Social development of preschool age. Tasks of social development of a preschooler. Parents should always see the experiences of their baby, be able to sympathize with him, rejoice or be upset together, provide the necessary assistance in case of difficulties.

Tasmila Butaeva
Social development of children in preschool

The social development of preschoolers in preschool educational institutions is becoming one of the urgent problems of pedagogy. Parents and educators are concerned about what needs to be done so that the child entering this world becomes confident, happy, smart, kind and successful. It depends on how the child adapts in the world of people, whether he can find his place in life and realize his life potential.

Getting into the preschool environment, the child develops life experience: he joins the age norms of behavior, learns in certain ways to get out of difficult situations, learns the boundaries of what is permitted, learns to influence others, has fun, learns the world, himself and others, acquires the skills of independence and the assertion of his social "I".

In addition, the child learns gender - largely thanks to other children.

At the same time, the children's community creates a "psychological shelter" for each child, that is, protection from the adverse effects of the adult world and performs a cultural-protective function, forms life experience, promotes knowledge of the world, oneself and the people around. It forms the image of a student who has a range of important duties and rights, who occupies a different, special position in society, which is expressed in relation to the child's school, educational activities, teachers, and himself.

Therefore, adults are required to have a special pedagogical tact, respect and acceptance of the child, and the creation of a favorable environment. Excessive directiveness, overorganization and captiousness of the teacher can "kill wonderful childishness" ...

The main tasks of the social development of preschoolers have the following content:

formation of knowledge, skills and abilities of interaction with the environment

creating conditions for the child to acquire such qualities as independence, activity, social confidence.

To solve these problems, various forms of work are used:

traditional, during which there is an acquaintance with the phenomena of social life and the objective environment;

creation of subject environment;

work with parents.

How to develop a sense of responsibility in a child

Tips of a social educator.

Responsibility is not given to a person from birth. To be responsible means to make decisions independently and realize the need for action. Discipline and responsibility are different but interrelated qualities of the human personality. Without discipline, there is no responsibility. Discipline means "learning". In fact, this is training in the correct, effective life. Children need to be taught to be disciplined and responsible.

Components of responsibility

1. Understanding the task - knowing what needs to be done.

For example, we say: "clean up your room." And the child solves this problem in his own way. To be clear, parent and child clean the nursery together.

2. To agree with the task, the child must have a choice.

Offer your child an alternative more often: “Will you collect the toys or take apart the books on the table?” “Will you help me vacuum or will you dust?”

If there is a choice, then the sense of responsibility will be manifested in practice.

3. The ability to independently motivate their actions.

To do this, you can use praise, and as you grow older, teach “delayed” rewards, develop a bonus system, etc.

Conditions for developing a sense of responsibility

The development of responsibility is a long process. Parents should allow the child to be independent, help him develop his abilities. And to be independent means to make a choice of one's own free will, to make decisions oneself and bear responsibility for them.

When educating children to be responsible, take into account the fact that every child is unique. You must determine what is most important and acceptable to him.

For this:

understand the nature of your claims, define your goals;

take into account the age characteristics of the child;

take into account character traits;

evaluate the experience of the child, do not ask what he was not taught.

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Social and personal development

The full development of children largely depends on the specifics of the social environment, the conditions of its upbringing, and the personal characteristics of the parents. The immediate environment of the child is considered to be the parents and close relatives, i.e. his family. It is in it that the initial experience of interaction with others is assimilated, during which the child develops social stereotypes. It is them that the child then transfers into communication with a wide circle (neighbors, passers-by, children in the yard and in children's institutions, professional workers). The child's assimilation of social norms, patterns of role-playing behavior is commonly called socialization, which is considered by well-known researchers as a process of social development through a system of various types of relationships - communication, play, cognition.

The social processes taking place in modern society create the prerequisites for the development of new goals of education, the center of which is the personality and its inner world. The foundations that determine the success of personal formation and development are laid in the preschool period. This important stage of life makes children full-fledged individuals and gives rise to such qualities that help a person decide in life, find his worthy place in it.

It should be noted that along with the orientation to the application of knowledge, a characteristic feature of the education of preschoolers was its pronounced social orientation.

Social development, acting as the main task of education, begins during the period of primary socialization in infancy and early childhood. At this time, the child receives the necessary skills in life to communicate with others.

In the future, cultural experience is assimilated, aimed at reproducing by the child historically formed, fixed in the culture of each society, abilities, methods of activity and behavior and acquired by him on the basis of cooperation with adults.

As the children master social reality, the accumulation of social experience, it becomes a subject. However, at the early ontogenetic stages, the priority goal of the child's development is the formation of his inner world, his self-valuable personality.

The behavior of children is somehow correlated with his ideas about himself and about what he should or would like to be. A child's positive perception of his own "I" directly affects the success of his activities, the ability to make friends, the ability to see their positive qualities in communication situations.

In the process of interaction with the outside world, the child is an actively operating world, cognizes it, and at the same time cognizes himself. Through self-knowledge, the child comes to a certain knowledge about himself and the world around him.

Direct training and education of a preschooler occurs through the formation of an elementary system of knowledge in him, streamlining disparate information and ideas. The social world is not only a source of knowledge, but a comprehensive development - mental, emotional, moral, aesthetic. With the correct organization of pedagogical activity in this direction, the perception, thinking, memory and speech of the child develops.

At this age, the child comprehends the world through acquaintance with the main aesthetic categories that are in opposition: truth-falsehood, courage-cowardice, generosity-greed, etc. To get acquainted with these categories, he needs a variety of material for study - this material is contained in fairy tales , folklore and literary works, in everyday everyday life events. By participating in the discussion of various problem situations, listening to stories, fairy tales, performing game exercises, the child begins to better understand the surrounding reality, learn to evaluate his own and others' actions, choose his own line of behavior and interaction with others.

Morality, morality, rules of behavior in society, unfortunately, are not laid down in a child at birth. Not particularly conducive to their acquisition and the environment. Therefore, purposeful systematic work with the child is necessary to organize his personal experience, where he will naturally form in the types of activities available to him:

Moral consciousness - as a system of elementary moral ideas, concepts, judgments, knowledge about moral norms, rules adopted in society (cognitive component);

Moral feelings - feelings and attitudes that these norms cause in a child (emotional component);

The moral orientation of behavior is the real behavior of the child, which corresponds to the moral standards accepted by others (behavioral component).

When playing, the child is always at the junction of the real and the game world, occupies two positions at the same time: the real one - the child and the conditional one - the adult. This is the main achievement of the game. It leaves behind a plowed field on which the fruits of theoretical activity - art and science - can grow.

Children's play is a type of children's activity, which consists in reproducing the actions of adults and the relationship between them, aimed at orientation and knowledge of objective activity, one of the means of physical, mental, mental and moral education of children.

Through the children's subculture, the most important social needs of the child are satisfied:

The need for isolation from adults, closeness with other people outside the family;

The need for autonomy and participation in social change.

In working with children, I suggest using fairy tales of a social nature, in the process of telling which children learn that they need to find friends for themselves, that one can be bored, sad (the fairy tale “Looking for a friend’s truck”); that you need to be polite, be able to communicate using not only verbal, but also non-verbal means of communication (“The Tale of the Rude Mouse”).

And the didactic game acts as a means of comprehensive education of the child's personality. With the help of didactic games, the teacher teaches children to think independently, to use the acquired knowledge in various conditions in accordance with the task.

Many didactic games set the task for children to rationally use the available knowledge in mental operations: to find characteristic features in objects and phenomena of the world around them; compare, group, classify objects according to certain characteristics, draw correct conclusions, generalizations. The activity of children's thinking is the main prerequisite for a conscious attitude to the acquisition of solid, deep knowledge, the establishment of reasonable relations in the team.


1. Bondarenko A.K.

Didactic games in kindergarten: Book. for the teacher of children garden. - 2nd ed., revised. -M. : Enlightenment, 1991.-160s. : ill.

2. Gromova O. E., Solomatina G. N., Kabushko A. Yu.

Familiarization of preschoolers with the social world. - M. : TC Sferv, 2012. - 224 p. (Modules of the DOW Program).

3. Arushanova A. G., Rychagova E. S.

Games-classes with a sounding word: A book for preschool teachers. - M. : TC Sphere, 2012.- 192 p. (Modules of the DOW Program)

4. Cognitive fairy tales for children 4-7 years old. Methodological guide/Comp. L. N. Vakhrusheva. - M.: TC Sphere, 2011.-80 p.

5. Korepanova M. V., Kharlampova E. V. I know myself. Guidelines for the program of social and personal development of preschool children. - M .: Balass, Ed. House of RAO, 2004. - 160 p.

6. Nedospasova V. A.

Grow Playing: Avg. And Art. doshk. age: A guide for educators and parents / V. A. Nedospasova. - 2nd ed. - M .: Education, 2003. - 94 p.

Social development of preschool children

The social development of preschoolers is the awareness and perception of certain values, culture and traditions of their people. The main source of social development is communication. It does not matter at all with whom this communication takes place - with adults or with peers.

In the process of communication, the child learns to live by certain rules, absorbs the existing norms of behavior.

What influences the social development of preschoolers?

The social development of preschoolers is strongly influenced by the environment, namely the street, house and people who are grouped according to a certain system of norms and rules. Each person brings something new to the life of the baby, affects his behavior in a certain way.

The adult serves as a model for the child. The preschooler tries to copy all actions and deeds from him.

Personal development occurs only in society. To become a full-fledged person, the child needs contact with the people around him.

The main source of development of the child's personality is the family. She is a guide that offers the baby knowledge, experience, teaches and helps to adapt to the harsh conditions of life. A favorable home atmosphere, trust and mutual understanding, respect and love are the key to success in the proper development of a person.

Assistance in the social development of preschoolers

The most convenient and effective form of social development of children is the game form. Play until the age of seven is the main activity of every child. And communication is an integral part of the game.

During the game, the child develops both emotionally and socially. He tries to behave like an adult, “trying on” the behavior of his parents, learning to take an active part in social life. In the game, children analyze different ways of resolving conflicts, learn to interact with the outside world.

However, in addition to playing, conversations, exercises, reading, study, observation and discussion are important for preschoolers. Parents should encourage the moral deeds of the child. All this helps the child in social development.

The child is very receptive to everything: he feels the beauty, you can visit the cinema, museums, theaters with him.

It must be remembered that if an adult feels unwell or is in a bad mood, then you should not organize joint events with the child. After all, he feels insincerity and falseness. And therefore can copy this behavior.



Social and moral education is an active purposeful process of a child's entry into the social environment, when moral norms and values ​​are assimilated, the child's moral consciousness is formed, moral feelings and habits of behavior develop.

The upbringing of ethical norms of behavior in a child is a moral problem that has not only social, but also pedagogical significance. The development of children's ideas about morality is simultaneously influenced by the family, the kindergarten, and the surrounding reality. Therefore, teachers and parents are faced with the task of educating a highly educated and well-mannered young generation that owns all the achievements of the created human culture.

Social and moral education at preschool age is determined by the fact that the child forms the very first moral assessments and judgments, he begins to understand what a moral norm is, and forms his attitude towards it, which, however, does not always ensure its observance in real actions. The social and moral upbringing of children takes place throughout their lives, and the environment in which they develop and grow plays a decisive role in the formation of a child's morality.

The solution of the problems of social and moral development is facilitated by the organization of the educational process on the basis of a personality-oriented model, which provides for close interaction of children with a teacher who allows and takes into account the presence of preschoolers' own judgments, suggestions, and disagreements. Communication in such conditions takes the form of dialogue, joint discussion and development of common solutions.

The theoretical foundations of the social and moral education of preschoolers were laid by R. S. Bure, E. Yu. Demurova, A. V. Zaporozhets and others. They identified the following stages of personality formation in the process of moral education:

Stage 1 - the formation of social emotions and moral feelings;

Stage 2 - the accumulation of knowledge and the formation of moral ideas;

Stage 3 - the transition of knowledge into beliefs and the formation on this basis of a worldview and value orientations;

Stage 4 - the transformation of beliefs into concrete behavior, which can be called moral.

In accordance with the stages, the following tasks of social and moral education are distinguished:

Formation of moral consciousness;

Social emotions, moral feelings and attitudes towards different sides of the social environment;

Moral qualities and activity of their manifestation in activities and deeds;

Friendly relationships, the beginnings of collectivism and the collectivist orientation of the personality of a preschooler;

Education of useful skills and habits of behavior.

To solve the problems of moral education, it is necessary to organize activities in such a way as to create maximum conditions conducive to the realization of the possibilities contained in it. Only under appropriate conditions, in the process of various independent activities, does the child learn to use the rules known to him as a means of regulating relations with peers.

The conditions of socio-moral education in kindergarten should be correlated with the conditions for the implementation of other areas of development of children, since it is pivotal for organizing the entire educational process: for example, the integration of lines of social-moral and socio-ecological education of preschoolers.

These components are formed and added into a single system during the following stages of work (according to S. A. Kozlova):


    artistic and introductory,

    emotionally effective.

There are several classifications of methods of social and moral education.

For example, the classification of V. I. Loginova, based on the activation of the mechanism of moral development in the process of education:

Methods for stimulating feelings and relationships (example of adults, encouragement, punishment, requirement).

Formation of moral behavior (training, exercise, management of activities).

Formation of moral consciousness (persuasion in the form of clarification, suggestion, ethical conversations).

The classification of B. T. Likhachev is based on the logic of the process of moral education itself and includes:

Methods of trusting interaction (respect, pedagogical requirements, persuasion, discussion of conflict situations).

Educational impact (clarification, stress relief, actualization of dreams, appeal to consciousness, feeling, will, act).

Organization and self-organization of the educational team in the future (game, competition, uniform requirements).

As methods aimed at understanding the meaning and justice of moral rules by the child, the researchers suggest: reading literature, in which the meaning of the rules is revealed by influencing the consciousness and feelings of a preschooler (E. Yu. Demurova, L. P. Strelkova, A. M. Vinogradova ) ; conversations using a comparison of positive and negative images of characters (L.

P. Knyazev); solving problem situations (R. S. Bure); discussion with children of acceptable and unacceptable ways of behavior in relation to others; viewing plot pictures (A. D. Kosheleva); organization of exercise games (S.

A. Ulitko), games-dramatizations.

The means of social and moral education are:

Familiarization of children with different aspects of the social environment, communication with children and adults;

Organization of children's activities - games, work, etc.,

Inclusion of children in subject-practical activities, organization of collective creative affairs;

Communication with nature;

Artistic means: folklore, music, cinema and filmstrips, fiction, fine arts, etc.

Thus, the content of the educational process may vary depending on the direction of social and moral education (from the formation of the foundations of life safety, social and labor education to patriotic, civil law and spiritual and moral). At the same time, the originality of the process of social and moral education of preschool children lies in the decisive role of the environment and education in the development of the child, in the absence of the principle of interchangeability in the process of moral education and the flexibility of educational influences.


    Bure R.S., Social and moral education of preschoolers. Toolkit. - M., 2011.

    Miklyaeva N. V. Social and moral education of preschoolers. - M.: TC Sphere, 2013.

Features of the development of preschool children

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The childhood of any kid consists of a certain number of different periods, some of them are very easy, and some are quite difficult. Children are constantly learning something new, learning about the world around them. In a few years, the child will have to overcome a lot of crucial stages, each of which becomes decisive in the worldview of the crumbs.

Features of the development of preschool children are that this period is the formation of a successful and mature personality. Preschool development of children lasts for several years, during this period the child needs caring parents and competent teachers, only then the child will receive all the necessary knowledge and skills.

At preschool age, the child enriches his vocabulary, develops socialization skills, and develops logical and analytical skills.

The development of children at preschool age covers the period from 3 to 6 years, each subsequent year you must take into account the characteristics of the child's psychology, as well as methods of getting to know the environment.

Preschool development of a child is always directly related to the play activity of the baby. For the development of personality, story games are necessary, in which the child unobtrusively learns from the people around him in different life situations. Also, the tasks of preschool development of toddlers are that kids need to be helped to realize their role in the whole world, they need to be motivated to succeed and taught to endure all failures with ease.

In the development of preschool children, many aspects must be taken into account, of which five main ones stand out, they need to be developed smoothly and harmoniously along the entire path of preparing the child for school, and for the rest of his life.

The Five Essential Elements of Early Childhood Development

Mental development of preschool children.

This is the development of the child's nervous system and its reflex activity, as well as certain hereditary characteristics. This type of development is primarily influenced by heredity and the close environment of the baby.

If you are interested in the harmonious development of your child, then pay close attention to special trainings that help parents better understand their baby and learn how to interact with him as efficiently as possible. Thanks to such trainings, the child easily goes through preschool development and grows up to be a very successful and self-confident person.

Emotional development.

This type of development is influenced by absolutely everything that surrounds the baby, starting with music and ending with the observation of people who are in the close environment of the child. Also, the emotional development of preschool children is greatly influenced by games and their stories, the place of the child in these games and the emotional side of the game.

cognitive development.

Cognitive development is the process of processing information, as a result of which disparate facts are added to a single store of knowledge. Preschool education of children is very important and requires taking into account all stages of this process, namely: what information the child will receive and how he can process and apply it in practice. For the harmonious and successful development of preschoolers, you need to select information that will:

  • Served from a reputable source by the right people;
  • Suitable for all cognitive abilities;
  • Opened and properly processed and analyzed.

Thanks to the preschool development of children in specialized centers, your child will receive the most necessary information, which will have a very positive effect on his overall development, as well as the development of logical thinking and social skills. In addition, your baby will replenish his baggage of knowledge and rise one more step in his development.

Psychological development of preschool children.

This type of development includes all aspects that are associated with age-related characteristics of perception. At the age of three, the child begins the process of self-knowledge, thinking develops and activity awakens. In any center, teachers will help the baby cope with psychological problems in development, which will contribute to the rapid socialization of the child.

Speech development.

Speech development is individual for each child individually. Parents, as well as teachers, are obliged to help the development of the baby's speech, expand his vocabulary and develop clear diction. The development of children at preschool age will help the child master oral and written speech, the baby will learn to feel his native language and will be able to easily use complex speech techniques, as well as develop the necessary communication skills.

Do not leave the development of the child to chance. You must help the baby become a full-fledged person, this is your direct responsibility as parents.

If you feel that you cannot give all the necessary skills and abilities to your own child, be sure to contact the specialists at the center for the development of preschool children. Thanks to experienced teachers, the child will learn to speak, write, draw and behave in society correctly.


Social and personal development of preschool children

mental development

The development of the baby in society means that he understands the traditions, values ​​and culture of the society in which he is brought up. The child receives the first skills of social development when communicating with his parents and close relatives, then from communicating with peers and adults. He constantly develops as a person, learns what can and cannot be done, take into account his personal interests and the interests of others, how to behave in this or that place and environment.

Social and personal development of preschool children - Features

The social development of preschool children plays a significant role in the formation of personality. Helps the child to become a full-fledged person with his own interests, principles, principles and desires, which should not be ignored by his environment.

In order for social development to occur evenly and correctly, each baby needs communication, love, trust and attention, first of all, from parents. It is mom and dad who can give their baby experience, knowledge, family values, teach the ability to adapt in life to any conditions.

From the first days, newborn babies learn to communicate with their mother: to catch her voice, mood, facial expressions, some movements, and also try to show what they want at a certain point in time. From 6 months to about 2 years old, the baby can already communicate with parents more consciously, can ask for help or do something with them.

The need to be surrounded by peers arises by about 3 years. Children learn to interact and communicate with each other.

Development of children in society from 3 to 5 years. This is the age of "why". Precisely because there are many questions about what surrounds the child, why it happens this way, why it happens and what will happen if ... Children begin to diligently study the world around them and what is happening in it.

Learning takes place not only by examining, feeling, tasting, but also by speaking. It is with its help that a child can receive information of interest to him and share it with the children and adults around him.

Preschool children, 6-7 years old, when communication is personal. The child begins to be interested in the essence of man. At this age, children should always be given answers to their questions, they need the support and understanding of their parents.

Because close people are their main role model.

Social and personal development

The social and personal development of children occurs in several directions:

  • obtaining social skills;
  • communication with children of the same age;
  • teaching the child to be good to himself;
  • development during the game.

In order for a child to treat himself well, it is necessary to create certain conditions that help him understand his significance and value to others. It is important for children to be in situations where they will be the center of attention, they always strive for this themselves.

Also, each child needs praise for their actions. For example, collect all the drawings made by children in the garden or at home, and then show them to guests or other children at family holidays. On the birthday of a child, all attention should be paid to the birthday man.

Parents should always see the experiences of their baby, be able to sympathize with him, rejoice or be upset together, provide the necessary assistance in case of difficulties.

Social factors in the development of a child's personality

The development of children in society is influenced by some aspects that play a significant role in the formation of a full-fledged personality. Social factors of child development are divided into several types:

  • microfactors are family, close environment, schools, kindergartens, peers. What most often surrounds the child in everyday life, where he develops and communicates. Such an environment is also called a microsociety;
  • mesofactors are the place and living conditions of the child, region, type of settlement, ways of communicating with people around;
  • macrofactors are the influence of the country, state, society, political, economic, demographic and environmental processes as a whole on the child.

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All these conditions simultaneously include preschoolers in intensive cognitive and creative activity, which ensures their social development, forms communication skills and the formation of their socially significant personal characteristics.

It will not be easy for a child who does not attend kindergarten to organize a combination of all of the above developmental factors.

Development of social skills

Development of social skills in preschoolers has a positive effect on their activities in life. General upbringing, manifested in graceful manners, easy communication with people, the ability to be attentive to people, try to understand them, sympathize, and help are the most important indicators of the development of social skills. Also important is the ability to talk about your own needs, set goals correctly and achieve them. In order to direct the upbringing of a preschooler in the right direction for successful socialization, we suggest following the aspects of developing social skills:

  1. Show your child social skills. In the case of babies: smile at the baby - he will answer you the same. This will be the first social interaction.
  2. Talk to the baby. Answer the sounds made by the baby with words, phrases. This way you will establish contact with the baby and soon teach him to speak.
  3. Teach your child to be attentive. You should not bring up an egoist: more often let the child understand that other people also have their own needs, desires, worries.
  4. When educating, be kind. In education, stand on your own, but without shouting, but with love.
  5. Teach your child respect. Explain that items have value and should be treated with care. Especially if it's someone else's stuff.
  6. Learn to share toys. This will help him make friends faster.
  7. Create a social circle for the baby. Strive to organize the communication of the baby with peers in the yard, at home, in a children's institution.
  8. Praise good behavior. The child is smiling, obedient, kind, gentle, not greedy: why not praise him? He will consolidate the understanding of how to behave better, and acquired the necessary social skills.
  9. Chat with the child. Teach preschoolers to communicate, share experiences, analyze actions.
  10. Encourage mutual assistance, attention to children. Discuss more often situations from the life of a child: this is how he will learn the basics of morality.

Social adaptation of children

Social adaptation- a prerequisite and the result of successful socialization of a preschooler.

It occurs in three areas:

  • activity
  • consciousness
  • communication.

Field of activity implies a variety and complexity of activities, a good command of each of its types, its understanding and possession of it, the ability to carry out activities in various forms.

Developed areas of communication characterized by the expansion of the child's circle of communication, the deepening of the quality of its content, the possession of generally accepted norms and rules of behavior, the ability to use its various forms and types that are suitable for the social environment of the child and in society.

Developed sphere of consciousness characterized by work on the formation of the image of one's own "I" as a subject of activity, understanding one's social role, and the formation of self-esteem.

During the socialization of the child, along with the desire to do everything as everyone does (mastering generally accepted rules and norms of behavior), a desire is manifested to stand out, to show individuality (development of independence, one's own opinion). Thus, the social development of a preschooler occurs in harmoniously existing directions:

  • socialization
  • individualization.

In the case when, during socialization, a balance is established between socialization and individualization, an integrated process takes place aimed at the successful entry of the child into society. This is social adaptation.

Social maladaptation

If, when a child enters a certain group of peers, there is no conflict between generally accepted standards and individual qualities of the child, then it is considered that he has adapted to the environment. If such harmony is violated, then the child may show self-doubt, isolation, depressed mood, unwillingness to communicate, and even autism. Children rejected by a certain social group are aggressive, non-contact, inadequately evaluating themselves.

It happens that the socialization of a child is complicated or slowed down for reasons of a physical or mental nature, as well as as a result of the negative influence of the environment in which he grows up. The result of such cases is the appearance of asocial children, when the child does not fit into social relations. Such children need psychological help or social rehabilitation (depending on the degree of complexity) for the proper organization of the process of their adaptation to society.


If you try to take into account all aspects of the harmonious upbringing of the child, create favorable conditions for the comprehensive development, maintain friendly relations and contribute to the disclosure of his creative potential, then the process of social development of the preschooler will be successful. Such a child will feel confident, which means he will be successful.

  • about the author


educator MBDOU No. 139

Features of the ethnocultural development of preschoolers.

Oral folk art, musical folklore, folk arts and crafts should be more reflected in the content of education and upbringing of the younger generation now, when samples of mass culture from other countries are actively being introduced into the life, life, worldview of children. And if we talk about the possibility of choosing their life ideals, aesthetic values, ideas by the younger generation, then we must also talk about giving children the opportunity to know the origins of national culture and art.

Didactic game as a socio-cultural phenomenon has its own history and is passed down from generation to generation. Didactic games were created and are being created by adults for the development of children, taking into account their needs, interests and abilities. Children receive the content of the game in finished form and master it as an element of culture.

The key point in assessing the success of the development of a preschooler is the concept of preserving the ideals of national culture and language, which is the basis of ethnic psychology and ethnic pedagogy, its structural component, humanistic orientation through the traditions of educating the modern generation.

Work tasks:

1. To give an analysis of priority approaches to ethnoculture as a psychological and pedagogical phenomenon;

2. Reveal the specifics of the forms of ethnic culture of preschoolers;

3. To study the educational and developmental functions of the didactic game;

4. Conduct an experimental study on the formation of the ethnic culture of preschoolers by means of a didactic game.

There will be social comfort in society if the need for one's native language and culture is satisfied. Ethnoculture - from the words "ethnos", which means "people", and culture (lat.) the totality of material and spiritual values ​​created by human society and characterizing a certain level of development of society, distinguish between material and spiritual culture: in a narrower sense, the term "culture" belong to the sphere of spiritual life of people.

At present, much attention has been paid to education on folk traditions, the dissemination of ideas of ethnopedagogy, familiarization of children with the treasures of folk cultures in order to revive, preserve and develop an inexhaustible source of wisdom and historical experience of the people, the formation of national self-consciousness of children and youth - worthy representatives of their ethnic group, carriers their national culture.

Public education is public education. Throughout history, man has been and remains the object and subject of education.

The experience of education accumulated over the centuries, combined with empirical knowledge tested in practice, forms the core of folk pedagogy. However, it should be taken into account that the pedagogical outlook of the people, formed without professional pedagogical training, on the basis of only empirical knowledge, was to a certain extent spontaneous.

The very process of upbringing, everyday pedagogical contact with children was not always conscious. Under these conditions, the ability of the people to select bit by bit all the best, reasonable, corresponding to the people's ideal in educating a real person is amazing.

Satisfaction of a particular need occurs in the process of activity. The development of the child is non-linear and simultaneously in all directions.

Non-linear due to various reasons, but to a large extent from the lack or lack of knowledge and skills of the child in the relevant area of ​​self-improvement. To feel and comprehend the importance of observing ethical rules, to determine one's moral position will help the purposeful activity of the educator, which can be organized systematically.

The need directs this activity, literally looking for opportunities (objects and ways) of its satisfaction. It is in these processes of satisfaction of needs that the appropriation of experience of activity takes place - socialization, self-development of the individual. The processes of self-development occur spontaneously, spontaneously (accidentally). And self-education is the second, inner part of the process - the subjective mental activity of the child; it occurs at the intrapersonal level and represents the perception, certain processing and appropriation of external influences by the personality.

At preschool age, it is necessary to organize such a dominant in the formation of the foundations of socialization in the formation and development of the child's personality. And at the moment, in our opinion, the dominant will be the ethno-cultural education of preschool children, since the educator, an adult who has missed this moment in education, will become a person in adult life who does not have beginnings, the basis of his nature.

It is necessary to teach young people the culture of interethnic relations, relying on knowledge, showing wisdom and tact, and folk pedagogy can provide invaluable assistance in this, everything progressive, advanced in folk pedagogy crosses its national borders, becomes the property of other peoples, thus the pedagogical treasures of each nation are all more enriched by creations that acquire an international character.

Therefore, from an early age it is necessary to lay the foundations of ethnocultural education in the formation and development of the child's personality.

Features of the social and personal development of preschool children.

Social and personal development is the development of a child's positive attitude towards himself, other people, the world around him, the communicative and social competence of children. At present, the most important basis for the full-fledged social and personal development of the child is his positive sense of self: confidence in his abilities, that he is good, that he is loved.

Much attention at the senior preschool age is paid to the formation of a holistic self-image: the teacher encourages children to listen to their own feelings, to talk about their feelings and experiences. The organized joint activities of the teacher and children are aimed at finding the child's place in the society of peers, highlighting his own I, opposing himself to others, taking an active position in various social relations, where his I acts on an equal footing with others. This provides the child with the development of a new level of his self-awareness, solves the problems of social and moral development and education of preschoolers. The child learns to understand that his acceptance by others depends on his acceptance by others. Self-knowledge, an adequate attitude towards oneself give rise to the need for a value attitude towards people around. At preschool age, the role of emotional experiences that a child receives as a result of living a moral situation and making a moral choice is very important. The teacher creates conditions for the formation of the experience of moral activity in the older preschooler.

The main qualities that determine the successful social and personal development of a preschooler are:

Positive attitude of the child towards himself (adequate self-esteem, formed self-awareness, self-confidence);

Positive attitude towards other people (adequate interpersonal relationships with adults and peers, built on the basis of cooperation, mutual responsibility);

Value orientations; communication skills (adequate communication with adults and peers);

Social skills (appropriate behavior in a variety of situations).

Self-esteem, which determines the attitude towards oneself, is an important link in the concept of the child, which is formed only if the child is not only an object, but also a subject of evaluation activity. From the point of view of I.I. Chesnakova (1977), the formation of a person's attitude towards himself in the process of any activity is most significantly influenced by his own achievements and self-esteem. In addition, in the process of self-assessment of the individual, his own assessment is correlated with the public and assessment of those members of the team whose opinion, due to certain reasons for the individual, is significant. As for the concept of the child, at preschool age it is still poorly structured and has great plasticity. Starting from the age of 4, the child has the first ideas about what he can become. The cognitive activity of the child, the main driving force of which is curiosity, becomes unusually energetic and persistent. The child can already move freely and speaks enough to ask questions and comprehend the answers received. It is extremely important that parents do not suppress the cognitive activity of the child. E. Eriksoe considers the main danger of this period to be the possibility of a child feeling guilty for his curiosity and activity, which can suppress the sense of initiative. The concept as a psychological neoplasm becomes apparent in the case: - when the child's self-esteem is formed as a result of identifying traits of difference from other people, rather than with the establishment of some of their own unique features; - when a child develops the ability to reflect and he begins to be aware of how other people perceive him. For the "crystallization" of the Concept, the most important moment is when the child begins to speak the language relatively fluently. An indicator of the growing sense of one's own individuality is the use of the pronoun "I" by the child. The meaning of a proper name in the concept of a child. Even before the child begins to speak, he already knows his name and responds to it. Later, the name is included by him in the "Image" and is used as a means of self-actualization.

Self-actualization - the desire of the individual in his development to most fully manifest and use his talents, abilities, opportunities, etc. in his activities. Self-actualization (in the concepts of humanistically oriented psychologists) occupies one of the primary places among the fundamental needs in the structure of the needs of the individual. Self-attitude is formed in the game, communication and other activities of the child. The game is a plot and role-playing embodiment of the "perspective" Image of the child, so we can say that the game manifests his self-esteem. At the same time, the game indicates the child's readiness for self-regulation, i.e. the regulatory function of self-esteem develops. In general, the formation of positive self-esteem occurs in activities that are significant for the child, i.e. such activities that are associated with a clear focus on the result and where this result appears in a form accessible to the child's independent assessment (V.A. Gorbacheva, R.B. Sterkina). The image of himself is formed in the child and the conditions of interaction of his individual experience and communication with other people. The formation of an image in a child begins long before preschool age, since by the age of three many children already have fairly clear and accurate ideas about their capabilities. Representations that arise in a child only on the basis of his individual experience are characterized by instability and fuzziness and may not be taken into account by the child under the influence of the evaluative influences of an adult. As children develop, these ideas become more and more solid, stable, and at the age of five to seven, the assessments of others are accepted by the child only to a certain extent, being refracted through the prism of those results and conclusions that are prompted to him by his personal experience. The most important function of the child's individual experience is to provide the cognitive part of the self-image with actual knowledge about himself, his abilities and capabilities. The evaluative influences of adults on a child contain both emotional and cognitive elements, therefore, they not only direct his attention to the good and bad sides of his own behavior, but also become a model for building ideas about himself. In these respects, the nature of the adult's evaluative influences is of decisive importance in the process of forming a preschooler's ideas about his abilities. Underestimation of adults has the most negative effect on the accuracy of children's determination of the results of their actions. It causes mistrust, disputes, disagreement and even refusal of activities in children. An overestimation of adults has a twofold effect on the behavior of a preschooler: it can distort the child's ideas in the direction of exaggerating the results of his actions; or, on the contrary, mobilizes his strength, stimulates the optimism and confidence of the child in achieving good results. Information about his abilities, which a preschooler accumulates in individual experience, becomes constructive material for the formation of the Image in the case when it is confirmed in the experience of his communication with others. That is why the role of the adult's precise evaluative influences in the formation of the child's objective ideas about himself is so great. The experience of communicating with adults is for the child the main source of evaluative influences, under the influence of which he forms his attitude towards the real world, himself and other people. The dependence of a preschooler's behavior on the evaluative influences of an adult is inversely proportional to the age of the children: the younger the child, the less critically he perceives the opinions of adults and the less his ideas about his capabilities are based on specific results of activity. In older preschool age, an adult remains the same authority for the child as for the baby, however, the assessments of the preschooler are more refracted through the prism of the results and conclusions that prompt the child's individual experience. The younger the preschooler, the less significant are peer assessments for him. In the process of forming a child's ideas about his abilities, the experience of communicating with peers is primarily a context for comparison with "beings similar to himself" and serves as the basis for acquiring the basic skills of collective life. In addition, communication with peers is at the same time a means of mutual exchange of evaluative opinions, thanks to which the child gets the opportunity to see himself through the eyes of his peers. The formation of accurate representations of the child about himself involves a harmonious combination of his individual experience and those assessments and knowledge about himself that the child accumulates through communication with other people. If this harmony is disturbed as a result of the scarcity of individual experience or due to favorable conditions for the child to communicate with others, then his ideas about himself begin to gradually distort towards overestimation or underestimation. Attitude towards others, communication and social skills develop in the process of interaction with people around the child . In early childhood and early preschool age, the child productively communicates mainly with adults. From the age of 3-4, the proportion and importance of the child's contacts with other children begin to gradually increase, and by the end of preschool age, these contacts begin to play a leading role in organizing the child's behavior. At 2-3 years old, most of the time children play on their own, they are engaged in individual objective activities. At the same time, they can comment on their actions aloud, give themselves instructions, that is, use egocentric speech. At the same time, children observe what is happening in the group, and show particular interest in the relationship between the teacher and another child. Thus, the number of situations of a child's individual activity exceeds the number of situations of his communication with someone approximately twice, 2-3 year old children communicate mainly with an adult. This communication of the child takes the form of appeals to an adult in case of any difficulties or for a game purpose (for example, they hold out a toy and then hide it behind their backs). For three-year-old children, these appeals are also associated with the requirement to evaluate the results of their activities. The child's appeals to peers are very rare and short-lived. Children actively resist interference from other children in their play. Contacts between them, as a rule, are conflicting, and mainly because of toys. Children practically do not turn to each other for accompaniment, but at the same time, already at this age, elements of cooperation can be noticed in the character and behavior of the child. So, children can observe the objective activity of another child and try to "help" - they give him a suitable toy, detail. If this does not significantly disrupt the child's play, then such a "joint" action goes smoothly, without conflicts (Kharin S.S., 1988). After four years, the number of contacts with peers and joint games increases rapidly, with the development of language, the child develops the ability to set goals, as well as the ability to assess the personal qualities of other people and sensitivity to them. The personal properties of the child begin to act as an essential factor regulating the relationship between children, and the act of the individual becomes one of the most important objects for evaluation. The age of 3-7 years is the “initial period of personality formation”, during which “for the first time a set of basic properties is created that determines the status of the child in the group” (Rybalko E.F., 1990). Starting from this age, the assessment of the child's personal qualities becomes important, and positive personal qualities become one of the motives for children choosing each other for joint activities and communication. Children create their own world, their own subculture, in which, of course, they reproduce typical roles and relationships between adults. But at the same time, there are specific areas that go unnoticed by adults and are carefully protected from their invasion, making up the children's "secret world" (Osorina M.V., 1999). In the course of social interaction, the child develops a system of values ​​and value orientations. The child learns to regulate his social behavior and relationships with people in accordance with the system of values ​​accepted in society. In this regard, the person makes appropriate demands on himself, self-evaluation takes place, and in a situation of inconsistency, sanctions are imposed on himself. Thus, socially oriented self-regulation occurs: negative self-esteem in violation of social norms plays the role of internal sanctions, and a negative assessment of the other is one of the forms of external sanctions. The main psychological factor of moral self-regulation is self-consciousness, and the motive that prompts a person to comply with social norms is the desire to maintain the original positive self-image. Thus, the content of a positive image includes such a characteristic as observance of moral norms and principles. At the end of preschool age, the child manifests an image-mediated self-regulation of moral behavior, that is, there is a stratification of the image into the Real and the Self - the potential. Already five-year-old children have the ability to control their behavior in connection with situations of moral choice. After five years, children are keenly interested in the norms and rules of human relationships, their behavior and quite consciously follow the norms and situations of moral choice, which is reflected in the studies of S.N. Karpova and L.G. Lysyuk (1986), as well as E.V. Subbotsky (1977). The child's ideas about the social world are formed on the basis of the knowledge that he receives. Knowledge can perform different functions in the social experience formed in children. One of the functions is informative, that is, knowledge carries information about different aspects of social reality. The child begins to navigate in the world around him. “Children's thought in this period,” writes D.B. Elkonin - is aimed at differentiation and generalization of the phenomena of reality. On this basis, the first general ideas about natural and social phenomena arise. Information about social reality, about facts, events, phenomena, as a rule, evokes some relation in the child, affects not only his mind, but also his soul. The kid experiences events, rejoices at them or is upset, gives them a moral assessment of "good or bad." Preschoolers are characterized by the phenomenon of “anticipatory attitude”, when knowledge is not yet accurate, incomplete, and the attitude towards the phenomenon, the fact is already taking shape. Unlike other knowledge that a child receives, knowledge about the social world, about people, their relationships, and activities must necessarily be emotional, generating emotions. They must be colored with feeling, carry the potential that generates emotions, since the main purpose of such knowledge is to influence the emerging worldview, attitude and active-effective attitude towards the environment. The influence of the emotional function on the child is manifested in interest in the object being studied, in vivid expressive reactions (laughs, cries), in requests to repeat many times (reading a fairy tale, etc.). The preschooler, as it were, enjoys the impressions and emotions that overwhelm him. This state is extremely important for the education of social feelings, their development. Some social feelings are completely inaccessible to the child (a sense of duty, national pride, patriotism, etc.). Not always children can understand the reason for the grief or joy of adults, that is, the child does not have the whole gamut of human feelings. Preschool children emotionally, with great interest, perceive knowledge about the heroism of adults during wars (regulatory function - it seems to project knowledge onto specific actions and activities). The regulatory, incentive function is manifested in the enrichment of the emerging ideal of the child. As the preschooler becomes aware of them, they turn from distant to close, from obscure to clear (N.N. Podyakov), available for implementation in actions and activities. This function is manifested in the desire of children to reflect them in games, visual, speech activities. This position has been proven in a number of studies (R.I. Zhukovskaya, D.V. Mendzheritskaya, L.V. Kompantseva, T.A. Markova, N.V. Melnikova, etc.). Activity is an important condition for introducing a preschooler to social reality and personality development. Activity, especially joint activity, is a kind of school for the transfer of social experience. Not in words, but in deeds, the child sees and understands how adults interact with each other, what rules and norms make interaction enjoyable. The child has the opportunity in the process of joint activities with adults and peers to observe them in natural conditions. In activity, the child is not only the object of education, but also the subject of this process. A preschooler learns empathy, experience, masters the ability to show his attitude and reflect it in various forms and products of activity accessible to age. The game gives the child accessible ways of modeling the life around him, which make it possible to master the reality that is difficult for him to reach (A.N. Leontiev). The most significant events are reflected in the child's games, they can be used to trace what worries society, what ideals are formed in children. Reflecting in the game the events of the surrounding world, the preschooler, as it were, becomes their participant, gets acquainted with the world, acting actively. He sincerely experiences everything that he imagines in the game. (12) Visual activity contributes to the creative processing of the impressions that the child receives from the surrounding life. Researchers of children's fine arts (E.A. Flerina, N.P. Sakulina, E.I. Ignatiev, T.S. Komarova, T.G. Kazakova and others) note the determining relationship between the social reality in which the child lives, and his desire to reflect this reality in drawing, modeling, and appliqué. Children do not copy perceived phenomena, but, using visual means, show their attitude to the depicted, their understanding of life. Of course, the level of development of visual activity skills does not allow preschoolers to adequately reflect what is observed. However, children compensate for their inability with an emotional story about the content of their drawings, actions. The preschooler, as it were, connects drawing with the game, drawing, sees himself as a participant in what he depicts. By manipulating objects, the child learns about their properties, qualities, and then their purpose and functions, masters operating systems (objective activity). This activity helps to navigate the world around, generates a sense of confidence that the world is controlled and subject to it. The social experience of the child enriches the development of labor activity. A preschooler early begins to pay attention to the labor activities of an adult. It attracts the way the mother washes the dishes, the way the father repairs the chair, etc. It contributes to the development of the child's volitional qualities, the development of creativity, the formation of the ability to make efforts to achieve the goal, and also acquires a sense of confidence for the preschooler. Observation occupies a special place in the child's cognition of the social world. Often, observation is carried out by a preschooler unconsciously. The process of observation is always active, even if outwardly this activity is weakly expressed. It is from observation that the preschooler draws material for the emerging worldview, it (observation) stimulates the development of cognitive interests, gives rise to and consolidates social feelings, and prepares the ground for actions. Communication unites a child and an adult, helps an adult to convey social experience to a preschooler, and a child to accept this experience. Communication is able to satisfy the various needs of the child: in closeness with an adult, in his support and appreciation, in cognition, etc. Educational activity is born at preschool age. In the process of learning in the classroom, the child has the opportunity to acquire knowledge under the guidance of an adult who organizes the communication of knowledge, and controls their development by children, and makes the necessary correction. Usova A.P. highlighted the features of learning: teaching with a word; the word must be based on the child's direct perception of reality, his sensory experience; learning should affect the child's emotions, evoke an emotional attitude, promote the activity of children in the assimilation of knowledge; training is organized by an adult and takes place under his direct supervision.

Thus, in early childhood, the child continues to learn about himself in parallel with the knowledge of the world around him. In this process, self-consciousness performs a central and regulatory function. The child is aware of the desires and actions that are regulated by his personal norms (in accordance with his understanding of the moral requirements and rules of behavior transmitted to him by adults). The child is able to evaluate himself, realizing to some extent the correspondence of his own qualities and actions to certain expectations or requirements of others. The self-concept of the child continues to be formed through his interaction with others. As the child becomes socially receptive, his self-concept becomes more differentiated and more complex. To a large extent, the content of the image - I of the child is a product of the process of socialization. In the development of the I - the concept of a preschooler, the child's primary awareness of himself becomes a complex and relatively stable system of his self-perception: the child is aware of the features of his body, his physical capabilities, identifies himself with a certain gender, perceives himself as a member of a social group. The developed personality neoplasms of the child in the preschool period are early manifestations of empathy and self-control, which in turn largely determine the moral orientation and behavior of the child at this stage of his age development. At preschool age, the first ethical instances arise: moral consciousness and moral assessments are formed, moral regulation of behavior is formed, social and moral feelings are intensively developed. Thus, each type of activity contributes to the process of socialization of the individual in accordance with its specificity and, therefore, is important both in itself and in interconnection with other types.

Material Description: I offer you an article on pedagogical topics in the section "Modern trends in the development of preschool education" (from personal experience) on the topic "Social development of preschoolers." This material is useful in the work of educators, methodologists and contains information that can be used at parent meetings, teachers' councils, etc.

Preschool age is a time of active socialization of the child, the development of communication with adults and peers, the awakening of moral and aesthetic feelings. The kindergarten is designed to provide the child with harmonious interaction with the world, the right direction of his emotional development, and awaken good feelings.

The child looks at the world around him with wide eyes. He wants to know it, to feel it, to make it his own. And we educators help a little person to become a Man with a capital letter. In close interaction "child-adult" and the social development of the child's personality takes place. And the more consciously an adult organizes this process - an educator, a parent, the more effective it will be.

Social development is one of the directions of modern preschool education. For the successful implementation of its goals, teachers need a high level of professional competence. In our kindergarten, the programs “I am a Man” (S.I. Kozlova and others), “Fundamentals of a Healthy Lifestyle” (N.P. Smirnova and others) are widely used. These programs guide educators to: goals:

To create conditions for the full social development of children;

Think over the types and forms of pedagogical activity, including special classes that form self-confidence, self-esteem, a positive attitude towards the world, understanding the emotional state of people around, the need for empathy, etc.

Determine the level of development of each child on the basis of special indicators (interest in oneself, interest in peers, in a kindergarten group, etc.).

In the “I am a Human” program, social development is interpreted as a problem of understanding the social world, and the authors of the “Fundamentals of a Healthy Lifestyle” program are interested in the problem of social adaptation of children, taking into account the realities of the modern world.

The purpose of my work in this direction- to reveal the world around the child, to form his ideas about himself as a representative of the human race; about people, about their feelings, actions, rights and obligations; about different human activities; about space; finally, about what was once, what we are proud of, etc. and so on. In other words, to form a worldview, one's own "picture of the world".

Of course, a preschooler is not yet able to purposefully educate himself, but attention to himself, an understanding of his essence, an understanding that he is a person, a gradual awareness of his capabilities will help the child learn to be attentive to his physical and mental health, through himself learn to see other people, understand their feelings, experiences, actions, thoughts.

The main task is the gradual introduction of the child into understanding the essence of the social world. Naturally, the speed of assimilation of the material and the depth of its knowledge are very individual. Much depends on the gender of the child, on the nature of the social experience he has accumulated, on the characteristics of the development of his emotional and cognitive spheres, etc. The task of the educator is to focus not only on the age of the preschooler, but also on the actual mastering of the material. Using games, activities, exercises with varying degrees of complexity, in order to select what best suits the level of development of a particular child so that he masters the material individually.

The content of games, exercises, classes, tasks for observations, experiments depends on the creativity and professionalism of the teacher. For example, in the game "What is he like" we teach children to listen to the intonation of the speaker and determine his state of mind by intonation. And in the “Interesting Minute” exercise, we invite the children to remember and tell what remarkable thing they noticed during the day (a good deed of a friend, helping an adult, etc.) and comment on this event.

In accordance with the content of the material, its features, the main activity of the child, the most adequate to the task being implemented, is determined. In one case, it can be a game, in another - work, in the third - classes, cognitive activities. Forms of work - collective, subgroup, individual.

Particular attention is paid to the organization and style of educational work, since it is this process that is the basis and indicator of the success of solving problems for the social development of preschoolers. The orientation of educational work: the child should feel confident, protected, happy, convinced that he is loved, that his reasonable needs are satisfied in the preschool educational institution. The kindergarten is his home, so he knows the premises well, freely and independently orients himself in this space. Together with the children, we equip our group, they help, say, to make manuals, toys, meet and see off guests, etc. If the child is mistaken in something, we suggest, but in such a way as to once again arouse interest.

In our group, places are allocated not only for solitude - to draw alone, look at a book, think, dream, but also for collective games, activities, experiments, work. In general, the atmosphere of employment, meaningful communication, research, creativity, and joy should reign in the group.

The child knows not only his duties, but also his rights. In an environment where the teacher pays attention to each pupil, he is nevertheless not isolated from other children - they are united by interesting joint activities. Relationships with adults are trusting, friendly, but not equal. The child understands: he still does not know much, he does not know how. An adult is educated, experienced, so you need to listen to his advice, words. However, at the same time, the child knows that not all adults are educated, that the behavior of many does not at all correspond to moral principles (and this is not hidden from him). The child learns to distinguish positive deeds from bad ones.

Our goal is to give initial ideas, to arouse interest in self-knowledge, the desire and ability to analyze one's actions, actions, feelings, thoughts. At the same time, we must not forget for a moment: the listener is a preschooler, an emotional, spontaneous being. The story (conversation) of the teacher is simple, arises naturally (on a walk, in the evening, before eating, while washing, etc.). We try to arouse interest in the child, the desire not only to answer us, but also to ask questions himself. We are in no hurry to answer his questions. A joint search through observations, experiments, reading books will lead to the correct answer indirectly. We support in the preschooler the confidence that he himself will certainly find the correct answer, think of it, solve a difficult task for himself.

Work on social development can be started already with the younger group, gradually complicating its content. It is interesting for younger preschoolers to include themselves in the surrounding reality through play activities. Accordingly, considering one's "I" as a part of "adult" reality allows one to form an idea of ​​oneself, one's capabilities, to cultivate initiative and independence, to develop activity and self-confidence. Already in the younger group, children are actively involved in games - imitations. Kids imitate the actions of different animals, and also convey the images of animals and their cubs. According to my show and independently in movements and facial expressions, they reproduce different moods of animals (kind - evil, cheerful - sad) and their images. For example: a small fast mouse and a big clumsy bear.

Our constant assistant in the social development of children is the family. Only in cooperation with close adults can high educational results be achieved. We try to interest the parents of our pupils, for example, with the desire to instill in children love for their ancestors. We are trying to revive a valuable tradition - to be proud of our pedigree, to continue its best traditions. In this regard, individual conversations are useful, the purpose of which is to draw the attention of the child to his own family, to teach her to love, to be proud of her.

Interaction with the family is effective only when we and the parents trust each other, understand and accept the common goals, methods and means of social development. Showing parents their sincere interest, kind attitude towards the child, the desire to promote his successful development allows us to become the basis of our joint efforts with the family and help the child to establish contacts with the social world.

The basis for the accumulation of positive experience is an emotionally comfortable climate in the group and meaningful, personally oriented interaction between the educator and the children.

A living example of a teacher, his sincere participation in the affairs and problems of children, the ability to support their initiative and encourage them to show good feelings are the most important conditions for the successful social development of preschool children. So, the social development of preschoolers is manifested in the humanistic orientation of their activity, in the desire to express their attitude to the world in accordance with the cultural traditions accepted in society.

The social function of a preschool educational institution is to provide conditions that develop in children a positive attitude towards themselves, other people, the world around them, communicative and social competence.

In the Draft State Standard for Preschool Education social and personal development is considered as a complex process during which the child learns the values, traditions, culture of the society or community in which he will live.

Methodological basis this problem is the situation

philosophy about the relationship between man and society, considering a person as a value (apological approach), about the active role of a person in transforming the world around him and himself. In the pedagogy of preschool childhood, the solution of these problems is associated with the formation of value orientations, moral qualities of the child, which constitute the spiritual basis of his personality.

The modern psychological and pedagogical literature shows the main lines of the child's social development, the content of pedagogical work, the technology for the formation of the social world of children, the task of adults is to help children enter the modern world. The formation of social behavior is impossible without the recognition by teachers and parents of the uniqueness of each child, taking into account gender, individuality, age-related characteristics of his psyche.

Difficulties in the social development of children are explained by the fact that children live in the adult world, experience social and economic inequality, lack of a culture of communication and relationships between people, kindness and attention to each other. Unfavorable variants of the manifestation of social behavior often arise under the influence of the observed negative actions of the surrounding people, the influence of a number of

TV shows.

Psychological foundations social development are revealed in the works of L.S. Vygotsky, A.V. Zaporozhets, A.N. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinstein, D.B. Elkonina, M.I., Lisina, G.A. Repina etc.

According to L.S. Vygotsky, the social situation of development is nothing but a system of relations between a child of a given age and social reality. The social development of the child in society occurs in the course of joint, partnership activities with adults. Many psychologists distinguish the role of the child's cooperation with the people around him in assimilating the achievements of social experience, mastering moral norms and rules of behavior. The social development of the child also occurs in communication with peers (Ya.L. Kolominsky, M.I. Lisina, V.S. Mukhina, T.A. Repina, B. Sterkina). In the monograph by T.A. Repina revealed the features of the socio-psychological characteristics of the kindergarten group and its socializing role in the development of the child; the dependence of the nature of children's relationships on the style of communication with them by teachers is shown.

"Children's Society" (A.P. Usova's term), or a kindergarten group, is the most important socializing factor. It is in the group of peers that the child shows his activity, acquires the first social status (“star”, “preferred”, “rejected”). The criteria for fixing a sign of social status are the basic personality traits (competence, activity, independence, freedom of behavior, creativity, arbitrariness).

Results of T.A. Repina, L.V., Gradusova, E.A. Kudryavtseva indicate that the psychological sex of the child develops intensively at preschool age.

This is manifested in the formation of sex-role preferences and interests that are different for boys and girls, as well as behavior in accordance with sex-role standards accepted in society. The main reason for the process of sexual socialization is the different socio-pedagogical requirements for boys and girls on the part of parents and teachers. In modern educational programs ("Childhood". -1995; "Origins" -2001: "Rainbow" - 1989), methods of a differentiated approach have been developed depending on the gender of the child.

peer group for the child - a source of many positive emotions. It corrects the child's self-esteem, the level of claims. Comparison of oneself with other children, assessment of behavior by peers, provides the basis for positive self-realization of a growing personality. The relationship of the child with the group ("children's society") is mediated through social emotions, which are one of the most important stages of socialization, thus determining the process of entry of the individual into society. In the works of A.V. Zaporozhets. A.N. Leontiev, A.D. Kosheleva. A.V. Neverovich, L.S. Vygotsky, N.N. Ryabonedel and others show the regulatory role of social emotions, their relationship with the incentive motives of the child's behavior. The development of social emotions involves not only the mastery of social competence (as the amount of knowledge about the norms and rules of behavior, evaluative categories, cultural symbols), but also the development of attitudes towards this knowledge, which can be called socio-emotional standards. In a number of psychological and pedagogical studies conducted under the guidance of T.D. Martsinkovskaya, it was revealed that a high level of development of social emotions in preschoolers positively correlates with a high level of intelligence; with the leading position of the child in the kindergarten group. It has been established that social emotions affect the nature of communication between preschoolers and peers. Thus, in the social development of a child, it is very important to pay professional attention to the psychological mechanisms of the formation of social emotions. The pedagogical value of solving this problem lies in the fact that social emotions not only facilitate the process of the child entering the world of the group, but also the process of self-awareness (I-image), their relationships, feelings, states, experiences.

Psychological and pedagogical foundations are revealed in modern Child social development concepts preschool age, presented in the works of S.A. Kozlova. Let us give a brief description of this concept. The main concepts of the concept: social experience, social feelings, social reality, social world, social development, socialization of the individual, social "portrait" of the environment. There are hierarchical links between these concepts. As noted by S.A. Kozlova, a child, born in social world, begins to cognize him from what is close, what surrounds him, i.e. With social reality, with which he interacts. The social “portrait” of the environment evokes different emotions and feelings in the child. Even without knowing in detail and meaningfully about the social world, the child already feels, empathizes with him, perceiving the phenomena and objects of this world. That is, social feelings are primary, social experience accumulates gradually, social competence is formed, which forms the basis of social behavior of social assessments, awareness, understanding, acceptance of the world of people and leads to social development and socialization.

Socialization is considered by S.A. Kozlova in the trinity of its manifestations: adaptation to the social world; Adoption social world as a given; ability and need change, transform social reality and the social world.

An indicator of a socialized personality is its orientation (orientation) to other people and to itself. The task of the teacher is to form in children an interest in another person, in the world of his work, his feelings, in his characteristics as a person. Self-knowledge includes the formation of interest in oneself "I" physical. "I" emotional, etc.

In the process of socialization, there is also a contradictory understanding of the relationship between the national and planetary components. Position S.A. Kozlova is that children need to develop interest and respect for other people, the ability to be tolerant of children and adults regardless of social origin, race, nationality, language, gender, age. Planetarity, the feeling of being an inhabitant of the planet Earth, must be combined with the awareness of one's belonging to a particular culture.

Thus, the methodological part of the concept of social development of the personality of a child of preschool age includes the following concepts:

Initial focus on the person;

The primacy of the emotional perception of the social world;

Knowing yourself as awareness, finding your place in the world of people;

Mastering the values ​​of the world in order to realize oneself in it;

Socialization as a triadic process.

The concept contains a technological part. Includes several provisions:

The process of socialization by mechanism coincides with moral education (the formation of ideas, feelings, behavior);

Socialization is a two-way process, it occurs under the influence from the outside (society) and is impossible without a response from the subject.

This concept is implemented in the program of S.A. Kozlova "I am a Man": A program for introducing a child to the social world. - M., 1996, as well as in the guidelines. Social development is also represented in comprehensive educational programs. In the program "Origins" (2001), the section "Social development" is specially allocated, this section includes the characteristics of age opportunities, tasks, content and conditions of pedagogical work. Social development begins from the first days of a child's life, covers a wide age spectrum: from younger to older preschool age.

The basis of social development is the emergence of a sense of attachment and trust in adults, the development of interest in the world around us and oneself. Social development creates the basis for the assimilation of moral values ​​by children, ethically valuable ways of communication. The formed interpersonal relations, in turn, become the moral basis of social behavior, the formation of a sense of patriotism in children - love for their native land, native country, affection, devotion and responsibility towards the people inhabiting it. The result of social development is social confidence, interest in self-knowledge, education of the child to himself and other people.

In the educational program "Childhood" (St. Petersburg, 1995), the social and emotional development of a preschooler is considered as the central direction of the educational process in a modern preschool educational institution. The content of the section "A child in the circle of adults and peers" implements the components of social experience: axeological (value), cognitive, communicative and behavioral-active components. The kindergarten teacher needs to ensure a single process of socialization - the individualization of the personality of a preschooler through the child's emotional acceptance of himself, his self-worth and his connection with the social world. The process of socialization is carried out in the following areas: social adaptation - social orientation - social competence - social and moral orientation. The result of social and moral development is the general and personal socialization of preschool children. During preschool age, the child develops a sense of self-respect, self-esteem, an optimistic attitude.

Research by T.A. Repina allows teachers to clearly define opportunities of "children's society" (groups) For social development children:

* function of general socialization. Children receive the first social experience of group communication, interaction, cooperation, the experience of association. As a rule, this happens in gaming, labor, artistic and aesthetic, constructive and construction, and other types of activity;

* function of intensification of the process of sexual socialization and sexual differentiation.

Starting from the age of 5, children prefer peers of their gender in communication, in joint activities, in the system of group relations;

* informational function and function of the formation of value group orientations DOW. Here the role of the subculture of childhood, the features of the educational process children's saz;

* evaluative function that affects the formation of self-esteem and the level of aspirations of the child, his moral behavior.

The preschool teacher needs to consider conditions for engagement functions and opportunities of the children's society:

Using methods for diagnosing communication and relationships between children in various types of joint activities, which make it possible to identify the position of the child in a peer group, social and moral ideas, emotional states, behavior, practical skills;

Using a democratic (helpful) style of interaction with children;

Creation in the group of a positive, emotionally active attitude, microclimate;

Formation in children of focused positive motives, tactics based on focusing on others, on the manifestation of empathy, altruism;

Involvement of traditions, rituals;

Organization of joint activities of children with peers of different age associations;

Organization of individual exhibitions, vernissages of children's creativity;

Timely correction of the social behavior of children: control over behavior in the form of advice, the creation of special educational situations built on the principle of "understand, empathize, act."

important factor in the social development of children is the family (Work by T.V. Antonova, R.A. Ivankova, A.A. Royak, R.B. Sterknaya, E.O. Smirnova, etc.). The cooperation of educators and parents creates optimal conditions for the formation of the child's social experience, its self-development, self-expression and creativity.

The book “Communication of Children in Kindergarten and the Family” (Edited by T.L. Repina. R.B. Sterkina - M., 1990) presents the distinctive features of communication with children of educators and parents, depending on the styles of education. Adults with a democratic style communication create conditions for trusting, friendly, emotionally positive relationships. "Authoritarian" adults contribute to conflict, hostility in relationships, create unfavorable conditions for the social and moral development of preschoolers. In a special study by G. Stepanova, the significance of the interaction "child - adult" "The child constantly observes, imitates and models the attitudes, behavior and activities of the adults around him. Such modeling has a much greater impact on the social development of the child than verbal instructions and teachings," the researcher emphasizes.

General conditions for cooperation between teachers and parents for social development will be:

Ensuring the emotional well-being and satisfaction of the vital needs of the child in the kindergarten group;

Preservation and maintenance of a single line of positive social development of children in the preschool educational institution and the family;

Respect for the personality of the child, awareness of the inherent value of preschool childhood;

The formation of a child's positive sense of self, confidence in his abilities, that he is good, he is loved.

In the laboratory of social development of the Center "Preschool childhood" them. A.V. Zaporozhets, a collective study of the uniqueness of social competence, social and pedagogical conditions of formation in the family was carried out. According to V.M. Ivanova, R.K. Serezhnikova in

one-child family (having a high economic potential), the child, as a rule, does not attend kindergarten. In view of this, there is a lack of communication with peers, the relationship of the child with parents in the family is complicated. The method of complex theatrical games (“home theater”) was used as the main means of correcting parent-child relationships. The acquired communication and playing skills helped the child to build relationships with peers in the children's society. This tool created an atmosphere of openness, trust with

both sides.

E.P. Arnautova. ON THE. Razgonova confirm the expediency of using for social competence, as a basic characteristic, the methods of game art therapy, sketches, which involve the active involvement of adults in playing, visual, theatrical activities together with children, in the world of fairy tales, dance, music.

The problem of social development in a number of works is considered from the point of view of the development of social confidence in preschoolers. Socially competent behavior, according to the author, is the basis of a healthy lifestyle for children.

The authors of the manual E.V. Prima, L.V. Fillipova, I.N. Koltsova, NY. Molostova believe that socially competent behavior provides the child with an adequate attitude to positive and negative situations. Social competence includes a large and varied set of behavioral techniques; adequate perception of the situation: the ability to reflectively control both the situation and alternative behavior. The components of socially competent behavior include: the ability to say "no"; the ability to express desires and requirements; possession of effective communication skills: the ability to establish contacts, conduct and end a conversation; Express both positive and negative feelings.

The authors of the manual offer a program aimed at developing social abilities and social skills and at preventing insecure behavior and related psycho-emotional problems. The program is implemented through game classes and includes three sections: "Me and the world", "Me and others", "Alone and together".

A feature of the program is the involvement of three forms of socialization (identification, individualization and personalization). The program takes into account the age-related features of the psyche: imaginative thinking, the predominance of the emotional component in the experience, the leading type of activity. The development of children's social confidence goes through the enrichment of sensory experience ("The world of sounds", "The world of touches", "A look at the world around"). Through dramatization games, games with rules, didactic exercises and games, conversations in a circle, there is a unification, emotional rapprochement of children, the development of a system of perception of each other, the development of social abilities (trust, confidence, the formation of a positive image of "I"), the development of social skills .

In the conditions of a family preschool educational institution, the methodological recommendations of the authors of the manual can be used to help children gain experience in socially confident behavior and develop social abilities and skills in the process of communication.

The pedagogical technology "Discover yourself" is devoted to the development of social competence. This technology is a comprehensive support for the social development of preschoolers, focused on the formation in children of the beginnings of life self-determination. Technology for integrating didactic games into the educational space of the kindergarten

involves the involvement of training sessions in which cognitive tasks and speech development are solved. Social development is understood by the author of the technology as a process of transfer and further development by a person of the socio-cultural experience accumulated by mankind. Collaboration is what helps to turn any business into interesting and useful for oneself and others. Collaborative skills are habitual ways for children to behave in situations where it is necessary to find the most effective use of their personal potential in a collective effort. The games offered in the pedagogical technology "Discover yourself" are typical difficult situations that a child has to face in kindergarten. In these games, the role-playing behavior of all participants in the game, including the teacher, is prescribed. Consequently, cooperation creates conditions for the development of autonomy and independence of social adaptability, openness and social flexibility. For example, the game "Find your group". “Let's think together”, “Live jumping ropes”, “Find your place in the row”, etc. Consideration of social development through the prism of partnership, joint activities of adults and children is the most promising in the theory and practice of social development of preschool children.

Thus, social development is the formation of a child's attitude towards himself and the world around him. The task of teachers and parents is to help the child enter the modern world. Social readiness includes the social adaptation of the child to the conditions of the preschool educational institution and the family, to various spheres of human existence, a pronounced interest in social reality (S.A. Kozlova). Social competence implies that a child has the following components: cognitive (associated with the knowledge of another person of a peer, an adult), the ability to understand his interests, mood, notice emotional manifestations, understand the characteristics of himself, correlate his own feelings, desires with the capabilities and desires of others: emotional- motivational, including the attitude towards other people and oneself, the desire

personality to self-expression and self-respect, possessing self-esteem; behavioral, which is associated with the choice of positive ways to resolve conflicts, the ability to negotiate, establish new contacts, ways of communication. As rightly noted in the program "Origins": The basis of the development of a preschool child, social development, is characterized by the child's communication with adults and peers, which acquires peculiar forms at each age stage. Communication and various types of children's activities are the main conditions for the child to assimilate moral universal values, national traditions, citizenship, love for his family and homeland, the basis for the formation of his self-awareness. The upbringing and education of a child at preschool age is a new step in entering the outside world. An important role in optimizing the processes of social adaptation of children belongs to preschool educational institutions in that it is there that the active formation of personality takes place. The study of the nature of the process of social adaptation of preschoolers, the analysis of external and internal factors that impede it is an opportunity to answer the main question of psychological and pedagogical practice: how to prepare children for full integration in society.

preschool age- a bright, unique page in the life of every person. It is during this period that the process of socialization begins, the formation of the child's connection with the leading spheres of being: the world of people, nature, the objective world. There is an introduction to culture, to common human values. Preschool childhood is the time of the initial formation of the personality, the formation, the foundations of self-awareness and the individuality of the child.

The influence of socialization institutions acts as an external factor, it gives the content and forms of the child's socialization, the directions for the formation of his social competence. Special social institutions, one of the most important functions of which is the socialization of the individual, include preschool educational institutions, schools, professional educational institutions, children's and youth organizations and associations, and the family. The internal factors of socialization include the age and individual characteristics of the child himself, which are embodied in the subjective system of experiences of social relations and the formation of a picture of the world.

In pedagogy, the concept of "socialization" is associated with such concepts as "education", "training", "personal development". So, socialization is the process of formation and development of personality, which occurs under the influence of educational and educational activities.

The degree of socialization of the individual is an important criterion for its adaptation to life in society. L.S. Vygotsky, in his theory of the cultural-historical development of the psyche, drew attention to the fact that “The social situation of development is the starting point for all dynamic changes that occur in development over a certain period. It determines those forms and the path along which the child acquires new personality traits, drawing them from reality as from the main source of development, the path along which social development becomes individual.

The concept of "socialization" characterizes in a generalized form the process of assimilation by an individual of a certain system of knowledge, norms, values, attitudes, patterns of behavior that are included in the concept of culture inherent in a social group and society as a whole. This allows the individual to function as an active subject of social relations. Socialization should not be reduced to education and upbringing, although it includes these processes. The socialization of the individual is carried out under the influence of a combination of many conditions, both socially controlled and directed-organized, and spontaneous, arising spontaneously. It is an attribute of a person's way of life, and can be considered as its condition and result. An indispensable condition for socialization is the cultural self-actualization of the individual, his active work on his social improvement.

senior preschool age- the final stage of the initial link of the child's socialization at the level of a preschool educational institution. At this stage, there are significant changes in his life. Coming to kindergarten requires the child to master the system of such components of social adaptation: the ability to adapt to life in new social conditions, awareness of the new social role of "I am a preschooler", understanding the new period of one's life, personal activity in establishing harmonious ties with the social environment, compliance certain rules of the group, it requires the ability to lead in a normalized way, to defend one's own thoughts, the position of N.D. Vatutina, A.L. Kononko, S. Kurinnaya, I.P. Pechenko and others. “Mastering the science of life is the basic need of the child, which she seeks to satisfy. This requires from him the ability not only to survive momentary environmental conditions, but also to live to the fullest, realize his potential, reach agreement with others, find his commensurate place in a contradictory world ”(A.L. Kononko).

To educate a full-fledged personality, it is necessary to promote the socialization of the child in his first societies - the family and the kindergarten group, which can contribute to socio-psychological adaptation to later life in society and successful interaction with the world around him. The result of early socialization is the readiness of children to school in the future and free communication with peers and adults. The further life of a person largely depends on how the process of early socialization takes place, since during this period about 70% of the human personality is formed.

Firstly, this is a spontaneous path, since the human individual, from the first steps, builds his individual life in the socio-historical world. It is important that the child not only absorbs the influences of the environment, but is included in acts of behavior common with other people, in which he learns social experience.

Secondly, the mastery of social experience is also realized as a purposeful normative process specially organized by society, which corresponds to the socio-economic structure, ideology, culture and goal of education in a given society.

So, for a child who is being socialized, the appropriate standards for changing the social environment are the family, the preschool educational institution, and the immediate environment. When moving from another social environment, the child experiences a crisis of entering a new social community, the process of adaptation, dissolution in it is determined by the process of individualization and ends with integration into the social environment. The implementation of gaming techniques in working with children will facilitate the adaptation of children to new social conditions, help them adequately perceive themselves and other people, master constructive forms of behavior and the basics of communication in society.