Foot length measurement. Ideal figure. Female anthropometry

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In the store, consultants will quickly pick up boots, shoes or sneakers for you. But today, orders in virtual stores are becoming more and more popular. And here a logical question arises: how to determine the size of the legs of an adult or a child without trying on? Complicating the situation is the fact that the dimensional grid of different manufacturers is significantly different. However, one common point remains - the parameters of the foot. Its correct measurement is the key to a successful choice of new clothes.

You will need:

Measuring the length of the foot

The procedure is as follows:

  1. Put on socks, but not too thick, because you don’t wear shoes on bare feet, unless, of course, we are talking about summer ones.
  2. Lay a sheet of paper on a flat surface and stand on it.
  3. You can sit on a chair, lowering your leg vertically on the sheet.
  4. Outline with a pencil.
  5. Using a tape measure, tape, or ruler, measure the distance between the furthest points in the drawing.
  6. Measure both legs, because it is known that one is slightly smaller.
  7. Choose a longer length.
  8. Round the result to 2-5 mm.

Pay attention to the country of manufacture, as the sizing systems of different countries are different.

The ratio of foot length and shoe size is indicated in the table:

Please note that the men's shoe size may not match the women's shoe size with the same foot length. And not only in the American system, but also in the European one.

When buying sports shoes, you may also notice that the size grid is slightly different from the standard one. In this case, you need to focus on your foot size in cm.

It also happens when the shoes do not press, do not hang out, but you still do not feel comfortable in them. Probably, completeness does not suit you, which you also need to know.

We measure the fullness of the leg (block)

The fullness of the leg is measured at the widest points of the toe. When choosing shoes, it is important to remember that it should “lie on the foot”.

In the European Union, the following scale of values ​​is most common:

  • B - narrow foot;
  • D - standard completeness;
  • E - slightly fuller than average;
  • EE - wide, full.

Americans often do things much easier. There are only three sizes in their system: N (narrow) - narrow, M (medium) - medium, W (wide) - wide.

That is, when choosing, you should look at both the size of the shoe and its completeness. The corresponding marking is indicated on the tag, box or underside of the insole. If there is no letter or number, then the model has a standard indicator.

Often this parameter is not mentioned at all by the manufacturer. The fact is that shoes made of soft material stretch when worn, and if you accidentally didn’t guess with completeness, then over time, spread your shoes or sneakers to a comfortable volume.

Determine children's size

When buying, do not forget that the foot of children is constantly growing, which means that it is necessary to ensure that the shoes are not tight and do not cause discomfort. The size is also determined by the length of the child's foot, using the table below.

How to measure on the insole

Another reliable way to choose your shoe size.

Remove the insole from the most comfortable pair and measure it in the same way as your foot. At the same time, keep in mind that the length of the insole will be 1-1.5 cm longer than the leg, due to the presence of an allowance.

Often in online stores, sizes are indicated precisely by the insole, and not by the foot.

Features of the choice of shoes with heels

Putting on shoes with a heel higher than 3 cm, our foot moves forward, increasing pressure on the big toe. In addition, model shoes are more rigid than everyday shoes and are more difficult to break in. Therefore, there is a reason to choose a size a little larger:

  • half size for heels from 5 to 9 cm;
  • for 1 size - for 10-15 cm;
  • 1.5 sizes - for heels from 16 cm and above.

  • Often, manufacturers use their shoe sizes, which are slightly different from the table. Therefore, do not skip product descriptions in the store or on the official website of the brand, so as not to get into a mess. In addition to standard data, you can also find out the circumference of the shaft, the height of the heel or platform, which is of fundamental importance for choosing a comfortable model. Do not hesitate to clarify the parameters you are interested in with the managers from the support service. We also recommend looking at customer reviews: often only from this source you can find out, for example, that shoes run small.

When buying a pair of boots and not only, it is not always possible to try on the model you like. The size grid of shoes comes to the rescue, which still leaves doubts, and suddenly the purchase will be unsuccessful. This happens if you do it via the Internet, for example, on Chinese, American, German, Japanese, English or Italian sites.

Compliance with US and Russian shoe sizes

If the purchase is made not in Russia, but abroad, and exclusively with the help of a virtual network; it is important to understand that the labeling of domestic footwear and products, for example, from the USA, is noticeably different. This means that you can unknowingly miscalculate with the right pair. To clarify this issue, you need a special table. It indicates, and it is important to take into account such important factors as the height of the rise, the fullness of the foot.

European shoe size in Russian

Having a pair of exclusive shoes from the UK or France is the dream of every fashionista, because on the school scale, such shoes receive the highest score. The design of the model, the quality of the cut, the selected material along with accessories are taken into account. Therefore, British, French, and other international Internet sites are so in demand and popular with domestic buyers. Before making a purchase, you need to take into account the conformity of shoe sizes in Europe and Russia. For example, the feet of Europeans are narrow, so shoes that are larger than usual are suitable for Russians.

Chinese - into Russian

To choose the pair you like from Chinese stores, the length of the foot becomes the determining selection criteria, and the shoe size will be identical to the value obtained. It is important to understand that people in this country are miniature, so labeling and European standards do not apply to them. Chinese shoe sizes and Russian are different. To place an order from such a foreign site, you need to measure the length of the foot in a centimeter, find the same value in the size range. Nothing complicated - the dimension of an adult is determined correctly.

kids' shoe size chart

To choose a suitable pair of shoes for a child from a foreign site, you will need the length of the insole of his shoes, or it is better to measure yourself how many centimeters are on the foot. Remember the resulting value, the decoding of which will be provided by a special table of matching the sizes of children's shoes. So the question of how to determine is resolved within two minutes. It remains only to find the table ratio and place your order.

Foot measurement, cm


It is not enough to choose the sneakers or boots you like, even an adult man needs to measure his foot with a ruler and only after that choose the most suitable model of a sports or classic cut. The dimensional grid of men's shoes always comes to the rescue, which takes into account the smallest nuances of the structure, length, volume of the foot, and offers GOSTs generally accepted on the international market.

Measurement on the insole, cm


A conditional classification of the size range is also provided for modern women. To find the right pair, again, an individual measurement of the length of the foot is required. Only after that, a special table makes a quick and clear translation into any international units of measurement, and the size of women's shoes upon purchase will be determined as accurately as possible. You can then visit the virtual shoe store and place an order. Below is a table on how to find out the size of a woman's legs.

Insole length, cm

Shoe size on Aliexpress - table

Adidas, Nike, eur, puma branded sneakers for a child and an adult can always be ordered on Aliexpress. When comparing prices, it becomes obvious that it is profitable and economical to make purchases on this international site. So, a child can determine the size range by age or also measure the length of a small leg. If there is a shoe size available, on Aliexpress - the table will help you make the right choice. Exact tabular values ​​are attached to each model range.

Fullness of the leg - table

The shoe size table helps to make a purchase even without its future owner. The main thing is to know two main parameters. This is the length and width of the foot, so that after acquiring the pair you like, you don’t miss the choice, don’t issue a return, and don’t spoil your mood. If the fullness of the leg is known, the table will tell you which pair with which insole length will be most appropriate in a particular case. To get the value, you can use the calculator online. Enter an indicator of the length and width of the foot, the system will immediately give the prevailing fullness of the foot and the appropriate size range.

It is possible to translate the length and width of the foot into a real indicator of completeness without the help of the World Wide Web, you just need to make calculations using a simple formula, substitute already known parameters instead of unknown ones. Check the resulting average value against the standard table and find out which position from the size range corresponds to the resulting completeness. Such calculations can be used not only by adults, but also by adolescent girls and boys.

How to find out your foot size

To determine your parameters when choosing a worthy pair, you need to measure the length of the foot, and then compare it with the proposed table values. Nothing complicated, you need a ruler, a little free time. However, before you find out your foot size, it is recommended to wear a nylon sock, measure in cool weather (for example, winter or spring months), preferably in the morning at home. The leg should not be swollen.

How to determine the size of children's shoes

By the same principle, you can quickly measure the foot of a small child. The difficulty arises in the restlessness, restlessness of a small person. Therefore, before determining the size of children's shoes, it is advisable to calm the crumbs, to occupy them with something. Ideally, it is desirable to measure when the child is sleeping; or use the insole of an already worn pair. Take a new thing with a margin, because children's legs grow quickly.


"Orthopedic shoes, uncomplicated" TU 8820-037-53279025-2004


Low-complexity orthopedic shoes (hereinafter referred to as shoes) are shoes, the design of which is designed taking into account pathological deviations in the foot, lower leg or thigh.
Designed for adults and children with foot deformities and defects.
Shoes are made by medical order or by selection.
The type and design of shoes depends on the anatomical and pathological changes in the patient's feet. Shoes have special orthopedic details, are made by manual or mechanical methods.
Shoes are made everyday (summer, winter, spring-autumn, all-season) and home.
Correction, compensation, fixation of the deformed foot in orthopedic shoes is carried out by including special orthopedic parts in it. These can be hard or soft parts, inter-insole layers, bottom parts of a special design.
Shoes are appointed for the purpose of:
- keep the foot in a corrected position
- rationally redistribute the load on the plantar surface of the foot
- compensate for limb shortening
- hide cosmetic defects
  • Always choose the right shoes in size and completeness, consider seasonality.
  • New shoes should be impregnated with special products and polished immediately after purchase.
  • Remember, leather shoes are not designed to be worn in wet, rainy weather, because. it is not waterproof (like rubber)
  • Do not store shoes in a dirty state, because. this can cause discoloration and also lead to deformation of the shoe.
  • Dirty shoes should first be cleaned with a special brush, damp cloth or sponge, preventing the dirt from soaking into the skin. Only then can you take care of your skin.
  • Never dry wet shoes on hot surfaces or near open flames. Dry the shoes at room temperature, using special spacers, or after stuffing them tightly with paper. Dry removable insoles.
  • Clean your shoes at least once a week.
  • Shoes made of nubuck and suede should be cleaned in a dry state with a special brush.
  • Leather shoes are cleaned of dust and dirt with a damp cloth dipped in soapy water.
  • After drying, the shoes must be processed. Treat leather shoes with a cream, nubuck and suede shoes with a water-repellent spray.
  • It is not recommended to walk in shoes on gravel, gravel, surfaces where there is technical salt, avoid exposure to alkalis, acids and other active solvents on the upper material of the shoe.
  • Do not allow excessive mechanical stress, shock, cuts, which, as a rule, lead to the separation of the sole, accessories.
  • When putting on shoes, be sure to unlace the laces, fasteners and always use a shoe horn, never take off your shoes by stepping on the back.
  • Do not wear closed shoes on bare feet, because. it is not hygienic and can cause blisters, skin imperfections and minor wounds
  • Discoloration of the shoe upper when exposed to water is not a defect.
  • It should be borne in mind that with increased sweating of the feet or when wet, shoes may be slightly painted from the inside.
Dear buyers!
Please remember that with the help of our recommendations you not only prolong the life of your favorite shoes, but also get a good mood, a feeling of comfort and save your family budget significantly!

From the moment the first pair of shoes was made to the present day, several dimensional correspondence tables have been formed. Shoe size is an alphabetic or numeric code for designating a certain linear value of shoe size, most often determining only the length of the sole of the foot.

Shoe sizes

To date, there are 4 different size charts:

  1. International Standard ISO 3355-77. The shoe size number is the length of the foot in centimeters with an error of 0.5 cm. The length of the foot is measured from the heel to the most protruding toe. This system is easy to use, as there is no last correction (functional allowance). This system is used in Russia.
  2. European system- metric, along the length of the insole, that is, longer than the foot, since the so-called functional allowance is taken into account. Therefore, the European shoe size designations are larger than in the first system!
  3. English system- inch, measured along the length of the insole. The smallest (initial, zero) size = 4 inches (the size of the legs of a newborn baby). Numbering - through 1/3 inch (8.5mm).
  4. American system similar to English, but the original size is smaller and women's sizes are separated into a separate system (the difference from English is even greater).

Fullness of the foot

The fullness of the foot (width) is important when choosing a stiff shoe that does not stretch over time! These are usually boots for snowboarding, skiing, rollerblading, as well as some brands of shoes, such as Salomon. In Russia, according to GOST 3927-88, numbers from 1 to 12 with an interval of 4 mm are used to indicate the completeness of men's and women's shoes, In Europe - gradation from 1 to 8, after 5 mm, In the UK and the USA - letter designations of fullness: A, B, C, D, F, c/o 5mm,

How to find out your shoe size

First you need to measure the length of the foot. It is best to do this at the end of the day, when the legs "trample" and become larger. Standing on a sheet of paper (in socks, if you are going to wear them), circle your foot with a pencil. Measure the distance between the furthest points in the drawing. Measure both legs and choose the longest length. Round the result to 5 mm and find your size in the table. The fullness of the leg (block) is measured at the widest points of the toe part using a centimeter. The second way to find out your size is to take the insole from the shoe that fits you best and try it on. It is important to keep in mind that despite the existence of clear standards, not all manufacturers adhere to them! Unfortunately, very often two identical sizes of two different pairs of shoes, even from eminent manufacturers, in fact, do not mean at all what was expected. Therefore, you should carefully read the size chart on the website of the online store or even contact support! Sizes of men's shoes

Sizes of women's shoes

Sizes of children's shoes

Shoe width

Fullness table for each size

Size Fullness (rise) in cm
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
35 19,7 20,2 20,7 21,2 21,7 22,2 22,7 23,2 23,7
36 20,1 20,6 21,1 21,6 22,1 22,6 23,1 23,6 24,1
37 20,5 21,0 21,5 22,0 22,5 23.0 23,5 24,0 24,5
38 20,9 21,4 21,9 22,4 22,9 23,4 23,9 24,4 24,9
39 21,3 21,8 22,3 22,8 23,3 23,8 24,3 24,8 25,3
40 21,7 22,2 22,7 23,2 23,7 24,2 24,7 25,2 25,7
41 22,1 22,6 23,1 23,6 24,1 24,6 25,1 25,6 26,1
42 22,5 23,0 23,5 24,0 24,5 25,0 25,5 26,0 26,5
43 22,9 23,4 23,9 24,4 24,9 25,4 25,9 26,4 26,9
44 23,3 23,8 24,3 24,8 25,3 25,8 26,3 26,8 27,3
45 23,7 24,2 24,7 25,2 25,7 26,2 26,7 27,2 27,7
46 24,1 24,6 25,1 25,6 26,1 26,6 27,1 27,6 28,1
47 24,5 25,0 25,5 26,0 26,5 27,0 27,5 28,0 28,5
48 24,9 25,4 25,9 26,4 26,9 27,4 27,9 28,4

Choosing the right pair of shoes is very important. Comfortable shoes keep your feet healthy, allow you to walk longer and make a person's life as a whole more comfortable. How to determine the size of shoes for an adult?

For an accurate measurement, you need to make two main measurements: length and width. But many, for some reason, neglect the measurement of width and select only by length.

In this case, you can choose shoes that are uncomfortable for you. Shoes that are appropriate in length can squeeze in width. Only a combination of these parameters will give an accurate idea of ​​​​the size of the leg.

Here are tips on how to accurately measure these parameters in an adult.

  1. It is necessary to measure in the evening and preferably in the summer. This is done because after a long walk or in the evening the leg has its maximum volume, as it swells. In the heat, the leg swells even more;
  2. It is necessary to measure both legs, since they can be different, people are not symmetrical. The parameter is taken as the maximum value, not the average;
  3. For the accuracy of measurements, you need to stand on a sheet of paper, circle the foot with a pencil. And measure the resulting foot pattern. If you measure the leg itself, then the data will be inaccurate, since when arching the foot can stretch or shrink;
  4. Use a ruler to draw two lines. The first along, starting from the highest point, and the second across, at the widest point. This will be the length and width of the foot;
  5. Since it is impossible to make your own size for each mm, in the event of an inaccurate hit in the round value, the resulting figures are rounded up to 0.5 mm;
  6. Girth (or fullness) is measured already on the leg itself, with a centimeter tape in the most voluminous place of the foot across.

By measuring according to the outline of the leg on a sheet of paper, parameters are obtained that are suitable for determining the size.

The nuances of determining the size of children's shoes

Picking up shoes for a child's foot is doubly difficult. Since children are restless and sometimes cannot express what is uncomfortable for them. Their leg grows by leaps and bounds. And it is doubly important, because the leg develops in improperly selected shoes and can form pathologies in the development of the leg.

It is necessary to choose shoes so that it is comfortable at the time of wearing. But at the same time, so that the child does not grow out of it instantly. Children under 3 years of age are strongly advised to change their shoes to the next size once every three months. From the age of 3, you can already once every 4 months, and from six times every six months.

In general, the length and width of a children's pile is measured in the same way as for adults: they draw a contour on a sheet of paper. You can try another trick with a wet foot and its imprint on paper. If the child is quite a baby and does not walk yet, then you will have to measure with a ruler or tape measure. For reliability, during the measurement, it is necessary to put on the child those socks with which it is planned to wear shoes.

While wearing it, constantly check whether the child has grown out of the shoe, because the child himself may simply not understand this.

Foreign manufacturers of children's shoes do not indicate the length of the foot, but the length of the insole, this must be taken into account.

Basic shoe numbering systems

There are a lot of countries in the world, which is why there are a lot of standards for measuring legs. Here are the main ones that are known all over the world:

  1. International. It was he who was adopted in Russia. To determine the size according to this standard, it is enough to know the length of your leg in mm and divide it by 2/3. In men and women, they differ;
  2. European. This system of measuring the size of the foot is similar to the Russian one. The only difference is that the number here indicates the length of the insole, not the foot. The length of the insole is 1–1.5 cm longer than the estimated length of the foot. That is, it takes into account that the leg should not sit tight, but feel free in the shoes;
  3. English or French. It is also called stichmass. Because it is indicated in strokes, this is an ancient unit of measurement and is a stroke of about 7 mm. The length of the insole is indicated, not the leg;
  4. American (USA). Men and women have their own gradation. Measured in inches. An inch is 2.54 cm. And here the length of the insole is indicated, not the leg.

How to translate American / European shoe size into Russian

It is useful to be able to translate your foot size into any measurement system. It happens that you want to buy French, Italian or American shoes, but the measurements are unfamiliar, what then to do? Knowing the nuances of sizing, in order to transfer from Russian to foreign, you can calculate. But it is much easier to use tables that have long been compiled for convenience.

Size chart

To determine your size in any of the systems for measuring shoe sizes, it is enough to know your Russian or the length of your foot and find the one you need according to the correspondence table.

How to determine the size of men's and women's shoes by the length of the foot

If, nevertheless, there are those who do not know their Russian foot size. Here is a table for determining the Russian leg size according to the length of the foot in mm. Everything is extremely simple here.
As mentioned above, if the measurement does not fit exactly, then it should be rounded up to 0.5 mm.

Completeness table

The previously announced fullness parameter is useful for people who have too wide feet or high volume. Especially if the purchase is made without trying on. If this parameter is not specified, the block is standard, with an average value. If the shoes are made of hard material, then the discomfort will be noticeable even more.

Here is the Russian table of completeness, measurements are indicated in cm. Completeness is also indicated in one of the four measurement systems of French, European, Russian and the United States. Table of fullness (rise) in cm for each size:

How to determine the size of a child's shoes

Here is a table of correspondence between children's sizes in Europe and America.

In the Russian system, they measure a little differently.

Shoes, especially for children, tend to run small/large. Therefore, when purchasing shoes from a manufacturer for the first time, it makes sense to read reviews about the dimension.

How to determine the size of shoes on Aliexpress

The popular Chinese online store AliExpress today uses all of the above measurement systems, but it happens that sellers from China indicate in some kind of their own size measurement system. Here is a table of correspondence between the usual and Chinese sizes.

This table already takes into account the fact that the Chinese people are miniature. That is why they simply do not release shoes larger than 46 sizes. But, when it comes to Chinese manufacturers, even knowing all these tables is not a guarantee that the shoes will fit. It happens, and very often, that the size can be "undersized" by 1 or even 2.

In order to know for sure whether the shoes fit in size, you must either carefully read all the reviews on the product, or contact the seller and clarify the actual parameters with him. They mostly speak in broken English. They are willing to make contact, as their business is very dependent on the rating that their customers put up. And they don’t want a person to get shoes that don’t fit. It happens that the seller has already made all these measurements on his own and indicated them in the description of the product.

And a few more tips on choosing shoes - in the next video.