To be desirable, or how to make a guy run after you

The instinct of a hunter will sooner or later prevail over even the most timid man, and he will make efforts to conquer the girl he likes. What needs to be done so that the hunter does not lose interest? How to make a guy run after you?

For a girl, the main thing is to understand that she is not only a valuable prize that should go to the best, but also that prey that should by no means be easy. In this case, the prey will have to communicate with its hunter, and not patiently wait somewhere far from him. Our goal is to be close and at the same time inaccessible.

Before dating

We don't notice it

First you need not to show that you have noticed that a man is fascinated by you and is trying to attract your attention. If you want to know how to make a guy run after you, then remember the advice, let him be a little nervous that his steps to become noticeable to you fail. Keep your eyes on him and respond to all attempts at eye contact with coldness.

At the same time, your appearance should indicate that you are happy and satisfied with life. Guys like cheerful girls, and they want to see just such a lady next to them. So laugh, smile and try to be open and sincere. But you don’t need to play for too long, after a while you will have to beckon him with a friendly smile and thereby not let his hopes of acquaintance fade completely.


Study the man who likes you, not only externally. Try to get to know his habits, hobbies and attitude to life before you begin his subtle seduction. Moreover, you must also understand whether you need this man or whether you just want to achieve him. You can interest a man with anything, knowing at least a little of his taste.

The rule works here: he will be interested in you, because you are like him, and you need to show in every possible way that you are on the same wavelength with him. When seducing, another rule also works - the “law of opposites”, when people are attracted to each other precisely because they are different.

And, of course, you can not do without a spectacular appearance that will set you apart from the crowd. Do not confuse showiness with vulgarity! But since men love with their eyes, you will have to pay attention to your appearance, and not just the inner content.

We give the green light

Now that the guy is interested in us, we can let him know that he is on the right track and that very soon the impregnable fortress may surrender. It's okay to loosen up your toughness a bit and show a guy that you really want him. Only you need to do this once and so that he has a doubt: did he see your favor?
After you become a couple

We don't relax

Having got the right man, you can not relax. This man is already celebrating victory, and your battle has just begun. After all, men quickly lose interest in what has already been won. You need to be patient and not open right away! Feelings may overwhelm you, but as soon as you lay down your weapon of inaccessibility, you will very soon lose and feel how the man is moving away from you. How to keep his interest?

moving away

A man caught in a net will quickly elude you if you don't do it first. From time to time you need to strengthen your position and move away a little. Even if you really want to spend this evening with him and you bought a new dress especially for this, restrain your impulse and go to a meeting with a friend.

Let sometimes you have missed calls on the phone from him or unanswered SMS. Get out of his field of vision and do not let yourself be known. Let the man be in suspense, because if he is used to you, and you to him, then one of you will definitely start to cool down.

We are developing

Having got a man, many women relax, and all their charm is lost from this. It must be remembered that even though a man is next to you, you cannot stay still. You need to continue to develop your personality so that in the event of a sudden breakup, you are left with something other than pleasant memories of him. In addition to a man, you should have your own interests and hobbies, your social circle and your own separate life, which will remain even if your personal relationship ends.


You can't do without female cunning! Despite the fact that a man should feel your coldness, it should not be so icy that it repels him. You should be interested in your man, rejoice in his success, support him and believe in him! And at the same time, you must remain impregnable, and not show the man that you consider him better than yourself.
The most important thing you should learn in the lesson How to make a guy run after you is that you should in no case be afraid of losing his favor. Your insecurity in yourself or in his sympathy will be felt from a distance, so you need to believe in your superiority in this situation and not show weakness. Even if you fail to hold the attention of this man, there will definitely be another one in your life! You should not cling to a guy if he is in no hurry to please you with his attention and does not try to win you over!

Women often have to turn to various tricks and tricks to make the man they like run after them. Therefore, if you still do not know how to achieve what you want, modern psychology will suggest several affordable and effective ways that can be put into practice. Guided by these tips, each girl will be able to get the attention of representatives of the opposite side.

Beauty comes first

For men, the inner world of a girl will always be in second place, and appearance is in the first place. And this is due to evolution, whether young ladies like this fact or not, but their deep inner world will become interesting only later, they will also be able to keep a man after appearance plays the role of bait.

To interest a guy, you need to put yourself in order. You need to pay attention to your appearance, because a girl should always be well-groomed and under any conditions. Do not neglect makeup, styling, hair and manicure.

Grooming should be natural. The main thing here is not so much a fashionable hairstyle and a bright make-up, but the cleanliness of the skin, hair, nails, neatness of clothes, the correspondence of your appearance to the place and occasion.

Being well-groomed is a daily work, the result of which gradually accumulates. You cannot get a radiant appearance in a week, but it can be achieved by leading a proper lifestyle, eating a balanced diet, exercising, performing daily mandatory beauty treatments, visiting a manicurist and a hairdresser once or twice a month.

Met by clothes

A girl shouldn't look vulgar. Even if you are the owner of a perfect figure, you do not need to expose a flat stomach, expose your chest or show off your slim legs by wearing miniskirts. Men do not choose frivolous girls as a life partner, even though they attract their attention in the first place.

If your goal does not go beyond a short romance, then such fatal images will allow you to get a man, but he definitely will not run after you, because you are already available. If your goals are more far-sighted, leave room for fantasies for a man, choose elegance, not sexuality, do not stick out your dignity, just emphasize them.

In the eyes of a man, the more elegantly a woman is dressed, the higher her price.

Prefer more restrained outfits, you should determine the style of clothing that suits you and stick to it. The following win-win styles can be called universal examples of elegance and chic: English, French, Provence, variations of casual, baroque, empire, Victorian.

Choose by scent

Many psychologists agree that we choose our partners on an unconscious level by the natural smell. This is also determined by evolution, so life is unlikely to bring you together with a man who, at the genetic level, will be a distant relative of you. His smell, like yours, will seem repulsive to him, although you most likely will not even feel it, everything will happen unconsciously.

If the man you like also unconsciously does not perceive your natural smell, then it is likely that your efforts will be in vain and you will not get beyond easy flirting or an affair.

But, if you are genetically suitable for each other, in this case it is important not to discourage attraction. Beauty and attractiveness will be dictated on an unconscious level by your fragrance, and its components that attract or repel a man will directly depend on your health.

A healthy woman, in whom everything is in harmony with both the soul and the body, simply cannot smell repulsive. Therefore, add the desire to be healthy to the desire to be well-groomed: regularly undergo examinations, do not start sores, especially those associated with the oral cavity and the gastrointestinal tract, follow the harmony of thoughts, avoiding negativity.

The attention of the stronger sex can also be attracted by a pleasant synthetic smell. For seduction, such perfumes will serve as a good option:

  • Chanel No. 5 by Chanel,
  • Habanita by Molinard,
  • J'adore by Dior
  • Opium by Yves Saint Laurent
  • Obsession by Calvin Klein
  • Light Blue by Dolce & Gabbana,
  • Romance by Ralph Lauren
  • Coco Mademoiselle by Chanel
  • Poison by Dior
  • Magnetism by Escada,
  • Dior Addict by Dior.

The weapon is a smile

Any person is pleased to communicate with a positive person who simply radiates good energy. Therefore, try to smile at every convenient and suitable occasion, especially in the presence of your object of adoration. Do not overdo it so as not to give the impression of a half-witted or frivolous person.

Compliments and glances, like a magnet, attract a cheerful and friendly person.

underestimated gait

Elegance and charm begin with the way you walk, the way you carry yourself, the way you present yourself. Even the best and most refined image will be crossed out by an inept gait, stoop, falsity or harshness in movements.

Grace in yourself must be practiced daily. Make sure that your shoulders are turned and laid back a little, your head is held straight, but not haughty, your back is level, your stomach is slightly pulled in. When walking, take a step not small and not wide, but medium. Do not make quick and abrupt movements, stick to smoothness.

Such sports areas will help develop grace: dancing, yoga, Pilates. During classes, pay a lot of attention to flexibility exercises and exercises on the musculoskeletal system, especially the back.

Affordable impregnability

Men are attracted to independent girls. In order for the gentleman to run and look after you, you should forget about persistence and obsession. It is necessary to determine the distance, not to cross the line. You should call on a man to conquer, and not pretend that he does not interest you at all.

By nature, men are owners, he should want your attention no less than you want him.

Don't go overboard with jealousy. Remember to keep an air of inaccessibility so that the guy does not lose interest in you, because there are a lot of easily accessible girls.

Not a dummy, but a personality

The girl's mind is an important aspect, do not be shy to talk about interesting things that you know about, but you should know when to stop, do not try to outshine your interlocutor. A man will feel disadvantaged in the company of a woman who is too smart.

Do not forget about tact, do not use abusive words in your speech, then you will look calm and adequate.

Imitating a man in a conversation is not worth it, but a little flattery will not hurt.

Guys like to feel stronger, they need to lead you, not be led, so let him have such a pleasure, but do not forget about self-esteem.

Self-development does not stand still

A man must see that a girl is worthy of his attention. Do not stop there, develop yourself and become better. Sign up for courses that would take you higher in your self-development, for example, culinary, hairdressing, pedicure and manicure courses, learn to drive a car, learn foreign language read books and more. Thus, you will enrich your inner world and become a more interesting conversationalist, any man will be pleased to spend time with you.

Ally in Hobbies

Joint hobbies will help you get closer to a man, so you should find out what he is interested in and how he spends his leisure time. Perhaps you will find an interesting activity for yourself that can unite you, for example, watching movies of a certain genre, bowling, sports, etc. If he enjoys spending time in your company, he will definitely start to go after you.

Like-minded women are highly valued by men, so he will strive not to lose you.

time to fall in love

A man must feel irresistible sympathy in order to run after you. There are some female tricks that will help you fall in love with a guy. You can make a call to him first, and then not make yourself felt for several days. For a call, it is better to choose the evening time, and the conversation should be interesting and memorable. He will definitely call you back if you are interested in him.

Go on a date or even a couple, but the next appointment should be rescheduled for an important reason. During these few days, the man will have time to miss you and will already be looking forward to the date.

Learn to disappear from a man's field of vision. The more you want to bind him to yourself, the less you yourself should be in his environment.

Bet not on the quantity, but on the quality of your meetings and conversations. Make every meeting special. As a result, the man will begin to show more and more initiative so that there are more such meetings, and it is not you, but he who will become the leader in your relationship, who will take the initiative.

Ability to listen and be silent

Your image can be anything, but being alone with the guy you are interested in, show affection, gentleness, caring towards him. A man needs attention, tenderness is much more than a woman, he must understand that you can rely on.

Learn to listen to a man. The ability to listen and respond in time is almost the main method that allows you to tie and hold a man.

After all, the stronger sex is by nature more self-centered, prone to posturing and boasting. If your man sees a spark in your eyes, which is lit by his speeches, he will never exchange you for another, unable to appreciate his fuse and thoughts.

If you want a young man, whose feelings have cooled down a bit, to start chasing after you again, first of all, you need to leave him alone. As strange as it sounds, it really works. Do not demand meetings from him, do not bother with messages and calls. Devote all your free time to self-improvement. Engage in improving your appearance, find yourself an interesting activity. With such actions, you can make it clear to your beloved what his life will be like if you are not around. Over time, he will understand how much you have done for him, will begin to miss you and will himself take the initiative to renew your former warm relationship.

Show your significant other that other members of the stronger sex also like you. Flirt with someone in the presence of a guy, make him jealous. He needs to see that men are paying attention to you. If your boyfriend is really afraid of losing you, he will definitely start chasing you again.

Perhaps, since the beginning of your relationship, you have launched your appearance a little, for example, gained a couple of extra pounds or began to allow yourself a complete lack of makeup, being next to your boyfriend. Fix this urgently. Go on a diet, start eating right, go in for sports, get involved in outdoor activities, surprise your boyfriend with beautiful makeup, a new hairstyle or outfits that emphasize the dignity of your body. He should look at you again with eyes full of admiration.

What else can you do to get a guy to start chasing you?

An effective way to return the guy's passion is to play "Further-Closer". It consists in the constant heating of emotions in a relationship. Today you must surround your beloved with attention, warmth and care, tell him how much you need him, and tomorrow cancel your meeting and stop answering his calls. The next day, behave again as if nothing terrible had happened. This behavior will create some intrigue between you and rekindle the interest of your soulmate.

Try his dreams. During your relationship, you probably already know which feminine qualities attract your loved one, and which ones repel. Get started with this information. The guy must understand that no one can replace you.

The question of how to make a guy run after you is asked by a huge number of girls. Solutions that answer this question exist, and there are quite a few of them. However, to achieve the desired result, you will have to try. About what you need to do in order to fall in love with a young man, read in this article.

How to make a boy fall in love with you?

First of all, you must remember that a protracted relationship that has not turned into love can be annoying for a young man. And this is often the reason for the rupture of relations. So, the first thing you must do is not delay the relationship. Try to make even a year spent together seem like a moment. Make the young man literally dream about you, about your eyes, lips... I know. You will now say that this is not easy to do. Yes, not easy, but quite possible. There would be a desire. Well, let's get down to the knowledge of male nature.

What does a guy need in order for him to open his feelings? He needs a stunning girl who is able to outshine others not only with her ability to take care of herself. But also…

Guys love girls like this:

  • which seem to be available, but are not available,
  • who say "yes", but they themselves repel,
  • which is "a book" for them. And in that book there are many unread pages (in an incomprehensible language).

That is, you must become a riddle, a rebus that cannot be solved. Become this for him: mysterious, desirable and unpredictable. How to achieve this? Everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You should dress beautifully (tastefully, harmoniously). You must have all the features of a real queen: beauty, grace, self-confidence... Watch your make-up, you don't need to make up too much. Try, if possible, to change the color of your hair, hairstyle and style of clothing. In general, you have to hook, make him think about what you will be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow ...

So, let's get down to the love tips (on how to get a guy to run after you), which are time-tested.

What not to do if you want to make a guy fall in love with you

Don't be intrusive. Obsession "kills the relationship", frightening the young man. Many guys do not think at all about continuing the relationship, they live for today. Now he likes you, and then he doesn't. That is why you need to stay close to him, but not be imposed on something more. He himself must take the first step, even if you imperceptibly push him to this.

Don't be vulgar. Many girls confuse sexuality and vulgarity, presenting themselves in a not very beautiful light. Understand affordable girls - not for long (especially family) relationships. Such vulgar girls, guys just use "for their intended purpose." You don’t have to be like that, stay gentle, mysterious and inaccessible. Let him expect every kiss from you, like "manna from heaven."

Don't be hysterical. Guys don't like hysterics, they don't stay with such girls for a long time. From such "beloved" they run.

Never roll up scenes of jealousy. On the contrary, make him think about your indifference to his flirting. You can even flirt with another young man in return. is the enemy of love. It is very often the cause of breakups in relationships, not only for young lovers, but even for married couples. Think about it seriously. If there is no limit to your jealousy, try not to show it, just let yourself know at this moment. Kiss him, hug him and you will be convinced that this flirting is the usual “dog” instinct of the male. Guys so assert themselves, feeling that girls are crazy about them.

Do not command him about what he must do. Although, if it's about harmful things (cigarettes, alcohol, drugs), then you can put pressure on him. But, you have to do it very carefully.

Never speak ill of his friends and company. Very often, friends for guys are the main thing, what comes first. You don't have to put yourself above them. Be smarter, try better to become one of his friends.

Don't confess your love to him. It is not necessary, if he is not a "fool", then he will understand it anyway. And so, the first step on your part can make him unnecessarily "impressive". That is, he can think too much about himself, become too proud and exalted in your relationship with him. Do you need it?

You can make a guy run after you, but for this you need to become the girl of his dreams. This is precisely where the whole secret of a guy's love lies. He needs the very best girl, the one he dreamed of. How to become like that? This is the question you need to find the right answer for. Use the following tips:

  • Find out as much information about him as possible:
  1. his hobbies,
  2. his eating habits
  3. his favorite colors
  4. his tastes...

Learn everything you can about. If you are not friends with memory, then write down everything that you learn in a notebook. Apply what you know about him in your relationship. Try to make him think about the similarity of your preferences. Let him think that you have the same tastes. To do this, you will have to really get carried away with what is interesting to him. Because, as a rule, people are united by interests.

  • For some time they gave up on him.

Try to get away from him for a while. For a day, two, or even a week, look for excuses because of which you cannot meet with him. Let him suffer in longing for you, let him think about how dear you are to him. Understand, sometimes a guy doesn’t get close in a relationship because everything seems normal to him anyway. They are not like us, they do not have such a penchant for romanticism, and what they have is quite enough for them. Yes, this is exactly what happens when he loves you and thinks that you know about it, without bothering to admit it. But such "respite" of each other helps to take a step towards showing you their love literally.

Even if he doesn't love you yet, this distance method can speed things up a lot.

  • Try to make him notice how "cool" you are.

Meeting with you constantly, he may already forget what effect you can produce on the opposite sex. Remind him of this, flirt with someone in front of him. Don't do anything special, just try to get people to compliment you, look at you with a "hungry" look.... Let your boyfriend see how others like you. Thus, he will begin to remind you that you are his girlfriend. Jealous, he will understand that you are not only for him (if you wish, you can easily find a replacement for him). Guys do not like to give their own, so sometimes it is useful for them to be jealous.

  • Pay attention to how you look.

Like it or not, guys "love with their eyes." Your appearance must be impeccable in every way. It's not enough to dress well and have great makeup. You need to have a complete look: hair, makeup, clothing and accessories. Try to be classy when you meet him. Let him see how awesome you are. Don't forget to always look like this. Change images, clothing styles, hairstyles - be always interesting to him. You don’t have to be a gray mouse, although sometimes it’s precisely such girls that attract guys. Find the image that makes him lose his head and always be like that. Wants a "gray mouse" - be her. In any case, you need to be the kind of girl he noticed. Remember your meeting and what you were like. It is that appearance that can become your "trump card" in winning his heart. Besides:

  1. Be attractive not only for him, but also for himself and those around him. A pleasant smile, an open look, a good mood are what millions of guys like. Be friendly and a little flirtatious.
  2. Be cheerful and positive. Look at life positively, control your mood and try to always be cheerful. If for some reason you are sad, do not show it, try to put on a “mask of fun”, maybe the bad mood will go away.
  3. Show good traits of your character. If there are cockroaches in your "closet", close it - and do not show them to anyone. Understand that negative character traits can scare your boyfriend away. Of course, he is not perfect either, but, in any case, be perfect for him (if he is so important to you).
  4. Be interesting to him. Knowing his interests, show what you know about them. Participate in conversations about topics that interest him. Show that you are an ideal for him (a true friend, but at the same time - a girl).
  5. Be kind, wise and caring. There is no relationship without disputes, try to always find a compromise (do not ask for trouble). Show your wisdom and care, let him know that you are ready to end the argument and agree with his opinion (or with an opinion that suits both).

  • Make jealous

Sometimes, in order for a guy to confess his love to you, you need to make him jealous. Although - this is not an adviser in love, but this method is also good. The main thing is not to "go too far" in your efforts. A little jealousy does not hurt, let him think about the fact that not only on him "the light converges like a wedge."

  • Love yourself.

This is very important not only in relationships with the opposite sex, but also for life in general. Low self-esteem has a bad effect on the success of a girl. Try to get rid of the complexes and love yourself the way nature created you. It's not for me to tell you that there are no ugly women. You yourself have heard this phrase a hundred times. And we must understand that it is quite easy for us to emphasize our beauty and dignity.

If you yourself can not cope with your external shortcomings - go to a beauty salon. It is enough to help you once by choosing your image, and you yourself will be able to apply it. If everything is in order with your appearance, but there are complexes about character traits - fight this feeling. Turn your weaknesses into strengths. If you are on top. Both externally and internally, he is unlikely to be able to resist.

So what conclusions did you draw? In order for a guy to start running after you and confess his feelings to you, you need a little patience and a lot of effort. You should try to get rid of all bad habits, from not good character traits. Think about what you must not do if you want to win his heart. Forget about vulgarity, jealousy, hysteria... Remember what you can do to win his thoughts and feelings. Remember that he needs a dream girl.

Become for him the one he dreams of. Do what was written in this article. Understand that you should become for him not only the standard of beauty and female attractiveness, but also a true friend who will always support his interests and help him cope with failures.

A real girl friend who is interested in what is dear to her young man - exactly what many guys dream of.

Become an ideal for him, the embodiment of his image of love, and you will hear the long-awaited words "I love you!" from his mouth.

Wanting to win the heart of a representative of the strong half of humanity, ladies go to any lengths. What to do when a man does not give in to temptation? Go to a fortune teller for a love potion? Arrange intrigues for rivals, knocking them down? How about breast augmentation surgery? Let's try to figure it out together.

5 effective ways to make a man run after him

Beauty is a great power
It is good when a woman has a rich spiritual world, but men do not catch it at first sight. They fall in love with beautiful and well-groomed girls who know the price of success. Representatives of the male half of the population are like little children who have a passion for the beautiful and inaccessible.

Coco Chanel said that a smart lady would not allow herself to be unkempt. Listen to the words, watch the appearance. No need to be lazy to put on makeup, curl your hair, iron clothes when you go for a walk or to the store. Forget about laziness if you stay at home. In simple ways, you will learn to look neat in any situation.

Pay attention to the perfume, it should not resemble a triple cologne and be too cloying. Choose calm scents with a touch of freshness. If a guy does not pay attention to appearance, he will definitely feel a pleasant aroma. A person remembers smells, later they are associated with something specific. Make me remember you at every opportunity! An excellent option for seduction will be the perfumes of Dior Sherry, Chanel Chance, Dolce Gabbana Empress, Versace Crystal.

When it comes to outfits, they don't have to be expensive. Dress stylishly and harmoniously, refuse T-shirts that expose the stomach. Do not put your breasts on public display, not a single man will choose a frivolous person as a life partner. Prefer longer skirts to short skirts, pay attention to shoes, you don’t need to buy shoes like from girls from a strip club. Wear things that you like, but they should always be clean, ironed and not too depraved.

Inaccessibility is not a vice
Independent women attract men, this fact is scientifically proven. To make a gentleman run after you, you don’t need to be too intrusive and stubborn. Fence off, keep your distance, but not in a rude manner.

Independence does not imply hiding feelings and sympathy, show the person you like that you need him. Don't cross the line between the call to be conquered and the line that says you're not interested in a companion. By your behavior, show serious intentions and a desire to be close to a worthy partner who knows how to conquer heights.

Most girls forget about their girlfriends and stop spending weekends with them when they fall in love. This behavior is quite understandable, the lady is busy thinking about a man and indulges in dreams of a happy future. Do not limit communication only to female acquaintances, communicate with guys as well. Your future gentleman may begin to be jealous of imaginary rivals. Men are owners by nature, they love attention and want to be the only person in a girl's life. Do not go on about, keep inaccessibility, otherwise the guy will easily lose interest.

Positive character traits
An important aspect is the girl's mind. Feel free to tell interesting things that you know firsthand. However, there is no need to be smart and try to outshine the interlocutor, know the measure. Whenever possible, don't forget to mention your culinary skills and personal hobbies, as well as how you replaced a blown tire yourself and other funny moments. Don't brag, state the facts.

Be a person, no need to make yourself look like a glamorous "fifa" if you are not one. Communicate calmly and naturally, do not swear, guys prefer to communicate with adequate girls. Strange people attract, but not everyone. Do not imitate a man, but do not forget about flattery, they love it. Maintain a clear mind when you are in company and drinking. Let the guy remember you as a natural and non-aggressive person who is pleasant to be around.

If you have a chance to be alone with a man, show affection and femininity, caring and courtesy. It is these ladies who are taken as wives. The guy does not need a companion who behaves like a shoemaker, he wants to be stronger and lead the girl behind him. Feel free to talk about inability in a particular area. When the relationship reaches a new level, the truth will still be revealed. Do not resort to lies, such actions cut the connection in the bud. Do not wear masks and remember, you are a real lady!

There are young ladies who behave in one way in a company and in a completely different way alone, do not be like them. Stay who you are, otherwise relationships will start and inconsistencies will come out. Have self-respect, do not allow yourself to be humiliated and ridiculed. Make it clear that you are a true and irrefutable woman. Worthy behavior will begin to attract the same suitors to you. Do not forget about reliability, expose yourself as an honest girl you can rely on.

Self-improvement is important
Get better every day, engage in self-development and make a man run well. Haven't got your driver's license yet? No problem! Sign up for courses, get trained and pass the exam. Are you driving successfully? Well, excellent, but there is no limit to perfection!

Go to a motorcycle school and learn how to ride a motorcycle if you are not afraid. This trend has appeared quite recently, but guys love girls on bikes, they honk after them, let them pass on the road and admire them. Don't fall for stereotypes that say motorcycles are more for men. Driving two-wheeled vehicles, the ladies look extremely sexy!

There are more feminine ways of development: manicure and pedicure courses, hairdressing, personal growth trainings. Learn Spanish or English, these languages ​​are at the top of the list of the most common. Read books, develop and let a man see that you are worthy of attention!

Right meeting time
Not in love yet? It is time! The guy runs after the girl in cases where he feels irresistible sympathy. Make him fall in love with you! Call first and just chat, then disappear for a few days. Keep in mind that the conversation should be memorable so that the interlocutor wants to talk again. Choose the evening time to call, when dreams and dreams break out, and people take off their masks. If you manage to intrigue the interlocutor, he will definitely call back.

Falling in love with a man is easy if you resort to female tricks. During the next date, arrange a meeting, and after a few hours transfer it to the next day, referring to illness or employment. Do not overdo it, the option of changing the date a week ahead will not work, the guy will start to wean.

It is important to create a cozy and relaxed atmosphere when you are together. Visit a popular cafe serving delicious pizza, sit in nature. Go to the park and shoot at the shooting range, drive around the night city in a car. In warm weather, make a picnic outing, frying kebabs and feeding the birds with bread. Take the initiative, women's fantasy is better developed in this regard.

Making a man run after him is not difficult if you use the available resources correctly. Look after your appearance, be feminine, pay attention. Respect the boundaries of what is permitted, develop and improve existing skills. Try to look natural in the eyes of a man and do not become like easily accessible young ladies. During joint meetings, have fun and smile more often, letting your companion know that you are fine with him. Do not give up if the gentleman is really worthy of the effort!

Video: how to make a man think about you