The script for Preschool Worker's Day is funny. Scenario for Teacher’s Day “Teacher’s Journey Sketch for Teacher’s Day from parents

On September 27, 2019, our country celebrates the Day of Teachers and All Preschool Workers. Many events are dedicated to this date: holidays are held in kindergartens and additional preschool education institutions, where poems and songs are sung, funny miniatures about kindergarten teachers are staged.

You can perform short children's skits for Teacher's Day with the participation of the children's parents and the teachers themselves. Teach your children poems and songs, select appropriate props for such miniatures. This page of our website contains materials that will help you stage funny scenes about children in the garden that will appeal to both the children and the audience.

Cool sketch about a kindergarten teacher

The miniature will begin with the lights in the hall going out and soft music playing. A teacher will appear on the stage where there are artificial Christmas trees and several stumps:

- I'm in a hurry to get to work,
To your favorite kindergarten,
My main concern is
Educate your kids!
And the road is not easy,
Along the path through the forest.
There are many adventures here
And unprecedented miracles...

But where did I end up?
I don’t understand right away
Lost, confused -
And by chance I got it
To an unknown country.
Forest all around, grass, trees
And I don't see the guys.
Yes, now I understand:
This is not a kindergarten at all...

Guys dressed as various animals (wolf, bear, fox, etc.) appear on stage. In this children's skit for Teacher's Day, they run around the stage, growl, throw toys on the floor, aim at guests with toy pistols, etc.

The animals perform a song to the melody of the song “They say we are byaki-buki” from “The Bremen Town Musicians”:
- They say that we are villains,
That we have no conscience.
We are in any harmful business
We will show you the highest class,
Oh, la-la, oh, la-la,
We will show you the highest class,
Oh, la-la, oh, la-la, eh-ma!

Animals with a teacher come to kindergarten. At this time, the scenery changes: a table, chairs and other equipment for the games room appear on the stage. The guys are playing. When they see the guests, they greet them emotionally.

- Look, Ira, Anya -
What kind of brothers are these?
Who came to kindergarten
Together with the teacher?

– Our guests are not easy
And they came from afar.
Ill-mannered, evil,
A little wild!

After that, in this miniature about a kindergarten, the children read poetry:
- Yes, you will have to work hard,
Clean and wash them.
Wash your face, brush your teeth,
Learn to eat with a spoon!
-We will teach them how to exercise,
To improve health.
Temper yourself, run, jump,
Have fun and play!

The animals, after listening to the children, ask to be accepted into kindergarten.

Later in this scene, the kindergarten teacher takes the floor again:
- Well, guys, let's tell the animals about our house?
There is a teremok-teremok in the field,
He is not short, not high, not high.
Who lives in the little house?
Does anyone live in a low place?

– And children live in them, children, like candy:
Looks wonderful, smart, diligent,
They like to work hard and then have fun.
Adults are always nearby so that nothing bad happens.
This is our favorite
The very best

- Well, guys, shall we agree?
Shall we take them into our group?
Well, instead of testing
Let them sing a song with us.

Miniature for Teacher's Day performed by children

There is a miracle garden in the world, a miracle garden, a miracle garden.
I am glad to go to this garden, very glad, very glad!
Here, both in summer and in winter, all my friends are with me,
We live well in our kindergarten! (Repeat the last 2 lines 2 times).
If you want to know a lot, know a lot, know a lot,
You have to visit the kindergarten, visit, visit.
Here we develop, we do a lot,
We live well in our kindergarten.
If you liked the song, song,
Sing along merrily, merrily, merrily!
Come visit us, we are always glad to have guests,
We live well in our kindergarten!

Then, in this funny skit for children, the children read poems about kindergarten:
- Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
We are not aspens,
We are not mountain ash.
Vova, Klava, Mishenka -
These are not apples!

- Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
We are not leaves,
We are not flowers
Blue, scarlet -
We are little guys!

- Kindergarten, kindergarten...
Why do they say this?
Because there is harmony in it
We are growing as one family!
That's why they say:
There is a kindergarten in this house!

After this, in a miniature about a kindergarten teacher, the animals again begin to behave badly: they spill paint and get dirty. The teacher asks them to wash, but they do not agree.

She explains to them that they cannot behave this way.
– Those who don’t brush their teeth and don’t wash with soap,
He may grow up sickly and frail.
They are friends with dirty people, they only become dirty,
Who themselves drowned in the mud.
Nasty things grow out of them,
Angry dogs are chasing them.
The dirty ones are afraid of water and colds,
And sometimes... they don’t grow at all.

“Okay,” the animals agree, now we will wash our faces and brush our teeth.
“I’ll clean them too, but only after I’ve eaten this boy.”

He starts chasing one of the guys and even swings at him. The teacher stops them, and the Wolf says:
- I think this: if there are fighters,
This means they are needed for something.
How else? How else?
Who then should receive the change?
Who should get what they deserve?
From those who will come to stand up for the weak?

The girl answers him:
– I will answer you, but my answer is not new:
Tell me - who loves brawling children?
Nobody loves. So you, fighters,
No one, no one needs it anymore!

- Let's not quarrel, but be friends with each other.
Children on the planet know
That friendship is more valuable than anything in the world!
Toys, friendship, kindergarten, -
Words burn like sparks.
All children want to be friends
In the whole wide world!

The children and animals stand in a circle and dance around the teacher.

And at the end of this skit for children on the Day of the Kindergarten Teacher, they perform the song “Our Teacher” (words and music by E. Alexandrova).

Who comes to kindergarten early?
Both in the heat and in the cold?
Who will smile like mother,
And will he always help us?
Who will teach you how to knit shoelaces?
Brush your teeth, wash your hands?
With whom else can we?
Have a heart-to-heart talk?

Our teacher is good!
Both a beauty and a kind soul.
Today we sing a song about her,
We all live here very friendly!

1) Leading : Now sit quietly and watch our fairy tale!
...There is a little mansion in the field,

He is not short, not high, not high.

Who lives in the little house?

Does anyone live in a low place?
Children (run out) : And children live in them, children, like candy:
Remarkable in appearance, diligent in their deeds,

They like to work hard and then have fun.

Adults are always nearby, so that no trouble comes into the house.

2) Presenter : A nanny is walking across the field, a nanny-put to sleep...Music sounds, Nanny enters. Nanny Children : We are candy children, and who are you?Nanny : And I am a sleep nurse! I will caress the children, put them to sleep in quiet times,
Sing them a lullaby, watch the kids...
(Sings a lullaby affectionately)
Bye-bye-bye bye. Sleep, little one, go to sleep!..
Children : Come live with us! We will help you put dolls and bears to sleep!

3) Presenter: Where can I find an assistant to maintain cleanliness?
Where to darn, patch, iron, wash...?
Laundress: Children : We are candy babies!Nanny: I am a sleep nurse!

Together : And who are you?Laundress: And I am your best assistant!Nanny : Come in, we will be glad - your help will be a reward for everyone!

4) Leading : The issue with the laundress is resolved! It happened to the cook!
How to feed the kids, who will cook the porridge?

Look, people, an important chef is coming to us

In a snow-white cap, with a ladle in hand!
Cook : Who-who lives in the little house? Does anyone live in a low place?Children : We are candy babies!Nanny : I am a sleep nurse!Laundress: I am your best assistant!
Where to darn, patch, where to iron, wash...

Together : And who are you?Cook : And I’m a cook – a culinary specialist. I have a great gift for kitchens!
Cabbage soup, borscht, salads, porridge and lagman,

Pizza, ravioli, pilaf – a whole cauldron!

I can quickly make candy out of nothing.

I will feed my beloved children delicious food!
Laundress: We really need such a person! Come and live with us.

5) Presenter : There is both breakfast and lunch - no more problems with lunch!What will the cook cook from now? We need a specialist who can get everything!.. Look who’s running, knocking on our little house?..caretaker : Who-who lives in the little house? Does anyone live in a low place?Children : We are candy babies!Nanny : I am a sleep nurse!Laundress: I am your best assistant!
Where to darn, patch, where to iron, wash...

Cook : I am a culinary chef!Together : And who are you?caretaker : And I’m a supply manager, I’ll solve any problem!
I have everything covered, my bills are paid.

I will furnish your teremok, I will deliver cool furniture!

And I will bring you the products to order right away!
Cook : We need such a person, we will never part with him!
Come and live with us, we will be friends together!

6) Leading: The issue with the products has been resolved. But who will make sure that products are sold on time and that the kitchen is clean? So that the children are healthy, and the parents give their children vaccinations on time? Need a nurse!

Nurse : Who-who lives in the little house? Does anyone live in a low place?Children : We are candy babies!Nanny : I am a sleep nurse!Laundress: I am your best assistant!
Where to darn, patch, where to iron, wash...

Cook : I am a culinary chef!caretaker : I am a supply manager, I will solve any issue!
Together : And who are you?

Nurse : A

So that children do not get sick, so that they are clean

Every day I circle around the garden, like a squirrel in a wheel.

7) Presenter : Our children really need a best friend, a mentor.
Who will be found, who will come? Who will take them under their wing?
Educators : Who-who lives in the little house?Does anyone live in a low place?Children : We are candy babies!Nanny : I am a sleep nurse!Laundress: I am your best assistant!
Where to darn, patch, where to iron, wash...

Cook : I am a culinary chef!caretaker Nurse Together : And who are you?Educators :
We will receive the children in the morning, do exercises,

Let's play tag and jump rope!

We'll gather all the kids and have some fun!

We manage to do everything with children: we sculpt, write and play!

We organize their leisure time, we love all children very much!
caretaker : There is no way to do without such specialists in a kindergarten,
Come work with us, then life will begin to boil!

8) Presenter: Life is in full swing, but the children in kindergarten have become bored. We need a worker who is neither a mason nor a carpenter, but someone who can play, sing and dance. Where is such a specialist?

Music worker: Who lives in the little house?Does anyone live in a low place?Children : We are candy babies!Nanny : I am a sleep nurse!Laundress: I am your best assistant!
Where to darn, patch, where to iron, wash...

Cook : I am a culinary chef!caretaker : I am a supply manager, I will solve any issue!Nurse : I am a nurse - my motto is cleanliness!Educators
And teachers are observers of children!
Together : And who are you?

Music worker: And I

Children need to be developed

The kids need to dance

Polkas, waltzes, minuets, polonaises and gavottes,

Songs, music, fun will last the whole year.

Educators : Come on in, come on in. With us, learn songs and show us modern movements.

9) Presenter : The work of educators must be directed,
Check plans and notes on time,

Observe the work of teachers!

Where can I find such a specialist?

Someone must come to our little mansion!
Methodist: Who lives in the little house? Does anyone live in a low place?
Children : We are candy babies!
Nanny : I am a sleep nurse!
Laundress: I am your best assistant!
Where to darn, patch, where to iron, wash...

Cook : I am a culinary chef!
Nurse: I am a nurse - my motto is cleanliness!
Educators: We - teachers - have fast legs,
And teachers are observers of children!

Music worker: I music director - winner of musical notes.
Together: And who are you?
Methodist: And I am a methodologist - an observer of the educational process!
We need to combine theory and practice,

And attend each other’s interesting classes,

And explain everything in life to children in a timely manner.
Educators - Well, everyone agrees with you!
We will be friends with you - we will cherish our friendship!

10) Presenter: Well now everything is fine.

But no, trouble has come, everyone is arguing about how best to conduct business.

Everyone is right, but they just can’t put two and two together, and like a swan, the crayfish and the pike are pulled to different places. We need an organizer to have a significant weight and finally establish the educational process.

Manager: Who lives in the little house? Does anyone live in a low place?
Children : We are candy babies!
Nanny : I am a sleep nurse!
Laundress: I am your best assistant!
Where to darn, patch, where to iron, wash...

Cook : I am a culinary chef!
Caretaker: I am a supply manager - I will solve any issue!
Nurse: I am a nurse - my motto is cleanliness!
Educators: We - teachers - have fast legs,
And teachers are observers of children!

Music worker: I music director - winner of musical notes.
Methodist: I am a methodologist - an observer of the educational process!
Together: And who are you?

Manager: And I am the manager - in charge of all affairs!

I make schedules, I count working hours!
You can’t do without me, no matter how hard you try!

Methodist: You are exactly what we need, without you it would be a real disaster!
Leading: Since then, that little mansion has been filled with joy.

And we want to say, my friend, remember this firmly.

All professions are needed, all professions are important.

But something can be achieved if they are all friendly.

That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done!
We congratulate you once again and treat you to sweets!

How the Princess chose her profession

A fairy tale written specifically for Preschool Worker's Day




Two guards

The princess comes on stage to the music, becomes capricious, and the king runs after her with

with a handkerchief, wipes her tears, calms her down.

King : Well, my joy, are you shedding tears? Tell daddy what your daughter wants?

Princess: I don’t want to sit at home, twirl in front of the mirror, try on outfits. I want to work!

King: Again for yours! Where have you ever seen a royal daughter work? The neighbors will laugh at me! (Sings.)

Oh, my poor little princess,

You were completely unaccustomed to work.

You better see a doctor.


I still want it that way!

I want... I want... I want to work in kindergarten!

King : Daughter, come to your senses, you don’t know how to do anything!

Princess : And I’ll go to work... as a teacher! There is nothing complicated here.

Just think - raising children! One or two - and everything worked out!

King : Hey, guards, come here, quickly, we’ll be rehearsing now!

Two guards bring out a table, an easel with a blank sheet of paper, and pencils.

The guards sit down at the tables.

Princess: Hello kids! (The guards look at each other in bewilderment.)

King: Should you cut off your head? (The guards draw their heads into their shoulders.)

Don't press yourself: imagine that you have become children again.

The guards look at each other again, smile and begin to lightly shove each other.

Princess: Quiet, children. We will learn tongue twisters. Repeat after me:

“Mother gave Romasha the whey from the yogurt.” (The guards fail.) What are you saying? I can't understand anything. Repeat after me: “The cap is not sewn in the Kolpakov style.” (The guards mutter something unintelligible.) How stupid you are! I'd rather teach a drawing lesson. Today we will draw my daddy.(Draws a funny face, the guards add funny details to the portrait.)

King: Oh, baby, you better not be a teacher!

Presenter: Dear princess, the profession of a teacher is very difficult and complex.

A teacher-educator needs to know a lot himself, master various “funny” professions in order to teach his students something. Look at these sweet, beautiful ladies, and you will understand: on their fragile shoulders they bear full responsibility for the younger generation. Surrounded by twenty “whys,” you need to find answers to all your questions, write plans, and prepare for classes! And this list can go on for a long time! Listen,

that they will sing about themselves.

Teachers sing to the tune of a song from the film “The Investigation is Conducted by Experts.”

We often hear reproaches from relatives,

That we work almost seven days a week,

That we give everything to work without reserve

We are heart and soul.

How many years and every day from year to year

Duty calls the teacher to kindergarten,

There is no better job!

And the salary may not be great yet,

Only there is no particular sin in this,

We give not for money, but for conscience

Children have their own heart.

We take on a barrage of questions,

The helmsman holds the helm firmly in his hands

In the ocean of childhood!

Even if sometimes we are exhausted,

But since I’ve already shouldered the burden -

It is not fitting for us to whine or whine,

Even though my legs are worn out.

We cannot betray our work, we cannot change it,

We simply cannot live without her,

We are teachers!

Princess: I agree, it’s a difficult job, I was then the music director

I'll go! There’s certainly nothing to do here: sit and tap the keys with one finger.

King: Hey guards, bring your tools! My daughter will rehearse.

The guards bring in musical instruments.

Princess: Okay, grab your tools. We will sing a song about love ourselves

Accompany yourself.The princess and the guards begin to make sounds and sing at will.

King: Daughter, you have neither hearing nor voice! There is nothing to be surprised: as a child, during a royal hunt, a bear stepped on your ear.

Presenter: The profession of a musician is also very responsible and difficult. You have to study for a long time to master the instrument and sing correctly and beautifully. You must be able to be a screenwriter, director, director, actor, artist, designer - all rolled into one.

Princess: Indeed, difficult work. I'll go and work as a nanny.

What's so difficult about it? I fed the children, washed the dishes, waved the mop - and went home! (All words are accompanied by actions.)

King: Do what you want! Just let's practice first. Hey guards! My daughter will train! Quickly bring everything you need!(The guards take out a table, plates, bibs, a mop, a pot. They put caps on their heads.)

Fast music is playing. The princess places one guard on the potty and the other at the table. Tries to tie a bib on him. At this time, the one on the potty pulls the tablecloth towards himself. The dishes threaten to fall. The princess turns around. The one at the table begins to cry. The princess picks up the plate, turns around crying, and the rest of the dishes fly to the floor. The princess grabs the mop. The one on the potty also starts crying. The princess throws the mop and tries to feed him porridge. He spits. The one at the table is no longer crying - he is breaking down. The princess, exhausted, sinks to the floor among the broken dishes.

King: You're doing great, daughter!

Presenter: Well, Your Majesty, do nannies do that? It’s not for nothing that they now bear the proud title of “teacher’s assistant”! The teacher's assistants will set the tables on time and clean on time, monitor cleanliness and even help the teachers.

Presenter : You see, princess: everything is not so simple!

Princess : Well, is there easy work in kindergarten? In the kitchen, for example.

Why don't I peel the potatoes? Or I won’t mix some borscht... no

I'll mix it up... won't mix it up?

King : It's true! Hey guards, bring the groceries! My daughter will rehearse!

The guards bring various products. The princess takes a jar with the inscription “Jam” and throws in unpeeled potatoes, bread, butter, carefully mixes everything and tries to “treat” the guards. They crawl under the table in horror.

Princess: Dad, at least try!

The king is shaking, but still tries. His face contorts, his eyes roll back, he faints.

King (opening his eyes, in a weak voice): Daughter, do you want my death?

Presenter: If our cooks fed children like that, everyone would have been poisoned by now. And our cooks feed the children very tasty, so our children are ruddy and pretty!

Princess: Yes, it’s difficult in the kitchen... Perhaps I’ll go into nursing. Just think: I gave you a pill, smeared it with brilliant green, gave me an injection - and everyone is healthy!

King: Guards, bring your tools! My daughter will rehearse!

Presenter: Never! I won’t even allow you to rehearse here! Health is the most precious thing we and our children have. This requires special knowledge and skills.

Princess: Well, okay! I will be the senior teacher. Or a methodologist! There’s definitely nothing to do here: hand out papers with tasks left and right. That's all the work. I even know this song.

“Song about a teacher” is performed to the tune of “Here is someone coming down the hill.”

But who showed up?

Probably the teacher is coming...

And all the people became wary:

God willing, it will pass today!

He will come up and quietly say:

“You need to do this and that,

Here's a piece of paper with the task,

I’ll bring more tomorrow.”

But our garden is held in high esteem everywhere,

Always at work, always at work

Our wonderful teacher!

Presenter: . Princess, you can’t even imagine how difficult and responsible the work of a senior teacher is! In order for educators to “survive” in modern reality, they must have a huge amount of knowledge. To draw up an annual plan and manage the work of a large teaching staff, you need to be aware of the latest technologies, know about new and long-tested methodological developments, and “shove through” mountains of literature. You can't handle it!

Princess: Well! So, I will be the manager. Sit in your office and

Manage your team: you go there, you go there!

Presenter: Well! Try to sit in the manager’s chair for at least five minutes. The princess sits down in the chair and takes a relaxed pose. Immediately there is a knock on the door. A parent comes in and asks to enroll her child in kindergarten. The methodologist immediately runs in and announces that there are no places. The parent and the methodologist are simultaneously proving something to the manager. The phone rings. Someone demands to urgently send teachers to a seminar in another kindergarten. The parent and the methodologist are already ready to fight. The manager separates them and asks the parent to come back tomorrow. The methodologist is informed about the call.

Teachers run in and report that their shift workers are sick. Behind them is the cook: the stove has broken. The manager rushes to the calculator to calculate how much the repairs will cost. The phone rings again: they want teachers for the seminar. The teachers, the methodologist, the cook and the phone are talking at the same time.

The princess-manager covers her ears and collapses weakly into a chair.

Presenter: Yes, I couldn’t sit in the manager’s chair for even five minutes! The head of a modern kindergarten has the most responsible and difficult job. You must be able to manage a large team of employees, find a common language with parents, and negotiate with plumbers and builders. And also earn money yourself. Just imagine what it looks like.

Presenter performs a monologue on the phone, the manager talks about her difficulties to her best friend:

A major renovation is coming my way!

A new day begins, which means back to the front!

Where to get white paint (with tear),

Yes, at a reasonable price.

I run from morning to night:

There is no money, it's all on me!

For groups, tables need to be bought, updated, replaced,

Write, scold, praise, unload, whitewash.

We move boulders and stones,

We are building slides (for the teacher) with you.

How many things, other things,

The fight continues!

This is what a difficult job the manager has: a diplomat, an attaché, and an ambassador all rolled into one!

Princess: I couldn’t even imagine that working in a kindergarten could cause such difficulties!

King : Eh, daughter, don’t be stubborn! It’s not a royal thing to work in a kindergarten! Let's go to the ball or the royal hunt! Hey guards, follow me! (They leave.)

The teacher comes out, holding a folder with documents. The scenery on stage is artificial Christmas trees and several stumps.

I'm in a hurry to get to work
To your favorite kindergarten,
My main concern is
Educate your kids!
And the road is not easy,
Along the path through the forest,
There are many adventures here,
And unprecedented miracles...

But where did I end up?
I don’t understand right away
Lost, confused -
And by chance I got it
To an unknown country.
Forest all around, grass, trees
And I don’t see the guys -
Yes, now I understand
This is not a kindergarten at all...

(The Wolf comes out. The Wolf must be armed, it could be a machine gun and a grenade tied to his belt.)

Wolf :
What kind of guests are these?
Who disturbed our peace?
We don't like strangers
Let's send them home!

Why are you being rude right away?
You don't know me
Better drink some tea!
I'm lost today.

Wolf :
What's happened? Who is she?
Reply quickly!
Maybe you're more suitable
How about pizza for lunch?

Since you won't give me tea,
Help me get through,
Show me, explain,
How can I find guys!

Wolf :
A-a-a! Guys? Not so easy!
You have to be ready here
Have you written all the plans?
To keep busy?

Everything, everything!

Wolf :
Since you're not fit for food -
So be it, I’ll spend it
(talks aside)
Not to the control room, but to the dense forest
I'll show her the way!
And we’ll send it - we’re brothers
This lady goes further into the forest!
I'm without lunch today -
At least let grandma eat!

(The teacher walks and encounters a hut on chicken legs. The Hut, dancing, runs out from behind the Christmas tree. The Hut’s costume is made of cardboard, the roof is located above the artist’s head, special emphasis is placed on the legs - cut out and sew on the trousers a semblance of “chicken legs”, they should be bright, attracting attention.)

Will I pass for kindergarten?
The best house for kids
Look how beautiful I am (flirty)
Proud and smart
I am arrogant and zealous!
Very slender legs!

Your ugly façade
You won't pass for a kindergarten!

Well, okay, it’s very necessary!
So I will take revenge on you -
I take you to my grandmother,
I’ll drag you to grandma Yozhka’s.
And here she is!

(Baba Yaga appears with a broom in her hands and sings (the motive of the song “Winged Swing”). The hut gradually leaves and hides behind the Christmas tree.)

Baba Yaga: (sings, sitting on a tree stump)
In the young month of April
Happiness has brought me
There's a gift for lunch
The wolf sent food to me.
Not raised from birth
I grew like a blade of grass,
I'll live as a teacher,
I will become the first lady!

Hello, Grandma Yaga!

Baba Yaga:
What an infection, I found out instantly!

I came to you by accident
I was looking for my boys,
And I found one of you!

Baba Yaga:
Fu - you, well - you, your legs are bent
About what other guys?
You sang a song to me
What is a kindergarten?
Here now, don’t you see, there’s a competition!
And it’s up to you to keep the answer,
And are you ready for the meeting?
To charm the jury?
Have you prepared your speeches?
To shine at the competition?
This is not fun at all -
Take the prize place!

Well, of course I'm ready
That's why I came
Do you see how many documents
I brought it for the jury!
It’s not in vain that I told everyone
I love my job
How I take care of the guys
I teach them good things.
If you, old soul,
Do you want to become kind, sweet,
So be it, I suggest
And take you with me,
Take me to the guys
Show me the way
I promise that for this
I can make you friends!

Baba Yaga:
Interesting suggestion!
It’s also a miracle - a kindergarten!
I live well here too,
No worries and no kids!

Wolf :
No, grandma, we better go
And let's look at the guys
Maybe they will give us something?
Maybe they'll treat you to something?
Well, what if you don’t like it! -
Let's destroy the kindergarten! (demonstrates weapons)

(They walk and sing: a melody from “The Bremen Town Musicians” - “They say we are beeches - byaks”)

They say we are the villains
That we have no conscience
We are in any harmful business
We will show you the highest class,
Oh, la-la, oh, la-la,
We will show you the highest class,

We are bullies in life
Everyone understands and simple,
We don't advise people
Get in the way!
Oh, la-la, oh, la-la,
Run away, kids!
Oh, la - la, oh, la - la, eh - ma!

(They come to kindergarten. During their trip, the decoration changes: a children's table, chairs and other equipment for the playroom of the kindergarten are placed. Children play - girls carry strollers with dolls, boys - cars, etc. It is good if the roles of children are played adults in appropriate clothing - knee socks, bows, shorts. Children emotionally greet the teacher.)

Sasha :
Look Ira, Anya,
What kind of brothers are these?
Who came to kindergarten
Together with the teacher?

Something got scary
The Wolf and Grandmother Yaga...
Maybe to the Ministry of Emergency Situations, guys,
Should I call sooner?

Don't rush, we won't call
Ask the teacher
Maybe we can awaken their feelings
Shall we turn them into good people?

Our guests are not ordinary,
And they came from afar,
Ill-mannered, evil,
A little wild!

Yes, you'll have to work hard
Clean them up and wash them,
Wash your face, brush your teeth,
Learn to eat with a spoon!

We'll teach them how to charge,
To improve health,
Temper yourself, run, jump,
Have fun and play!

Wolf :
Look, grandma, it's true
It's very cool to live here
The food here is really tasty,
And they dance and sing!

Baba Yaga:
How are you doing there, teacher?
I ask you not to refuse -
Ask your kids
Admit us to kindergarten.

Well, guys, shall we agree?
Shall we take them into our group?
Well, instead of testing
Let them sing a song with us.

(The song “Educator” is performed by everyone together, at the end of the last chorus they say goodbye, wave to the audience, and leave the stage one after another. You can take any other song that is in the music library of the children’s institution; during the performance, the Wolf and Baba Yaga should grimace a little, make the audience laugh.)

Our parents bring us to kindergarten every day.
They run, fly, go wherever they feel like it.
We live, grow, laugh before your eyes
And we honestly admit that we love you very much!

You are our first teacher,
You are like our parent, friend and teacher
Educator, educator.
You are our mentor, the first shield and nerves of steel
Our Guardian Angel is our Educator.

It happens without a doubt, sometimes it’s difficult for you,
But you will always make the right decision
Raise little naughty girls that give you heat,
You love children, and we sing about you:

(2 times)

You give care, you give warmth,
You dance, you sing, you are one and the same.
We will hug you tightly, press you tenderly
And if we leave the garden, then we need to remember:

(2 times)

Our teacher!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

general developmental kindergarten No. 2 “Thumbelina”

Event development

“A teacher’s job is another concern”

Suchkova Elena Anatolyevna,

teacher I qualification category

Zarinsk 2014

Dates: September 27 “Preschool Education Worker Day”

Participants: older children, teachers, parents.

Integration of educational areas: “Communication”, “Socialization”, “Reading fiction”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”, “Work”.

Target : Create conditions for instilling in children a respectful attitude towards

preschool education workers, create a desire to deliver

joy - to arrange a holiday.


    Involve children in the active and varied participation of children in the preparation and holding of the holiday.

    To promote the development of creative abilities, artistic initiative, and artistry in children.

    To form an emotionally positive attitude towards the holiday, satisfying children’s needs for self-expression.

    Motivate in children the desire to aesthetically present gifts made with their own hands.

    To cultivate feelings of satisfaction from participating in collective pre-holiday and holiday activities.

Materials and equipment :

costumes for the “Frogs” dance, costumes for performing ditties, toys for miniature skits, a flash drive with music – backing track, a tape recorder.

Preliminary work :

    learning songs: “If you are kind”“If you go on a journey with a friend,”“Autumn Song”, Preschooler’s Anthem;

    learning poems by S. Ivanova, O. Demina, V. Pavlov, A. Khait;

    staging the dance “Frogs”;

    making gifts using the origami technique - flower “Lily”;

    acquaintance with professions (laundry operator, nurse, cook, chef, senior teacher, plumber, electrician, music director, physical education instructor, speech therapist, housekeeper, watchman, janitor, teacher, junior teacher, manager);

    production of miniature scenes.

Planned results:

    Understand the figurative structure of an event - a concert: evaluate the performance of the participants (their own performance), the means of expression and the design of the production.

    They actively use facial expressions, gestures, and voice modulations when performing miniature scenes.

    They are able to move plastically and rhythmically in accordance with the nature of the music.

    Perform dance moves.

    They can read poetry expressively and loudly.

    Know and follow the rules of conduct in a public place.

    They know the professions of people working in kindergartens.

    They know how to independently make the “Lily” flower using the origami technique.

Scenario course of the event

Educator: In a cozy park, next to the temple,

Among the imposing pigeons,

I watch your gaze again,

Which is the most beautiful and kindest of all.

There are small children around you,

Playing, running, frolicking,

And you are the most beautiful in the world

Strive to make your children smile.

You are naturally graceful

Rich in external kindness,

With children, like mothers, you are serious,

And every child loves you.

And with this rare talent -

To be loved among children,

You are rich in the depth of your soul,

What happiness in life is for people!

Children run into the hall and line up in a semicircle to the music of A. Khait’s “Big Round Dance”


We were born

To live joyfully

To play together

To be strong friends.

To smile at each other

Give like color

To be fulfilled in life

All our dreams.


Meet the group "Vasilyok".

Children: A song is ringing in the sky,

The sun is shining in the river,

Children's laughter is heard everywhere,

Enough joy for everyone.

Children sing the song “If you are kind”


Raising a child is not an easy job,

You need to teach your child all the basics of life.

So that the child gets dressed and understands art,

He knew what was bad and what was not, and developed his intellect.

Kindergarten is his world, the teacher in it is his idol

Helps the baby realize the beauty in everything.

How to make friends with the guys and make friends with nature.

Become an equal among equals and never be late.

Today is a holiday in Rus' for all preschoolers in the country!

May their dreams come true and be transformed in reality!

Educator: Our dear preschool education workers, we invite you to take a few minutes to look into the groups of our kindergarten.

Miniature scenes

Several guys pretend to be children in kindergarten: some play, some draw, some talk, and some just look out the window.

Here the teacher asks the children questions, and the children answer her.

- Olya, how old are you?

- A little 4...

- Why a little?

“Three years was a long, long time for me, but four was only a little bit.”

- Roma, as long as you can

- To end.

- Count these cubes...

- One, One, one, one... That's it!

- (Tanya looks at her watch) Today is Friday.

- Why?

— Since the hands are at five, it means Friday.

- Seryozha, why do you have a bump on your forehead?

- It's not a bump! There are cones on Christmas trees! It's a cycling blister! I fell off my bike yesterday.

— Zhenya, what street do you live on?

- I live at home, but I walk on the street.

Children sing the song “If you went on a journey with a friend”

Children: The teacher has a job -

This is such a concern!

We need to wipe the snot,

Songs to sing and dance.

Comb, kiss,

Feed and rock

He laughs, he cries,

This one chases everyone with a stick.

Try and follow

Keep everyone safe.

It’s so difficult with just one,

And you can’t even count them.

How many eyes do you need?

And yes, there are definitely six hands.

We are calm for the children

For your pencils.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart

And bow to you to the ground!

Children perform the dance "Frogs"

Educator: Now we’ve gone through the groups in our garden, and now let’s go out to our plots and admire the autumn nature. Oh, and beauty.

Children sing the song "Autumn Song"


Who came up with the idea of ​​judging age?

By the number of years lived?

Well, if you are full of vigor,

If you love white light,

If you filled the world with colors,

Where black is missing,

If you don't skimp on caresses

And dreamy, like a poet,

If you strive for something new,

And you are not attracted to peace,

Then you are a teacher from God,

Always remain like this!

Miniature scene (for two characters)

-What a beautiful poem!

- Oh, can you write poetry?

- I can.

- Write a poem about...

about... about... brick.

— A brick fell on my head,

Oh, how sweet it is for my head!

- What does it have to do with sweetness?

- What's a bad poem? Then

try to write it yourself.

- It's so simple! What should I write about?

- Well, at least about the outlet.

- Now, now... (thinks, taps himself on the forehead)

Cheerful Vasya Maltsev

Surprised us today.

He stuck his fingers into the socket (tapping himself on the forehead, walking back and forth)

Stuck his fingers...

- Well…

- And laughs for an hour.

- Well, you said it. If you stick your fingers into a socket, it won't be a laughing matter.

Educator: Wait, wait, you’re coming up with some kind of poetry

not correct. The guys and I know for sure that under no circumstances should you push anything into an outlet. Somehow writing doesn’t work out, but let’s better invite the guys to perform ditties.

Children perform ditties:

Teachers and nannies

Kiss air helmet.

For the sake of such a holiday

We'll sing ditties.

We'll sing about kindergarten

About toys, about guys,

How we live together here,

We dance and sing songs.

Our mothers bring us in the morning

And we can be stubborn

Let's have a fight in the locker rooms

And then we go play.

We start exercising in the morning

We walk with the mood

And it ends -

We leave with regret.

Our teachers-

Kind, beautiful.

They love everyone

A playful child.

Children in our kindergarten

The most skilled:

Who draws, who sings,

Who runs the fastest?

Thank you all for your attention,

For love, experiences,

Well, kindergarten, flourish,

Instill goodness in your children!

Children: Children are the joy of the state,

Real wealth.

They must be educated

Like hope for the country.

There is a preschool

Kindergarten is a child's happiness.

There are kids passing by

All lessons are of being.

How to behave and eat

How not to ruin your health.

How to look sporty

Overcome all diseases.

Learn to draw,

And of course dance.

Embroider when you feel like it,

In general, they need care.

Second mother for children

Kindergarten teacher.

Patient with the kids

Entertains them with games.

Day after day there is learning,

Something like an adventure.

Children are happy, blooming

They go to kindergarten in droves.

Today is a holiday in kindergarten

The teacher is in sight.

Receives congratulations

He dreams of his worldly things...

Let your dreams come true

Educators of the country!

Children perform the Preschool Anthem

Grandmother: Thank you for the kids

From grandmothers, fathers and mothers,

We appreciate your hard work.

Decades will pass

But we will remember that

That our children had a home.

Children give flowers to all kindergarten staff to the music of Tchaikovsky's "Waltz of the Flowers"


Hymn of the Preschooler (music by Oleg Mityaev)

Here's a baby's head

You press gently

You look into the eyes of a child

And you say quietly:

I'm glad to meet you

Come quickly to the group

Today we gathered.

We love kindergarten

Almost like our children

And every day is filled

We have a lot of work

With dreams and songs

Our whole life is warmed

And children's laughter burst in

A wonderful dream into her.

And bright hope

In your soul you carry

Don't you dare be sad, preschooler,

Come on, smile.

May the tenderness of this meeting

Caresses your soul

It's great that we're all here

Today we gathered.

Autumn song (music and lyrics by N. Maslukhina)

What happened, what's the secret?

We all ask?

Suddenly the green color disappeared!

It's autumn

You and I found mushrooms -

And in a basket.

The light rain became more frequent

Along the paths.

And a secret, and a secret

Not at all!

In yellow paint

In yellow paint

White light.

Not in the forest

Not in the garden

I can't find green paint!

We'll go to the autumn forest

Between the pines

And we will invite you to our place

Autumn is visiting.

Let's start a round dance with her

And we'll ask

Don't rush to leave

Autumn, autumn.

Song of the cat Leopold (lyrics by A. Khait, music by B. Savelyev)

The rain fell barefoot on the ground,
Maples clapped his shoulders.
If it's a clear day it's good
But when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.
If it's a clear day it's good
But when it’s the other way around, it’s bad.
You can hear them ringing high in the sky
Strings of sunlight.

But when it’s the other way around, it’s difficult.
If you're kind, it's always easy
But when it’s the other way around, it’s difficult.
Share your joy with everyone,
Scattering laughter loudly.

And when it’s the other way around, it’s boring.
If you sing songs, it’s more fun with them,
And when it’s the other way around, it’s boring

Song “If you went on a journey with a friend” (lyrics by M. Tanich, music by V. Shainsky)

If you go on a journey with a friend
Have fun on the road.
Without friends I'm a little, a little,
And with friends a lot.
What is snow to me, what is heat to me,
Why do I care about pouring rain?
When my friends are with me
What is snow to me, what is heat to me,
Why do I care about pouring rain?
When my friends are with me.

Where it is difficult for one,
I can handle it together with you.
Where I don’t understand something
Let's sort it out with friends.
What is snow to me, what is heat to me,
Why do I care about pouring rain?
When my friends are with me.
What is snow to me, what is heat to me,
Why do I care about pouring rain?
When my friends are with me.

I'm friends with the bear
I'll go out without fear,
If I'm with a friend,
And the bear is without a friend.
What is snow to me, what is heat to me,
Why do I care about pouring rain?
When my friends are with me.
What is snow to me, what is heat to me,
Why do I care about pouring rain?
When my friends are with me.

If you go on a journey with a friend
Have fun on the road.
Without friends I'm a little, a little,
And with friends a lot.
What is snow to me, what is heat to me,
Why do I care about pouring rain?
When my friends are with me.


    Internet resources: Poems and miniature scenes.