Beauties with perfect figures. Types of female figures. Every girl should know this

Greetings, beauties! We are all so different and each has its own special beauty. Let's look at today what types and varieties of figures there are in women and girls. IN Lately I like to watch people and analyze their physique, and then come up with ideas for what I should dress them in.

Apparently, an unfulfilled desire from childhood still whispers within me - to become a stylist or clothing designer. And now I want to talk about the types and types of figures of women and girls, show in pictures and photos how to identify them and talk about the various classifications of types.

As a result, you will perceive your body in a new way and draw important conclusions for yourself in terms of health and creating a wardrobe.

This can be achieved with original draperies, flounces, and ruffles. Use expressive accessories, shoes, handbags that give your image greater femininity.

Among the stars and prominent celebrities, there are also representatives with a rectangular body type. For example, here are these examples of photos of rectangular women.

Body type inverted triangle or "V- or T-shaped"or "carrot or strawberry"

The peculiarity of this type of female figure is the following paradox: this figure could be ideal ( thin waist, Not wide hips, slim long legs, Not big breasts), but if not for such disproportionate broad shoulders. Because of this, a woman begins to look quite massive, like a man.

This is the type of figure that most female athletes have; this is the most athletic type among all the others. If there is excess fat, it is deposited mainly in the upper part: in the areas of the neck, shoulders and arms. The waist volume is almost the same as the hip volume, the OT/OB ratio is more than 0.7.

Women with this type, in order to get closer to the desired parameters, need to balance the lower and upper body. To achieve this goal, strength exercises are needed so that the load is maximum, but the number of approaches should be small.

In the photo below you can see ladies with an inverted triangle body type. Agree that they are also nothing worse than women With hourglass, you just need to present yourself favorably (click on the photo to enlarge).

Women with a V-shaped figure need to visually narrow their shoulders and widen their bottoms when choosing their wardrobe. In addition, they have a very cool trump card - these are slender legs that need to be emphasized. This can be achieved with skirts and trousers of unusual colors and patterns. Such clothes with a beautiful print will look very original. This maneuver will take the eye away from the massive shoulders.

The top should not be voluminous; avoid additional shoulders and puff sleeves. Try to choose dark colors for the top and bright colors for the bottom and then you will get a visually very harmonious silhouette and image. You can see celebrities with a carrot body type in the photo below.

Female figure type apple or “O-shaped” or “circle or oval or diamond”

A characteristic feature of this type of figure is the absence of a waist. This type combines an aristocratic posture, slender legs, hips, arms and shoulders, but there is no waist at all. Such women are naturally very prone to being overweight. Their excess fat is deposited in the back and abdomen. Therefore, for women with this type of figure necessary exercises should be aimed primarily at the abdominal area.

Quite recently, I wrote another article dedicated to the figure, but in it I talked about the body types that are used in fitness in order to choose the right training and nutrition. Read the article.

The emphasis in clothing should be on the legs and décolleté. It was this type of figure that the great Rubens valued very much. Typically, such women are short, with slender legs and massive chest. As you gain weight, fat is distributed evenly throughout your body. The belly protrudes forward.

When creating a wardrobe for representatives with an apple figure, you need to try to lengthen the silhouette, since these women often have short stature. This can be achieved using long sweatshirts with V-neck, blouses and shirts with high collars. Ideal length The length of the skirt is just below the knee or to mid-calf. You should not use bright prints; it is better to use neutral and calm colors. You can use vertical lines in clothing; they will visually lengthen the silhouette.

However, in any case, ladies with need to avoid tight clothing, short skirts and horizontal lines, it is better to choose multi-layered models, and you should also avoid belts and waistbands. Particular importance in the image should be given beautiful makeup and hairstyle. Below you can see stars and celebrities with an apple body type.

Metabolic types of female figures

If you thought that typing female forms stops only at the ratios or parameters of body parts, then you are mistaken. There is another classification of women's silhouettes - according to metabolic types. As I already said, we are all different, partly because we are dominated by the work of one or another endocrine gland, which affects metabolism.

There are four main metabolic types female figures:

  1. Thyroid or thyroid
  2. Adrenal or adrenal
  3. Ovarian or ovarian
  4. Pituitary or lymphatic


In these ladies, the predominant gland is the pituitary gland, located in the skull. With a pituitary constitution, there is a sluggish, slow metabolism, the body retains fluid well and accumulates fat. Typically, such women tend to be overweight since childhood. Fat fiber is distributed evenly. Description of this type Easily echoes the apple-shaped shapes I mentioned just above.

By nature, such women are cheerful and sociable, artistic and cheerful. However, they do not really like to exercise, which further aggravates their obesity. Instead of sports, such girls and women can be advised to dance fiery dances - salsa, oriental, flamenco.


The name speaks for itself. In such beauties, the functioning of the thyroid gland predominates. As a rule, these are people with normal weight or even asthenic type figure, i.e. thin build. This somatic type has something in common with a rectangular figure, so the same clothes as in the photo above suit them. Women look boyish, with small breasted, narrow shoulders and long limbs.

By nature, people with thyroid somatic type are quick-tempered, get tired quickly, and often suffer from bouts of apathy. It is especially difficult for them during times of stress, both mental and physical, because thyroid very sensitive in this regard. The metabolism is quite fast, but with age, if an asthenic person systematically overeats and does not exercise, then this type of figure may gain weight.


This is the most feminine option. The work of the ovaries predominates and female hormones. Reminiscent of pear and hourglass body types. It is also called gynecoid or gynoid body type. The distribution of adipose tissue is greatest on the thighs and buttocks.

Such women are distinguished by perseverance and endurance. They say about such people: “They will stop a galloping horse...”. Often present poor nutrition, namely the lack of breakfast. Women of this type, as a rule, do not have problems conceiving and bearing children.


Representatives of this type are very similar to men in terms of figure. Such shapes are also called the android body type. Women have male proportions body: broad shoulders, narrow hips almost level with the waist. Reminds me of an inverted triangle shape. The dominant gland is the adrenal gland, which produces androgens in women.

They have an athletic figure and strong muscles. Very efficient, they say what they need less sleep than other somatic types. They have a cheerful disposition, are sociable and friendly. They are often leaders. They are willing to play sports and are generally physically active in life.

Determining body type by wrist

In medicine, especially in obstetrics, body structure is determined by the size of the wrist. The size indicates the thickness of the bones of the owner of this part of the body. There are three morphotypes or constitutions of women:

  1. Asthenic
  2. Normosthenic
  3. Hypersthenic

In sports you may come across slightly different names: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph, respectively. Wrist circumference is the Solovyov index. In the first type it is less than 15, in the second it is 15-17, and in a hypersthenic or endomorph it is more than 17.

New silhouettes of female figures

It turns out that the female figure has undergone changes over the last century and scientists had to introduce a couple more new vegetables into the usual classification of “apple, pear, carrot, etc.” Now, when women gather in groups, you can see the whole garden plot. It's even getting funny...

So what does your body type look like? "butternut squash"? Such a woman resembles an hourglass, but due to the fact that over the past decades women's waists have become wider, then with equal volumes of shoulders and hips, the waist still falls slightly short of the clock. An hourglass has a difference between the waist and hips of more than 25 cm, and a nutmeg pumpkin is somewhere around only 20-25 cm. It turns out that Kim Kardashian, beloved by many, is only a pitiful semblance of an hourglass - the nutmeg pumpkin))

Have you ever seen a figure "eggplant"? In fact, this is the same pear, but without a pronounced waist.

The interesting thing is that "broccoli" similar to carrots, but with fuller breasts. This transformation of carrots into broccoli is probably due to plastic surgeons.

Have you already determined your body type? Share your opinion in the comments to the article. And in the next article we will look at what clothes are right for you. and receive only the most delicious articles to your E-mail. And now short video about how to choose a dress for the most common body types.

That's all for me! With warmth and care, Ravila.

It is unlikely that you will meet a girl who would be absolutely satisfied with her figure. For this reason, we have to constantly support and listen to the fair sex, convincing them of beauty and perfection. And this is the duty of every guy whose girlfriend works hard and tries to look beautiful in his eyes. Not at all, in order to gain confidence in their weapons, girls have to compare, compare with standards, generally accepted standards and opinions. Let us immediately note that there are a lot of them on the planet, which confirms one fact. Beauty is intangible, there cannot be norms that everyone likes. However, there are many interesting facts, which we invite you to familiarize yourself with. And so, the most beautiful figures girls in different countries planets...

What kind of figure do men like?

For a long time The model standard was considered the standard - 90-60-90. To this day, most girls strive to achieve the specified figure parameters. By no means, as practice shows, men show more interest in the so-called “hourglass” figure. Psychologists explain why bulges attract guys more than “skinny” guys; of course, not everyone and not always, but still. The fact is that the subconscious of men chooses healthy women capable of producing healthy offspring. The stated dimensions indicate good physiological state women. Thus, the so-called “hourglass” figure is ranked 1 place!

Following the hourglass figure, men find those with short stature and petite figures attractive. Subconsciously you want to protect and protect them. In such girls, guys see sophistication and neatness. Well-deserved 2nd place!

It is worth noting that the 90-60-90 standard takes only third place in the ranking of the most beautiful female figures. This is likely due to constantly changing standards. Even among the models, no one can be surprised by the specified parameters. Many girls are attracted to seamstresses more narrow waists, which is due not only to material savings, but also best effect when presenting trendy clothes. Thus, this standard receives 3rd place in the ranking of the most beautiful female figures.

As stated earlier, standards are constantly changing and you cannot focus only on the “dimensions of a woman,” because every girl has her own “zest,” something special, even in her figure. And the values different men also different.

In some countries on our planet, men consider fat women beautiful. Moreover, the greater the mass, the more attractive it is for creating offspring. Of course, such views are relevant for Asian countries. At the same time, many Chinese like Russian women, and representatives of hot blood (Greeks, Armenians, Kazakhs) are tall and slender girls. As they say, there is no arguing about tastes. Instead of creating a discussion, it is better to read the article about the countries with the most beautiful girls according to the majority of men.

Experts from the United States in Indiana conducted a massive social survey, which involved over 200,000 men different ages. As a result, it became clear that different ages have different preferences regarding the female figure. What kind of girls do they think handsome men V different periods of your maturity?

  1. 15-18 years old - petite and short girls;
  2. 18-23 - the most beautiful are those with an hourglass figure. During this period of time, the man is at the stage of maximum readiness for procreation;
  3. 25-35 years old - the overwhelming number of men consider curvy, mature girls attractive;
  4. 40-70 years old - naturally, during this period of time men’s priority is no longer so much their figure. However, most people like slender girls who take care of their figure.

Now let's talk about our girls, celebrities that we can be proud of.

Let us note right away that you can familiarize yourself with the rating of the most beautiful stars in Russia, if you want. As for the top figures, they include such celebrities as Christina Asmus, Tatyana Kotova, and singer Bianca. These girls have different, but very beautiful figures. As practice shows, there is no ideal in Russia. The country is very large, representatives live in it different nationalities, and, as you have already learned, different nations your tastes. As for the detailed rating, of the 10 most beautiful Russian women in show business, the link is provided above.

For many girls who follow the development of show business, of course, the standard of an ideal figure is Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. By unreasonable reasons many people mistakenly believe that guys like Kim with a huge... well, you get the idea. Well, girls, do you like pumped-up guys so much that you can’t squeeze your hand to scratch the back of your head? This is roughly the same way we look at the Kardashians, at least the majority.

Thus, what is important is not so much the ideal as the fact that the girl takes care of herself and tries. Everyone has different tastes and preferences. But no guy can resist the femininity and heroism of such stars as Jennifer Aniston and Angelina Jolie.

The variability of female nature is an endless topic for thought. An entire philosophical movement can be built on the whims and caprices of lovely ladies alone. It is not surprising that the fashion created by them is so unpredictable and cruel. From year to year, girls with completely opposite proportions had the most beautiful female figures.

History remembers hundreds of reincarnations of lovely ladies. For example, in the 1900s it was fashionable to shrink the figure to an unimaginable 40 cm with rigid corsets! This led to fainting from any sudden stimuli.

Later, decade after decade, the fair sex either lost weight to the bones, then again showed graceful “tasty” forms. And all for the sake of men who, by and large, have always liked appetizing girls without obvious thinness (like anorexic Twiggy) and without extra pounds (like today's fast food lovers).

The famous writer JK Rowling looked at the root of the problem of nations, writing just a couple of lines:

“Is being fat really the worst thing that can happen to a person? Is “fat” really worse than “vindictive”, “envious”, “empty”, “vain”, “boring” or “cruel”? Not for me".

Indeed, much fewer people have begun to realize in our glorious 21st century that appearance is just a wrapper. However, this does not in any way prevent fashion from dictating terms again. So, what is, in our time, according to most, the most beautiful female figure in the world?

The most beautiful figures of stars

In any era, the standard of beauty was considered famous personalities. Nobody took into account ordinary girls, talking about what kind of figure is in fashion now. Everyone looked up to celebrities. For example, one of the owners of the sexiest and most perfect figure in the 40s and 50s was the beauty Betty Brosmer. This lady was famous model, which then appeared on all the covers of famous publications. After her, the charming Marilyn Monroe and Jayne Mansfield appeared to the world. But the fact remains that we are aligned with famous women who “forge” the fashion for figures with their own hands.

As soon as the caste of supermodels was formed, all the girls and women on the planet became simply obsessed with the unhealthy “90-60-90” tall. Now these parameters are in fashion and natural beauty. Among the current stars, the owners of the most ideal figures in the world are:

Nicole Scherzinger

Nicole has become the standard for millions of young girls who strive to delight men. The 36-year-old beauty has enviable curves: 89-61-90 cm at height 165 cm And weight 52 kg. For the sake of such a chiseled figure, she eats only healthy foods: vegetables, fruits, fish and not too fatty meat. The talented singer also devotes time to working out in the gym with a personal trainer three times a week. These activities include jogging, cardio warm-up, yoga and dancing. It is thanks to her work that Nicole seduces men herself perfect figure in the world.

Judging by surveys that have been conducted more than once by famous world scientists, men do not care at all what numbers the tape measure showed on the hips, bust and waist of a beauty. The main thing is that the figure as a whole looks aesthetically pleasing and proportional. Thus, many respondents confirmed that a woman with rounded shapes much more desirable than a skinny top model. The thing is, as psychologists say, that men, on a subconscious level, associate wide hips and a lush bust with fertility. That is, such a lady can easily endure healthy child. As a result of the research, it became clear what parameters make girls the owners of the most beautiful figures from the point of view of the opposite sex: waist – 75 cm, and hips – 100 cm. Regarding chest girth, the opinions of the respondents differed greatly, but size 3 is held in high esteem. At the same time, men found clothing size 46 to be the most seductive. Items of exactly this size were worn by the inimitable Marilyn Monroe.

Scarlett Johansson

The 30-year-old beauty from the USA rightfully deserves to be called the owner of one of the most beautiful figures. Scarlett's photos instantly scatter across the Internet before they even have time to load. To always maintain your ideal 94-63-95 cm in circumference of the chest, waist and hips, the girl eats a balanced diet. The actress and singer eats a lot of fruits and vegetables, but does not burden herself with a lot of exercise. The temptress relies only on cardio warm-up, squats, push-ups, jogging and simple walking. Star growth - 164 cm, and weight - 54 kg.

Jessica Alba

An enchanting, sizzling beauty, again from the USA, is the owner of the most beautiful female figure. But in order to grow 169 cm and weight 55 kg have parameters 90-62-91, the star performs an amazing amount physical exercise. The 34-year-old actress exercises 4 times a week, and in addition to this, she additionally does yoga, sweats on an exercise bike and a treadmill. Jessica does not eat bread at all, and always eats only half a portion.

Monica Bellucci

Stunning and unique actress with perfect body. The 50-year-old beauty is so busy that she simply cannot afford to waste time at the gym. Her rhythm of life is the best weapon against excess weight. If a star needs to lose weight before filming, only then does she begin to eat a diet (fish, vegetables, lean meat). The actress's height is 176 cm, and weight - 65 kg. Bellucci is the mother of two daughters, but her curves never cease to excite men: 92-65-97 cm.

Halle Berry

The magnificent beauty from the USA has been exciting men all over the world for several decades. They say that Holly does not age, and judging by her parameters, this is true. With growth 177 cm, she only weighs 55 kg, and the circumference of the bust, waist and hips - 90-59-91 cm. The star needs to watch her calories not only to maintain her status as the owner of the sexiest figure in the world, but also because the celebrity suffers from diabetes. At 46 years old, Holly looks divine.

Not everyone has the ideal figure, and fashion is constantly changing. Thin people are popular today, plump ones are popular tomorrow. The main thing is to remain good, sincere and kind person. Don't forget this when you look at yourself in the mirror.

The woman's figure is beautiful! The question of which woman’s figure is the most beautiful in the world is very difficult to answer, because... this is determined by outsiders...

So let's take a look at the top ten beautiful bodies(figures) and find out which female figure is the most beautiful in the world, look at the photo.

First place: Helen Mirren

Second place: Elle Macpherson

Third place: Kelly Brook

Fourth place: Jennifer Lopez

Fifth place: Cheryl Cole

Sixth place: Mylene Klaas

Seventh place: Holly Willoughby

Eighth place: Pippa Middleton

Ninth place: Kate Winslet

Tenth place: Nicole Scherzinger

How to achieve the most beautiful figure in the world?


Believe it or not, this can happen if you put a lot of effort into it! How to achieve beauty in your figure?

Examples that can be great navigators:

Not the kind of running that “sorries” the body, but a real one, with full dedication. You need to circle more than one house to achieve success.

  • Jumping

No, not from the balcony or from the turnstile. Just jump. Well, or with jumping ropes or rubber bands, if that’s the desire.

  • Murder of sweets

Everything you see in the list you need to send away:

  1. The cottage cheese is sweet.
  2. Coffee.
  3. Chewing gum.
  4. Candies.
  5. Chocolate.
  6. Syrniki.
  7. Marshmallow.

About how girls look for the most beautiful figures


Maria Korzhenevskaya:“I just follow the Kremlin rules.” And don’t say that this idea is somehow outdated. I won’t believe it, because good or ideal never gets old. Anyone who wants to argue with me, I’m waiting for you in the comments.”


Efrosinya Lenskaya:“Twist the hoop and run at least five circles every morning. Yes…. Also drink coffee and tea without added sugar. It helps, honestly. This is how I save my figure from excess weight.”

Focus on nutrition

Marina Malinovskaya:“Pasta and ketchup are the enemies of any female figure. On personal example“overate” ketchup. The figure “flaunted” an excess of kilograms. I was terribly furious, but at first I didn’t understand where all the extra stuff was coming from. It seemed as if I had smeared myself with hormonal ointment. Ointments of this type often cause problems with figures.”


Olga Bondorovets:“I don’t complain about my figure, because I’m just not getting better. The Constitution is like this. Many friends never cease to feel envy about this. I’m not offended, but it’s unpleasant when people envy.”

Banned figure

Polina Medvedeva:“My husband forbids me to go on diets. He says that he will not allow me to harm my body. Of course, it's easy for him to say! Men don't look after their figures. They will never refuse beer and fish. Even if you show them how many kilocalories there are in these “delights”. I wouldn't want to be born a man. It's boring to be a man."

Stair marathons

Arina Zapolskaya:“I live on the nineteenth floor. Every day I walk both up and down. Can you imagine how much excess weight I lose in a week? My figure lives and breathes beauty. And I don’t want to give up this beauty.”


Elena Erokhina: “I eat only fruits and vegetables, drink only water and juices without sugar. Scary diet, isn't it? But I’m not afraid of her: I was afraid. But I bought it gorgeous dress. And it doesn’t feel too tight for me, it’s like it was tailor-made for me. That's why I have such respect for diets. Are there those who like to change the size of their figure? We have something to discuss!”


Svetlana Molchan:“What nonsense? Everyone is obsessed with figures and diets! Love yourself! You don't need to change yourself radically. There is no need for any adjustments if you are loved. Anorexia is not a solution or a way to become more beautiful.”

Mode decision

Natalya Metelskaya:“I don’t eat after six. My figure never ceases to please me. And the outfits are easy to find by size. I'm so happy that I can control myself. By the way, sometimes I forget to eat. The boss likes to overwhelm me with tasks. And I am grateful to him for this “stuff.” And I live without alcohol. It also has mega-calorie content! I’m not just talking about beer.”

Divorce is great for losing weight

Anastasia Bortnichuk:“I didn’t even need any diet. I just divorced my husband. You can’t imagine how much weight I lost from this divorce process. Soon I will begin to glow like an X-ray photograph... It’s better to save your family than a beautiful figure.”

Opinion of a plump woman

Polina Zelenova:“Girls, don’t look up to models! They have their own diets and nutritionists. And you, due to your incompetence, can do this to your figure... You will curse any weight loss for the rest of your life. Hospitals and pills are not a great future. Or have you not realized this yet?

No drugs

Kristina Romanovskaya:“Do whatever you want, just don’t take diet pills! They are very harmful, girls. These pills are slow poison. Take care and protect yourself, dears! Men will like you anyway. My sister almost died from diet pills. Don't take risks like she did. Take care of the nerves of your loved ones if you have completely stopped thinking about yourself.”

Physical exercise

Everyone has their own concept of beauty, just like the concept of standards. Some people like it fat women, for some - thin. Modern society dictates its own rules to us and imposes certain standards. And most of us strive for them.

The most beautiful and non-standard figures photos:

Ashley Graham

If you think that having a size 54, you need to close yourself off and have complexes, then this is not so. Ashley Graham proved to the world that you can be curvy and beautiful at the same time. How many men dream about her body! And women finally believed in their own individuality and beauty. Ashley has become one of the most beautiful women peace with complete non-standard figure.


Many compare Beyoncé to Kim Kardashian - also plump, also married to a rapper. But the famous singer did not resort to plastic surgery and has come a long way to success. Many awards, a horde of fans, a beloved man appeared in her life out of love for herself and her body. Curvy shapes do not interfere with the singer's wearing short dresses and sell out crowds.

Crystal Rennes

In order to become a model with stunning success and huge fees, Crystal Renn has done a lot of work. She was not noticed for a very long time fashion world, claiming “non-standard”. The girl studied for hours gym, exhausted herself with hunger strikes and constantly compared herself with other models. But one day I decided to give up on everything and work in the plus-size category. Thanks to this, the world admires the model’s figure, and millions of women have become more determined, because they realized that they overweight not a punishment, but a gift.

Kate Winslet

Kate Winslet, the famous British actress, fell in love with the audience for her directness and femininity. Her debut in Titanic made her popular and beautiful. Lush breasts, a small belly, plump arms and a weight of about 70 kg do not at all interfere with the actress’s build successful career and a happy personal life.

Monica Bellucci

This woman changed the understanding of female beauty and charm for many decades. As soon as she appeared on the silver screen, men instantly fell in love with her, women dreamed of becoming like her, and fashion houses and magazines dreamed of photo shoots.

Monica Bellucci showed the world a new standard of femininity. Weight - 65 kg, perfect hourglass, luxurious appearance and daring look still drive men crazy.


British singer Adele is known to us not only for her cool voice, but also for her unusual figure. A plump face, wide hips, a blurred waist - well, this is not the kind of show business representative we are used to. But excess weight It doesn’t stop Adele from feeling beautiful, and her fans from copying her style and singing along to her songs.

Tara Lynn

Tara Lynn is a charming chubby who proved to the world that it is possible to be beautiful and successful with a butt of 116 cm and a waist of 86 cm. Fashion houses like H&M really liked her sweet, gentle face and feminine shape, and her confident and professional presentation made Tara Lynn a star of Elle and Vogue magazines.

Kim Kardashian

Kim Kardashian is also far from the embodiment of the ideal, but her contribution to the return curvaceous into fashion is undeniable. Her huge butt and large breasts made the famous rapper Kanye West fall in love with her.

Tanesha Awashti

Famous blogger Tanesha Awashti is taking the fashion world by storm. Her photos in branded items and her love for her body were so loved by her fans that they consider Tanesha one of the prettiest women with non-standard shapes. The girl created her own clothing brand for plump young ladies. Millions of plus-size women thank her for giving them self-confidence and beauty tips.

Angelina Jolie

Angelina Jolie was also included in the ranking of the most beautiful women with a non-standard figure. A gorgeous, successful actress, a wonderful mother and the owner of the status of “Brad Pitt’s wife” evokes admiration. Her elegant and very fragile appearance is endearing, and her ability to choose the right clothes makes Jolie one of the most stylish women peace. But her figure is far from ideal - a very thin, almost anorexic body, Long hands with prominent veins and a weight of 35 kg do not look healthy. But the charm inner beauty this woman makes her one of the most beautiful.