I have syphilis! What to do? Old Slavic conspiracies for health and a good life. From weakness after illness

Current page: 24 (the book has a total of 38 pages) [accessible reading excerpt: 25 pages]

Conspiracy from intrauterine polyps

From a letter:

“Tell me, please, is there a conspiracy from intrauterine polyps?”

For a waning month, take water and, stirring it clockwise with an aspen stick, read a special plot. After that, drink the water, and stick the stick halfway into the ground and leave without looking back. The conspiracy is this:

As the aspen dries up, so will my illness go away.

Conspiracy from fibroids

From a letter:

“I have known you for a very long time, although you and I are strangers. I constantly buy your books, and it feels like you are always with us, helping, supporting, advising. I have infinite respect for you, you are very dear to me, Natalya Ivanovna. Please, help my trouble! I have a daughter, she is already thirty-four years old. She grew up as a wayward, naughty and capricious girl. She did not like to study, although she seemed not stupid. I always tried to instill something good in her, but she resisted. She was drawn to take a walk, drink, leave the house. I am ashamed to say for what she was not treated, even for syphilis. At the age of seventeen, she gave birth to a girl whom my husband and I are now raising (she is already a college student) and we love very much.

Now a new misfortune has happened: our daughter was found to have uterine fibroids, they say she needs an operation. You may even have to remove the uterus. And I so dreamed that someday my daughter would come to her senses, become a normal person, get married, give birth to more children. I'm afraid that after the operation she will completely disappear, she will go haywire. I try to help her as much as I can, every day I brew special herbs with a hog queen and a red brush. Dear Natalya Ivanovna, help my daughter, I beg you.”

For a waning month, read the plot over water, which is then poured in the corner under the icons. The conspiracy is as follows:

God bless.
I'm not standing on the floor
And in a bright corner.
Go past the servant of God (name),
The tumor is red, the tumor is blue,
Every collar and female ailment.
Intercessor Mother of God,
Holy Mother of God,
I'll come to you
I bow to you:
Deliver the servant of God (name)
From the blue tumor and the red tumor,
From every bug.
That's what I'm asking, that's what I'm praying for.
How the month hurts
Taco the tumor swells:
And blue, and red, and collar.
Keys in the water, the dead in the ground,
And God's help to me, God's servant (name). Amen.

Cervical erosion

From a letter:

"How to cure cervical erosion?"

Scroll the burdock root and nettle in a meat grinder. Squeeze out the resulting mass. Soak tampons with the resulting juice and insert them into the vagina. Course - 2 weeks.

Conspiracy from infertility

From a letter:

“My friend has been living with her husband for ten years, and all this time she can’t get pregnant. Four years ago, she was diagnosed with endometriosis, they tried all the methods of treatment, and in the end she had to have an operation. Please tell me what to do so that she has children.

A conspiracy from infertility is read on bath water and rinsed with it after washing. The words of the conspiracy are as follows:

Tsar Samuil has an arap cook,
He black hands twelve knives tsap!
He cuts them, cuts off,
He cuts them, cuts them.
Twelve knives in black hands knock,
They're ringing
They want to obey his black hands.

Cut, stab
Cut off the useless.
You are twelve and you are twelve
And there are twelve holy apostles.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

How to get rid of infertility

From a letter:

"I am forty two years old. It's been seven years now that I can't get pregnant! Everything is fine with me, my husband is healthy… Doctors can't understand anything. According to all indications, we should have a child, but he still does not exist. Help us, we are already completely desperate!

A woman who wants to give birth to a child must start fasting three days before July 7th. On Ivan Kupala, she needs to get up before everyone else in the house and go to a birch grove, located far from roads and harmful industries. There, let her break young birch twigs and weave a wreath out of them. With this wreath, the woman then must go to church and defend the service there from beginning to end. Then, after sunset, and so that no one sees it, it is necessary to tear twelve leaves from the birch branches from which the wreath is woven and brew them with a glass of boiling water, while reading such a conspiracy:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
First time, good afternoon,
Lord help, Lord bless.
The Mother of God walked, got tired,
Opposite the white birch stood up.
How green leaves blossomed on that birch,
So it would be with me, servants of God (name),
The kids have bred.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

If you need to quickly stop bleeding

From a letter:

“I am a master of sports in swimming. For some time now, as soon as I start to worry, I begin to bleed. I was examined completely, and the doctor told me that I was absolutely healthy and that this happens to many women during a period of emotional excitement or great anxiety, and then quietly, almost in a whisper, she added: “Look for a grandmother, here medicine is powerless.” Quite by accident, one of the girls from our team dropped that she had a similar experience, but Stepanova, that is, you, helped. To my question: “What?”, she answered me that it was impossible to tell, otherwise she would start all over again. Dear Natalya Ivanovna, what can I do if I start to bleed from excitement during the competition? If you publish this letter, I ask you not to write my last name.

Place your clenched fist on your navel and say:

A woman was walking home with water, stumbled.
Water spilled. The blood in my body subsided.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

Or place an earthenware pot on your stomach, mouth down, and speak quickly but without stuttering:

Golden, take your place
As Jesus Christ sat in his chair.
At a good hour, in a quick word.

To strengthen the uterus, I advise you to boil the honeycomb (together with wax), strain and add the roots, leaves, stems and berries of wild strawberries to the hot decoction. Let it brew for one hour and take a quarter cup a day. The course of treatment is three weeks. You need to consider how you tolerate honey and wax, as this method of treatment is not always suitable for allergy sufferers.

A conspiracy that protects against miscarriages

From a letter:

“I have already had three missed pregnancies at a short time. Doctors can't find a reason. I really want a baby, but I'm so afraid of repeating this nightmare, I just don't know what to do anymore.

If a woman constantly has miscarriages or missed pregnancies, then you need to do the following. As soon as the woman becomes pregnant again, you need to read a special conspiracy over the water. Then the expectant mother should drink this water and wash herself with it. The spoken words are as follows:

From the Holy Spirit, Communion of Christ,
Spasova hand, Bogoroditsyn castle.
My angel, my savior
Save my soul, strengthen my body.
Enemy, Satan, get away from me.
I have three sheets, it is written there:
Mark and Nikita the Great Martyr
Soul is tortured for me
They ask God, they take away the pain. Amen.

Treatment of cervical erosion

From a letter:

“I am fifty-nine years old, I am a pensioner, and I do not have money for expensive medicines, so I ask you, Natalya Ivanovna, to advise me on a simple but effective method of treating cervical erosion. I am afraid to do what the doctors suggest, since my neighbor also had a similar disease and subsequently died - “medicine did not help her.”

There are excellent folk remedies that help in the treatment of erosion. You ask for the simplest ways, and I gladly give them.

Collection number 1

In equal parts, mix freshly prepared juice of nettle and burdock root. Add 2-3 drops of sea buckthorn oil and wet the swab with this composition. Insert the tampon into the vagina in the evening and leave until the morning. Do this for two weeks. Tampons are made from gauze and cotton.

Collection number 2

Take 100 g of vegetable oil and 100 g of marigold flowers and simmer for 10 minutes over low heat. Strain the oil and cool. Once a day, at a convenient time for you, soak a cotton swab in oil and then insert it into the vagina for an hour. You can do this while watching a movie or napping. You need to do 15 procedures.

Collection number 3

Mix 1 yolk (preferably from a domestic chicken egg), 2 tbsp. spoons of sea buckthorn oil and 1 teaspoon of white honey. Soak a tampon with this composition and insert into the vagina for 40 minutes. Course - 10 days.

Prolapse of the uterus

From a letter:

“I have been for many years, I have worked all my life and as a result I suffer from uterine prolapse. They say that there is a prayer that puts the uterus in place. Do you know this prayer?

They read on the water in the bath and wash themselves with this water:

Nicholas Ugodnik,
God's helper
Help me,
God's servant (name).
Where was the mother before?
That's how she got up there.
So that she does not leave the place,
Didn't wander through my body.
Didn't shed red blood
Didn't drink my tears.
Didn't whine, didn't break,
My health has not dried up.
She would go to the navel,
To the golden ball.
There you drinks
There you find.
Go to the navel
To the golden ball.
What kind of mother gave birth to me,
What a health reward.
Help me, Lord, to heal
And never get sick of it.
lips, teeth,
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

What words are spoken when the stomach rules

From a letter:

“I don’t know much, but I love and respect your books very much. I am sixty-nine years old and do not consider myself old. I'm still alive and nothing hurts. My personality is cheerful and mischievous. I try to live in harmony with my conscience and help those people as much as I can. My neighbor has a stomachache. She had twelve births, and her whole belly fell off. I used to see how my grandmother ruled her bellies in the bath and read a prayer, but I don’t remember this prayer at all. Do you know this prayer?

It is my pleasure to give you this prayer. All women must know it in order to correct their stomach at the right time. They read it like this:

I pray, I am baptized.
Lord, help, Lord, bless!
I ask the Holy Spirit and all the saints.
Open the royal gates
Get into your places, you wombs, get up.
As King Christ sits on the porch,
So the slave (name) stand up, belly,
To your place.
Hot blood, take it easy
Prickly pain, calm down.
Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen.

Prayer for marital infertility

Hear us, Merciful and Almighty God, may Your grace be sent down by our prayer. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember Your law on the multiplication of the human race and be a merciful Patron, so that by Your help the established by You will be preserved. You, by Your powerful power, created everything from nothing and laid the foundation for everything in the world that exists - You also created man in Your image and sanctified the union of matrimony and the foreknowledge of the mystery of Christ's unity with the Church with a high mystery. Look, Merciful, on Thy servants (name) by the union of conjugal union and begging for Thy help, may Thy mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful and may they see their sons even to the third and fourth kind and to the desired old age they will live and enter into the Kingdom of Heaven through our Lord Jesus

Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due with the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.

Conspiracy from infertility

I, God's servant, pray to the Lord God,
I bow to the Most Pure Mother of God.
She, Mother Mary, went
She carried her Son in her arms.
His legs, kissed his hands,
Swaddled in a silk diaper.
Mother of God, help me too,
(So-and-so) God's servant.
Give me a sweet child to give birth,
Wear on your arms,
His legs, kiss his hands,
Swaddle in silk diapers.
And be, my words, strong,
Before me, slaves (such and such), modeling.
Key to my words, lock to my deeds.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Amen. Amen.

For beauty

How to rejuvenate on the new moon

You need to stand up so that you see the young month, and he would look at you. There should be no hairpins and clothes, stand in what your mother gave birth to you in, and say in a whisper:

Mother moon, you are rejuvenated
In a clear, new, thin month turned,
And help me, the baptized servant of God,
To be born in the light of your youth,
To rejuvenate on your young
Be, my cheeks, fresh,
Be, my lips, red.
Cheeks, be ruddy, hair - spirited.
Get off me, my decrepit,
All my grandmother's maeta.
The moon will wane - old age will go away.
A month will go to profit - beauty will come.
I bow to you, mother moon,
Let me take what I ask.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

To keep your hair healthy and thick

From a letter:

“The fact is that since childhood I have had very thin, liquid hair, and I, like any girl, have always dreamed of thick, beautiful hair. Tell me, is there any conspiracy to make hair thicker? I am very complex because of this ... "

Read a special plot over raw eggs, which then wash your hair (the water should not be hot, otherwise the eggs will curl up!). The spoken words are as follows:

Virgin Mary walked
Came to the river
The braids have loosened
I washed my head.
Eggs help celebrate Easter
Let the eggs and my braids strengthen.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

Spell for fast hair growth

From a letter:

“Five years ago, after the birth of my youngest daughter, my hair began to fall out sharply in the bangs and now they do not grow back. I tried a lot of all kinds of means, the hair seems to have stopped coming out, but new ones do not grow in the bald places. I am very complex about this.”

With the help of this conspiracy, you can not only make your hair beautiful and thick, but also prevent hair loss. They read it for a young month, standing at the window and combing their hair. The words of the conspiracy are:

Field to the grain, light to the sun,
Crown to comb, and hair to hair. Amen.

A conspiracy against baldness

From a letter:

“I am now twenty-six years old. From the age of eighteen, my hair began to thin. And although it was clear that my hair was not thick, it was normal in structure, and there were no bald patches. A year ago I gave birth to a child, at the same time I experienced severe stress - my husband almost left. Since then, my hair has completely deteriorated. The doctor prescribed me hormones, but they do not help. Now the hair has become very thin, brittle, bald patches are visible. What can I say, I don’t have hair on my head, but fluff! Now every day is torture for me. I don’t want to live, because it’s scary to go out into the street, I’m afraid that everyone will laugh. I beg you, for God's sake, please help!"

If your hair began to fall out badly, be sure to talk yourself out of baldness on the new moon. The plot is read, standing at the doorstep of their home. Lock your fingers tightly and, holding them above your head, say three times in a row:

How the month was born
So is the hair of the servant of God (name)
Let it be born and come.
As no one counted the stars in the sky,
So the hair of the servant of God (name)
Let it multiply and thicken without counting.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

Dandruff Conspiracy

From a letter:

“I ask you to give me advice on how to get rid of dandruff. Since childhood, she has been tormenting me, and recently even strong remedies (shampoos) do not help, I just get covered with pimples.

Over the water in which you will wash your hair, read the following plot:

Bath water, I wash you,
I have to treat you.
Maria, Marianna, Mariulyana
And the soul of Ulyana,
Clear my head of fluff.
In the name of the Father and the Son
And the Holy Spirit.

Conspiracy from the fungus on the nails

From a letter:

“Tell me, please, are there any conspiracies that would help get rid of nail fungus?”

Take salt from three different houses and pour boiling water over it at night, saying:

Lord Jesus Christ,
Son of God, have mercy on us.
I speak nail disease
Sublunar pain.
How the salt was cooked
Withered and evaporated
So are you, nail ailment,
Get off the nail
Forever and ever from the servant of God (name)
Get away.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen.

After that, wash the diseased nail with charmed water, which is then poured under a dry tree.

Conspiracy from fetid sweat

From a letter:

“Please tell me if there is a conspiracy to help get rid of sweating. I almost always sweat a lot. I've tried many remedies - nothing helps ... It's so terrible when you smell bad all the time and people move away from you in disgust. I really hope only for your help!”

I have been approached more than once by patients who complained that they sweat a lot and are very embarrassed by the smell emanating from them. They are especially hard hit in the summer. I have always advised these people not to despair, because they can easily free themselves from this scourge. To do this, in the summer, on an even day, you should go to the river bank, stand there with your left bare foot on a stone, and so that the water does not reach you, and read the following plot three times:

How do you, stone, do not sweat,
So that I, the servant of God (name), do not sweat. Amen.

After that, you need to rinse in the river and leave without looking back.

How to cure thinness

From a letter:

“I am thirty-five years old, I have three children, one hundred and sixty-seven centimeters tall, but I have weighed forty-seven kilograms since the age of fifteen! Tell me, please, what kind of conspiracy can be read in order to gain at least a little weight.

Draw water into the bath, read a special plot over it and bathe in it. The conspiracy is this:

Do not stand, thinness, in the servant of God (name),
Neither in the violent head, nor in her eyes,
Neither in fair-haired eyebrows, nor in red blood,
Not in seventy veins,
Not in seventy joints.
Go, thinness, to the dark forests,
On quicksands, on combustible stones,
On steep banks, on fast rivers,
On the yellow sands
Do not stand, thinness, not a pinch in the bones,
Not in the body of an ache,
No pulling, no yawning.
Skinny skinny, go to the north side,
There's a hell for you.

Conspiracies from thinness

From a letter:

“Recently, I was very nervous, so I lost a lot of weight. And even before this incident, it would be nice for me to gain a few kilograms. Help me, I looked through your books, but got confused. I'm really afraid to do something wrong."

Another post on the same subject:

“I bow to you for helping people. I am proud to have your books. I would like to ask you for help in this matter. My friend is very thin: she is twenty-two years old, but she weighs only forty kilograms and a little. Natalya Ivanovna, she is suffering a lot. How can I help her to gain at least another ten kilograms? Maybe there is some kind of conspiracy that helps people with such problems?

Crush the eggshells, pour this powder into water at midnight and boil it three times, and in the morning, even before the birds sing, pour the water with the powder through the birch fence (you can use someone else's). Don't forget to say:

The bird hatched and I was cured. Give me, Lord, fullness. Amen.

Then leave without looking back. The ceremony is carried out for a full month and no more than three times, otherwise you risk getting fat.

I, the servant of God (name), will go to the blue sea.
A white swan will swim out of the blue sea,
From that white swan it flows
Water rolls off.
This water is difficult
This water is holy and alive.
So any thinness would roll off me.
I splash, I speak with the Mother of God.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Now and forever and forever and ever.

To get rid of excess fat and become thin, you need to go to the river in the evening, draw water downstream into a jug and speak:

I'm going (such and such) in the evening,
I will come to the fast river,
I'll get water from the river
Yes, I will speak to her:
- The first water is big,
And after her go small water,
The last water is running out
So let the fat melt on my body.
This water has come into my vessel,
And the white fullness departed from the body.
And how this water will go down the river,
So is all the fat from me,
Slaves (such and such), will do.
(With these words, water is poured into the river and then read)
How true that this jug is home by itself
Won't go
So it's true that fat will come off my bodies.
And which word is forgotten - live,
And which word is blotted out - die.
Key, lock, tongue.
Amen. Amen. Amen.

Losing excess weight

From a letter:

“Thank you for helping me, and again I ask you to help. Natalya Ivanovna, please advise something from completeness. I used to be a thin girl, but now I’m getting fat by leaps and bounds - people are surprised, and it’s not very pleasant for me to look at myself in the mirror. Help, please, I beg you. I have seen your conspiracies from being overweight, but you need a pig to perform the rites, and we don’t have pigs in the district, so I don’t know what to do. Yes, and I don’t have a bath in the house, I go to the bathhouse. I do not know what to do. Help, please, I want to be slim again!”

It's no secret that a person sweats a lot in the bath. The more he sweats, the more water he loses. Athletes are well aware of this, as they are more likely than others to urgently lose weight. So, at one time you can lose more than three kilograms. But if you make a mistake at the same time, then you can cause irreparable harm to the body, so be careful and take your time. It is necessary to observe the regime and rules of staying in the bath. Do not forget: God saves the safe.

I will teach you a spell to help you lose weight. In addition, it is also an excellent protective conspiracy that will protect you from all kinds of negativity.

Many believe: the more a person is in a bath (or sauna), the faster he will lose weight. This is wrong.

You probably noticed that after a bath, water leaves the body for a very long time (a person continues to sweat). This is what you should use. Stay in the steam room for no more than two or three minutes and in no case douse yourself with cold water after leaving the steam room, as this will prevent you from achieving your goal. There will be a narrowing of the capillaries, and sweating will immediately stop. So, you won't be able to lose weight.

It is impossible to bathe with a broom from the first entry. Warm up first, then rinse with warm water, if necessary, wash yourself. Only after that enter the steam room.

Do not climb high on the shelves, stand for two or three minutes and leave the steam room, reading at this time a special plot (you will find it below).

After leaving the steam room, do not dry yourself, sit on a bench and simply blot the sweat with a dry towel.

After resting for no more than seven minutes, go back to the steam room, after rubbing with salt. Stay there for three minutes and come out again.

The place where you will sit for the next ten minutes should be warm. As I said, the cold will nullify your whole idea.

between visits to the steam room you need from seven to ten minutes. But it is necessary to plan and one long, half-hour, respite.

If you want to lose weight, then do not use a eucalyptus broom, it has a too pungent smell (it is usually used to treat colds). For the entire stay in the bath, it is allowed to drink in several doses only 1 glass of infusion of strawberry leaves or, if they are not available, currant leaves. This infusion also promotes perspiration. Cold drinks are prohibited, it is strictly forbidden to drink beer and alcohol.

Next, I would like to publish two conspiracies. You will read one in the steam room, and the other on a comb, which should then be massaged (as if combing) the whole body during each break. It is better if the comb is wooden.

And one more thing: warn your relatives not to tell you “Enjoy your bath!”.

Conspiracy for a steam room

There was a monk in a cassock.
The monk sang psalms, the monk ate prosvira,
The monk drank holy water and sweated.
While the monk was walking, he lost weight.
So I would sweat and lose weight.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Comb conspiracy

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.
How people comb out lice
So I comb out the fat.
How people roast nits
This is how I burn fat.
Let the pig get fat and my body get thin.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Many times I have witnessed how quickly people who read these two simple conspiracies in the bath lost excess weight. I wish everyone who will use them good luck and health!

World War III will be an informational guerrilla war, with no separation between military and civilian participation. - Marshall McLuhan

In recent years, the very notion of conspiracy theory has been increasingly ridiculed by even some of the most liberal mainstream news outlets, but don't let them fool you: conspiracy theory is not always some eccentric, unfounded, or unproven notion. In fact, sometimes conspiracy theories turn out to be absolutely true. Below are ten conspiracy theories you may be familiar with that have turned out to be true...

1The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, the Vietnam War escalator that never really happened

Conspiracy Theory: The Gulf of Tonkin Incident, the Main Cause of US Involvement in the Vietnam War, Didn't Actually Happen

This is true. Initial Incident - also sometimes referred to as the USS Maddox Incident(s). The destroyer Maddox allegedly encountered three hostile North Vietnamese torpedo boats during her reconnaissance patrol. Maddox fired nearly 300 rounds at them.

President Lyndon Johnson promptly drafted the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which became his administration's legal rationale for military intervention in Vietnam. The problem is that this event did not happen.

In 2005, a declassified internal National Security Agency investigation found that there were NO North Vietnamese naval vessels at the time of the incident. So what did Maddox shoot at? In 1965, President Johnson commented, "Who knows, maybe our fleet was out there shooting whales."

It is also worth noting that the National Security Agency's own historian, Robert J. Hanyok, wrote a report that the agency deliberately misrepresented intelligence in 1964. He concluded: "The parallels between the misleading intelligence in the Gulf of Tonkin and the altered intelligence used to justify the war in Iraq make it all the more reasonable to revisit the events of August 1964."

2. Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment: Deliberate failure to provide appropriate medical care to patients infected with syphilis

Conspiracy Theory: Between 1932 and 1972, the US Public Health Service conducted clinical trials on rural African Americans who contracted syphilis. The US Public Health Service did not tell these people that they were infected with a sexually transmitted disease and offered no treatment, even when penicillin became available as a drug in the 1940s.

Unfortunately it's true. Instead of receiving treatment, the subjects in these studies were told they had "bad blood."

When World War II broke out, 250 of the men registered to go into service and only then learned for the first time that they had been infected with syphilis. Even then, the US Public Health Service denied them treatment.

In the early 1970s, 128 of the original 399 men died of syphilis and complications from syphilis, 40 of their wives contracted the disease, and 19 of their children were born with congenital syphilis.

It is also worth noting that: A similar experiment done on prisoners, soldiers, and mental hospital patients in Guatemala actually involved the US Public Health Service deliberately infecting patients and then treating them with antibiotics.

3 Project MKUltra: CIA Mind Control Program

Conspiracy Theory: The CIA conducted secret mind manipulation experiments on US citizens between the 1950s and 1973.

This is so true that in 1995 President Clinton actually issued a formal apology on behalf of the US government.

In essence, the CIA used drugs, electronics, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, verbal and sexual abuse, and torture to conduct experimental behavioral engineering experiments on subjects. The program has recruited hundreds of these projects from more than 80 different institutions, including universities, hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies.

Much of this was exposed in 1977, when the Free Information Act exposed 20,000 previously classified documents and triggered a series of Senate hearings. Due to the fact that CIA Director Richard Helms destroyed most of the most incriminating documents of the MK Ultra project in 1973, much of what actually happened during these experiments is still unknown and certainly not one person was not prosecuted.

It is also worth noting that: There is growing evidence that Theodore Kaczynski, also known as the "Unabomber", was the subject of the MK Ultra project when he was at Harvard in the late 1950s.

SourcePhoto 4Operation Northwoods: The US military planned to create a Cuban provocation by simulating a hostile act under a false flag

Conspiracy Theory: The US Joint Chiefs of Staff created and approved plans to organize terrorist attacks on US soil in order to gain the support of the American public to start hostilities against Cuba.

This is true, and it is documented.

Fortunately, President Kennedy rejected this plan. This plan consisted of the following: innocent Americans were to be shot in the streets; boats carrying refugees fleeing Cuba were to be sunk on the high seas; in Washington, DC it was planned to organize a wave of aggressive terrorism; in Miami and elsewhere, people had to go to jail for bombings they didn't do; in addition, the hijacking of aircraft was planned.

In addition, the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, led by Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer, planned to falsify evidence to blame Fidel Castro and Cuban refugees for these attacks.

Perhaps the most horrific part of Lemnitzer's plan was the elaborate incident in which a Cuban plane would attack and shoot down a plane full of American students.

5. CIA drug trafficking in Los Angeles

Conspiracy Theory: In the 1980s, the CIA facilitated the sale of cocaine to Los Angeles street gangs known as the "Crips" and "Bloods" and funneled millions of dollars of drug profits to the Latin American guerrilla army.

It's a confusing and complicated scheme, but it's true.

Gary Webb's book, Dark Alliance: The CIA, the Contras, and the Crack Cocaine Explosion, details how the CIA-sponsored Contras smuggled crack cocaine into USA, and then distributed crack to the gangs of Los Angeles, seizing the profits. The CIA directly helped drug dealers to raise money for the Contras.

“This drug network,” Webb wrote in a 1996 article for the San Jose Mercury News, “opened the first pipeline between the Colombian cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles, the city now known as the “crack” capital of the world. The cocaine that flooded the streets helped spark the crack explosion in urban America. . . and provided the money and connections needed to buy automatic weapons for Los Angeles gangs."

It is also worth noting that: On December 10, 2004, Webb committed suicide under suspicious circumstances. Strange was the fact that he used two bullets to shoot himself in the head.

6Operation Mockingbird: An Early Embodiment Of Media Control

In the late 1940s, as the Cold War was just beginning, the CIA launched a top secret project called Operation Mockingbird. His goal was to acquire influence and control over the mainstream media. They also planned to pay the salaries of some journalists and reporters, which some claim continues to this day. The architects of this plan were Frank Wisner, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, and Philip Graham (publisher of The Washington Post), who planned to recruit American news organizations and journalists to essentially became spies and propagandists.

Their list of established agents eventually included journalists from ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International (UPI), Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service, and so on. By 1950, the CIA had infiltrated the nation's companies, media outlets, and universities with tens of thousands of operatives on duty.

Thankfully, the American media is no longer paid by corporations and governments to spread propaganda and disinformation!

Source 7COINTELPRO: 1960s Counterintelligence Program Targeting Activists

COINTELPRO was a series of underground, illegal FBI projects that infiltrated American political organizations to discredit and defame them. These projects were meant to smear Vietnam War critics, civil rights leaders such as Dr. Martin Luther King, and activists and journalists of all kinds.

Acts perpetrated against them included psychological warfare, slander, the use of false documents and false media reports, harassment, illegal imprisonment and, according to some, intimidation and possibly violence and murder.

Similar and possibly more sophisticated tactics are still used today, including monitoring by the United States National Security Agency (see item #10)

Source 8Operation Snow White: The Church of Scientology infiltrated the government and stole information

Operation Snow White is the name given to the unprecedented infiltration of the US government by the Church of Scientology in the 1970s. They stole secret government documents relating to Scientology from dozens of government agencies. In 1977, the FBI finally found the members of Operation Snow White, which led to the arrest and imprisonment of a high-ranking Church official.

The main objective of this program was to expose and legally destroy "all false and secret documents of countries in the areas of the church" and to enable church elders and Lafayette Ronald Hubbard himself (L Ron Hubbard) "to visit all Western countries without threat." After all, there was nothing legitimate in their endeavors.

9. National governments/corporations define global economic policy in secret (Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP), Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) and others)

For years, activists who feared the sinister globalist corporatocracy were told they were paranoid. Maybe they were, but whether you want to call it the New World Order or not, they were right.

On November 13, WikiLeaks released the secretly approved text of the entire chapter of the Trans-Pacific Partnership project titled Intellectual Property Rights Chapter. It showed that negotiations on a regional free trade agreement are being held behind closed doors by countries in the Asia-Pacific region, such as Australia, Brunei Darussalam (Brunei Darussalam), Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, USA and Vietnam.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, an advocacy organization, says the Trans-Pacific Partnership has "widespread negative impacts on users" of freedom of speech, the right to privacy and due process, and [will] hinder peoples' drive to innovate "".

It's also worth noting that: In June 2014, WikiLeaks revealed the even more far-reaching Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA), a 50-country agreement that will facilitate unprecedented levels of privatization around the world. The agreement will, in effect, help governments avoid returning public services to the public. This can significantly affect our ability to enforce environmental regulations and uphold worker safety and rights.

10. The US government illegally spies on its own citizens.

This suggestion has been ridiculed in the past, as a dark fantasy inspired by Orwell's fertile imagination in the 1984 novel, and also as a distrust of government by minors. When you claimed that "they" were spying on you, people thought you were a paranoid conspiracy theorist and even a psycho in a tinfoil hat.

Even after it became known that the National Security Agency had been illegally eavesdropping on the conversations of US citizens and collecting our mobile phone metadata for over a decade, people brushed aside the seriousness of this fact. Yes, they are analyzing our negotiations, but this is necessary for national security. “In the post-9/11 world,” some freedoms must be sacrificed for security, right?

It turns out that this is not true. Not only is there no evidence that the National Security Agency is protecting its citizens from terrorism, there is growing evidence that it makes them more vulnerable. Thanks to revelations about the activities of the US National Security Agency and their Project Prism, we know that the scope of the agency's eavesdropping extends beyond what many conspiracy theorists originally envisioned.

In early June 2014, the Washington Post reported that nearly 90 percent of this information was being collected by the United States National Security Agency's surveillance programs from Internet users who had no connection to terrorist activity. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, this is a direct violation of the constitution.

The American Civil Liberties Union has filed a lawsuit against the US National Security Agency, stating that the massive collection of data violates the Fourth Amendment right to privacy, as well as the First Amendment right to freedom of speech and association.

The third world war will be a guerrilla information war without real battles between the military and civilians.— Marshall Maclahan

Conspiracy theories are a set of various hypotheses, conclusions and opinions that line up in a chain to prove one or another conspiracy theory. Often, these are just someone's fears compiled into one large-scale theory. But sometimes, these conspiracy theories turn out to be true. Here are a dozen confirmed and real-life conspiracy theories.

1. The incident in the Gulf of Tonkin that gave rise to the Vietnam War never happened.

The conspiracy theory says: The incident in the Gulf of Tonkin, the main reason for American involvement in the Vietnam War, never actually happened.

This is true. According to initial US military reports, the incident involved the USS Maddox and three Vietnamese naval torpedo boats. Maddox, according to reports, fired almost 300 missiles at the enemy.

President Lyndon B. Johnson quickly drafted the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which became the legal justification for US intervention in the military conflict in Vietnam.

In 2005, a declassified National Security Agency investigation found that no North Vietnamese warships were present at the time of the incident. So what did Maddox shoot at and where did the 300 rockets go? In 1965, President Johnson commented, "As far as I know, our navy has shot whales."

It is worth noting: The NSA's own historian, Robert J. Haniok, wrote a report stating that the agency deliberately misrepresented intelligence reports in 1964. He wrote: "The principles of the work of US intelligence, both in the Gulf of Tonki Incident, that in creating evidence of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction from 2003, have not changed at all."

2. The Tuskage Syphilis Experiment: Deliberately not treating syphilis-infected patients.

Conspiracy theory: Between 1932 and 1972, the US Public Health Service conducted a clinical study of rural African American men who had contracted syphilis. The Health Service never told these men that they had a sexually transmitted disease, nor did they offer them treatment, even after penicillin became available in the 1940s.

Unfortunately it's true. Instead of being treated, the people in these studies were told they had "bad blood."

When World War II broke out, the 250 men who "participated" in the project were first told they had syphilis. Even then, the US denied them treatment.

By the early 1970s, 128 out of 399 men had died from syphilis and related complications, 40 of their wives were also diagnosed with the disease, and 19 of their children were born with syphilis.

It is worth noting: A similar experiment was carried out on prisoners, soldiers, and patients in a psychiatric hospital in Guatemala, where the US deliberately infected patients with syphilis and then treated them with antibiotics.

3. Project "MK Ultra": CIA mind control program.

Conspiracy theory: The CIA conducted secret mind control experiments on American citizens from the 1950s until 1973.

This is true, which is why President Clinton issued a formal apology on behalf of the American government in 1995.

The CIA used drugs, electronics, hypnosis, sensory deprivation, verbal abuse, sexual assault, and torture to carry out these illegal behavioral experiments. The program consisted of more than a hundred projects and involved more than 80 different institutions, including universities, hospitals, prisons and pharmaceutical companies.

Much of the "work" was made public in 1977, when the Freedom of Information Act released 20,000 previously classified documents and triggered a series of Senate hearings. Since CIA Director Richard Helms destroyed a huge amount of damning documents on "MK Ultra" in 1973, much of what actually happened during these experiments is still unknown and, of course, not a single person has been brought to justice.

It is worth noting: There is evidence that Theodore Kaczynski, otherwise known as the Unabomber, was a member of the MK Ultra project during his time at Harvard in the late 1950s.

4. Operation Nordwoods: The US military had plans to provoke Cuba with a terrorist attack on US soil.

Conspiracy theory: The Joint Chiefs of Staff of the US Armed Forces drafted and approved a plan to carry out terrorist attacks on American soil in order to rally the American public in support of the war against Cuba.

This is true, and there are even documents confirming this.

Fortunately, President Kennedy rejected the plan, which included: killing innocent Americans in the streets; sinking in neutral waters of a boat with refugees from Cuba on board; acts of terrorism in Washington, Miami and other cities; blaming innocent Cubans for these attacks; hijacking.

In addition, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, led by Chairman Lyman Lemnitzer, planned to fabricate evidence blaming Fidel Castro and Cuban refugees for these attacks.

It is worth noting: There is documentary evidence that Lemnitzer planned a terrorist attack in which a "Cuban" fighter would shoot down a plane full of American students.

5. CIA drug trafficking in Los Angeles.

Conspiracy theory: In the 1980s, the CIA helped Los Angeles gangs sell cocaine and diverted millions of dollars from drug sales to the Latin American guerrilla army.

It's convoluted and complicated, but it's true.

Gary Webb's book Dark Alliance outlines how the CIA-backed rebels smuggled cocaine into the US and then distributed it to the Los Angeles gangs, pocketing the profits. The CIA, in turn, helped drug dealers raise money for the Contras.

"This drug network", Webb wrote in 1996, "opened the first pipeline between Colombia's cocaine cartels and the black neighborhoods of Los Angeles, a city now known as the cocaine capital of the world. Cocaine provided the cash and connections needed by the Los Angeles gangs. And it was all done to support the Contras"

It is worth noting: On December 10, 2004, Webb committed suicide under suspicious circumstances: he used two bullets to shoot himself in the head.

6 Operation Mockingbird: An early example of media control.

In the late 1940s, during the Cold War, the CIA launched a top secret project called Operation Mockingbird. The goal was to buy influence and control over the major media outlets. They also planned to put journalists and reporters directly on the CIA payroll. The architects of this plan were Frank Wisner, Allen Dulles, Richard Helms, and Philip Graham (publisher of the Washington Post), who planned to list American news organizations and journalists in order to make them effectively spies and propagandists.

The list of agents eventually included journalists from ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, UPI, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service, etc. By the 1950s, the CIA was filled with national companies, and the media and universities were in fact agents who were fed by the huge budget of the CIA.

I wonder how things are now?

7. COINTELPRO: 1960s intelligence programs targeting inconvenient activists.

The COINTELPRO program was a series of clandestine, illegal FBI projects designed to infiltrate domestic political organizations to discredit and defame those organizations. The program has been used by critics of the Vietnam War, civil rights leaders such as Martin Luther King, and a wide variety of activists and journalists.

The actions taken against them included mostly elements of psychological warfare, slander, the use of forged documents and sponsored media articles, harassment, wrongful arrests and, according to some reports, intimidation and even violence and murder.

Similar and perhaps more sophisticated tactics are still in use today, including NSA control.

8 Operation Snow White: The Church of Scientology infiltrated the government and stole information.

Operation Snow White was an unprecedented infiltration of the US government by the Church of Scientology in the 1970s. They stole secret government files relating to Scientology from dozens of government agencies.

In 1977, the FBI finally cracked Snow White, leading to the arrest and imprisonment of a senior church official.

The main mission of the program was to destroy and delete "all false and secret files defaming the image of the church" and to allow church leaders and L. Ron Hubbard himself "to visit the Western countries without fear for their freedoms." As a result, of course, they did not find a single legal evidence of their attempts.

9. National governments/corporations secretly determine global economic policy (TPP, TISA, etc.).

For years, activists who feared a sinister global corporatocracy were told they were paranoid. Perhaps they are, but whether you want to call it the New World Order or not, they were right.

On November 13, WikiLeaks released the text of a secret treaty draft for the entire Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). It contained a regional agreement signed behind closed doors that promoted free trade between countries in the Asia-Pacific region, including Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, the United States, and Vietnam.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation claims that TPP has "widespread negative impacts on freedom of speech, privacy rights and hinders peoples' ability to innovate."

It is worth noting: In June 2014, WikiLeaks published an even more far-reaching Trade in Services Agreement (TiSA) with 50 countries that will facilitate unprecedented levels of privatization around the world. The agreement will essentially prevent governments from putting social services back into public hands. That is, everything is at the mercy of mega-corporations.

10. The US government illegally spies on its own citizens.

It used to be ridiculed as a dark fantasy born of an overactive imagination. Once upon a time, the Western world claimed that totalitarian Russia was spying rather than the free West. And anyone who thought otherwise was branded a paranoid conspiracy theorist.

Even after it was proven that the NSA was illegally listening to citizens and collecting cell phone metadata, people found an excuse for it. Yes, they analyze our conversations, but this is under the auspices of national security. Certain privileges must be sacrificed for security, right?

It turns out that this is obviously false. Not only is there no evidence that the NSA is protecting citizens from terrorism; terrorist attacks in the US are still happening, there is direct evidence that this makes citizens more vulnerable. Thanks to the declassification of some NSA data and their Project Prism, it is known that the volume of NSA wiretapping is even greater than many conspiracy theorists originally thought.

In early June 2014, the Washington Post reported that almost 90% of the data on Internet users collected by NSA surveillance programs had no connection to terrorist activities. According to the American Civil Liberties Union, this is a direct violation of the constitution.

A lawsuit was filed against the NSA, alleging that such data collection violates the right to privacy, as well as the right to freedom of speech.

There is only one question left: Why is the US still considered an honest country and listen to every word, the head of this deceitful country?

The material was prepared by Gusenalapchataya - website

If you are tired of all these conspiracy theories, politics and other rubbish, then read something about animals. For example, the panda bear cub has a very interesting diet, and he has unlimited affection for his mother. And do not forget that we can learn something very useful from animals.

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Are you looking for this? Perhaps this is what you could not find for so long?

If doctors do not help, then along with prayers, conspiracies are used!

Prayer-conspiracy from all diseases

In deliverance from diseases to the servant of God (name), the cross of the guardian, the cross of church beauty, the cross of the power of the kings, the cross of the scepter of princes, the cross of the servant of God (name) the fence, the cross of the chaser from the servant of God (name) of every enemy and adversary. Holy Hierarchs Ivan the Forerunner the Theologian, friend of Christ, Mother of God of Typhus, Kazan and Smolensk, in holy baptism Friday Paraskovya, pray to God for deliverance from diseases to the servant of God (name). Oh, the Shift of the honest and life-giving cross of the Lord, holy Victorious Yegoriy the Brave, great martyr, take your spear, which is holding the flattering serpent; Archangel Michael, take your fiery spear, and reflect the silence and kinsman of the servant of God (name), dreaming, roaring and belching winds and shoots, day and night commotion, from seventy veins and from the whole inside of the body, twelve relatives and twelve simple-haired wives. Holy archangels and angels, cherubs and seraphim, heavenly powers voivode Archangel Mikhailo, Ascension of the Lord, holy prophet Elijah of God, Great Saint Sophia over the gates of the Tsar-city, Anastasia and Barbara the great martyr, holy myrrh-bearing wives, righteous Ivan the holy fool, Mother of God in Jerusalem, city Judaic, in which the Lord our God Jesus Christ, the son of God, came, the reverend fathers Izosim and Savvaty, the Solovetsky wonderworkers, pray to God for deliverance from diseases to the servant of God (name). How will the tree reach the top from earth to heaven and how the true Christ, our God, will not have any silence, no relatives, no sorrows and illnesses from the visible and invisible, the opposite forces and the enemy excommunicated, from the temple of the expelled evil spirit, is renewed by the servant of God ( name) from all filthiness and from violent winds, and from the temple of the expelled evil spirit, is renewed by the servant of God (name) from all filthy and from violent winds, and from the water that has come, all sorrows and illnesses and I will be protected by the holy cross. Jesus Christ himself, the Son of God, and Saints Michael and Gabriel the Archangels, Tikhon the Monk, Macarius of Unzhensky, Dmitry Rostotsky sit on the throne - to drive out of the head, ribs and the entire inside and body - water, large marsh sorrows-ailments: key, jet and windy from the winds. And I pray: take from the servant of God (name) silence and relatives, roaring and nocturnal commotions, stone diseases, diarrhea, boils, scabies, syphilis and all sorts of sorrows and illnesses of twelve relatives and twelve simple-haired wives, Mount Tabor stands on the mountain, stacks lie on the mountain church, the Most Holy Theotokos, mistress, Vladimir, Kazan, Spasskaya and Renewal in the new city of Jerusalem, on the frontal place, and resume, I, the servant of God (name), silence and kinsman, fast, roaring, dreamy, windy, watery, daytime and night commotions and all sorts of sorrows and illnesses from the opposite force at the birth of the month, at the full and old months, and at any time of the day and night I will drive away. And yet I, the servant of God (name), I am baptized with a cross, I will protect myself with a cross, I will call on the cross of God to help, I will drive away the devil’s cross, I will cleanse all sorrows and illnesses with a cross. Lord, have mercy on me, servant of God (name). Amen.

Vladimir Shkurupiy. Well-known Ukrainian writer, editor-in-chief of the almanac "Velikyden", folk healer

An overactive bladder will calm the plot. He helps me with any problems. Draw a hand around a painful place (bladder) and pronounce a conspiracy several times: I don’t draw bitches, but I outline chiri. Ugh, ugh, ugh (over the left shoulder). Amen. The painful place will "respond" with an increase in pain or in some other way. I learned to pronounce a conspiracy without hands, mentally outlining the problem area.

Spell to fall asleep quickly.

Son-Samson, bring me a dream From all four sides.
I pronounce this conspiracy before going to bed and at night, if I wake up. "From all" - mentally turn attention to the right, "four" - attention forward. "sides" - attention to the left. "Amen" - attention down. It helps me. Try it!

Three girls were sitting on Gora-goritsa.

Sewn-embroidered with red silk. The silk was gone - the blood stopped. My word is strong, my thought is strong, my strength is light, key, lock, sledgehammer.

The plot is read 3 times, it consists of the actual plot part, where the world is drawn, so that you understand, the world mountain, three goddesses, the action itself (sewn-embroidered with silk), blood flows, the action to stop the yarn (this can be an interruption of a life thread or stopping some bad process - the formation of pain, bleeding).
This is where we stop the bleeding.
At the end, it says necessarily “lock” - sealing. There are different forms, just like in the prayer "Amen" or "Halelujah". The plot itself was read late in a whisper, to oneself or in a loud voice. The plot had to be read on the breath three times in a row. Seven times in a row and twelve times in a row.
This thing is being worked out while holding the breath.

A conspiracy for sickness-ailment

As the king-bread is born in the field, as a grain-grain without blemish and aphids in the ear is poured, as the Recluse Moon grows and opens in the clouds, so let the servants of God (name) pour and grow stronger from day to day, and the twigs - black ailment and weakness will go away! Amen, amen, amen! My words are true, my word is strong!

At the onset of illness.

Across the Volyn Sea, a clumsy maiden lives. He can neither sew, nor weave, nor bake bread, nor forbid a horse. She has three youths in her hut; they can neither mow, nor plow, nor sow the field. Just as that maiden and those youths cannot do anything, so no illness can harm the servant of God (name). My word is thrice strong; I didn’t say: so God ruled .. It is said in a quiet patter three times.

When you feel like you're getting sick.

Put a crust of bread under your arm, dress as warmly as possible and move vigorously (to sweat). When the bread is saturated with sweat, put it at the head of the head for the night, and at dawn take it to the river, throw it into the water and say: Mermaid, mermaid, you have bread on you! Take the bread, take the sickness, give me health.

If the disease does not recede (with a protracted chronic illness).

It is necessary to cut off the nails and ends of the patient's hair. Roll it up in wax and bring it to the crossroads at midnight. Bury wax with hair and nails in the ground, and say three times; I put my scythe-nails into the damp, cold, dumb, deaf land, so that the disease becomes numb, cooled, deaf, and died in the same place! Amen.

From weakness and dizziness.

I walked through the forest, I walked along the path, I see a stream running. Three dogs lie near this stream, one is red, the other is thin, the third is black. Dogs, dogs! Take my illness, carry it to dry places, to dark forests, to deaf swamps, where a bird does not fly, a person does not look. Let it go there, it remains, but the strength will return to me! Amen.

From weakness after illness.

I will pray to the Lord the Savior, I will bow to the Blessed Virgin. Come, Mother of God, to the slave (name). Where the Mother of God stepped, there the ailment receded. The Lord walked with Peter and Paul, went into Peter's house. There, Petrov's mother-in-law lay in great pain, in great infirmity. As the Lord approached, so the ailment receded from her, Petrov's mother-in-law got up and began to serve the Lord. Come, Lord, to the servant of God (name), drive out the disease from the bones, from the blood, from the hands, from the feet, from brown eyes, from blond eyebrows. With fair hair, with a loud voice. The Lord drove out all pains, all weaknesses, all infirmities, all ailments. The Lord took them out into a deaf swamp and locked them with an iron key. He threw that key into the water, and gave the servant of God (name) strength and health! Amen.

From any illness.

Go into the forest, find a lonely growing mountain ash and say: Rowan, mountain ash, be you my mother, take ailments from me, I won’t break you, but I will be amulets, watered with water. Amen. Then pour the rowan with water.

From any illness.

Come to the forest, find an old strong oak, read “Our Father” three times and say: Oak, oak, I give you a name (think of a name for the oak). If you are my godson, and I will be your godfather. Take, godfather, my ailment, my ache, and give me your strength. Amen.

From any disease.

Dawn-dawn, God's right hand, come down from heaven, enter into me, drive the disease out of me. Lord, forgive my sins, release me from illness. I make a cross, I am baptized with a cross, I put on a cross. Amen.

From any disease.

How to get rid of any pain.

Circle around yourself with a copper crucifix and read three times:
Be my words strong, molding to a white body, to a zealous heart. As the church does not move, does not wander, does not walk on the ground with its feet, so that the servant of God (name) does not have pain in the body and does not wander. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

from any tumor.

They buy food and distribute alms. After that, in three churches they put candles for their health. They do this three times. On the fourth day, they wash themselves with charmed water. Water is spoken like this:
I will get up with a blessing, I will go out crossing myself. I'll go to the field and find Bolotov's bones. As these bones were buried and commemorated, so I, God's servant (name), bury and commemorate the cancer on my body. Just as there is no meat on Bolotovy bones, so there is no cancer on me, I will not suffer from a tumor forever and ever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Ancient conspiracies from any disease:

Lord God, bless! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. As the Lord God firmly established and strengthened the sky, and the earth, and the water, and the stars, and the damp earth, and as on that damp earth there is no disease, no blood wound, no pinches, no aches, no swelling, he also created The Lord me, the servant of God (name), as the Lord created, firmly established and firmly strengthened my sinews, and my bones, and my white body, just as I, the servant of God (name), would not have been on a white body, on a zealous heart, neither on my bones nor any disease, nor blood, nor wounds, nor pinches, nor aches, nor tumors. One Arkhangelsk key; forever and ever, amen.

I speak to the servant of God (such and such) twelve mournful ailments: from shaking, from thorns, from overthrowing, from shooting, from fire, from stabbing, from twitching, from blinking, from blindness, from deafness, from black sickness. You, evil shaker, calm down, otherwise I will curse you to hell; you, restless thorn, stop, otherwise I will send you to the underworld; you, overthrow, stop, otherwise I will drown you in hot water: you, shooting, [calm down], otherwise I will tar you in seething pitch; you, ogrenitsa, cool off, otherwise I will freeze you with Epiphany frosts; Shrink yourself, you sliver, or else I will crush you against a stone; you, stabbing, dull, otherwise I will cut you into small pieces; you, twitch, come back, otherwise I’ll block the dam at the mill with you; you, blinking, turn around, otherwise I’ll dry it in the sauna oven; you, blindness, crouch, otherwise I will drown you in tar; you, deafness, disappear, otherwise I’ll tar in a barrel and let it go across the sea; you, black sickness, get rid of it, otherwise I will make the water pound.

All ailments, pump out, get rid of, get away from the slave (such and such) to this hour, to this day, for his life with my strong word.

To restore strength

Lord, the sun is rising here
and fatigue goes to the west.
In the Name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Old Slavic conspiracies for health and a good life

Conspiracy for health.
Perun! Listen to those who call you! Glorious and Trislaven wake up! Health, bread and Family, my children (names ...) give, bring thunder! Rule over everyone! More from Rodno! Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

Conspiracies from diseases.
*** Semargl-Svarozhich! Great Fireman! They slept in sickness, cleanse the womb, in the child of a person (name), in every creature, in old and young, You are God's Delight! Cleansing with fire, opening the power of souls, save the child of God, may the twigs perish. We glorify you, we call to you. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

*** Father you, Semargl-Firebog, you are God to all Gods, you are fire to all fires! As you burn and burn in the field of grass-ants, thickets and slums, the raw oak has underground roots, seventy-seven roots, seventy-seven branches, and slept with (the name is spoken) sorrow and illness. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

*** Zarya-Zaryanitsa, the red maiden, the mother herself and the queen. The moon is bright, the stars are clear - take from me insomnia, sleeplessness, midnight. Dawn-Zarenitsa, in the middle of the night, come to me even as a red maiden, even as a queen mother, and lay down from me (the name is spoken) and take away the accursed power from me, all the ailments of adversity. Now and forever, and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

*** I will become blessed, I will go to the blue sea, on the blue sea there is a white-combustible stone Alatyr, on the stone Alatyr the Goddess Jiva sits, holds a white swan in her white hands, plucks the white wing of the swan. As the white wing bounced back, so bounce, jump, recoil from (name) native flames, fevers and fevers - Khripush, Lomey, Decrepit, Dormant. Vetreya. Trouble, Zyabuha, Shaking, Fire, Puffy, Yellow, Nemea, Deaf, Karkusha, Looking, Khrapush. From a wild head, from clear eyes, from black eyebrows, from a white calf, from a zealous heart, From the wind, come, go into the wind, come from the water, go to the water, come from the forest, go to the forest. From century to century.

*** The mermaid was walking along a forest path, scratched her tender leg, and from that wound, yes, not blood-ore, but from that wound, yes, water is pure. Yes, the water is pure, that flowed like a stream, and that water passed all over the earth. Yes, on that island and on that Buyan, on that Buyan, yes, a mound is high. On the mound that stone-alatyr lies in full breadth. Do not lift it, do not roll it up while the human race lives on earth. Like water flowed under that stone, and behind it the disease forever. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

For health:
Empress, Makosh Mother, mother of heaven, Mother of God. You, mother Rozhanitsa, sister of Svarog! Grant us good luck, without aunts and cry! Give health to children (names) great and small. Now and ever and from circle to circle! Taco be, taco be, taco be!

“Lord Heavenly Father! You know what I need to do so that I can bear many good fruits in Your Kingdom and on this earth. Please, in the name of Jesus Christ, guide me in the right direction.
Grant me to learn quickly and effectively and move forward.
Grant me Your dreams, Your desires, destroy dreams and desires that are not of You.
Give me wisdom, clarity and understanding on how to move in the direction of Your will. Grant me the necessary knowledge, the necessary people.
Grant me to be in the right place at the right time to do the right things in order to bring many good fruits.

(This is a very powerful prayer!)

“The spark of the eternal manifestation of the Lord, born by a miracle, will manifest itself in me when my soul is illumined with the Good News.
I call on the great Lord to touch my destiny, to direct my paths in the direction of good luck and prosperity, and the seven sources of Heaven will unite in my heart, when the Lord hears me, and miraculously blessed my life will take on a new meaning, and I will gain the power of Life, gain success in today's work, and in future work there will be no obstacles for me, for the hand of the Lord will help me.


How to find out who caused damage:

They spend it on a church holiday, read a plot before going to bed and go to bed alone and not talking to anyone after reading. In a dream, you will see the one who caused damage to you, if you dream of fire or water, then the damage has been removed from you and returned to the sorcerer.

“Saint Samson, send me a prophetic dream, who did a dirty deed, who said an evil word, who sent damage - damage, let me dream. Amen."
(read three times)

Do you think there is a prayer that heals all diseases?
It seemed to me that no.
But this is until I got it from a familiar village healer.
Prayer for diseases is a heartfelt appeal to God for the long-awaited healing.
Of course, this is not a panacea for all diseases that has not yet been invented.

But at the same time, nothing prevents you from reading this prayer before going to bed in order to call on heavenly powers for help.

Prayer for all diseases

Lord Jesus Christ, protector and savior. I call on your power and grace frantic. Help me heal from the diseases of the soul and bodily ailments. Send me peace, humility, patience, insight and strong faith in the Lord God. Thus, my soul will be cleansed of serious illnesses and vulnerability. Cast off all pain, sickness, scabs, putrefaction, lust, leprosy, infection, and bodily swelling. This will cleanse my sinful flesh. Then there will be no longing, sorrow and mental anguish. Punish me, but do not torment me with terrible troubles. May this prayer deliver me from all diseases, now and forever, and forever and ever. Amen!