When pregnant women should not lie on their stomach. In what position is it better to rest at night. Use of special pillows

There are habits that expectant mother should be abandoned. Does sleeping on the stomach apply to them?

To the question "Is it possible to sleep on your stomach during pregnancy?" answers Irina Mikhailova, obstetrician-gynecologist postpartum ward hospital "Lapino".

No, this cannot be done. From the moment a woman finds out about her interesting position, she needs to understand that sleeping on her stomach is not safe even for early dates pregnancy. The fact is that when the expectant mother lies on her stomach, the weight of her body exerts direct pressure on the pregnant uterus, causing an increase in its tone, and, as a result, the threat of termination of pregnancy. Therefore, as soon as you find out that you are expecting a baby, stop rolling over on your stomach in your sleep. You don’t need to be afraid of anything: if you keep this thought in your head, you quickly learn how to turn over on your stomach even in a dream, especially when the health of the unborn baby depends on it.

How then is it better to sleep: on your back or on your side? In the first trimester, it doesn't matter at all. However, in the second and especially in the third trimester, when the fetus is already large enough, doctors also do not recommend sleeping on your back. In this position, the uterus presses on the deep veins, disrupting the blood flow between the legs and the heart. Therefore, after 30 weeks or even earlier, lying and sleeping, if possible, should be on your side. And, of course, if you didn’t lie down on your back for a few minutes, it’s not scary.

For more later dates It does not hurt to get a special oblong pillow for pregnant and lactating women, which is designed to sleep on your side and support your growing belly.

During pregnancy, everyday things are forbidden for a woman. future mommy replaces strong morning coffee with green tea, visiting gym to yoga, nightly gatherings with friends for a strong and healthy sleep. There are so many “don’ts” that sometimes a woman just wants to do the usual little things, for example, sleep on her stomach during pregnancy.

Did your doctor say you shouldn't sleep on your stomach during pregnancy? He is absolutely right, because the usual sleeping position for most is lying on his stomach, on a certain period gestation can harm the baby. In what cases, and for how long, can pregnant women sleep on their stomachs?

Can pregnant women sleep on their stomach in the first trimester?

At a gestational age of up to 12 weeks, the uterus is located in the pelvic cavity and does not extend beyond the edge of the pubic bone. The pelvic bones reliably protect the growing uterus during the first trimester, so sleeping in the prone position for pregnant women during this period is not prohibited. However, this does not mean that pregnant women can sleep on their stomach all the time, because the size of the uterus increases every day, and its bottom will soon begin to come out from under the edge of the pubic joint. The expectant mother should accustom herself to sleep in a different position from the moment of pregnancy, otherwise the process of “night adaptation” may bring some discomfort.

As practice shows, sleeping on the stomach for pregnant women in the first trimester is not very convenient, especially if the gestation period is accompanied by swelling of the mammary glands, nausea, pulling pains lower abdomen.

IMPORTANT! Can pregnant women sleep on their stomach before 12 weeks of gestation? It is possible, but only after consulting the attending physician, since in some cases the size of the uterus may exceed the conditional boundaries in time: multiple pregnancy, large fruit, incorrectly determined gestational age, uterine fibroids, etc.

Can pregnant women sleep on their stomachs in the second trimester?

It is unlikely that it will be possible to hide the presence of pregnancy in the second trimester, the protruding tummy can no longer be covered with clothes. In addition, closer to the 18-20th week, the baby begins to actively push, constantly reminding of its presence. Despite the reliable "multi-layered" protection of crumbs from amniotic sac, the walls of the uterus and the muscles of the press, when lying on the stomach, the weight of the woman's body puts pressure on the grown fetus, which can provoke a violation of the utero-fetal-placental blood flow.

IMPORTANT! Unlike short gestation periods, when pregnant women can sleep on their stomach and back, starting from the second trimester, women are recommended to sleep on their left side. When positioned on the back, an enlarged uterus can compress large venous vessels, thereby provoking the appearance of inferior vena cava syndrome. This is a condition in which there is a violation of the venous outflow, which can lead to the development of fetal hypoxia.

Can pregnant women sleep on their stomach in the later stages?

To answer the question of whether pregnant women can sleep on their stomachs in the third trimester, try falling asleep while lying on a ball. It is unlikely that anyone will find this position optimal for a night's rest, right? The same is true in late pregnancy, when the stomach reaches its maximum dimensions. Starting from 30 weeks of gestation, pregnant women should not sleep on their stomach or on their back, so as not to harm their baby. One has only to try to take an uncomfortable position for the crumbs, as he will immediately let you know about it by active stirring.

What to do if a pregnant woman cannot sleep on her stomach, but really wants to?

Perhaps this problem has affected all women who at least once had the honor of becoming a mother. There is nothing worse than when you really want something, but you can’t, because the obsessive desire does not leave the pregnant woman for a minute. As in any other situation, it is always possible to find a way out, which is what our exemplary future mothers do. If you want to lie down on your stomach, which has reached an impressive size, you can cover yourself with soft pillows from head to toe so that they make a recess for the “house” of your little one. In this position, you can spend a few minutes, but no more. Remember, first of all, your baby should be comfortable.

How to create optimal conditions for sleep during pregnancy?

In late pregnancy, no matter what position you take, it's still uncomfortable. And this is a fact, because the uterus, which has reached its maximum size, compresses internal organs causing various disturbances. characterize recent weeks gestation can be as follows: heartburn, shortness of breath, pain in the lumbar region, swelling of the lower extremities, a feeling of fullness in the pelvic area.

Before going to bed, you need to ventilate the room. Fresh air promotes sound and healthy sleep.

The sleeping bed should be as comfortable as possible. On a bed that is too soft or too hard, a pregnant woman will not be able to fully sleep.

The period of pregnancy is an undoubted happiness for future parents. For a woman preparing to become a mother, carrying a baby is accompanied by fears and prohibitions. In order for the child to develop harmoniously in the mother's womb, a woman must abandon bad habits, avoid stress, eat well, walk a lot. Even the little things that a non-pregnant woman usually does not think about are subject to adjustment. The growing belly requires choosing the optimal sleeping position that is safe for the child. Let's consider this question from the point of view female physiology at different gestational periods.

Can pregnant women lie and sleep on their stomach?

During the period of bearing a baby, the expectant mother is concerned about many questions regarding the well-being of the baby. Relevant for a pregnant woman is the question of what position in a dream is safe for a child. Until what trimester is it allowed to sleep in any position? Why should you sleep on your side?

The opinions of experts on this issue are divided. Some believe that lying on the stomach will not harm the child until the stomach begins to round. Others state that a woman should only sleep on her back or side from the start of pregnancy, especially after 6–8 weeks. This will lead to the development of a habit of a certain position in a dream. As for the second half of pregnancy, the opinion of doctors is the same: sleeping on the stomach is dangerous for the fetus.

In the 1st trimester

At the beginning of pregnancy, the expectant mother can lie down as she likes. For a small embryo, this is not dangerous. It is located deep in the small pelvis and is reliably protected by the abdominal muscles, pubic bones. The uterus has not yet begun to increase in size, and such pressure on it will not cause negative consequences.

Rest on the stomach can be uncomfortable for a pregnant woman from 6 weeks with increased sensitivity of the mammary glands. Sometimes it is accompanied painful sensations in the chest area. In this case, the woman will not physically be able to long time to be in an uncomfortable position for her. Sleep problems also occur for the following reasons:

  • psychological - excessive anxiety of the expectant mother;
  • physiological - softening of the cervix with an inflection.

It is desirable for women to get used to sleeping in a safe position for the child as early as possible. This will allow the pregnant woman to fully rest when it will be impossible to lie on her stomach.

In the 2nd trimester

At this time, the fetus has already sufficiently increased in size. Although it is protected by amniotic fluid, there is still the possibility of accidental damage. Rest on the stomach should be abandoned. Optimal posture for sleep during this period - on the left side or with a slight tilt on the back.

After 12–13 weeks, a rounded belly requires more careful handling. If this does not cause discomfort, you can sleep on your back. The baby inside the mother's womb is not yet too big, its weight does not put pressure on the vena cava, diaphragm, and mother's spine. Rest on the back is not recommended after the woman has felt the first movements. This usually happens between 16 and 24 weeks.

In the 3rd trimester

This is the most difficult period for a woman to bear a child. Increased weight makes the expectant mother clumsy, physical activity decreases, swelling, shortness of breath. Pressure on the abdomen becomes extremely dangerous for the baby. Fetal hypoxia can occur when a woman accidentally squeezes her stomach with all her weight. There is compression of the vessels of the placenta. Prolonged lack of oxygen can cause delays in the development of the baby.

When resting on the stomach, the milk ducts may overlap mammary glands. In the third trimester female body begins to produce colostrum, which after the birth of the child is replaced mother's milk. Damaged ducts will not be able to fully develop the nutrition necessary for the child in the future.

On final stage During pregnancy, sleeping on your stomach and back becomes dangerous for the baby. If the fetus is pelvis down, doctors recommend that the mother change position during rest - sleep first on one side, then on the other.

Possible negative consequences

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During the active development of the fetus, the position on the stomach creates a risk of injury to the baby. After the first trimester, resting on the stomach can cause heartburn in the mother. Squeezing the stomach provokes the reverse course of the food taken. Will not protect against the pressure of maternal weight amniotic fluid, muscle layer of the press.

Although the baby is protected in the womb, the direct pressure of the mother's weight on the placenta can cause increased tone uterus muscles. Hypertonicity threatens with miscarriage in the early stages, placental abruption, premature birth in 2nd and 3rd trimesters. Most negative consequence- involuntary termination of pregnancy.

From a gestational age of 3-4 months, absolutely all women who are expecting a baby should not lie on their stomach. The most safe position for the fetus of a resting mother is on her side, preferably left. This minimizes pressure on the abdomen, reduces the load on the spine. Mom's diaphragm in this position is not compressed by anything, she can breathe easily and freely. The baby gets enough oxygen.

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Many girls like to sleep on their stomach, moreover, many of them can only fall asleep in this position. When planning future pregnancy many people have reasonable questions about whether it is possible for pregnant women to sleep in this position and for how long can this be done? Obstetrician-gynecologist EMC Olga Panfilova answers these and other questions.

Can you sleep on your stomach in the first trimester?

Certainly for wellness and mood is very important calm and good rest at night. This is especially true for a woman who is expecting a baby, because it is she who often has problems with sleep, not least related to the positions that she usually takes in a dream. Including the posture on the stomach. However, in the early stages of pregnancy, you can safely continue to do this. The uterus is still so small and, moreover, so securely protected by the bones of the pubis, that this position of the body is not capable of causing any harm. developing baby. If the usual posture began to cause you discomfort, then most likely this is due to the so-called inflection of the uterus, which occurs due to the fact that the tissues of this organ soften, especially in the isthmus zone. Another cause of inconvenience may be mammary glands, which begin to gradually increase in size, become painful. If you're having similar problems, it's time to find more comfortable sleeping positions, such as trying to fall asleep lying on your back. And even better already in the early stages to accustom yourself to sleep on your side. You will definitely appreciate the benefits of the newly acquired habit later, when your stomach has reached such a size that even the very thought of trying to sleep on it seems ridiculous.

Can you sleep on your stomach in the second trimester?

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the expectant mother can already boast of a voluminous belly, which means that the baby inside has grown up. And let him be well protected membranes, amniotic fluid, muscles of the uterus and the press, laying on the stomach, you still put pressure on the baby. And just imagining that you are lying on your child, you are unlikely to be able to sleep peacefully. At this stage of pregnancy, you can still sleep on your back, but it is best to lie on your side, so you arrange your stomach as comfortably as possible.

Can you sleep on your stomach in the third trimester?

In the third trimester of pregnancy, sleeping on the back of the expectant mother is no longer recommended. The growing uterus puts additional pressure on blood vessels located behind abdominal cavity. When you lie on your back, this pressure interferes with the normal circulation of blood that should flow to your baby from the lower part of your body. You yourself can feel how uncomfortable this position is by noticing that it becomes difficult for you to breathe when you lie on your back.

The only acceptable position of the body during sleep at this stage of pregnancy will be the side position. To improve blood circulation, it is better to raise your legs a little: when you lie on your side, place a pillow under your upper leg. To facilitate the work of the kidneys and improve the outflow of bile, it is optimal to sleep on the left side. But if you are worried about discomfort in the region of the heart, it is better to roll over to the right. Many women claim that special pillows for pregnant women bring great relief, providing the most comfortable position for the whole body during sleep.

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Have you ever watched a sleeping person? Some people curl up, some sleep on their backs with their arms spread wide, and some like to lie on their stomachs and hug a pillow. But we do not always manage to sleep in our beloved and comfortable posture. One reason is pregnancy. Many may disagree. Of course, not everything is so categorical.

Can you sleep on your stomach in early pregnancy?

At the very beginning of pregnancy, when the uterus is small and protected by the pubic bones, you can afford to sleep in the position that is most comfortable for you. But some women may still experience some discomfort in the prone position. And this can happen because in the early stages of pregnancy, the uterus strongly bends to the front due to softening of the isthmus of the uterus, which is located between the body of the uterus and the cervix. By the way, the deviation of the uterus to the front is one of the signs of pregnancy and it is called "Genter's sign." Also in the first trimester of pregnancy, the mammary glands begin to engorge (this continues throughout pregnancy). And therefore, the position on the stomach, comfortable before pregnancy, will be uncomfortable, because the mammary glands become more sensitive to pressure.

Second trimester of pregnancy

In the second trimester of pregnancy, the size of the uterus is already such that the stomach is visible even when you are lying on your back. You begin to feel the movement of your baby. And, despite the fact that your baby is reliably protected by the membranes, amniotic fluid, uterus, and even the muscles of your abdomen, lying on your stomach, you still put pressure on the growing fetus. In addition, this multi-layered lump already rises above the surface of the abdomen. And lying on this small but elastic bulge is uncomfortable. It is much more convenient to curl up around your growing baby, lying on your side, as if hugging him from all sides and listening to gentle and still timid movements.

third trimester

In the third trimester of pregnancy, your belly already resembles big watermelon or a bouncy ball. And lying on a stomach of such dimensions would never occur to anyone. Yes, and sleeping on your back will also be not only uncomfortable, but also wrong. An already grown baby will put pressure on already cramped internal organs, interfering with the work of the intestines, liver, and kidneys. And the hard head, located at the entrance to the small pelvis, in a position on the back, will compress the vessels of the lower extremities, disrupting blood circulation. What posture to take? Again - on your side, comfortably arranging your big tummy side by side. And to make it comfortable for the whole body, put a pillow or a folded blanket between your legs. And may you dream of something good.