Elegant mom. As a young mother always look stylish and well-groomed. Not only sportswear and comfortable shoes

We all know perfectly well that the birth of a child is a great happiness and the most important event in the life of any woman. Our offspring delight us and we are ready to dress them up in the most bizarre and fashionable clothes, we can go shopping for hours or search the Internet for “exclusive” for our little sun.
But when it comes to mommy sunshine's wardrobe...

Often in the closets of most mothers you can see the same things, assembled as if according to a given stencil. Of course, the process of pregnancy and childbirth itself does not pass without a trace, and only the lucky ones return to shape after a couple of months, while the rest are divided into 2 camps: the first pull themselves together, go in for sports and follow a diet, and the second do nothing, letting everything take its course. This is certainly a personal matter for everyone, but if you have a desire to look good anyway, it is worthy of praise.

I’m not a stylist, but I didn’t want to wear a washed-out tracksuit to the playground, so I analyzed my wardrobe and made some changes to it, which allowed me to look relevant and somewhere even fashionable in any situation.

So, for starters, let's figure out what should be in the wardrobe of a young mother who spends hours walking with her baby.

And the first thing here is comfortable shoes. If you are comfortable in high-heeled shoes - this is your right and no one will take it away from you, walk with pleasure. Still, I advise you to give preference to flat shoes. The main thing is to choose the right one! If you like ballerinas, make sure that their toe tapers, this will give grace to the leg and optically elongate the silhouette.

The correct form of ballet flats

If you choose a round nose, it can take away the grace of your legs.
For example, I do not recommend such forms.

It is better to make a choice not in favor of ballet flats, but in favor of, for example, loafers. It looks not beaten and much more fashionable.

In short, the principle is clear to you: moccasins, slip-ons, sneakers - all this is fashionable and at the peak of popularity. Most importantly, read how to wear them correctly. So, for example, moccasins are worn on bare feet.

Let's move on to the main things. I will not touch on the winter season, I will focus on the spring wardrobe.

Sports cut dresses can be suitable for your everyday wardrobe. For example, a knee-length or slightly higher shirt dress can easily withstand a duet with flat shoes, because this is what it was created for!

Choose a model that will highlight your advantages. Such a dress will not constrain movements, does not require additional large accessories, you can limit yourself to an elegant chain.

For example, I have boyfriend jeans - both fashionable and comfortable, and, again, do not restrict movement. You can choose any jeans that suit your figure well.

I complement the jeans with a T-shirt, and put on a shirt on top. You can wear both a checkered shirt and denim. Just make sure that the cage is correct and at least one of the colors matches the color of the rest of the set.

For example, like here. The shirt clearly has more vertical stripes, which is correct, and the colors on it support the color of the T-shirt and belt.

If it's still quite cool, you can put on a shirt, and on top of it a cotton sweater of a suitable color. Layering is relevant today, but do not get carried away, make the layers quite thin, then you will not add extra pounds to your figure.

And warm and comfortable. You can, of course, just wear jeans and a sweater, but layering is always more interesting.


Sea of ​​options for cardigans! The cardigan can be worn as a replacement for the tracksuit top that many moms love to wear. Well, of course, not under the bottom of a tracksuit. Complete it with a belt or wear it loose. Model to your taste. Personally, I prefer elongated models.

Denim shorts
If your figure allows you, you can wear shorts. Denim shorts have long and firmly entered our wardrobe. It should be remembered that with shorts it is necessary to wear a closed top. For example, yes.

Again, we create layering with our shirt, which we have already used in two looks. Bottom line: one thing and how many sets!

But don't wear shorts like that unless you're at the beach.

And finally t-shirts, t-shirts and blouses

Again, if everything is fine with you in terms of figure, the main thing here is to choose colors that suit you. But if there are any drawbacks, you need to approach the issue of choosing T-shirts more carefully. Most importantly, do not try to be too original.

You can diversify a set with a T-shirt or blouse with a vest or sleeveless jacket.

And I would also like to say that things in a sports style and clothes for sports are different concepts.
Here are some sportswear.

Here are the sportswear.

And if we can wear things in a sports style in everyday life, then for sports, sorry, no way.


Quite comfortable for the playground, they can withstand a flat course well, most importantly, do not forget that leggings are clothing that requires a covered crotch area. You should not flaunt in them without an elongated tunic. Your great booty, if you want to show it off, will look much better in mid-rise jeans. An open butt in leggings is vulgar.

It’s impossible, as in the picture above, but it’s correct to wear like this:

Now we recall the shirt dress, which I spoke about at the very beginning. You can also wear leggings underneath. Of course, everything should be suitable in color and proportions.
For example, so

But not like that

We summarize the information received. A young mother is still the same woman who wants and can look fashionable and modern. And for this, she needs to make small adjustments to her everyday wardrobe! We put tracksuits out of sight - their place is in the gym, put on multi-layer sets that do not hinder our movements, but do not hang in a bag (fitting is half the battle), we do not get carried away with overly original prints. And, most importantly, love yourself!

Text edited by Anna Crossfashion

A woman needs to be beautiful so that her man can feel strong!

Today I would like to talk with you about styles in home clothes, because most of the time we, young mothers, spend at home and the question “what clothes to wear at home” is more relevant for us than ever!

Let's look at the typical mistakes that young mothers make when choosing home clothes.

Mistake #1. The habit of wearing bathrobes, pajamas and husband's shirts at home

This habit has its roots in the days when we were not mothers, but young successful women who spent most of their time at work. Indeed, leaving for work early in the morning and coming back late at night, you only dream of soft, comfortable pajamas and cozy slippers, preferably with heating. In the morning, we put on a dressing gown and stomped half-asleep into the bathroom, after which we dressed and went to work. Well, on weekends, especially if you don’t have to go anywhere, spending the day in pajamas or a cozy shirt of your husband is a sacred thing!

But now the situation has changed. We spend most of our time at home, but the habit of wearing pajamas and bathrobes at home has remained. Only now it turns out that we live in them, and do not wear them from time to time. And for three years of a decree and wearing bathrobes or sweatpants, you can simply forget that we are actually beautiful women ...

We are all familiar with the legends about Eastern women who put on a turban on the street, and wear the most beautiful clothes at home to please the eye of their husband. It's time to take an example from them.

Mistake #2. The habit of wearing only slippers at home

One of flylady's first rules is that in order to be as efficient as possible at home, we should wear lace-ups at home, not slippers, as slippers relax while lace-ups collect. I don’t know why she chooses lace-up shoes, my views on this issue are somewhat broader. But on one thing I definitely agree with Marla Seeley, the inventor of the flylady system, if you have to be at home most of the time, and besides, if you also have to work at home, then it is better to choose other shoes. And slippers to put off until the evening.

Mistake #3. Don't wear makeup while you're at home

It would seem, what does makeup have to do with clothes? Oddly enough, the most direct.

Once I read about such an interesting study, which was conducted by the company Mary Kay. In one nursing home, women were encouraged to wear make-up every day. After some time, they conducted a survey of a group of women who followed this instruction and those who did not. And as a result, it turned out that women who applied makeup were more optimistic, their diseases did not progress, they were more friendly. Those who refused remained pessimistic and their illnesses continued to progress. Oddly enough, but such a simple thing as makeup helps us stay in good shape all day long, treat ourselves better and, as a result, be more productive. Plus, you must admit, after you have applied at least a tone to your face, it is difficult to put on a bathrobe or stay in pajamas! I want to dress such a beautiful woman beautifully!

Mistake #4. The habit of buying clothes for the home only in home clothing stores

As a rule, in the departments of home clothes they sell sportswear or erotic styles. This is all great, but if you wear sports-style clothes all the time, then after a while you may forget that in addition to being a mother, you are also a young attractive woman. I will keep silent about erotic clothes (we all know the time when it is appropriate) / Where is the alternative? To find the answer to this burning question, we smoothly move with you to mistake number 5.

Mistake #5. Not knowing your inner style

How to find your inner style? You are not the first woman to ask this question. Before you understand what kind of clothes for the house you should choose, let's see what styles are there?

There are 4 main interior styles in total. I hope their description will help you choose the one that is closest to you.


Women who choose this style of clothing for themselves are, as a rule, punctual, businesslike, and love accuracy and clarity in everything. They are one of those who never suffer from the abundance of things in the wardrobe. Rather, on the contrary. As a rule, the color scheme of the things they choose is quite conservative, and the closet is full of twins of the same type.


These women are characterized by a love of pink. All their clothes are imbued with the spirit of femininity and romanticism, they like to take care of themselves. These are the women for whom how they look is more important than comfort, and they will easily go for a walk with a child in heels.


A woman of creative style is hard to miss. She always stands out from the crowd with unusual accessories or an extraordinary combination of colors in clothes.


Women of free style often confuse it with sports. Sports style is just one of the offshoots of free style. Therefore, if you are close to a free style, this does not mean at all that you now have to wear tracksuits all the time. Free style women value convenience first of all. For them, it is important what fabrics this thing is made of, and if it is not soft enough, or it is tight somewhere, then it will not take root in the wardrobe of a free-style woman, no matter how good it looks.

Error number 7. We spare money for home clothes

The algorithm of reflection on this topic is usually as follows: but no one sees me anyway. So why wear something?

Many women think that investing in beautiful home clothes is a stupid waste. What about your husband? What about your children? They are also people and they are also pleased to see their beloved woman in a neat, beautiful form. Look, one of the rules of a rational wardrobe is: you should have the most clothes for the type of activity where you spend the most time. If this is a house, then clothes for the house should be the most. In addition, a lot and beautiful does not mean expensive!

I usually advise new mothers, my clients, to buy clothes for home at summer sales in any stores in accordance with their inner style. Because summer sales are full of beautiful dresses and other cute things to wear at home.

Of course, in addition to our internal style, there is also an external environment that imposes certain requirements on our clothes, so let's figure out what is the most important thing in clothes for a young mother? Of course, this is convenience and non-staining. Which style has all of these characteristics? Yes that's right. Free style. But what to do if your inner style is feminine? Or creative? Then the magic formula comes to our aid:

What clothes to wear at home = Loose + your inner style

How might this look in practice?

Conservative + Free

Opt for plain, simple dresses in a classic cut, and instead of slippers, buy yourself ballet flats.

Feminine + Loose

Of course, romantic style women are characterized by a love for floral ornaments, lace and pastel colors. Choose dresses according to your taste, and replace slippers with elegant lace flat shoes.

Creative + Free

Release your fantasy! Finally, you can fully express yourself and not look around what others think of you. Choose clothes with ethnic or avant-garde motifs to your taste. And try to replace slippers with unusual sandals.


Free style does not recognize any constraint. Choose knitted dresses with a free cut. Instead of slippers, wear elegant lace-up boots or sandals.

I hope this article will awaken your creative imagination and desire to dress beautifully at home. After all, you deserve to be beautiful right now, and not someday, when ...... (substitute the right one).

Article from the magazine "Succeed with children!" No. 6.

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Undoubtedly, newly-born motherhood makes serious adjustments both to our everyday wardrobe and to our image as a whole ... But why, when going to work, many are puzzled by the problem of their appearance, and on a walk with their beloved child they often forget that they first of all, WOMEN and pick up things according to the residual principle, that is, which "do not mind" ??

It's good that there are simple practical ways to solve this problem!

Every woman, regardless of age and status, wants to be stylish and attractive, and as a mother, we simply have to be beautiful, because our children look at us and shake their heads from "young nails" and adopt absolutely all our experience, including and negative. Therefore, let's change not only for ourselves, but also for the sake of our kids, so that they, walking with us, are proud, and tell everyone how beautiful their mothers are! And colleagues who happened to meet admired the look of a young mother, and did not nod, sympathetically glancing over that "she has no time, she is busy with a child" ....

"Is it really necessary to change everything at once? It's not real! And it's very expensive!"

There is one phrase - "there are no ugly women, there are underfunded" - I fundamentally disagree with this. Of course, if your budget allows you to completely change your wardrobe and be the most stylish in the sandbox - fine, but then you are unlikely to be the reader of this article. We will solve the problem effectively, step by step and on the maximum budget, following the five principles of stylists!

"But no one sees me!"

Here it is, the main delusion of women who have forgotten about themselves, sitting at home with children ... Yes, no one except: husband, children, friends, passers-by, and, most importantly, yourself!

We examine ourselves in the mirror ... honestly!

By “honestly,” I don’t mean the process of self-flagellation because of extra pounds, stretch marks, or a stomach. It is important to look at yourself adequately. Yes, maybe extra fat has appeared, but doesn’t your beloved think that you have become so smooth, attractive, appetizing? If the excessive appetizing of the figure confuses you, then a huge number of diets and sports are your saviors! Or maybe your figure, on the contrary, has become more feminine, your chest has become fuller, your hips are more rounded? Pay attention to all your perfections! Recognize them in yourself and when you notice them, then all imperfections will fade into the background, because now you know exactly what to focus on!

Down with "training"!

Sportswear is the "scourge" of housewives. I don't mean stylish tracksuits at all, no! With sportswear, I cover the entire "arsenal" of young mothers, the so-called "housewife style": shapeless pants and capris of an indefinite stylistic orientation with stitching, patch pockets and a wrinkled effect, T-shirts with meaningless inscriptions of difficult to determine colors, colorful dressing gowns, anatomical synthetic sandals, slippers and sneakers. You need to get rid of these things that destroy the attractiveness urgently and forever! (or remove them far, far away, to the dacha for digging beds).

In the "furnace" fear of getting dirty!

Of course, wearing a silk blouse for a walk with a child, and then washing carrot juice with sobs is stupid. And rushing after the baby, losing ten-centimeter heels along the way, is simply not safe. So let's use common sense! The argument in favor of "housewife style" for many is exactly this: "it will get dirty anyway, tear, stretch, etc., why wear good???". But what if you put on just an inexpensive thing that fits you well? In chain stores in the same price segment, there is a huge selection of such things, they are stylistically unobtrusive, made of inexpensive cotton, easy to care for and you don’t feel sorry for them, in which case! Yes and watching mothers with children on the playgrounds, you understand that only a few have a real chance to get dirty, those who really run, jump, climb and “come off” to the fullest with their children. Or walking with a stroller?

Therefore, to begin with, we cut off things from such expensive and difficult-to-care fabrics as silk, wool, cashmere, etc. and give preference to cotton in all its manifestations, with the addition of synthetics and viscose and

Let's move on to the stylish principles of forming your new sets!

Stylish principle number 1. Layering!

Let's imagine that you have overcome the fear of getting dirty, and we begin to assemble a new walking kit. It's easy if you know the rules clearly. And they are simple: in a set, all things must be from different fabrics or the fabric must be of different dressing (density). But how is it, you say, because everything cotton is convenient for a walk, what variety is there? That's right, but you must admit, knitted cotton pants with the same T-shirt, with the same windbreaker - this is one thing. But cotton jeans (or shorts), with a bright top made of thin viscose and a small linen jacket or a knitted cardigan, is a completely different option! And it looks different. The fabric seems to be one, but it seems to be not. Therefore, the main rule of this principle is to layer and try different things! So your image will not only be more stylish, but also look more expensive!

Stylish principle number 2. Down with everything boring!

This principle means that you need to forget about indistinct colors and shapes, about boringness and excessive practicality! If there is a choice between a bright tunic and a "practical" T-shirt - choose a tunic, and then you will have to buy nice trousers or shorts according to your figure, because a tunic with "housewife style" pants does not look good anymore! But look at the trousers in a comfortable color, not white, but gray, emerald or blue, on it the sand from the sandbox is less noticeable, and it is easy to shake it off without a trace. You no longer want to wear rubber slippers to trousers or shorts, and a small, cute, comfortable handbag or scarf will pull itself up to neat sandals. Let's start a stylish chain reaction!

Stylish principle number 3. Don't know what to wear? We run for a sundress!

Summer is a wonderful time for inexpensive dresses! Just 2-3 different sundresses in the wardrobe - and the life of a stylish mom is much easier. The dress is generally universal clothing! It is easiest for them to cover what should be hidden and show what you are proud of! And in general, in the era of solid trousers, shorts and jeans, a woman in a dress always stands out from others, because this primarily emphasizes natural tenderness and femininity. Choose dresses in light and bright colors or with a pattern, made of cotton or viscose, of a comfortable length (so that you can bend over, squat and play with your child without constraining movements), then you will feel comfortable and look decent. And note that the dress is no longer suitable for sneakers or plastic "slaps".

I threw out my sneakers .... what to wear now?

Yes, whatever! Ballet shoes, sandals, sandals, moccasins! Everything that emphasizes your femininity does not weigh down and does not add angularity to the image. What do you feel comfortable in? Playing ball with an active son is much more pleasant, looking like a beautiful mother, and not like an overgrown teenager!

Stylish principle number 4. Details, details, and more details!

This is the most important principle, thanks to which you can spoil everything or, conversely, fix everything in the image. No matter how you deny it and are not lazy, but accessories decide everything! From head to toe, we frame ourselves in some kind of frame, put a dot or put the finishing touch. You can call it in different ways, but the point is that it is these small "trinkets" and scarves that bring real zest, personality and create your own style to your image. And now, in more detail:


Let's start with the fact that we carefully, but decisively, put it in a box and put our "family gold" away. Let it lie there and please not the eye, but the heart! And now let's go and choose stylish and comfortable new jewelry. Just a few rules, and you will become the owner of a practical set of universal trinkets!

  • buy earrings to match the color of the eyes, it will really refresh your whole look and they will always suit you, no matter the style. It is not necessary to buy expensive ones, because if this is your color, then they will always look advantageous! Avoid long, dangling and intricately detailed earrings as they tend to they cling to hair and children.
  • necklaces - if you have kids uncomfortable trinket, therefore, at this stage it is possible without them, otherwise it is very unpleasant to find out already at the entrance that the tenacious little hands of the child were still able to quietly unfasten the complex clasp of their favorite beads ...
  • But bracelets are a great option! You can always see them, they perfectly complement any look, the right bracelets do not interfere and there is no risk of losing them! When choosing a bracelet, avoid large, heavy ones with a thin elastic band and with various pendants, these models interfere more than decorate. Bracelets made of multi-colored leather, ethnic, woven or beaded, crocheted, made of natural stones, shells, corals always look stylish. Pick a few different ones and they will perfectly complement any set. It is very stylish to collect many bracelets at the same time on one hand - leather, tan, beads, knitting, stones. In general, do not be afraid to combine!


  • This is another "magic wand" for any kit. Want to complicate a simple set of jeans, a T-shirt and a jacket (cardigan)? Complete it with a beautiful scarf and you will look like from the glossy pages! The most important thing in choosing a scarf is color. This is a very responsible part of the event - to choose the color that suits you perfectly, and then, in some cases, even the absence of makeup will be compensated by the effect of the color of the scarf on your skin color! Having just a few different scarves and knowing how to tie them in two or three ways (and I don’t mean ways a la "nautical knot") will change you a lot! "But scarves get in the way! They cling and children pull them," you say! Yes, if the scarf hangs sadly, but if it is tied and its ends are not at the level of the knees, then everything will be fine! (Options can be seen here:

Stylish principle number 5. Want to look even better?

In addition to "trinkets" there are two more points that can solve everything: it's the head! No, I'm not talking about "cockroaches" now, although they also play a role! I mean makeup and hair. “How!?”, you will be indignant, “not only did I throw out my favorite “training shoes” - now I still have to spin at the mirror for an hour?”. And you thought good looks were magic? This is a huge work, simply, either it will be effective and you will achieve the desired result, or it will not be effective and all your efforts will be meaningless. So, all efforts can simply be thrown into the trash, and behind them is your new stylish image, if, despite carefully selected clothes, you have a pale face with bruises from fatigue, and instead of a hairstyle, you have hair tucked into a shapeless bun on your head. Yes, two "small" details play such a big role. Of course, if you have a shock of silky hair and smooth skin with bright features, then a simple shampoo and lip gloss will do the trick. But, if this is not about you and you want to look better, then two tips will help with this:

Council number 1. Makeup. This is not a complex make-up with shadows, sculpting and perfect arrows, but just a light daytime option. A few simple movements are enough to make the face fresher: hide bruises and other "colors" under the color corrector, powder the face, tint the eyelashes and eyebrows (if necessary) and apply a moisturizing natural lipstick. This will take exactly 5 minutes.

Tip number 2. Haircut. If your hair is begging for an anti-stylish bun or ponytail, then you need to get a haircut. Not complex, but just suitable for your face and easy to style (by the way, after childbirth, a lot of hair usually falls out in the first few months, and a neat haircut will make this process almost invisible). It takes exactly 10 minutes to style such a haircut. A competent haircut requires styling only 1 time in 2-3 days, you just need to stock up on good and light fixatives. The main advantage of any haircut is a moment of self-discipline. The hairstyle now needs to be styled to look decent, and you will have to do it. And then it becomes a habit! As practice shows, the implementation of this stylish principle is the hardest. Therefore, if a haircut is an option incomprehensible to you now, then neat, clean, healthy, shiny hair looks good too!

Appearance disciplines!

Each of our things obliges us to something. For example, in sweatpants it is much easier to take an ugly, unfeminine pose, but tight jeans will not allow you to do this, and even remind you of an extra sandwich. Of course, with a ponytail and without makeup, it is much faster to get ready for a walk, but how much do you want to be another mother with signs of fatigue on your face? It is much more pleasant to mask all traces of a restless night and look fresh and rested! Yes, a stylish and well-groomed appearance is not given to us just like that, we need to make some efforts, but thanks to self-discipline it will become a habit and you will be an example for many other mothers who have lost their unique style!

We focus on attractiveness, but remember about comfort and rationality!

It also happens that a thing is very convenient, but completely uninteresting, or shoes of stunning beauty cannot be worn for more than 30 minutes, or a good thing is bought, but it does not fit anything ... Let's not bring the wardrobe to the point of absurdity! A stylish mommy calmly plays with a child, is not afraid to get dirty with fruits and at the same time is dressed comfortably, practically and beautifully! All her things are combined with each other, and in the bathroom there is always a good stain remover. This is the uniqueness of her style - no stiffness of movements or nervousness from the risk of ruining the thing, but at the same time a flirtatious smile on her lips, femininity and attractiveness. This is no longer a "housewife style", but the image of a successful young mother!

Every woman wants to please the people around her. We want to be modern, beautiful and stylish. To do this, we make a lot of efforts: we go in for sports and diets, we do various cosmetic procedures. As soon as all these "women's affairs" fade into the background. There is practically no time for yourself. Fashionable outfits that we used to wear gather dust in the closet, they are replaced by comfortable knitwear and a tracksuit.

Spring has come. It is at this time of the year that girls want to transform. Even if you Young mom sitting on maternity leave, you also need to feel irresistible. How to become a beautiful mother? What clothes will help to be a stylish and modern girl?

Start your day with a charge, you can train with your baby. Physical activity helps not only the body to be elastic and toned, but also cheers up for the whole day. Do not forget about daily face and body care: wash your face, wipe with ice cubes, apply moisturizer, massage your body with a special massage brush. Look at yourself in the mirror and compliment your reflection. Before going outside. A light blush, moderately painted lips and eyes will make any girl irresistible. Instead of the usual ponytail or bun, let your hair down.

Wardrobe for a young mother

In a dress, any girl becomes attractive and feminine. Pay attention to such as a shirt dress, which can be worn with or without leggings and jeans. It is allowed to wear a bright T-shirt or T-shirt under it. Mothers who breastfeed their babies will especially like this model. Beautifully emphasize the feminine silhouette of turtleneck dresses and sheath dresses made of stretchy fabric. If you want, opt for a denser material.

Jeans, leggings, trousers wear not only with T-shirts, but also with bright checkered shirts, or with blouses and tunics.

Cardigan. You can throw over almost any outfit. The choice of cardigans is huge. There are dense, knitted models, also light and flowing. The right cardigan will make your look stylish and fashionable.

Family bow. Mom and child in the same outfits look harmonious and pleasing to the eye.

Shoes. Of course, shoes should be comfortable. Especially when walking with a baby. To date, models without a heel remain relevant: ballet flats, sneakers, converse, slip-ons, moccasins. Beautiful, fashionable shoes always look spectacular on the foot.

Accessories. To any outfit, even the most casual, the right accessories will add gloss and originality. A bright scarf or scarf can be beautifully tied around the neck. There is no time to do your hair, then tie a scarf on your head. Light caps, hats, caps, turbans will make you a mysterious and irresistible young lady. Decorate the most ordinary dress or blouse with beads or a brooch.

Homewear. Knitted robes, dresses, suits with bunnies and cats are the most favorite clothes of mothers. Do these clothes make girls sexy? If you want to please your beloved man, purchase a lace set of underwear, a satin or silk dressing gown, fishnet stockings. Men love with their eyes. Even if you are on parental leave, do not forget that you are not only a mother, but also a woman.

Be beautiful on maternity leave quite easy. Start your day with a smile. Love and pamper yourself. Let your child and husband have a well-groomed, happy mother and wife!

It is very important for mothers to look good in order to energize their child and husband. But often mothers do not have time for cosmetics. There is no time to apply a tone and even out the skin - the main thing is to have time to get dressed and jump out for a walk before the child is worn out in a stroller or becomes naughty. What to do in this case? Here the secrets of stylists come to the rescue :)

The first is knowing your best clothing colors. With them, you will look healthier, younger and more well-groomed, even without makeup. Everything is simple. You put your color on your face and it does everything for you. It will reflect freshness on the face and even out the skin, remove redness, yellowness or grayness of the skin.

The second is the best styles. Choose clothing silhouettes according to your figure.

  • If your figure has a pronounced waist (hourglass), then do not hide it. By hiding it, you will appear larger than you really are.
  • If you have a straight figure without a waist, then it is better to hide the waist with a straight silhouette of clothes and draw attention with accessories to your face.
  • If you have pronounced hips and rounded buttocks, then you need to hide them with the help of skirts, A-line dresses. Draw attention to the face and add volume to the upper body so that the top and bottom are balanced.

The third is the choice of style. If you are a mom, you spend all your time in sandboxes and shops, then you do not need strict jackets, suits, sheath dresses and high heels, respectively, business style, feminine and dramatic style are not your everyday options. Casual style is suitable for you, natural styles (safari, military, marine, country, ethnic), grunge may suit, but it is too gloomy for communication with children and mothers. If you are of a bright appearance, then sport-chic style is great for you.

Remember that the style of dress depends on your social role. In addition to the role, there is also a time and place for this or that clothing. You cannot shine in rhinestones and evening dresses during the day, especially if you are walking with a child. Women in high heels and bandage dresses in supermarkets and playgrounds look very stupid. Every time I am touched when I see such girls. There are things for every situation.

So, what does mommy need in the summer? We need convenience and interchangeability of things, i.e. basic summer wardrobe. Basic things are universal and quite simple in color and cut, they are elegant and do not scream, without unnecessary details and decor. The basic wardrobe of a mother consists of relaxed and comfortable clothes made of natural and pleasant materials, soft textures. These are knitwear, jeans, long knitted skirts, cotton dresses, cardigans. You can wear sweatshirts, trendy bombers, motorcycle jackets and boyfriends, there is room for fantasy to roam.

A basic wardrobe is a minimal set of things that go well with each other and are complemented by other clothes and various accessories, thereby creating a holistic stylish set.

So what should be in mom's wardrobe? The most popular semi-straight figure and the Slavic type of color - muted are taken as an example:

1. A pair of long dresses made of natural fabrics (cotton, viscose, linen), the style of dresses should be chosen based on your appearance and psychological preferences. In the example, I chose a casual dress and a boho dress.
2. Jeans

3. Knitted skirt

4. Chinos

5. Knitted short dress

6. Knitted jacket, jeans, linen or cotton cardigan

7. Three T-shirts, a pair of solid colors and one printed

8. Linen or cotton jumper for cool weather or evening.

9. Dress for going out with her husband (restaurant, cinema, guests, but not weddings and banquets, for these events we select dresses and clothes separately).

10. Casual version of the bag, strap, sandals with a solid sole, closed summer boots, such as slip-ons or espadrillesyi, wedge shoes for going out with her husband.

And now look how many sets you get with these basic and interchangeable things. It turned out 27 sets and that's not all, you can think of a dozen more :)

And for special events, you buy beautiful outfits extra.

As a result, mom's wardrobe for the summer is ready!

See you soon!