Love spells, lapels, prisushki, whispers. How to make a prisushka on a beloved man

There are situations in life when you need to fight for your happiness. To do this, resort to different ways. If your man is far away from you and you are worried that someone else can take your place in his heart, then you can insure yourself with magic.

Prushka on the love of a man at a distance is not so difficult. But before you take this bold step, think carefully.

What is a dryer?

Drying or drying is one of the types of love spells, it is used if you want to win the favor of a person. This magical way known since ancient times.

Most often, this method is used by women who are worried about the safety of their family. The succulent for love can also be used by the husband's wife, who is now far away. A passion for love is also used by women who are not yet married and only want to arouse the sympathy of a certain man.

Through this magical ritual, specific person in relation to you there are reciprocal love feelings. It must be said that these rituals belong to the rituals of black magic, since they enslave the will of another person.

Despite the bright name, succumbing to the love of a particular man is not the most strong option black magic. There are more strong love spells. But still, this is black magic, which can pull kickbacks and consequences. Be prepared for this.

When does it not work?

You need to know that not all men are subject to the action of the ritual. There is a type of men for whom it does not work at all. In order not to waste our energy on such a person, let's decide which men belong to this type:

  • A charismatic man, leader, leader who leads the crowd. Such a person has a strong will, which means strong energy, which is not so easy to influence.
  • If a man has a strong love affection to another woman, then love will not affect him. Such love attachment is characterized by long years that a man spent with this woman.
  • This magical ritual will not work if the man is aware of your magical plans. Then resistance comes to the level of consciousness, which prevents the action of the ritual.

If your case corresponds to any of the above, then love will not work on love. It's not worth even trying. These are serious situations that you cannot resolve on your own. Or maybe not? Okay, think about it. If the desire to change the situation in your direction is strong, but contact professional magician. But in this case, you need to be prepared for the negative consequences after the drought.

Independent ways to dry

If your situation excludes the circumstances described, then you can try to make love at a distance with your own hands. There are several options.

On a rope

For this method, you need a rope from natural material. It can be woolen, linen, cotton. The color of the rope must be white.

The goal is simple, knit knots on a string, along its entire length. When you do this, you need to imagine the image of your loved one. During this procedure, the number of nodules cannot be counted. After you finish tying the knots, you can count them. By the number of nodules, you can judge the future with your chosen one.

If the number of knots is an even number, then you have good chances turn the situation around. So, the dryer will have a strong effect.

If the number of nodules is odd, then it is not even worth carrying out the drying ritual, since the spirits are not on your side.

A strong crush on a guy, a way to attract love.

how to quickly bewitch a man, boyfriend, husband? spell on your own at a distance

The rope ritual is a hint procedure. If you come across an odd number of nodules, then you can repeat this procedure on another day, perhaps it will be more successful.

The continuation of the ritual, if there is an even number on the string, this is what. Bring the rope to your lips and passionately whisper the following text:

“The rope does not twist, the knot will be its end. No matter how you servant of God (Name of the man) walks from me, the passion of my lips will still overtake you. May your darling servant of God (Name of the man) love forever, forever the soul of the servant of God (your name).

If you are not the wife of this man, then such a charmed rope should be thrown to him imperceptibly under the door. So that when he leaves the house, he steps over the rope. If you are the wife of this man, then keep the charmed rope in a secret place, away from other eyes. As long as the wife has such a magical item, the husband will not even think of looking at other women. Such a rope will become a talisman of your relationship. After such a ritual, the husband will love you even more, there have been cases of manifestation of generosity after such a ritual. This is one of the safe rituals.

Drying at a distance with a photo

An effective method of drying at a distance is carried out with a photograph of a guy and a girl. To carry out the ritual you will need: two red candles, threads of red silk, fresh concrete of a red rose, a needle, pink essential oil, the book is thicker.

Drying should be done on the growing moon. Better time days for this night. Close the windows tightly, turn off all electric lights and light candles.

The needle must be dipped in rose oil. Put your photo and the photo of your chosen one on the table front side to each other. Between the photos you need to put a red rosebud. This is a symbol of passionate love between you in the dry

Then you need to fill the needle with red silk threads and sew the connected photos of the guy and yours with a rose in the middle with them. During this, think about the passionate love that will flare up between you and your chosen one after the dry season.

After that, such a stitched composition must be placed between the pages of a thick book, so that the photos of the guy and yours are pressed into each other.

The thick volume of the book must be hidden in a secret place so that no one can see it. The bondage for a girl's love for a guy will begin to act when the red rose bud begins to dry out.

We cause melancholy

This variation of the dryer is suitable for wives who suspect that their husband has a mistress.

You will need a new pack of table salt. When you buy it, do not take change from the seller. Pour salt into a container and bring it to your lips on the growing moon in a dark place and say these words:

“I do not wake up salt, I wake up pain. I steal thoughts and soul from the servant of God (Husband's name). He will yearn, miss me passionately, all days, all nights, I will be alone in his heart.

Put such charmed salt under your husband's pillow. In a few days, he will forget about his new passion.

A similar ritual is carried out with water, but in this case, you need to give your husband such water to drink. On the water you need to say such a conspiracy:

“The word is true, the word is strong. My dove servant of God (Husband's name) yearns for me like a dove is harassed for its dove. Think of me night and day, ruminate on me."

The wife who did this can expect the result after a few days.

Magical Consequences

Everyone who turns to black magic should be aware that there can be consequences. Because it is, first of all, the desire to dominate the will of another person.

What can happen:

  • Whatever one may say, but strong attachments to love act against the will of another person, so it may be that a person will be with you, but the relationship will be bad. He will seem to want to leave, but he will not have enough willpower to do this, because you will enslave part of his howl.
  • If the will of the person you have dried is weak, then he may fall into love addiction from you. The main business of his life will be to love you. At the same time, he will abandon all his interests, work. Without you, he will not see the meaning of life.
  • A couple that has united, thanks to the dryer, faces a period of quarrels and disagreements. This difficult period tests that you have to go through if you want to stay together.
  • If you bewitched a person, that is, in fact, forced him to be with you, then his unconscious will burn to resist this event. After all, on a subconscious level, he does not want to be with you. In this case, this unwillingness to be with you manifests itself in diseases of the sexual sphere. The man loses potency.
  • One of the consequences of dryness is that a person is nearby, but he is unhappy.

Many people think that a girl is a dick it's the same twist. Actually it is not. In terms of efficiency this technique almost in no way inferior to a love spell, but it works differently. There is no need to cajole light and dark forces. In the fulfillment of the desired man helps nature itself.

What is a dryer?

Prushushka is not a kind of love spell. Sometimes magicians can use some elements of the spell in conspiracies to enhance their effect. This type magical influence is an independent form of magic. I would like to note that white magicians never engage in such practices. Only a black magician can dry a girl or a guy.

This type of influence is divided into two types:

  • Prison with elements of damage;
  • Prisushka, in order to cause love.

In the first case, the rite is performed in order to cause longing and seal for a person, but this is done in order to punish or take revenge on the object of magical influence. In the second case, the session is held to bind a person to himself. A strong attachment to a girl will make her miss the magician, yearn for him, not find a place without him. The girl will experience peace only by being next to this man.

How does it work and what does the result depend on?

In prisushka great importance have spoken words, for example - " as this fruit dries, so you will dry for me ...". During the magical process energy flows transferred from object to person.

In order for the ritual to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to concentrate on the process as much as possible and repeat all the actions exactly. Otherwise, even the most strong drying. The girl's love will remain inaccessible.

Strong, effective prisushki on a girl depend on the following factors:

  • Volitional mood;
  • The power of the magician;
  • Ability to manage internal energy.

Before performing the ceremony, you need to clearly understand why this ritual is performed, to whom it is directed, and whether there is any point in this magical practice. The strength of the magician depends on how often he conducts such sessions. Equally important is the internal energy of the magician, the ability to share energy, transfer it to other people or objects, control its flows.

The main mistake of novice magicians is that most of them choose the wrong type of magical effect. For example, a man wants to carry out an effective drying on a girl in order to make her fall in love with him, but instead they cause damage. As a result, the magician makes the girl yearn, not find a place for herself, but affection and love cannot be achieved in this way.

Consequences of drying

Unfortunately, drying is more related to black magic, and if the ritual is performed incorrectly, the magician may experience the negative consequences of the session, up to the formation of heart diseases, diseases nervous system and mental disorders.

If the magician treated the process irresponsibly, these diseases will be difficult to treat. The disease will go away only if all the errors are eliminated. I would like to note that similar consequences occur very rarely. If the girl's love is carried out easily and quickly, you can not be afraid of such results.

Therefore, it is better to order such rituals from experienced craftsmen who will not make mistakes and everything for you and your loved one will be without consequences.

Hair dryer

Hair is not only a biological material, but also an excellent conductor magical energy which can be used to influence people. Drying on the strongest woman at a distance can be done with only one hair.

You can perform a quick and simple ritual. It is necessary to take one or several hairs, fold them in half and say the following words to us:

“Just as these hairs are tightly entwined, so let our destinies be intertwined in the same way.”

Hair must be dripped with wax. In this case, it is the red candle that is used. After that, they are placed in the left pocket and stored there for exactly seven days. They must either be thrown into the house of the beloved, or put on her threshold.

You can act in a different way. The figure of a girl is molded from melted wax and the hair of her beloved is attached to it. After that, you need to pierce it with a needle and say out loud: “I order you to kindle love and desire for me. Let you feel longing and sadness for me until you are with me.

Drying with blood and an apple

You need to prepare some things first:

  • Ripe juicy apple;
  • Napkins;
  • Red candles;
  • Red thread.

How to make a prisushka on a girl in this way? You need to put some of your own blood on a napkin. After that, the fruit is wrapped in a napkin. The apple is impregnated with human biological material and charged with the magician's energy. IN similar condition the apple should be only a few seconds.

The candle is placed on the table, lit, and the fruit is wrapped with a red thread, after which the following words must be pronounced:

“Red, pouring apple, my love will enter you and pass through you to (name). She will think about me all the time, yearn and grieve for me, she will not stop thinking about me. And no one will break these bonds. Amen".

The effectiveness of the ritual can come almost immediately after the ritual. If the action of the rite needs to be delayed a little, the words are not pronounced immediately, but after some time. To warm up the relationship even more, you need to turn the fruit upside down and hold it 3 times over a burning candle.

Prisushka by photo

Prushka on a girl in the photo is considered the most effective ritual, thanks to which you can quickly achieve desired result. If there is a need to make just such a session, you need to remember a few nuances:

  1. The photo that will be used for magical practice must be relatively new, taken no more than five years ago. Remember, the fresher the photo, the better, the more emotions and energy are concentrated in it;
  2. It is desirable that the subject in the photo smile, be in a good mood. It's good if this is a picture from a holiday or another happy and important point girl's life. This will help to influence the object in such a way that, in addition to longing, he experiences bright and clear feelings for the magician;
  3. It is best that only one girl is shown in the photo. The more exposed the body, the better. In this case, there will be more zones for exposure. It is desirable that the face and heart area be clearly visible;
  4. No need to use a photo that is too old, torn, deformed or frayed. In that case, there is big risk failures;
  5. Effective drying on a girl is not recommended during the day. Most of the time they are useless.

When will the ritual help, and when will it not be able to give a result?

This prisushka on a woman is the most effective. The main advantage of this rite is that it can be carried out even while being with the object of adoration on far distance. In addition, the session can be easily carried out at home. Help from a professional magical practice will not need. Drying a girl on a candle is carried out in a similar way.

The rite will be effective in the following cases:

When applying a conspiracy to dry a girl, it should be taken into account that in some situations, the ritual may not work:

  • If the girl has powerful magical protection, especially if this protection was provided by an experienced magical practitioner;
  • If the object of magical influence is in love with another person;
  • If the beloved girl has a strong spirit, knows how to manage personal energy, direct and control it, or she herself is a fairly strong magician.

In other cases, it makes sense to try your luck. The most important thing to be aware of is that the dryer is still black magic. The introduction into the energy and will of another person without his consent rarely passes without consequences.

Possible consequences

After such a ritual, the following events can be expected:

  • As a result of your actions, the girl really began to miss and yearn for you, she cannot exist normally without you. However, this does not mean that she is really good next to you. Perhaps in these moments she does not experience happiness, but only the fear of losing you, and nothing more. The behavior of such a person is more like the behavior of a child who is afraid of losing his mother;
  • If the object of magical influence is weak in spirit, he can become so obsessed with the magician that it is he who will become the meaning of his whole life. Unfortunately, in most similar cases people refuse relatives and friends, quit work and study, just to be with a person so necessary for him. In the most severe cases, a girl can switch to another addiction - alcohol or drugs;
  • If you and the girl are not destined to be together, but you decide to go against everything and change your fate, most likely it will be a very difficult relationship filled with quarrels, scandals, resentment and misunderstanding.

It is best not to conduct the ceremony yourself. Most similar practices, it is desirable that the session was conducted by an experienced magician.

Making our own dryer

For effective ritual according to the photo you will need:

  • Photo of the girl and your photo;
  • Red rose bud;
  • Red thread;
  • Candle;
  • Needle.

The procedure carried out at home is simple, fast and effective. The ritual is performed only on the growing moon. The rite is given at night. No one should be in the room. All sources of electrical lighting must be turned off, doors closed, only candles burning. It is worth taking into account that the use of white or black candles is not recommended, they must be either red or green.

First, a photo of the girl is placed on the table. For some time you need to look at her, remember the good things that are associated with her, feel the emotions that are associated with her beloved. It is necessary to imagine how happy you can be together, how much joy you can bring to each other. It is necessary to fully satiate these feelings. After that, a rose should be placed on the photo, and a photo of the magician face down on the flower.

On top of his photograph, the magician puts his hand and says the following words aloud:

“I invite you to my place with my hand. The rose between us is like a heart. You begin to breathe with me, live with me, in thoughts and in body, everywhere and always.

Then the magician takes a needle and sews together two photographs with a red thread, between which lies a flower. In this case, you need to say aloud:

“I sew our images, combine our souls and destinies into one, forever you are mine (name)”.

Stitched photographs are placed in a book and hidden away from prying eyes. The dryer will work when the flower is completely dry, but the first results can be seen much earlier.

The most important thing in the drying ritual is not to carry it out because of negative feelings such as jealousy, envy or revenge. This is not the way to achieve love. Not only that, you can turn the effect of the conspiracy on yourself. Otherwise, if you repeat all the actions in the right sequence, take into account all the nuances, and conduct the ritual positively, this will not cause any negative consequences.

The most important thing is to tune in correctly, try to throw extraneous thoughts out of your head, focus on your loved one, and then you will definitely succeed!


Love magic offers several options for attracting a chosen one. One of these methods is drying - a rite aimed at emotional attachment. Such a ritual is very easy to carry out on your own at home, but you won’t be able to get rid of dryness on your own - you need the help of a powerful sorcerer.

With the help of this technique, it is possible to influence only one sphere of attraction, which determines its effectiveness. Such a magical ritual works after a short time. It happens that the first signs begin to appear after a few days. The popularity of these rites is growing due to the ease of execution, but they can cause serious consequences.

Popular types of dryers

With the help of conspiracies for drying, it is possible to cause melancholy in a lover. They are used in cases where you need to remind yourself. The person to whom the rite was directed will begin to think about the performer, yearn for him. Such magic can also be sexual, aimed at challenging the victim's physical desire. It is not difficult to make such a conspiracy on your own, but it is important to remember that it should be repeated after some time.

An obsessed person is a dried up person

Strong drying is somewhat different from the usual love spell, but outwardly it can be mistaken for a love spell. You can make dry food yourself for food, sex, photography, thread. How does she act? Anyone who has done such a ritual at least once in their life knows that this method relies solely on the principle of similarity. Under the influence of magic, the energy matrix of what is happening with one object is transferred to another. To make such a “love spell”, you need attentiveness, accuracy, high concentration and accuracy.

If the procedure is violated, the consequences will not keep you waiting, and getting rid of them will be much more difficult. If the ritual is performed incorrectly or the concentration is weak, instead of a love spell, damage will be sent to the victim (and at the same time to the performer), which can only be removed by a powerful magician. That is why, before starting to practice dry spells at home, it is necessary to objectively assess your own strengths, no matter how much the performer used magic before.

In dried people, fixation on a specific thought is manifested.

Dried people have certain symptoms that resemble the symptoms of a love spell, which are not difficult to identify. Prisushki on candles and others aids cause a certain set of emotions, on the basis of which the symptoms of the “disease” are formed. Victims lose interest in the world around them and friends, become unable to reason, constantly strive to see or meet with the performer of the rite.

Drought and love spell - what's the difference?

Prushushka is significantly different from a love spell. No matter how much a person loves his chosen one, in no case is it allowed to impose this love by force. The magical rite is a very strong occult influence, which through certain time will completely destroy a person. A love spell acts like an attractant - it overshadows the mind of the victim, forcing him to love the performer of the rite against his will.

A passion for sex, food, photos, or some other means/purpose completely enslaves the victim. In the literal sense of the word, it dries out over time, like the object to which the conspiracy was whispered. Magic operates in such a way that the victim cannot be away from the performer - she begins to hurt, dry out, fall, and self-withdrawal damage in this case will not help, no matter how much magical powers the person did not have. The only thing that can help is to try to be close to the performer, then the signs of "illness" will disappear, but the person will not become the same.

Photo, food - irreplaceable assistants for a sex ceremony

At home, almost everyone can independently impose a dry spell on the chosen one, but it is worth remembering that the consequences cannot be avoided. The one who did such a rite knows that it works after a short time, while the removal takes a rather long time period, no matter what removing spell the magician uses. Strong drying is very often used to attract a partner for sex.

The most popular types of dry spells are aimed not only at attracting a partner, but also at sex with him. Most often, such rituals are performed on the waning moon, while it is necessary to concentrate on the means to achieve the goal, to give it the necessary emotional condition.

No matter how much the magician prepares, the rite will draw almost all the energy out of him.

Very often, in order not to have to carry out the removal after a certain time period, the performers themselves go through the necessary emotional state. As soon as the performer is prepared, he is allowed to proceed with the ritual, for example, for food. The rite is reduced to the imposition of a special spell on an object or food under a certain phase of the moon, as well as to a special set of actions.

Consequences: a high share of danger

Like any magical actions, prisushka causes serious consequences, whether it is aimed at awakening love feelings or sex. Most often, the consequences of the use of such magic are expressed in the mental disorder of the victim, the signs of which are regular depression, being in an apathetic state.

There may also be signs of a physical disorder - the appearance various diseases, often serious. No matter how much the dried victim tried to get rid of given state, she will not be able to do this while she is away from the performer.

Video: Prisushka

Return old love and any woman who does not practice magical rites can refresh her feelings. After drying, the beloved will not show interest in his mistress and family relations will be strengthened.

How to make self-drying at a distance: for a man or a guy? To carry out the ritual, you do not even need to leave the house, but simply follow the basic rules.

For drying, you can use:

  • Monthly blood.
  • Personal items.
  • Photos of a loved one.

Drying on blood is the strongest, as it uses the strongest biomaterial - blood. The dryness in the photo is no less strong, and in this case the photo acts as a phantom of a married man.

The main thing is that there is no one else in the photo except him. Personal things are connected with their owner, they store energy information about a person - this is enough to use the thing as a phantom.

note! After the ritual on menstrual blood, you cannot leave a man or a guy, and the connection with him will be forever. You need to think about whether it makes sense to change your fate, the fate of your loved one, future children.

The time for drying must be selected based on the type of ritual. If done on blood, then 3-4 days of menstruation will do, on the waxing moon, and suitable days for photo work - Monday and Friday.

The prisushka held for Easter will work carefully, help you get to know each other, on the other hand.

Strong dryness, so that it turns out exactly on an apple

An apple is a rather symbolic fruit and is used not only in love magic. The ritual is effective and the result comes in a few days.

For the ceremony you need an apple and a photograph of a man big enough to fit in it easily.

The knife with which the apple will be cut must be new. This is a strong drying, therefore it is carried out on any day, additional paraphernalia for the ceremony is not needed.

Cut the apple, then put a photo of a boyfriend or husband between the halves. All thoughts at this moment should be focused on close person, there should be no anger and negativity in the soul.

To get it exactly right, bury the apple only in the ground, and place the knife with which it was cut nearby. When the first worm eats the apple and the photograph, the lover will leave his past passion and return.

Important! At the time of the drying and in the near future after the ritual, you need to be at least in the same city with the guy in order to be able to see each other.

Powerful prisushka on the girl

It is not difficult to carry out a love spell ritual on a girl you like, it is enough to follow the rules and be sure of the need for drying.

This is a full-fledged magical ritual, and any magical manipulations with another person entail a change not only in his fate, but also in the customer.

To influence girls, you can use a love spell of light and medium strength., because the female sex is distinguished by high suggestibility.

Powerful drying on a woman is an extreme measure when you need to short term achieve the location of the chosen one or return the departed wife.

To carry out the dry, you will need three components:

  1. Coffee beans.
  2. Church candle.
  3. Linen bag.

Pour coffee into the right palm, imagine your beloved and read a prayer with a lit candle. After that, pour the coffee beans into a bag and carry it everywhere with you until the girl begins to show attention.

The second option is a cigarette stick. To do this, the name is written on the cigarette with blood, then it is smoked. The remaining filter is extinguished in the palm of your hand and, together with the ashes, is wrapped in a sheet of paper.

As soon as the burn on the arm heals, the beloved will return. If you believe in the reviews, this method works very quickly.

We must not forget about the consequences of the love spell. Life priorities are changeable and there will be no more feelings for the bewitched girl, but the effect on her will continue.

In such a situation, only drying or a lapel will help remove the love spell, and if this does not help, then turn to an experienced magician.

How to dry at home in the wind?

To return love dear person, have long resorted to the help of higher powers, used occult objects and magic spells.

Love spells are quite powerful if interpreted and performed correctly.

How to dry at home in the wind? Love spell on the wind is one of the simplest and most ancient rituals that do not require special knowledge.

For the ceremony you need:

  1. Know in which direction the chosen one lives.
  2. Go outside on a full moon with your hair down.
  3. Having well imagined the image of a beloved man, a prayer is read three times: “My narrowed (his name and surname), let this wind guide you on the true path.

    Will lead you to my eternal and voluptuous love. You will be inspired by my love, and then our hearts will never part in life.

Advice: rituals performed at night work more powerfully, because higher power and the forces of nature at this time of day at their peak.

How to dry in other ways yourself?

There are a great many love spells, spells and conspiracies, you can bewitch even with the help of an object and natural phenomenon referring to white or black magic.

How to dry in other ways yourself? To do this, you need at least a little understanding of magic and understand what mistakes are fraught with during the ritual.

By the nature of the impact on a person, the dryers also differ:

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Relations between people are a complex and unpredictable thing, especially when it comes to the sphere of love. Often things don't turn out the way we want them to. Medicine, alas, has not come up with a cure for heart pain. But to cope with this problem is the power of magic. And many girls do just that, resorting to the help of love spells, dry spells and others. magical rituals operating in the field of affairs of the heart. In this article, I want to dwell on the droughts.

Any action that you want to bring to life requires preliminary reflection. You must clearly understand what you are doing, and magic is no exception. The same applies to dryness (or dryness).

Most girls probably think that prisushka is a synonym for a love spell. In fact, these two rituals - drying and love spell - are completely different. If a love spell means to achieve the attention of the victim to the customer, then the prisushka imposes completely alien feelings and emotions into the energy of the victim.

Love spells can be white and black, but prisushka is a magical rite from the arsenal of black village magic. Drought is practiced only by witches and warlocks.

In its effect, dryness is close to spoilage, it is a special kind of it. If the purpose of ordinary damage is to punish the victim by making him “dry because of something”, then the purpose of drying is almost the same - to make his object “dry without someone”, “dry for someone”. Moreover, an incorrectly made dryer just the same is transformed into standard damage, the consequences of which can be the most terrible and unpredictable.

Therefore, I beg you: if you decide to make your own dry on a guy, think over this step a hundred times. And even more so, don’t make a dry out of curiosity, out of a desire to check whether it works or not - you won’t get away with it: you will get such a kickback that you will have to pay for the rest of your life.

What to consider when making a prisushka?

According to the power of impact, droughts are weak (light) and strong (heavy). If you still decide to perform this ritual, and it is really vital in your case, then I recommend starting your magical experiments with the weak ones - this way you will minimize undesirable consequences. It is very difficult to predict exactly how the dryer will work, and it is almost impossible to save the victim from its action. Dryness is like a love spell that cannot be removed.

There are many varieties of this ritual. Drying can be done on a photograph, on a drink or food, on a victim’s personal belongings, etc. You can “dry” a person at a distance, but for this you need to have a very strong energy. In any case, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions of the rite, read the spell without hesitation (or rather, learn it by heart) and firmly believe in the desired result.

How to make a prisushka on a guy yourself?

ABOUT negative consequences and possible retribution for my witchcraft deeds, I have already warned you. Here are a few “recipes” for dryness that you can implement on your own. But contact them only if you are definitely sure that without magic your problem on the love front cannot be resolved, and the consequences do not frighten you.

Method number 1 - charge the photo

To perform the ceremony, you will need photo of boyfriend, good quality. On it he should be imprinted in full height, or his eyes should be clearly visible. Cook also 3 candles and a clock to control the time. Perform the ritual at midnight, while the phase of the moon does not play a significant role.

Turn off all light sources, get rid of unnecessary noise and everything that can interfere with you. Light the candles, take a photo of your loved one in your hands and start charging it with your love: intently, preferably without blinking, look at the photo, direct all your love to the chosen one. Perform this action for 13 minutes, then cast the spell:

"As the moon in the sky is eternal,

So love for(boyfriend's name) will be endless.

Help I beg, I beg

In weakness I suffer without him.

Dry your feelings, but at will,

Do not wander so that in a heavy share.

I will charge this photo with love,

And not love spell scarlet blood.

As the darling wakes up at dawn -

Feel these feelings right away.

Let it be so. Amen - 3 times «.

Again, look closely at the image of your loved one, conveying your love to him. Then extinguish the candles, and discard the cinders. Love your chosen one further.

Dryness will work if he is really sent to you by fate, and you should be together. Well, if this person is not yours, instead of the result, you will get mental suffering that you will have to endure.

Method number 2 - call the love of a guy

To call love from the outside desired boyfriend, bite your tongue lightly with the following words:

“I bite myself, a servant of God(boyfriend's name) attach to myself. Let the servant of God(boyfriend's name) is bored, he knows no rest from longing either on a bright day or a dark night, let him think about me. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!"

Method number 3 - treat sweetheart with candy

This dry spell is very simple, but effective. You will need candy. She needs to treat her beloved guy. Necessary condition- He must eat the treat in front of your eyes. While he is eating this candy, mentally say the following plot 3 times:

“As candy is pleasant and sweet, so may you like me.”

After you read the spell for the third time, add the word "Amen" at the end (it is not necessary the first 2 times).

After a while, the ceremony can be repeated if you feel that love is waning.