Folk whispers for a man's love - how to apply. Whispers for love - for singles, lovers and married


Magini has a black conspiracy to longing, after reading which you can quickly bring longing for yourself to any person. The conspiracy will make a person bored and longing and could not fall asleep until he calls or writes. In general, to force a person with a conspiracy black magic remember yourself and yearn for having lost all peace until the first one gets in touch with you. This strong and long-term conspiracy love longing and languor is read at night in the photo of a guy or a man who, with the help of magic, urgently needs to call it strong feeling and a desire to talk.

Induce very strong longing with the help of a conspiracy

A conspiracy to longing and love will help to let go of longing for yourself and very quickly evoke a feeling true love with a guy or a man located at any distance from you - even in another city or another country!

You can also read this conspiracy on the husband with whom you are married or your ex-husband, having overtaken him with a strong and real feeling of love and desire for communication. To let go of longing being at a distance from a person, in the evening put a piece of any food in front of a photo of a person who is being overwhelmed by longing and read the plot. Conspiracy words for melancholy:

Like a male running after a bitch, chasing,
Howling at the stars,
So that the servant of God (name)
He followed me everywhere, howled from anguish.
The dog barks, the door is closed, the bone is buried.
So am I, God's servant (name),
Heart of a servant of God (name)
I lock it, I lock it, I lock it, I lock it.

Teeth, lips, key in the ocean-sea.


Having finished reading the conspiracy that makes melancholy, feed the charmed food to any dog. As soon as the dog eats the enchanted food, anxiety and lovesickness will enter the person’s heart, and he will not be able to endure for a long time and experience a feeling of lovesickness and anxiety, he will definitely get in touch with you: he will call, write or come to your home. Maginya has prepared the top 5 proven rites that make a person sad, use if necessary.

The strongest and fastest conspiracies for melancholy that you need to read on your own - tested by people and 100% working:

  1. Conspiracy for longing. A strong conspiracy to quickly catch up with love longing to read on your own

I myself often have to read conspiracies for the longing of a beloved husband, a familiar man or boyfriend. Strong conspiracy depressing for any person: men or women works instantly. Those who have tried this conspiracy at least once in practice, in the reviews they write that this is the best conspiracy that inspires ardent and very strong longing instant action and acting at any distance! In practice, at home, I have verified that even while in another city on a business trip or simply living several hundred kilometers away, people immediately after reading the conspiracy did not find a place for themselves until they themselves talked or saw the one who pointed at him the strongest feeling of sadness. Quick Plot to bring longing for a photo at home works and it really is!

© Copyright: Maginya


Bring romance to life, feel unforgettable emotions whispers on the love of a man will help. They are quick magic words, which are the simplest and most accessible rituals to achieve what you want. It should be remembered that in the war for happiness, any method is good, but you need to use love spells, whispers wisely.

Love spells must be used wisely

You can make it so that the beloved arrives as soon as possible, tunes in to a romantic wave, feels the need to be near, with the help of whispers for love and longing at a distance. The ceremony is carried out according to the instructions:

  • print high quality photo a guy where he is alone, without sunglasses;
  • buy red candles, giving money without change;
  • perform the ritual on the growing moon or, in last resort, at midnight;
  • install candles and light them, put a photo between them;
  • look into the eyes of a person and visualize that he is nearby.

Concentrating on getting what you want, say a whisper for love:

“A bird cannot fly without a wing, a fish cannot swim without water, you cannot exist without me.”

You need to put a picture of your beloved under the pillow, extinguish the candles and go to bed. You can't talk until morning. After waking up, say the plot again in the photo. The card must be wrapped in a red napkin or cloth and hidden from prying eyes.
There is not always a picture of a loved one. When there is no photo, you can use the power of the wind to work. Choose a moment when the weather is raging, go to a hill (hill, mountain), face the wind and say:

“Wind, pick up my word, convey it to someone who is dear to me. Do not live without me, do not be, only love me alone. Let it be so".

Not only the wind is an active assistant in white magic. Rain and thunderstorms will also help make the guy call, make himself known in any other way. Standing on the street with palms out inside to the rain, softly say a whisper to the deep love of a man:

“Rain, stronger lei, do not spare rain water. Sprinkle my dear (name of a loved one), bring me to my doorstep. Pierce his heart with lightning, strike me with love.

It is believed that the more menacing rain and thunderstorms rage, the better, the stronger love will be. After a few days, the effect will appear. The ritual is performed at any time of the day and the position of the moon.
If it is not possible to meet a person, you should apply love words, whispers at the window. To do this, say through the window nine times in a row:

“Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my hallway, to my threshold, according to my footsteps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen".

In a few days, the guy will begin to take the initiative. In order for such whispers of love to act effectively, it is important not to release an image during conspiracies. desired man from the head.

Such magical influences awaken new feelings in the relationship

Whispering in bed works like a light sexual tie young man to a woman. During the preludes, you can quietly say:

"You are in me, I am for you."

Before intercourse to experience greatest pleasure, you should apply a quick word for sex. It is barely audible to read it, running your fingers through the hair of your lover:

"My dear, be forever with me."

During direct intercourse, at the peak of the partner's highest pleasure, say to yourself:

“I will take your seed, I will bind it to myself forever.”

These whispers physical strength in bed, the love of a man, which is aimed at improving relations between partners, should be pronounced with every intimacy. There is a ritual that enhances the effect of these conspiracies, if performed correctly.
To do this, before going to bed, the girl prepares dinner and says the following text over it:

"Darling, eat, add male strength, spend it on me."

After dinner, before going to bed, you need to put pepper under the pillow of a man, saying:

"Perchi, sharpen our love with you, my love."

Such magical effects will awaken new feelings in relationships, give a lot of emotions, physical and spiritual intimacy.

The conspiracy will work effectively if the person constantly catches the eye

Men's success stares, attention lies in the activity of the fair sex. However, many girls are very modest and constrained. This does not mean that they should not lead on the love front.
If you see an attractive man in the company of acquaintances, you should clearly whisper to yourself so that you like the woman:

"Eye to eye, soul to soul, love to love."

You can pronounce these magic words every day, the conspiracy will work especially effectively if a person constantly catches your eye. The object of respiration will definitely take the first step in the near future.

Enhance the effect of the first date

Whispers for love are actively used before the first date. They reinforce the impression, make the guy feel awake. For a man to kiss and become closer, march around the apartment before meeting, reading:

"Even the walls want to kiss me, and you can't help but kiss me."

During a kiss, you can say to yourself such a hassle on a man:

“My breath is your puff, there are no people without saliva, there are no eyes without eyebrows, there is no head without ears. So you can't live without me. Amen".

These whispers of love will help the couple get closer. After a successful first date, you need to fix the effect with the words:

“You leave, but you think about me, you sleep, and you dream about me, you wake up and you run to see me.”

It is necessary to whisper whispers to a loved one after a date, looking at him in the back. Every woman, after a good time, has her head in the clouds and feels happy. At such moments, their only wish is:

"To get bored and think about me."

Such a conspiracy will help to realize such dreams:

“You remembered me like this, and in the morning you will remember me differently, in the morning I will show you even sweeter, I won’t get out of your head, I’ll dream of you, I’ll certainly like you, I’m in the heart.”

It should be said, looking at the photo of the beloved and imagining him next to him.

Whisper to remember you at work

Such whispers will make a man bored

There are such whispers of love that make a person feel bored, even if he is at work. The hubby begins to yearn at the moment when the woman finishes reading the magic formula of the conspiracy:

“Devil - brothers, stand behind the back of the slave (name), follow him, wander after him, whisper in his back, put my name (your name) in his heart. Track to track, step to step, do not lag behind and do not leave, remind me of me. So that I know and remember my name, and never forget. Amen".

He will definitely make himself known by phone, arrange a surprise or confess his love in mobile messages.

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For future love

When Attractive man has already appeared on the horizon, there is a need for active action. simple whispers on future love men need to say at each meeting with him:

“My eyes are sharp, my heart is hot, if I pass by you, you will notice me.”

This simple way to attract love in a whisper will come out of every woman. The main thing is not to look away, to “shoot” with your eyes at the object of sighing and think about it more often.
If a chance in life to be close to a man does not turn up, you can conduct a ritual to attract love. On see you soon halves say several times:

“Roads wind, wind, and then converge into one. So let my fate meet your fate. What you think - will come true, what you wished - will happen.

This effective whisper on new love pronounced at sunset in the phase of the growing moon. Such a rite good opportunity open new page in your destiny, to become happy, to love and be loved.

For reconciliation

Magic is effective if used wisely.

No matter how effective love plots and whispers, quarrels in a relationship can not be avoided by anyone. When there is no strength to say that it is time to stop being offended, you need to make peace and sort out the problem, you can resort to a short conspiracy:

“You love me, you won’t forget me, your heart beats in a quarrel more often, you want to make peace with me, I give you a kiss, after which you yourself will come to me.”

At the same time, it is important to look at a photograph of a loved one, sending as much energy as possible into his eyes, feeling from within the desire to be together again.
When the proposal to reconcile has already been voiced by the girl, but the guy still does not want to let go of the offense, you can whisper:

“There is resentment in your heart, dear, forgive me, beloved, I love you with all my heart, respond, dear heart, bring him to me, beloved.”

For a lover to call

Sometimes you want a girl to meet her beloved man as soon as possible. At the meeting, the call of a beloved whisper is carried out through visualization. Close your eyes, imagine a man, spending time with him and say:

“There is a forest in the city, behind that forest there is an edge, and on the edge of the house stands. A girl lives in that house, gifted with beauty and intelligence, waits and misses, sheds bitter tears, the red fellow left her, went to overseas countries. But time passed, and (name) returned for the girl. He dialed her number, memorized by heart, and invited to meet.

Such a whisper to the call and the guy’s love will help him think about the girl more often, awaken the desire to take a phone number and call, and then come on a date faster.

Whisper in the back

These whispers are used to keep a man from leaving

Whispers in the back are usually used for the love of a man who is leaving. Usually such conspiracies are short so that a person does not hear the spoken phrase. If you want to keep your feelings, to prevent your beloved from leaving the house, you can use the following words to make your loved one return:

“Go, darling, go, don’t forget me. Hurry to the threshold of your own, but don’t know the way to someone else’s.

To make sure that the husband does not want others, always returns home, a conspiracy for the love and loyalty of the guy will help:

“With me you are a good fellow, a daring man, and with others you are a weak old man.”

Or like this:

“You love me, always be with me. You don’t know others, don’t hug, don’t kiss.

There are other whispers of love in the back:

"Leaving - look around, come back to me as soon as possible."

Men at all times have rarely been faithful to their spouses. If you need to drive a person away from a rival and from betrayal, you can whisper:

“Not she, but I am your destiny. With me you have happiness and love, and with it - grief and sadness.

In order to prevent the husband from committing adultery, the whisper must be accompanied by some actions. A clove of garlic should be put in the beloved's pocket so that he will soon find it. Say while doing this:

"Throw away the garlic, throw out of the heart and (name of the opponent)."

As soon as a person finds a clove and throws it away, the lovebird will leave his life forever. At the same time, upon the return of a man home, it is important to wish with all his heart: let him a woman will go discord, and there will be no more meetings.
To make a guy afraid of losing his soul mate, can that woman who is sure of her own love for a man:

“As soon as you cling to a girl, you get scared, pushing her away, you squirm in fear. You will remember me, you will immediately break loose, call or return to the threshold. Amen!
I close the love chakras, get out of the way, evil lovebirds! I send the fear of loss to the guy, I command to be humble and honest. Amen!
A strong conspiracy will sink into your soul, and nothing will happen to you. If you want to sleep with another, this bed will be cursed. Amen!".

To melancholy

The ritual will help to make a loved one bored and want to return cooled feelings.

A whisper for longing works well if you follow the advice before pronouncing it:

  1. Fast for three days - do not eat meat, do not drink alcohol.
  2. Read a prayer service to the Virgin Mary or a Saint who patronizes the name of the reader, then whispers to the sadness and longing of a loved one.
  3. Perform the ceremony on the growing moon early in the morning or late at night.

Pour into a glass pure water, throw a pinch of salt into it and say:

“Like salt water, so the servant of God (the name of the beloved) will yearn without me. Just as people cannot live without water, so he cannot live without me.”

Drink water. Keep the ceremony secret. A meeting is inevitable soon. This ritual also works great when a man conducts it to return his girlfriend. With a ritual, you can make your beloved girl call, pay attention, miss you and want to return the cooled feelings.

To cool the senses

It happens that you don’t have enough strength to be sad for a man, longing corrodes from the inside, you want to do everything possible to forget your loved one. Whispers to the waning moon will help with this. Take two tablespoons of poppy seeds and pour boiling water over it, saying:

“My love is as hot as this boiling water. But this whisper will save me from sad feelings.

When the poppy has cooled, pour the contents of the container under the tree, repeating five times:

“You can burn, you can blaze, but you cannot control me. I don’t want to be bored from now on, I want to have fun and rejoice. I will quickly forget you, a miracle will help me in this.

Tearing to pieces in less than a month love will pass, and the heart will be open to new acquaintances.

Every person wants to love and be loved. We all dream about happy family and close people with whom we could share all our joys and troubles. But it happens that a person falls unrequited love or a crisis period begins in the family.

In such situations, you can strengthen the foundation of the family with the help of magic. Whispers to a man's love is what can be effective in this case.

What are whispers?

Whispers on a loved one is a view love spell. They are less powerful than love dryness, but also negative consequences almost none of them.

The ritual of whispers is characterized by the simplicity of its implementation. For the most simple species whispering, you just need to know the text and quickly whisper it in the right situation.

There are more complex rituals for whispers, which require special conditions or items.

When are whispers used?

This whisper for the love of a man is very suitable for married couple, within which discord began. Times like this happen in every family. In this moment wise wife may refer to higher powers magical powers and perform such a ritual.

The ritual will also work if the girl liked the guy, but he has not yet shown interest in her. If the heart of such a guy is free, then a whisper can perfectly turn the situation in favor of such a girl.

Whisper for love at a distance is applied when your loved one is far away. Having performed such a ceremony in this case, you will cause your loved one to feel longing for yourself, which will warm up your relationship.

A love whisper can also be used by a girl who has not yet met her love, but dreams about it very much. Thus, she will remind the higher powers that her heart is free and that she would like to settle the heart of her future loved one there.

What does it take to make it work?

Eat general rules, under which the whisper will definitely work:

  • It is important to believe in what you say and that the whisper will work. What happens is what one believes. If you do not believe, but do the rite for show, then magical powers get offended and stop working for you.
  • It is important to understand the meaning of each word that is in the text. If you do not understand something, then it is better to ask again, clarify in the book. You must fully understand the meaning of the text, only then will they be able to penetrate and believe in it.
  • It is best to memorize the text, in the case of whispers it will not be difficult, because they are usually short.

Whispers for future love

Here are whispers for a loved one you haven't met yet. With this text, the girl will remind the Universe that she is waiting for love:

“Ways-roads twist, meander, then all these roads meet. And my fate will soon meet the fate of my beloved. What I have conceived will surely come true, everything I have envisioned will come true.

Pronounces such a text most effectively when the girl is on a walk on outdoors, while it is desirable to look at the paths that she meets along the way.

Such a conspiracy is also useful to pronounce when young free woman is on the road and looks out the window, when the roads really twist and twist before her eyes.

Whispers of love to attract attention

These conspiracies are designed for situations where the girl has already met the guy she likes, the guy’s heart is free, but he doesn’t pay attention to this particular girl. Such a whisper of love will turn his interest in this girl:

“My eyes are sharp, my heart is hot, I will pass by, you can’t help but notice me, your heart will touch me.”

You need to whisper such a love whisper when you pass by this very guy.

If you have the opportunity to invite a guy who you like to visit your home, he can come in the company of friends, then you will treat him to your food, and while he eats it, whisper these words:

“Eat my food, look at me, as you eat with me now, so you will always eat from my hands with love for me, you will be mine, dear.”

At the same time, throw a sharp look at your beloved, if you have the courage, then do not take your eyes off him at all.

If the girl who liked the guy is in the same room with him and wants him to look at her, then you can call on the look of a young man with the help of such a whisper:

“Come on, look at me, darling, come on, fall in love with me alone, I’ll cut you with my eyes like an arrow, your heart will become mine.”

Whispers on a man, 3 ways to attract love.

The power of conspiracy words / Conspiracies / Whispers / Strong conspiracies

A very strong white conspiracy to love a man, woman, girl, guy - read on the growing moon!

Whispers to the moon, attract love, money, luck.

Conspiracy for love from photographs

It is important at the moment when the guy looks back at you not to look away, but to look at him point-blank, then the ritual will have even greater power.

A love whisper for interest can be spoken to the back of a guy you like. When a man goes out somewhere, follow him a little, look at his back with a direct, persistent look and say these words:

“As young grass creeps in spring, so you, my dear, will creep in front of me, I will ride on your back, like your favorite, and you will be glad.”

All these conspiracies must be pronounced with all the girlish courage that can only be obtained from female heart. The correct energy message is important here, the more powerful it is, the more the conspiracy will work.

Whispers after the first date

But getting the attention of a man is only half the battle, the other half is to keep his interest in you and wait for the moment when this interest develops into love.

“You leave, but you think about me, you sleep, and I dream about you, you wake up, and you run to see me.”

It is all the more useful to carry out such a ritual if the first date was not very successful. Indeed, at the first meeting, future lovers can be very worried. You are especially worried if you like a guy more than he likes you.

So, if the date was not entirely successful and the girl is worried that she disappointed the guy, then before going to bed after such a meeting, look at the photo of the guy and say these words:

“You remembered me like this, and in the morning you will remember me differently, in the morning I will show you even sweeter, I won’t get out of your head, I’ll dream of you, I’ll certainly like you, I’m in the heart.”

After such a whisper, fall asleep with thoughts of a happy future with this young man. These rituals work well to get the young man to call as soon as possible after the date.

Love whisper to husband

And these conspiracies are for wise wives who want the atmosphere in the relationship to become warmer. It’s good for a wife to whisper a man’s love for food for her husband, this is easy, because he eats from her hands every day. When preparing the first course, whisper passionately to the soup or borscht:

“I cook hot sur, I cook delicious soup, my hubby eats, he begins to love me hot and tasty, I am the hottest for him, the most delicious.”

If you did not have time to whisper this phrase passionately when preparing the dish, then whisper it when you serve soup or borscht to your husband on the table. After such a meal, there will be more love in your home.

Good family tradition when the wife collects her husband for work. He fixes his tie and clothes. This is good not only because the husband feels cared for at the same time, but also because by adjusting his clothes you can whisper into the house more love. Here's what you can say when preparing a shirt for your husband:

“My husband’s shirt, I’ll iron it with a hot iron, so my husband’s heart will smooth out from my love for him, he will become softer, there will be more love to give me, hug his shirt, as I hug him passionately.”

This shirt must be served with a smile.

What to whisper in the distance?

If your loved one is at a distance, then in order to maintain love between you and make him long for you, you can whisper something on the road. Whispers to love your boyfriend

“The road is long, the road is long, let my love be passed on to you dear, let him feel my warm heart, let it respond in his heart with the same warmth, help the path in preserving our love.”

It is better to pronounce conspiracies on the road when a person leaves and look at his back, or when you yourself are on the road and look at her, in a minibus, car, train.

A whisper for reconciliation

It happens that you quarrel with your loved one, but you don’t have enough spirit to make peace or you don’t want to go make peace, because you feel right. Women in such situations are very worried, while men endure such minor crises much easier, sometimes they even forget about the quarrel. So, so that the guy not only does not forget, but also takes a step towards reconciliation himself, you can whisper such a desire to him. To do this, take a photo of your lover, look at the photo intently into his eyes and whisper insistently:

“You love me, you won’t forget me, your heart beats in a quarrel more often, you want to make peace with me, I give you a kiss, after which you yourself will come to me.”

After that, kiss him on the lips in the photo and imagine the situation, how he himself called you and offered to make peace.

If there was a big quarrel in a couple, the girl herself already tried to reconcile, and the young man does not go for reconciliation, whisper such passionate words on his photo:

“There is resentment in your heart, dear, forgive me, dear, I love you with all my heart, answer your dear heart, bring him to me, beloved.”

If your words sound sincere repentance and a bright desire to turn everything for the better, then the situation will change for the better very soon.

Is it possible to invent a whisper on your own?

You can make up your own words for whisper of love and a ritual for its realization, if everything you do is done with faith, if you put your sincere desire to turn the situation in your direction into it, then it will work.

In psychology, there is even such a direction, which is called "Simoron". The authors of this psychological direction are only engaged in the fact that they come up with various rituals and magic words to fulfill your desires.

Simoron, how psychological method scientifically proven. It works roughly like positive thinking. With these rituals and whispers, you set up your unconscious part of the psyche so that the situation will unfold in a positive way for you. First, you yourself begin to believe in it, and then your unconscious begins to attract into your life what you believe.

So what are these magical rituals are explained not only magically, but also by scientific psychology.

Therefore, it is very important to do what you believe in and put as much positive energy into the ritual as possible. The more enthusiastically you perform the actions of the ritual, the better.

To attract a man, it is enough just to whisper a few phrases, passing by him. He will immediately pay attention to you - you just need to know at what moment and what words to say. With this method, you can cause both sympathy at first sight and lasting love.

Many psychologists, especially male psychologists, argue that in order to attract men the best option- draw as much attention to yourself as possible. But what about those girls who are shy and not used to noisy companies? And it is not always convenient for a confident woman to approach and get acquainted with the man she likes.

Since ancient times, the husband was considered the head of the family, the getter of food and the protector. And since then it has been accepted that a man gets acquainted first, taking the initiative. Much has changed now, but sometimes we so want to remain fragile women and at least sometimes cede the right to act to another. It was for such cases that they came up with small conspiracies, which are called whispers.

Features of whispers

Whispers to attract love are very effective, but they should be used on first dates or at the first meeting. It is then that they allow you to attract the attention of a future partner, interest in your personality and encourage him to take the first step.

Whispers are an easy version of a love ritual. It is very easy to understand with them whether you really want a relationship and how suitable you are for each other - in case of insufficient energy supply, your conspiracy simply will not work. Whispers are very easy to use and do not require special preparation. In order for the words to work, it is enough to be in the same room with the man you like.

Whispers for love

There are several ways to use this folk remedy, and all of them help to rekindle love feelings. The only difference is in the conditions of application: how long have you known each other and how the circumstances initially develop.

First way.

If you see a man for the first time, you like him, but you don’t know how to get to know him and what to do, the following whisper will help you: “ You are attractive to me. I am attractive to you. We create love". These words need to be whispered to yourself, slightly moving your lips. While whispering, you need to look at the man you like, otherwise completely different people may come to meet you.

The second way.

It suits those who are in the company long time. For example, you came to the wedding of a friend and you liked one of the groom's friends. You know there is still time, so take your time. You have the opportunity, as if by chance, to pass by him several times, and if your eyes meet, this is your chance to say the following words to yourself: “ Eye to eye, soul to soul, love to love". It's pretty short phrase, but you need to look into the person’s eyes all the time while you pronounce it.

The third way.

This option is suitable for those who have the opportunity to touch the object of their adoration. The touch should be unobtrusive and natural. If you pull your hand away abruptly, it may seem suspicious. It is enough to ask to pass water, a salt shaker, a pen, or, asking a question, just touch his shoulder with your hand to attract attention. During the touch, you need to say the following to yourself: “ You are mine, I am yours, love strongly and only me».

By applying these easy ways, with the help of a simple whisper, you can find a chance for happiness. mutual feelings. So take advantage folk methods and enjoy relationships in love. Enjoy life, be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

02.10.2015 00:50

Short conspiracies, called whispers, have been used by healers and healers since ancient times to achieve certain goals. Effective whispers...

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Who doesn't want to be loved and love? Every girl dreams of love and a strong, prosperous family. But not everyone is lucky in this life, some get married quickly, everything goes well with them, while others, if they find a couple, then various troubles happen.

And there are girls who cannot get married in any way, although they are beautiful and smart. In such cases, our grandmothers said that you need to “whisper”, and then you look, and everything will work out.

Someone calls whispers village magic, someone does not believe in it at all, but there are those who received help in the power of love in this way.

There are various small conspiracies that will help you return your lover, find your husband, and make sure that there is harmony in the house, peace and warmth.

If the meeting has not yet taken place and the girl has not met the one with whom she would like to go through life next to her, then you can whisper to attract love when the evening dawn in the sky will be:

“Roads wind, wind, and then converge into one. So let my fate meet another fate. What is conceived - will come true, what is conceived - will come true.

If there is a person dear to the heart, but only does not pay attention, his gaze slips past, does not linger on you, then for such a case there are magical, effective and magical words that will help attract his interest. Yes, only to pronounce them, you first need to buy a beautiful scarlet ribbon, go to any reservoir and, throwing the ribbon into the water, say:

“My ribbon will float and redden, and my heart (name) will burn for me.”

Who doesn’t want to celebrate a wedding, but with that person who is sweeter than everyone in the world ?! But what to do if the beloved is in no hurry to propose, if everything goes around, as they say around the bush. And here a whisper conspiracy can help, which is pronounced on a crust of bread, which is preliminarily salted. Here is this whisper that love calls and promises a quick wedding:

“Let the guests gather in my house, eat bread and salt in an honest world, at a wedding feast. Not in ten years, but this year.”

Dreams of love

Whisper for the darling to call

It often happens that after several meetings, a young man suddenly stops appearing for no reason, does not invite more dates, does not even call. And so I want him to call, come to visit again.

There is a fairly simple conspiracy for a man to call you. The words must be pronounced on your handkerchief, but only that it be made of linen or cotton. It is important! A knot is tied at one end of the handkerchief. And these words are pronounced three times:

“I tied a scarf with a knot, and tied my desire with it. Help me higher powers, help the young man (name) remember me, yearn, dial my phone number. I tied a scarf with a knot, I told you my desire. Soon everything will come true, my phone will wake up, from the long-awaited call, the sweet voice in the receiver.

The handkerchief must be carefully folded and carried with you until the wish is fulfilled, and then burned.

There is another simple ritual for the man you like to call, this can happen when he has your phone number. And therefore, when meeting, you need to worry in advance in order to give him your phone number. The ritual is strong, but not dangerous, because it does not make adjustments to fate. He just encourages a person to pick up the phone and call.

This ritual must be performed by the girl herself. First you need to mentally imagine the image of your loved one, concentrate on it, discard all unnecessary thoughts and think only about this person. You can close your eyes, you can look at the photo, if you have one, you can even light a candle and, looking at the flame, say the following words:

Conspiracy to call a loved one

“My beloved, (name), why don’t you call me and don’t talk to me? I'm a stately, handsome girl, for everyone and everything is good, but for you - a favorite. Take your phone, call me soon. My voice will respond, your heart will beat faster with happiness. Amen".

This is an effective whisper for love. This rite becomes more powerful and effective if your willpower and your desire is sincere, comprehensive, affecting the very essence of your being.

There is also a ritual for the guy to call. It is also carried out independently. To perform this ritual, you will need:

  • photo of your boyfriend;
  • blank sheet of paper;
  • pen or pencil.

The ritual is best done in the evening, before you go to bed. Put the photo on the table, write your phone number on a piece of paper. The sheet with the recorded phone number should be small, because it must be placed on the photo so that the record is at the level of the man’s head. The following spell is pronounced three times:

“My clear falcon, my long-awaited, my beautiful! Remember how good it was for us, open my heart, open my soul. Quickly remember my number, make an appointment soon!

We leave the photograph and a piece of paper for the night in the same position as they lay when reading the plot. In the morning we remove the leaf and burn it, and the ashes are scattered in the wind.

Your loved one will definitely call

We must not forget that during the ceremony the image right person should be “before your eyes”, you must mentally represent it clearly and clearly. This is very important condition and a lot depends on this so that the person you desire calls you as soon as possible.

There is also such a simple conspiracy that does not impose any responsibility on those who carry it out, because there are no negative consequences after it. It is simply aimed at the right one. Speak with confidence:

“The city lies in the Russian land, in that city there is a stately house. In the house I love lives (the name of the young man), he calls himself. One (the name of the young man) is bored, he does not know happiness with fun at all. He will take his phone in his hand, dial my number by heart. He will call me on a date, he will find happiness with me alone.

Whisper on a man's love

There is such a simple whisper to excite love, which is said while sitting at the table with a man. From your glass you need to add a little beer or wine to someone you like and say:

“Drink, drink up, don’t forget to love.”

Whisper during dinner on a man's love

“Foam is yours, saliva is mine. As foam mixed with saliva, so I imposed on you, ”

but before that, you need to quietly spit a little into the glass.

You can also whisper the following words 3 times through the window:

“Slave (name), go to the porch, to my palace, to my hallway, to my threshold, according to my footsteps. I will never give you away to somebody. Word, castle, language. Amen".

When you kiss, be sure to say quietly to yourself:

A whisper can be said during a kiss

“My breath is your puff, There are no people without saliva, There is no eye without eyebrows, There is no head without ears. So you can't live without me. Amen".

And the next love spell will not only help you kiss again, but the guy will fall in love with you a lot. This must also be done during the kiss. Find an opportunity to innocently kiss the object of your love, on a birthday or other celebration, and say softly:

“My spirit, your soul. Love me more than yourself. Amen".

This conspiracy can be used to return the love of her husband.

Whisper in the back for love

If you notice that your husband’s heart has cooled towards you, then you can speak to him in the back when he crosses the threshold:

“Go where you went, you will always come back. From me you go as a gelding, in my house you will be a stallion. As I say, so be it. Amen".

The conspiracy takes effect when the man crosses the threshold again. Therefore, look carefully so that none of the men crosses before your spouse. There is also such a whisper that is pronounced in the back:

“Devil-brothers, stand behind the slave (name), follow him, wander after him, whisper in his back, put my name (your name) in his heart. Track to track, step to step, do not lag behind and do not leave, remind me of me. So that I know and remember my name and never forget. Amen".

To bewitch the groom, you need to read the following in his back:

“Dry, body, dry, soul. I, the servant of God (name), are dear to you, good. For now, forever, forever. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen".

Whispers in bed

“From body to body is a love affair. My blood, your love. Love me more than yourself. The rod bends in the forest, I know where it will stick. Or say such a whisper in bed: “You are a lion, I am your lioness, you are my dove, I am your dove. Love me as you love yourself, and more than anything. Amen".

Whispers will help to find happiness, attract the attention of a person, but the main thing is not to cross the line and not perform rituals that can have negative consequences.

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