Stone carbuncle: magical properties and methods of application. The magical properties of the carbuncle. How to distinguish from diamond and other stones

The main carbuncle deposits are located in Burma, where more than half of their total volume is mined.

One of the varieties of stone is found in Sri Lanka and Tanzania, it is distinguished by the effect of alexandrite, that is, it changes its color under different lighting conditions. In daylight, the stone is blue or greenish. Turns purple under artificial lighting.

In Yakutia and the Urals, only monochromatic specimens of this mineral are common - yellow-orange and wine red carbuncles.

In addition, Czech and blue Norwegian carbuncles are in demand on the market.

A carbuncle in the photo is difficult to distinguish from a ruby. although there are also no differences in the crystal lattice and in the composition. That is why experts say that these two names refer to the same stone.

The main deposits of the mineral were found in Burma, which is also rich in low quality sapphires. In turn, carbuncles in this country are simply excellent! This explains the fact that half of the volume of rubies in the world market is mined in this state of Southeast Asia.

A special kind of stone is also mined in Sri Lanka and Tanzania, as they are characterized by the alexandrite effect. This name has the ability to change colors under different lighting conditions.

In daylight, the mineral is blue or greenish. In the case of artificial lighting, the stone becomes purple, so there is no single color that characterizes the carbuncle.

In our country (Yakutia and the Urals), only a one-ton sample of the mineral is mined. Yellow-orange and wine-red carbuncles are found here.

In addition, in the mountains of the Urals, one can find the birth of kimberlites, which are solidified magma that has broken through to the earth's surface. Since deep minerals and rock fragments were captured by this mass on the way to the surface, garnet is mined there as an accompanying gem.

Diamonds are the main target.

Carbuncle, the photo of which can be found on the Internet, is also mined in Bohemia, a province of the Czech Republic. For example, in Norway, the most common type of bluestone is found.

The name "carbuncle" this precious stone acquired, thanks to jewelers who so called unknown types of garnet and ruby. According to research, the carbuncle is no different in its structure from the crystal lattice of the ruby, so both stones are in the same row.

From Latin, "carbuncle" is translated as "burn" or "shine." And, indeed, when the sun's rays fall on the stone, it seems to light up.

From this property, one can also come across such a definition of the name as “smoldering ember”. When exposed to the sun, it may look like burning or red-hot anthracite.

In ancient times, the carbuncle was called the master of all minerals. Despite the fact that this mineral is no longer very popular in jewelry, it still remains powerful, strong and insanely beautiful in appearance.

Burma is considered the very first location of a high-quality precious mineral. This explains the fact that carbuncles are supplied to the world market from the southeastern part of Asia.

Almandine stone is a variety. It is also known by the names carbuncle, anfrax, greenlandin. In addition, you can hear the name "Ceylon garnet". This crystal is often confused with a ruby ​​due to its external similarity. However, almandine garnet is not inferior to ruby ​​in terms of properties. Experts note the effectiveness of the gem in lithotherapy, and also advise those who feel an acute lack of love and passion to acquire such a talisman.

What can the story tell about this gem? What is useful stone and how to handle it? Today you will understand everything that can be useful to the owner of the carbuncle.

Almandine is one of the most common varieties of garnets. The stone got its name very unoriginally from the place of extraction. Although there is also a version that the gem was not mined here, but only sold. Almandin is the result of a distorted pronunciation of the city "Alabanda", located in Caria. Now this name is no longer put on maps, because the heyday of the city fell on the days of antiquity.

At present, the city is located in Turkey, and its name also has its own history of origin. The mythical hero Alabanda is considered the founder of the city. The hero got his name by flashing his skill at the races, but an interesting, albeit not very pleasant, legend is associated with the almandine stone.

Once upon a time, an incredible creature lived near the sea bay. The upper, human part of the body was complemented by amazing red eyes - anfraks, and the bottom was completed by a scaly snake-fish tail. The monster was able to pull out its eyes, leaving them on the banks of the river to attract adventurers. They were so similar to huge gems that it was impossible to pass by indifferently. But as soon as the stupid treasure hunters appeared, the creature crawled out of the water, remaining half in it, and lured the men into its arms. Needless to say, no one has ever seen them again.

According to another legend, the carbuncle was attached to Noah's ark. He helped the ship stay on the right course and illuminated its path in the dark.

Where is almandine mined?

In addition to the names already mentioned, the stone was assigned others. Some of them are geographic. For example, American garnet, Siberian and Ceylon garnet. But the mineral is mined not only in Sri Lanka, America and Russia.

There are deposits of almandine even in cold Greenland.

Also mines are located in:

  • Africa;
  • Myanmar;
  • India;
  • Sweden;
  • Greenland;
  • Antarctica;

Another unofficial name for the mineral almandine is associated with Greenland - greenlandine.

How to distinguish a real almandine from a fake

Externally, an almandine crystal is very similar to a ruby. But do not hope that at the examination of a jeweler it will suddenly turn out that your jewelry is not anfrax, but a ruby. No one will replace one stone with another, because the ruby ​​is of great value.

But do not relax! Dishonest manufacturers are trying in every possible way to deceive gullible buyers, so you need to be able to independently identify a fake.

The high cost, alas, is not a guarantee of quality. In decent stores, the likelihood of buying a fake is much lower. But even there you need to be careful, because there is always a chance to get into a tiny percentage of deceived unfortunates. It is better if you can pay for a consultation with a specialist and go buy jewelry with him. But this option rarely turns out to be realized by an ordinary person. It remains to hope for their strength.

What you need to know in order not to buy an imitation:

  • One of the interesting features of anfrax is the asterism effect. This optical phenomenon appears when the sample is viewed in the light. It looks like it contains a cluster of stars.
  • Another way to distinguish a stone from others is the color of the almandine. It has a deep rich red tone, although there are instances of purple-black shades. After determining the almandine color, note whether there is a glassy sheen in the carbuncle. Its presence indicates that it is not a fake.
  • A fail-safe option to determine authenticity is to hold a pebble on the glass. This will not harm a real carbuncle, because it is very durable, and the glass will remain scratched.

Care of products with almandine

Protect your almandine product from temperature extremes and prolonged exposure to the sun.

The almandine stone has as much as 7.5 points on the ten-point Mohs hardness scale. But this does not mean at all that you can treat your jewelry carelessly and nothing will happen to them.

Other hidden dangers await owners of almandine jewelry. So that an unfortunate accident does not spoil your favorite jewelry, and at the same time your mood, follow these recommendations:

  • This stone does not like heat. In itself, the crystal is not afraid of summer, but a long stay under the sun can harm it. Therefore, try not to forget to take off your jewelry before going to the beach. And be careful when traveling to countries with a hot climate.
  • Does not tolerate anfrax and a sharp temperature drop. Which means - you can safely forget about going to the bath in a set of jewelry. Even if you want to show off your new earrings in front of envious colleagues.
  • To make your jewelry shine for as long as possible, wash it regularly. Warm water and gentle hand soap are the best care for carbuncles.
  • And the most common mistake that inexperienced jewelry lovers make is the lack of protective gloves during household chores. This applies to ladies wearing rings or bracelets. When using any detergents or cleaning products, be sure to protect your hands - this will save not only your delicate skin, but also your jewelry.

From contact with some of the acids, the stone can be seriously damaged and even destroyed.

Fans of ultrasonic cleaning need not worry - the carbuncle will easily survive this cleaning. However, here you should be careful with the washing solution - it should not be too hard.

The healing properties of the gem

According to lithotherapists, each stone of natural origin has certain healing properties. Modern science does not agree with this point of view, but people still continue to go to stone treatment sessions. Surprisingly, sometimes the results of these procedures amaze even the most ardent opponents of alternative medicine.

Belonging to natural stones almandine allows him to heal from various ailments. And he copes with this task better than some other minerals, because the gem has a very strong energy.

Almandine: properties of a therapeutic nature

  • raises immunity, suppressing inflammatory processes in the body;
  • helps to cope with various rashes due to allergies, cure skin diseases - the most effective in this case will be an almandine bracelet;
  • improves the patient's condition with various pains, including bruises and injuries;
  • normalizes the work of the digestive tract, helping to get rid of toxins and toxins;
  • improves the functioning of the nervous system;
  • strengthens the heart muscle - for this reason, lithotherapists often prescribe to survivors of a heart attack wearing a stone in the form of a pendant.

Stones of red and crimson shades are best suited for medicinal purposes. They simply seethe with power and will gladly share it with their owner, who needs support at the energy level.

The magical properties of almandine

Almandine stone will help get rid of depression.

The almandine stone is not deprived of magical properties. Its potential is so wide that the stone can be used for completely different purposes.

What it can help with:

  • Healing of spiritual wounds. Helps speed up the recovery process after exhausting relationships and unrequited love.
  • Getting rid of depression. Unfortunately, the talisman from the carbuncle will not be able to get out of a difficult life period. Instead, it will help you change your point of view on what is happening, gain confidence in yourself and in your bright future.
  • Protection from negativity. Carbuncle is an excellent protector from evil. With his powerful energy, he will simply dissolve all the bad things that ill-wishers mentally or aloud formed and sent in your direction.
  • with intimate problems. Almandine has the ability to kindle passion. He will save both men and women from fear and tightness. Will liberate them, filling them with the desire to spend more time in bed.
  • Magic practice. In the hands of a sensitive, the gem reveals its hidden capabilities - it allows you to slightly open the curtain between the world of the obvious and the invisible, thanks to which it is used in sessions of communication with the spirits and souls of the dead.

It is known that the crystal was incredibly popular in the late XIX - early XX century. If you think about how then society was dependent on fashion, as well as about the interest in everything mysterious and mystical, such a demand is quite understandable.

Who suits almandine according to the zodiac sign

Some stones are so friendly in terms of zodiacal compatibility that they bestow blessings on all representatives of the zodiac circle. The carbuncle is more capricious. It can be beneficial to some, and harmful to others.

Who, according to astrologers, should wear an almandine stone:

  • Lions. He will give this sign vitality. It will also strengthen their self-confidence. Given the dependence of Leo on the opinions of others, this will be a rather useful gift.
  • Another sign that has excellent crystal compatibility is Capricorn. Almandine will help him develop communication skills and climb the career ladder.

Choose a talisman with a stone, given the compatibility of the horoscope.

And now about the signs of the zodiac, which are better to be wary of the effects of anphrax:

  • Pisces. The energy of the gem is too strong for sensitive Pisces. This water sign is advised to wear blue and green gems. Almandine and other red stones will harm them.
  • Annoyed by every little thing, Cancers are also advised to refrain from buying such talismans. A red stone that has fallen under the influence of Mars will make Cancers too aggressive.
  • Gemini. Reasonable and prudent Gemini is at risk of becoming a real life-burner, so it would be safer to refrain from buying almandine jewelry.

If Cancers or Pisces really want to wear minerals of the pomegranate family, then you can try wearing green specimens. And yet, on the latter, stones of this color will have a more pronounced therapeutic effect than on Cancers.

Carbuncles are precious minerals with a blood-red glow, known since ancient times. Carbuncles are, in fact, varieties with a specific color palette. Jewelers so called rare garnets, rubies and spinels with deep red hues.

Origin of the name carbuncle

It is no coincidence that the name "carbuncle" arose. According to one version, the stone is named from the Latin verb, or rather, its root is laid in it, translated as "burn, shine." And the pebble, indeed, shining in the sun, as if on fire. And the name is also translated as "smoldering ember." The mineral in the light of sunlight changes color, becoming like smoldering coal.

The concept of "carbuncle" has long been synonymous with the term "precious stones". At present, the concept has lost its terminological meaning; jewelers do not practically use it. However, the mineral, as before, symbolizes beauty, power and glory.

In Rus', the mineral had a special status, it was called "the master of all precious stones." And in order to give the mineral commercial value, they came up with new names for it - Bohemian or Cape ruby.

Historical information

Sacrament and mysticism attracts carbuncle. Photo and then conveys its magic. Jewelry from it was especially loved in antiquity and the Middle Ages. It is associated with many mythical stories, shrouded in mysticism and riddles.

Carbuncle magic

Jewelry with this stone was often seen on the military and sailors. People from this layer sincerely believed that they would save them by retracting the hand of the enemy, and the precious carbuncle would not allow a shipwreck to happen - a stone that uplifts the owner's mood, bringing bright colors to his world.

Those who wear jewelry with have exceptional sincerity, sociability and friendliness. They are popular in any society. In difficult moments, these people always receive friendly help and support, which helps them solve the problems that have arisen.

The healing power of a mysterious mineral

The mineral is endowed with wide healing properties. The doctors of the Roman Empire recommended that women who are carrying a baby wear it. It was believed that decorations with it facilitated the course of pregnancy, babies were born easily, and women in labor did not experience complications.

They were worn to relieve problems of the intimate sphere. They helped to get rid of impotence and frigidity. Until now, the belief that the mineral is able to eliminate infertility has not gone into the past. Especially successfully overcomes psoriasis carbuncle.

This stone is a kind of stimulant for the body. Thanks to him, fatigue and depression go away. In case of heart ailments, it is advised to wear it as a talisman. However, the owners must remember that the mineral has a powerful effect. A person who does not part with talismans from a pomegranate becomes very hot-tempered.

Blood red pebbles have incredible healing powers. They struggle with blood problems. Stones successfully relieve hypertension, stimulate blood circulation, stop bleeding. With asthma and other lung ailments, pomegranate crystals have a healing effect. Diseases, if they do not recede, then their course will certainly be facilitated.

With an outbreak of an infectious disease, thick red pomegranates are also indispensable. These gems lower the temperature, relieve headaches and soothe a sore throat.

The energy power of the carbuncle

Garnets are able to awaken desires, so lovers prefer to buy jewelry from them. They wear them as a talisman that strengthens romantic relationships, binding trembling hearts into a lasting love union.

Pomegranate jewelry protects the constancy of feelings and fidelity - important qualities that ensure the duration of a happy relationship. However, due to the ability to awaken intimate energy, jewelry with garnets is not presented to minors.

In ancient Persia, the carbuncle, whose photo conveys the mysterious radiance of the mineral, was considered the jewel of kings. Craftsmen carved images of rulers from fiery red crystals. The mineral gives rise to courage. He endows the owner with spiritual purity and the ability to influence the human environment.

In modern society, pomegranate symbolizes family well-being. Thanks to him, families avoid many hardships, saving the marriage. The mineral allows you to raise good children, distinguished by obedience and reverence for the older generation.

The miraculous carbuncle charges the owners with optimism and good spirits. The stone, having appeared in the family, instills fun and joy, excellent relationships, an idyll of well-being into its atmosphere.

Intending to acquire a carbuncle, it is worth remembering: it is ideal for those who are active. A lazy and lethargic person runs the risk of developing nervous ailments. Beads are considered the best variation of a pomegranate talisman. Rings are also suitable for this purpose, where the carbuncle burns like an ember framed in gold or silver.

And its name means burning or shining. This rare mineral is characterized by a rich red color, and in sunlight the color changes, and the pebble resembles smoldering coal. Since ancient times, the carbuncle served as the personification of strength, power, beauty and success. In the Middle Ages, the emphasis was on the magical and mysterious properties of the stone, it was surrounded by an aura of mystery and hidden possibilities. Today, the gem remains popular among jewelers and collectors, but is no longer considered the lord of stones.

The main carbuncle deposits are located in Burma, where more than half of their total volume is mined.

One of the varieties of stone is found in Sri Lanka and Tanzania, it is distinguished by the effect of alexandrite, that is, it changes its color under different lighting conditions. In daylight, the stone is blue or greenish. Turns purple under artificial lighting.

In Yakutia and the Urals, only monochromatic specimens of this mineral are common - yellow-orange and wine red carbuncles.

In addition, Czech and blue Norwegian carbuncles are in demand on the market.

The stone received the name "carbuncle" from jewelers who called so previously undescribed varieties of garnets and rubies. The crystal lattices of a ruby ​​and a carbuncle are the same, and therefore these stones are often correlated with each other.

In Latin, the term "carbuncle" means "to burn" and "to shine." When the rays of the sun hit the mineral, it really seems to light up. For this reason, it is also often referred to as "ember".

In ancient times, carbuncles were considered the master of other minerals. Now they are no longer so famous and popular, but their beauty, strength and power remain unique.

According to the chemical composition, carbuncles are complex calcium and iron-magnesium-manganese salts. The shape of their crystals is the most diverse, but the most common is considered to be rhombodecahedral, which contains twelve faces similar in shape to rhombuses.

Depending on the changing composition, the hardness of the mineral also varies. For example, a blue carbuncle is characterized by a hardness of 6 on the Mohs scale, and a red carbuncle is already 7.5. The specific gravity of the gem is quite high, which indicates that even small samples of it are still strong and heavy. For example, in the event of a blow to the floor, the carbuncle cannot be damaged.

Since ancient times, people believed that carbuncles protect their owners from accidents on sea voyages, take away the enemy's hand on the battlefield, for these reasons they have always been very popular with the military and sailors.

The one who wears jewelry with a carbuncle becomes popular in any company, as the stone develops such qualities of its owner as friendliness, sincerity, sociability. At the same time, when a dark streak comes in life, friends will always come to the aid of such a person and help to cope with any problem and task.

Another magical ability of the carbuncle is interesting: for its owner, it is able to make the world a better place, improve mood, give optimism and cheerfulness.

Carbuncle has long been widely used in folk medicine. For example, the Romans in the era of the empire recommended that women wear it during pregnancy, so that childbirth would be easy and less painful. The stone was used by people with problems in the intimate sphere, as it was believed that it increases libido, helps to overcome frigidity and impotence. According to legends, which are still believed today, carbuncle is able to cure infertility. In general, the mineral has a positive effect on the human body, gives strength, good mood, overcomes tiredness and depressive moments.

In addition, the healing properties of carbuncles are used to treat skin diseases, such as psoriasis. Talismans with this stone are recommended for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system. It is important to remember that the effect of the mineral can be very strong and abrupt. Carbuncle helps with bronchial asthma and other problems with the respiratory system, while it alleviates the symptoms of diseases, but is not completely able to cure them. The gem is also used in the treatment of infectious diseases: to reduce body temperature, eliminate sore throats and headaches.

As for the properties of carbuncles and vascular problems, the stone lowers blood pressure, improves blood circulation and helps in stopping minor bleeding.

Processing carbuncles began in the 6th century BC. Since the stones were very popular and famous, after the trade routes were opened, for example, the Egyptians paid for the samples of the stone by volume in gold. Indeed, the carbuncle in those days was the recognized king among precious stones. Now the gem is not valued more than diamonds, and, accordingly, it is widely used in jewelry and in collecting stones.

Monarchs of all times and peoples decorated their crown, tiara, miter, scepter and swords with carbuncles to express and emphasize the power of their power, the strength and greatness of their titles. In modern jewelry, carbuncle is used in the manufacture of beads, rings and rings, sometimes for pendants, medallions and brooches.

The carbuncle is characterized by a rich and deep blood-red hue that seems to light up and shine in the sun. Less common in the color of the mineral are other shades - blue, green, yellow.

Since the carbuncle is a very durable and strong stone, it is easy to care for. It is enough to regularly clean the stone with a cool soapy solution and dry well in the sun.

First of all, carbuncles are recommended for Sagittarius and Scorpio. He protects the representatives of these signs of the zodiac better than others, eliminates bad thoughts from them and helps them achieve all the desired heights in life.

The cost of a carbuncle today is low, for example, a crystal after cutting 5 cm in diameter is estimated at about 10 dollars.

High-quality samples reach price marks of $50 per carat. Since large specimens are quite rare, the price category for them will be higher.

  • Carbuncle is not recommended for those who have excessive manifestations of certain character traits. Good people under the influence of the mineral become noble, and greedy people turn into greedy. If greed has already been expressed strongly, then a person can even reach criminal acts.
  • At different times, poems, novels and stories were dedicated to carbuncles. One of the stories about Sherlock Holmes was called "The Blue Carbuncle". A musical film was also made based on it. These works reflect the old ideas about the carbuncle as the king of stones.