How to make hair soft? Make your hair shine! hair care recommendations

Special rinses will help make your hair shiny and soft. Tap water severely damages hair, making it brittle and dry. To avoid this, you can use mineral water instead of hair conditioner. Daily rinsing with still mineral water will help add shine and brightness to dull hair and make it more manageable. In addition, after washing, it is recommended to rinse your hair with “live” high-quality beer, because it contains many nutrients necessary for a healthy scalp and active hair growth. Rinsing with slightly warmed beer will help make your hair shiny and silky.

Hair is also often rinsed with various decoctions, for example, a decoction of chamomile, oak bark or nettle. Such decoctions help saturate the hair with nutrients, enhance growth and soften the effects of hard running water on the scalp.

To prepare a chamomile decoction, take two tablespoons of dried flowers and pour a glass of boiled water over them. The flowers should infuse for half an hour, after which you can rinse your washed hair with the decoction. There is no need to wash off the broth. It should be borne in mind that a strong chamomile decoction can give a copper tint even to dark hair.

Beauty masks

Your hair will become softer and silkier to the touch if you use any masks at least once a week. Homemade hair care products can be made from ingredients that are easily found in any kitchen, such as:

- kefir;
- egg;
- burdock oil, etc.

Professional hairdressers recommend using mayonnaise as a nourishing hair mask. You need to apply fresh mayonnaise to your hair along the entire length, leave for 10-15 minutes and rinse with warm water. It is better not to use this mask more than once a week to prevent your hair from becoming greasy.

To ensure that your hair is always saturated with moisture and remains soft and shiny, apply a kefir mask to your head more often: fresh kefir warmed to room temperature is carefully applied to the scalp, hair roots and spreads along the entire length. The hair is wrapped in polyethylene and a warm scarf. This mask can be left on your head for an hour or even two. An egg mask is made in exactly the same way, only instead of kefir, beaten and strained yolks are used.

It is better to make a burdock oil mask over a course of 2-3 months at least once a week. To achieve the best result, rub burdock oil, which can be bought at any pharmacy, into the scalp, gradually distributing it over the entire length of the hair. Then you need to cover your hair with plastic, wrap it in a warm scarf and leave the mask for 1.5 hours. You need to wash off the oil with shampoo, since it is quite difficult to wash off. But the result will be noticeable immediately - the hair will be very soft and shiny.

With proper care, you can achieve a delightful condition for your hair. The main thing is to correctly understand what your hair lacks in order to be strong and silky.

You will need

  • For the firming mask:
  • - Burr oil.
  • To restore damaged hair:
  • - tea tree oil;
  • - decoction of chamomile flowers.
  • To moisturize the scalp:
  • - Sesame oil.


A common cause of unhealthy hair is insufficient nutrition of the scalp. This is especially pronounced in the autumn-winter period, when, due to a lack of vitamins in the body, hair becomes dull, unruly and falls out excessively. It is possible to restore the condition of the scalp and hair with the help of nourishing masks and balms. Shampoos and conditioners based on placenta have a good effect. They contain almost all the essential nutrients that strengthen the hair roots.

Products based on medicinal plants can also improve the condition of your hair. Burdock oil has a significant strengthening effect. It can be purchased at a pharmacy. Heat the oil in a water bath and rub into the roots. Then wrap your head in a towel for 5-6 hours. Wash your hair with a shampoo based on healthy herbs. Such procedures must be carried out at least once a week.

Hair can look dull if the scalp is too oily and the ends are dry. At the same time, they always split and break. The condition occurs as a result of the negative impact of environmental factors, including coloring agents. It is worth taking a more responsible approach to the issue of choosing hair dye. The best option would be the absence of ammonium compounds.

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While owners of straight hair are wondering how to curl it, girls with unruly hair dream of making it perfectly straight. But hair dryers and straightening irons damage the structure of our hair, and chemical procedures are not so easy to trust. That's why we are always looking for something more natural.

Proper styling should begin in the shower.

  • And it's not a joke. Good styling is impossible without the right selection of shampoo and conditioner. In this case, you need to choose products with keratin, which is famous for its straightening properties.
  • After washing, use a towel made of highly absorbent material. For example, bamboo, which also has antibacterial properties.
  • Don't dry your hair too hard as this can cause frizz and breakage. Simply squeeze your hair everywhere to remove excess water.

You also need to choose your comb wisely

  • Avoid round brushes: instead of straightening your hair, they curl the ends.
  • Use a comb for combing, as it has wider teeth that detangle the hair well without tearing it.

You can straighten your hair even just by combing it

  • After washing your hair, let it dry, but continue to brush every five minutes. Divide your hair into several sections, pull and hold each strand for a few seconds so that it remembers this straight shape. You can use a hairdryer, but only in cold air mode.

A ponytail will help you in the fight against capricious hair.

  • After washing your hair properly, wait until your hair is still slightly damp and tie it into a tight, low ponytail. If you have bangs or short strands falling out of your ponytail, secure them with bobby pins. Comb your ponytail to ensure there are no knots left.
  • Arm yourself with elastic bands and wrap them around the ponytail every 5-7cm to the very base (the number of hairpins depends on the length of the hair). Wrap your head in a silk scarf, wait until your hair is dry, remove the elastic bands, comb it, keep it open and loose. Ready.

Can you use the secret of Latin women?

  • Latin American countries have their own secret to hair straightening - a technique called “Toga”. In order to cope with unruly hair, residents of hot countries wash their hair, dry it with a hairdryer using the cold air function and, after slightly drying, wrap it around the head, securing it with hairpins. The next morning they wake up with straight and shiny hair.

A little about straightening cosmetics

  • Creams and straightening serums

Apply to clean and damp hair, spreading over the entire length, and allow to dry. These products protect well from ultraviolet radiation and overheating. The only drawback is its incompatibility with chemical dyes, since it blocks their path into the hair, which means that the expected effect will not be achieved.

  • Leveling spray and bonding oils

Can be applied to wet or dry hair. Despite the fact that sprays are convenient to use, they have a significant disadvantage - most contain silicone and various additives that accumulate in the hair and destroy it. Oils are useful in all respects; they are used to straighten hair and provide thermal protection.

It is necessary to pamper your hair more often with creams and masks to make it look smooth. The thing is that the oily structure not only weighs down the hair, but also helps smooth out the scales, making the strands straight and shiny.

  • Oil mask

Olive, castor and burdock oils are mixed in equal proportions. The amount of oil depends on the thickness and length of the hair. The resulting mixture is heated in a water bath, distributed over the entire length of the hair and kept for at least 40 minutes, wrapping the hair in a warm cap.

  • Olive mask

If you don’t have all three oils on hand, you can get by with just one. Heat about three tablespoons of olive oil in an enamel bowl. Wrap your head in film and a towel to create a “greenhouse effect.” It is recommended to make the mask in the evening and leave it overnight.

But it’s quite difficult to wash off these masks. You may need to shampoo and rinse your hair repeatedly. A liter of non-hot water acidified with lemon juice will help in this case.

Another faithful assistant - colorless henna

  • It is another popular product used by many owners of curly hair. The thing is that henna thickens the hair, as a result it becomes heavier and loses its curliness. In addition, henna helps get rid of split ends and dandruff.

There may be other natural hair straightening methods that you have tried on yourself. Share them in the comments.

It is quite possible to have healthy and beautiful hair if you properly care for it and protect it from possible damage. If you treat your hair with care, provide it with proper nutrition and moisture, and avoid using heat styling tools whenever possible, your hair will be healthy and beautiful. Take care of your health, include foods rich in vitamins in your diet, thanks to this you will not only improve your health, but also your appearance, including the condition of your hair.


Hair care

    Handle your hair gently when you wash and dry it. Your attitude will affect the condition of your hair. If you handle your hair carelessly, it can become brittle and brittle. Hair should be treated like delicate silk fabric. Be sure to adhere to the following recommendations:

    • When you wash your hair, don't scrub it vigorously. Massage your scalp with your fingertips and gently distribute the shampoo through your hair.
    • Rinse your hair with cold water. This will make them shiny. Hot water can cause hair to become dull and discolored.
    • Gently squeeze out excess water with your hands, then pat dry with a towel. Do not twist or wring your hair too hard.
  1. Wash your hair with shampoo several times a week. If you wash your hair every day, your hair will become dry and brittle. The scalp produces natural oils that protect hair from drying out. If you want your hair to be healthy and shiny, wash it once or twice a week.

    • When you stop washing your hair every day, your scalp will produce more natural oils, causing your hair to become oily very quickly. After a week, you will see noticeable improvements; your hair will no longer look greasy the day after you wash it.
    • If you experience discomfort when your hair is dirty, you can use dry shampoo. Dry hair shampoo is a powder that is applied to the hair and absorbs oil and dirt.
  2. Allow your hair to dry naturally, without using a hair dryer or similar tools. If you want to restore healthy hair, then you will have to stop using such tools. Hot air from a hair dryer disrupts the hair structure. Very quickly your hair will become brittle and fragile. Therefore, do not use a hair dryer, but let your hair dry naturally.

    • Follow a similar principle with other hot tools, such as straightening irons or curling irons.
    • If you can't afford to use a hair dryer or similar tools, use hair protectants to minimize the damage they can cause to your hair.
  3. Comb your hair with a comb instead of using a brush. Combing your hair with a brush, especially when it is wet, causes irreparable damage to it. By using a brush, you pull out a lot of hair while the comb helps to gently detangle the hair. Gently comb your hair, starting from the ends and gradually move to the root. Use a wide-tooth comb, which will allow you to detangle even the most tangled hair.

  4. Do not use treatments that may harm your hair. The hairdresser has a lot of damaging procedures in his arsenal, such as chemical hair straightening, perm, hair bleaching and coloring. All these procedures cause serious damage to your hair. If you want healthy hair, strive for natural hair. Of course, your hair will not get the desired color, but it will be healthy, shiny and silky.

    • If you want to color your hair, use henna, honey or tea. These natural dyes will restore health and shine without harming your hair. Of course, you won't be able to radically change the color, but your hair will become several shades lighter or darker.
  5. Do gentle hairstyles. For example, constant curling of hair, dreadlocks or other hairstyles that put tension on the hair have a negative impact on the condition of the hair. Although some types of braids are less destructive than others, it is best to keep the use of such hairstyles to a minimum.

    Using natural products to restore shine and silkiness

    1. Use conditioner every time you shampoo. Use a small amount of conditioner to prevent your hair from becoming greasy and heavy. Apply conditioner to your hair, approximately two centimeters from the roots, and then distribute along the entire length of the hair with a wide comb. Rinse off the conditioner with warm or cool water. Thanks to this, your hair will be smooth and shiny.

      • If you have dry hair, use a leave-in conditioner. Apply conditioner after you shower while your hair is still damp. Your hair will become soft and silky.
    2. Deep condition your hair regularly. Do this procedure regularly and your hair will be shiny and silky. Carry out this procedure once or twice a week. Very soon you will notice the effect. Buy a deep cleansing conditioner from the store or use oils you have at home, such as coconut oil, olive oil or almond oil. Carry out the procedure as follows:

      • Wet your hair and apply about a tablespoon of product to your hair. Distribute the product evenly over the entire length using a wide-toothed comb.
      • Then lift your hair up and secure it with a hair clip or elastic band. Wear a shower cap or wrap your hair in plastic wrap.
      • Leave the product on your hair for an hour to eight hours.
      • Wash your hair as you normally would to remove the conditioner.
    3. Make a hair mask. When you don’t have time to carry out the procedures described above, but you want your hair to shine with beauty and health, make a hair mask that will improve its condition. Wet your hair with water and apply the mask to your hair. After the procedure, wash your hair as you usually do. You can use the following masks that will make your hair shiny and silky:

      • One tablespoon honey or one egg white
      • One banana or avocado
      • One tablespoon milk or yogurt
      • Any combination of the components mentioned above.
    4. Use hair oil or serum. Oil or serum are an excellent protection for damaged hair. Apply a few drops to your fingertips and distribute the product evenly throughout your hair. Purchase a product that contains the following components:

      • Argan oil
      • Moroccan oil
      • Jojoba oil
    5. Use a natural boar bristle brush. Most brushes cause permanent damage to your hair, but this natural boar bristle brush is specially designed to leave hair shiny and smooth. The fibers of such brushes are close to the texture of human hair. They perfectly distribute sebum from the roots of the hair to the very ends. Before washing your hair, comb it with a wide-tooth comb. Then brush them with a natural boar bristle brush. Do this for 10 minutes. Do not wash your hair for an hour after this.

      Healthy lifestyle

      1. Watch your health. Your diet has a direct impact on the condition of your hair. Include plenty of protein, nutrient-dense foods, and healthy fats in your diet. Your hair will be shiny and healthy. Hair reflects the state of health. Follow the tips below to keep your hair beautiful and healthy:

        • Include foods rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids and iron in your diet. Salmon, sardines, avocados, nuts, flaxseed - this is what is essential for the health of your hair.
        • Drink plenty of water. If your body suffers from dehydration, your hair will be dry and brittle.
        • Quit smoking. Cigarette smoke makes hair dull and dry.
      2. Use natural hair products. Shampoo and conditioner ingredients can have a negative impact on your hair's condition, making it dry and dull instead of silky and shiny. Give preference to natural shampoos and conditioners that nourish and gently care for your hair. Use the following:

        • Give preference to sulfate-free shampoos. Sulfates are found in most detergents, cosmetics and household cleaning products. They are found in dishwashing detergents and powders. In addition, very often on the label you can find the word sulfates in the composition of the selected hair product, for example shampoo. Do not use such products, give preference to natural hair care products.
        • Use hair conditioner without silicone. Silicone is added to the conditioner to make hair shiny and smooth after the first use. However, over time, this substance accumulates in the hair and makes it heavier. Therefore, use products that do not contain silicone.
      • Drink plenty of water.
      • Always rinse your hair after swimming in the pool, chlorine is harmful to your hair.
      • When drying your hair, wrap it in a dry towel and avoid using a hair dryer.
      • If you have dry hair, go for a deep conditioning treatment.
      • To keep your hair shiny after using shampoo and conditioner, rinse it with cold water.


      • Do not use heated tools on your hair every day, heat is very harmful to your hair. Use them in exceptional cases.
      • Do not use products that are not suitable for your hair type.

All women, without exception, want to have beautiful, healthy and shiny hair. Moreover, this shine must certainly be natural, without the use of styling products. The lack of natural shine may indicate that your hair is not in good health.

Perhaps your locks have been particularly exposed to environmental stress lately, or perhaps you've been on a strict diet.

Constant stress, bad habits and improper care are also some of the most common reasons for hair losing its shine and healthy appearance. Can this be fixed? How to make your hair shiny and silky?

It is indeed possible to return the natural shine to your curls, but for this you will have to work a little and spend some free time. You can achieve incredible results, in the absence of serious health problems, without leaving your home and without spending a certain amount of money on expensive salon procedures.

Nutrition must be correct

If you want your hair to shine, the first thing you need to do is review your diet. It must contain foods rich in natural animal proteins, minerals, vitamins and healthy fats.

These products include:

  • Fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • Clean water and freshly brewed herbal teas;
  • Protein products - meat, cheese, eggs, fatty sea fish;
  • Porridge – oatmeal, pearl barley, buckwheat;
  • Any greens and mushrooms;
  • Dried fruits, seeds, nuts, legumes and sprouted wheat.

You need to exclude fast food, alcohol, smoked foods, chips and other “harmful foods” from your diet, reduce coffee consumption to a minimum, and quit smoking.

Proper nutrition is the first and very important step towards beautiful, healthy and shiny locks. However, nutrition alone is not enough. What can you do to make your hair shine? It is necessary to provide them with proper care and “support” using properly selected products.

Proper care is the key to health

Oddly enough, many women know the following rules of care, but for some reason in most cases they do not follow them and are sincerely surprised: “ Why doesn't my hair shine?!».

Basic rules of care include:

  • You can’t comb your hair when it’s wet after washing carelessly or in a hurry, as well as actively rub it with a towel in order to dry it faster. These manipulations will inevitably lead to damage to their surface. Combing should begin 7-10 minutes after the hair has been washed and lightly wrung out. It is best to comb them using a special spray that facilitates this process;
  • It is necessary to wear a hat at any time of the year, because... In winter, our curls are exposed to low temperatures and begin to “sore”, in the spring they are tossed by changeable winds, in the summer the relentless sun scorches them, making them dry and brittle, and in the fall, increased air humidity has a detrimental effect on their condition;
  • The use of hair dryers, curling irons and straightening irons should be kept to a minimum; you should not expose your curls to high temperatures unless absolutely necessary. It is best if they dry naturally, and you only correct their appearance using gentle styling with cool air;
  • To care for your hair, use high-quality and proven cosmetics. It is important that the shampoo and conditioner are selected as accurately as possible, in accordance with their type and needs at a given moment in time;
  • Do not use too hot water for washing, and try to rinse with cool water. This will help the scales close and smooth out, making the hair even shinier.

In addition to thoroughly washing your hair using the right products, you need to “feed” your curls using special masks, both industrial and home-made.

It is quite possible to restore shiny hair at home, you just need to be patient and regularly carry out healing procedures.

Homemade masks

In order for your hair to shine, you will need folk remedies that cope with this task no worse than store-bought cosmetics.

To give your hair a mirror shine, you can use such familiar and familiar products as kefir, whey and yogurt. These products must be distributed evenly over the entire length of the hair and left for 30 minutes. After which the mixture should be washed off with warm water and the regular shampoo you use. You can add colorless henna to curdled milk, because... it strengthens hair well.

A mask based on raw yolks and cognac is also highly effective; the mixture is thoroughly mixed, applied to the hair, lightly rubbed in and wrapped for 15 minutes, after which it is washed off with ordinary water.

An excellent restorative and shine-giving remedy is a mask made from milk, mashed sea buckthorn berries and clay (2 tablespoons in total). All ingredients are mixed and applied to the hair, the mask is washed off with your usual shampoo.

A mask based on coconut oil, which is applied to damaged hair at night, is highly effective.

Conditioners and conditioners

You can easily prepare a rinse to add shine at home; to do this, you need to stock up on healthy herbs, namely rosemary, nasturtium and calendula. They need to be mixed in equal quantities, pour 0.5 liters of hot water and boil for 15 minutes. The resulting broth must be cooled, strained and used for rinsing.

Easily! We talk about how to make your hair soft at home.

Water instruction

To stop wondering how to make your hair soft and shiny, always wash your hair (or at least rinse at the end of washing) with cold water. This method not only invigorates the spirit: unlike warm water, cool water closes the hair scales and prevents their fragility.


After a shower, you should not aggressively rub your hair - this will only damage it and electrify it. It’s better to gently pat your strands dry with a towel.

It's going to be hot

How to make hair softer? Do not overuse styling devices. Curling irons, hair dryers and straightening irons are the culprits of hair stiffness. And this is not surprising, because hot air contributes to moisture loss and damage to the cuticle and hair shaft. If you can’t completely abandon them, be sure to prepare your curls by applying a good heat-protective spray or special serum to them.

Give up the ends

Even if you dream of long hair, this is not a reason not to go to the hairdresser. After all, first of all, hair should be healthy - this way it will grow faster and look cooler. So don't waste your ends and visit your stylist every month and a half.

What a fruit

To prevent dry strands from looking lifeless, pamper them with avocado guacamole. This fruit is rich in vitamins and proteins, which are beneficial not only for the body, but also for hair. To do this, thoroughly mash (so that there are no lumps) the avocado, 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and 2 tablespoons of honey. Apply the paste with a wide-tooth comb for 10-30 minutes and rinse.

Salute, faith!

It turns out that aloe vera helps not only with burns. This plant contains enzymes that promote the growth of healthy strands and also has a softening effect. And all because aloe has a structure similar to keratin (which is the main building protein of hair), so it easily penetrates inside the curls, making them sticky. Simply mix a couple of drops of aloe vera gel in warm water, comb the mixture through your strands, leave on for 30 minutes and rinse. For this, fresh gel squeezed from a homemade aloe leaf is best. If you are not a gardener, buy such a gel at the pharmacy, most importantly, check that it does not contain alcohol.

Clean job

How to make coarse hair soft, and also thoroughly wash it from styling products and dust? Apple cider vinegar will help with this difficult task. In addition to cleansing, this trick will restore the PH balance of the strands and seal the hair scales. Stir a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar into one glass of water. After washing your hair with shampoo and conditioner, rinse your curls with this mixture. Rub the solution thoroughly into the roots and along the length of your hair, and then rinse (with cool water, of course).

On the ridge

Don't comb your hair when it's wet - you'll only damage it. The strands must be dry. To keep the ends soft, use a wide-tooth comb. After dividing your hair into sections, start combing it at the roots, moving the comb vertically. For those who always complain about sensitive scalp and tangled strands, we advise you to apply a softening leave-in conditioner to your curls before combing.

Banana Republic

You can prepare a super softening mask yourself. Mash one banana with two spoons of yogurt (don't limit yourself - choose the fattier one). Now pay attention: rub the prepared paste into your scalp, and do not eat it (although the temptation is great). Put on your cap. Rinse the nutrient cocktail off your hair after an hour. Voila, your hair will become soft and shiny.

Get away in time

Of course, everyone decides for themselves how often they need to wash their hair. After all, it depends on the type of hair. For example, thick and dry hair stays clean longer, while thin and oily hair requires more frequent washing. But the more often you wash your hair, the faster it will become dirty. Plus, it damages your strands, especially if you use shampoos containing sulfates and other chemicals. So, without fanaticism, wash your hair at least every other day.

Air pocket

When blow drying your hair, make sure you hold it correctly. First, don't forget to put a diffuser on it. Secondly, direct the air stream from top to bottom, then the hair will remain soft and smooth. And if you dry your hair with a stream directed upward, it will immediately fluff up and look careless.