When will Easter be celebrated in the year. When to Celebrate Catholic and Orthodox Easter

Easter in 2017 is the most important Christian holiday and a joyful event not only for the Orthodox, but also for the Catholics. He carries within himself greatest love and hope for spiritual cleansing. On this day, the doors of each church are open to those who wish to bring and consecrate Easter cakes, painted eggs and other goodies available after.

When is the holiday, and what date is Orthodox Easter in 2017?

Christian Easter in 2017, as always, is celebrated on Sunday. This year is one of the rare cases when Orthodox Easter in 2017 coincides with the celebration of Catholic Easter. Most often, the difference between the dates of Orthodox and Catholic Easter is a few weeks, but this time all Catholics celebrate the holiday together with the Orthodox.

In order to determine the date of Easter in 2017, simply refer to church calendar. If you want to calculate this date yourself, you can do it with lunar calendar. Determine the full moon after the day spring equinox: the next Sunday after this day and will become happy holiday Easter in 2017.

History of the celebration

A bright and joyful Christian holiday marks faith in God and his powers. From that day on, a new era began. Accepting martyrdom for human sins, resurrected on the third day by the will of the Lord and to his glory, Jesus became a symbol of humanity, a sign that anyone can enter the Kingdom of God after the end of earthly life.

For believing Christians Easter holidays is the main event of the year. Preparations for the holiday begin long before the start of Easter. The essence of fasting is the preparation of the spirit and body for the celebration of the resurrection of the Son of God. During fasting, the task is not so much in physical cleansing while refusing many products, but in the opportunity to know one's strength of mind and cleanse oneself spiritually.

Fasting continues for 40 days, the same period lasted for the fast of Christ after him. Followed by Holy Week.

The symbols of the Feast of the Resurrection are:

  1. Life (presented as an Easter cake, colored eggs).
  2. Water (Easter streams).
  3. Fire (Holy fire taken out of the tomb of the Lord).

On the night of the celebration of Easter, all believers went to church, listened to the festive divine service and sanctified Easter basket with Easter cakes and colored eggs.

Catholic Easter

The celebration of Catholic Easter is not much different. Catholics also paint eggs, go to night services and congratulate relatives and friends. A special rite is the baptism of adults on the night before the holiday. Catholics believe that this will bring them happiness and good fortune.

Family dinner is an integral part of the holiday. Relatives gather at a common table, which is necessarily decorated with Easter paraphernalia, sweets and pastries. Children, adults and lovers exchange colored eggs, and all day long theatrical performances on a religious theme take place on the streets.

Traditions, rituals and signs

Easter rituals and traditions involve many rules. After the Easter night service, people come home and begin to break their fast (that is, allow themselves to eat food, from which for a long time refused). This rite is especially significant for those who have been fasting for the entire period. You need to do this correctly, first of all you need to break and eat the egg. After eating the eggs, they eat Easter cake. After that, you can proceed to other products. For most children, breaking eggs is a favorite tradition. To do this, everyone chooses an egg and beats it against another. The one whose testicle remains intact wins.

Even leaving the church, all familiar people should greet each other with the words “Christ is risen!”, The answer to this greeting should be “Truly risen!”, People hug each other and exchange a triple kiss on the cheek.

Cooking Easter cakes and painting eggs before Easter is also a tradition for many. Native people gather and spend time together talking and preparing for a bright holiday, this unites and fills souls with love.

Among Catholics, the symbol of Easter is the rabbit. It is he who comes into the house and leaves the treats in the baskets. Drawings of a rabbit are present in most of the attributes of the holiday - postcards, various souvenirs, chocolate candies, colored eggs and cookies are made with his image.

In addition to the main traditions, there are folk omens and rituals, here are the main ones:

  1. The first person to enter the house after the night service will bring good luck for the whole year.
  2. You can attract wealth by dipping gold jewelry into water with a consecrated egg.
  3. Rolled across the face of a child Easter Egg, you can protect it from the evil eye.

holiday bans

In the period before Great Lent, one cannot kneel in prayer in the church: this is allowed after the Resurrection. The same restriction applies to bell ringing, resuming after Easter.

Easter is a clean and bright holiday, on this day you should not do cleaning, laundry, repair or agricultural work. On this day, the dead are not commemorated in the church and no rituals are performed. Easter is a holiday of spiritual rebirth and purification of one's own soul and thoughts. On this day, native people gather at the same table and enjoy communication with each other, think about good deeds and drive away gloomy thoughts.

Knowing what date Easter is in 2017, every believer will be able to prepare for this holiday by studying all the traditions and history of the celebration, cleansing his soul and body from the accumulated negativity over the year.

Easter is a Christian holiday that coincides with the Resurrection of Christ. This holiday is considered one of the most ancient and important for the church. The celebration of Easter is the greatest and joyful event for all people, both Catholics and Orthodox. It marks the love of life, victory over death and the hope of eternal existence.

On this feast day, the church rejoices, widely dissolves its gates, letting in everyone who wants to dedicate Easter cakes, eggs and other dishes brought in a basket.

When is Easter celebrated?

Christian Easter is celebrated constantly on Sunday, only the dates change. It is quite difficult to calculate the exact date yourself, because it is formed according to the solar-lunar calendar. Orthodox and Catholic Easter comes in different time because different calendar systems are used.

Orthodox Easter 2017: date, traditions, signs

In 2017 Orthodox Easter falls on April 16. This holiday has its own traditions, which were established gradually over many centuries. Since Easter is the clearest sign of all living and renewed, the main symbols of this day are Life(cakes and painted eggs), Water(Easter streams) and Holy Fire. In all towns and villages on Easter night people went to church, listened to divine services, sanctified water and Easter basket with products.

After the service in the church, it is customary to come home, set the table and break the fast. Especially waiting for this day are people who kept a strict 48-day fast. First of all, you need to taste the egg, after which the Easter cake. Once such a ritual is completed, you can proceed to other treats.

Favorite easter fun- Egg battle. For her, you need to take a decorated or painted egg and hit the opponent's egg with any side. The one whose egg remains intact wins.

It is also customary to celebrate Easter on Easter. Young and old, children and adults, men and women at a meeting should kiss a friend three times and say “Christ is Risen!”, And in response they will hear “Truly Risen!”.

There are several Easter signs and rituals that have come to us since ancient times:

  1. For the one who come first home after the church service, the whole year will be lucky.
  2. By dipping gold jewelry into water with a consecrated egg, you can attract wealth and success.
  3. Roll an Easter egg over the children's faces to protect them from the evil eye.
  4. To preserve happiness in the house, you can’t do any household chores on Easter.

To feel the magic and significance of Orthodox Easter, it is not necessary to be a deeply religious person. After all, this holiday, first of all, is about everything dear and important that people have: about kindness, about love, about children, about forgiveness. And it’s also a wonderful tradition to visit all your relatives, get together at a big table and just enjoy life.

Catholic Easter 2017: date, traditions, rituals

2017 is one of the few times when Catholic and Orthodox Easter are celebrated on the same day. Usually the difference between the dates is several weeks. But this year, all Catholics will celebrate the day of Christ's Resurrection April 16.

Colored eggs are the symbol of the Easter holiday. IN different countries they are painted according to their customs and preferences. For example, Western European Catholics paint eggs red without any additional stickers or drawings. And in Central Europe, it is customary to paint Easter eggs with beautiful ornaments, patterns and colorful flowers.

Another symbol of Catholic Easter is the hare, which, according to ancient belief, goes from house to house and lays out various treats in an Easter basket. Easter Bunny is a popular creature among all Catholics. They print it on postcards, make chocolates in the form of a hare, and bake it. Souvenirs in the form of rabbits, which are made of clay, fabric, plastic and other materials, are popular.

Roman Catholic Church conducts the main divine service of the year from Maundy Thursday to Great Resurrection. It was during this period that it is customary to remember all the torments that Christ endured, his death and his resurrection.

As soon as the evening comes Great Saturday, Catholic churches carry out Easter Eve. The beginning of this action is the Liturgy of Light. Not far from the Temple, a fire flares up, from which the priest takes a spark and lights a large Paschal candle. With this candle, the churchman enters the dark temple, pronounces an ancient hymn that marks the resurrection of Christ. It is from the lit Easter that Catholics light their candles.

After this action, the next begins - the Liturgy of the Word, and then the Liturgy of Baptism. In the Catholic Church, it is customary for adults to be baptized immediately on the night before the holiday. Believers consider this an honorable rite that makes their fate happier.

As soon as the baptism ends, the Eucharistic Liturgy begins, and at the end of the service, “Christ is Risen” is pronounced. People who are in the temple should answer "Truly risen." Then they go in procession around the temple.

An integral tradition of Catholic Easter is a family dinner. Catholics always have the most delicious treats on the table: sweets, pastries, meat dishes. The table itself is decorated with Easter decor.

What not to do on Easter

Easter is a clean holiday during which a person cleanses the soul and body. On this great day, you can not do housework or go to work. Of course, there are exceptions - caring for sick people and children. Also on Easter day you can not visit the cemetery grounds. For such moments, there is a special day that comes right after the Easter festivities end. Since the day of the Holy Resurrection is considered a joyful day, it is forbidden to hold memorial services for the dead.

In the pre-Easter and Easter days the church does not hold weddings, arguing that the holiday was not invented for physical pleasures, but for complete spiritual and moral purification, thereby reviving the human soul.

Video recipe for a wonderful cake

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Easter 2017: what date is Orthodox Easter

Traditionally, this bright holiday ends, which this year takes place from February 27 to April 15, and during which the Orthodox adhere to strict food restrictions, try to cleanse themselves of sins, rethink their spiritual life.

The holiday itself Happy Easter invariably accompanied by the aromas of rich pastries, elegant Easter cakes, painted eggs, symbolic figurines of rabbits and lambs, solemn church all-night services, traditions of visiting each other and christening with the words "Christ is Risen!" - "Truly Risen!"

Easter 2017: how the date of the holiday is calculated

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Surely you have been interested in the question more than once: why is Easter celebrated at different times and what determines what date Easter is in 2017? After all, the feast of the Resurrection of the Lord always falls annually on different dates. For example, last year it was already celebrated in warm May, Easter in 2017 falls on April 16, and in 2018 this day is very early - April 8.

It turns out that the date of Easter depends on the state celestial bodies namely, the Moon and the Sun. Easter Day was chosen the first Sunday after the first full moon, which comes after. It follows from this that Easter 2017, like in other years, is a moving church holiday and is not tied to traditional calendar, and therefore celebrated at different times. And the range of celebration of the Resurrection of Christ in different years may be from April 4th to May 8th.

On the date of Orthodox Easter in 2017, all other passing church holidays in the year depend: Lazarus Saturday, the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, the Ascension of the Lord, Pentecost. After all, they are calculated depending on the date of Easter 2017. Therefore, in order to better navigate the dates, do not miss important days and great events, it is advisable to have the Orthodox church calendar for 2017 on hand.


Date of Catholic and Orthodox Easter 2017

It is noteworthy that Orthodox and Catholic Easter is usually celebrated on different days. The reason is that these churches keep reckoning according to different calendars. Orthodox Christians - in Julian, and Catholics - in Gregorian. But Easter 2017 - Orthodox and Catholic - coincides and is celebrated this year on the same day, April 16.


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Easter in 2017 is the most important Christian holiday and a joyful event not only for the Orthodox, but also for Catholics. It carries the greatest love and hope for spiritual purification. On this day, the doors of each church are open to those who wish to bring and consecrate Easter cakes, painted eggs and other goodies available after.

When is the holiday and what date is Orthodox Easter in 2017?

Christian Easter in 2017, as always, is celebrated on Sunday. This year is one of the rare cases when Orthodox Easter in 2017 coincides with the celebration of Catholic Easter. Most often, the difference between the dates of Orthodox and Catholic Easter differs by several weeks, but this time all Catholics celebrate together with the Orthodox.

In order to determine the date of Easter in 2017, simply refer to the church calendar. If you want to calculate this date yourself, you can do this using the lunar calendar. Determine the full moon after the day of the vernal equinox: the next Sunday after this day will be the joyful holiday of Easter in 2017.

To find out what date Easter is in 2017, look at the calendar. This day falls on April 16th.

History of the celebration

A bright and joyful Christian holiday marks faith in God and his powers. From that day on, a new era began. Accepting martyrdom for human sins, resurrected on the third day by the will of the Lord and to his glory, Jesus became a symbol of humanity, a sign that anyone can enter the Kingdom of God after the end of earthly life.

For believing Christians, the time of the Easter holidays is the main event of the year. Preparations for the holiday begin long before the start of Easter. The essence of fasting is the preparation of the spirit and body for the celebration of the resurrection of the Son of God. During fasting, the task is not so much in physical cleansing while refusing many products, but in the opportunity to know one's strength of mind and cleanse oneself spiritually.

Fasting continues for 40 days, the same period lasted for Christ after his baptism.

The symbols of the Feast of the Resurrection are:

  1. Life (presented as an Easter cake, colored eggs).
  2. Water (Easter streams).
  3. Fire (Holy fire taken out of the tomb of the Lord).

On the night of the celebration of Easter, all believers went to church, listened to the festive service and blessed the Easter basket with Easter cakes and painted eggs.

Catholic Easter

The celebration of Catholic Easter is not much different. Catholics also paint eggs, go to night services and congratulate relatives and friends. A special rite is the baptism of adults on the night before the holiday. Catholics believe that this will bring them happiness and good fortune.

Family dinner is an integral part of the holiday. Relatives gather at a common table, which is necessarily decorated with Easter paraphernalia, sweets and pastries. Children, adults and lovers exchange colored eggs, and all day long theatrical performances on a religious theme take place on the streets.

Traditions, rituals and signs

Easter rituals and traditions involve many rules. After the Easter night service, people come home and begin to break their fast (that is, allow themselves to eat food that they have been refusing for a long time). This rite is especially significant for those who have been fasting for the entire period. You need to do this correctly, first of all you need to break and eat the egg. After eating the eggs, they eat Easter cake. After that, you can proceed to other products. For most children, breaking eggs is a favorite tradition. To do this, everyone chooses an egg and beats it against another. The one whose testicle remains intact wins.

Even leaving the church, all familiar people should greet each other with the words “Christ is risen!”, The answer to this greeting should be “Truly risen!”, People hug each other and exchange a triple kiss on the cheek.

Cooking Easter cakes and painting eggs before Easter is also a tradition for many. Native people gather and spend time together talking and preparing for a bright holiday, this unites and fills souls with love.

Among Catholics, the symbol of Easter is the rabbit. It is he who comes into the house and leaves the treats in the baskets. Drawings of a rabbit are present in most attributes of the holiday - postcards, various souvenirs, chocolates, colored eggs and cookies are made with his image. In addition to the main traditions, there are folk signs and rituals, here are the main ones:

  1. The first person to enter the house after the night service will bring good luck for the whole year.
  2. You can attract wealth by dipping gold jewelry into water with a consecrated egg.
  3. By rolling an Easter egg across a child's face, you can protect it from the evil eye.

holiday bans

During Great Lent, one cannot kneel in prayer in the church: this is allowed after the Resurrection. The same restriction applies to the ringing of bells, which resumes after Easter.

Easter is a clean and bright holiday, on this day you should not do cleaning, laundry, repair or agricultural work. On this day, the dead are not commemorated in the church and no rituals are performed. Easter is a holiday of spiritual and moral cleansing, rebirth and purification of one's own soul and thoughts. On this day, relatives gather at the same table and enjoy communication with each other, think about good deeds and drive away gloomy thoughts.

Knowing what date Easter is in 2017, every believer will be able to prepare for this holiday by studying all the traditions and history of the celebration, cleansing his soul and body from the accumulated negativity over the year.

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    Light every year Christ Sunday is celebrated coming out of the number. This means that this holiday is more tied to the day of the week (Sunday) closest to the calculated date. Orthodox Easter is usually celebrated a week after the celebration of Catholic Easter.

    Orthodox Easter will be celebrated -

    • May 1, 2016
    • in 2017 April 16,
    • in 2018 April 8,
    • April 28, 2019.

    Catholic Easter will be celebrated -

    • March 27, 2016
    • in 2017 April 16,
    • April 1, 2018
    • April 21, 2019.
  • The holiday, of course, is very bright, and especially it stumbles from an early age, because children absorb all the kindness and everything pleasant events that occur, and when they grow up they will do even more good deeds.

    The date of Easter in 2016 falls on May 1st, and before that, Great Lent will take place from March 14th to April 30th.

    Since Easter, both Catholic and Orthodox, does not have a constant calendar date, then yearly dates happy holiday Easter is changing.

    Easter is a movable Orthodox holiday and is celebrated on a different day each year.

    Here you can watch all the moving Orthodox holidays until 2099.

    To determine the date of the celebration of Easter and other passing Orthodox holidays the so-called Paschalia operates, i.e. calculation system. Taking into account the fact that Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the spring full moon, Easter, according to these calculations, falls between April 4 and May 8, according to a new style ( old style from March 22 to April 25). Specifically, by year and by new style, we get the following dates for the next 5 years:

    I am not a theologian and I somehow do not understand why it is impossible to establish a specific date for the Resurrection of Christ. Because for Christmas exact date there is. Although it’s even interesting. For me personally, Easter is my favorite religious holiday from childhood to now. I remember how in the 50s, where our family lived, it was impossible to celebrate Easter. So mom secretly painted eggs, and colored The shells were wrapped in newspaper before being thrown away so that no one would see.

    According to the lunisolar calendar annually bright resurrection celebrated on rolling dates and the main celebration falls in April. 2016 is an exception, Orthodox Bright Sunday will be a late holiday - May 1. In 2017, on the 16th, Easter will be celebrated by the Catholic and Orthodox Church. In the next two years, the Catholic Church will celebrate Easter a week earlier than the Orthodox - 2018 - April 1 and 2019 - April 21.

    Orthodox Easter happens on different dates every year.

    Orthodox Easter is preceded by 7 weeks of Lent.