Unusual news. The most unusual, interesting and surprising

All the very best in the world attracts people and today we will talk about unusual restaurants. It is impossible to go on a trip and not visit a restaurant. The most unusual restaurants that are available in almost every country are especially remembered. Everything can be unusual - the location, the design, and even the service.

Personally, I can only judge by, and even a few countries, but, unfortunately, I did not meet any unusual restaurants.

Here are collected restaurants that can surprise even the most sophisticated traveler.

Restaurant `s Baggers (Germany, Nuremberg)

Unusual futuristic restaurant in the vicinity of Nuremberg. Unfortunately, word got out that it was closed.

The restaurant is notable for the fact that it does not have waiters. Each visitor at the entrance receives an electronic card, which is handed over by the employee, he also escorts him to the desired table, and at this the service staff finishes their work and the equipment comes into play.

The menu is displayed on each table, you choose what you need, you order and, literally in a few minutes, the order descends along the spiral counter.

The most-most in the world - restaurant Grotta Palazzese (Italy, Polignano, near Bari)

A pretentious and rather expensive restaurant, which is located inside a cave washed by the sea. The restaurant is very old, they say it is about 500 years old. Above it is the hotel. Visitors can enjoy the seascape of incredible beauty and dine to the sound of the waves. The Grotta Palazzese restaurant can safely be called the most romantic restaurant in the world.

Restaurant Le Refuge des Fondues (Paris)

The restaurant itself is simple, but it differs in that the wine is served in baby bottles.

Foreign Cinema (USA, San Francisco)

A country restaurant, which, as the name implies, shows the best foreign (for the USA) films. The menu in the restaurant changes daily, and the owner and part-time chef travels the world a lot to find out new recipes.

Restaurant Heart Attack Grill (USA, Las Vegas)

The trick of this restaurant is that they serve huge portions of all junk food - sandwiches, hamburgers, hot dogs. And if you don’t eat everything, waiters dressed as nurses run up to you and begin to examine why you lost your appetite.

Dans le noir (France, Paris)

This restaurant is famous for eating in total darkness. It is believed that only complete darkness, when you do not see the dish, gives a person the opportunity to enjoy the true taste of food.

It is noteworthy that the management hires visually impaired or completely blind people as service personnel.

Restaurant Ninja (USA, New York)

The restaurant is located underground and if you managed to find the entrance to it - great luck. The interior is made in the style of a mountain hut in a Japanese village, you are surrounded by stone walls with bars on the windows, and the waiters are dressed like ninjas. By the way, they cook delicious food there, the food is served beautifully, and the attendants show spectacular tricks with knives.

Treehouse Restaurant (United Kingdom, Alnica)

Wonderful Druid style restaurant. Trees grow right from the floor and go to the ceiling, old wooden furniture. In the evenings, garlands are lit and the atmosphere becomes simply fabulous, visitors freeze in anticipation of magic and, as it were, are transported to childhood.

Ithaa Underwater Restaurant (Maldives)

This is the world's first underwater glass restaurant. It is located on the bottom of the ocean among reefs at a depth of 5 meters. Here you can not only enjoy the freshest seafood, but also admire the beauty of the underwater world.

The Rock (Tanzania)

The restaurant is located on the rocks next to Michanvi Ringw beach (Southeast coast of Zanzibar). You can only get here either at low tide or by boat. The most unusual establishment is small, only 12 tables, they feed visitors with seafood.

Fangweng Restaurant (China, Hubei)

An unusual restaurant will appeal to lovers of mountains and thrill. It is located high in the mountains, in a cave above a steep cliff, along the bottom of which the Yangtze River flows. This is the very thing that travelers "hunt" for. You need to make your way to it along a narrow bridge hanging over the abyss.

Gold is not the most valuable substance in the world, in grams. And not even platinum. Look at the 16 most expensive materials in price per gram. Substances in reverse order, with increasing value.

16 places. Saffron. The only substance on this list that is cheaper than gold. Cost: $11 per gram. Saffron is a plant that can be used as natural remedy almost all diseases, from depression to menstrual cycles.

Dried stigmas of saffron flower seed (Saffron sativus L.) is used as a spice and food coloring orange. Perhaps there are properties to slow the loss of vision in the elderly. Currently, these properties of the plant are just beginning to be studied.

15th place.

Gold. Cost: $56 per gram. In addition to traditional use in jewelry industry, gold can be used as an electrical conductor, and to prevent corrosion.

Gold is a very heavy metal: the density of pure gold is 19,621 kg/m? (A ball of pure gold, 46 mm in diameter, has a mass of 1 kg). Among metals, density ranks sixth, after osmium, iridium, rhenium, platinum and plutonium. The high density of gold makes it easier to catch. The most common methods, such as sluice washing, can provide very a high degree extraction of gold from the rocks is cleared.

14th place.

Rhodium. Cost: about $58 per gram. Rhodium is used primarily in catalytic converters to reduce carbon emissions from cars. This metal does not play any or that biological role. Rhodium compounds are quite rare in Everyday life and their effect on the human body is not fully understood. Despite this, they are highly toxic and carcinogenic. Rhodium salts can strongly stain human skin.


Platinum. Cost: about $60 per gram. Platinum and its alloys are widely used for jewelry production. Every year, the world's jewelry industry consumes about 50 tons of platinum. At present, about 10 million platinum products with a total weight of about 25 tons are sold annually in China.

Platinum, gold and silver are the main metals, performing the functions of money. However, platinum was used to make coins for several thousand years later, gold and silver.The first platinum coins in the world were issued and circulated in Russian Empire from 1828 to 1845 the largest currently existing platinum nugget "Ural Giant" weighing 7 kg 860.5 was discovered in 1904 at the Isovskom mine. Now stored in Diamond fund Kremlin.

12th place.

methamphetamine. Cost: $100 per gram. Methamphetamine hydrochloride was not produced in the USSR until 1970 in the form of 3 mg tablets called methamphetamine. Methamphetamine is a stimulant with extremely high potential for supplementation due to its widespread use as a drug.

There have been cases of smoking crystalline methamphetamine hydrochloride ("ice", "ice", "glass"), which for this purpose is sometimes specially prepared in the form of large crystals (as opposed to a fine powder). This is the most additive application method. On the right individual dose, methamphetamine reduces fatigue by causing a burst of energy, increases mental and physical performance, reduces the need for sleep, it allows you to work around the clock than is commonly used by low-wage workers in Asia), and suppresses appetite.

11th place.

Rhino horn. $110 per gram. The horn is prized in Vietnam for its supposed ability to cure cancer. His medical application also includes the treatment of fevers and other illnesses. If a rhinoceros horn is cut or damaged, the animal cannot survive, but in young animals it can grow back. No one knows what its real function is, while women who have horns completely removed for some reason no longer care about offspring.

Rhinos are endangered, primarily due to the huge demand for their horns.African rhinoceros horns are also highly valued in the Middle East, in particular in Yemen - and medical reasons and for making the handles of traditional daggers. Since 1970, Yemen has been importing 67,050 kg of rhinoceros horn. With an average weight of 3 kg of horn, this means that 22,350 rhinos were killed.

10th place.

Heroin. High quality heroin can cost up to $130 per gram. This opioid is injected intravenously, snorted and smoked to change consciousness. According to the data contained in the report of the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) - the end of 2009, Russia ranks first in the world in terms of the amount of heroin consumed. On average, the country consumes about 80 tons of the drug, which is 20% of the amount consumed in the world of heroin.

Physical and chemical properties: pure substance - white crystalline powder. The crude product is a bitter, grayish-brown powder in the form of small crystals with an unpleasant odor.

9th place.

Cost: $215 per gram. Cocaine is a methyl ester of benzoylecgonine, an alkaloid of the tropanovogo series, which has a local anesthetic and narcotic effect. Along with other alkaloids found in plants of the genus Eritroksilum, in particular, Coca (Erythroxylum coca), ERYTHROXYLUM laetevirens, etc. Cocaine is the second largest, after opiates "drug problems", drug abuse which is a significant socio-economic problem,

Currently, cocaine is the most commonly used drug.The popularity of the medicinal substance is due to its stimulating effects, improving mood and increasing efficiency. By itself, cocaine does not have a distinct taste or smell, organoleptic properties are given in the existing mixture of impurities. World consumption of cocaine is estimated by experts at about 750 tons per year, with about one-third of this volume accounted for by the United States, which are the main consumers of this drug.

8th place.

LSD. In crystalline form, it costs about $3,000 per gram. Psychoactive substances in Russia are legally classified as drugs. Like most of these surfactants, LSD does not cause physical dependence. LSD is sensitive to oxygen, ultraviolet light and chlorine (if this is the solution), but in the dark, with low humidity and low temperatures can be stored for many years. IN pure form LSD is colorless, odorless and slightly bitter in taste.

It is used, as a rule, orally, for example, using a small piece of paper (“stamp”) soaked in a solution of a substance, or a piece of sugar, or in the form of gelatin. In liquid form, LSD can be in the form of drops (hence the English expression "drop" acids - literally "drop acid") or injected intramuscularly or intravenously.

7th place.

Plutonium. Cost: about $4,000 per gram. Heavy radioactive metal brittle silvery white color. In the periodic table, it is in the actinide family. Widely used in the manufacture of nuclear weapons, nuclear fuel for civil nuclear reactors and research purposes, and as an energy source for spaceships.

Plutonium is often used in nuclear bombs. historical fact dumping a nuclear bomb on Nagasaki in 1945, United States. A bomb dropped on a city contained 6.2 kg of plutonium. The output was a 21 kiloton explosion.

6th place.

Pain. $9000 per gram or $1800 per carat. This stone is so rare that few have heard of it. However, in the world gem rarity and beauty are not equivalent concepts. The pain is mineral orange or reddish brown in color ( Brown color due to the iron content). The stone was discovered in Burma in the mid-1950s. and has since been considered the rarest gem in the world, because there were only two painita crystals. Not so long ago, deposits of natural painitov were discovered, and now there are hundreds of crystals in the world.

5th place.

Taffeit. The cost varies from 2.5 to 20 thousand dollars per gram or 500 to four thousand dollars per carat. Jewel lavender is considered a million times rarer than diamonds. Due to its extreme rarity, it is used only as a gemstone.

4th place.

Tritium. Cost: $30,000 per gram. The production of one kilogram of tritium costs 30 million dollars. It is used in light sources like tritium lighting.

3rd place.

Diamonds. Price: $55,000 per gram. Colorless stones can cost more than $11,000 per carat, but colored diamonds are much more expensive. Diamond (from fr Brilliant - brilliant) - diamond, which means given a special form of treatment, as shown by its natural brilliance.Diamonds are graded according to the "four Cs": cut (cut), clarity (clarity), color (colour) and carat (carat weight), which allows you to determine whether a stone is close to perfection.

The most common today are round diamonds from 17 to 57 facets. For small diamonds weighing no more than 0.03 carats, together with 57 facets, cut cuts are applied up to 17 facets. The use of 57 cutting edges began in the 17th century, but only at the beginning of the 20th century, with the help of theoretical calculations that take into account all the physical and optical characteristics of a diamond, were obtained ideal proportions cut to achieve maximum brightness and maximum play of light in the stone. It is known from the aspects of the present or ideal that the top of the diamond has 33 and 24 on the bottom.

2nd place.

California 252. Cost: $27 million per gram. For an element that is expensive to produce, californium isotopes have no practical use. In the West, it has only been created once since its discovery in 1950.

1st place.

Antimatter. Cost $62.5 trillion per gram. Antimatter is known as the most expensive substance on Earth, according to NASA in 2006, the production of milligrams of positrons cost about US$25 million. InIn 1999, one gram of antihydrogen will cost 62500000000000. According to CERN in 2001, the production of a billionth of a gram of antimatter (the number of particle-antiparticle collisions used at CERN in ten years) costs several hundred million Swiss francs. Antimatter in the future could theoretically be used as fuel for spacecraft to other planets. The problem is that its production is incredibly expensive, to create only 1 gram, the world has to work. whole year(Global GDP is $65 trillion.).

Have you ever thought about how many interesting news pass you by? Of course, news feeds dedicated to politics, various kinds of incidents, tragedies, and just some banal cases that occur in the world literally every day are always flashing around us. But over time, interest in such events is lost, since they are of the same type. That is why we decided to create a rubric unusual news, which will be dedicated to the most mystical and incredible events, which, as a rule, the serious media never talk about, because they work in a completely different way.

Our portal was created, first of all, to raise the mood of its readers, and not just to be the first to talk about the most high-profile incidents, which are often negative and are unlikely to make the user smile. If you are tired of boring and banal news that is constantly full of television and newspapers, then this section was created especially for you. Real stories, which are hard to believe, but we will provide you. It won't be shown on TV! Unexplained phenomena from all over the planet! Our editors will do their best to tell you about the most curious, strange, amazing events that often remain without mass attention. Believe me, you will definitely be surprised at what is happening in our world. And, remember, every news is positive - let's move away from the negative and just have fun on the Internet!

Oddities surround us everywhere - we just don’t always notice them, because it’s impossible for even the most avid Runet user to track all the unusual things happening in Russia, and in general, all over the world. It is for this reason that we decided to create a resource, namely this section, which will be a news feed, in which there will be no place for banal events. We tell you exclusively about what you, most likely, have never encountered before.