Evening fashion for obese women. Evening dresses for obese women are the most beautiful for a holiday. The basics of choosing a dress for a full woman

If some time ago it was difficult for girls with a curvaceous figure to choose a fashionable elegant dress, now at modern shows there are whole lines of evening designer dresses for full beauties. Modern fashion designers pay due attention not only to thin and slim women, but also to women of pleasant shapes. Let's see if all the plump women are able to hide the problem areas of their figure and choose evening attire that will not fill them even more, but, on the contrary, will emphasize the dignity of the figure as much as possible.

Photo of long elegant dresses for full

A light elegant floor-length dress will visually lengthen your legs and hide their shortcomings. It is especially recommended to wear long dresses for puffies of short stature.

Models of elegant dresses for full with contrasting inserts

Models of plus-size dresses with contrasting vertical inserts look amazing on full ladies.

Elegant dresses for full with a decorative buckle

Fat girls and women can pay attention to straight models of one-piece dresses with a side seam at the waist line, complemented by pleats and an elegant decorative buckle or appliqué.

Elegant elegant dresses for full Elegance is, first of all, good taste and a harmonious combination of the spiritual world of a woman with her appearance, with her hair and outfit. This quality of a true lady can be possessed by both a young maiden and an aged lady - it's all about presenting yourself through a single image, posture and manners.

Elegant evening dresses for obese women over 40

Elegant dresses for full with long sleeves

Nothing adorns a full figure like an elegant evening dress with bare shoulders, a puffy skirt and a rigid corset, decorated with drapery, rhinestones and crystals.

Tips for fat girls and women
choosing an elegant dress

Oversized print and stripes Models of dresses made of bright fabrics, especially with large prints and transverse stripes, are definitely not an option for large girls. High heels won't help either. There are plump women who, not without reason, are proud of their massive “fifth point” - in this case, they are recommended to place the printed fabric pattern so that the brightest accent or large flower is just on the buttocks.

Color When choosing a dress, full girls should rely not only on the style, but also be sure to take into account the color of the fabric. The right choice is monophonic and muted materials. It is important to remember one rule: colder and darker shades can visually reduce the volume of the silhouette, while bright light and warm tones increase the volume.

Plus Size Belted Dresses Dresses and other outfits with a wide belt are suitable only for young corpulent virgins with a flat stomach or an hourglass figure.

Elegant dress for full with a high slit A high slit at the hem, in the presence of not too full legs, will help to look much slimmer. In addition, evening dresses with a deep neckline on the skirt are one of the most fashionable trends of the season.

Elegant dress with drapery If you need to hide a protruding tummy, then dresses with drapery - we say an unequivocal yes!

Elegant dress for obese women in the Greek style Owners of a bulging belly will also suit the style of an elegant dress in the Greek style with a high waist.

Elegant dresses for full with contrasting inserts IN the role of assistants in concealing fullness is played by all kinds of finishes, often contrasting in color, made in asymmetric forms. Shiny fabrics are best used only for inserts, they increase volumes with their shimmer. As a decor, it is appropriate to use materials of different textures.

Oversized gown in sparkly fabric Shiny dresses are not worth buying, no matter how much you want to overflow - metallic fabrics make you fat! In them, slim girls seem plump, and full ladies turn into a mountain of precious metal.

Do you have a full chest and a narrow waist? These styles are for you! If you have large breasts - the main decoration of a woman - you should prefer a deep V-shaped or square neckline, it will make your neck swan and emphasize the beauty of your chest even more.

Knitted dresses for full Speaking of knitwear dresses, it would not be superfluous to recall that women with curvaceous forms should choose such models with caution. The reason for this is the peculiarities of knitwear. Soft jersey in tight-fitting models quite frankly fits the figure, so too plump women who do not like to wear grace are better off with a free-flowing elongated style or dressing gown.

Dress-robe for a full figure

Elegant dresses for donuts, guipure Donuts should not wear guipure dresses and outfits with lace trim - lace visually increases the volume of the silhouette.

When choosing a model of a short elegant dress, plump girls should not forget that in a dress they will have to not only walk and stand, but also sit. Therefore, a short dress in a sitting position will expose full legs too much, and a dress tied with a strap along the waistline will emphasize the bulge of the abdomen. In the photo below, we see that all the girls have approximately the same figures, but the lady in red and the lady in black look the best. The rest, apparently, do not know the rules for choosing an elegant dress for plus size: shiny material makes you fat, a belt is possible only if you have a flat stomach, light cold shades enlarge the silhouette!

The wonderful red dress of this maiden looks much better in a sitting position than the previous ones - due to the folds that divert attention from the stomach and prevent the fabric from fitting the problem area.

Secrets of gorgeous fat women: how to hide the belly and full waist

Any well-chosen dress will not look great without the appropriate embellishments. But full ladies should choose accessories for their elegant costume with great care.

- Beads, necklaces, pendants - try to choose only an elongated elongated shape, the beads should not be too large.

- Bracelets, rings, pendants, fabric flowers, clutch - on the contrary, it is advisable to choose large ones that match your size.

Accessories for an elegant dress for full

There is no doubt that a full girl without complexes, loving her body is great. But, you see, it is unnecessary to show everyone the shortcomings of your body, especially if it is possible to hide those extra pounds behind a properly selected smart outfit. To learn the secrets of the art of choosing clothes is quite real, it is enough to have a sense of style and follow the necessary rules. No need to blindly follow the bursts of fashion trends, wear those dresses that will match your type and individual figure parameters.








Elegant dresses for obese girls and women - photo


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  • Styles of evening dresses for full: we close full hands
  • Elegant dresses for obese girls and women
  • Styles of elegant summer dresses for large women - 31 photos
  • Elegant designer dresses for older and overweight women
  • Fashion for the fat: models of evening dresses
  • Options for New Year's evening dresses for donuts
  • Fashion and plus size. Recommendations for donuts
  • Models of prom evening dresses, including those for obese girls
  • New Year's ideas for the full: evening dresses
  • Models of wedding dresses for donuts
  • Summer evening dresses for full
  • Who said that an evening dress for a fat woman should resemble a bag? Stylish and sophisticated toilets today are available not only to thin people. Yes, perhaps they will spend less time trying on. But they definitely won’t look prettier or more elegant. Modern high fashion departs from the classic canons of beauty and the famous "90 * 60 * 90" parameters. Famous designers are willing to experiment with plus size and create masterpieces. They regularly develop new cutting techniques, come up with cool ideas for decor.

    Losing weight can't get better

    A curvaceous body looks luxurious and desirable. From time immemorial, large forms have been welcomed in many cultures. The girls were well fed and made sure they didn't look unhealthy thin. Psychologists have proven that on a subconscious level, men choose voluminous women, as they are more suitable for successful motherhood.

    In the mid-90s, with the filing of the legendary Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford and other supermodels, the world was captured by a fever of harmony. For a long 30 years, the girls desperately lost weight, trying to fit themselves into generally accepted ideals. And only recently the society started up. The creators of stylish clothes turned their eyes to 90% of people who do not fit into the ideals imposed by them. For thousands of lives ruined by stress and discomfort.

    Advice! Refuse shiny accessories, rhinestones, sequins and lacquered inserts in the decor. They visually increase the volume. And they are also able to make the bow vulgar, vulgar. If you really want to, make sure that their presence in the finish is minimal.

    Today, natural, unforced beauty is in trend. You can be full, of course, without abuse. Now any woman can buy stylish clothes, even with a Rubensian complexion. The stores sell hundreds of gorgeous holiday dresses that amaze you with their elegance and sophistication.

    Rules for choosing "your" model

    What goals do puffy young ladies pursue when choosing an outfit for a celebration?

    • Look visually slimmer;
    • Emphasize the advantages of roundness, hide the shortcomings;
    • Festive and seductive look.

    So, let's see what is important to look at when choosing a product:

    • Quality and expensive material. You need to look expensive, spectacular and noble. Cheap fabric can ruin any look.
    • Good tailoring. The right cut is able to solve all three of the above problems in one fell swoop.
    • Landing things should match the nuances of appearance. For example, you do not need to wear a tight-fitting style that will demonstrate a loose belly.

    On a note! Do you want to hide excess weight around the waist? Find a dress with a high waistline and a luxurious neckline at the bust. If you have problems with your hands, pick up a model with sleeves or take a cape. If the legs are too large, choose an elongated skirt.

    • Don't forget growth. Small pampushki in lush vestments look like a “heater on a teapot”. And tall ladies can make the look heavier with an abundance of draperies and folds.
    • Choose a color according to your color type. Find out which tones visually slim and which, on the contrary, make you fat.
    • Fit for the event. A corporate evening requires restrained grace, a girlfriend's wedding requires sweet romance, going to the opera requires pomposity and chic.

    Cool styles for girls in the body

    Fashion stylists conditionally divide toilets for puffy beauties into several styles. They are the most successful for imperfect shapes. They make the outlines exciting, the silhouette feminine, and the image attractive.

    • Trapezoidal. Flared tailoring visually lengthens growth. It perfectly masks the large circumferences of the waist and hips, balancing the proportions. It also helps to hide excess weight in the buttocks and upper legs;

    • Greek. The best solution for girls with great breasts and an ugly tummy. An outfit in this style has an overestimated waistline, which allows you to successfully hide fat in this area. The top most often attracts the eye with a frank neckline. The robe is held on wide straps. There are models with air sleeves.

    • Case . Style for hourglass body type. When the waist is pronounced, and there is also a lush neckline and steep hips. Watch the structure of matter. Let it be dense so that, fitting the silhouette, it does not give out skin folds and rollers. This cut creates the most feminine outlines.

    • Godet. This dress elegantly fits the body, greatly expanding from the knee to the ankles. The style is also called "fish" or "mermaid". It would seem that the cut is not for the full. But if you choose the right material and color, you will become the queen of the evening. Especially if you can boast of a thin waist. By the way, the main secret is the built-in corset, which pulls the figure in the belt. Sexuality is added by an open back and exciting slits on the skirt.

    • Princess. Classic dress in the style of the 60s. We recall the famous frame with Marilyn Monroe over the grate of the ventilation hatch. A bell skirt with a lace petticoat will hide the volume in the buttocks. The midi length will show off neat calves and ankles. The top can be anything. Start from the features of your figure.

    • Pay attention to the guipure sleeves. They look very festive, graceful. They bare their arms, but do not give out flabbiness, excess weight, ugly folds in the armpit area. And how do you like a tight-fitting toilet made of translucent guipure with a lining up to the middle of the thigh? In black, the silhouette will become slim, the lining will hide skin folds, and the openwork fabric will make the bow captivating and languid.

    In addition to the style, designers complement the models with different nuances. For example, a V-shaped neckline in the chest area is in demand. Asymmetric hem: long at the back, short at the front. Wrap skirt that hides ugly centimeters of volume.

    Optimal length

    Not every length suits everyone. But this is not about floor-to-ceiling toilets. Long evening dresses for obese women visually stretch the body. They look great on short ladies. No less elegant and on owners of height above average. This is a win-win solution for any holiday event. Appropriate for both young ladies and mature women.

    A shortened model is chosen by bold ladies. The optimal length in this segment will be a line just above the knee. If you are overweight, do not lift your skirt higher. You will look funny and even vulgar. It sits advantageously only when paired with slender and even legs.

    Important. The following decorative elements visually add kilograms. They should be abandoned: bulky embroidery, large appliqué, small print, multilayer ruffles, frills, frills and embossed pleating.

    We take colors as allies

    The big mistake of overweight ladies is the belief that only a dark palette in clothes is allowed for them. She seems to be slimming. A competent style will hide flaws even in a snow-white outfit. Let's take a look at the most successful and fashionable shades this season:

    • mysterious black

    • Pure white. The color of elegance, chic, nobility. Perfectly sets off dark skin.
    • Cream. Unfortunately, it will suit girls of low and medium fullness, no more. If you choose a model in accordance with the merits of the body, the appearance in this color will become literally weightless! By the way, today the Greek style in this range is in trend;

    Advice! Pay close attention to the pattern on the fabric. Don't let it be too small. Optimal vertical geometry. Horizontal stripes will expand the figure. Also discard small cells or peas.

    • Blue has in its palette a lot of luxurious and trendy undertones: azure, ultramarine, sky blue, midnight, sapphire, cornflower blue. An excellent color scheme for ladies with a cold color type;

    Features of the choice of fabric

    The material must be expensive and spectacular. Don't skimp on its quality. This is especially true of openwork inserts, accessories. Too dense fabric, which optimally masks the shortcomings of the figure, rarely belongs to the category of festive. Let's take a look at the best options:

    • Chiffon. Thin, transparent, weightless, it perfectly hides bumps and fat rollers under its waves. And he is incredibly soft and graceful. Unlike silk and satin, it does not make you fat.
    • Velvet. Rich, noble material that looks spectacular and catchy.

    • Polyester textures can also be used for tailoring. They are elastic and pleasant to the body. Focus on the price - too cheap should make you wary.
    • Viscose is a win-win option. It doesn't highlight the cons, but it doesn't highlight the pros either. It is optimal to combine it with other bright matter.

    Wedding fashion for a magnificent bride

    Do not despair if the forms for the wedding could not be greatly corrected. Firstly, there are a lot of cool models of wedding dresses, in which the magnificent bride will look charming. And secondly, your fiancé loves you very much. And neither centimeters nor size XS are absolutely important to him. Let's analyze in detail all the chips for choosing an outfit for a pampushka bride:

    • As always, first of all, determine your advantages: high chest, taut arms, waist, slender legs. In accordance with them, open one or another part of the body;
    • Buy a product with a corset. It perfectly tightens, creates the necessary curves, hides the tummy, makes the appearance fragile;
    • Rigid frame corset lifts the chest up, makes it rounded, even more seductive. Ask a friend to tighten it well. Make sure that your finger is placed between the lacing and the skin as you exhale. Otherwise, you will not be able to stay in the product all day.

    Take a look at the following styles:

    • Empire (Greek) - with a high waist;
    • Fish - for a pear-shaped figurine with a narrow belt;
    • Shortened or double length - for beautiful legs;
    • Long, fluffy - for tall girls.

    Decide on the material. Silk and taffeta, like satin, emphasize the folds of the skin under the vestment. But lace and braided guipure fit wonderfully, look gentle and captivating.

    White can add a little visual dimension, especially on naturally fair women. Dark-skinned, on the contrary, will favorably emphasize. For the first group, we advise you to find another tone suitable for the type: bluish, pink, silver, pastel.

    How to add an onion

    When the vestments are selected, it remains to decide on accessories and outerwear. Light capes and boleros are in trend. They perfectly mask the shortcomings of the arms and shoulders. If it's cold outside, pick up a stylish blazer or cardigan.

    Do not try to match the dress perfectly by choosing accessories. Let them be in the same color palette, but differ by a couple of nuances. Or they contrast strongly and harmoniously.

    You can gracefully tie a scarf or scarf around your neck. Don't forget the decorations. An elegant pendant or necklace, earrings in the ears, a bracelet on the hand. Take care of stockings and comfortable shoes. Heels are best. But find a stable couple, with the expectation that you will be able to be in it throughout the event.

    Learn to choose a style that will emphasize the strengths of the figure. Show off your gorgeous chest with a deep cleavage. Choose a midi length to show off your slender calves and dainty ankles. Find layered patterns in light chiffon, guipure, or lace. They will make the bow tender and not bulky. Intrigue with translucent inserts in winning places. Let the choice of an evening dress for a full woman not be a problem. Don't be afraid to be bold!

    More image ideas:

    Be inspired once again by the graceful festive outfits that the world's plus size couturiers have managed to create:

    It is somewhat harder for full women to pick up clothes, someone hides figure flaws under excessively loose robes, someone, on the contrary, tries to put on something narrow, two sizes smaller, which further emphasizes their fullness, others wear things of dark colors, believing that this way the fullness will be less noticeable.

    This can be easily solved if you know what to wear, what colors, accessories, styles, prints will help to mask problematic parts of the body, and which ones will emphasize the dignity of the figure in a favorable light. Modaname.ru will tell you what styles of dresses for obese women are, photo examples, models, and how to choose one for yourself.

    Rules for choosing a dress for full

    Perfect figures, without flaws, do not exist in nature, if you follow simple rules, then choosing a dress for a party or for work will cease to be torture with long and painful fittings.

    Basic Rules:

    1. A smaller dress or, conversely, hoodies two sizes larger will not solve the problem, you should choose your size. Often, the size indicated on the label differs from the real one, it will not be superfluous to try on the model you like.
    2. The chosen model of the dress should hide the problem areas, emphasize the advantages.
    3. The most successful length is midi, but if you have beautiful legs, then they can be opened to the palm above the knee. With growth above average, the maxi length looks good.
    4. Dresses with a skirt narrowed to the bottom are excluded.
    5. The fabric of the dress should keep its shape well, be of a dense structure, matte, or textured.
    6. Styles of dresses for obese women (see photo) are desirable without a detachable skirt, concise, no frills.
    7. It is better to try on a dress not on figure-shaping underwear. During the fitting, you need to move a little, check whether the style is comfortable.

    About dresses for a lady with a belly - features of choice

    Most often, it is difficult to choose the style of a dress for overweight women with a belly. To correct this problem, you can find slimming corrective underwear, but you can’t wear it for a long time, health is more expensive, so you should pay attention to very interesting models that mask the stomach.

    When choosing styles of dresses for obese women with a belly, you should pay attention to models with various types of draperies, asymmetric cut that has returned to fashion, dresses with a high waist and a skirt flared from the chest, with an underlined belt, high waist ribbons. At the peak of fashion is the peplum, which can reach the length of a miniskirt. Distracts attention from the abdomen neckline, semi-exposed shoulders, pockets, decorative, flat-shaped details. A ¾ sleeve will visually hide the fullness of the shoulders, arms and distract from the waist. For ladies with a big tummy, dresses are recommended to choose feminine models.

    Colors and prints - which ones to choose for the full ones?

    For a full figure, plain dresses, not bright colors, are optimal. Classic colors include: blue, green, brown, burgundy, black. They look great on a girl with a non-standard figure - purple, dark gray, wine, mascarati, aqua and others. However, the best choice would be a color that emphasizes the complexion, eyes, hair.

    It is better not to overdo it with prints, the pattern is not bright, located vertically, geometric, floral, animalistic patterns are acceptable, an elongated pattern looks great, for example, rhombuses, a diagonal strip. A small dot, an abstract pattern on the fabric, but by no means large bright spots, clearly defined patterns.

    Wedding dresses - which ones are preferred?

    What do fashion designers recommend as styles of dresses for overweight brides? They look really solemn, luxurious, besides, they hide the tummy, dresses in the Empire style. The bride in a dress of this style looks like a fairy-tale princess, the silhouette of the dress visually lengthens the figure.

    A-line dress will look gentle and reverent. The skirt of such a dress can be ruffled, small pleated, asymmetrical cut or flowing free waves.

    If the bride has a thin waist and voluminous hips, a dress with a fluffy, multi-layered skirt will look chic.

    A dress in the Greek style will look both romantic and very sexy at the same time.

    The trend of the season is a “transformer” dress, where some details can either be removed or added. During the festive day, you can easily remove an additional overskirt from the dress and turn it into a cape, detachable fashionable peplum skirts, dresses will change your outfit. There is no limit to fantasy.

    Deep neckline, rounded neckline will favorably emphasize the shape of the body and hide some of the shortcomings of the full figure. "V" shaped neckline will help optically reduce the breast. Half-bared shoulders or shoulders slightly covered by short kimono sleeves, ¾ sleeves, will help disguise the fullness of the arms and shoulders.

    With very full hands, the choice should be stopped on a dress with sleeves or cover them with a shawl, stole, lace bolero, jacket. You can cover your shoulders and arms with another of the trends of the season - a cape or half cape, the shape of which can be chosen both traditional and asymmetrical.

    The colors for the wedding dress are preferably beige, cream, creamy, ivory and, of course, white. Extraordinary, but this season at the height of fashion, black, purple and burgundy for wedding dresses.

    Sequins, sequins, an abundance of rhinestones, boas should be avoided. The bodice of the dress will give additional volume, and the weight of the bride - large multiple folds, draperies, ruffles and flounces.

    How not to make a mistake in choosing?

    In order not to make a mistake in choosing an outfit, full girls should avoid the most common mistakes:

    • It is worth completely excluding from your wardrobe dresses made of stretch fabric, which fit the figure in a canvas.
    • You can not wear dresses with a detachable and low waist.
    • The style of dresses "under the doll" - will look terrible on a full girl. The tulip dress optically enlarges the hips.
    • Excluded are large and bright, with clear boundaries, prints.
    • Refuse the puffy cut of the sleeve, voluminous bodice, ruffles, frills - they optically enlarge the figure.
    • Refuse hoodie dresses.

    Successful patterns:

    Accessories for dresses for ladies XXL

    There are no special requirements for the selection of accessories. It is advisable to choose pastel colors, classic handbag shapes, avoid sequins, beads, rhinestones, bows, etc. Lacquered, shiny bags are not suitable for overweight women. It is recommended to abandon massive and very small jewelry. Small ones will be “lost”, and large ones will emphasize fullness. Jewelry should be restrained, no frills. Large rings, thick rings, large inflated bracelets, visually increase the fullness of the hands, fingers, huge earrings - indicate the flaws of the face and neck.

    What styles of dresses for obese women are there? Photo

    Full girls are ideal for classics: a briefcase dress (case), as well as one-piece dresses with decorative inserts and drapery. Models of dresses in the Greek style, where the waist is high, the chest is slightly emphasized, the drapery that shows the waist and hides the belly, the flowing folds of the skirt descending to the bottom. Trapezoidal tunic looks great with trousers, jeans. Dress "A" silhouette; asymmetrical silhouettes of styles; dressing gown, dress with a wrap, with a “V” neckline - such styles are characterized by a laconic silhouette. A loose-fitting dress with flowing decorative elements looks spectacular. Empire style dress. Batwing cut dress.

    And now about the styles of dresses for obese women in more detail with photos and examples of what to wear them with. So…

    What are chiffon dresses for full?

    A chiffon dress is not only a great option for an elegant look. For overweight women, this material is shown for several reasons: it gently and gently fits the body, gently hides flaws, is very light, and chiffon drapery is good because it does not make the volumes heavier, but, on the contrary, makes the forms slimmer. Chiffon dresses for overweight women look great "on the floor", on a thin cover, in the "Empire" style, in the Greek style. Models can be decorated with stones and rhinestones. Layered dresses look luxurious with any option.

    The decorative decoration on the shoulder or belt looks great, only choose chiffon as its material. The youth version - the so-called "torn hem" of chiffon looks neater and beats the full bottom well.

    It is good to complement the bodice of a bandeau-style dress with a decorative scarf or cape, and if you can show off a beautiful line of shoulders, let it be an open top, without any material. A light dress can be sewn on a short cover; for the hot season, this is a great opportunity to lighten the outfit.

    A chiffon dress for overweight women is certainly a plain fabric. The maximum that you can afford is a contrasting light finish. Gold or silver jewelry with stones, thin bracelets, massive expensive beads will suit this dress. Avoid cheap jewelry.

    Knitted dresses - selection rules

    Knitted dresses for obese women should be chosen wisely. A thin, well-stretched material is able to show every fold of the body, so it is better to refuse it altogether. Choose the so-called "standing" jersey - cotton, for example. It stretches well, but retains its shape, so it will fit the body beautifully without a hint of any folds). Drapery and contrasting jersey texture can play up the figure so that it will seem lighter, slimmer.

    The ideal option is dense winter knitwear. To divert attention from volumes, you can make small details. For example, a belt, lapels or a fancy cut collar. Fittings will look good large, but in very small quantities.

    Also, with the help of a cut, you can create interesting models. For example, details cut along or across can make a dress interesting without the use of accessories or additional details. Only when sewing, be sure to choose expensive good material. The style is desirable loose in the hips and bust. Sleeve - 3/4.

    A jersey dress cut off at the waist, a sleeve just below the elbow, a simple cut, a minimum of decorative elements - these are the components of a successful style of a jersey dress for a voluminous lady.

    How to find your dress for a woman 40 years old?

    A prerequisite in this case is expensive fabric, a simple style and a minimum of decorative details. Your dress is your decoration. Therefore, when choosing a dress for a fat woman 40 years old, pay attention to these aspects.

    Your colors are solid, you can add a little decor or lace. Shiny satin details are welcome only in elegant models, rhinestones and stones decorating the dress cannot be used. The style should be close-fitting, but loose, with sleeves up to the elbow or cape. The length of such a dress, of course, is desirable below the knee.

    At the age of 40, fabrics such as plain chiffon, tight knitwear, heavy silk are appropriate. To hide your belly, try draping it. If you have fairly slender legs, feel free to wear a straight-cut dress.

    At this age, the dress should be as feminine as possible, emphasize the waistline a little, and hide the tummy. Use chiffon or lace capes, a little decor, a bright manicure. Forget about dresses that completely hide the figure.

    Dresses for ladies over 50

    As a rule, dress styles for overweight women aged 50, as can be seen from the photo, are discreet models, expensive fabric, soft details and a minimum of jewelry. At this age, strict but interesting styles are appropriate, perhaps complemented by details “with a twist”. From fabrics, the site advises lace (for celebrations), tight knitwear, opaque chiffon, cotton for everyday models. Please note - the sleeve is desirable to the elbow or slightly lower, the length of the dress is below the knees, it is better to focus on the chest, and not on the waist.

    The straight style "case" is good not only in a business image, but also at a festive event. You can decorate such a dress with an interesting belt, if the waist area allows it. A small “bat” sleeve looks good in a simple cut, but it is better to refuse a “flashlight”. If you want to add zest to the image, choose a discreet print, but wisely!, as even a little “overdoing it” can lead to negative consequences.

    The evening look of 50-year-old ladies may well include a little whim and certainly femininity. Your trump card is expensive fabric and some expensive jewelry. Cheap rhinestones and artificial stones are unacceptable. Beat the figure with an interesting dress style - it will be better than an abundance of diamonds and gold. And, of course, a heel.

    Dresses for petite women

    The style of the dress of a small plump woman must certainly combine femininity and grace, visually “stretch” the figure and skillfully beat small stature. Possible styles here are a sundress, detachable at the waist, classic cut, sheath dress. In order to hide the tummy and emphasize the bust, use the Empire style or semi-adjacent silhouette.

    The ideal length of such a dress is knee-deep and just below it. Too long models will turn you into a doll, and short ones are allowed only for full young ladies.

    Before using ruffles or an abundance of jewelry in an image, think many times. Still, these details once again can draw attention to the shortcomings. Good bodice models such as open back, wide straps. And do not forget about the heel, because any style of dress for obese women of small stature cannot look advantageous with ballet flats or sandals, except perhaps the “toe-toe” model.

    Summer dresses - features of choice

    The best styles of summer dresses for obese women are long models with thin straps, as well as dresses made of staple, katon and chiffon. The last material is for special occasions (wedding dress or bridesmaid dress, for example). It is also better to be careful with the choice of a staple dress, since this cotton material is quite capricious, and can play a “cruel joke” in the fifth point area when walking.

    The ideal style is a sundress with a high waistline. Beware of wide straps (they visually expand the bust and emphasize the fullness of the shoulders) and the straight silhouette of the dress, at least to the heels. Excellent - just below the knees, knee-deep, or to the floor, and the bottom is slightly flared from the chest.

    Business dress for full

    Business dresses for overweight women are, of course, a "case" model, on the basis of which you can beat any business image. If you have a thin waist, a small elegant peplum will come in handy, especially as a detail decorating it. A strict “nothing” dress is the most popular dress model in firms with a strict dress code. And if you can afford a little whim, choose a slightly flared or pleated dress with a belt along the waistline and buttons in front.

    A slight contrast in a business dress will only work for the XXL figure. A little asymmetry or straight vertical stripes will visually make the figure taller and slimmer.

    Avoid plunging necklines and bright materials. A business dress for an XXL lady is muted shades, a minimum of prints, and neat details. Try to focus on the most beneficial parts of the body).

    Sundresses - what?

    The styles of sundresses for overweight women are floor-length models, thin straps, and possibly an open back. The bodice can be made open, the neckline, of course, is deep. A moderately flared skirt, thin natural materials, bright colors welcome. Of the prints, unobtrusive "cucumbers", a small pattern, a vertical strip are good.

    How to choose a winter knitted dress?

    In the cold season, winter knitted dresses are relevant. For overweight women, thin knitting is good, “fitting” models, slightly flared styles. Preferably no collar. The sleeve can be wide and short (it is recommended to wear a thin golf under such a dress). It is interesting and profitable to beat the figure with the help of different knitting in the bodice and skirt area. Let there be freedom in the waist.

    Large knitted elements arranged vertically will look great on a full figure. However, there is a little secret here: if the tummy is large, it is better not to use knitted “braids” at all, since this option can, on the contrary, emphasize it.

    Flat elements such as small pockets or a hood can look very interesting. Refuse bright colors, choose dresses from thin "flat" wool, acrylic. You can decorate the image with the help of large "lonely" jewelry.

    Evening dresses for sizes XXL

    When choosing the style of an evening dress for a full woman, it is important to know that:

    • the material must be expensive, for example, chiffon, satin, lace;
    • colors - muted, prints - no;
    • a simple style is better, but emphasizing the merits, than a pretentious one that hides flaws.

    Of the shades, peach, rose ash, dark blue, emerald green, gold, yellow, pale pink, burgundy, chocolate will be good. Too dark and white shades are better not to use. Cover your shoulders well with a cape made of lace or chiffon. Thin straps are preferable to wide ones, and it is better to make a bodice in the Greek or Empire style. If the dress has a sleeve, then stop at a slightly flared version. The skirt is better a little flared.

    And be sure to make an accent detail on the dress. For example, a flower on the shoulder, belt, hip. Do not forget about the rule: do not focus on the hidden flaw!

    Dresses with sleeves

    The ideal dress for full ones is with 3/4 sleeves or to the elbow. Such a sleeve gently hides the fullness of the shoulder and visually makes the arms thinner. Wide sleeves - only in certain styles of dresses. It is desirable to make a sleeve from a thin, slightly stretchy fabric, for example, chiffon, or lace. Tight-fitting models - from knitwear or cotton. Categorically unacceptable cuffs. The collar should be as thin as possible.

    The raglan sleeve is good in fitted models of dresses, as well as in tunics and casual styles.

    The classic straight sleeve just below the elbow looks great. It is better to narrow it, but not leave it flared.

    Long dresses for full

    For evening styles of dresses for overweight women are just perfect. Lace plus chiffon, satin and silk can make a voluminous young lady the queen of the ball. The flowing fabric of the skirt and the lace bodice that reveals and at the same time hides the body - what could be more seductive?

    In everyday life, the perfect floor-length dress for overweight women is made of chiffon or cotton fabric, with a loose bodice and a slightly flared skirt. A fabric belt looks great (if you can afford it).

    This dress perfectly hides imperfections in the hips and legs. If your waist is not very slender, choose a solid dark top and a motley bottom. To hide the "cons" in the shoulders, add a thin short cardigan. The style with a straight bodice and fabric folds hiding the bodice line on the sides looks great.

    BBW Wrap Dress

    The perfect dress style for a full woman, isn't it? It emphasizes roundness in the neckline, hides flaws in the waist, including a full tummy, beautifully beats the hips. Complete the style with a discreet detail (for example, ruffles) - and get a wonderful evening look.

    The sleeve of such a dress is desirable, traditionally, 3/4, and the belt - if only your waist allows it.

    Greek dresses for full

    This style is good for a voluminous figure because it has a lot of draping flaws in folds. For the wedding style of the dress in the Greek style for the full is just perfect. This dress beautifully emphasizes the bust line, hides imperfections in the hips and waist.

    An evening dress in this style can turn its hostess into a real princess of the celebration. Delicate flowing chiffon, shoulders slightly covered with a transparent fabric, a charming neckline look seductive, don't they?

    Don't forget to add beautiful shoes and a small clutch to the look. As decorations - discreet earrings with real diamonds. All!

    Tunic dress

    Loose fit perfectly hides imperfections in the waist, arms, hips. Owners of a full figure simply need to have such a dress in their wardrobe for a casual look. The waist can be emphasized with a thin belt made of the same fabric.

    A short tunic dress for overweight women can be worn with leggings or thin trousers, especially since this genre is quite popular today.

    A Greek-style tunic with asymmetrical sleeves is the perfect option for a lady who wants to draw attention to herself. Feel free to open your shoulders. This style wonderfully hides fullness.

    How to choose the style of a sheath dress?

    For obese women, this style looks good in a business image. However, for a stylish lady, such a model can be used not only as a business girl. A couple of pleated tummy drapes plus some ruffles make the dress playful. Choose a bright but muted color.

    An interesting print is able to beat the figure of its mistress in a rather advantageous light.

    Expensive fabric and simple style are the components of success. A small lace sleeve and decor at the collar will make the bodice delicate. A small drape at the waist "thinns" the figure.

    Empire style dress

    This genre wonderfully hides flaws in the waist. Her high line and flared skirt are perfect for those who can't boast of a slim figure.

    A wraparound bodice looks good with a high waist and emphasizes the seductive roundness of the bust. Solid color tops and colorful bottoms are perfect for this style.

    Of course, the Empire style dress for obese women is the best choice for a wedding look. A delicate sleeve, a high waist, a flowing chiffon skirt are also good for a bride in position.

    Batwing dress

    For everyday style, this style is quite attractive. A batwing is a model of a sleeve with a certain cut, which well hides fullness in the shoulders and waist. The secret is that in this case the top line seems to “expand” due to the continuous cut of the sleeve. Its length is 3/4 or even longer.

    It is undesirable for the crane to use cuffs on the sleeves, only if he himself is not wide enough, as in the photo.

    As a rule, the style of the dress suggests freedom in the waist and fit in the hips, so be sure to think about whether you can afford it.

    Polka dot dresses

    Can't decide on the style of a polka dot dress? For obese women, this is quite an interesting option if you combine it with a plain main fabric in the model. Choose small polka dots, but in some cases large ones will look good.

    Pay attention to the models in the style of dudes. Don't forget decorative details like flowers or a belt. It will be interesting to look at the style with a large collar and contrast trim. Skirt - detachable at the waistline, slightly flared.

    How to choose a flared dress?

    The classic style of a dress for obese women is a tight-fitting bodice with a small 3/4 sleeve and a flared skirt. The top is better in solid color, the skirt is printed. Choose materials that gently fit the figure, but do not emphasize every crease, as is the case with thin cheap knitwear or viscose, for example. Fabrics such as tight knitwear, chiffon, cotton are appropriate. A straight sleeve is preferred, tapering towards the bottom, without a cuff. Bodice with boat toe. The length is just below the knee.

    Such flared dresses look creative. Hides imperfections in the waist and hips. The only thing you need is slender legs, since the length of the dress is short.

    If you don’t like a classic dress without a “zest”, pay attention to the embellishment of the bodice: a soft, tight-fitting style plus an interestingly beaten top are wonderfully combined with such a skirt.

    asymmetrical dress

    As a rule, the style of such a model is one closed sleeve, a smell, details asymmetrically located on the dress. Skillfully selected drapery can hide flaws. Interestingly beaten bodice - to attract attention.

    Choose semi-fitted models. If the shoulders are graceful enough, the option without one sleeve will look quite attractive. Small “cuts”, waves, careless drapery look great.

    In general, the rest of the dress can be similar to the Empire or Greek style. It is also recommended to wear this option only for special occasions, in everyday life it will look quite defiant on a magnificent figure.

    Dresses for full with a neckline

    Big breasts are the dignity of the lady XXL. The styles of dresses for obese women with a decollete are, of course, the smell and the Greek style, evening options with drapery in the waist / abdomen. Try to hide your shoulders under a thin layer of fabric, lace or chiffon are the most affordable options. A high waist and a slightly flared skirt can hide imperfections in their areas, and emphasize a magnificent bust even more.

    Casual dress styles

    A simple cut, unobtrusive shades of fabric, and, most importantly, practicality are indispensable attributes of everyday models. For overweight women, such a dress should also be comfortable, not restrict movement, in it she should feel free and relaxed.

    Choose classic or semi-classic casual dresses. For obese women, this is a high or low waist, freedom in the tummy and hips, some frills in the bodice, a small sleeve, hidden pockets.

    Denim dresses

    The styles of denim dresses for obese women do not differ from those described above. The most important thing is a simple cut, a minimum of details, freedom of movement. By the way, thin jeans are the perfect fabric for everyday dresses. It is practical, perfectly fits the figure and slims its owner.

    For voluminous young ladies, long and short models are appropriate. Pockets, lapels, all kinds of fasteners are completely allowed.

    Add leather or wooden jewelry, a hat, light shoes made from natural materials to the image with such a dress - and you are fashionable!

    Straight cut dresses

    The style of a straight dress is not only a case for obese women. For those who have a small tummy or a waist that cannot boast of harmony, such a model will completely facilitate the image.

    A slightly asymmetrical cut of a straight dress will make the silhouette more elegant and interesting.

    Styles of dresses from the staple of obese women

    Such a thin cotton material is the perfect solution for the hot season. A loose, flowing dress will hide the fullness and it will not be hot in it. As a rule, staple is a printed material. In this case, choose a “vertical” print, a small pattern, a slightly adjacent silhouette.

    elegant dresses

    For obese women, going out, as a rule, is associated with great difficulties in choosing an outfit. There is only one solution - it must be a dress. Chiffon plus lace is the perfect option. Complement it with expensive jewelry, take away the pretentiousness of the style and the abundance of details - and you will get the most beautiful dress for your figure.

    Do not forget that in this case the image is made: expensive fabric, high-quality shoes and accessories, discreet jewelry.

    Models from crepe de chine

    The ideal styles of crepe de chine dresses for obese women are sundresses and models in the Greek style. Crepe de chine is quite pleasant to the body, its only drawback, perhaps, is that it does not stretch. Choose this dress for everyday wear - colorful prints and a simple silhouette will make you a real princess.

    Beach Options

    On the beach, any woman also wants to look attractive, and a beach dress for a full woman will also help hide some figure flaws.

    A straight short dress is what you need. You can choose any material - from plain mesh to bright silk colors. Such dresses, as a rule, are sleeveless or with loose small “wings”.

    Let Queen Latifu be an example for you, who has a voluminous figure...

    Modern life has long established a connection between beautiful appearance and excess weight. Everyone knows that even a plump woman can be stylish and attractive. All that is needed is faith in yourself and the ability to choose the right clothes.

    Let Queen Latifou be an example for you, who has a voluminous figure, but this does not prevent her from being the envy of thin women, and the object of adoration for men.

    To look great in an evening dress for a full girl, it is enough to follow a few simple rules when choosing it, the main task of which is to hide the problem areas of the figure and at the same time successfully emphasize its advantages:

    • A two-layer dress is a great solution for a full woman. Let its upper layer be made of satin, and the lower one - of guipure or lace. In this case, the top layer should be slightly wider than the bottom, and a well-chosen combination of colors will play into your hands.
    • Pay attention to dresses below the knees.
    • The sleeves of such an outfit should be slightly flared and reach your elbow, wrist, or have a length of ¾.
    • Cape, tippet or bolero - choose for yourself. For a full figure, such accessories are best suited.
    • The number of embellishments such as voluminous lace, braid, ties and bows should be kept to a minimum. Better not to have them at all.

    Casual dress for overweight

    Models of everyday dresses for full - dressing gown, shirt dress, sheath dress. Don't be afraid to experiment with the look. It is easy to pick up a cape for a sheath dress.

    Sundress for full

    The most comfortable summer dress for the full is a sundress, it is cool, cozy and comfortable in it. Choose sundresses with dark blue flowers, colorful divorces and small patterns.

    Wedding and evening dress for full

    In order to fulfill your dream of looking great in a festive dress at any celebration, consider a few recommendations:

    • It is better to try on a dress on the linen that you will wear under it for a holiday.
    • It is worth knowing that the sizes of evening dresses (especially corset ones) are usually somewhat smaller than those worn in everyday life.
    • Beautiful breasts must be emphasized by a deep neckline.
    • Look for dresses with a high waist or A-line silhouette.
    • Choose dresses with the least amount of detail, folds and drapes in the trim.
    • The corset should sit on the figure so that there are no folds on your back.
    • Full arms should be covered with a shawl, stole or sleeve.
    • When choosing a dress for a full figure, do not forget about the features of your figure.
    • Listen to your inner instinct or to the opinion of people you used to trust.

    Full beauties look especially feminine. This feature should be emphasized by an evening dress. The chest is distinguished by a deep neckline, a wide belt under the bust, a high waist, a V-shaped neckline, decorative trims in the bust area. In addition, a brooch in the neckline or a beautiful pendant can help you focus on your chest.

    However, the selection of a suitable style of a dress for full ones does not solve the issue of your irresistibility at a festive event. Not the last role is played by the texture of the fabric. For plump women, weightless fabrics are best, and heavy or dense textiles can make you bulky and awkward.

    Dresses with a high waist look most advantageous with a very long bottom. The longer it is, the more spectacular you will look. If you want to bare your legs, then opt for long dresses with a slit that will give you sophistication and femininity.

    Colors of evening dresses for full

    Evening dress for obese women should not be pastel and very light colors, which, however, does not apply to wedding dresses for obese women. The rich color of the dress (black, dark green, dark blue, burgundy) will help hide flaws, emphasize the dignity and solemnity of the evening dress. The main thing is that the color should suit you.

    As you can see, the presence of extra pounds is not a reason to refuse to attend holidays and celebrations. Approach the selection of an evening dress correctly, and all the compliments will be only for you!

    Dresses for full - photo

    Women who, due to their fullness, wear clothes with the beautiful name “plus size”, have a wonderful opportunity to always look young and interesting. On the full face there are no annoying wrinkles, the neckline is perfect, the shoulders are smooth, rounded - all this allows you to wear the most fashionable, bold styles of dresses. It is no coincidence that the fashion industry has a special section - evening dresses for the full, which presents a huge number of attractive models.

    Variety of styles of evening dresses

    A lady who is not thin always pays special attention to the fact that the dress does not fill up, softly and easily fits the figure. A correctly chosen style can visually remove extra centimeters from the full waist, carefully outline the hips. There are several well-known styles that are ideal for tailoring evening dresses.

    The main rule is that clothes should not be too tight for a large figure, the details should be placed as vertically as possible, avoid tight shirring, and do not focus on the waist.

    Evening dresses in maximum length allow women to look taller and slimmer. The photo shows several elegant evening dresses, ideal for a full figure.

    A model of an evening dress in plus size can be considered romantic. The high waist not only slims, adds height to the lady, but successfully hides the protruding tummy, too steep hips, draws attention to the beautiful breasts. The style involves various variations depending on the height of the model, the quality of the fabric, the length of the product. For example, open the shoulders completely or cover them with a strip of light fabric coquettishly thrown over the back.

    A deep V-shaped neckline that lengthens the neck line can be decorated with a shading or contrasting trim, a thin chain, a string of pearls or a skillful decoration. From the bodice down, the fabric should flow, fall to the floor. Since the purpose of such a tailor's masterpiece is an evening reception or a gala dinner, the dress does not restrict movement, emphasizing the gracefulness of the figure.

    In many respects repeating the silhouette of the Greek model, the empire style is a classic evening elegant dress. An accentuated bodice, open shoulders, a floor-length skirt, all this is made of expensive plain fabric and must be decorated in order to confirm the nobility of the owner. Jewelry can be on the dress itself (sequins, rhinestones, individual pearls), or set off the smooth skin of the shoulder, neck, arms. The Empire style is perfect for any type of figure, it looks especially attractive on full women.

    Another thing is a sheath dress, softly fitting the figure. This model is restrained, one-piece, the silhouette is not divided into a bodice and a skirt, there is no emphasis on the waist or hips. A sheath dress for full ones can be with a sleeve of any length, depending on the style. The evening version is possible with a curly neckline, a light flowing sleeve and a minimum of jewelry. The strict style of the case acquires solemnity, mystery with a lace case, combined with a high heel, an elegant clutch bag.

    For an important reception, a ballroom evening, it is better to choose a model with a corset in order to adjust the figure and feel fit.

    As a cocktail dress, you can choose knee-length, which is characterized by an eclectic combination of several styles and textures.

    A range of beautiful colors and fabrics for overweight girls

    The color palette of evening dresses, by definition, cannot be iridescent, the shades are mostly delicate, not bright, there are colors black, purple, dark blue, calm red. However, time makes its own adjustments and current official receptions, theme evenings blossomed with a mixture of rich rich colors. There are outfits with prints, floral patterns, folklore ornaments.

    Chubby, conspicuous ladies use bright prints to visually correct, stretch the figure. The secret is simple - place the drawings vertically, hide the wide hips with the same small pattern, emphasize the large pattern, do not place it along the hem. It is very good to vertically combine two colors, and dark on the sides.

    The choice of fabric for an evening dress is very important. Material for dresses of large sizes should be selected not the thinnest, but not too dense, such as crepe, chiffon, satin, silk. Moderately dense matter should not only "correctly" fit the figure, but also mask, decorate its minor flaws. Most acceptable:

    • atlas;
    • thick silk;
    • velvet;
    • lace fabric with a large pattern;
    • crepe;
    • chiffon;
    • taffeta.

    Shuttlecocks, voluminous assemblies, heavy draperies and other tailor's miracles - leave them to thin people. You should not adorn yourself with large stones, massive sparkling jewelry - choose elegant jewelry.

    What is important to know?

    In order not to spoil an expensive evening dress, it is useful for full ladies to pay attention to such points before choosing it:

    • critically evaluate all the pros and cons of your figure;
    • do not choose a dress made of thin knitwear, which visually enhances all the reliefs of the figure;
    • not always black is a good choice. It attracts attention, distracts from the really nice details;
    • with wide hips, you can not use horizontal parts - flounces, convex seams;
    • it is better to abandon the style of the shirt type, especially with a belt, no matter how beautiful the dress may be;
    • avoid dresses with a deep scoop neckline, and also a low-cut empire-style strapless knitted bodice.