Variants of love dry on a simple pin. Drying on food and drink. How to bring a man into your house

Every woman wants to be loved by her chosen one. But, unfortunately, feelings are not always mutual. To achieve reciprocal love and adoration for your chosen one, who is far from you, will help the dryer, which was used by our great-grandmothers.

Love has always been the main value in a woman's life. Without vivid feelings and confidence in your man, life can seem gray, monotonous and incredibly difficult. In our time, bioenergetics have proven that from unrequited love not only the heart suffers, but the whole energy of a woman: it weakens, depletes and can lead to protracted illnesses and depression. If you are desperate to achieve the love of your chosen one, then effective tool can become extremely strong prisushka at a distance.

How to bring a man into your home

Prisushka refers to an extremely strong energy interaction between a man and a woman. In order not to harm either yourself or the chosen one, you need to know exactly what you want from your relationship. Our ancestors also took this seriously: a few centuries ago, a woman who wanted to forever attract a beloved man into her life, observed a strict fast for seven days in front of the dryer. The same must be done for the modern woman.

During fasting, it is necessary to completely exclude meat, animal products and sugar, and also try to minimize communication with other people. For seven days of such a life, the energy field will be cleared of heavy energy, and you will be able to gain the necessary strength to perform the ceremony.

On the seventh day of fasting, in the evening, be completely alone: ​​no one should disturb the ceremony, otherwise everything will have to start all over again. For drying you will need:

  • ripe apple;
  • Red thread;
  • large needle;
  • wax candle;
  • new knife.

First, sit in silence, thinking about your man. Imagine him as vividly as you can, remember all the details of his appearance, smell, walk, smile and voice. When the image becomes bright, think about how you want to spend your life with him. Imagine that what you want has already been received and your loved one is nearby. When desired state reached, cut the apple into two halves. On one of them, write your name with a needle, and on the other, the name of your chosen one. After that, reconnect the halves together and sew them with a red thread, pronouncing the words of the conspiracy:

“Like white doves strive for each other, they cannot live without each other, they see each other from afar; like a river and a shore do not exist without each other; just as a ripe apple is not whole with its half, so you, (name), strive for me, (name), like a dove, only think about me and dream. So you, (name), without me, (name), do not see your life. So you (name), come to me, (name): on the threshold, in bed and in life. Truly!"

Repeat this spell as you sew the apple halves together. After that, cut the thread with a knife, light a candle and, dripping wax onto the seam, repeat the plot again. After that, let the candle burn out to the end, and put the apple in dry place: when it shrinks and dries, your loved one will come to you.

Psychics and practitioners advise not to forget that the love received must be retained and not destroyed. By trusting and caring for your partner, you can create strong family and find the happiness you desire. We wish you to love and be loved, and do not forget to press the buttons and

15.11.2017 06:00

How to make a guy fall in love with you without a memory and follow you? For...

When unrequited love many women resort to divination methods. By using strong love spell You...

Suspect your husband of treason! He stays at work, travels on business trips, and at home he talks on the phone, from where the voice of a completely different Alexander Petrovich, who signed the incoming call, is heard. And this smell of perfume... The smell of a rival. Once again, alone, you review the wedding album. But they were happy together! How to get your own happiness back? simple pin and love dryer will help you with this.

One of the ways to return a loved one to the house is to dry on a pin

To return the love of a husband, you need a dryer

Independent actions to return a loved one do not give results. Neither romantic dinner, nor new hairstyle, nor sexy lingerie do not help attract the attention that your husband gave you. Don't give up! Contact the magician to exclude a conspiracy directed at a man. After all, maybe he, not of his own free will, goes to another woman.

Magic will return family happiness

Practitioners of magic know effective ways to return married man to the family. After discussing the situation with you, they will select the option of a love spell that is easy to do on your own at home. After all, you should want to return your husband, and only your thoughts about him can help you do this.

Love dry on a pin

One of the ways to return a loved one to the house, to renew feelings, according to magicians, is to stick on a pin. The method is not complicated, but requires responsibility. If you are sure that you will be able to forgive, forget betrayal, then go ahead, with the help of a joke, keep your husband near the family. But if you continue to reproach, remind you of past actions, you will soon find a new relationship yourself, then give up magic. By making a dryer on a person, you burden him with thoughts about you, and this is psychologically difficult. And the husband and wife are obliged to cope with this together.

What power does the pin hold?

A strong magical accessory is a pin. Remember, in your youth, going out into the street in a new outfit in which you are especially beautiful, your grandmother warned: attach a pin so as not to jinx it. Means pin - an element of white magic, it protects and rejects negative energy . But they also say that finding a pin in a house (at the entrance, in a pillow, etc.) means that he or family members have been damaged. And this is the work of black magic. That's why this little piece of metal shouldn't be played with.

The magical power that is hidden in a household item, which is difficult to do without, is reflected by the ends of the pin. A sharp end affects a person. It has evil energy in it. If you find an open pin lying with a sharp end towards you, go around, cross yourself, in no case do not lift it from the floor. If you see a pin stuck in the door of a dwelling, urgently contact a magician or sorcerer, someone wishes you harm.

The other end, circular on the contrary, symbolizes infinity, has a positive effect on the human chakras. Finding a pin with a point away from you is good luck.

Be that as it may, the pin belongs to witchcraft items, so let's talk about how to use them in love spells.

How to awaken a feeling of longing in a man using a safety pin

Never tell your loved one what to do, no one likes to be controlled. The girl should try to make the guy come to the conclusion on his own: not to leave the house, but to stay. This is where the magic of pin drying lies. The rite to be performed for the renewal of feelings refers to strong conspiracies, therefore, it is done at night so that no one interferes.

For the ritual, you will need three new, never used pins.

What is needed for the ritual?

At the beginning of the ritual, lay out the necessary accessories in front of you:

  • blank sheet of notebook;
  • a new church candle;
  • three new, never used pins.

notice, that necessary items should be bought on Thursday, and the ceremony should be performed on the following Tuesday.

How to conduct a ritual

Attaching a man to a pin is carried out with the aim of reviving the extinguished emotions of attraction to each other, selfless love, hot passion. The result is guaranteed after a series of basic steps:

  1. Light a candle, wait for the wax to drip.
  2. Using hot wax, draw a male silhouette on a notebook sheet.
  3. Mark with wax drops on the image the head, heart and place of the penis.
  4. With the first pin, pierce the wax in place of the head of the silhouette and say the plot:

    “Remember (name) about me (your name), miss me (your name), yearn!”

    With this method, you awaken the guy's thoughts about you, he will yearn.

  5. Insert the second pin into the wax heart and say the words:

    With this movement, you awaken love and attraction.

  6. The last pin is intended for the resurrection of ardent passion.
  7. Insert the third pin into the part of the image where the penis is located, saying:

    "Desire me!"

  8. When all the items are in place, touch each pin with your finger and say the words of the conspiracy three times.
  9. Write demonstrative verbs above each place on the sheet. Pull out the pins, burn the sheet with the inscriptions over the candle.
  10. Scatter the ashes in the wind through the window. Bury used pins in the ground.

You will feel the result of the ritual soon. A person (boyfriend or husband) will come to you on his own and stay with you, first for the night, and then forever.

How to get rid of a rival using a pin in rituals

A man takes a mistress not immediately after marriage, but after a few years. The reason may be the fuss Everyday life. Another woman is a new twist. By tradition, this is a young, beautiful, non-committal girl. She offers something that a man has not experienced for a long time. But this does not mean that he stopped loving you. Help him get away from his mistress. This can be done with a pin.

What is needed for the ritual

During the ceremony, you will need a little:

  • a recently purchased pin, on which conspiracy words will be adjusted.

When you speak a conspiracy, direct it with a sharp end towards you.

How to conduct a ritual

Taking a new pin, get ready for simple steps:

  1. Recall your family happy events.
  2. Turn the pin with the tip towards you and, looking at it, say the words:

    “Lord God, almighty Heavenly Father, yes Mother Mother of God, help me, the servant of God (name) of my beloved servant of God (name of the beloved), save and protect. Protect him from my rival (name), so that he does not look at her, so that he does not want to know her, so that she is disgusted to him, as she is disgusting to me. Let it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  3. After the conspiracy, attach a pin to the clothes of your loved one, which he most often wears. And say the spell again:

    “As this pin is unhooked, so the love of the servant of God (the name of the man) for the servant of God (the name of the woman) ceases forever and ever. What is said will come true. Amen".

It is important to make sure that it is your husband who unhooks the pin. As soon as he does this, the ritual will begin.

Using a pin in rituals, you can get rid of a rival

Love rite on a pin from treason

There is another version of the ritual of getting rid of an opponent with a pin.

What is needed for the ritual

In this case, you will need the following items:

  • photo of a loved one;
  • three candles;
  • one new pin.

Magicians advise to always buy candles in church shops on Thursdays. Higher magic power have candles bought in Clean Thursday before the resurrection.

How to conduct a ceremony

The method of conducting the ceremony is based on a conspiracy. Follow the next steps:

  1. Arrange three candles horizontally in a row.
  2. Place behind the candles a photo of your beloved boyfriend, husband.
  3. Insert a pin into the candle in the middle and light all the candles.
  4. When the fire reaches the pin, say the words:

    “They fell with holy fire, fill me with my love. As I pin a pin on my beloved, he will only love me, and hate everyone else. Amen, amen, amen."

  5. Attach a metal item with outside any thing beloved.

Practitioners-sorcerers claim that after 10 days the man will forever return to the family. The narrated rite is performed in daytime before lunch. Preferably on a full moon.

Simple love rites on a pin

Magic has a lot of conspiracies. So that the charmed object has an additional magical power using other substances.

What is needed for the rituals

In order to endow the pin with powerful witchcraft energy, use:

  • fire;

These methods have come down to our times from hereditary healers, for whom every household item could play a magical role in the ritual.

Ritual with a pin and a bow

Onion among healers was considered a medicinal object. But also used in witchcraft. People believed that the bow drives out evil spirits both from the human body and from the dwelling, resists demons, devils, vampires.

Onion among healers was considered a medicinal object

What is needed for the ceremony?

With the help of a pin and a bow, a rite is performed to protect against envy. You need to take:

  • one unpeeled medium-sized onion and preferably white color;
  • new pin.

How to carry out the ritual?

  1. Stick a pin into an unpeeled onion.
  2. After that, say the magic words:

    "Luk is a fighter, take away the anger and envy of people, protect and turn trouble away from the servant of God (name)."

  3. At the end of the plot, attach a pin to the thing of a person from inside, closer to the body, to protect his aura.

Ritual with pin and fire

Respect in mages evokes the sight of fire. Rituals with fire are among the complex components of magic. Even divination by candlelight becomes dangerous.

What is needed for the ceremony?

Accessories for this ritual will be:

  • church candle;
  • unused joke.

How to carry out the ritual?

  1. It is necessary to light a church candle and drip wax into the rounded end of the joke.
  2. In the process, the text is spoken:

    “Like a pin is sharp, like a fire is hot, so the love of another will be powerless before the servant of God (name). I conjure with fire, I drive my rival away. Amen".

  3. This rite is used to return a husband who has gone to another woman.

Ritual with a pin and smoke

The smoke that is formed as a result of the action of fire also has magical powers.

What is needed for the ceremony?

For the next ceremony you will need:

  • candle;
  • pin;
  • red wool thread.

The purpose of the ritual is to bind marriage bonds, tie cute to yourself.

Respect in magicians causes a kind of fire

How to conduct a ceremony?

A simple ritual requires the execution of sequential actions:

  1. With a lit candle, twelve knots are wound with a thread on the non-sharp side of the joke.
  2. Throughout the action, say:

    “Knit knots like twelve strong shields, like twelve mighty forces, bind the servant of God (name) to the servant of God (your name) forever and ever. Amen".

  3. Then fix the last knot with wax and glue the pin to the thing of a loved one.
  4. Then put out the candle and smoke crosswise over the place where the pin is attached.
  5. Light the candle again, wait for it to burn to the ground, bury the wax in a deserted place.

Important! If, during the pinning of the charmed object to the wearer's clothes, the pin unfastens, it is forbidden to attach it back. Higher power give a sign that it is not yet time for such a ceremony or you do not need it at all. In such cases, bury the used pin. Try repeating the ritual next Tuesday or Thursday. If the case repeats, know: this is not your person and you should not return him.

Redemption from prisushki on a pin

Since the attachment of a man to a pin refers to simple magical tricks, the ransom is done in the form of a cash payment. To do this, at night on the same day when the rite of dryness is performed, you need to go to an unlit pedestrian intersection and throw an odd number of coins over your left shoulder. Higher powers will be appeased by rewards, a positive outcome of the conspiracy is expected soon. Do not forget that during the payoff, it is forbidden to talk, stop, look back at the intersection on the way back. In magic, a connection with the other world can have the opposite effect.

A pin conspiracy is a centuries-old method of influencing a loved one who is about to leave his family. You can return love and happiness with the help of a tiny metal object. But remember, the pins in the house should be stored in a specially designated place. They can not be borrowed, you can not bring found.

Also take a look at yourself and your family. The reason for the betrayal may be in the daily routine. Try not to let this happen!

Magical actions and rites to bind the lines of fate, which now seem exotic, came to modern world from that time period when women's sacred magic was extolled as the highest good. Thanks to spells and love spells, families were created, but then and now the illiterate approach of an ignorant person could cripple destinies and make bad magic irreversible. Prisuha is a complex ritual and you need to approach it only realizing the consequences.

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    What is a dryer?

    Dryness is the same love spell, with the slight difference that the affected object does not lose its will in the hands of the caster, but simply feels more comfortable in her presence. Moving away from the subject of such imposed love entails a dreary feeling of losing something important, uncomfortable, lost.

    The effect of a prisushka on a man is not as simple as a love spell. The subject is able to resist magical bonds or not respond to them at all if the following factors are present:

    • the person on whom the conspiracy is read has great strength will and the practical absence of suggestibility;
    • a man is in love with another girl and he is reciprocated;
    • if the guy somehow found out about the upcoming ceremony, his moral resistance will always be stronger than simple manipulations performed at home.

    In the cases listed above, only professional magicians who come into contact with dark forces will have an impact on the consciousness of the object. You can figure out when you need a prisushka on a man, and when - a powerful love spell that completely subordinates him to the will of the caster, you can do it yourself.

    Here are a few highlights that say what to attract right person You can do without "black" methods:

    • a man should not fall in love with himself, but only arouse his interest, provoke him to take the first steps;
    • when a turning point comes in an already existing union of two people and it is required to save the family;
    • the beloved man is often not around and the partner is not sure that there is no other woman next to him;
    • the wife suspects her husband's infidelity.

    If the future reader of the spell has doubts about whether it is worth involving energy creatures of a lower order in solving the problem, an alternative to magic can be the “grinding away” of love in the church in front of the icon of the Virgin. This method works well at a distance and helps if the problem has arisen recently.

    The negative side of the issue

    It will not be possible to completely remove the negative feedback after the ritual action, but it is necessary to soften the power of the response wave in advance and, above all, through competent preparation for the ritual. The texts should be learned by heart, as well as the ritual sequence. Pay attention to which hand to take the object, at what moment to light or extinguish the candle.

    On the day for which the event is scheduled, the reader needs to fast - it’s good if the girl only drinks water from morning to night. So how it will happen and moral cleansing, and the level of negativity sent in response will decrease.

    A successful result of prisushka on a man is not always a joyful event for a lover. Once away from the caster, the object feels uneasy, everything is not nice for him, he seems to lose his taste for all events in which there is no shadow of the desired image. Trying to get rid of the obsession, the man begins to stay closer to the temptress, looking for meetings, and near her he really feels something remotely resembling satisfaction.

    But it is never possible to completely satisfy this mental hunger, and often the unfortunate person begins to seek salvation in alcohol or drugs. The sorceress herself also suffers involuntarily, because all aggression and deep heartache partner pour out only on her alone. It is almost impossible to normalize the situation, to make it more peaceful. The only way out is the complete cleansing of the prisushka on the man.

    Rules and conditions for carrying out a ritual action

    In magical rituals, there are universal rules, valid for all spells that affect the will of a person, and original ones, suitable only for love rituals.Before you start casting a suitable spell, you need to make sure that necessary conditions so that everything turns out exactly as intended:

    • the rite is held on Friday on the border of the new and full moons;
    • a week, a month, any will do, as long as they do not fall on church holidays and major posts
    • magic for blood, hair, personal belongings will increase on January 21 in the holy calendar of revered Agnes and on Valentine's Day on February 14;
    • basic condition good result- sincere and strong love to a young man
    • it is better to “dry” a man without the intervention of third parties, taking full responsibility for the awakened feeling;
    • if the ritual requires personal belongings or household items of a loved one, you need to take them furtively, since a man’s suspicion of upcoming actions is already a strong obstacle to success.

    The appearance of the reader during all ritual actions is the same - clothes of a loose cut, not intercepted by a belt, no jewelry, loose hair. The head should be uncovered, the feet should be bare. Since the rite is performed in solitude, the best option will take off all his clothes.

    Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

    Conspiracy on a string

    The ancient spell "How long the rope does not twist" is read in the light of a red church candle definitely after midnight. In advance, on the table next to the candlestick right hour waiting for prepared linen or cotton thin white twine about half a meter long.

    Before reading, you need to take a rope in right hand and fingers to touch it from one end to the other, thinking about the desired chosen one. Then quickly, having tried to clear your head of all thoughts, you need to begin to impose knots, tightening them tightly, but in no case counting them. There can be as many of them as you like and they should be located, tightly humiliating the entire rope.

    After tying the last knot, you need to count them all. Odd number ovaries means that the girl failed today to involve third-party forces in action and the rite is considered completed - there will be no effect. You can repeat the ritual three more times in other suitable days but no more than three times.

    An even number of nodules is a sign that outside help is present and you can continue. Holding the rope in her hand, very close to her lips, the reader slowly says: “No matter how you (affectionate, diminutive name of your beloved) hide from me, run, my libel will overtake you and destroy you. Love, servant of God (his full name), the servant of God (his full name).

    The rope must be attached to front door dwellings of a man, for example, under a rug, but so that when leaving the house, a person stepped over it. The conspiracy takes effect from the minute it happens.

    To the east into the dawn

    The strongest of prisushki on a man is read in the morning dawn, as soon as glimpses of dawn appear in the sky. If the spell is cast indoors, you need to turn to the window facing east, but the most best effect achieved when a barefoot woman stands under open sky.

    First you need to prepare - write the words of slander on a piece of paper with a pen or ballpoint pen. It is not necessary to learn the text by heart - it is read three times in quick recitative from notes. This dryer is a series of a repeating algorithm of actions. You need to read it for as many days in a row (without missing) as it takes to solidify all the words by heart.

    “In the morning I will get up, blessing myself, crossing myself, I will go into the courtyard from the door to the window, from the gate to the very blue sea. Twelve, like one, brothers are standing there, looking at me. I will approach them closely, I will bow low. Go, brothers, into the sea-ocean, on that blue sea an island stands, on that island an oak sticks out, under that oak there is a heavy slab, anguish is bitter. Take that stove, take the melancholy. Bring it from the blue-sea, lay it on the heart of the servant of God (his name), so that an impenetrable longing, indestructible sadness, come upon him. Let him yearn, rush about, for me, a slave (his name), mourn both day and night think. See that morning dawn Maria, evening - Marimyan, night-midnight Ulyana. So that any girl seemed to him terrible, like a bat, and a feisty snake, like a devil with horns, and a shaggy sorcerer. And I only (my name) for him was a firebird, a desirable girl.

    It can take from several days to several weeks to read the entire series of spells - depending on how soon the girl can recite the text by heart three times without ever stuttering. Then you can stop reading and wait for a quick result.

    honey hex

    sweet conspiracy used to soften a tough temper young man and to give him sincere love and long tolerance. For a ceremony to dry a man in this way, you need to get his hair and cut one off at home.

    Several full spoons of fragrant liquid honey are put into a glass jar with a ground-in lid, and both hairs are heated in this thick mass. At the same time, a slander is read: “as the sweetness of honey is woven with hair, so the servant of God (his name) with the servant of God (his name) will be entwined forever and ever for a sweet life. Amen".

    After the ceremony, the jar is wrapped in white napkin and away from prying eyes.

    Cleansing from the magical binding

    After the slander has worked and the man has shown interest in the addressee or has stopped looking at other women, the dryer must be removed so that from now on the actions of the man are led sincere feelings. If at one time for the ritual was involved professional magician, it will not work to clean up the traces of witchcraft influence by home methods, a woman can easily direct her own conspiracy in any direction convenient to her. Conspiracies to remove magical influence are read on the waning moon once.

    A pinch of table salt is poured into a clean cast-iron frying pan and, while the salt is heated over a slow fire, the woman reads a spell: “The salt is white-clean, cleanse the soul of the servant of God (his name), remove from his soul everything smoothed and spoiled, induced and spoken. Remove from him everything that is drunk with drink, taken with lining, eaten with food. Take off everything that is sent by the evil eye, whispered by fierce lips. By my will, so be it. Amen".

    Words must be pronounced, leaning over the pan and holding in your head male image. Darkened salt is a sign that the information has been conveyed and heard. After reading, salt is poured onto a clean plate, and the plate is placed on front side photographs of a loved one. Let the plate stand like this until the evening. With the onset of darkness, the spell is read again right above the plate.

    Repeat the procedure of reading over hot salt four more times in the next 2 days - at dawn and evening. After the last reading, the salt is poured into a piece of paper and thrown away.

But, it's good when love is mutual, otherwise, everything flies to smithereens. When a loved one leaves, anger, negativity and depression settle in the soul. According to experts, most suicides settle accounts with life precisely because of unrequited feelings.

Most girls seek solace from magicians, fortune-tellers, sorcerers. At home, you can use the most strong drying guy in the distance.

What is it and how does it work?

Before you engage in drying, you need to understand that this is one of the types of magical effects. And don't be confused this species love magic with another, a little similar - a love spell. Unlike a love spell, prisushka acts more strongly and accurately. Also, it is worth considering that the dryer is a kind of black magic and can lead to trouble for the person who orders or makes the dryer himself.

The meaning of the dryer comes down to the fact that, to whom it was done, begins to constantly think about the girl who committed magical act . He begins to "dry", get bored, and this person cannot get out of his head.

Drying can usually be done at home, it is done on some object or food, acting as a "transmitter" magical property.

Types and time of execution

It is worth immediately warning that rituals are held for drying only at night and preferably in a cemetery. You can not do the ritual in the daytime, as this may not work.

As mentioned above, a certain object is needed for the ceremony, and according to such objects, varieties of drying are distinguished. Consider the two most popular and effective ways.

For a gift

In order to make a prisushka for a gift, you need to buy something that a loved one will constantly carry with him. Among the things available for a gift, you can choose a business card holder, a pen, a key chain, a wallet - everything that you can carry with you all the time. Before giving such a gift, it is necessary that it is saturated with your energy, for this, the thing must be carried with you for three days.

Before the fourth night, it is necessary cover the table with a white tablecloth and put two red candles in the center, and a person is placed between them which needs to be dried. Now, we read the spell:

"My beauty outshines your light (say 9 times)"

After that, the candles are blown out.

For food

Drying for food is best done on the growing moon. In order for the drying to bring results, must be kept at night left hand on the subject of the spell, and the right to be baptized reading a prayer

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

I say, the servant of God (your name), far away words,

Far away sins, far away prayers.

Like water from the earth through the stones goes, breaks through,

So are my words through this food

Spilling and breaking through

Lie down on them with a ring, a cross, violent force

From now on, until the age, forever and ever. Amen.

On the sea, on the ocean,

On the island of Buyan, there is a table-throne,

An old man is sitting at the table, angry and naked.

His white bones are visible, his pain is visible,

The old man wants to eat and drink.

There is no sweeter bread and salt for him,

There is nothing in his stomach but pain.

He cries, bends,

Grabs food with hands

Drink and eat asks, begs,

For that he even offers his soul.

So would I be a servant of God (the name of the dried)

He loved, he suffered, he did not know how to sleep.

How people can't live without food

How can they not live without water,

So would you, servant of God (name of the dried),

Could not live and be without me.

I am your food, I am your water.

Come slave, to me, to God's servant (your name).

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

Now and forever and forever and ever. Amen.

After this slander, in the morning food should be given to a loved one.

How to dry a guy instantly?

If you don’t feel like waiting for a long time, you should consider the option of instant drying, but for this you need to get some things:

  • birch stake.
  • Aspen branch.
  • Large potato (the bigger the better).

It is best not to buy potatoes, but to take them from the garden, moreover, from someone else's. The peg must be made with your own hands, and the aspen must be with leaves.

Now, directly, the rite itself. On Thursday night, open all the windows in the house, thereby letting in the dark forces needed to help. Now, imagine your beloved guy and pierce a potato, after which, you need to put it on the threshold of an open (entrance) door, beat it with the words:

Dry for me (name of a loved one), my dear,

Just dry, as the potatoes from the birch stake will dry,

May you not have a peaceful life without me,

Only with me will you find peace and happiness,

Find the way to my house, but come as soon as possible,

I was waiting for you, you are my clear falcon,

I have no rest from unrequited love,

May the evil forces help me,

Let them do my will

May they bring me female happiness,

My word is strong and let it be as I wish!

Now I have to go to bed with potatoes. If everything is done according to the rules, soon the young man will declare himself.


Please note that the rite of drying refers to those whose consequences affect the free will of a person. Before taking any action, you need to familiarize yourself with what you and the object of your desire can expect.

  • The first and perhaps the most important point: prisushki are made for life, which is why it is worth knowing that the lapel will not be so easy to make - many times more difficult than making the dryer itself. Choose your partner carefully.
  • Black magic can change the direction of life both yours and your man, which is why the consequences can be unpredictable.
  • Often, a person does not get exactly what he wants, for example, a young man will not inflame feelings for you at all, if he didn’t have them for you before, he will simply miss you and he will be irresistibly drawn to you.
  • Of course, health. From drying your health may be affected both mental and physical. Your boyfriend may start having problems with.

Taking into account all of the above, we can conclude that being with a loved one is not difficult if there is your will, desire and self-sacrifice for this. But, do not forget about the consequences, because maybe it's best to achieve it yourself? In any case, it's up to you.

One of the most common practices in love magic is the dry spell. So what is dryness and what does it represent? Various dictionaries and reference books interpret this concept for the most part in the same way. Drying (or drying) is a type of witchcraft, as a result of which, through the use of special magical means (potions, whisperings, slander, etc.), the desired object is “dried”, bewitched to the one who performs this ritual.

Love magic is one of the most ancient and powerful in the universe, as it is fueled by the brightest human feelings and experiences. The most important advantage of love magic is that even the most hopeless situation or the most corrupted and bad relationship can be stabilized. With the help of love magic, even the most damaged relationships can be brought to a decent level due to magical rituals, spells, rituals and conspiracies.

Of course, love magic is not always safe and innocent. Often, the use of some slander or love spells can turn into backfire both for the subject of such actions and for the object thereof. However, if you use it wisely, clearly defining that the effect you get from your magical actions, is really necessary for you and will not harm the object of your sighs, then it can be beneficial.

Among these magical rites a love spell for a guy, a dry wife, conspiracies for love and the return of a husband to the family, conspiracies for the reunion of lovers and similar rituals.

What is dryness and what are its symptoms?

One of the most common practices in love magic is the dry spell. So what is dryness and what does it represent? Various dictionaries and reference books interpret this concept for the most part in the same way.

Drying (or drying) is a type of witchcraft, as a result of which, through the use of special magical means (potions, whisperings, slander, etc.), the desired object is “dried”, bewitched to the one who performs this ritual.

In other words, the ritual makes one person fall in love with another even against their will. It is in this addition "against one's will" that lies main reason the fact that this practice is not welcome in the practice of spells of white magic.

When there is violence against a person, over her will and spirit (even if it is done for her good), this is already a guarantee that someone will have to pay for it. If you decide to dry someone, then put up with the idea that this will become your cross for life.

Prushushki have great power and have virtually no antidotes. So it is best to be wary of such magical influences and not allow them into your destiny. Dryness breaks karmic connections that existed before, imposing new ones instead, without bringing happiness to either side.

This ritual and its symptoms are very similar to a love spell, with which they are often confused, but, oddly enough, a love spell only draws the attention of the object of witchcraft to the subject, without causing critical dependencies on it, while a properly done dryness becomes a heavy burden for both. Dryness causes dependence on the physical level, paralyzing the will and personality of a dried person.

Varieties of dry

Depending on what items are used in the dry, different varieties of these rites are distinguished. So, one of the most common prisushki today is dry by photo.

Its popularity is due to the significant effectiveness and efficiency of this kind of slander. At the same time, they are as simple as possible to perform (you only need to get a photo of your loved one) and, according to experts, are as safe as possible for both parties participating in the action.

Prisuha by photo

Prisuha by photo is done in the following way.
Need to find:

  • Photo of a loved one
  • Red silk threads
  • A couple of red candles
  • Fully open rose bud (also exclusively red)
  • Your photo
  • thick book volume
  • An ordinary needle, pre-moistened with rose oil.

Prisuha by photo carried out on one of the days of the growing moon, immediately after sunset. In the room where you are going to perform a love spell, you need to close all the curtains, turn off the lights and set fire to both candles. Photos are placed one to one, they are shifted by a flower, symbolizing a feeling of love, passion. The flower will be hard to put between the photos, but you really need to try to do it.

After that, you need to very carefully and carefully sew the resulting composition with a thread with a needle, but you should do it in such a way that you do not accidentally pierce the people depicted in the photo. The resulting postcard must be placed in a thick book so that all its elements are well “pressed” into each other.

Dry on an apple

Another common type of item used in food is food, or rather, any food product - gingerbread, candy, beer, sandwich, chips, whatever! With one single but - this food product will then have to eat the object of sighing.

In other words, if your loved one or loved one does not eat sweets, then it is useless to whisper to sweets or cakes. Choose food that is sure to interest him or her.

In Rus', such varieties of love spells were most common, such as, for example, a spell on an apple, bread, water, an egg, a potato. Drying for salt was especially popular.

In a word, neutral products were chosen, which would certainly be accepted as food. However, there is a danger here - if a conspiracy is whispered on any dish, you need to carefully monitor that only the one who should eat it, the one on whom the drying is done.

Otherwise, all the guests who come to your holiday will flare up to you. unearthly love, which can turn into a real disaster for everyone (and you don’t even need to know how to develop clairvoyance to understand what a horror it will be). So, whispering, carried out on any food:

At the end of the slander, you must immediately spit three times to confirm its truth. It is very strong and ancient spell, therefore, when pronouncing it, you need to be careful not to confuse words.

Dry on a broom

Popular in love magic are not only love spells performed on food, but also whispers, conspiracies, slanders carried out over certain things. These can be both the things of the object of the love spell, and the things that are prepared for him as a gift, or extraneous things that have nothing to do with him.

In our example, dryness for a thing will be done on an ordinary new broom. It is best to do it on Friday. You should first invite the dry object to visit.

In the meantime, from a broom (never used before!) You need to take out one twig and put it on the threshold of the door through which this person will enter. After he steps over the twig (try to make sure that neither he nor any other person notices the twig!) You need to carefully hide it. When the guest leaves, the twig is placed on a shelf in a well-melted bath and the following words are whispered over it:

“As this bar dries, let the servant of God dry for me (the name of the object of the love spell).”

Varieties of dryness depending on the object of magical influences

Depending on who is being dried, that is, who is the object magical influences, one can distinguish such varieties of them: dry for a woman or dry for a man.

And although they are fundamentally no different (most often gender does not play a role in the implementation of such rituals and does not affect their effectiveness), nevertheless, if you look in the literature on witchcraft and magic, you can find some of the love spells that are created specifically for the impact for a certain gender of people.

How is it done on a girl? It is read in a room where there is no one, aloud, preferably by candlelight. You can read in front of a photo of your beloved woman or with thoughts about her (the presence of a photo is optional). The text is as follows:

An elementary dry spell on a guy is also very simple. You need to find a knot in the floor or in the wall (in modern apartments this is quite difficult to do, because everything was written for the huts, but for this purpose you can go to relatives in the village), circle it several times with your finger and say at the same time:

“As you, bitch, dry up, so dry, servant of God (name of the object of the love spell), for me, God's servant (name of the subject of the love spell). Amen".

What to do if you need to dry someone hard?

There are situations when there are no other options left, how to dry someone very hard. For example, when a person does not see the meaning in life, he uses a large number of alcohol, expresses signs of addictive behavior. Or the love of a person who has decided on a love spell is so great that it begins to torment him and calls into question his health nervous system and mental stability.

In such cases, there is nothing else left but to make a conspiracy on dry land. It is advisable to slander it on any food, water or other liquid that the object of sighing will eat without a trace. The text of such a slander is as follows:

This is very severe dryness to love, the use of which is recommended by experts in the field of magical knowledge only in the exceptional case when one of the participants in the dry is threatened by serious misfortune or death. After all, the consequences of this type of love spell are quite unpredictable.

Keep in mind that with these words you are referring to the ancient and powerful universal evil, which is constantly in search of weak souls. However, this is not the worst. The worst thing is that for the fulfillment of any desires (whoever fulfills them - good or evil forces) must always be paid. But sometimes the price that you will be charged for drying another person can be prohibitive. Be sure to take this into account!