What drugs are in the pharmacy to excite girls. Effective stimulants for women of fast action

The quality and quantity of sexual relations is important not only for the stronger sex, but also for women. In order for sex to bring maximum pleasure and satisfaction to women, it is important to feel physical and psychological attraction to the opposite sex. But under the influence of factors of negative influence, a woman's libido can decrease, so a strong pathogen comes to the rescue. As a rule, such drugs are sold in pharmacies and are available in the form of drops.

Why do you need a female pathogen?

Insufficient attraction in a woman or its complete absence is a frequent problem for men, a woman’s regular refusals from intimacy can literally destroy relationships. Therefore, experts have developed a number of unique drugs that can help men kindle even the coldest and apathetic woman. To do this, you just need to be able to choose a powerful pathogen, and then apply it as needed.

Before choosing a suitable remedy, you need to understand the specifics of the effects of drugs. Everyone knows that in the absence of excitement and desire, no woman will enjoy sex, and therefore the sexual activity of the beautiful half of humanity decreases. Such quick-acting remedies almost always have no side effects, affecting the woman's body as follows:

  • increasing the sensitivity threshold several times;
  • the rapid emergence of an irresistible attraction;
  • getting a bright and strong orgasm;
  • additional hydration of the genitals.

Means for arousing a woman are usually called aphrodisiacs, against the background of the use of which a woman’s breathing quickens in a few minutes, her breast nipples become sensitive, and the lady herself becomes relaxed and passionate. It is enough just to pour and pour the drug periodically to a woman in order to position her for the upcoming proximity.

For reference! The first mention of aphrodisiacs and aphrodisiacs for women was in the records of Hippocrates, the famous doctor independently prepared decoctions and potions to liberate a woman and give passion to relationships.

Almost all modern preparations for arousing women suggest such components in the composition, they soothe the entire body, contributing to maximum relaxation. Further, the components accelerate blood flow, due to which the genitals become sensitive, and libido increases. And finally, the work of the Bartholin glands is activated, which is responsible for sufficient moisture in the vagina.

The best fast-acting stimulant for women

To date, you can buy a strong pathogen for a woman at a pharmacy. All drugs are conventionally divided into two groups:

  1. Pathogens in drops or in the form of a tonic to be applied internally. A man can add the right amount of liquid to drinks or food, they are absorbed by the body much faster and guarantee the proper effect.
  2. Pathogens in tablets, which are taken by a woman shortly before sexual intercourse, drinking plenty of water. The effect is achieved longer, since the tablet needs time for complete dissolution and absorption.
  3. Pathogens for external use - gels and oils. Before sexual intercourse, a woman needs to lubricate the external genital organs, after which the components in the composition are absorbed into the blood, accelerating the flow of blood. These drugs, like drops, guarantee the fastest possible effect.

For reference! Before choosing a drug to excite a woman, you should familiarize yourself with its indications and contraindications. It is better to choose a remedy that does not have side effects and involves natural substances in the composition.

ChocoFlirt - exciting chocolate

The most ideal tool for men who want to conquer the most impregnable woman is ChocoFlirt simple chocolate. But, having treated a girl on a date with such chocolate, after 15 minutes you can observe an indomitable desire and passion on her part. The composition of the chocolate bar assumes high-quality and dietary chocolate, plant components of aphrodisiacs, as well as minerals and vitamins for a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

The principle of operation of ChocoFlirt is as follows:

  • maximum activity of the secretory function of the glands of the vagina, which are responsible for its hydration;
  • increased elasticity and sensitivity of the breast and nipples;
  • rush of blood to the genitals;
  • increased sensitivity of all erogenous points;
  • removal of physical and psychological stress.

It is enough just to treat your chosen one with such chocolate, to which there are no contraindications and side effects, in order to observe its effect after 10-15 minutes. In addition, few girls will suspect that such an irresistible desire and sexual desire lies in chocolate, which is simple at first glance.

Do it! - energizing coffee

To improve blood circulation, increase the sensitivity of the genitals and erogenous zones, release a sufficient amount of lubrication, overcome the psychological barriers of a woman, experts have created a new unique remedy - stimulating coffee Do it!. Such a drink, among other things, activates the centers of sexual arousal in the brain, and the general tonic effect helps to get new vivid sensations from intimacy and orgasm.

The composition of coffee involves the following components:

  • knotweed root - a means to increase the acuity of sensation by strengthening the connection between the reproductive and nervous systems;
  • guarana - a tonic plant that stimulates brain activity and performance, as well as a woman's libido;
  • calcium caseinate is an excellent stimulant of endurance and physical activity, which improves metabolic processes and the level of libido;
  • grape pomace, as well as minerals and vitamins - protect the circulatory system, also ensuring the functioning of the internal secretion organs.

Taking coffee shortly before sexual intercourse Do it! a woman will feel powerful excitement literally immediately, and the effect will last for 5 hours. The drink improves the tone of the whole organism, prevents a decrease in libido and physical activity, and also eliminates any stagnant processes in the pelvic organs.

Rendez Vous is a fast-acting female stimulant

The most popular female pathogens are products with a 100% natural composition, the absence of side effects and contraindications. Rendez Vous includes the following components:

  • ginseng extract - the plant has a large composition of vitamins and nutrients that soothe a woman's body, help to cope with nervous and physical stress, normalize blood circulation and pressure, and also have a tonic effect on the entire body;
  • L-arginine is an important amino acid for the synthesis of protein and sex hormones, which also improves blood microcirculation in the pelvic area, increasing the physical abilities and endurance of a person, as well as the sensitivity of the genital organs.

Rendez Vous contains 90% natural botanicals to achieve the following results:

  • sexual arousal and irresistible doing already 10 minutes after taking the drug;
  • the level of sexual arousal after such a drug will be many times greater;
  • the functions of sexual secretion are activated, which will provide moisture to the vagina;
  • increases the sensitivity of the genital organs and erogenous zones;
  • at times the orgasm at the woman amplifies also.

There are no contraindications to the use of Rendez Vous drops, except for individual intolerance to the components in the composition. Just 10-15 minutes before sexual intercourse, you just need to add 10 drops of Rendez Vous to water or any woman's drink with a volume of approximately 200 ml. The effect obtained from the drops lasts for 1 hour, and the drops can be used for a long time to restore libido.

Other exciting drops for women of the new generation

A few decades ago, most medicines assumed potent components in the composition, suggesting a large list of contraindications and side effects. Over time, medicines improved, synthetic components were replaced with harmless plant extracts with the same level of effectiveness. Such drugs belong to the new generation of drugs.

As for the pathogens for women of the new generation, the following are distinguished:

  1. Silver Fox or Silver Fox- a natural and potent remedy that can be used periodically before sexual intercourse, as well as regularly and systematically to prevent problems with sexual functions. After taking the drops, the woman will first be able to relax, after which the heart rate will increase, the breasts will swell, the blood will rush to her genitals, thereby providing a strong excitation.
  2. Equine pathogen- drops affect primarily the nervous system, increase blood flow in the pelvic area. You can take the remedy systematically or periodically, depending on the desire of the woman.
  3. Spanish fly- cantharidin in the composition guarantees a strong stimulating effect on the woman's body almost immediately after applying the drops. There are no contraindications to the remedy, as well as side effects.

Before using any tool, you need to read the instructions. Drops should be taken by those women who are not attracted to their man, regardless of the psychological climate in the relationship and the state of health. Drops have no aroma and taste, so many men use exciting drugs without the knowledge of women.

Fast-acting pathogens for women

Female pathogens have a strong stimulating effect on the reproductive system. They may be natural or synthetic. Both groups have the same mechanism of action: they activate the process of blood circulation in the small pelvis, suppress nervous tension, significantly increase the level of libido.

Additionally, pathogens cause increased blood flow to the cavernous bodies of the smooth muscles of the penis and increase the sensitivity of the nerve endings of the vagina.

Stimulants for women have a strong effect on the reproductive system

How not to make a mistake when choosing

In order not to be mistaken when choosing a female pathogen, it is necessary to study its composition and properties, a list of indications for its administration, as well as possible side effects.

A quality exciter should have the following indications:

  1. any symptoms of frigidity;
  2. hormonal imbalance during menopause;
  3. expansion of the vagina after childbirth;
  4. decreased libido under the influence of psychological factors;
  5. chronic overwork, weakening of the immune system.

To minimize harm to the body, choose drugs with the smallest list of contraindications. For example, G Female has the following contraindications:

G Female has a quick tonic effect on the body, supports the active process of blood circulation in the reproductive system, and also improves the overall quality of intimacy with a man.

Video how to maintain sex drive

Powerful stimulators with fast action

Modern pathogens consist of natural and synthetic components. Most of them do not cause side effects, provide maximum satisfaction from intimacy with a man.

Potent pathogens have a synthetic basis

Tablet preparations for women

It contains a large number of useful components:

  • dodder;
  • plantain;
  • Chinese lure;
  • floating cystancia;
  • hibiscus;
  • raspberries;
  • source;
  • eucomia;
  • lotus;
  • brown tree bark.

Under the influence of Laveron, the work of the nervous system improves in a woman, sexual excitability increases, hormone synthesis is normalized. The product helps to reduce the risk of developing diseases of the genitourinary system and reproductive function.

Natural-based stimulants quickly and easily improve the functioning of the reproductive system

On a natural basis

Female pathogens on a natural basis easily and quickly comprehensively improve the work in the reproductive system. Organic substances are well absorbed in the body, do not accumulate in the blood and plasma, and with prolonged use do not cause any addiction. Due to the absence of synthetic inhibitors in the composition, such agents do not have a negative effect on the liver and stomach.

A contraindication to taking stimulating substances of plant origin is the presence of an individual intolerance in a person.

Video how to develop female sexuality

In this video you can see how you can develop female sexuality, what needs to be done for this.

In the era of gender equality, the interests and sexual preferences of the female have acquired real significance. In the list of products of pharmacological factories appeared means to arouse sexual desire in women. Ingenious men use these methods to treat the pathological conditions of their beloved, and as a means to seduce the girls they like.
Companies manufacturing medicines are constantly expanding the range of pathogens. The rating of pathogens for women is headed by the drug Silver fox, in the form of powder and drops. Exciting chewing gums and drinks are produced.

Do not think where to buy a remedy for awakening sexuality in girls. We have the best drugs in our online store. Prices are available to pharmacy visitors, and the drugs themselves are ordered without a prescription.

  • Silver fox powders are packaged in single dose sachets. Drops are available in a bottle with a dropper dispenser. Drops act faster, take 10 minutes before intimacy.
  • Women's Viagra tablets increase the sensitivity of the genital organs by increasing blood circulation.
  • Spanish fly is made from natural raw materials of animal origin. It has a quick stimulating effect, stimulating effect - a natural aphrodisiac.

How does a female pathogen affect a woman

The composition of aphrodisiacs for women includes components with a relaxing effect. Sexual liberation stimulates attraction and enhances the feeling of pleasure from intimacy.
The mechanism of action of the drugs is different from each other, but the results are similar. The strongest exciting effect is associated with the abundant release of a lubricating secret.

Exciting drops for women

Drops act faster, substances enter the bloodstream instantly and are carried by the blood throughout the body. Silver fox or Silver fox drops are popular with consumers.
Colorless drops dissolve in a non-alcoholic liquid 15 minutes before the moment of intimacy. As it is absorbed into the blood, blood circulation in the genitals increases, breathing quickens, the nipples swell and the vaginal secretion is abundantly secreted. Symptoms indicate sexual arousal, an increased desire for sex.
The parcel will be delivered to the customer in an opaque dense package without indicating the name. You don't need to worry about maintaining anonymity. In the Three Tablets online store, we are sensitive to maintaining the privacy of purchases.

Horse pathogen for women - what is it, can I buy it in pharmacies?

Recently, a drug has appeared with the speaking name "Horse pathogen for women." Sellers of this dubious substance are positioned as an extract of testicular serum, allegedly causing sexual desire in humans. The mechanism of action of animal sperm extract on humans is not explained in any way, but an increase in libido is predicted.
In our online pharmacy, we do not sell drugs of unknown origin and incomprehensible action. From our point of view, it is immoral to give the girls a disgustingly tasteless and questionable potion. The pharmacy catalog contains proven, certified and safe drugs that are successful in the market.

Choose what's best. Buy for women or make it at home? Get quality products with a proven mechanism of action. For excitement, you can try making a home remedy with herbs or other natural aphrodisiac ingredients. Essential oils and some food products work effectively.

Pathogen for women and men in tablets

Male and female arousal pills first appeared on the market exclusively for men. Pills for women - the causative agent of sexual desires, increases the blood supply to the genital organs, cause relaxation and relieve psychological tightness, which prevents girls from enjoying sex.

Gum-pathogen for women

Chewable tablets designed to excite women contain tonic and firming herbal extracts. True, the result is more like a placebo effect. Small doses of herbal preparations act in course application. It is impossible to get excited instantly from chewing gum with menthol, eleutherococcus and maral root. But freshening your breath is useful before the moment of intimacy.

Aphrodisiacs - foods that excite women

Aphrodisiacs do not just bear the name of the Olympic goddess of love Aphrodite. They trigger excitement, stimulate the intensity of passion during intimate intercourse, are found in products of plant and animal origin. Strawberries, chocolate, seafood, and even strong-smelling garlic are considered strong aphrodisiacs. Pleasantly smelling plant essential oils are often used to create an exciting environment during a romantic date.

Name of aphrodisiacs for women sold in pharmacies

The pharmacy sells an aphrodisiac that has the same effect on men and girls. Made from the bark of the African yohimbe tree. Under its influence, the body produces the hormone testosterone, which increases a person's sexuality.
Wormwood tinctures have a positive effect on women.
Aphrodisiacs with ginseng root extract strengthen the nervous system and relax in an intimate setting.
Essential oils
Aromas of essential oils relieve anxiety and fatigue. Ylang-ylang, sandalwood, ginger, vanilla, in combination with each other and individually, can enhance the feminine sexual desire.
How does an aphrodisiac for women, made by hand
A self-made aphrodisiac is worse than a store-bought product, although when mixing essential oils or preparing a dish to meet a loved one, a woman is already excited, preparing for the pleasure of an intimate meeting.

Photo pathogens for men

What are triggers for men

Preparations of this group restore healthy potency

- These are medicines and biological supplements that increase libido and strengthen erections. Preparations of this group can be used in the treatment of erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation, as well as to improve the quality of intimate life, increase the reproductive organ and increase sensitivity.

Dont Have age-related contraindications, since a weak erection and reduced sexual energy can manifest itself not only in older men, but also in young guys.

Main reasons low libido are:

  1. diseases and inflammatory processes of the reproductive system;
  2. penis injury;
  3. sedentary lifestyle;
  4. poor quality food;
  5. alcohol abuse;
  6. stress;
  7. overwork.

Medicinal pathogens help eliminate the negative effects of these factors. As a result of their use, a healthy and stable potency is restored in a man, testosterone levels increase and the hormonal background normalizes. In addition, stimulant drugs prolong sexual contact, enhance orgasm and have a restorative effect on the entire body.

Pathogens for men in pharmacies

Today, pharmacies present a large number of pathogens for men. They can be divided into two main categories: drugs based on selective inhibitors and dietary supplements.

Drugs containing selective inhibitors have powerful action. They have a positive effect after the first application.

IN compound such agents include various selective inhibitors:

  1. Avanafil.

By suppressing the PDE-5 enzyme, which in the male body is responsible for ejaculation, the substances activate healthy blood circulation. Under the influence of selective inhibitors, a man's muscles relax, as a result of which the cavernous bodies of the organ are filled with blood faster and better, causing a prolonged erection.

The disadvantage of such drugs is the presence of a number of contraindications. They are not suitable for men suffering from chronic pathologies of the heart, blood vessels, liver and kidneys. Strong stimulants can cause side effects.

Dietary supplements are 100% natural ingredients. Such products are absolutely safe for the body, have no contraindications for age or health reasons.

natural preparations have a complex effect:

  • in addition to increasing potency and strengthening erection, they improve the general condition of the body;
  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • tone up and produce an anti-inflammatory effect.

However, supplements do not give a quick result. Most of them begin to act only a few weeks after regular use, so such drugs must be used in a course.

Drugs for potency compatible with alcohol

The activator for men of fast action

Drugs that consist of selective PDE-5 inhibitors have a rapid effect on the reproductive system. Such drugs act after the first application, and their effect lasts up to ten hours. One of the most popular means to enhance sexual arousal is Viagra Soft.

Photo Viagra Soft 100 mg 10 tablets

Action time: up to 4 hours

Reception with alcohol: compatible

Photo Cialis Soft 20 mg 10 tablets

Action time: up to 36 hours

Beginning of action: in 15-20 minutes

Reception with alcohol: compatible

The best pathogens for men

To the most popular and effective drugs to increase sexual arousal include Viagra. Known tool allows you to quickly achieve a strong erection and keep it for four hours.

The main actors The component of the product is Sildenafil, one of the best inhibitors for the treatment of erectile dysfunction. Under the action of Viagra, sexual contact becomes more sensitive and long. The medicine increases endurance and general tone of the body.

It is recommended to take the remedy once every three days. The action of the supplement is aimed at the sexual muscles: the natural components of Furunbao Super relax the muscle tissue of the penis, as a result of which its cavernous bodies quickly fill with blood and cause a stable erection.

Furunbao Super consists of the following Components:

  • ginseng;
  • sage;
  • Chinese dereza;
  • Chinese date;
  • lingzhi mushrooms;
  • Japanese Dioscorea;
  • Goryanka.

Balanced composition product:

Photo Levitra 20 mg 10 tablets

Action time: up to 10 hours

Reception with alcohol: compatible

Photo Fujinbao Super 8 capsules

Ingredients: 100% natural composition

Validity time: up to 5 days

Beginning of action: in 20-30 minutes

Reception with alcohol: compatible

photo Super Vidalista 10 tablets

Action time: up to 36 hours

Beginning of action: in 20-40 minutes

Reception with alcohol: compatible

The pleasure of intimacy cannot be obtained without mutual sexual attraction.

It is difficult for people who are subject to stress at work, physically and mentally tired, to tune in to a wave of pleasure and love.

Then a stimulant for men and women comes to the rescue - a remedy that enhances sexual desire.

Exciters of sexual desire are popular not only among the male population. Ladies actively use them to overcome shyness, reveal intimate potential and in the fight against frigidity. Female stimulants allow those who have not experienced it before to achieve orgasm.

The stimulating properties of herbs and oils have been known for a long time. Today, pharmaceuticals have expanded the knowledge of this area, providing an impressive list of drugs that increase desire. If earlier the safety of pathogens was in doubt, then modern means, in addition to the main function, preserve health, raise the tone.

View Local application oral
Shape, consistency Sprays, oils, creams Capsules, tablets, drops
  • Increase the sensitivity of the skin of intimate organs due to the intensive blood flow to them.
  • Increased sensitivity to caresses and touches.
  • They have a relaxing effect, make the girl more relaxed, as they increase the level of estrogen. This is important for those who find it hard to escape from daily problems, tune in to intimacy.
Apply to the genitals.
  • The microflora of the vagina improves, its sensitivity increases.
  • This allows you to experience a brighter rich orgasm.
  • The components included in the composition contribute to the release of natural lubrication, stimulate the contraction of intimate muscles.
  • Local drugs increase the likelihood of multiple orgasms.

How does it affect men?

To excite men, tablets, drops, capsules are orally developed. Local include lubricants, sprays, creams. They achieve the effect by increasing the flow of blood to the male dignity.

Active substances have a relaxing effect on the penis, which leads to vasodilation, improved blood circulation.

Most attraction stimulants increase the production of the male hormone -. This contributes to the growth of libido, sexual stamina. They act quickly, the effect lasts from 4-5 hours to several days. At this time, the quality of erection improves, the number of intimate acts increases, the interval between them decreases.

Side effects

The principle of action of male and female stimulants is to accelerate blood flow. This is the reason for a common side effect of them - redness of the face or other parts of the body.

You should not be afraid of this, this is a normal physiological reaction that does not last very long. Sometimes drugs cause headaches or dizziness.

Taking synthetic medicines may be accompanied by a rapid heartbeat. As a rule, side effects occur when the wrong dose is chosen or the permissible dose is exceeded.

To avoid side effects, before use, you need to consult a doctor to clarify the dose. The specialist will recommend an effective drug, determine a safe dosage.

Which ones are better?

It is difficult to understand the assortment of stimulants offered in pharmacies or stores. Different prices, compositions, quality put the buyer in front of a difficult choice. In order for the purchase to give a result, familiarize yourself with the main forms of release.

In drops

Stimulants in drops are used to increase attraction. They are easy to use and have a long lasting effect.

Spanish fly

This is a well-known pathogen in drops for women. It is based on a biologically active component - cantharidin.

They extract dietary supplements from bright green bugs that live in Eurasia. It has an irritating effect on the tissues and receptors of the genital organs. The manufacturer promises increased sensitivity, prolonged orgasm. Take 5 minutes before the act.

According to reviews, the Spanish fly makes sex more passionate, and the sensations are vivid.

Extract of testicular serum

This is a dietary supplement, which is positioned as the most powerful active ingredient for girls. For men, the drug has no less effect. Advertising promises an effect several times stronger than that of Viagra.

Affects the central nervous system, peripheral nerves. Extract of testicular serum acts on the centers of the brain, causing excitation.

The stimulant prolongs sexual intercourse, improves erection, helps women achieve multiple orgasms. Serum should be applied half an hour before coitus. Can be added to any liquid (juice, coffee, alcohol). The dietary supplement is effective for about a day.

The dosage is calculated based on weight. It has both positive and negative reviews. However, an active advertising campaign made it popular.

Supplement for women in the form of drops of a transparent color, odorless, to stimulate sexual desire. It contains 90% natural plant ingredients, the main of which are ginseng and L-Arginine.

Thanks to ginseng, Rendez vous has a relaxing, liberating effect, increases libido. L-Arginine normalizes the production of natural vaginal lubrication, enhances the susceptibility of intimate areas to touch, and prolongs orgasm.

It increases the overall tone of girls, helps with headaches, makes them more resilient. Dietary supplement helps to overcome the symptoms of menopause. Drops are added to the drink 15–25 minutes before intimacy.

You can take it up to two times a day.
The neutrality of color and smell allows you to take it without warning your partner. Reviews are mostly positive, many women have chosen this remedy as an effective way to diversify and enhance sexual sensations.

In tablets

Tablets are very popular thanks to advertising. They are popular among men who want to correct erectile dysfunction.


Viagra is a name known to all. An effective drug solves male and female intimate problems. Tablets increase blood circulation in the genitals, make them more sensitive. The female and male version of Viagra differ from each other in composition and principle of action.

The active ingredient is sildenafil. For the stronger sex, it helps to cope with dysfunction, improves erection. Ladies who use such products note that sex brings more pleasure, the amount of natural lubrication of the vagina and the duration of orgasm increase.

Despite the effectiveness, the tablets have a number of contraindications. Before use, you should consult an andrologist or sexologist.


These are relatively new pills for girls. Before the release of the female counterpart, he was considered purely masculine. The action is based on the same principles as the previous one. The result occurs 20 minutes after administration. The effect lasts 36 hours.

Men have long appreciated the properties of the product to make sex unforgettable, now it is gaining popularity among women.

Calling Viagra, Cialis and similar drugs pathogens is not entirely correct. Such pharmacological products stimulate the appearance of an erection by improving the blood flow of the inguinal zone, and have a symptomatic effect. For their successful action, sexual arousal must be natural, otherwise the medicine simply will not work.

Exciting chewing gum

A chewing gum that immediately causes a sexual impulse in a woman, regardless of the place or time of its use. Is it possible?

Many men have already tried on themselves and their halves this rather new aphrodisiac for our country. The positive reviews made many young people buy it and understand how it works.

Manufacturers claim that chewing gum works on women and men. Increases the quality of erection, endurance, promotes relaxation, emancipation.
It contains only natural ingredients.

Chewing gum is a safe drug that does not require prior consultation with a specialist.


Lubricant or gel - a means of local exposure, which is used to enhance the sexual sensations of any gender.

Three types of lubricants

If sex is not enjoyable due to vaginal dryness, lubricants will eliminate this problem and make the intimate act comfortable.

Making stimulants at home

Sexual stimulants can be purchased at a pharmacy or sex shop, but for supporters of folk methods, there are effective recipes to make them at home.

Recipe #1

You can prepare a female pathogen at home according to the following recipe:

  • A quarter of a teaspoon of hot pepper, half of mustard, one raw egg, lemon juice, beat a tablespoon of tomato paste (preferably with a blender).

  • Pour 200 ml of dry wine into the mixture, heat over low heat until it starts to boil.
  • Cool the resulting elixir, drink 30-40 minutes before the act, so that sex pleases with new sensations.

Recipe #2

Nuts are known for their ability to increase. Of these, you can prepare both a male pathogen and a female one.

  • To make it at home, you just need to combine walnut kernels, sesame seeds, peanuts, almonds, 2 tablespoons each.
  • Pour the mixture generously with honey.
  • Use a course of 1 tbsp. spoon in the morning, afternoon, evening for 30 days.
  • It will make sex of high quality, increase tone, strengthen the body.

Recipe #3

Regular use of dill, basil, parsley, cilantro has a beneficial effect on libido, increases potency.

  • To make an effective remedy, you need to cut the greens, fill it with a small amount of olive oil. Three Art. tablespoons of the resulting salad are taken before meals three times a day.
  • The effect will appear after a two-week course.

Recipe #4

  • To make a stimulant at home, you need to grind a few walnuts, some almonds, two sprigs of dill, mix the mixture with two teaspoons of cold-pressed olive oil.

Arousal Products

Proper nutrition has a positive effect on strength and endurance in bed. To become a tireless lover, you should include in your daily diet:

  • seafood (salmon, squid, mackerel, flounder);
  • nuts (pistachios, walnuts, pine nuts, almonds);
  • greens (parsley, cilantro, dill, spinach);
  • eggs;
  • onion or garlic;
  • low-fat meat products (rabbit, veal, chicken, turkey, beef);
  • root vegetables (ginger, celery);
  • shellfish (mussels, oysters).

Regular use of these products is a good prevention of sexual impotence in men and frigidity in women.


Sex is an important part of our life, affecting health and emotional state. Intimate problems that arise in a couple are reflected in relationships. If at some time you feel a decrease in attraction to your partner, try to correct the situation in the suggested ways.