Character bitch description. Bitch woman. Good or bad

If you are called a "bitch", is that a compliment or an insult to you? On the one hand, the word itself is abusive, but then why are there so many books on sale today with tips on “How to become a bitch”, which are very popular among the fairer sex. It turns out that being a bitch today is good and even fashionable?

The fact that I'm not a bitch, I know for sure. All my friends know about it too. Therefore, when some critical moments come in my life and I have a choice of what to do, it concerns personal life or work, my girlfriends constantly tell me the same phrase: “Enough being good, it's time to turn on the bitch. Everyone will just ride on you if you don’t change your behavior.”

The image of a bitch - a beautiful, independent woman who knows what she wants and knows how to achieve it in any way, of course, seems attractive. On the other hand, each of my girlfriends has already become a victim of this kind of women.

Here, for example, one bitch calmly took my husband away from me (although she probably already left). Another drove my girlfriend to get fired from her job. In general, there are many examples. It turns out that it’s good to be a bitch yourself, but somehow I wouldn’t want to face the like in life.

There was a moment in my life when I wanted to change my behavior. Remember how Bulgakov’s Margarita said, “I became a witch from grief and disaster that struck me.” I got angry that all my actions “in good conscience” do not bring any positive results and I thought, why not become a bitch to me.

My experiment was short-lived, but allowed me to draw certain conclusions.

Conclusion one. The bitch is treated differently

In society, being a bitch is not so easy, because in different situations this role can be both negative and positive.

If a man called you a bitch, it means that you are independent, confident woman, which is different from others and clearly attracts the attention of the opposite sex.

If another woman calls you a streak, it means that you live at the expense of men, use men in your own interests, more often material ones, there is no concept for you female friendship, because for the sake of your whim, you are calmly ready to take your husband away from your friend, without feeling the slightest shame.

If you are called a bitch at work, then you are considered a careerist who goes over the heads to get a promotion, you know how to be friends with the right people to move up the career ladder, you don’t care what the team thinks about you. If you are also a leader, then you definitely don’t forgive your subordinates for mistakes.

Second conclusion. Not all men love bitches

In general, it is generally accepted that men love bitches. Many familiar men say that they certainly attract attention, but not every man will decide on a relationship with such a woman, at least for a long time for sure.

I remember how my boyfriend, seeing books on the rules of behavior for a bitch on my shelf, almost tearfully begged me to throw them away, said that he did not need such a woman and he immediately notices when I start to follow these tips.

In general, those men who had relationships with bitches, after a stormy romance, spoke of them as hypocritical and vengeful persons, whose eccentric behavior then already begins to infuriate.

Conclusion the third. The bitch has a lot to learn

From books about bitches, I learned something: to value myself and respect more, after which others began to appreciate me more. I learned to say “no”, although it was a problem for me to refuse someone before, as a result, there was never enough time for myself. I realized that I can achieve a lot.

Such an independent confident behavior of mine began to attract male attention, but the most important thing here was not to overdo it.

Conclusion four. And yet bitches fail

After several of my attempts, I realized that I will never become a bitch. She probably still needs to be born, but you should not change your behavior and remake yourself. If you follow all these fashion tips, then you can easily turn into an evil fury, who in the end will be left alone without family, friends and good relationships at work

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This question seems paradoxical, without a logical explanation. In itself, the image of a bitch is rather repulsive, incompatible with such concepts as calmness, family comfort, care, etc. At the same time, men continue to experience an irresistible attraction to such women. At this time, the faithful, affectionate, complaisant wives of these men are at a loss: “Well, what else does he need ?!” The situation has taken such a turn that now various manuals are published in considerable circulation and master classes on “retraining” are held. ordinary women into bitchy egoists. Before embarking on studies of this kind, it is necessary to understand this situation in detail in order to correctly establish causal relationships.

What is a female bitch?

Usually this definition is applied to ladies with a complex character. But if it were only about unpleasant behavior and neglect of others, men would hardly be fond of these persons. Apparently, the image of a bitch includes something else. If we disassemble all the components of this image, then the picture will be something like this:

  • Appearance. A natural bitch woman can be both dazzlingly beautiful and not too beautiful. Regardless of this, she always pays great attention to her appearance. Her image is usually catchy, bright, sexy, well-groomed. With all her appearance, such a lady demonstrates love for herself. She is flattered by the greedy looks of the male and the hostile, envious ones of the female.
  • Behavior. This woman always acts in accordance with her interests, she is not at all embarrassed if she has to achieve what she wants at the expense of the inconvenience of other people. The feelings of those around her are deeply indifferent, she can offend, hurt a person without experiencing the slightest remorse. Believes that everyone around is obliged to reckon with her. The people next to her (friends, relatives, and even more so men) should indulge her, help, serve her will.
  • purposefulness. It is characteristic of all female bitches. They always know perfectly well what they want from life, both in the long term and at the current moment. Such women indulge all their desires, achieve goals by any means, men are considered primarily from the point of view of use in this process. This quality, combined with appearance, is often mistaken for a manifestation of a hot temperament.
  • Independence. This quality is necessary for such women in order not to enter into dissonance with their own personality. A bitch cannot afford a vulnerable, dependent position, because in this case the process of satisfying whims will be a big question. In addition, dependence means a reciprocal investment of strength, energy and emotions in another person, and this is incompatible with the egoism of a bitch.
  • emancipation. Bitch women, as a rule, are distinguished by looseness in general and sexual emancipation in particular. This is explained by the same egoism. Firstly, such a woman wants, even requires attention, primarily male. Secondly, she believes that everything is allowed for her, the law is not written for her, she did not care about public opinion, and if she wanted something, then this desire is already a law in itself.

It may seem that the image of a female bitch is extremely repulsive, unpleasant, assembled from only negative qualities. So what attracts men in this case? Is it just sexuality and emancipation? But this quality does not mean at all that any male courtship will be crowned with an intimate relationship. A bitch can not only refuse a man in a humiliating form, but also, having used him, as it is commonly called, "prodinamit". Nevertheless, the popularity of the bitch among the male sex is so high that many simple and much more positive women are seriously thinking about cultivating at least a modicum of bitchiness in themselves.

What attracts men

First of all, of course, men react to a bright, spectacular appearance. Everyone wants to see an attractive, alluring companion next to them, who can arouse the envy of other men. However, this is only the first impulse, which does not yet explain the interest in bitches. The rest of the aspects can be interpreted as follows:

  • Men "peck" at the free behavior of a female bitch, believing that the likelihood of entering into intimate relationship quite high. They regard her habits and provocations as a challenge to themselves, which is very difficult to pass by. The bitch with her behavior keeps the man in suspense, forcing him to fantasize at his own expense, imagine intimacy, desire it. In the end, he seeks to satisfy the desire, surrounding the woman even more with attention, hints, flirting.
  • A bitch woman skillfully uses her charms, forcing a man to take any action to achieve her goals. As a reward, she can offer both her favor and close proximity. In the first case, the man will think that "he the right way” and “it will happen soon”, in the second - he will know that for a certain “payment” (not necessarily material) he will receive an intimate relationship, which he so stubbornly sought. Henceforth, this reflex will be fixed in him, and the man will begin to think that he must earn sex with a female bitch.
  • The independence of the bitch attracts men even more. The vast majority of representatives of the strong half of humanity do not experience euphoria at the thought that they will have to support, support a woman, serve as a support, “drag” a huge burden of problems and responsibilities. At the same time, feel remorse at the thought of breaking up a relationship, because a dependent woman will disappear without him. The bitch makes it clear that she can do just fine without him, which automatically removes the burden of responsibility from the man, and this is a much more comfortable state.
  • Companions who completely devote themselves to their men, take care of them, love, wait, sacrifice something for them, are subconsciously perceived as “trophies won”, and in some cases (see the previous paragraph) as a burden. The bitch woman, on the other hand, constantly demonstrates her independence, self-sufficiency, makes it clear to the man that “she doesn’t really need him”, that “there are a lot of people like him”, “she will replace him at any second”, etc. At the same time, he hints that at any moment he can refuse him a relationship. Therefore, such a woman is perceived, on the contrary, as a “forbidden fruit”, and he, as you know, is sweet.
  • The purposefulness of a bitch fascinates insecure, notorious men, losers, spineless and weak. Next to such a woman, they feel more confident, sometimes it begins to seem to them that by taking actions so that she achieves her goal, they serve their own interests. As if this is no longer her, but their common goals. And they quite sincerely attribute her success in achieving them to themselves. Do not forget, however, that a female bitch will never allow such a thought, her success is only her merit. She will not hesitate to throw a man out of her life as soon as she loses the need for him.

But not only this attracts representatives of the strong half of humanity to such ladies, contrary to all logic. Relations with such a woman are reminiscent of a picnic on the slope of an active volcano - it seems tasty and pleasant, but you never know when it will explode. She, as a rule, often sorts things out, scandals, especially if she does not get what she wants. Having received, on the contrary, he actively thanks his companion, fixing the reflex in him. All this creates the illusion of a stormy personal life, which "is in full swing."

A man, especially tired of a bland life and life with an exhausted, unattractive woman, strives for such manifestations of passion and intensity of emotions. It seems to him that he has a second wind, that this is true love. He is forced to constantly balance on the edge of this passion, afraid of losing this bright, independent and such attractive woman. Here and jealousy, and lust, and the desire to please, and quarrels, and reconciliation. In other words, a man is in a constant tone, which he really likes, especially at first.

How could this end

Relations with a female bitch in most cases end. Firstly, no one can be in permanent stress, and secondly, every person wants to see the return on their efforts and love. If it is not there, the desire to continue investing in this “bottomless abyss” naturally disappears. Passion and attraction to this woman, as to any other, become dull over time, her shortcomings and true motives become more obvious. Ultimately, the cons outweigh the pros, and the man leaves. Sometimes it's hard, not immediately, with multiple returns and new quarrels. This state is nothing but damped vibrations that will inevitably lead to the termination of the relationship. By the way, most often they end not in “friendship”, but in complete “burning of bridges”.

Often, an alliance with a bitch is terminated due to treason. Such women, as mentioned earlier, are used to not denying themselves anything, and also consider any behavior quite acceptable for themselves if it corresponds to their desires and interests. In addition, because of their selfishness, they cannot experience true love to no one but yourself. Accordingly, the bitch woman simply does not have reasons preventing the commission of treason.

Most often, such women are left alone, often even losing friends. The only thing that can be done in this case is to learn how to build with other people, if not warm and trusting, then at least mutually beneficial, fair relationships.

A bitch woman is a vamp woman! She is chic, polished, sexy, proud, arrogant, cruel, unshakable, and most importantly, she is not like everyone else! “internally,” she drives a fancy car. She is always on top, confident, smart and perfect ...


Bitches are not born - they become bitches ... So why do many women become bitches? So they want to assert themselves? Like men? Maybe they want to be alone? After all, often a bitch woman is a single woman. She, like a cat, is always on her own. There are no women in her environment, there is nothing to even talk about her friends - they are not there either. Maybe there is one, and she is married and the bitch needs it only to tell her about her love affairs, and boast about her recent travels ... whether it’s a man’s business - they are the environment of the bitch. Only men - expensive, chic, those who know their own worth. Yes! Men also know their worth - they are self-sufficient individuals of 50 years old who have saved themselves for all 35.

They visit gyms, beauty salons, dress in expensive places, use expensive perfume and their cars are always shiny clean. They are prey for a predatory bitch. Looking out with her predatory gaze in a restaurant, boutique, car dealership - she hooks a man on a hook, “drags” him along, indulges like a cat with a mouse - falls in love with her person ... iiii .... Enveloping the heart of the prey with its nets, suddenly pulls them sharply and tears the feelings to shreds ... Then it disappears, having had enough of the toy

… She enjoys it…

1. Not all men like bitch women.

Mostly men use such women as a mistress with whom they can go out (after all, wives mostly refuse husbands in company because they are tired or have no desire), there is something to talk about with her - a female bitch often shines mind (and wives do not talk about anything, as soon as about household chores, etc.). "Dear" men flatter themselves that there is such a "luxury" next to them, they like to brag to their business partners, etc.

2. Men don't marry bitch women.

They choose women who are submissive and without their own opinion as their wives ... I was personally interested in many men different ages- how they relate to bitches ... And the answer mostly prevailed - negatively ... Someone said differently, someone likes such women ... But there is only one conclusion - a woman-bitch, by a lucky, or maybe an unfortunate accident, can be a wife. And in general, I don’t think that a real bitch is ready to give herself, all so good, to the “altar” of household chores, troubles and so on.

… Speaking of work. So there the female bitch is very cold-blooded, and if she occupies a leading position, then beware of negligent performers of their work - the bitch will not forgive you for a mistake ...

3. So what makes a woman become a bitch?

As I said before: a bitch woman has everything! And only become a bitch strong women who love to be the first, who have their own opinion and who love themselves to the tips of their well-groomed toes ...

P.S. nothing personal to those who can take the above words personally. That's life. And everyone has their place in it...

bitch- a word that does not have an unambiguous meaning. On the one hand, it is “abusive”, but when a woman is called that, for some reason her status rises in the eyes of men. Someone condemns them, and someone envies. Many even go to special courses to learn how to be a bitch, while others try to eradicate all notes of bitchiness from their essence. Speaking of such women, our imagination draws

a kind of vamp, all in red, red lipstick on her lips, high heels, perfect makeup, a woman who knows how to present herself and from one glance of which men are ready for anything. And she only uses them for her own purposes.

And in real life almost any woman can be considered a bitch. Your firm's accountant who doesn't wear red lipstick and still dress gaudily, but who considers herself a connoisseur of style. A neighbor on the landing, who constantly walks in curlers and a worn dressing gown. Whose sister or girlfriend has a disgusting character and four marriages. And you will never be able to understand why men, being next to them, begin to do stupid things.

Every man has his image of a bitch. Maybe because this hyped myth about bitches is so sweet and addictive and so much more fun than the usual reality. Therefore, every man had a meeting with a bitch in his life. Someone managed to go through hardening with bitchiness back in school and managed to develop immunity for the rest of their lives. Someone was lucky already in his youth, right after the institute he took and married a bitch. And by the age of 40, he managed to divorce her. But for those who met them already in more adulthood less fortunate. Especially if the man already had a family and stability. This meeting can destroy the foundations of the family, stability, someone even a career, and a man, not understanding anything, rushes into this pool with his head.

I propose to understand why men abandon their faithful and good women, their children, destroy their families for the sake of an incomprehensible woman, and not always with a good reputation.

You can send everything and everyone ...

Men are taught from childhood to be responsible, to take care of everyone. Most men, as adults, try to avoid responsibility, probably not their fault. They were not given the right to choose, they were forced to play this game from birth - to be strong, brave, the best, etc. It is not surprising that over time, every man has a desire to send everyone and everything to hell. To become free and not to be indebted to anyone. The task of the usual normal man- protect women, help the elders, take care of the younger ones, earn a lot, support the whole family ... And, as a rule, when a man gets tired of such stress in life, a bitch appears on his way, who does not care about anything and everyone. A bitch is inherently selfish, and any man is indifferent to her. But what happens when you meet a person who lives only for himself? You start to envy him. He can afford it, but you can't. So a man, he is interested not so much in a woman as in her attitude to life. He understands that by creating a relationship with a bitch, he can finally breathe freely and stop being indebted to someone, including the bitch herself.

And yet men go to bitches, just when they have to do important choice in their lives (for example, the birth of a child), take on the responsibility that they are so afraid of, and therefore it is easier to go to another woman, i.e. evade responsibility.

A man who had been married for more than five years, one day, suddenly packed his things and left. At the same time, everything was fine with them, stability, money and a clever and beautiful wife. But when the wife raised the issue of children, the man, frightened by the responsibility associated with the birth of a child, said that he met another and fell in love with her.

Yes, it was easy and simple there with another woman. After all, she knew how to live for herself, loved to relax beautifully, built a career, and she did not need children. She did not restrict his freedom and her free time everyone did what they wanted. They dined either in restaurants or ordered pizza at home. But a few months later, the man wanted homemade food. In response to this, she suggested that he collect his things. Having made a thousand apologies, they continued to live simply and carefree. But a year later, this man, having collected his things, left on his own. He finally understood that freedom has its price. Egoism is a character, one does not acquire it, one is born with it and lives with it. They live easily and simply, without caring about anyone. It is this trait that is inherent in real bitches.

Desire to possess such a woman

The next reason that makes a man go to a bitch is simple and primitive. Many men acquire some financial independence towards the age of 40, ie. when they were young, they couldn't afford to hang out with bitches. Rather, because of self-doubt, lack of money, or elementary laziness to change something. Such men marry early and work hard all their lives. Over time, getting promoted, gaining some kind of power and money, they begin to believe that they deserve better! It is at this moment that such a colleague from the accounting department appears nearby, who does not have any special data, but considers herself a queen.

And that's it, the man is gone! Previously, a wife was available to him, and maybe a one-time affair on a business trip, but now he has his own Bitch, which means he is the king of the world! And a man will do everything possible and impossible to get the attention of a bitch and keep her around.

And all because, thanks to the imposed stereotypes and a myth ideally created by someone:

Bitches are different, special, exceptional. To meet a bitch is such luck, since there are few of them, this is an endangered species (why haven't they been listed in the Red Book yet?). And if the bitch is also with character, then it is worth making more efforts to get her. Having a bitch, a man grows in his own eyes and begins to believe that he is also special.
- bitches - enough smart women. And if she chose you, then you are not a fool either;
- bitches never have a headache, i.e. they love to have sex and are ready to do it anytime and anywhere. Most likely, with this myth, men justify their insanity with these women.

And of course with such women it is never boring. Men get tired of everyday life, predictability, habitual routine. And with bitches, adventures, a lot of surprises and drive are always waiting for them. Maybe, dear women, give your men a dose of adrenaline more often and then your man will not notice the bitch spinning around.

For some, she is a vamp, for others she is a sinner, for others she is a socialite, for others ... A fatal beauty, a storm of mediocrity, a beast, a mystery woman - all this is about her. And no matter how they call her at all times, there are several important differences between a female bitch and any other. Are you interested in what?

Take a closer look around. Even a cursory glance at the crowd is enough to distinguish Her from those around her. You will always distinguish a female bitch from other women by the admiring glances of men striving after her. Her posture, her gaze will always distinguish her from the crowd ... They are not like everyone else, but somehow special. You yourself will notice: a bitch woman does not just enter - she appears, they will not say about her: “she left” - she disappeared. Look how she is dressed - she is served. The tongue will not turn to say: "she speaks" - she speaks.

If a man at least once in his life had to deal with a bitch, then he remembers her until the end of his days. And if he managed to fall in love with her, then he lives the rest of his life with a scratched heart! After all, she does not love - she incinerates!

With such a crusher of hearts, it is always troublesome, fearful, wasteful. But it's never boring. A female bitch is always unpredictable. She dictates her own rules and makes her own bets. And try to ignore them! Next to her can only be strong man worthy. That is why a real bitch will never (N-I-K-O-G-D-A!) be a sister, mom, comrade-in-arms for a man ...

Well, the most important difference between a female bitch and any other representative of the fair (but not the weaker) sex is that she will never tell anyone about the wrong side of her life. The road there is booked for absolutely everyone. Whoever you are for her - whether a friend, colleague, boss, you will never know what is going on in her soul. She will not entrust the secret behind seven seals called “soul” to any, even the closest, person!

Now take a good look in the mirror. Analyze at least last month of your life: how often did you catch enthusiastic men's views on myself? Have you often thought that only something elusive is holding him, so as not to kneel before you? Do you think that all these epithets are not about you? You're right! But only if you are too lazy and afraid to change something in yourself, your life, in your habits.

Well, let's figure it out: who is she - a female bitch?

In general, this, of course, is not a conversation for one evening, or even for two. Therefore, let's discuss the foundation of the basics for a female bitch - self-love. A bitch is, first of all, one who loves herself! And by no means because there is no one to bestow this, one of the highest and intoxicating feelings. If, God forbid, a bitch woman starts to spit on herself, treats herself badly, and allows blues and depression to cloud and force out the shine from her eyes - it's time, then she should rest. So, she has already turned into one of those gray, driven, wrapped up women from the crowd. What is this bitch?!

Where does the love of a woman-bitch for herself begin? No, kilograms of cosmetics, heaps of peignoirs in the bedroom, the amount male hearts, broken on the impregnable rocks of the heart, nothing to do with it. The bitch begins her love for herself with ... the phrase: “Listen, that's enough! All! I forbid you to treat yourself badly! For-pre-shcha-yu! Do you hear?!"

This determined phrase is born most often where it seems that the path no longer exists at all. The deaf darkness of despair, full of self-pity and hopeless indifference to later life… It is on such ashes that many real bitches are born.

So where to start? By the way, I advise you to do it today. Shut everything down and give yourself a… fragrant bubble bath. Candles, a glass of light wine and one single thought in my head: the best person with whom a generous fate brought you together in life is you yourself! So will you really allow the most wonderful person to be content with some other attitude towards you, except for the best? And both from their own side, and from those around them.

Do not stay in the bath for a long time, but get out and, it's time to treat yourself the best person a cup of aromatic coffee or freshly brewed green tea. Maybe with lemon. Or with chocolate. The most important thing is that your soul be pleased. And delicious to the eyes.

And let's agree right away that a super-woman who has just emerged from a fragrant foam will never drink coffee, tea, or just water from a cup with a broken or cracked handle. Throw it in the trash right now. It is fitting for the best of women to drink from a golden cup. Stop saving services for guests. You are the main guest in this world. Get the most beautiful one and let it delight your eyes every time you get thirsty...

This is the beginning, and the continuation is up to you. I'm sure you already know all this! I just forgot a little! Go for it and the results will be amazing.