Lip plumping cream. How to enlarge lips at home - folk methods. The situation is not the best with reviews from “real” people

Just understand these men! They say that they like women with a plump, fresh mouth - they look younger and more attractive, and generally awaken vague erotic dreams with their appearance. They spit when they see a beauty with lips pumped up with hyaluronic acid. You won't please!

It remains to seek consensus. That is, the golden mean.

So, if you deliberately ignore the syringe with hyaluronic acid, and you are dying to get adolescently plump lips, try using folk remedies for lip enlargement at home.

Here, of course, you will have to be patient and persistent, because home remedies act much slower than an injection of hyaluronic acid. But the result is incomparably more pleasing due to the natural appearance of enlarged lips, which cannot be said about artificially “pouted” ones.

At home, lips can be enlarged in at least two ways - daily massage and folk remedies from available “materials”.

Lip enlargement massage

Elementary: use a dry, medium-hard toothbrush to gently massage your lips until you feel a slight pulsation and warmth. Sometimes during such a massage it may seem that your lips are slightly numb. After the procedure, lubricate your lips with hygienic balm. By repeating the massage two to three times a day, you will improve blood circulation to your lips, making them appear plumper, softer and brighter.

Massage can be combined with soft peeling. To do this, lightly wet your lips with water, apply a lip exfoliant to a dry toothbrush and begin massaging.

For this procedure, you can do it yourself by mixing olive oil and fine granulated sugar. In addition, you can use thick, candied honey to exfoliate your lips.

Folk remedies for lip augmentation

Our grandmothers knew many secrets of how to deceive nature and take from it what it denied at birth. Every young lady from a young age knew how to prepare in a couple of minutes for appearing in front of a young man who suddenly appeared for a visit: pat herself on the cheeks for a blush to appear, bite her lips to make them plump, casually fluff up her curls with her fingers to make her hair look natural, shake her raised hands to the blood drained away and the hands seemed whiter and more tender... Needless to say, our grandmothers were inventive!

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Below are express methods for urgent lip augmentation without injections. The effect is usually short-lived, lasting about 6-10 hours, but those who tried it did not regret it. And, in the end, you can use these products regularly!

Ice for lip augmentation

Massage your lips with ice cubes, then apply a cloth soaked in hot water to them for a few seconds. Repeat several times until a tingling sensation appears in your lips. The last thing to do before finishing the procedure is to apply ice and then bite your lips with your teeth. An excellent express remedy for giving your lips an inviting plumpness if someone is about to come to you any minute.

Hot pepper for lip plumping

A recipe for those who vote with both hands that beauty requires sacrifice. Chop one small pod of hot red pepper along with the seeds, add a cup of hot water and leave. Moisten a napkin in the warm infusion and apply to your lips for half a minute or a minute. The lips swell immediately, but this product bakes mercilessly.

You can try to make a more gentle option - mix crushed pepper with Vaseline, apply it to your lips, wait as long as possible, but no more than three minutes to avoid burns. And remove with a napkin. Apply clean lip balm to swollen and red lips.

Modern cosmetology is ready to offer its patients a large number of procedures and many of them are publicly available. A woman can change her appearance at will, for example, become the owner of plump lips. To do this, just contact a professional cosmetologist who will tell you how to do it. The procedure is completely safe and does not harm human health. On the contrary, it moisturizes tissues and is excreted from the body within one year. It is important to decide which drug is best to enlarge the lips, and choose it so that it does not spoil the shape, but makes it attractive and natural.

Botox can help remove asymmetry or uneven contours of the lips, lift the corners of the mouth, and remove fine wrinkles around the lip area for a period of six months to a year. The drug is injected into one or both lips along the contour, while maintaining their natural softness, curve and appearance.

  • tumors (benign and malignant);
  • inflammatory diseases;
  • blood diseases;
  • presence of the virus.


Correctly performed correction or lip augmentation improves the appearance, gives a beautiful shape, removes wrinkles in the mouth area while maintaining the natural shape and softness of the lips.

Non-injection products

What to do if it is not possible to enlarge your lips with plastic surgery or injections?

This may be a young age or contraindications due to drug intolerance. You can, for example, create volume on your lips using makeup. In the cosmetology market there are popular products that visually enlarge lips:

There is no point in counting on efficiency. These drugs contain chemicals that lead to tissue swelling, which allows you to visually enlarge your lips. If you regularly use these products, allergic reactions may develop.

Even in ancient times, girls tried to make their lips more voluminous. For some reason, there is an opinion that women with full lips are sexy and sensual. But not every representative of the fairer sex has such lovely lips. What to do, how to bring your lips closer to the ideal size? You don’t need to immediately run to a plastic surgeon or cosmetologist; just buy a lip augmentation cream, and the result will be amazing.

Various ways to add volume to lips

Many girls dream of perfect bow lips. Such a mouth has been called sensual and desirable since ancient times. Men sought to win the affection of ladies with plump lips. Apparently this perception of plump lips remains with the modern woman on a subconscious level. A woman wants to be conquered by the stronger sex, so she uses various methods to get fuller lips.

In the modern world, there are several ways to give lips a special volume:

  • Using decorative cosmetics. Skillfully applied gloss and lipstick can visually enlarge the lips;
  • Using creams, gels, various masks and similar cosmetics;
  • Using conservative plastic surgery. Such methods include contour plastic surgery, lipofilling and other methods;
  • With the help of surgical plastic surgery and the introduction of implants.

Every woman can master the decorative method with great success. It is suitable for girls and women of any age. A little skill and patience and perfect bow lips are ready.

The most desperate representatives of the fair sex decide to undergo surgical intervention.

The cosmetic method is very convenient, especially since the cosmetic industry does not stand still, constantly updating and improving its products.

What is lip enhancement cream?

Of course, you can apply decorative cosmetics to your lips every day to enlarge them. The effect will be immediate, but not long, no more than 5-6 hours. There is not enough courage and money for more radical methods, so you should pay attention to special creams for increasing lip volume. These products won't make your lips look much fuller, but they will make your lips a little fuller as a result.

Lip volume will not increase immediately after application; the best results are achieved with constant use.

Typically, lip augmentation cream has the following composition:

  • Mint and ginger extract;
  • Red pepper extract;
  • Hyaluric acid;
  • Silicone;
  • Vitamins B and E;
  • Peptides;
  • Essential oil components.

The components of the cream have an irritating effect on the lips, resulting in accelerated blood circulation and intense collagen production. Depending on the composition, when applying the cream, your lips feel cool or, on the contrary, burning and tingling.

After the first application, slight swelling of the lips will be observed. The cream is used every day at least three times. Apply with your fingertips, as if lightly tapping into the lips.

The result will be visible after two weeks of continuous use. But even for the first time, the elimination of fine wrinkles becomes noticeable, the surface of the lips is smoothed, acquiring some velvety. Thanks to the nourishing composition of the cream, dry lips disappear.

Therefore, in addition to its main function of increasing lip volume, the cream helps to prolong the youth of the skin of the lips, adding attractiveness and tenderness to them. The cream can be used as a base for applying lipstick and gloss or on its own.

Popular brands of cream

This cosmetic product can be found in every pharmacy or decent cosmetic store. There are quite a large number of such creams on the market; let’s look at the most popular products among girls:

  1. Perfect Lips. This product gently helps increase lip volume. The effect is noticeable after a month of constant use. Lips acquire a healthy color and clear contour. The maximum effect is achieved after 4 months of regular application;
  2. Lip Priority XL. Thanks to its unique composition, this cream quickly nourishes and saturates lips. The appearance of the lips is noticeably improved. Dryness disappears completely, lips become tender and soft. A good effect is noticeable after a month of use. It is enough to use this cream once a day;
  3. Lip Volume. This cream has proven itself very well. It perfectly restores metabolic processes. Lips quickly become thicker, increase in volume and look great even without makeup. A noticeable effect occurs after 2 months of constant use.

Features of using the cream

Not a single lip plumping cream gives an instant effect. To obtain a good result, the cream must be used for a long time. Depending on the manufacturer, the first noticeable results appear no earlier than a month later, and some creams are designed for an even longer period.

Depending on the brand, the cream will need to be applied from one to several times a day. Since the cream contains a huge number of different components, an allergic reaction may occur. Before applying the cream to all your lips, you should do a small test: apply the cream to a small area of ​​your lips and wait half an hour, if there is no redness or severe itching, the cream can be used. If you experience a slight burning sensation, this is a normal reaction of the lips to irritating components.

Be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the cosmetic product.

Product cost

The modern cosmetology market is represented by a huge variety of lip creams. You should not purchase such a product at market stalls or from untrustworthy sellers. The best place to purchase is a pharmacy or specialty store.

You should not give preference to cheap products, since you will have to wait a very long time for the desired result. Let's look at the approximate cost of the most popular lip plumping creams:

  • Perfect Lips. Such a product in a volume of 15.0 ml will cost at least 700 rubles per tube;
  • Lip Priority XL. This product with a volume of 15.0 ml costs at least 1100 rubles per tube;
  • Lip Volume. This is a very expensive product, costing about 4,000 rubles per tube.

As you can see, products for increasing lip volume may not be cheap, but they give amazing results, so it may not be worth putting off such a purchase until tomorrow.

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It is impossible to name the only correct remedy for lip augmentation: every woman must choose one for herself - and there are truly many options. You can use good old cosmetics, resort to folk methods, and some, in pursuit of beauty, decide to take a completely radical step and take the path of injections.

Home Remedies for Lip Enlargement

First, to increase the volume of your lips, you should try simple home methods.

These include:

  • gymnastics;
  • massage with a toothbrush;
  • food masks.

During gymnastics, you need to stick your tongue out as far as possible, and then put it back in your mouth - and so on for 10 approaches. Regular whistling for 5 minutes helps. Another way is to blow air through a small gap in your mouth.

Food masks include those that are prepared from ordinary food products that are sold in the store.

Lemon mask consists of olive oil, sour cream and lemon juice; keep for half an hour.

Lemon mask also prepared from a whole lemon: massage a slice into your mouth for 10 minutes until a tingling sensation begins. Afterwards, lubricate with balm.

Ice pepper: the aqueous solution of ground pepper is frozen; Use small ice cubes to wipe the skin.

Pepper with Vaseline: This mask can cause burns, so you can keep it on for no more than 30 seconds. The pepper pod is crushed, mixed with Vaseline and applied with a cotton pad. Wash off immediately!

Honey cinnamon: honey and cinnamon scrub with olive oil; applied during massage with a toothbrush.

Watch the video about the best home ways to enlarge your lips:

There are also traditional methods for achieving the desired effect, all the components for which are from pharmacies or can be bought at a regular grocery store.

These include:

  • masks;
  • hygiene products;
  • cream.

Vaseline and lemon mask: 1:1:1 lemon juice, honey, Vaseline and a few drops of cinnamon oil; keep the mask on for 15 minutes.

Ginger mask: The root is ground into a paste and applied to the skin until it begins to tingle. Afterwards, lubricate with balm.

Mint mask: the leaves are ground into a paste and a compress is applied to the lips. After 5 minutes, rinse and lubricate with balm.

Chapstick: melt, add ylang-ylang oil (2-3 drops) to the mixture - and the resulting mixture is used as a balm.

Cream and menthol: mix face cream and a drop of menthol oil - use as a balm.

Folk remedies will help visually enlarge your lips without injections and with minimal harm to health.

Cosmetic companies have long been producing a wide variety of products, thanks to which you can visually emphasize your lips and improve their shape.

It is important to know: even if cosmetics allow you to enlarge your lips without injections, they are not entirely harmless to health. Many creams and balms injure the skin to one degree or another, causing irritation and swelling.


Lip patches are used not only to enlarge them, but also to moisturize them and improve their condition - that’s why they occupy an honorable place in the cosmetic range.

Associated effects are:

  • recovery;
  • nutrition;
  • improved regeneration;
  • eliminating dryness;
  • improves microcirculation, causing the skin to swell.

Apply the patch to dry lips and leave on for 20 minutes. Use approximately once a week for a month.

Patches usually include:

  • plant extract (blueberry, strawberry, rose hip);
  • collagen;
  • hyaluronic acid;
  • minerals;
  • oils (linseed, grape);
  • peptides.

Gloss and lipstick

For visual enlargement, plumpers are also used - this is a balm or gloss that stimulates blood circulation and collagen synthesis due to its composition. Often this is menthol (Sally Hansen balm), red chili pepper, peptides (CREATIVE NATUR COSMETIC). Blood rushes to the lips, causing them to swell, but at the same time retain their natural shade.

Important: dark matte or bright red lipstick will be your salvation, adding a voluminous effect. It is enough to simply outline the contour with a pencil above and below the lip line, respectively, and then paint over it. Dark color - the whole thing, a brighter color is applied to the center, and a transparent glitter on top. This creates a volume effect. To enhance it, add a few strokes around the lips with a light pencil.


Gels are also capable of enlarging lips: you can purchase these at a pharmacy or cosmetic store.

Among the most famous are:

  • LIP FILL: hydration and increase;
  • Lip Booster: increase (composition: pepper and hyaluronic acid);
  • Perfect Pout: dilation of capillaries (ingredients: cinnamon and amino acids).


Cosmetics that enlarge lips also include numerous creams, which, when used regularly, turn out to be very effective.

As an example:

  • Lips+;
  • Love Lips.

The composition includes already known peptides, silicone, ginger and mint extracts, vitamins, and oils. When applied, they improve blood circulation, moisturize and provide collagen synthesis. Apply with light massage movements twice a day – and the result will pleasantly surprise you within two weeks. In addition to enlargement, the skin will become smoother. The cream can become the basis for applying lipstick.

The latest way to achieve the desired results is through injections. There is a rating of lip augmentation products using so-called fillers. Fillers are substances that fill voids in the epidermis, causing the skin to tighten and smooth out.

Important: fillers are divided according to their composition into artificial (botuloxin, polyacrylamide gel) and natural (collagen, hyaluronic acid) - the latter are more in demand, since artificial ones can cause rejection by the body and severe allergic reactions. But at the same time, the effect of artificial means lasts 3 years, while the effect of natural ones lasts 1 year.

  1. Princess Filler
  2. Juvederm (Yuvederm): contains lidocaine, may cause allergies;
  3. Luminera Crystals: analogue of Juvederm, softer;
  4. Princess Volume: based on hyaluronic acid;
  5. Surgiderm (Surgiderm): 6 varieties of different effects;
  6. Restylane (Restylane): biogel for filling lips and cheekbones;
  7. Teosyal kiss: universal product for contour smoothing, soft.

It is better for you to choose the right product together with a cosmetologist. Professionals usually know from experience who is best suited for one or another drug.

The fashion for “duck face” (“duck lips”) passed last year, giving way to the “fish gape” trend. The “lip pose” has become more natural. The volume remained the same - push up.

Psychologists call plump lips a secondary sexual characteristic of a woman, to which the instinctive programs of a male react. Intuitively, women understand the value of this “argument” and exaggerate their lips in all available ways.

Fortunately, an increasing number of young ladies are realizing that moving to Rublyovka is more likely to be an obstacle than a facilitator.

The beauty industry immediately responded to the mood by offering a service such as lip correction cosmetics. The effect of casual sensuality and “kissing” was to the taste of many.

Let’s look into how cosmetic “fillers” work and which ones deserve a place in your makeup bag.

Everything is clear with fillers. Upload it and go. “Mukla” or “Angelina Jolie” is a matter of taste and talent of the cosmetologist. There are many questions about non-surgical and non-injection methods: how do they work? flaws? the best?
After all, plumpers, which is the name given to cosmetic products that promise to make lips plump and seductive, have recently appeared on the market. And for many they are a mystery. We will unravel the mystery of instant lip transformation right now.

The effect of plump lips when using a plumper may be due to:

  • optical illusion;
  • blood flow to the lips;
  • real increase in volume.

"The Illusionists"

Cosmetics in the “illusion” category include all kinds of glitter. Visual volume is created by a glossy texture. Any decorative glitter, including mass-market ones, does an excellent job of creating illusions.

The only thing that distinguishes a “good” gloss from a “bad” one is the ability to roll down in the area of ​​​​the lip line. “Good” – doesn’t slip.


Volume correction with cosmetics that irritate the lips gives a real, not an illusory effect. The swelling in this case is caused by a rush of blood - the body’s reaction to the action of ingredients such as pepper, cinnamon, essential oils, caffeine, menthol. Unfortunately, with regular use of the product, the lips get used to the irritant and begin to ignore it.


Plumpers providing moisturizing lips with hyaluronic acid or collagen, work at the cellular level: hyaluronic acid, like a sponge, attracts and retains water, collagen gives elasticity.

The key advantages of plumpers are instant results, convenient use, affordable price and no side effects. The main drawback is the “chastity” of the volume and not a hint of it as soon as the plumper disappears from the cosmetic bag.

Ial-system hyaluronic lip balm

The standard of sensual lips: a review of cosmetics

If, when watching films with Angelina Jolie, you pay attention to her sensual mouth and only then to the acting and plot, your lips lack volume. The “Jolie effect” is promised by many cosmetic products. Whose kisses are the most sensual, and who leaves only bitter disappointment on their lips, let's figure it out.

  • IAL-system Lip balm, 1800 rub.

A balm with low molecular weight hyaluronic acid from the pharmaceutical company Fidia Farmaceutici (Italy) promises to give young, smooth and well-groomed lips. Should I believe it? Fidia Farmaceutici injectables have a reputation as the “gold standard”. It is highly likely that the company approached the development of a non-injection product with the same professionalism.

  • Nouba Reflecta Treatment Lip Gloss, 1230 rub.

The new product from the Italian company, which hypnotizes with just its name (NOUBA - borrowed from the name of the African Nubian tribe), has already made a splash. Beauty bloggers were interested not so much in the palette (12 fashionable shades) as in the innovative Maxi Lip complex, which stimulates the production of collagen and hyaluronic acid. Whether the peptides in Reflecta Treatment glosses will cope with the task of making your lips plump, time will tell.

  • L’Oreal Infaillible Gloss, 490 RUR.

Volume without sacrifice for the wallet - these are L’Oreal Infaillible Gloss. Again, “hyaluronic acid” in the composition, a wide selection of shades (24 copies with different textures and finishes), a modeling applicator, and a non-sticky formula. The reviews are the most positive. They say they fall in love from the first application and instantly become favorites. Be careful.

  • L’Action Lip Enhancer, RUB 240.

The product from France, Lip Enhancer, did not live up to expectations in the area of ​​volume, but has established itself as an excellent “hygienist”. And although the packaging depicts plump lips “a la Jolie,” the maximum you can count on is hydration and smoothing.

  • Librederm Lip balm with hyaluronic acid, 540 rub.

No more, no less, but the domestic brand Librederm called lip balm a hyaluronic filler. The stated effects include immediate volume after application and true volume with regular use (2 months or more). Checking promises is simple and inexpensive - a tube (20 ml) lasts a long time.

  • Estee Lauder Courreges Pure Color Envy Lip Volumizer, 2450 rub.

Another variation on the theme of hyaluronic acid in the composition of gloss is from the Belgian brand Estee Lauder. The stated effects are daring volume and attractive radiance. Among the special effects, it is worth noting the coolness (mint in the composition). Does it increase volume? Reviews say that you can count on at least an “illusion”. You will receive quality care with guarantees.

  • Estee Lauder New Dimension Plump and Fill Expert Lip Treatment, 3710 rub.

The new product, which the Belgians presented in the spring, is a two-level care program. One side of the stick is a wrinkle smoothing serum, the other is a caring balm. Both products contain hyaluronic acid. The target audience for which the product is recommended are women who are losing their lip contour and volume due to age.

  • Sensai Total Lip Treatment, RUB 5,790.

High technologies come at a high price. For the “chain reaction of beauty” at the cellular level, the Japanese brand Sensai asks dearly. What does it give? The balm nourishes - yes. Smoothes it too. And even fills the folds. It works reliably on aging lips, improving microcirculation and stimulating collagen synthesis. Young girls can count on “high-tech” care, alas, at a “wild” price.

  • Clinique Repairwear Intensive Lip Treatment, 3190 rub.

Anti-aging balm from Clinique (Belgium) fights wrinkles, dryness and deficiency of “youth proteins” in the lip area thanks to the presence of a collagen complex and plant extracts (white birch, wheat sprouts, coffee beans, muru-muru oil). Consumers note economical consumption and intense restorative properties.

  • Helena Rubinstein Collagenist Re-Plump Lip Care, 4750 rub.

Helena Rubinstein (France) pleased me not just with an excellent “hygienic” product, but also with a product that really gives volume – not “dumpling”, but natural. And all thanks to collagen microspheres that fill wrinkles and folds. It is difficult to say how the balm works on smooth and young lips, but on aged and dry lips it has proven itself to be the best.

  • MBR Pure Perfection 100 Perfect Lip-ID, 4050 rub.

The German brand MBR has taken aim at the “3D effect,” all of whose products guarantee “luxurious anti-aging care.” The list of active ingredients of the balm includes the Maxi-Lip, Volulip, Cosmoferm-MixIII and Cool-MX complexes. If the volume deficit is due to age, the balm will work. For everyone else, it can be a good (and expensive) care product.

  • Darphin Anti-Aging Lip Balm, 2540 rub.

Lips need volume, but your soul requires Provence? Pay attention to Darphin French wax balm with rosemary, argan oil and peptides. By stimulating collagen synthesis and providing intense nutrition, the balm works against ageing and, like any decent anti-aging treatment, adds volume. The delicate aroma of vanilla is a tasty bonus.

  • Biotherm Ultimate Lip Balm, 625 rub.

Each man decides individually whether his lips need volume. The French brand Biotherm has taken care of the interests of those who do not neglect volume and hydration.

Ultimate Lip Balm with menthol, mint and thermal plankton will restore, protect and fill with moisture men's lips, which, like women's, suffer from dehydration and cracks.

The technologies of our century make it possible to realize any aesthetic whims. Fortunately, the laws of harmony are becoming a trend, and naturalness is coming to the fore.

What do you think about natural beauty and what beauty products do you use to enhance it?