Decorative pillow dachshund in full size pattern. Funny dachshund - do-it-yourself travel pillow. More complex models

A do-it-yourself children's educational toy dachshund will help the baby develop motor skills and ingenuity, instill the necessary skills, keep the child occupied and distract from whims.

Focusing on a simple master class, you can easily sew a similar dog in one day off. If there are schoolchildren in the family, be sure to involve them in the process or entrust all the work to older sisters and brothers. If you don't have kids yet, take this idea to make a useful gift.

Materials for the master class

To make a developing dog with your own hands, you will need the available materials and tools:

  • textile fabric or felt;
  • various accessories - buttons, buttons, eyelets, lindens, carabiners, zippers and so on. Everything that can be opened, unfastened, untied, peeled off. Additionally, you can use little things that create sounds and mood - bells, key rings, decorative elements;
    synthetic winterizer or holofiber for filling;
  • threads of suitable shades;
  • scissors;
  • needles;
  • crayon;
  • sewing machine, but you can also sew a dog by hand.

Step by step manufacturing technique

From thick cardboard you need to cut out parts of the body of the dachshund and cut them out of the fabric:

  1. Prepare a pattern of the main elements of the body, taking as a basis any number of squares and deciding on the amount of fittings to fasten them. The optimal link size: from 8 cm. With smaller parameters, it may be difficult to turn the products inside out and sew in the fasteners.
  2. Regarding the main squares, make patterns for the head, back of the body, paws, ears and tail of the dog. You can draw all this by hand.
  3. Having marked out where and what connections will be, make fastener parts from cardboard (for eyelets, carabiners, and so on).
  4. Attach the cardboard patterns to the fabric folded in two layers, circle with chalk and cut out all the dachshund blanks. Don't forget the seam allowances.

In total, two parts of the head, two details of the completion of the torso, two elements of the tail, four ears, eight paws and the planned number of basic body blanks, multiplied by two, should be obtained.

That is, if you decide that there will be four squares, there should be eight components. Do the same with the fittings fastening details.

Sew the paws and ears together and turn inside out. If you sew from felt, then you can leave it in its original form, that is, with the seam out.

A carabiner was used to decorate the tail. Sew the tail on both sides, turn it inside out, sew a piece of tape with a metal fastener into the free edge. The tail of the dachshund is ready.

Make blanks for accessories. In this master class, it was necessary to sew two squares and sew a button on them. Also prepare two long strips so that later it is easy to sew in a fastex fastener.

Sew fastening elements into the body components of the developing dachshund toy - a block for buttons, buttonholes, lindens, and so on.

Stuff the blanks with holofiber or padding polyester. Sew the bottom with a hidden seam. Insert the legs of the dachshund into the first segment from the head. Sew on buttons.

Sew into the sides the fastening details of the developing parts.

Fill with holofiber. Sew the bottom with a hidden seam, after inserting the paws.

Now you need to shape the head of a developing dog. Sew the parts up to the side cut, make a slot for the mouth. Insert a zipper in there.

Insert the fittings for fasteners into the side and sew.

Sew on the ears and a decorative collar with a bell, glue on the eyes.

Collect all parts of the dachshund - an interesting educational toy is ready.

Pay attention to sewing workshops and. We have a whole collection of interesting publications on development and education, as well as a series of MKs on needlework and creativity.

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Dachshunds are a hunting dog breed characterized by short legs. For all lovers of this breed of dogs, we offer to watch a master class on how to sew a dachshund dog out of felt with your own hands - a wonderful soft toy.

In order to make this funny felt dachshund, you will need the following supplies and materials:

  • Soft felt sheets (brown and beige).
  • threads of the same color.
  • Synthetic stuffing balls.
  • Scissors, chalk.
  • Small black beads for the eyes.

Transfer to paper and cut out the dachshund pattern.

Attach the pattern to the material, circle with chalk. Cut out two parts of the dachshund's body, two parts of the tail and four parts of the ears from brown felt. From beige material, cut out two parts of the dog's belly.

Place the belly pieces together and sew along the inside. Use an overlock stitch or join the pieces with straight stitches.

Then unfold the belly part and place it on the main part (torso).

Align the edges of both parts of the toy. Start sewing the beige and brown parts of the dog along the outer edge.

Sew the pieces together, starting from the dachshund's chest and ending at the base of the hind leg.

On the other hand, attach the second part of the dachshund's body and sew it to the stomach.

Fold the dog with its stomach inward, align the edges of the upper part. Then continue stitching from the chest up. Sew the parts of the head, back to the middle.

Stuff the dachshund with synthetic filler through the hole. Pay special attention to the paws and muzzle, pushing the sintepuh into the narrow parts with an object with a sharp end (pencil or stick). After that, sew up the hole. Use your fingers to spread the litter over the dog's body.

Take the ponytail pieces and sew them together.

Sew the tail to the back of the dachshund.

Fold the details of the ears in two, sew together.

Sew the ears to the top of the toy's head.

Take the beads and sew on both sides of the head at the same time. Make a stitch, thread with a needle into the hole of the bead, bring the thread to the other side. Do the same there. Sew a few stitches on both sides. Then fasten the thread under the bead and cut.

Please your loved ones with a beautiful toy.

The New Year 2018 is approaching. The Yellow Earth Dog will be the symbol of the Year. In kindergarten, it is customary to celebrate the New Year holidays together and hold contests for the best DIY crafts. And it is not at all surprising that one of the most important crafts for the New Year's competition in the kindergarten will be a craft. We offer 3 do-it-yourself fabric dog patterns simple, which even a novice craftswoman can do.

Craft doggy dog ​​made of fur.

To make a fur dog craft, you need to cook:

  • a piece of old fur (or fleece) 25-30 cm (it all depends on the size of the future craft);
  • cotton wool (synthetic winterizer);
  • threads;
  • needles (sewing machine);
  • scissors;
  • black smooth buttons 2 pcs;
  • a piece of black cloth;
  • decor (ribbons, bows, tinsel)

Craft dog for the New Year 2018 step by step instructions

  • use a simple dog pattern from fabric;
  • spread the fur and lay out all the details according to the pattern;
  • cut out all the details of the dog: abdomen 1 pc, torso 2 pcs, ear 4 pcs, middle of the head 1 pc, tail 1 pc;
  • using a sewing machine, connect the body of the dog and the abdomen with a simple seam - a line (you can sew it by hand if the dog should turn out small);
  • connect the head with a simple seam - a line with the middle of the head, you get the muzzle of a dog;
  • connect the details of the ears of the dog, you should get 2 ears;
  • connect the edges of the tail;
  • fill the assembled torso with the head with cotton wool or padding polyester;
  • ready-made ears and tail sew to the dog;
  • cut an oval from black fabric and sew on the tip of the muzzle - this will be the nose;
  • cut a mouth out of black fabric and sew on the muzzle;
  • the finished dog can be decorated with a beautiful collar made of tinsel or satin ribbon (or bows)

To quickly make a do-it-yourself dog craft from fur (or fleece), you need to call adults for help. Joint creativity will bring the child a lot of pleasure and a lot of impressions, you will get a beautiful doggy craft for the New Year with your own hands in the kindergarten.

Doggy-dachshund made of fabric with a pattern

To sew - a dachshund with your own hands you need to cook:

  • old drape (you can use any dense fabric);
  • cotton wool (synthetic winterizer);
  • threads;
  • needle;
  • scissors;
  • sewing machine;
  • black buttons 2 pcs for the eyes;
  • a black smooth button for the spout (or a piece of black fabric);
  • decorations (ribbons, bows, tinsel).

Dog toy pattern:

Dachshund dog for the New Year 2018 step by step instructions

  • prepare a dog pattern;
  • unfold the drape and arrange all the details according to the pattern;
  • cut out all the details of the dachshund: abdomen 2 pcs, torso 2 pcs, ear 4 pcs, forehead 1 pc, tail 1 pc;
  • using a sewing machine, connect the torso and abdomen with a simple stitch (you can sew it by hand if the dog should turn out small) you get 1 side;
  • also connect the torso and abdomen with a simple line to get the 2nd side;
  • connect the head with a simple line with the forehead, you get the muzzle of a dachshund;
  • collect the torso and abdomen of the dachshund;
  • connect the details of the ears, you should get 2 ears;
  • connect the edges of the tail;
  • fill the collected dachshund with a head with cotton wool or padding polyester;
  • fill the ears and tail with cotton wool or padding polyester;
  • sew ready-made ears and tail to the dachshund;
  • sew black buttons on the muzzle - these will be the eyes;
  • sew a smooth button on the tip of the muzzle (or make a ball out of black fabric and sew on);
  • the finished dachshund can be decorated with a beautiful collar made of satin ribbon or bows, you can add tinsel.

Merry - dachshund for the New Year 2018 will please everyone. Simple sewing of a dog with your own hands will bring joy and pleasure to both children and adults. Success in the competition in the kindergarten is guaranteed!

Do-it-yourself felt dog with patterns

To prepare such a dog you need:

  • felt 10-15 cm in size (depending on the size of the future dog);
  • cotton wool;
  • threads;
  • needles;
  • scissors;
  • bow.

Dog made of felt step by step instructions

  • cut out a dog pattern;
  • lay out the pattern on felt;
  • cut out the details of the dog;
  • connect the edges of the parts with a simple seam - a line;
  • fill the dog with cotton;
  • decorate the finished dog with bows.

Such a cute one can be sewn very quickly, without applying great skills and expenses, done in just a couple of minutes, and it will bring joy to children in the kindergarten for a long time!

We hope these simple do-it-yourself fabric dog patterns will give you creative thoughts and you will make a very original symbol of 2018!

How to sew a pillow - a button:

Cut out circles for the pillow.

Then use smaller circles to draw the "face" and "eyes" on the pillow.

Crimp the edges of the pattern.

Cut into the edges.

Sew the two pieces of the cover.

Put the cover on the pillow.

Make through loops in place of the painted "eye" of your pillow.

The pillow is ready!

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The toy is flat. It sews amazingly fast! What is needed for this:
1. Draw the pattern on a sheet of paper using a grid - the size of the cell can be any, the size of the pillow depends on its size.
If you change the size of the cell, the pillow will be the size you need - larger or smaller
2. Fold the fabric in two layers with the right side inward, lay out the details of the pattern and pin on the pins.
3. The pattern will need to be cut out, making allowances for the seams of about 1 cm. You should get 2 parts of the torso.
4. Sew on the eyes, nose and heart at the indicated places.
5. Fold the parts of the body with each other with the front sides and sew, remembering to leave a small area unsewn.
6. In places of rounding, the seam allowance must be cut and through the open area, turn the pillow right side out.
7. Stuff the pillow tightly with padding polyester, starting from the tail. Then carefully close the incision with a blind stitch.
The pillow is ready!

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how to sew a pillow for pregnant women Before starting work, you need to make a pattern for the future pillow. For example, for a "C" - shaped pillow, it looks like this: how to sew a pillow for pregnant women
When transferring it to the fabric, do not forget that the inner pillowcase should be cut out with smaller seam allowances than the outer one - then it will be possible to change the covers without much effort. When stitching parts, it is better to use a double seam, because in order for the pillow to last for a long time, it will not damage the margin of safety.
Two types of fabric - for the inner pillowcase and outer pillowcase (it is better to sew two outer covers at once in order to be able to wash them if necessary)
Zipper or buttons

Materials used:
fabric 45 cm wide (chintz, velveteen, satin, velvet)
silk thread for sewing
fabric glue
Description of work:

1. Print out the pattern (pattern at the end of the article).

2. Lay out the finished patterns on the fabric.

3. On one side of the head pattern, embroider or draw a cat's face.

4. Sew together all the main parts of the body, leaving a small hole for the filler.
Do the same with the hind and front paws, tail.

5. Fill each part with the available filling.

6. Sew together all the details with a neat hand stitch.

7. Tie a pretty ribbon around your neck.

Our holiday pillow "sleeping cat" is ready!

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You will need:
Holofiber for filling.



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A travel pillow in the form of a bone or a hug pillow is sewn very quickly, and what a lot of pleasure on the road!!!

It is better to be careful about the choice of top material. We will fill it with holofiber. Therefore, it is better to choose a top material that is as comfortable as possible, for example, elastic synthetic knitwear that is pleasant to the touch, such as is often used as a lining for sports outerwear. In this case, due to the elasticity of the material, the pillow can be made higher, which means it is more comfortable, but in case of rain it will have to be worn under a waterproof cape.

You will need:
Top material - a small cut (see the pattern in the Photo section).
Holofiber for filling.
Hook or ribbon for fastening.

We grind the edges, leaving a small area unstitched for stuffing. If you want a fastener with strings, you can immediately insert the ribbons into the seams.

Important: the seam allowances along the entire inner ring must be cut towards the line, otherwise, after turning this section of the seam will be pulled together and the shape of the pillow will be distorted. Gently turn it inside out. We stuff with holofiber.
Trying on a pillow. If everything is fine, we sew up the hole by hand and attach fasteners so that the edges of the pillow do not diverge.

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Pillow - cat

1. Redraw the pattern (use the grid). If you increase the size of the cage, then the pillow will be larger.
2. Fold the fabric in two layers with the right side inward, lay out the details of the pattern and pin on the pins.
3. Cut out the pattern, making a seam allowance of about 1 cm. You should have 2 parts of the body.
4. Sew on the eyes, nose and heart at the indicated places.
5. Fold the parts of the body with each other with the front sides and sew, remembering to leave a small area unsewn.
6. In places of rounding, the seam allowance must be cut and through the open area, turn the pillow to the front side.
7. Stuff the pillow tightly with padding polyester, starting from the tail. Then carefully close the incision with a blind stitch.
The pillow is ready!

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Pillow Kittens

The toy is flat. It sews amazingly fast! What is needed for this:
1. Draw the pattern on a sheet of paper using a grid - the size of the cell can be any, the size of the pillow depends on its size.
If you change the size of the cell, the pillow will be the size you need - larger or smaller
2. Fold the fabric in two layers with the right side inward, lay out the details of the pattern and pin on the pins.
3. The pattern will need to be cut out, making allowances for the seams of about 1 cm. You should get 2 parts of the torso.
4. Sew on the eyes, nose and heart at the indicated places.
5. Fold the parts of the body with each other with the front sides and sew, remembering to leave a small area unsewn.
6. In places of rounding, the seam allowance must be cut and through the open area, turn the pillow right side out.


Oh, what cute and funny kittens, pillow toys can be very easily sewn from ()


Oh, what cute and funny kittens, pillow toys can be sewn very simply from fleece .... A small size pillow claims to become an automobile one. A very small pillow can be a good pincushion pillow, as well as a cute toy for your baby.. It is also a great idea for an original gift to your loved ones!

What is needed for this:

1. Redraw the pattern on a sheet of paper using a grid - the size of the cell can be any, the size of the pillow depends on its size.
If you change the size of the cell, the pillow will be the size you need - larger or smaller

2. Fold the fabric in two layers with the right side inward, lay out the details of the pattern and pin on the pins. 3. The pattern will need to be cut out, making allowances for the seams of about 1 cm. You should get 2 parts of the torso.

Hippo gosh

To work, you will need a bright fabric of two colors. You can embroider a muzzle ()

Hippo gosh

To work, you will need a bright fabric of two colors. You can embroider a muzzle or make an applique. If you will sew a pillow, then increase the pattern to the desired size. And do not forget about good stuffing - it is best to use special stuffing for pillows. Well, at the bottom you need to sew a Velcro or a zipper to add stuffing or arrange a pillow wash :)

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Dachshunds are very funny, sociable and friendly dogs. But for one reason or another, not everyone can afford to have a real dog at home. But a toy dachshund can be placed in any apartment. This soft toy taxi will perfectly decorate the interior and will become a good children's toy.

For work you will need: light brown fleece, a needle, brown threads, synthetic winterizer, scissors, two black beads, a brush, a pointed sushi stick, black acrylic paint, a wide red ribbon, matches, a simple pencil.

How to make a dachshund with your own hands

1. Make a dachshund pattern on checkered paper. You need to draw a torso with legs and a tail, a head, legs and an ear. The detail of the legs is delimited on the pattern of the body by a transverse line. Carefully cut out all these details from paper.

2. Put the details of the head and ear on the brown fleece and trace around. Cut out two pieces of the head and four pieces of the ear, leaving half a centimeter for seam allowances.

3. Fold the parts of the head and ear in pairs with the right sides. Sew the details on the sewing machine. Do not sew up the ears at the top. Leave an unsewn hole on the details of the head in the neck area.

4. Unscrew the parts of the head and ear through the unsewn holes. For turning, it is convenient to use a sushi stick or a brush.

5. Stuff your head tightly with synthetic winterizer. A sushi stick or brush is also useful here.

6. Put the patterns of the torso on the fleece and circle. Cut off the leg pattern from the body pattern along the transverse line. Cut out two parts of the body and legs of the dachshund, leaving half a centimeter for seam allowances on each side. Fold the parts of the torso and legs with the right sides.

7. Sew the details of the torso and legs on a sewing machine. You don't need to sew on the top.

8. Fold these parts and sew in the tummy area with a sewing machine.

9. Sew the body of the dachshund in the chest, back and tail. Do not close the hole in the neck area.

10. Turn the body of the dog through the open hole.

11. Stuff the dachshund's body tightly with synthetic winterizer. You need to start stuffing from the tail and from the hind legs, then stuff the torso and only after that the front legs, breast and neck. It is better to stuff with small lumps of synthetic winterizer, and for stuffing it is convenient to use a pointed stick for sushi or a brush.

12. With a hidden seam, carefully and firmly sew the head to the body. You need to do this manually.

13. Sew the ears to the head. You need to sew by hand with a hidden seam, wrapping the unsewn edges inside the ears.

14. Sew bead eyes with black thread. In order for the eyes to be symmetrical, the sewing places are preferably on

14. Sew bead eyes with black thread. In order for the eyes to be symmetrical, it is advisable to mark the sewing points with a simple pencil.

15. Now you need to make a spout. It can be painted with acrylic paints, having previously outlined the contours of the spout with a simple pencil. Wait for the paint to dry completely.

16. It remains to dress up our taxi. To do this, take a wide beautiful red ribbon and tie a magnificent bow around the neck of the dachshund. If the ends of the bow are too long, they can be trimmed. And so that the edges of the ribbon do not look sloppy, they need to be processed - light a match and quickly draw along the edges of the ribbon.

A cute toy taxi is ready. Put her on a sofa or in an easy chair, and she will add coziness to your home and, of course, will delight your baby.

With such a toy dog, both boys and girls will be happy to play. If you double the dachshund pattern, then it can also become a comfortable pillow.