What are the Vedas of conspiracies? Slavic conspiracies - what is it? represent a circle of ancient documents of the Aryan and Slavic peoples. They include both authored and clearly dated Vedas, as well as oral and recorded relatively recently folk tales, epics, legends, and the like.

In general, Russian writings contain deep knowledge about nature and reflect human history on Earth over the past few hundred thousand years. They also contain predictions about future events for 40,176 years, that is, until our time and another 167 years ahead.

Milk in rituals

Milk among the Slavs was one of the main types of food (along with bread), the object of mythological beliefs, protection, and the Mother's Secret, as a genetic product, was endowed with sacred meaning. Dairy kinship was protected by customary law along with other types of artificial (ritual) kinship (twinning).

Without a doubt, using the technique of the ancient Slavs, you can turn your life into a fairy tale.

Ancient Slavic spells and conspiracies.

Conspiracies and amulets are ancient spells. It is necessary to use conspiracies subject to certain conditions, they are given below: All conspiracies are read in a whisper or silently to oneself - so that no one knows about it, does not know. The conspirator must certainly have intact teeth, otherwise the power of the conspiracy is lost. You can’t throw out more than one word from the conspiracy, and you can’t add words according to your own foresight.

The person pronouncing conspiracies must be non-drinker, non-smoker, with a strong will. Use the conspiracy only for its intended purpose, otherwise the conspirator loses its power. You can’t take money from someone to whom you speak something, all the more so to sell conspiracies. Positive conspiracies are read by easy days(Tuesday, Wednesday, Saturday), negative ones are read on rainy days (Monday, Friday). Accessories used in treatment: oven clay, coal, salt, grains, etc. And the most important rule: a word has power only because it contains a thought. The effect of the conspiracy depends on the ability to make this thought alive.

Saying: "Go" - high, higher (head, mountain); "thief" - to penetrate (gate). Literally penetrate into the higher (head, worlds). With the help of conspiracies, slander, sentences, there is an impact on other people or on the world- in order to achieve a certain state or, on the contrary, to get rid of it.
A conspiracy is what follows a conversation. After all, the speech is accompanied by Thought-images, and certain Actions addressed to a single Goal. A slander is something that is superimposed on a dialect (it is used both in sciences and with any objects - water, amulets, etc.).

In Rus', different actions were clearly distinguished before: to speak, to say,
to say, rekti, bait - this is not the same thing. In speech, for example, unlike speech and silence, rhythm is important. After all, it is with the help of it that penetration occurs (the gates open). Conspiracies are also subdivided into whispering (words are spoken softly) and incantations (words are calling, shouting), and the choice of method depends on the task at hand.

Based on all of the above, we can say that one reading of the plot, without the use of other elements (rhythm, penetration, action, mental images, etc.) is not enough for practical purposes. But even just rhythmic speaking can help practitioners acquire harmony and harmony.

Health Conspiracy:

At sea on Okiyane, on the island of Buyan
The white-flammable stone Alatyr lies.
Near that stone of Alatyr
There is an old mater man, a father to three sons.
As the old mater takes out his damask knife,
He cuts and flogs them all ailments and diseases,
All the aches and dryness of the grandson of Dazhdbozhy [name],
Puts them under the white-combustible stone Alatyr,
Locked with three golden keys
Throws those keys into the blue Ocean Ocean.
Who will gnaw away the white-flammable stone Alatyr,
He will overcome my words!
My words are full of slander, like the Ocean-sea.
My words are strong and firm, like Alatyr-stone! Goy!

Veles conspiracy-amulet:

Tie up, Velese,
Sorcerer and sorceress
Witch and witch
Blackberry and blueberry
Ghoul and Ghoul
On the grandson of Dazhdbozhy [name]
Do not think evil!
From the red girl
From the black widow.
From fair-haired and black-haired,
From red and oblique,
From the one-eyed and the odd-eyed
And from any undead! Goy!


Mother Cheese-Earth!
From you I was born / a, from you the body is complex / a,
You carry me
You feed me
You will soon take me to death.
Mother Cheese-Earth!
Protect me, your child,
Direct the path of Lada!
May my deeds be for Your glory!
I bow down to You! Goy Ma!
(earth bow)


In the name of Svarog, Perun and Veles!
The blood of the ancestors is pure,
Power of Heaven!
Protect, save
Grandson of Dazhdbozhy [name]
From every eye, from a bad hour,
From the female, from the male
From a child, from another,
From joyful, from hateful,
From colloquial, from negotiation!
Let it be so! Goy!


You, Chur Heavenly,
You, Chur Earth,
You, Chur Water!
Forgive and correct me
What is not good!
(earth bow)
You are the red sun
You, the clear moon,
You frequent stars
Forgive and correct me
What is not good!
(earth bow)
You, Gods Family,
You holy ancestors
You, Mother Earth,
Forgive and correct me
What is not good!
(earth bow)


Divi spirits, navi spirits,
We are conjured by the word of the Prophet!
You fly, gather,
Colo salting go!
Pure spirits of the earth!
Pure water spirits!
Pure spirits of fire!
Pure air perfume!
Gather to the place on the red
Protect us, help us!
And others, dissolute spirits, go away -
Where the sun doesn't shine
Where Mother Earth will not give birth,
Where the glory of the Gods is not sung,
Where the right words are not spoken!
Get out of our stake
Lost like hell!
Let it be according to this word! Goy!


In the name of Svarog the Father, the Heavenly Blacksmith,
In the name of Dazhdbog, Trisvetlogo Sun,
In the name of Perun the Thunderer!
You, Svarog, harrow the Truth from Krivda,
You, Dazhdbog, harrow the day from the night,
You, Perun, harrow Yav from Navi!
By the power of Heavenly Fire,
By the power of Fire between Heaven and Earth,
By the power of the Earthly Fire, I conjure!
Let the dark spells burn
Let the sacrilegious nauzes burn,
Let the droughts of Navia burn -
In the Black Fire Hell!
Heaven is the key, Earth is the lock!
May it be as it is said! Goy!

Slavic conspiracies for sleep

1. "God-Svarozhe, bless for a dark night."

2. “Bless, Svarozhe, every hole, crack, all doors and chimneys and underground holes. Goy."

3. “I go to bed, I put the forest from earth to heaven. Through the windows, through the doors, through the vents, through the pipes. Goy."

4. “There is a yar in the sky, a yar on the hem, I am yar with a yar, I go to bed with a yar. Strong amulet, save my age, from winds, from whirlwinds, from vain deaths. Goy."

5. “I go to bed on God's mountains, Svarog himself is in my head, Lada-Mati is at my feet. Grandfathers overhead talking to me. Perun overshadows, drives away enemies. Go, enemies, from windows, from doors, from my bed. Goy."

6. “Ancestors in the windows, fools in the corners. Holy dew on the roof. The circle of my house is iron. Fire is hot from earth to heaven. In each corner there is a scurry, Svarog sits at the very door. On the roof itself, a fire is burning, an iron tyn is standing. No one is available to my house. Goy! (3 times)"

7. “Holy amulet, save my age, save my heart, my body, my blood. Go away, demons of the forest, I have Svarog to help, Velesov's key. I'll lie down, lock myself up, I'm not afraid of anyone. Quiet walls, quiet corners. The corners are sleeping and I (name) went to bed. Goy."

8. “Around our yard, there is a stone mountain, an iron tyn, copper gates. From east to west it is locked by Svarog. Goy! (3 times) "Or:" Around our yard, there is a stone mountain, sealed by Veles from east to west. Goy!

9. "Bless, Svarozhe, the door and the gate on God's holy night."

10. “Bless, Svarozhe, on God’s holy night, all sorts of things, window windows, brevet holes, slits, doors, gates.”

11. "Holy Veles, lower me sleep on a feather on God's holy night"