Conspiracies. How to treat syphilis in folk ways. Prayer for all diseases

With mastopathy, black elderberry fruit juice helps well. You can add sugar to it. Without interruption, drink 1/2 cup before meals on an empty stomach for seven days in a row.

Conspiracy from painful periods

From a letter:

“Help me, please, with advice. Sometimes, two weeks before the start of critical days, my lower abdomen begins to pull. Advise what to do in this case?

To get rid of the pain associated with menstruation, read special conspiracy words over water and drink it on the first day of menstruation. The spoken words are as follows:

Do not mess, soul, body, do not pain, do not whine, do not prick.

Get out of the womb, woman's ailment.

Like a river flowing

Washed the steep banks, underwater grasses,

So easy to wash

With the blood of a servant of God (name). Amen.

Conspiracy from intrauterine polyps

From a letter:

“Tell me, please, is there a conspiracy from intrauterine polyps?”

For a waning month, take water and, stirring it clockwise with an aspen stick, read a special plot. After that, drink the water, and stick the stick halfway into the ground and leave without looking back. The conspiracy is this:

As the aspen dries up, so will my illness go away.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Conspiracy from fibroids

From a letter:

“I have known you for a very long time, although you and I are strangers. I constantly buy your books, and it feels like you are always with us, helping, supporting, advising. I have infinite respect for you, you are very dear to me, Natalya Ivanovna. Please, help my trouble! I have a daughter, she is already thirty-four years old. She grew up as a wayward, naughty and capricious girl. She did not like to study, although she seemed not stupid. I always tried to instill something good in her, but she resisted. She was drawn to take a walk, drink, leave the house. I am ashamed to say for what she was not treated, even for syphilis. At the age of seventeen, she gave birth to a girl whom my husband and I are now raising (she is already a college student) and we love very much.

Now a new misfortune has happened: our daughter was found to have uterine fibroids, they say she needs an operation. You may even have to remove the uterus. And I so dreamed that someday my daughter would come to her senses, become a normal person, get married, give birth to more children. I'm afraid that after the operation she will completely disappear, she will go haywire. I try to help her as much as I can, every day I brew special herbs with a hog queen and a red brush. Dear Natalya Ivanovna, help my daughter, I beg you.”

For a waning month, read the plot over water, which is then poured in the corner under the icons. The conspiracy is next.

Do you think there is a prayer that heals all diseases?
It seemed to me that no.
But this is until I got it from a familiar village healer.
Prayer for diseases is a heartfelt appeal to God for the long-awaited healing.
Of course, this is not a panacea for all diseases that has not yet been invented.

But at the same time, nothing prevents you from reading this prayer before going to bed in order to call on heavenly powers for help.

Prayer for all diseases

Lord Jesus Christ, protector and savior. I call on your power and grace frantic. Help me heal from the diseases of the soul and bodily ailments. Send me peace, humility, patience, insight and strong faith in the Lord God. Thus, my soul will be cleansed of serious illnesses and vulnerability. Cast off all pain, sickness, scabs, putrefaction, lust, leprosy, infection, and bodily swelling. This will cleanse my sinful flesh. Then there will be no longing, sorrow and mental anguish. Punish me, but do not torment me with terrible troubles. May this prayer deliver me from all diseases, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen!

, there is no need to panic. The diagnosis itself sounds terrifying, but in reality it is just a disease that can be cured, and not a life sentence.

The diagnosis has already been made, and this is the main thing. Now it remains to trust the doctors and competently conduct treatment together. The most important thing in the treatment of syphilis is to strictly follow all the doctor's recommendations, do not despair and remember three things:

  1. Syphilis is a disease that is curable today.
  2. Syphilis can be treated anonymously.
  3. After successful treatment, a person can safely return to work and normal life.

Who is most commonly diagnosed with syphilis?

Anyone who is sexually active can become infected with syphilis. If in past centuries this disease was more often found in prostitutes and their clients, now syphilis has “went out” of this circle and has spread widely among the population, and equally among both men and women.

In the circles of venereologists, the old medical wisdom is widespread: "Just as anyone floating in the river can get pneumonia, so anyone who is sexually active can get syphilis."

If you are not sure about your sexual partner, you should always be careful. Remember, from the outside it is impossible to understand whether a person has syphilis or not.

If you find out that you or your partner has syphilis, do not be afraid to contact KVD for help. As a rule, venereologists do not give a moral assessment to their patients. The task of the doctor is, first of all, to cure the patient, and not to blame or look for the guilty.

Why is it so important to cooperate with doctors as much as possible

Syphilis is a dangerous disease. If it is left unattended and not treated, it can lead to serious consequences - up to disability and even death. It is the main task of the doctor to carry out the treatment correctly, monitor its effectiveness and restore the health of the patient. But if the patient himself is not serious about his illness and its treatment, then it simply will not work to recover.

It is very difficult to treat syphilis: it is important for the doctor to choose the right course and dose of drugs, and for the patient to strictly observe the conditions for taking them. It depends on this whether a person can get rid of the syphilis bacteria completely or whether they “hide” in order to hit the body again later.

To avoid mistakes in treatment, you need to be as frank as possible with your doctor. It is important for him to find out from the patient how long ago he could have been infected, how many sexual partners and sexual relations (including oral ones) he had, which were before and which after contact (from a month to several years). All this is necessary to choose the right course of antibiotics and calculate the right dose of medication.

In addition, the doctor's task is to protect your family from domestic and sexual infection. Now it is not necessary to inform your partner about syphilis and bring him to the review. But this is unreasonable and, most importantly, dangerous: treatment will be useless if someone else from family members or close contacts remains sick with syphilis. What happens if a child becomes infected? After all, this disease is very dangerous for a small, fragile organism.

Often doctors go to meet their patients - they come up with a plausible legend with them in order to invite loved ones for examination. This is the so-called benefit lie that doctors use to achieve maximum cooperation with the patient, and at the same time save his family. Therefore, for the sake of your own recovery and the health of the whole family, it is very important to cooperate with your doctor as much as possible.

Syphilis and accounting. Should I be afraid of accounting, can it be avoided?

Being very dangerous and contagious, syphilis belongs to the group of socially significant infections. This means that it is subject to strict control by doctors. Patients who have been diagnosed with syphilis must be registered with the local dermatological dispensary.

However, such accounting should not be feared: it is not reported anywhere, and it does not limit the rights of the patient in any way. Registration for syphilis is necessary for the work of doctors - in order to properly conduct treatment and monitor its effectiveness.

In fact, for the patient, the record is just the dates when you need to come to the doctor for the next antibiotic injection (if the treatment takes place at home, and not in the hospital), as well as the dates of periodic examinations and tests after the end of treatment.

Recording after treatment is called "clinical-serological control" and is also compulsory for all patients. The control is removed after the tests become negative. The control comes in 3, 6, 12 and 24 months after treatment.

The duration of control for each person is individual and depends on the stage of the disease at which treatment was started:

  • If treatment began in the first 5-6 weeks after infection, then the duration of the account will be about 3 months.
  • If treatment began at the stage of primary, or secondary (early) syphilis, then the duration of the account will be about 6 months.
  • If treatment was started at a late, tertiary stage, then the duration of the account can be 3 years. If your syphilis tests don't start to improve during this time, your doctor may prescribe additional treatment.

Can they be registered with an erroneous diagnosis?

To make a diagnosis of syphilis, doctors rely on at least 2-3 blood tests. With such a thorough check, the probability of an error is extremely small - especially in the first 2-4 years of the disease, when it is, as they say, “in full swing”.

When syphilis passes into a latent late form, it becomes very similar to the “after treatment” state: there are almost no symptoms, the tests are negative, but more expensive and accurate methods (IFA, RPGA) remain positive. During this period, the risk of misdiagnosis increases.

To avoid such a situation and prevent doctors from making a false diagnosis, you need to have a document confirming the treatment you have undergone. It is issued after the person has been deregistered. If this document is not available, doctors have every right to register you and prescribe a new treatment.

At what stage are all contacts and family members notified?

Currently, none of the acquaintances, family members, and work colleagues are not notified about the patient's illness. Even when the treatment is carried out officially, and a medical record is created for the patient, the only ones who know about his illness are the attending physician and the nurse who gives the patient injections.

Syphilis can also be treated anonymously, for a fee. In this case, even your name will not be on the medical records. How appropriate this secrecy is up to the patient. Access to these documents is only available to medical personnel, who already do not have the right to provide anyone with information about the patient. Often this is a completely unnecessary service, existing only for the “additional peace of mind” of the patient.

Sometimes anonymity can play a cruel joke: after successful treatment and deregistration, the patient must be given a document confirming that the treatment has taken place. With anonymous treatment, there is no accounting, and supporting documents are rarely issued. For a former patient, this is bad, because his tests after treatment will remain positive for a long time, and such a document confirms that a person no longer has syphilis. Therefore, if an anonymously treated patient ever wants to prove that he has already been successfully treated for syphilis, then, alas, he will not be able to do this.

When treatment is completed, tests for syphilis remain positive for a long time. Therefore, it is important to have a document that confirms that a person is healthy. If the patient was treated anonymously, doctors will not be able to provide such confirmation.

Can I work with syphilis?

If a person who has been diagnosed with syphilis works, then at the time of treatment he is put on sick leave. Can't work with syphilis because there is a high risk of infecting others.

From the moment a person learns that he has a disease, he bears responsibility for it - both administrative and criminal. These are articles of the Criminal Code RF No. 121 (Infection with venereal disease) and the Code of Administrative Violations RF No. 6.1 (Hiding the source of infection HIV-infection, venereal disease and contacts that create a risk of infection).

Not everyone wants to get a lawsuit from the prosecutor, so it's better to see a doctor and treat the disease than to have problems with the court and your own health later. Treatment in KVD always organized so that the patient's social circle - including colleagues at work - do not know about his illness. No one is told about syphilis, the diagnosis is not indicated on the sick leave - medical secrecy is observed quite strictly.

After the treatment, the person returns to his work. At the same time, it does not matter whether work is related to food, children, or other socially significant areas - there are no professional restrictions for a person with cured syphilis.

How long is syphilis treated? Is it necessary to go to the hospital?

How many days syphilis is treated is the first question that patients face when they learn about their diagnosis. It is important to understand here that the treatment of syphilis is a very laborious process. It depends on the stage of the disease at which treatment began. The individual situation of each patient also plays an important role - the state of his body during the treatment period, living conditions, conscientious implementation of all the doctor's recommendations, and so on.

In addition, the treatment of syphilis depends on the drug chosen: the course of old drugs is usually longer than new ones, but on average it is 2-3 weeks. There is also a general pattern: the further the destructive infectious process has gone, the longer it will take to eliminate the disease.

In most cases, syphilis treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, i.e. at home. Hospitalization is carried out in rare cases and is mandatory only:

What and how is syphilis treated?

Treatment is with antibiotics. In most cases, these are injections (shots) of penicillin, less often - other drugs. During treatment, the patient is advised to observe the correct mode of work and rest, eat well. Also, many doctors advise taking vitamins and immunomodulators (drugs that strengthen the body's defense system).

What can not be done in the treatment of syphilis?

While the treatment is being prohibited any intake of alcohol, as this may reduce the effectiveness of therapy. Also, during treatment, any sexual intercourse is strictly prohibited, even with a condom, because any risk of reinfection (re-infection) will make treatment more difficult and longer. And also because the patient himself remains contagious during treatment.

In addition, until syphilis is cured, no operations can be performed. If the operation is not emergency (that is, a person’s life does not depend on it at the moment), but planned, then it is postponed until a complete cure for syphilis.

Is there life after syphilis?

Is there life after syphilis? Definitely there is!

Treated syphilis does not limit a person in any way - either professionally or socially. Restrictions can be only for the first time after discharge, while clinical and serological control continues, and only in relation to a person's lifestyle. At this time, the blood on RW is still positive, and it must be controlled - systematically visit a doctor and take tests.

In addition, in order for the body to completely get rid of bacteria, it must be maintained in good shape. Any excessive load or illness can weaken a person, and, accordingly, slow down recovery. While there is a "purification" of the blood from syphilis, it is not recommended to drink alcohol, have sex (especially without a condom), and perform heavy physical exertion.

After discharge from the hospital or completed treatment at home, a person can go to work or return to school - provided that during the treatment all skin manifestations of syphilis have disappeared. However, a few more months after treatment, the patient must occasionally see a doctor and take blood tests for clinical and serological control.

After deregistration, any restrictions are removed, and the life of a person who has recovered from syphilis returns to its usual course: it no longer differs in any way from the life of people who have never had this disease.

Syphilis is a serious disease that is transmitted not only through sexual contact, but also through everyday life. Several stages of the disease affect the skin, genitals, nervous system, and bones.

But do not despair, medicine already knows the cure for syphilis and guarantees complete relief from it, subject to timely treatment to the hospital. As a rule, the course of treatment for this sexually transmitted disease lasts 2-4 weeks.

Syphilis can be:

  • congenital (develops in the fetus in the womb);
  • household (infection occurs from the use of common things);
  • sexual (occurs during sexual intercourse with an infected partner).

Important: a condom saves from HIV and from unnecessary pregnancy, but does not protect against syphilis!

A spiral-shaped bacterium called treponema pallidum is the causative agent of syphilis. It is so nondescript that it is difficult to see it even with a microscope, when the biological samples under study are stained with a special paint. This microbe is distinguished by a high rate of reproduction, and all methods of treating syphilis are built on the basis of this property of the bacterium.

Pale treponema dies by drying out, but in a humid environment it can live for a long time. Therefore, the danger of being infected lies not only in sexual intercourse, but also in household items - toothbrushes, towels, spoons, etc. This microorganism can exist only in a living organism. Once outside, he dies.

Important: the transmission of syphilis during blood transfusion is impossible: when blood is preserved, treponema dies, and donors are carefully examined.

The insidiousness of syphilis is the absence of any obvious manifestations of it at the initial stage. The presence of this sexually transmitted disease can show only specific tests. This is the greatest danger of the disease. However, in the event that the disease is identified, treatment can take place without difficulties and consequences.

Symptoms of syphilis

The incubation period after infection is 3-6 weeks. After it comes the stage of exacerbation lasting about 4 weeks. The symptoms of syphilis are as follows:

  • enlarged lymph nodes;
  • ulcers appear, about 2 cm or less in size, in the place where the infection has penetrated;
  • red spots appear on the skin;
  • puffiness appears around the manifestations;
  • ulcers begin to secrete pus.

When the acute stage passes, the disease "hides": specific discharge from the genital organs disappears, ulcers pass and scar, the skin becomes pale. The hidden phase is coming.

Injections for syphilis

Injections are given intramuscularly in the upper outer quadrant of the buttocks and only rarely are they given intravenously. Most often, this venereal infection is treated with penicillin. This antibiotic is the most effective medicine against syphilis. After an intramuscular injection, the drug begins to act instantly, but it is almost as quickly excreted from the body - this is its minus. Treatment with penicillin lasts exactly 2 weeks, during which injections are made to the patient every 3 hours.

It is also possible to prescribe the drug Bicillin, which differs from penicillin in the concentration of active substances and composition. This is the most popular domestic drug today.

The frequency of injections is as follows:

  • Bicilin-1 - once a day;
  • Bicilin-3 - twice a day;
  • Bicillin-5 - two to three times a week.

Bicillin-1 does not accumulate in the body, so it is not prescribed by the short method. It cannot be used for:

  • syphilis that is over a year old;
  • pregnancy, in the second half;
  • congenital syphilis;
  • death of hair follicles (alopecia areata);
  • manifestation of whitish spots on the skin (leukoderma);
  • problems with hearing and vision (neurosyphilis).

If an infected patient is allergic to penicillins, then other drugs are prescribed to treat syphilis:

  • Tetracycline. It pricks twice a day. Prohibited for the treatment of children under 8 years of age, as well as kidney disease and poor hearing;
  • Ceftriaxone. The injections are given once a day. The drug is less effective compared to penicillin derivatives, but when it is prescribed, the patient may not be hospitalized;
  • Doxycycline. It is administered intramuscularly twice a day. During treatment, the patient should be in the sun as little as possible. This medicine for syphilis negatively affects the development of the skeletal system, so it is not recommended to inject children.

Treatment of syphilis: pills

As a rule, treatment with tablets is prescribed to people who have been in close contact with an infected person. Pills are also prescribed to patients who cannot be injected intramuscularly due to tissue hardening from frequent injections. Often, tablets are prescribed half an hour before the injection of a new drug.

Important: the maximum dose of tablets per day should not exceed 750 mg!

The most commonly used drugs in tablets are:

  • Rovamycin. The dose is determined by the doctor. Do not use for liver complications and during pregnancy. An overdose may manifest as vomiting or nausea.
  • Sumamed. Negatively affects the liver and kidneys. Treatment is carried out at an early stage of syphilis, often used as an additional remedy to stronger drugs.
  • Cefotaxime. The dosage varies according to the stage of the sexually transmitted disease and the patient's response to the drug. Prohibited in case of allergy to penicillins.
  • Amoxicillin. Poorly effective compared to penicillin and its derivatives. It is forbidden to take together with antibacterial drugs.

How to treat syphilis in folk ways

You can use various herbs for the treatment of venereal disease only as an addition to the main medicines.

Important: the treatment of syphilis exclusively with folk remedies is ineffective and leads to death!

Before treating syphilis with medicinal herbal infusions, you should definitely consult a doctor who will tell you whether such treatment will help you or, on the contrary, will be harmful.

Homeopathy in the fight against syphilis

When wondering what drugs to treat syphilis, many people turn to homeopathy. Homeopathic pills in the fight against sexually transmitted infections were used three centuries ago. The principle of operation of such treatment is simple: “boosting” the immune system, which should give a “strike back” to a substance that causes symptoms of treponema in a healthy person.

As a rule, preparations are used for this purpose, which include iodine or mercury in a small amount. The patient takes medication in turn: a week with iodine, a week with mercury.

The active substance is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:100. Many doctors argue that such a small dosage can bring neither benefit nor harm to the patient.


It is impossible to treat syphilis in the same way because of the variety of its stages and forms. Therefore, the effectiveness of treating an infected person directly depends on the scheme chosen by the doctor. Moreover, the doctor almost never “copies” the scheme, always taking into account a lot of circumstances that affect the speed and quality of treatment.

Important: you can not treat syphilis on your own, even relying on the scheme!

Turning to the doctor, the patient receives an individual scheme according to which he will be treated and which is based on the following conditions:

  • tolerance to certain drugs;
  • forms and stages of syphilis;
  • features of the patient's life;
  • how old is the patient;
  • what diseases (including chronic ones) the examined person has;
  • What is the physical and mental state of the patient?

Scheme No1: preventive treatment

Bicillin-1 - 2 injections of 2 million 400 thousand units. It is used if syphilis has not responded to treatment according to the ultrashort regimen.

Scheme No2: ultrashort

Benzathinepenicillin G or Retarpen - one time in the amount of 2 million 400 thousand units. It is effective only within 24 hours after acquiring the infection. This scheme is the treatment of syphilis with one injection. It is used without even waiting for the results of the tests, relying only on the patient's story about the "dangerous" sexual intercourse. It should be noted that many doctors are skeptical about this “one-shot” procedure, arguing that such a “trick” does not work today.

Scheme No3: specific treatment

Bicillin-1 or Retarpen, or Benzathinepenicillin G - 6 injections of 2 million 400 thousand units. It is effective in early latent syphilis, as well as in secondary recurrent. With primary and secondary "fresh" syphilis, the same drugs are injected, with the same dosage, only 5 times a day.

Scheme No4: a trial course of treatment

Potassium or sodium salt of penicillin - every 3 hours, 8 times a day, for two weeks. The dosage of one injection intramuscularly is 400 thousand units. If such treatment brings a positive result, then there is syphilis in the body. Additional examinations are carried out and other, stronger, treatment regimens are prescribed.

Scheme No5: prevention during pregnancy

Bicillin-1 - twice a week, 1 million 200 thousand units. Only 7 injections.

How to treat old syphilis

Short-acting penicillin preparations are recommended for the treatment of chronic (late) syphilis due to their effective penetration even into hard-to-reach foci of infection. This property is especially valuable if the treponema has affected the central nervous system and the drug needs to be deeply absorbed into the cerebrospinal fluid.

Treatment for late syphilis is intravenous injections of penicillin for 2-3 weeks. Daily dose: 24 million units. In parallel with it, probenecid is injected 4 times a day at a dose of 1-2 million units. If this method is ineffective, penicillin is replaced by ceftriaxone: 2 weeks 1 gram per day intramuscularly.

In cases where the optic nerve is affected in a person, treatment begins with taking vitamins B12 and B6 (intramuscularly), retinol (drops, oil solution or drops), as well as nicotinic and ascorbic acids. After the “platform” prepared for the eyes, treatment with penicillin begins according to the above scheme.

Important: syphilis, which was treated with penicillin according to the scheme chosen correctly, disappears forever!

It should be noted that if dangerous microbes have given complications (syphilis of the heart muscle, stomach, neurosyphilis, etc.), then the usual injections of antibiotics are of no benefit. In this case, doctors transfer the patient to endolymphatic administration of drugs. Surgeons open a lymphatic vessel on the back of the foot and inject an antibiotic into it, like a normal vein. The advantage of this method is the direct "delivery" of penicillin to the lesions: nerve endings, bones, joints, etc.

Scheme of endolymphatic treatment of syphilis

  • 7 injections per day for primary syphilis;
  • 12 injections in two days for secondary fresh syphilis;
  • 12 injections in two days for early latent syphilis plus 5 days, every 4 hours, the antibiotic is injected intramuscularly.

After such a course, patients are prescribed intramuscularly 4.5 million Bicillin-5. For weakened patients, thymalin is additionally administered to enhance immunity.

No matter how syphilis is treated, the process is invariably accompanied by bismuth preparations: bismoverol or biyoquinol, as well as iodine-containing drugs that dissolve syphilitic bumps and speed up the metabolism in the body.


Properly selected drugs and strict adherence to all the recommendations of doctors, makes it possible to recover from syphilis forever.

The main thing is not to self-medicate and take the treatment process seriously.

Venereal diseases
Sexually transmitted infections from one person to another are called venereal diseases. Sexual contact refers to vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Sexually transmitted diseases include chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and genital herpes. Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) is also often referred to as a sexually transmitted disease, but it can also be transmitted in other ways. Each of these diseases has its own symptoms, but most are characterized by discharge from the penis or vagina, pain when urinating (in men), and open sores or blisters in the genital area. Unfortunately, in the early stages of these diseases, there are often no noticeable symptoms. In addition, a person can suffer from several sexually transmitted diseases at the same time. For example, gonorrhea and chlamydia often co-infect. If you suspect a sexually transmitted disease, you should immediately consult a doctor. Your sexual partner should also see a doctor and, if necessary, undergo treatment. Depending on the type of infection, STDs can cause serious long-term problems such as birth defects, infertility, brain disease or, in the case of AIDS, death.

Some sexually transmitted diseases can be treated with antibiotics. For others, such as AIDS, no cure has been found. There are currently no vaccines to prevent sexually transmitted diseases. Those who have had a venereal disease can get it again an infinite number of times.


* For sexually transmitted diseases, you should drink a decoction of burdock root. Brew 1 cup boiling water 1 tbsp. l. root, keep on low heat for 20 minutes. and strain. Drink 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day.

* For sexually transmitted diseases, brew 1 cup boiling water 1.5 tbsp. l. dry chopped grass yarutka field, insist 4 hours in a sealed container and strain. Take 1 tsp. 4-5 times a day.

* Rosehip flower water helps with venereal diseases.

Genital herpes

The herpes virus is transmitted by direct contact with an infected area. Once you have been infected, the virus stays with you for life. However, symptoms appear only during an exacerbation. Symptoms include blistering sores in the genital area and anus, and sometimes on the thighs and buttocks. After a few days, the blisters break open and leave behind painful, shallow sores that may not heal for 5 to 20 days. With a primary infection, you may experience flu-like symptoms, such as swollen lymph nodes, fever, and pain throughout your body. However, subsequent attacks of the disease almost always pass more easily. Exacerbations can be provoked by emotional stress, overwork, menstruation, other diseases, and even excessively vigorous sexual intercourse. Itching, irritation, and tingling in the genital area may occur 1 to 2 days before blisters or sores appear. Genital herpes is contagious before the blisters appear and for one to two weeks after they have disappeared. If a pregnant woman has an outbreak of genital herpes before delivery, a caesarean section may be required to avoid infection of the baby during delivery. Genital herpes is not curable. The course of treatment includes the appointment of drugs (for example, "Zovirax" for both internal and external use). For some people, herpes-like sores and blisters can be a side effect of certain medicines prescribed by a doctor. One example is sulfa drugs, which are often used to treat urinary tract infections. If you have reason to suspect this, consult your doctor.

Helpful Hints

* Wash the affected genital area twice a day with baby soap and water. Dry gently by blotting with a towel. The use of colloidal soaps or an oatmeal-based bath can also help soothe itching.

* Hot baths will help reduce the activity of the virus and affect recovery.

* A "sitz bath" can be used to soak the affected area. This device, which can be purchased at some pharmacies, is attached above the toilet.

* To relieve inflammation and relieve itching, apply ice to the genital area for 5-10 minutes.

* During illness, wear loose underwear made from natural materials so as not to irritate the inflamed area.

* To reduce pain: Douche with lukewarm water around the genital area after urinating.

* Aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium should also be taken. Aspirin or any other medicines containing salts of salicylic acid can become dangerous to the health and even life of people under the age of 19, since these drugs are associated with the occurrence of Reis's syndrome, a condition that can be life-threatening. If the pain is severe, a topical anesthetic ointment (such as lidocaine) may help. Before using it, consult your doctor. Talk to your doctor about using the antiviral drug acyclovir (Zovirax), which is available for both internal and external use.

* To avoid introducing the virus, do not touch your eyes when you have herpes. Avoid sexual intercourse at the first sign of herpes disease (this is manifested by tingling and itching in the genital area.). However, it should be noted that herpes can be contagious even when there are no noticeable blisters, as viral lesions may be present on the cervix in women or inside the urethra in men.


Gonorrhea is one of the most common infectious diseases in the world. It is also often referred to as "clap". It is caused by a specific bacterial infection - gonococcus, which affects the mucous membranes of the genitourinary organs, transmitted during vaginal, anal or oral sexual intercourse. A newborn can also become infected with gonorrhea during childbirth, from an infected mother. Gonorrhea can occur without symptoms. In practice, this happens in 60 - 80% of infected women. However, signs of gonorrhea may appear 2 to 10 days after sexual contact with an infected person. Men develop symptoms such as pain at the tip of the penis, pain and burning when urinating, and viscous yellow cloudy discharge from the penis, the amount of which gradually increases. In women, symptoms include mild itching and burning around the vagina, a viscous yellowish-green vaginal discharge, burning after urination, and severe pain in the lower abdomen (usually within a week or so after a period).

If left untreated, gonorrhea can lead to widespread infection or infertility. But gonorrhea is curable with specific antibiotics.

Helpful Hints

* Take the medicine prescribed by your doctor.

* Your sexual partner should also be treated to avoid reinfection.

* Take hot baths from decoction of calamus rhizomes. Make an infusion at the rate of 1 liter of boiling water per 30 g of rhizomes, leave for 1 tsp.


Syphilis is a chronic sexually transmitted disease caused by Treponema pallidum. It is transmitted sexually or through kissing. Household infection occurs very rarely when using the patient's personal hygiene items: toothbrush, spoon, etc.

If the disease is not treated in the initial period, at the time of detection, it develops into heart attacks, blindness, spinal tachycardia or progressive paralysis, leads to disability and even death.

The course of syphilis is characterized by alternating periods of active and latent manifestations. Allocate primary, secondary and tertiary syphilis. However, if syphilis is detected early, it can be treated.

First stage. 2-6 weeks after infection, a large, painful ulcer, the so-called chancre, usually occurs in the genital area. After a few weeks, the chancre disappears.

Second stage. Within a month after the end of the first stage, an extensive skin rash appears, suddenly appearing on the palms, soles, and sometimes around the mouth and nose. The rash looks like small, red, scaly bumps that don't itch. There may also be swollen lymph nodes and fever, flu-like symptoms, hair loss on the head, on the face, as well as eyelashes and eyebrows.

Third stage. At this stage, syphilis can develop unnoticed for several years, destroying the heart, central nervous system, muscles, and other organs and tissues. The outcome of the disease is often fatal.

If you have been in contact with someone who has syphilis or you have symptoms of this disease, see your doctor. For syphilis in the early stages, treatment consists of a single injection of long-acting penicillin. If the disease continues to progress, you will need three injections given one week apart. To ensure a complete cure, it is necessary to do a blood test 3, 6 and 12 months after the end of the course of treatment. At the end of the course of treatment, the patient is no longer contagious. But if syphilis is not treated, the patient is contagious within a year from the moment of infection.

Helpful Hints

* To fully guarantee that you will not contract a venereal disease, only the complete absence of sexual contact can.

* Limiting sexual activity to one partner for life. Of course, if your partner also does not have other partners and does not have a sexually transmitted disease.

* Avoid sexual contact with persons whose health status and lifestyle are unknown to you.

* Rubber condoms can limit the spread of STDs if used correctly and carefully with every intercourse. But they do not completely eliminate the risk of infection.

* Additional protection can be provided by sperm-destroying foams, jellies, creams (especially those containing Nonoxynol-9, as well as diaphragms used along with a condom.

* Do not use oil-based lubricants (such as Vaseline) to avoid damaging the rubber condom.

* Do not have sexual intercourse under the influence of drugs or alcohol, except in a monogamous couple where neither partner is infected with a sexually transmitted disease.

* Avoid sexual intercourse if one of the partners has signs and symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection.

* Wash your genitals with soap and water before and after sexual intercourse.

* For syphilis, brew 0.8 liters of boiling water 20 g of dry crushed rhizomes of sandy sedge, heat over low heat until half of the broth remains, leave for 2 hours and strain. Drink 1/4 cup 4 times a day.


Currently, chlamydia is the most common sexually transmitted disease. In practice, as a rule, people suffering from these three venereal diseases are also infected with chlamydia.

In addition, chlamydia may precipitate AIDS symptoms in people infected with the immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Symptoms of chlamydia in men appear 2-4 weeks after infection with burning or discomfort when urinating, whitish discharge from the male genital organ and pain in the scrotum. In women, the symptoms are as follows: yellowish-green vaginal discharge, vaginal irritation, frequent urge to urinate, and pain when urinating. There may also be chronic abdominal pain and bleeding between periods. However, these symptoms can be so mild that they are often not even noticed. It is estimated that 75% of women and 25% of men with chlamydia do not show any symptoms until complications arise.

The only sure way to know if you have chlamydia or not is through tests.

When infected with chlamydia, the patient should be treated with antibiotics - tetracycline or erythromycin for 2-3 weeks. Until the end of treatment, both the patient and his sexual partner should avoid sexual intercourse.

If left untreated, chlamydia can lead to inflammation of the prostate and surrounding structures in men and pelvic inflammatory disease and infertility in women. Babies born to mothers with chlamydia are more likely to develop pneumonia or serious eye infections in the first few months of life, and eventually permanent damage to the lungs and joints.


* Juices from lingonberries, peels of wild and dark cultivated grapes, cranberries, stone fruits, raspberries, red beets, blueberries, black currants kill Trichomonas vaginalis.