A parable about human feelings. A strange feeling Parable about emotions

They say that once all gathered in one corner of the earth
human feelings and qualities.
When BOREDOM yawned for the third time, MADNESS suggested: Let's play hide-and-seek!?
INTRIGA raised an eyebrow: Hide and seek? What is this game?, and MADNESS explained that one of them, for example, it, drives, closes his eyes and counts to a million, while the rest hide. The one who is found last will drive the next time, and so on.
ENTHUSIASM danced with euphoria, JOY jumped so much that it convinced DOUBT, only APATHY, which was never interested in anything, refused to participate in the game. The TRUTH chose not to hide, because in the end they always find her, PRIDE said that this is a completely stupid game (she didn’t care about anything but herself), COANY really didn’t want to take risks.

One, two, three, - MADNESS started counting.

LAZY hid first, she hid behind the nearest stone on the road, VERA rose to heaven, and ENVY hid in the shadow of TRIUMPH, who managed to climb to the top of the highest tree on his own.

NOBILITY could not hide for a very long time, as every place it found seemed ideal for its friends: Crystal clear lake for BEAUTY; The cleft of the tree is for FEAR; Butterfly wing - for voluptuousness; A breath of breeze - it's for FREEDOM! So, it camouflaged itself in a ray of sunshine. EGOISM, on the contrary, has found only for itself a warm and cozy place. FALSE hid in the depths of the ocean (in fact, she hid in a rainbow), and PASSION and DESIRE lurked in the mouth of a volcano. FORGETTING, I don't even remember where she hid, but it doesn't matter.

When MADNESS counted to 999999, LOVE was still looking for somewhere to hide, but everything was already taken. But suddenly she saw a marvelous rose bush and decided to hide among its flowers.

A million, MADNESS counted and began to search.

The first one, of course, found LAZINESS. Then it heard how FAITH argues with God, and about PASSION and DESIRE, it learned by the way the volcano trembles, then MADNESS saw ENVY and guessed where TRIUMPH was hiding. There was no need to look for EGOISM, because the place where he was hiding turned out to be a hive of bees, who decided to drive out the uninvited guest.

In search of MADNESS, he came to the stream to get drunk and saw BEAUTY. DOUBT was sitting by the fence, deciding which side to hide on. So, everyone was found: TALENT - in fresh and juicy grass, SORROW - in a dark cave, FALSE - in a rainbow (to be honest, she was hiding at the bottom of the ocean). But they couldn't find love. MADNESS looked behind every tree, in every stream, on the top of every mountain, and finally he decided to look in the rose bushes, and as he parted the branches, he heard a scream. Sharp thorns of roses hurt LOVE's eyes.

MADNESS didn't know what to do, began to apologize, cried, prayed, asked for forgiveness and, in expiation of his guilt, promised LOVE to become her guide.

And since then, when for the first time on earth they played hide and seek ...

LOVE is blind and MADNESS leads her by the hand...

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    Know From Within A Zen Parable

  • Look at the children listening to me: if you knew how they perceive my words! Their face vibrates... When it is necessary to laugh, they laugh; when they need to think, they think. They react in a great manner. I have in this case an audience superior to you. Only God knows what goes on in their little heads, how they see and understand things!.. Maybe they perceive the truth instantly, while you will need years. Yes, I am sure that they see the truth much faster and better than adults.

    There are many things in the comments of children that adults find absurd because they do not understand them. How many times I have been struck by the depth of some of the statements of children. This is because they are still simple, natural and close to the heavenly spheres from which they descended. Subsequently, the family, society will succeed in instilling in them their own way of thinking and seeing things, and the children will agree with their erroneous points of view ... Yes, adults often only deform children.

    When children are very young, they have an innate sense of beauty, they believe that everything is alive, that everything is rational: they talk with insects, with stones, with animals, with plants.

    When they trip over a stone, they hit him, rebuking him, as they think the stone bumped into them on purpose! And when they are told stories about fairies, about giants, about exceptional animals, they believe in it - this is wonderful! ... After a few years, later they lose their sense of beauty, because adults laugh at their gullibility, but even if adults do not mock them, their materialistic and rude behavior washes away all the gloss from them.

    And when children have lost their sense of beauty, they lose the main thing. It is not necessary to imagine that this is a great proof of the superiority of adults when they think that the universe has neither soul nor mind, that man is the only living and thinking being in the entire universe. All nature is alive, intelligent and inhabited by living and intelligent beings, and some are even much more intelligent than man. From the day a person begins to deny this life, this rationality, death begins to be established in him. When you think everything around you is dead, death enters you. Never forget it. But think that everything is rational and alive, and you will increase the rationality of life in yourself.

    This is the truth that psychologists and educators must ponder over, since they have not yet studied the magical, magical consequences of a simple thought. If you think that all people on earth are evil, ugly, corrupt, criminal, then this is very bad, because this is not only reflected in yourself, but sooner or later you will become the same. And if you think that light, beauty, splendor reign everywhere, then you work on yourself and become more beautiful, nobler and more expressive day by day.

    Therefore, never kill the meaning of beauty in your children, on the contrary, cultivate it so that it nourishes them throughout their lives. And just fairy tales will vividly preserve in them a sense of the invisible world and the creatures that inhabit it.

    As a child, I knew among our family members some very old people whose words were always full of great wisdom. They didn't have any education. Most of them never even went to school (in a small village lost in Macedonia, about a century ago, this was not surprising!), but all their behavior was so dignified, they showed such composure that I admired these creatures, for me they were samples. When they came to our house (I was 6-7 years old) with what joy and happiness I met them, with what attention I listened to them! I always demanded to tell me some stories. And there was one among them, whose name was Michael and whom I really liked. He was very wise. When he spoke, he always weighed his words and his gestures. Like my grandmother, he told me extremely interesting stories in which there was a struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, between white magicians and sorcerers. And everything always ended well - good always won. Then all my life I felt that with these fairy tales my grandmother and he gave me an impulse to goodness, to the light, the desire to always win in the light.

    Now I see that it was necessary for me to hear these tales, since they left a deep imprint on me. Everything that I later learned from books and at the university was erased from my memory, only these fairy tales remained, in which light always defeated darkness.

    Parents and close relatives have a very strong influence on children. That's why don't let your kids visit people who might push them down a dubious path by telling them random stuff. In childhood, everything that children see, everything they hear, permeates them, is imprinted, and then they are under this influence all their lives. It is necessary to watch your children, choose even friends for them, if possible: try to always know which boy or girl your children visit, because if you remember your childhood, you will find in it the causes, the origins of your tastes, trends and your modern behavior.

    Childhood defines all life. The prints you received as a child will never be erased. That is why the responsibility of adults is so enormous. If they spoil their child? Rudeness and ugliness, it will be imprinted forever. Parents must, therefore, take care of themselves and take care not to give the children a bad direction.

    Now don't misunderstand me. One must always know certain laws of initiatory psychology. I am not saying that it is necessary to bring up a child exclusively in a climate of dreams, poetry, in unreality, in an imaginary world. This would be a great danger to him.

    Each method always has a good and a bad side, you need to know how and when to apply it. Parents and teachers should elevate the mind of the child and his practical sense, teach him to free himself on the material plane and prepare him so that he later faces all the difficulties of real life face to face, but they should not kill in him a sense of beauty and a sense of the invisible world. Parents can talk to children about the spirits of nature: the spirits of the earth (gnomes), the spirits of water (undines), the spirits of air (sylphs), the spirits of fire (salamanders) and the work they do in the universe. But especially they must give the child the meaning of the divine world, and for this they can begin to speak to him about the tree of life, about the heavenly Hierarchies.

    Of course, it is necessary to adapt to the level of the child. Of course, it is not necessary to enumerate to him all the Kabbalistic names of the Sephirothic tree, but it is possible to give him the concept of Hierarchy, saying: “Behold, you know that people are higher than animals, for they are more intelligent,” and explain to him the reasons. “And among men some are superior to others: they are better or wiser.” And the child will agree that this is true. "And now, why can't there be other beings that are superior even to humans, since they are better and wiser than them?" The child agrees, and in this way he begins to acquire concepts of angels, archangels and all beings of the spiritual hierarchies. The child who is brought up in this way will forever retain a sense of a higher world of wisdom and light and a desire to try to reach this world.

    A person who denies the existence of worlds and beings superior to him limits himself. If many people do not progress, do not evolve, it is only because they deny or simply do not want to admit that above people there is a higher Hierarchy of angels, archangels ... up to the Throne of the Lord. And from this it follows that they have neither a goal nor a lofty ideal to which they are attached in order to receive, in order to capture energies of a higher order.

    Of course, they live, they are freed from some difficulties, but from a spiritual point of view, they do not advance. They do not even agree with the idea that there are Teachers to teach them, and some are even already dead, spiritually dead. Whereas those who consciously accept the existence of these spiritual hierarchies have a higher purpose and this gives them the impulse to undertake great realizations.

    A story about feelings...

    Some feelings hurt the soul and leave non-healing wounds. Other feelings heal this wounded soul.

    Lived - there was a heart in the world. It lived quietly in the depths of the soul. And, in general, that did not bother anyone.

    Once upon a time, a feeling entered my soul.

    It was a long time ago. Heart liked the feeling. The heart valued the Feeling very much, it was afraid of losing it. Even the door with a key to close the beginning.

    They wandered for a long time through the back streets of the soul, talking about nothing, dreaming. In the evenings, they made a fire together to warm their souls. The heart got used to the Feeling and it seemed to him that the Feeling would stay with him forever. Feeling, in fact, as promised. It was so romantic.

    One day the feeling was gone.

    The heart was looking for him everywhere. Long searched. But then, in one of the corners of the soul, they found a hole cut with an ax.

    The feeling just fled. The heart blamed itself for everything - it trusted Feeling too much to be offended.

    In memory of the beautiful Feeling, there was a hole in the soul. She didn't cover up with anything. And at night a Cold and Evil Wind flew through it. Then the soul shrinks and freezes.

    Then other feelings tried to look into the soul. But the Heart would not let them in, each time driving them out with a broom through the hole. Little by little, the feelings stopped coming at all.

    But one day a very strange feeling knocked on my soul.

    At first, the Heart did not open. The feeling did not climb into the hole, as the previous ones did, but it remained to sit at the door. All evening the heart wandered to the soul. At night he went to bed, just in case, putting a broom next to the bed. Nobody had to be chased away.

    In the morning, looking through the keyhole, the Heart was convinced that the Strange Feeling was still sitting near the door. The heart began to get nervous, realizing that it was impossible to drive away someone who had not yet entered.

    Another day has passed.

    There was no limit to the confusion of the Heart. It realized that it wanted to let the Strange Feeling go to death. And he's scared to death to do it.

    My heart was scared. It was afraid that the Strange Feeling would run away like the first one. Then a second hole will appear in the soul. And there will be a draft.

    So the days passed. The heart got used to the Strange Feeling at the door. And once, in a good mood, I let in - a strange feeling.

    In the evening they kindled a fire and for the first time in so many years warmed the soul for real.

    You will go away? asked the Heart, unable to stand it.

    No, said Strange Feeling, I won't go. But on the condition that you do not hold me back and do not lock the door.

    I won't lock the door, agreed the Heart, but you can escape through the old hole.

    And the Heart told Strange Feeling its story.

    I don't run through old holes, Strange Feeling smiled, I'm a different feeling.

    His heart did not believe him. But he invited me for a walk.

    Where is your old hole? inquired Strange Feeling.

    Well, here it is, Heart smiled bitterly. And showed the place where the hole was located ...

    But there was no hole. The heart heard the evil cold wind swearing from the outside of the soul.