How to make a Sagittarius guy run after you. Types of love rituals. How to get your husband's attention

When a stable relationship hits a dead end, guys tend to start looking at other girls without a twinge of conscience. At this point, many girls face the question of how to make a guy run after you. But it's not all that simple...

In order to return the former passion in this case, as well as if you need to initially interest the guy, you must adhere to certain actions, which, on a psychological level, will make the guy want to “run” after the girl and try to achieve her favor at all costs.

Leave the guy alone for a while

No matter how strange it may sound, but in order for the guy to start running after you again, you can try to leave him alone for a while and not bother with constant calls and demands for frequent meetings. This method is also effective if you want . You can devote the freed time to your beloved: meet with girlfriends, go to parties, sign up for a gym, dance, and also start studying what you have long dreamed of, and many other pleasant things that contribute to self-improvement or the usual rest from the daily hustle and bustle. By distancing yourself from the guy in this way, you will give him the opportunity to feel what it means to be without you. In 90% of cases, a guy, after analyzing his life without his beloved girl, understands that she has become not so joyful, and therefore begins to seek the location of his girlfriend again by all available means.

Start actively flirting with other guys

If the guy got used to you, relaxed and no longer shows the former ardor in the relationship, as well as if you need to interest a new guy while in big company, you can use dangerous, but effective method- . Try to actively flirt with other guys and generally constantly be in the center of male attention. Your permanent boyfriend will definitely pay attention to the fact that his girlfriend is a success with the male sex, and will conclude that you can lose you at such a pace, which will spur him to active courtship with new force. However, this technique must be used very carefully, because in a too jealous guy, he can cause suspicion and distrust, which will further push him away from you. If you want to attract a new guy, similar method works in most cases, because the guy unconsciously begins to think that you are special, in addition, a healthy spirit of rivalry wakes up in him for the girl, from whom all his male friends and acquaintances are delighted.

Pay attention to your appearance

As you know, all guys "love with their eyes", and therefore appearance girls has a lot for them great importance, so if you are thinking about it, take care of your appearance. A regular boyfriend may cool off towards you because you have stopped taking care of yourself: make-up and dress the same as in the first month of your meetings, or have gained a couple or two extra pounds. In this case, you need to slightly adjust your appearance, giving Special attention beautiful clothes, neat hair and makeup and, if necessary, exercise. Seeing his girlfriend as a former beauty, the guy will definitely renew his interest in conquering her. You can also attract a new guy with spectacular appearance, and it is not necessary to be perfect beauty, you just need to find your zest, which will distinguish you from the crowd of other girls.

Play a game called "hot and cold" with a guy

This method is more suitable to interest a new guy and make him run after you, however, it can also work on a permanent boyfriend if you have not been dating for too long. The essence of the game "hot-cold" is to either bring the guy closer or further away from you. For example, for several days you can call a guy literally every hour, be interested in all his affairs, invite him on dates and generally take all kinds of initiative, and over the next few days, on the contrary, do not call and ignore his calls yourself, stop being interested in what he has new, and refuse meetings under any pretext. Then the cycle can be repeated, and repeatedly. As a rule, after several such alternating periods, the guy begins to literally “tear off the roof” and he is ready to do anything, if only the girl behaved with him the way she did on “hot” days.

Be the girl of his dreams

In order for a guy to start running after you and actively care for you, you can become the girl of his dreams. To do this, you definitely need to find out as many details as possible about which girls this guy prefers: what qualities they should have, what to get involved in, and the like. If you have the opportunity to get such information, then you can use it in order to bring yourself as close as possible to the image perfect girl for the guy you're interested in. However, this method has one significant drawback - the need to pretend, which later can have the most negative impact on your relationship. If you need to correct only small features in yourself, then you can rejoice, because you have found your “half”.

All of the above methods can be used both to the fullest so that the guy really starts running after you, and in metered amounts to refresh a permanent stable relationship.

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10 proven ways to make a man run after you. Perhaps every woman dreams of conquering a man, but not everyone knows how to do it. Brew a love potion? Get rid of all rivals? Make a hundred or two plastic surgery? Who knows, love is a mysterious thing, and the strangest deeds sometimes help to win it. We present secret recommendations.

1. Be beautiful.

Say what you like, but the man pays attention first to the external data of the girl, and only then to her inner world. If you want to attract the attention of the stronger sex, watch yourself. Visit beauty salons, do styling in the morning, do not forget to apply makeup. You must forget the words “and so it will do”: a woman must be impeccable, regardless of whether millions see her or just one person.

2. Be different.

Beauty is, of course, good, but do not forget that there are a lot of pretty women. In order for a man to choose you, you must be different from the rest. This does not mean that you need to immediately run to the hairdresser and recolor your hair in green color: just come up with a couple of original gestures.

3. Watch your walk.

Perhaps you think that walking is a secondary matter: stunning shoes on high heels attract the attention of men on their own. This, of course, is true, but not entirely. The representatives of the stronger sex will notice your slender legs, your desire to please, but they will not see lightness in you. Remember, a woman who can walk beautifully in slippers looks better than a clumsy lady in shoes.

4. Smile.

Men love it when a girl has a smile on her face. This can be easily explained: it is pleasant to communicate with a friendly person. Not in vain friendly people often compared with the sun: they give light and warmth, like the ancient luminary.

5. Be well groomed.

Never allow yourself to appear in front of a man in a washed-out bathrobe and tangled hair. Whether you are in the mood to dress up or not, do not pull stretched sweater and jeans.

Respect others, understand that it is unpleasant for them to see an untidy person. From the fact that you spend an extra thirty minutes on fees, your Bad mood not get worse, and maybe even get better.

6. Don't be aggressive.

Men are afraid of women who are too active. They do not like to be prey, because they are accustomed to consider themselves hunters. Do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of watching your chosen one try to win you over.

7. Don't be smart.

A woman who knows about everything in the world and demonstrates it at every opportunity is not perceived by men as a potential companion. They may respect her, but they are unlikely to decide to start building a relationship with her. For what?

She is independent, moreover, she knows more than they do. Understand that it is hard for the representatives of the stronger sex to come to terms with the fact that they are worse than ladies in the affairs of “male” (for “female” matters include caring for a child and maintaining comfort in the house).

8. Don't pretend you don't need men.

Inaccessibility can be attractive, but not always. It is one thing when a woman shows a man that she is not easy to win, another thing is when she demonstrates her indifference to him. In the second case, the person is likely to stop the assault and prefer to retreat. Don't let him go.

9. Know how to be affectionate.

Whatever your image, know how to throw off the mask, being alone with a man. He needs soft woman who knows how to listen and understand, and not cold, albeit beautiful The Snow Queen. A vamp woman is rarely happy in personal life: she attracts men, but their passion does not last long.

10. Appreciate yourself.

Never hang yourself on the neck of men, do not run to the first person you meet. No matter how much you love a person, let him know that you are not a dog, and if he does not pay due attention to you, just go to another. Believe me, a woman who values ​​herself will always find someone to go to.

1. Be beautiful.

Say what you like, but the man pays attention first to the external data of the girl, and only then to her inner world. If you want to attract the attention of the stronger sex, watch yourself. Visit beauty salons, do styling in the morning, do not forget to apply makeup. You must forget the words “and so it will do”: a woman must be impeccable, regardless of whether millions see her or just one person.

2. Be different.

Beauty is, of course, good, but do not forget that there are a lot of pretty women. In order for a man to choose you, you must be different from the rest. This does not mean that you need to immediately run to the hairdresser and dye your hair green: just come up with a couple of original gestures.

3. Watch your walk.

Perhaps you think that walking is a secondary matter: stunning high-heeled shoes will attract the attention of men on their own. This, of course, is true, but not entirely. The representatives of the stronger sex will notice your slender legs, your desire to please, but they will not see lightness in you. Remember, a woman who can walk beautifully in slippers looks better than a clumsy lady in shoes.

4. Smile.

Men love it when a girl has a smile on her face. This can be easily explained: it is pleasant to communicate with a friendly person. It is not for nothing that benevolent people are often compared to the sun: they give light and warmth, like the ancient luminary.

5. Be well groomed.

Never allow yourself to appear in front of a man in a washed-out bathrobe and tangled hair. Whether you're in the mood to dress up or not, don't pull on a stretchy sweater and jeans. Respect others, understand that it is unpleasant for them to see an untidy person. The fact that you spend an extra thirty minutes getting ready will not worsen your bad mood, and maybe even get better.

6. Don't be aggressive.

Men are afraid of women who are too active. They do not like to be prey, because they are accustomed to consider themselves hunters. Do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of watching your chosen one try to win you over.

7. Don't be smart.

A woman who knows about everything in the world and demonstrates it at every opportunity is not perceived by men as a potential companion. They may respect her, but they are unlikely to decide to start building a relationship with her. For what? She is independent, moreover, she knows more than they do. Understand that it is hard for the representatives of the stronger sex to come to terms with the fact that they are worse than ladies in the affairs of “male” (for “female” matters include caring for a child and maintaining comfort in the house).

8. Don't pretend you don't need men.

Inaccessibility can be attractive, but not always. It is one thing when a woman shows a man that she is not easy to win, another thing is when she demonstrates her indifference to him. In the second case, the person is likely to stop the assault and prefer to retreat. Don't let him go.

9. Know how to be affectionate.

Whatever your image, know how to throw off the mask, being alone with a man. He needs a soft woman who knows how to listen and understand, and not a cold, albeit beautiful Snow Queen. A vamp woman is rarely happy in her personal life: she attracts men, but their passion does not last long.

10. Appreciate yourself.

Never hang yourself on the neck of men, do not run to the first person you meet. No matter how much you love a person, let him know that you are not a dog, and if he does not pay due attention to you, just go to another. Believe me, a woman who values ​​herself will always find someone to go to.

Not so long ago I happened to hear the phrase: why do people who do not tolerate anyone's advice willingly distribute it themselves? The answer to the question of how to make them run after themselves, in general terms, every woman knows. What prevents you from following the advice: let him run after you?

No one has yet been able to give a clear definition of love. The most hackneyed opinion on this subject is this: love is inexplicable by its nature chemical reaction that occurs between a man and a woman. It flashes and lights up everything around. And paints everything in “pink” tones, under the influence of which lovers live for some time as if there is no one around them, only they are alone in the whole world. This stormy burst of beauty emotional state some goes on certain time. For some it is longer, for others it is shorter. But the result, with very rare exceptions, is always the same: love ends.

Perhaps this is precisely the reason why a woman who has learned the secret of how to make a man run after her does not follow him. Falling in love with an impregnable nature, independent, different from the gray mass of other men by success - it is in this status that a woman likes a chosen one. If he starts running after her, he will immediately lose half (if not more!) Of his attractiveness. And her love will crash, faced with gray everyday life, devoid of any thrill, vivid impressions. Perhaps one love will be replaced by another - based on mutual understanding, mutual respect. But it won't be the same!

Such a phenomenon comes close to the most common one-sided love in human nature. In such a relationship, one loves, and the other allows himself to be loved. And the psychology of such relationships can be considered balanced according to the above explanations. That is, as soon as the object of worship "condescends" to the level of the half in love, the latter begins to lose all interest in him.

Very important point: the situation described above, oddly enough, happens in life much more often than mutual love. Love, when two people equally love each other, is generally a rarity. It is also called the "gift of the gods" or "one in a million." Therefore, it is simply irrational to analyze it in the context of a given topic.

Now that all the components of the plan being drawn up have been obtained, it is not difficult to sketch out an operational scheme of military operations. Actually, a woman already has part of the skills for capturing any (we repeat, any!) Man. This is the so-called female exposure. It is very important to make a first impression on the subject of hunting. It can be anything, from casually naked legs to sexy stocking and to a spectacularly curled curl that has strayed from the rest of the "comrades".

Men love with their eyes, so first of all they, like a pike standing in ambush, notice the slightest deviation from the norm. This is what the main focus is on. If that doesn't work, you can get yourself an imaginary passionate lover who calls the office every half hour and allegedly declares his love for a long time. A good move is to order flowers to the office, supposedly from him. Men, as well as women, are inveterate owners. And if a stranger wandered into their lawn, the signal to the brain comes instantly: attention, it seems that this woman has a lot of some secret charms!

Oh, that's interesting! At the same time, the object of the hunt itself is kept on a starvation ration, and so that its interest does not fade away, you can warm it up from time to time, using the most stupid phrases. Because men tend to be afraid of women who are smarter than themselves. So the gray "blonde" will bring, in the end, one hundred percent result, while passionate, smart and graceful brunettes will desperately send secret signals of love.

After the effect of lassoing is almost obvious, you can move on to more open actions. Need help adjusting computer program. Need help with "such a complex, almost impossible" task of the boss. Well, and so on, in the same spirit.

Interestingly, it is at this stage that the speed of tying a man “to the leg” is ahead of all forecasts. A little more - and he is at the feet of the seductress. All this time, you need to take care of your wardrobe and make-up, not forgetting that a man loves with his eyes. Sometimes a week is enough to win, some give up within a month. In a word, whoever is lucky!

And finally, there is a problem. What to do next with the object of hunting? You can keep it next to you for a while. But this no longer makes any sense. Because it's not love that drives people crazy. Hunting is also hunting in Africa! And how to make it so that real love, passion, feelings? Well, it's a completely different story. This is love, which is "one in a million". And there is only one advice: wait ...

1. Be beautiful.
Say what you like, but the man pays attention first to the external data of the girl, and only then to her inner world. If you want to attract the attention of the stronger sex, watch yourself. Visit salons, do styling in the morning, do not forget to apply. You must forget the words “and so it will do”: a woman must be impeccable, regardless of whether millions see her or just one person.

2. Be different.
Beauty is, of course, good, but do not forget that there are a lot of pretty women. In order for a man to choose you, you must be different from the rest. This does not mean that you need to immediately run to the hairdresser and dye your hair green: just come up with a couple of original gestures.

3. Watch your walk.
Perhaps you think that walking is a secondary matter: stunning high-heeled shoes will attract the attention of men on their own. This, of course, is true, but not entirely. The representatives of the stronger sex will notice your slender legs, your desire to please, but they will not see lightness in you. Remember, a woman who can walk beautifully in slippers looks better than a clumsy lady in shoes.

4. Smile.
Men love it when a girl has a smile on her face. This can be easily explained: it is pleasant to communicate with a friendly person. It is not for nothing that benevolent people are often compared to the sun: they give light and warmth, like the ancient luminary.

5. Be well groomed.
Never allow yourself to appear in front of a man in a washed-out bathrobe and tangled hair. Whether you are in the mood to dress up or not, do not pull on a stretched sweater and. Respect others, understand that it is unpleasant for them to see an untidy person. Spending thirty minutes getting ready will not make your bad mood worse, and maybe even get better.

6. Don't be aggressive.
Men are afraid of women who are too active. They do not like to be prey, because they are accustomed to consider themselves hunters. Do not deprive yourself of the pleasure of watching your chosen one try to win you over.

7. Don't be smart.
A woman who knows about everything in the world and demonstrates it at every opportunity is not perceived by men as a potential companion. They may respect her, but they are unlikely to decide to start building a relationship with her. For what? She is independent, moreover, she knows more than they do. Understand that it is hard for the representatives of the stronger sex to come to terms with the fact that they are worse than ladies in the affairs of “male” (the “female” matters include taking care of the child and maintaining comfort in the house).

8. Don't pretend you don't need men.
Inaccessibility can be attractive, but not always. It is one thing when a woman shows a man that she is not easy to win, another thing is when she demonstrates her indifference to him. In the second case, the person is likely to stop the assault and prefer to retreat. Don't let him go.

9. Know how to be affectionate.
Whatever your image, know how to throw off the mask, being alone with a man. He needs a soft woman who knows how to listen and understand, and not a cold, albeit beautiful Snow Queen. A vamp woman is rarely happy in her personal life: she attracts men, but their passion does not last long.

10. Appreciate yourself.
Never hang yourself on the neck of men, do not run to the first person you meet. No matter how much you love a person, let him know that you are not a dog, and if he does not pay due attention to you, just go to another. Believe me, a woman who values ​​herself will always find someone to go to.