Beautiful dresses for barbie crochet patterns. New knitted clothes for barbie

When a little princess grows up in a family, she tries to dress her dolls like a king. But constantly buying new outfits for your daughter's favorite doll becomes financially expensive. And it’s not always possible to find a new set of clothes for a toy, since the doll fashion industry is rather stingy with ideas. Mom's skills will come to the rescue, which involve the independent production of outfits. The easiest way is to tie it. Therefore, a mother-craftswoman must definitely find a suitable crochet dress pattern for Barbie, since this tool is the easiest to work with.

What you need

The ideal option for the material for creating clothes for Barbie dolls will be the remnants of any yarn, hanks of old threads. Of the tools you need only a hook and sewing needles.

In addition, you will need several crocheted dress patterns for Barbie so that the girl chooses the option to her liking.

The simplest dress for a doll

For beginners, a model of a summer dress is suitable, which has a straight silhouette and rests on two thin straps.

In any case, it is worth measuring the parameters of the doll, which will determine the width of the future product. When creating a model, you should use a simple crochet dress pattern for Barbie:

  1. Dial a chain of air loops, which is about a centimeter more than the measure of width.
  2. Knit the fabric using single crochets. The length of the canvas is determined by the height of the doll and the preferences of the needlewoman.
  3. Having finished the first canvas, you need to start knitting the second.
  4. Then the canvases are sewn together and where the top of the dress will be, 2 straps are formed from chains.

Such a description of a crocheted dress for Barbie is not too difficult to implement, so even a beginner needlewoman can make a beautiful outfit. On the canvas, you can make embroidery or appliqué.

You can use a pattern that does not differ in complexity from the one described above, but at the same time knitting the product will turn out much faster. If you use columns with 1 or 2 crochets in your work, you will get the original model as in the photo above.

Ball gown for Barbie crochet

You can create a more festive costume for a doll by learning how to knit openwork napkins. The crochet dress pattern for Barbie in a ballroom style is not too complicated if you know how to knit a double crochet and a single crochet.

The principle of creating a ball gown for Barbie:

  1. Dial a chain of 15 air loops. Close the chain into a ring.
  2. Knit the first row with ordinary single crochets.
  3. In each subsequent row, you need to evenly add 8 columns.
  4. After forming the base of the skirt, you should choose any openwork pattern for the napkin.
  5. When the skirt is ready, you need to tie the bodice. Tie the canvas, which in width will correspond to the height of the torso of the doll. You can use the simplest pattern, which consists of single crochets.
  6. Then the blank for the bodice must be sewn so that a ring is obtained.

The next step is to assemble the ball gown. The process is very simple: you need to sew the blank of the bodice to the skirt. To do this, you can use a thread with a needle or a hook. A seam made with a needle will be thinner and neater.

To increase the volume of the skirt, it is worth making a tulle petticoat. On a regular elastic band that is inserted into the underwear, sew on several strips of tulle. The mesh material must be trimmed along the length of the hem. You can sew pieces of material to the dress. It is enough to fix them with a needle and thread under the seam where the bodice meets the skirt.

After assembly, it is worth decorating the product. On the back of the bodice, you can sew a satin ribbon in the form of lacing. This decor option will make the inconspicuous upper part of the dress more elegant. In addition, lacing will be a good imitation of a full-fledged corset. Beads, beads, sequins and other shiny decorations can be sewn along the edge of the skirt.

Today we will crochet a dress for a Barbie doll, and we will call it "Pink Breeze". Our detailed master class with descriptions and photos will help you knit this elegant doll dress.

Necessary materials:

  1. Pink yarn (100% acrylic with the addition of lurex) - 50 grams (skein 100g / 450m).
  2. Yarn "Grass" white - 50 grams.
  3. White and pink satin ribbon (ribbon width 0.5 cm) - 30 cm each.
  4. White beads.
  5. Pink sequins for decoration (optional).
  6. Hook.
  7. Wide pink satin ribbon (width 2.5) optional.
  8. Barbie doll". Height is about 30 cm.

And you can buy a doll or an original outfit here:

How to crochet a barbie dress

We take a pink acrylic thread. We start knitting a dress for a doll from the top. Using a hook, cast on a chain of 17 air loops.

Knit the first row with a half-column with a crochet.

When the top of the dress is ready, connect the ends with an air loop. Then, we start knitting the lower part (skirt). To do this, knit the first row as follows: * 3 double crochets in one loop of the previous row, 1 air loop, 3 double crochets *. We knit double crochets in every third loop.

We knit a skirt in a circle (spiral). We connect the last double crochets with the first ones. To start the next row, make 3 chains for lifting.

We knit 4 more rows. Then, from row 5 to 9, we knit according to the following pattern: * 4 double crochets in one loop of the previous row, 1 air loop, 4 double crochets *.

From 10 to 13 rows: * 5 double crochets in one loop of the previous row, 1 air loop, 5 double crochets *.

We cut off the pink thread.

We attach a white thread and knit another additional row.

Crochet dress for Barbie doll is almost ready. Now, take a white satin ribbon and carefully thread it through the extreme loops of the shelf (top of the dress). The tape should be criss-cross. Just like lacing.

Tie a bow.

Now we start knitting a snow-white cape for the doll. Take white yarn. Measure the circumference of the shoulders of the doll and dial a chain of air loops of the required length.

Work in half double crochets for 7 rows, increasing 2 stitches every other row.

Ready! We put an outfit on the doll and now she is already a princess.

Long evening seamless reversible knitted dress

Cast on 33 sts on needles.

We knit with an elastic band 1x1 (1 facial, 1 purl) and at the same time distribute 8 loops on each of the four knitting needles. Knit the last 33rd loop together with the 1st loop. Thus, we close the knitted fabric in a circle.

We knit with an elastic band a fabric 5.5 cm high.

To knit the lower part of the dress, we add loops. To do this, we knit as follows:

1st row - knit 1, yarn over, purl 1, yarn over 1, knit 1, yarn over 1, purl 1, yarn over 1, etc. repeat;

2nd row - knit 1, we knit the yarn over the front, 1 purl, we knit the yarn over the front, etc .;

3rd-6th rows - repeat as 2nd row;

7th row - knit 3 together knit, 1 yarn over, purl 1, 1 yarn over, knit 3 knit together knit, 1 yarn over, purl 1, 1 yarn over, etc. repeat;

8th - 12th rows - over the front loops we knit with front loops, we knit yarn with front loops, we knit purl loops with purl loops;

13th row - knit like the 7th row;

14th-18th rows - we knit as 8th-12th rows;

We knit about 16 cm with a pattern (we got 8 repeating "tiers").

To complete the dress, we knit 1 row with facial loops, 1 row with purl loops. We close the loops.

We neatly tuck the threads. It turned out a seamless evening openwork dress. Let's try it on a doll. To stabilize the dress on the doll, you can thread a finishing thread or satin braid at waist level and tie it with a bow.

The dress can also be worn on the other side.

Dress with short raglan sleeves and a wide skirt, with a small collar.

Knitted sundress with pink trim at the neckline and buttons at the back.

Warm short dress knitted in the round with long raglan sleeves and a high collar that wraps around the neck.

Knitted short dress for a doll with a relief pattern

To knit the front of the dress, cast on 18 loops and knit 8 rows with an elastic band 2 X 2 (2 facial, 2 purl). Then we knit a relief pattern according to the pattern below for about 10 cm and close all the loops.

I = facial loop;

Purl loop;

3 \ 2 \u003d knit 3 loops to an additional knitting needle and leave before work, knit the next 2 loops, then knit 3 loops from the additional knitting needle;

2/3 = 2 front loops to remove to an additional knitting needle and leave at work, knit the next 3 loops, then knit 3 loops from the additional knitting needle;

3 / 3 = K 3 sts on extra needle and leave at work, knit next 3 sts, then knit 3 sts from extra needle

For the back, cast on 16 stitches and knit in rib 2 x 2 about 9.5 cm. Then knit the first 8 stitches in rib for about 4 cm and cast off all stitches. We continue knitting the other 8 loops in the same way. Thus, we will form a cut for the dress.

Cast on 14 sts for sleeves and knit in rib 2 x 2 about 7 cm. Bind off all sts. Knit the second sleeve.

We sew the dress on the shoulders (the length of the shoulder seam is about 2 cm). Sew the sleeves along the hemline. Then we fold the dress and sew the side seam of the dress, the sleeve on one side. Then we sew the side seam and the sleeve on the other side. Sew a button on the back and make a loop.

Dress, knitted on knitting needles with an elastic band 1 x 1

Simple fitted short dress with 7/8 sleeves. The dress is knitted with 1x1 ribbing and has a front slit for freedom of dressing.

For the back of the dress, cast on 18 stitches and knit with rib 1 x 1, alternating colors - 4 rows of yellow, 4 rows of olive, 4 rows of orange. For the front of the dress, cast on 20 stitches and knit in rib 1 x 1, alternating colors.

To form a cut, it is necessary to knit first 10 loops at the level of the beginning of the cut (the other 10 loops are on an additional knitting needle), alternating colors - 4 rows - olive, 4 rows - orange, 4 rows yellow. Close loops.

Then we knit 10 loops from an additional knitting needle and close the loops. For the sleeve of the dress, cast on 14 stitches and knit in rib 1 x 1, alternating colors as in the photo. Close all loops. Knit the second sleeve.

/ 10.03.2016 at 09:54

Hello my dear!

I have a very strange question for you. How long have you been playing with dolls? It’s just that the other day, before writing about how to knit clothes for Barbie with knitting needles, I remembered my childhood a little. She dressed up the doll in new outfits. And you know? I liked these feelings.

Associations poured in and such warm, such quivering memories of childhood! And then the memories of those times when I was younger, and my daughter was very small - contact with something good and bright ...

Maybe for the sake of this, we, adult girls, also sometimes need to play a little with dolls?

Well, if we leave aside sentiments, then knitting clothes for dolls is not such a frivolous task as it might seem at first glance.

Have you ever had to deal with a baby who is passionate about playing with dolls? Then you probably know that there are no many outfits for Barbie!

The little girl will be happy with every new doll clothes! Isn't it worth spending a little of your time and work for the sake of happy sparks in wide-open, amazed eyes?

And then - this work from all sides has an educational character. We can introduce the little lady to needlework ("And you can do this! Let's learn!").

We can develop her taste (“This skirt matches this blouse. And these colors - look how beautifully combined!”), Attach to order (“Let's neatly fold all HER bunnies!”). Well, that very notorious fine motor skills develops, when the doll often needs to change clothes, tie something there, fasten it ...

And I also caught myself thinking that the same poncho can, in principle, be knitted for a girl. And such a pencil skirt would easily fit as a female model ...

Like this. And it all started just with puppet outfits! That is, when modeling clothes for dolls, you can simultaneously think about how to adapt these models to a real human wardrobe.

However, she got sick. It's time to start describing the job. Let's start.

I want to say right away that since Barbie is a miniature young lady, it is better to take thinner yarn and a knitting needle for her outfits. I used needles number 2.5. The outfits are designed for a standard Barbie with a height of 29 cm.

Pencil skirt

We start knitting the skirt from below. Cast on 36 stitches and knit 4 rows first . This is necessary so that she pulls the bottom edge a little, since the pattern with which the skirt is made also tightens the knitted fabric. In addition, a double elastic band will not allow the bottom edge to wrap and will serve as a kind of hem at the bottom.

After the double elastic band, we move on to the main pattern - small and dense.

Description of the main pattern:

Cast on an even number of stitches.

1st row: 1 front loop, * shift 2 loops to the right: knit the second loop with the front wall over the first loop, then knit the first loop with the front wall *. Knit 1 at end of row.

2nd row: knit all loops with purl "grandmother's" way, as described in (this is necessary in order to make it easier to knit the next row),

3rd row:*Shift 2 loops to the left: knit the second loop with the front behind the back wall behind the first loop, then knit the first loop with the front behind the back wall *.

4th row: purl all loops in the classic way (as described in ).

Repeat the pattern from the 1st row.

We continue to knit until the length of the skirt reaches 8 cm. Then for the bevels on the sides, close 1 loop on each side 3 times through 3 rows. After that, we knit a row with holes, alternating: 2 together front, yarn over. The next row is the purl loops, after which the loops are closed.

Here's what the skirt looks like before assembly:

The holes on the top are needed so that you can thread a cord or braid through them and pull off the skirt at the Barbie waist.

We sew a skirt. The seam is one at the back. You can sew the edges completely, or you can not sew a little to the bottom - you get a cut.


We knit a poncho from above, from the neck. Cast on 36 stitches and work 2 rows in rib 1x1. Then we knit poncho, adding to expand the loop in the middle and along the edges. We add loops , which in the wrong rows are knitted with crossed loops.

We distribute the loops after the elastic band as follows: hem, 2 front, yarn over, 14 loops with the “Knots” pattern, yarn over, 2 front, yarn over, 14 loops with the “Knots” pattern, yarn over, 2 front, edge. Loops are highlighted in red, on the sides of which in each front row you need to make additions with crochets. In the purl rows, we knit these loops with purl loops, and the yarns, as I said, are knitted with crossed loops. We knit the main pattern, as required by its description.

We knit 6 rapports in height with the "Knots" pattern. Then we perform on the front surface (see diagram). There is no need to add loops.

When the jacquard pattern is finished knitting, we knit a row, alternating: yarn over, 2 loops together with the front one - this is necessary to form a jagged edge along the bottom of the poncho. Then we knit 5 more rows of the front surface and close the loops. This is what the poncho looks like at the end of knitting before assembly.

  • Assembly. Sew the side edges of the poncho. Along the row with holes, we make a fold and carefully hem the hem from the wrong side. Poncho ready:

Now you can safely dress up our model in new outfits, and - at least on the podium! And if you are seriously interested in knitted clothes for Barbie, then take a look at , and to this -

/ 08/07/2016 at 18:01

Greetings, my dears!

Again I decided to make a new thing for the doll. Only now it will no longer be, but a casual dress for Barbie with knitting needles - fitted, with a fashionable pleated skirt and a three-quarter sleeve.

The main difficulty of knitting for Barbie, in my opinion, is that you need to knit with thin threads and on thin knitting needles, and still for such a “girl” like her, it turns out big ... I’ll try to provide a master class of the process.

To knit this dress, I took ANGORA Turkish sectional dyeing yarn and needles No. 2. Knitting density: 3 loops x 6 rows = 1 x 1 cm on the front surface.


We start knitting a dress with a skirt, which we will knit from top to bottom - from the waist.

Cast on 27 stitches. In the first row, we immediately add loops in this way: edge, * yarn over, front * - repeat until the end of the row. At the end of the row, the last loop is edge. Thus, there are 52 loops in the row. In the next row, we knit all loops and crochets with purl loops.

For the skirt, we knit as usual to get a chain-like edge (the last wrong side, the first one is removed untied). Thus, at the beginning of knitting, we added loops and got holes that will be useful to us later.

1st row(front side of the work): * 1 out., 1 person., 1 loop to remove untied (thread at work), 1 person., 1 out. * - repeat the combination to the end of the row (it will turn out 10 times);

2nd row and all even rows (wrong side of the work): the loops removed in the previous row are knitted on the wrong side, all other loops are knit.
Further odd rows from 3rd to 11th: knit as the first row; and all even rows from the 2nd to the 12th - knit as the second row.

13th row:* 1 out., yarn over, 1 person., remove 1 loop (thread at work), 1 person., yarn over, 1 out. * - repeat from * to *.

14th row: knit, like all even rows, knit yarns with crossed facial loops so that holes do not form (they serve to expand the pleated wedges).

15th row and all odd rows up to and including the 23rd row: * 1 out., 2 persons., 1 loop to remove untied (thread at work), 2 persons., 1 out. * - repeat from * to *.

even rows: we knit, as before - the loops removed in the previous row - purl, the rest are all front loops

What did we get? As you may have guessed, the removed loop serves to form an inflection on the outer, protruding edge of the pleated, and a strip of 2 loops of the wrong side forms its internal inflection.

Thus, with the help of yarns, we will expand the pleating wedges every 12 rows (in the face on the outer fold, it looks like a chain of 6 loops that are removed in the front rows. That is, we knitted chains of removed loops to the height of 6 loops - and we make additions with yarns, it’s just easier to count the rows). We add the loops with crochets after and before the wrong loops, until we get 5 loops on each side of the removed loop.

That is, we do the next addition with crochets in the 25th row (we will get 3 loops on the sides of the removed loops), in the 37th row (we will get 4 loops each), in the 49th row (already 5 loops each). In the even rows that follow the rows with the crochets, we knit the crochets with crossed loops.

If you want a shorter skirt - you can add loops up to 4, if you want longer - add at the same interval to the desired length. After the last increase, we knit another 11 rows and in the back row we freely close all the loops in the rhythm of the pattern.

Now the skirt is ready, or rather its turn:

  • Note: Actually, this skirt is more comfortable. But I decided that I would need to leave a slit along the top for comfortable dressing, and I did not know beforehand how long it would be needed. Therefore, I decided to sew the skirt at the back to the distance I needed.


Cast on 26 sts along the top edge of the skirt. To do this, we draw out the loops by inserting the knitting needle into the holes formed from the crochets in the very first row, and we collect the last loop from the hem.

Selection of loops from the top edge of the skirt.

2nd row and all even rows (wrong side of the work): we knit with purl loops, with the exception of the edge loops, which, as you remember, we knit with facial loops.

Attention! For the bodice, so that the edges are denser and do not wrap, we will knit the hem so that we get a knotted edge. To do this, we knit the first and last loops of the row each time only with facial loops.

We knit the 3rd (front) row as follows: edge (front) loop, 1 front, yarn over, 2 loops together front with a slope to the left, 4 front, 2 loops together front with a slope to the right, 6 front, 2 loops together front with a slope to the left, 4 front, 2 loops together front with a slope to the right, yarn over, 1 front, edge (front).

In this row, we started to make holes along the edges for the fastener in the form of lacing and reduced 2 loops in the center for a more fitted dress.

5th row: all loops are facial.
7th row: hem, 1 front, yarn over, 2 loops together front with a slope to the left, 16 front, 2 loops together front with a slope to the right, yarn over, front, edge.

9th row: all loops are facial;

11th row: knit like 7th row;

13th row: 8 knit (including hem), yarn over, knit, yarn over, knit, yarn over, knit, yarn over, knit 2, yarn over, knit, yarn over, knit, yarn over, knit, yarn over, knit 8 (including hem). In this row we added bust loops.

14th row: all loops are purl, yarn overs are knitted with crossed purl loops.

15th row: all loops are facial, make holes for the fastener along the edges, as described in the 7th row.

17th row: K 5 (including edge), close 4 loops, knit 13, close 4 loops, knit 5 at the end of the row, including edge.

Closed loops are designed for armholes. After knitting the 17th row, the work looks like this:

Now we have knitting divided into 3 parts: on the sides of the halves of the back, and in the middle - in front of the bodice of the dress. The working thread is at the left edge of the work. First, we knit half of the back with it, continuing to make holes along the edge, as before.

After knitting the sixth hole, we knit another row of purl loops, one row of front loops, and in the next purl row 4 we close the first loops for the neckline, and 2 on the remaining two loops for the shoulder we knit 2 more rows, after which we re-shoot these loops on a safety pin, break the thread.

We turn knitting to the wrong side, attach the thread on the right side of the central part and knit in front (14 loops). At the same time, I left the loops of the right side of the back on the working knitting needle, but you can also re-shoot them on a pin so that they slide off the knitting needle during work.

We knit up 6 rows. In the seventh row we knit 2 loops (they will then need to be re-shot onto a safety pin), then we close the loops for the neck and at the end of the row we also leave 2 loops for knitting. We knit 2 more rows of these loops.

Finished back and front.

Then we do this: we put the connected half of the backrest face to face on the front, we remove the loops of the back from the pin onto the knitting needle to the two loops of the front left on the knitting needle (we alternate them - the loop of the front, the loop of the back, the front, the back), and close the loops, simultaneously knitting 2 loops together on the wrong side. In this way, the shoulder seam made is almost invisible.

Again we turn the knitting to the wrong side, attach the thread and knit the second half of the back symmetrically to the first. We remove the two front shoulder loops from the pin, knit 2 rows, re-slip on the knitting needle with the back loops and close as described above to simultaneously sew on the shoulder.

In principle, the sleeveless dress is almost ready. You can carefully tuck in the threads and leave it sleeveless if you like this model.


And to knit more sleeves, you need to pick up the loops in a circle along the armhole on thin stocking needles No. 2 and knit the sleeves in a circle. I picked up 18 loops and distributed them on 3 knitting needles so that the joint between the two lower knitting needles was in the place where the seam is supposed to be at the sleeve, and the shoulder seam falls in the middle of the third knitting needle.