Can pregnant women drive long distances? Can pregnant women go to the sea? Is it possible for pregnant women to sunbathe in the sun

Of course, every pregnant woman should take care of her health, as well as proper development future baby. Now you have to give up a lot so as not to harm your unborn baby. But many women are concerned about the question of whether it is possible to combine pregnancy and travel. Let's try to figure this out. Certainly, certain contraindications on this occasion, no, and it all depends on your ongoing pregnancy. In this matter, it is worth considering the prescribed recommendations of your doctor, if he does not see any threat in going on a trip, then, as they say, good luck!

So, traveling during pregnancy is not contraindicated in cases where your pregnancy is proceeding normally, without any deviations.

If you are still going to go somewhere, then you should take into account some recommendations.

Refuse to travel to exotic countries with a very hot climate. Of course, a trip to the sea will become the best choice, but choose resorts with a suitable climate, habitat, cuisine and other things that are familiar to you. During pregnancy, it is worth abandoning such extreme types of recreation as diving, rafting, riding skiing and other similar options. Give preference to a calm and relaxing holiday.

What type of transport should be chosen to go on a trip without risking your health and the health of the unborn baby? In principle, in the early stages of pregnancy, you can choose any type of transport, if again there are no contraindications from your doctor. Traveling by car during pregnancy will also be a normal option for going anywhere.

If you are going, then do not forget to stock up on a map of the area, emergency numbers, as well as necessary documents that may come in handy (for example, a birth card that provides all the information about your pregnancy).

But on last dates pregnancy, it is better to completely abandon air travel and rail travel. Now generic activity can start at any time, and while traveling, you most likely will not be able to receive timely medical care.

So, traveling in the early stages of pregnancy is not dangerous if there are no special contraindications from your doctor. Remember that it is better to refuse trips to distant countries. In late pregnancy, traveling anywhere is not recommended. Do not forget that proper and proper rest will bring health, as well as unforgettable emotions and impressions.

In this article, we will consider all the issues related to traveling during pregnancy. When is it better to go, how to go, where, what to foresee, and many others important questions, which it is advisable to take care of before the trip, especially to hot countries.

How long can you travel

The comfort and safety of travel directly depends on. Speaking averagely, then best time for travel, this is the second trimester of pregnancy, the period from 14 to 26 weeks.

The auspiciousness of this period lies in the fact that all discomfort associated with early pregnancy - are most likely left behind. At this stage, the placenta takes over the protection of the child and its life support (from the 16th week). If in your specific case if you still feel bad, then most likely you won’t think about traveling either. On the other hand, the tummy is not yet as big as after the 26th week, when it just becomes hard to do even simple everyday things.

When not to travel while pregnant

  • Do not fly if over 36 weeks, and over 32 weeks for multiple pregnancies.
  • Do not travel (by any means, including by plane) with recorded pregnancy complications (threatened miscarriage, for example).
  • preeclampsia;
  • anemia of moderate and severe degree;
  • if there is a risk of detachment of a normally located placenta;
  • in the presence of any bloody at any stage of pregnancy;
  • if there are bouts of vomiting at any time;
  • in the second half of pregnancy;
  • for and ;
  • if pregnancy occurred as a result of IVF;
  • if the period is more than 32-34 weeks.

Under what conditions is it better to refrain from traveling:

  • with exacerbation of any chronic diseases;
  • if there are problems with the presentation and location of the placenta;
  • , nephropathy;
  • multiple pregnancy.

Travel luggage

Do not carry heavy bags or suitcases. At any stage of pregnancy, it is undesirable to lift any weights.

Always sit down with your back straight before lifting any "load" off the ground.

In your case, it is easiest to wear a backpack on your shoulders, its load on your back and neck is even. If you are carrying a bag, make sure it has padded handles.

When choosing a suitcase, pay attention to the fact that you can not drag it, but roll it on wheels, holding the high handle without tension.

Air travel during pregnancy

Traveling by plane is not always pleasant, and not only for pregnant women. Some passengers experience severe weakness, excruciating headache, palpable vasospasm and often grab onto painkillers.

Everyone knows that the flight carries a certain danger for a pregnant woman, we will analyze in more detail what exactly this is.

  • Sudden pressure changes during takeoff and landing. This results in vasoconstriction. vasoconstriction can cause negative impacts on the fruit, be the cause premature detachment placenta, increase the manifestations of varicose veins. It is with this factor that all prohibitions regarding placenta previa, the presence of bleeding, and so on are associated. Some experts say that in the later stages of pregnancy, it is the difference in atmospheric pressure that can cause.

Note. According to statistics, 5-7 babies are born on airplanes a year.

  • Reduced pressure during the flight itself. If the flight is not very long (no more than two hours) and normal flow pregnancy (in the second trimester), - this factor does not carry a serious risk.
  • Prolonged forced immobility. Leads to increased tone muscles, to, sometimes to edema.
  • Dry air on board the aircraft - can cause mucosal edema,.
  • Another dangerous factor called the effect of radiation during flight. The natural radioactive background is higher at an altitude, and, accordingly, in the aircraft too. But, as studies show, this danger “begins to be dangerous” with 10 or more flights a year.
  • It may also seem dangerous that during the flight the concentration of oxygen in the air that the pregnant woman breathes is reduced. And, accordingly, the child also does not have enough air. It must be said that this is a contrived problem. This danger does not apply to pregnant women who do not have anemia. And if there is anemia, then the doctor will prohibit the flight. That is, if you don’t have anemia, then you don’t have to worry about the oxygen content in the air.

Despite the likely risks, it is believed that in an uncomplicated pregnancy healthy women can fly by plane at any time.

What to do before flying

  • Be sure to check the conditions of the carrier. Sometimes you will need a certificate from your doctor (that you will not go into labor soon) to board the plane. Some airlines may limit the gestational age at which you can fly.

Note. You can fly with Ukrainian airlines up to 36 weeks (first pregnancy) or up to 34 weeks (not first pregnancy).

  • Be sure to visit your gynecologist who is in charge of your pregnancy and consult with him what drugs to take with you, and in general, how much a flight is possible for you.
  • Be sure to take out insurance.
  • Be sure to take with you.
  • Take all the medications you are taking, plus any that your travel doctor advises.
  • When checking in for a flight, explain your position and ask for a seat in a part of the aircraft where you feel less turbulence.

During the flight

  • Try to get comfortable. It is advisable to stretch your legs. don't keep them tucked in.
  • If the flight allows, then try to get up more often, stretch your legs, walk a little, change the position of the body.
  • In no case do not hesitate to use the toilet on board, pregnant women should not be tolerated :). If the bathroom is busy, you can always ask the flight attendant to help you (show or open another toilet, or take you to the business class bathroom, for example).
  • Use nasal drops (for congestion and for moisturizing) as needed.
  • Be sure to drink enough fluids, you should not be allowed to feel thirsty.

Where to go on vacation during pregnancy

  • It is better not to plan countries with a sharp change in climate in relation to your usual one.
  • It is better not to take risks and not plan trips to exotic countries, and very long (more than 6 hours) flights.

Note. In addition to climate change, when traveling to exotic countries (for example, Africa, some Asian countries), vaccination is mandatory. You can't get vaccinated in your situation.

  • In addition to diseases, there is a possibility of ordinary food poisoning. It's not dangerous (just downright unpleasant) for a non-pregnant person, and in your position, neither vomiting nor diarrhea is safe. This leads to dehydration, and it is very dangerous for the child.
  • The same applies to holidays with a non-standard or too rich program. If before (and after) pregnancy you can safely go to the Amazon jungle, or (in terms of discomfort comparable) to a bus tour of Europe, then now this kind of travel is not for you. There simply will not be any rest or pleasure from this.
  • For a pregnant woman, a calm, measured rest in good conditions. It can be a sea, a river, a lake, just a place with pleasant nature. An unpolluted city will also do. The main thing is that you like the upcoming prospect.
  • If possible, you can choose mountainous areas. But, remember that the height should not exceed 2000 m above sea level. And this is provided that the climate of a particular mountainous region suits you, you have already been there and felt good. Just different people(even without being pregnant) react differently to height. For some, even without pregnancy, it may be “not good”: a headache, nausea, and a feeling of lack of oxygen may arise.

Note. If the height is poorly foamed, then rest will not work, since the symptoms of "intolerance" of height are very similar to the symptoms of toxicosis. Agree that it is useless to doom the family to these feelings on their own.

What not to do on vacation

  • Long stay in the sun. In addition to skin problems known to all (pigment spots), active sun can provoke uterine bleeding. Sometimes expectant mothers pass out from the heat, and there is nothing useful in this. Some women getting carried away beach holiday risk getting sunburn. Therefore, be attentive to the reactions of your body.
  • Supercool.
  • Overheat. Your legal time on the beach is from 8 am to 11 am and from 4 pm to 7 pm. sun rays. Even at the indicated time, rest in the shade, it has been proven that too much light penetrates through the uterus to the baby.
  • There are unfamiliar (or exotic) products. Such food can be potentially dangerous for future mother. Specific, cloying smells, an abundance of new tastes, fresh and raw foods, spices, sweets that delight ordinary tourists so much can disrupt the work digestive tract pregnant woman.
  • It is important to avoid questionable treats, wash hands and food thoroughly every time to prevent poisoning. Consider also the epidemiological situation, you do not want to visit crowded places.
  • There are poor quality products
  • Drink raw water.

Consider shopping at Mom's Store for maternity and nursing specials that are good for travel and outings, snacks, and main meals.

Note. Return of food and cosmetics at our expense is only possible with undamaged packaging.

What is the best way to travel while pregnant

First of all, you should be interested in the issue of comfort and safety. We list the main options.

  • Airplane. The flight and related points have been discussed above.
  • Train. Very a good option, unless, of course, you need to travel for a long time (more than a day). Be sure to buy a comfortable lower revenge (coupe or SV). Take and warm clothes(suddenly the air conditioner will work too hard) and light clothing(suddenly it will be hot). You can take an extra pillow from home to make yourself comfortable.
  • Bus. At all unwanted view transport to travel in your position. You can't get up and walk around. That is, a long ride, and uncomfortable. Pregnant women should not sit in one position for a long time, and generally just sit for a long time. There is also a problem with going to the bathroom. And pregnant women, as has been written more than once, cannot be tolerated.
  • Automobile. A good form of transport for traveling, in the event that you can stop often (the road allows). You also need to understand whether the road to the place of rest will be smooth enough. Because you can “shake” not even a pregnant person, but a pregnant woman can simply become very ill from shaking. Any pothole "gives" in the stomach - it's very unpleasant.

Important. If you are traveling by car, be sure to wear seat belts. This is a safety issue for you and your unborn child. Therefore, you will need seat belts for pregnant women.

Prepare for yourself the most comfortable place in the car, grab a blanket and special pillow for pregnant women, with it you can sit without unnecessary tension of the back muscles. Make frequent stops to stretch your limbs and empty your bladder in a timely manner.

You should buy at the Mom's Store on a trip and take with you and and to maintain your back muscles.

Bathing in a river or sea during pregnancy

This is exactly the process that can be both pleasant and useful for the expectant mother. It is only important not to overcool in the water and comply with all safety requirements. Keep in mind that some bodies of water are home to very beautiful, but poisonous animals that can be potentially dangerous.

Therefore, you need to swim in such a sea or ocean on the surface, and walk only in special footwear and very carefully. Tourists sometimes run the risk of accidentally hooking some motley predator or stepping on a sea urchin.

If you are planning a vacation in your native latitudes, these recommendations can be safely crossed out. Bathing expectant mothers is very useful and pleasant. The state of weightlessness, in which your body will be at the moment of being in the water, will surely please your child.

Don't be afraid of open water. The fetus is reliably protected, and by your tummy, so no infections that others love to gossip about are not afraid of him.

Of course, you need to swim only on officially open beaches.

Skin care

Always use sunscreen with a high (30-50) level of UV protection.

The skin of a pregnant woman is more sensitive, so there may be unexpected reactions to sea water, sun, and sun protection. Be attentive to yourself.

Clothes and accessories

Ideally use, which also protect the tummy from sunlight, be sure to use Mom's store we guarantee pleasant and fast service .

Maria Sokolova is the pregnancy expert for Coldy magazine. Mom of three children, an obstetrician by education, a writer by vocation.

Reading time: 8 minutes


For many women, pregnancy is not a reason to give up the usual way of life. They continue to work, go shopping, visit beauty salons and drive a car.

So today let's discuss can pregnant women drive , and consider basic driving rules car for a woman in position.

Is it possible for pregnant women to drive a car, and for how long?

  • To drive or not to drive in a position - every woman must decide for herself guided by their well-being and emotional state.
  • The most important thing for a future mother is feeling of calmness in the car . It plays an important role and the way of life that a woman led before pregnancy. After all, if she has always been an avid motorist, then abrupt change means of transportation, and as a result - a stuffy subway, overcrowded minibuses and loss of mobility, can cause stress.
  • Even psychologists agree that driving a car gives a positive charge and exclusively positive emotions to the woman.
  • But do not forget that during pregnancy, reactions are somewhat inhibited, and emotionality is increased . Therefore, during this period, women need to be especially careful and attentive, and also forget about risky maneuvers on the road.
  • At good health and no contraindications the expectant mother can drive a car for almost the entire period of pregnancy . But it is not necessary, however, to embark on the road to recent months pregnancy, especially when alone.
  • The only thing, what you definitely shouldn't do during pregnancy is learn to drive . After all, then you, on the contrary, will be in a state of continuous anxiety, turning into stress. And similar nervous tension will only harm both the expectant mother and the unborn baby.

Well-being and health of a pregnant woman behind the wheel

Being pregnant You should take your health while driving very seriously. .

  • On early term women are often tormented and fainting spells , which, of course, should be a sign that in this case you should not drive.
  • Pregnant women tend to uncontrollable bouts of hunger . Besides, it doesn't matter that you could have had lunch just twenty minutes ago. For such cases, keep fruits or bags of dried fruit mixtures in the car, natural yoghurts and some sweets.
  • On late term pregnancy in a woman can see pressure surges . Therefore, monitor your well-being very carefully, and at the slightest suspicion of hypertension or anemia, refrain from driving a car.
  • In the last months of pregnancy, you may encounter the fact that already A grown belly will make it difficult to get in and out of the car. , and the child will start to push, which can even cause pain. If you feel any discomfort, never continue driving. It is better to pull over to the side of the road to catch your breath and take a walk.
  • If the path is long the mother-to-be must make frequent stops get out of the car, warm up, walk.
  • remember, that now you should be even more careful about the technical condition of the car , so that nothing bothers you in any way in it, and you are insured against unexpected breakdowns.
  • Can be purchased air cushion seat covers Or put a regular pillow under your back. Such little things will make your driving in the position much more comfortable.

Pregnant driving rules: safety is paramount!

In this article, we have given the basic driving rules for a pregnant woman. Remember that, first of all, you need focus on your own well-being and inner feelings . Pregnancy is a very important and responsible period in the life of every woman, when for the sake of the health of the future mother and baby, it is worth taking your pregnancy seriously. habitual way life.

Be sure to check with your doctor about driving while pregnant!

You are pregnant and summer is vacation time. And you, you know, think: where to go to rest? After all, you get tired both physically and emotionally (even more than everyone else). Therefore, a little positive emotions and the improvement of the whole organism is simply necessary for you. However, what if a vacation or a desire to just relax coincided with the most wonderful period of your life - pregnancy?

And here you have, for sure, a lot of questions arise:

* What are the dangers of traveling during pregnancy?

* Where and how to relax?

* What precautions should be taken?

* Is it possible to sunbathe and actively swim?

* How to complete the first aid kit? And many others.

Let's find the answers together.

What are the dangers of traveling while pregnant?

Factors that can affect the course of pregnancy and fetal development environment(pressure drops in the aircraft cabin, change of time and climate zones, shaking, vibration, and so on).

Forced and prolonged stay in a certain position, as well as restriction of mobility, increases the risk of thrombosis.

Changing nutritional conditions, food and water quality.

It is not always possible to obtain high-quality and timely medical care as well as medicines. Especially if the locality chosen for recreation is far from big cities.

Where and how to relax?

From offers travel agencies eyes bulge. Having become acquainted with them, I want everything at once: inhale full chest mountain air, bask in the southern sun, swim in the sea, see the sights of Egypt or Europe, and much more. Which of these options to choose?

All of them are possible. However, before making your choice, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of the country to which you are going to go.

What to pay attention to?

  • For living conditions in the country chosen for recreation: heat air and humidity, the presence of air conditioners. That is, you must decide for yourself: can you withstand such climatic conditions? If you doubt this, then perhaps it is better to choose a country with a temperate climate for your vacation. Holidays in hot countries are especially not recommended if you have chronic diseases (for example, high blood pressure).
  • Is there a big difference climatic or time zones? For example, a vacation in a hot country: Thailand or Vietnam (the time zone difference is more than 4 hours). After all, you will go to these countries for a short period. Consequently, your body will not have time to adapt at the place of rest, and then it will be difficult to return to normal conditions. Because of this, the body will not receive any rest.
  • What is the availability of quality bottled water and food in hot countries? The fact is that sanitary norms for water and food in hot countries may differ from those in Central Europe.

Therefore, before using boil water better!

About nutrition: it is necessary to clarify whether it is possible to cook on your own? Since the quality of food and methods of its preparation in hot countries (in restaurants, home kitchens, hotels) may not be suitable for a pregnant woman according to sanitary standards.

Besides, should be avoided new exotic and thermally poorly processed dishes, as well as those containing increased amount protein and spices.

Is it possible to sunbathe?

An even and golden tan that lasts for a long time looks very beautiful. But it is important to remember that during pregnancy (and outside of pregnancy too) insolation in direct sunlight is undesirable. It is not recommended to stay in the sun, even with the use of cosmetics. The best defense from the sun - a shadow.

Whereas breathing fresh sea air and swimming in the sea is very beneficial for both you and your baby. Try to visit the seashore in the morning (before 10 am) or afternoon (after 16.00-17.00). Remember that even being in the shade, you get insolation due to the reflection of the sun's rays. And this is quite enough.

If during the day you have to go outside, then wear a hat (preferably wide-brimmed hat). Also remember to drink enough fluids (water, not sugary drinks), even more than you want.

In what reservoirs can you swim, and how long can you swim?

You can actively swim in sea water or in a proven pool if swimming is your lifestyle (regular training before pregnancy). With a single pregnancy, you can swim up to 34 weeks, with multiple pregnancy - up to 32 weeks. In all other cases, it is advisable to only swim, but not actively swim.

It is not recommended to start swimming for the first time during pregnancy.

At what stage of pregnancy can you travel?

Let's break it down by period:

The most important period is from the moment of conception to 12-14 weeks.

As they are laid and formed vital organs and systems. Therefore, any unfavorable factor (vibration, infection, atmospheric pressure drops and others) often leads to catastrophic consequences: starting from the formation birth defects development and ending with miscarriage. In addition, during this period, you can still experience natural malaise in the morning and the effects of toxicosis. Therefore, any travel is undesirable.

From 12-14 to 28 weeks

At this time, the formation of all organs and systems (lungs, heart and others) is completed, their growth and development begins. As a rule, the phenomena of toxicosis no longer torment you. And according to WHO recommendations, travel is possible during this period, or to be more precise, the safest period is 18-20 weeks.

From 28 to 40 weeks

Growth, development continues, and maturation of all organs and systems occurs. At this stage of pregnancy, the risk of childbirth increases, even in normal conditions. Therefore, with a same-sex pregnancy, it is better to refrain from traveling, starting from 36-37 weeks, and for multiple pregnancy, from 32 weeks.

How to choose the safest transport?

In fact, there is no ideal safe transport for a pregnant woman. In each case, it is necessary to make a decision individually. For example, traveling by train is the safest, but the duration of the trip increases. While by plane you can fly to your destination in a few hours, but the flight sometimes comes with certain risks for both you and the baby. Therefore, let's look at the types of transport, what risks they carry, and also talk about security measures.

General safety advice for traveling while pregnant

  • Try to keep your travel time as short as possible. The total recommended duration of the route during the day, if possible, should not exceed 5-6 hours.
  • Try to make stops during the movement of transport (car), to walk a little, change the position of the body. All these movements will improve blood circulation in the vessels. Therefore, your risk of thrombosis will decrease, and the delivery of oxygen and nutrients will increase for the baby.
  • Very important if possible choose a route taking into account the receipt of timely qualified medical care if necessary. That is, to pass through settlements or cities in which there are pharmacies and medical facilities.
  • Try not to buy food from your hands at stops, do not eat in small roadside cafes. Of course, the homemade pie is very tasty, and the aroma of borscht beckons because of the ajar door of the roadside cafe kitchen. However, as a rule, in these cases, the quality of the products themselves and the methods of their preparation are insufficient for a pregnant woman. Therefore, think over food and take non-perishable foods with you.

Travel by train, car, bus

  • In car fasten your seat belt correctly: top part passes over the abdomen and between the breasts, the lower one - at the level pelvic bones and under the belly. It is better to move the front seat away from the front panel. And don't forget to turn on the airbags. On the train use handrails. Because traffic can slow down at any moment.
  • In the event of a traffic accident contact your doctor immediately, even if it was minor, and you got off with a slight fright.

Water transport: cruise ships, liners

Before embarking on a sea or river cruise, make sure:

  • Available on board medical officer.
  • In the possibility of obtaining medical care both at intermediate points and at the destination.

Also, remember that there is a risk of motion sickness with this kind of travel.

Air travel

Airplane is a convenient form of transport. Because with its help you can quickly be anywhere in the world. However, there are still some risks during the flight for a pregnant woman.

  • Low pressure in the cabin. Therefore, the blood is saturated with oxygen 10% lower. If you are healthy, and the baby is developing normally, then this is not dangerous. Whereas with anemia, diseases of the heart and blood vessels (for example, high blood pressure), the flight can be harmful.
  • Low humidity in the cabin in itself is not dangerous if you constantly drink water during the flight.
  • cosmic radiation also not dangerous, since its level is small. However, it has the ability to accumulate. Therefore, regular flights are undesirable.
  • Scanners at the airport do not carry any danger, since the total dose of radiation is small. For comparison: a person receives the same dose of radiation in two minutes of flight or in one hour of being on the ground. Interestingly, the radiation from the scanner is much lower than that of mobile phones.
  • Thrombotic risk complications increases by 18% every two hours of flight.

Who is at higher risk of thrombotic complications while traveling?

In pregnant women, as a rule, blood clotting is slightly increased, which is aggravated by a decrease in motor activity during the journey. Therefore, venous blood stagnates, edema develops, and the risk of deep vein thrombosis increases two to three times.

The risk of deep vein thrombosis during pregnancy is increased in women:

Previous thrombosis


If close relatives (mother, father, siblings, grandparents) have thrombosis

When a woman suffers from diseases that have high risk thrombosis (eg. diabetes)

How to reduce the risk of thrombosis while traveling?

  • Try to walk around the cabin of the bus, plane, train.
  • Stop for a short walk if you are traveling by car.
  • Do leg exercises often.
  • Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration.

For pregnant women at risk:

  • Discuss this with your doctor before you travel. You may need additional medications.
  • Compression stockings must be worn while traveling.
  • In cases where the trip is undesirable, but it is impossible to postpone it, then specific prophylaxis is carried out with substances that thin the blood. Heparin is given before the start of the trip and during the first few days of the trip if the trip lasts more than four hours. Aspirin is not prescribed to thin the blood, since it is ineffective in this case.

Collecting a first aid kit ....

Organizing time

! Get health insurance and make sure the insurance company pays for overseas births or pregnancy-related conditions. Unfortunately, not all insurance companies provide this service.

It is advisable to visit a doctor and take an extract from his exchange card, then translate it into the language of the country, or English language at a translation agency.

If possible, find out the contact phone number from the attending physician and agree with him that, if necessary, you will call and consult.

What should be in the first aid kit?

* Paracetamol- a drug for lowering body temperature and for toothache. Unfortunately, other drugs are not recommended for use in pregnant women.

* No-shpa- to relieve pain in the abdomen.

* Kokkulin or Bonin- remedies for motion sickness.

* Procto-Glivenol- a drug for the treatment of hemorrhoids.

* Enterosgel. Applicable for intestinal infections and digestive disorders.

* Regidron- a remedy for replenishing the lack of fluid in the body, which has developed as a result of diarrhea.

* Test for premature effusion amniotic fluid (FRAUTEST amnio, AmnioKVIK, Amnishur).

* Medications you are taking due to the presence of chronic diseases.

* First aid kit: bandage, antiseptic (for example, iodine-containing), plaster.

This general recommendations for a first aid kit pregnant. However, you can replace these drugs with other drugs approved for use in pregnant women that you have previously taken, but with the same effect. Because on the unfamiliar medicine you may develop allergic reactions.

* Women with severe common diseases: high blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, anemia II-III degree and others.

* If previous pregnancies ended premature birth or miscarriages.

* Previously premature rupture of amniotic fluid during a previous pregnancy.

* The presence of a scar on the body of the uterus after caesarean section, removal of fibroids.

* Isthmic-cervical insufficiency of the cervix, as the risk of preterm birth increases.

* Multiple pregnancy (increased risk of preterm birth).

* Raise blood pressure during the current and previous pregnancy.

* Anomaly of the location of the placenta (abruption, presentation) during the present, as well as previous pregnancy.

* Pregnancy diabetes during the present as well as previous pregnancy.

* Preeclampsia ( severe complication course of pregnancy) during the current and previous pregnancy.

As you can see, traveling while pregnant is possible. Therefore, do not deprive yourself of the opportunity to relax, gain strength, get a lot of positive emotions. However, do not forget to take precautions so as not to harm yourself and the baby.

pediatric resident doctor

1. At what stage of pregnancy can I travel? Obstetricians consider the first and second trimesters to be the most favorable for travel. Behind toxicosis, morning sickness and an acute reaction to stuffiness and smells; at the same time, childbirth is still far away. Of course, before the trip you need to consult a doctor. Contraindications for long-distance travel are exacerbation of any chronic diseases, problems with the formation of the placenta, the threat of uterine bleeding, and a history of miscarriages.

2. Which country should I choose to travel while pregnant? Choose countries with a temperate climate: not too hot, not too dry, not too humid. It is better to give up exotic countries (Africa, Cuba, Mexico, etc.) for a while, because they are in a different climatic zone, and you don’t need problems with acclimatization now. The best destinations are where you can fly in 2-5 hours by plane: the south of Russia, Crimea, Croatia, France, Spain, Switzerland, the Baltic countries.

3. When purchasing a tour, please note that medical insurance usually does not include cases related to pregnancy and. Just in case, have a credit card with you so that in case of unforeseen expenses you do not get into a difficult situation. The level of medical care in the chosen country should be quite high. Just in case.

4. It is worth avoiding countries where the daytime temperature rises above 40°C. It is also not recommended to go high into the mountains while waiting for the baby, because the greater the height, the less oxygen, and the baby needs air for normal development.

5. All inclusive can play for you bad role: it is fraught with overeating and the inability to choose the most suitable dishes. It is best to eat in cafes, restaurants or cook on your own (if you rent a villa or apartment).

6. Find out from your obstetrician-gynecologist,. Usually the most favorable time for the flight is the second trimester, from 14 to pregnancy. On the plane, try to move as much as possible. Sitting in one position for a long time can cut off circulation, which is undesirable for you and your baby.

7. If you travel by train during pregnancy, choose the bottom bunk. The trip itself should ideally last no more than 15 hours, a maximum of a day. There is not enough air on the train, there is little opportunity to move and there are no doctors, although it must be admitted that this is the most safe view transport during pregnancy.

8. When going on a long journey by car, please note that during pregnancy it is harmful to stay in one position for a long time and overwork. Every 200 kilometers you need to stop and get out of the car, a 15-minute break will help restore blood circulation. Be sure to think about where you will stay overnight and eat. For long journeys by car, it makes sense to buy a special seat belt for pregnant women.

9. It is best to relax on the beach in the morning before 11 o'clock and in the evening after 16 o'clock, when the sun is at its least active. It is not recommended to sunbathe for a long time during pregnancy, because. there is a chance of overheating and provoking the appearance age spots on the skin. Also, prolonged exposure to the sun for an expectant mother can be fraught with uterine bleeding, overheating, fainting, varicose veins.

10. You can, but no more than 15-20 minutes. First, you may not feel tired, which can lead to a drop in blood pressure, dizziness, and fainting. Secondly, expectant mothers should not be supercooled. The water temperature must be at least 22°C.

IMPORTANT! Make sure you have everything you need while traveling.

What to bring (list):

  • Medical policy.
  • , a note with your blood type and phone number of your husband or close friends (if you are traveling alone or with children). If you are flying overseas exchange card should be translated into English.
  • A certificate from a gynecologist with permission to fly (Aeroflot requires this already at the 36th week of pregnancy).
  • A travel first-aid kit with drugs allowed during pregnancy. Please note that abroad, many drugs may be called differently or be very expensive. Whatever you need, it's best to have it with you.
  • Sunscreen cosmetics with a protection factor of at least 30SPF.
  • Disposable toilet pads, wet wipes, disinfectant hand gel.
  • Non-carbonated drinking water, cracker.
  • Comfortable shoes, light clothing made of natural "breathable" fabrics, a hat.
  • travel pillow for the neck.