Seeing little tiger cubs in a dream. General interpretation of the dream. Dreamed of a tiger and a lion

If a tiger is preparing to attack in a dream, then this means that the enemies lie in wait for the dreamer and you need to be very careful not to fall into their nets. The little tiger cub that a person dreamed about in a dream may be a sign that depression will soon visit the dreamer.

If in a dream a person defeats a tiger, then this is a sign that glory awaits a person in reality, good results in work, career advancement and many related successes. A small tiger cub, from which the skin is removed, means that in the near future the dreamer will have such joyful events in life that he could not even imagine. A tiger sitting in a cage means that the dreamer will be able to spoil the plans of the enemies and achieve his goals. If in a dream a tiger cub runs away from the dreamer, then this is a sign that a person will succeed in all the affairs that he has planned.

What does a little tiger cub dream about in an esoteric dream book: to see a tiger cub in a dream is a sign that the dreamer will have negotiations with his superiors. If a person stroked a tiger cub in a dream, in reality he will begin to suck up to his boss.

If in a dream a tiger goes straight at a person, this indicates that the dreamer will confuse all his enemies. If a tiger attacked a person in a dream, then this indicates that the dreamer will worry for a long time because of the failure that happened to him. It is worth taking a sober look at the situation and continue to move forward. But if a person managed to resist the attack of an animal, then success will await the dreamer in all endeavors. A small tiger cub, which ran away from a person in a dream, indicates that the dreamer's enemies will be defeated and will hide in fear.

IN modern dream book The tiger is a symbol of strength and power. A tiger holding prey in its teeth dreams of encouragement and praise from superiors, possibly in the form of a bonus. If in a dream a person kills a tiger, then this means that in reality he is waiting for happy fate. A little tiger cub, who is resting, dreams that a person’s life will proceed calmly, both at work and at home. If in a dream the dreamer himself was a tiger, this suggests that he will enter into a fierce war with his superiors, who oppress him and prevent him from making an independent choice.

A small tiger cub often means that the dreamer has an enemy or an enemy who will do everything to harm. The person who dreamed about this should be more attentive to such people, more often listen to the advice of loved ones.

What the little tiger cub is dreaming of can also be asked from an astrologer or found in many dream books. In general, one has only to correctly decipher the dream and remember all its details in order to make some decisions and draw further conclusions.

Find out the meaning in the tiger cub's dream book! Little tiger cubs dreamed: what does this portend?

Often a person dreams of events that he has never experienced before, so the dreamer immediately begins to look for the meaning of these dreams. A lot of joy is caused by dreams where tiger cubs dreamed, because these are very cute animals that make the person who dreams of them smile.

Tiger cubs do not always carry the meaning of something good, because many dreams are accompanied by details that have a negative definition, so the dream immediately becomes bad. If you dreamed of a tiger cub eating its caught prey, then this may mean that a person will soon expect great success at work, but you will have to share the profits from this with a strong competitor.

In a dream, a tiger cub sits in a small cage - small problems with a person’s self-realization are quite possible, because he could encounter various problems on the way to success. If in a dream a person kills a small tiger cub, then this is an unkind sign, because such a dream can warn of problems in the workplace. A person who has such a dream can also quarrel with a very close friend or lose all ties with influential business partners.

In a dream, a person lies on the skin of a tiger cub - this is a sign that the dreamer will experience unprecedented success, which will not last as long as one would like, but one should not be very upset.

If a tiger cub in a dream is going to attack the dreamer, then in real life a person can expect danger or an enemy who is trying with all his might to harm. Victory in the battle with a tiger cub is interpreted as the ability to resolve the most serious problems, which only hinder the normal implementation of important matters.

If in a dream a person sees a domestic tiger cub who does not even try to attack, then this means that the dreamer in reality has a patron who helps in many endeavors.

Stroking such a tiger cub is a sign that a person will urgently need help from this patron, and also, perhaps, friendly support is simply needed. Seeing a white tiger cub in a dream means that the dreamer will be successful in the intellectual and creative fields, so you should carefully consider this dream.

If a person plays with a tiger cub, then in reality he just wants to be better than his patron and even tries to gain more respect for his person. If a sleeping person has to feed a tiger cub with meat delicacies, then this suggests that the dreamer will still have the opportunity to solve the problems that have arisen along the way.

The bite of a small tiger cub may mean that this dream warns of a dangerous person who wishes the dreamer only evil and disappointment.

If the dreamer tries to run away from the tiger cub, this may be a sign that in reality this person tried to hide from a responsible occupation, and now, apparently, he regrets his act. If, on the contrary, the tiger cub runs away from the dreamer, then this means that the person will succeed in some activity that he has long planned.

A sleeping tiger cub means that a person’s life will pass quietly and calmly, without problems and possible disappointments, so you should pay attention to this particular dream. If strangers are still present in a dream together with a tiger cub, then this may mean that the one who had such a dream will be involved in wedding celebration or holiday.

The tiger cub dreamed along with another animal - a sign that an insanely pleasant meeting with old friends or acquaintances awaits a person soon. For a woman, a dream with a tiger cub means that she will meet the man of her dreams, and for a man, that he will meet a girl who will meet all the standards of an ideal wife.

Of course, every person wants to see in a dream their future or present, which can affect the whole world. later life, but you should get used to the fact that it is not always possible to get what you want, and dreams with tiger cubs in this matter are reliable helpers who will answer your questions.

Tiger Dream Interpretation

Why does a tiger dream of Stroking in a dream from a dream book?

Stroking a tiger dreams - to establish useful links with powerful people. You will be able to meet a person who can patronize you in business. Otherwise - increased aggression, which must be limited.

Tigers and cubs

Dream Interpretation Tigers and cubs dreamed of why Tigers and cubs dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on initial letter characterizing a dream image (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see Tigers and cubs in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

Tiger - fierce enmity.

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

tiger cubs

Dream Interpretation Tigers dreamed of why the Tigers dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Tigers in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

Seeing a tiger behind bars in a dream is a complication of relations with colleagues. Fighting a tiger - to love joys, riding it - the collapse of all hopes. Poke your head into the mouth of a tiger - in reality you will be in serious danger. Killing a tiger portends a rich inheritance.

Seeing a white albino tiger in a dream is a sign of successful undertakings in any business. A tiger running away from you means complete defeat in competition rushing at you - show nobility and generosity to the disadvantaged.

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

If you dream of a tiger walking at you, it means that your enemies will annoy you in every possible way. If in a dream a tiger attacks you, it means that an impending failure will plunge you into despair.

If in a dream you repel a tiger attack or kill it, then all your undertakings will be extremely successful.

Seeing a tiger running away from you in a dream portends your victory over enemies, strengthening your position.

If in a dream you see a tiger in a cage, it means. You will manage to confuse your opponents.

Tiger skin promises exquisite pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

If you dreamed that a tiger was approaching you, then your enemies will plot against you.

A dream in which a tiger attacked you is fraught with failure.

If you were able to overcome the tiger or kill him, then all your undertakings will be successful.

The fleeing tiger symbolizes the victory over the enemies and the strengthening of the position in society. We saw a tiger in a cage - you can deceive your opponents.

A dream about a tiger skin promises exquisite pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

A tiger walking at you or preparing to jump is a symbol of danger.

Definitely, you have acquired an implacable enemy.

Attacking tiger - to failure and despair.

A fleeing tiger - to victory over enemies.

Tiger in a cage - the enemy will be deceived.

To kill a tiger is not only to overpower the enemy, but also to get rich.

Tiger skin - exquisite pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

Traveling on a tiger - an unpleasant situation will be resolved.

The tiger growls loudly - appointment.

Riding a tiger - an unpleasant situation will be resolved.

The tiger enters the dwelling - portends an appointment to an important position.

You kill a tiger or a leopard, a leopard - you will get an important position.

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

Competition, someone deeply unpleasant to you.

If you want to kill the tiger - someone played against you, but you bypassed all the traps:.

You have killed the tiger, which means you have defeated the enemy.

Tiger - fierce enmity.

Hostility towards an individual.

To hunt a tiger means that a trap was set for you, but you recognized it and bypassed it.

Kill the tiger - defeat your enemies.

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

A symbol of power and might. If you dreamed of a hunting tiger with game in its teeth or paws, you can hope for unexpected encouragement from your superiors. A tiger resting signifies peace on a personal and professional level. If you dreamed about yourself in the image of a tiger, then soon you will probably have to start a fight against superiors who infringe on you.

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

If in a dream you see a tiger approaching you, your ill-wishers will annoy you in every possible way. If a tiger attacked you, you will fall into despair due to some serious failure. If in a dream you repel a tiger attack or even kill it, success will accompany all your undertakings.

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

This is a warning that in reality you could overlook some kind of danger.

Most often, such dreams suggest that you can get involved in some kind of risky venture or come into conflict with a cunning and ruthless opponent.

Alas, the image of the tiger suggests that this could turn into a big Trouble.

To defeat a tiger in a dream means that in reality you are ready to fight with enemies, no matter how dexterous and strong they are.

Seeing trained tigers portends participation in a dangerous business in which you will need endurance and discipline.

Dream Interpretation - Tiger

If a tiger comes at you in a dream, intending to attack, in reality your enemies will annoy you.

If you repel the attack of the tiger, success awaits you.

The main thing is not to be afraid either in a dream or in reality. And then you will defeat both the enemies and the tiger, as Mowgli defeated Shere Khan in the "Jungle Book" p. Kipling.

Why is the tiger cub dreaming? I dreamed of a small affectionate tiger cub. He purred, caressed ...



Acquaintance with a new friend and until he "grows up" everything will be wonderful, and then keep your eyes open, maybe a stab in the back.


means you warmed the enemy.


Most likely, you will be in big trouble because of some child who seems to be cuddling up to you ... but in the end you will get evil.
If you are a teacher or educator, be careful with this pupil, you can be intrigued because of him. The tiger cub can also symbolize your own child, which, in the end, will grow up and do harm to you.


a strong patron or friend who needs to gain strength to help you

What is the dream of a small, kind tiger cub and a three-colored kitten? I held him in my arms, playing with him


Nadezhda Lomaeva

to see a tiger - to a dangerous enemy, a tiger cub - to an ill-wisher. Caressing a kitten - you will be repaid for good deeds with ingratitude.

Gina Lollobrigida

Beautiful dream. The kitten is a pleasant surprise (also three-colored). A tiger cub is a victory in any endeavor (if it doesn’t bite)

Play with little tiger cub

Dream Interpretation Play with a little tiger cub dreamed of why in a dream Play with a little tiger cub? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream in the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Playing with a little tiger cub by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Small

Seeing in a dream is inappropriate small nose, mouth, ear, in general, any organ of the body - this is a warning against promiscuity in the choice of friends.

If you dream of a small animal, insect, bird or fish, such a dream warns that someone's treachery can cause you serious damage if you do not exercise due diligence.

If your clothes are small or tight in a dream, this is a sign of bitter disappointment in love. Too small a pillow or blanket portends that you will soon awaken an interest in the profitable side of life and a desire for self-improvement.

To find yourself in a dream in a small house or a small room - in reality you will feel constrained in funds.

To receive a small amount of money in a dream instead of a large amount due means unforeseen circumstances that will drastically change the measured course of your life.

Dream Interpretation - Small

Play with small pebbles - a noble son will be born.

Little fish lay eggs - great happiness, benefit.

A small door to the room opens - predicts a love affair.

Small sprouts, opening buds - portends many unpleasant situations.

You see yourself in the thickets of hemp - portends a disease.

Dream Interpretation - Game

Any dream about the game warns of the risk in the business that you have taken. Sometimes it's a game of life and death. The cases from which the dream warns you relate to questions to be or not to be, big changes in life. The very process of playing in such dreams means your actions in life. See that you do not make a mistake in the game (do not make a wrong move). Bluff in the game portends danger, means deceit or betrayal. If a cheat beats you in a dream, then you will lose loved one due to an unfortunate misunderstanding. Playing billiards in a dream is a sign of discord or infidelity of a spouse. See interpretation: billiards.

A game of skittles in a dream portends sadness through loss. Playing cards, roulette or dice in a dream means arguing over money. In such dreams, it is better to lose than to win. For a patient, a dream about a loss predicts death. The opposite means winning dice in a dream. Such a dream is a sign that you will have disputes with relatives over the inheritance that will eventually go to the sleeper. Any dream of losing means that your plans or desires will not come true. Sometimes a dream about losing can mean a quarrel with a loved one or betrayal. Winning in a dream means dependence on the will of other people (spiritual or material). Sometimes such a dream predicts that you can make an enemy for yourself. Playing chess in a dream is a profit that will come with great difficulty. Sometimes such a dream means that you have to work hard. Playing checkers or chess in a dream also means that you have an opponent with whom you have something to share. In this case, winning a game in a dream is good, and losing is bad. By itself, playing chess or checkers indicates that you are making plans for the future. Playing these games with beginners in a dream predicts profits made by cheating. And vice versa: playing checkers or chess with an experienced player in a dream portends losses, losses due to traps skillfully set by your ill-wishers. Losing in these games often means the collapse of plans. And winning says otherwise. If you dream that you are considering the next move when playing checkers (chess), then the planned business will not be given to you without difficulties and worries. Sometimes such a dream indicates that you have to make an important decision. Playing ball in a dream (throwing it to each other) means that you should pay attention to your partners who are trying to obstruct business. Such a dream also means that your debtor will not give you money, each time coming up with new excuses. Playing ball in a dream predicts that empty chores, obstacles and worries await you. Mass Games(forfeits, burners, etc.) to see in a dream or take part in them predict the receipt of good news or joyful meetings With nice people. Sometimes such a dream warns you that you can start a love affair.

Dream Interpretation - Play

A dream in which you see yourself playing gambling portends trouble. If you win at the same time, in reality you will fall into a bad company and, trying to leave at the expense of others, you will make enemies for yourself.

If you lose, they will laugh at you, having acted dishonorably, you can cause involuntary damage to your friend.

Playing cards in a dream - in reality, succumb to temptation and be deceived, while playing a dishonest game is a harbinger of a serious illness.

To play chess or checkers - in reality to have fun, to play billiards - to trouble, badminton or tennis - a surprise awaits you, in skittles - a loss awaits you.

Play games with children - in real life you will experience sadness, boredom and frustration.

Play on musical instruments- to success, bright prospects and peaceful relations with others, as well as a pleasant pastime.

Play in the orchestra - a harbinger fun entertainment, a sign that your chosen one will be faithful to you. Playing the accordion is a harbinger of sad events, but with a happy ending. Play the harp - to marriage and happy life married.

The dream in which you play the balalaika portends joyful events in the near future. Playing a drum in a dream - you will receive good news, on a tambourine - surprises await you caused by idle gossip.

Playing the cello in a dream is a sign of a great joyful event in family circle. Playing the bagpipes is a positive sign, portending that everything will be fine.

Playing the guitar - enjoy in a new interesting society in which you will find a life partner. If in a dream you play the oboe, this indicates that artistic abilities are hidden in you.

Playing a pipe in a dream - to joyful amazement, pleasant surprises. In general, playing some kind of wind instrument of unknown origin is to experience a strong shock from unexpected events. Playing the organ in a dream is a sad sign, a harbinger of someone's death.

Playing the horn - such a dream means that in reality the slanderers will bring you to tears.

Playing the violin portends profit and contentious issues by its distribution.

Playing the flute - to unsuccessful meetings, failed deals and unsuccessful purchases. Playing the piano - for a date with your loved one, playing other instruments - for a successful course of affairs.

If in a dream you play by notes - this portends positive change in your life. Play solemn hymns - in reality you will have to take on extremely boring duties, marching music - to receive a letter from afar. Hearing how others play musical instruments portends joyful events in the family circle.

Play scales in a dream - in reality, become disappointed in your lover. Play the accordion - in reality you have to participate in noisy entertainment with a plentiful feast and drink.

Playing dominoes and losing means your best friend will offend you. In addition, this dream portends that you will make your loved ones worry about you very much. In reality, you should be more careful about strangers, especially men. If you play dominoes, winning, this portends a dubious hobby that will greatly poison your life.

Playing dice in a dream is an unsuccessful speculation that can lead to ruin and despair. For a young girl, such a dream portends that her lover is not worthy of her respect and love. Playing blind man's blind with someone in a dream means that in reality, actively begin to look for a groom for yourself.

Dream Interpretation - Game (games)

"play with fire" take risks.

"play cat and mouse" avoid responsibility, hide.

"fake, not fair game", "play on words". "Play on other people's strings" take advantage of other people's weaknesses.

"playing by the rules" dishonesty. "Play your game" dictate your terms. "Children's Games" is insignificant, not serious.

"double game" double-dealing, betrayal. "The game is not worth the candle" futility.

"quit the game" do not participate in the transaction, event. "Playing into someone's hands" inadvertently or covertly helping.

"dirty game" involvement in dark deeds. "Wait your game" to expect a good chance.

"to play (someone's) role", "to play the fool" (to fool around). "Play on nerves" annoying.

"mix all the cards" disorder of plans.

"life is a game" "Play on other people's feelings" to blackmail, manipulate, use them. "Play box" die.

Dream Interpretation - Game

Watch on TV intellectual game- your excessive focus on your own problems and unwillingness to understand others will make your friends turn away from you.

Participate in the game yourself - follow someone's lead with obvious negative consequences for myself.

The prize to win or win the game - you will find success and quickly achieve your goal.

Playing badminton - you will meet a person who can later be in big trouble.

You play basketball - very good. Such a dream upcoming holiday or fun.

Playing baseball is a warning that your attempts in a new business may be useless or ineffective.

Participate in biathlon competitions - for a woman, you are too calm about problems in life, and this, in the end, can create too much trouble for you.

Unsuccessful performance at competitions is a sign that you are insecure, and excessive reinsurance only hinders you.

Playing billiards or watching others play is a warning dream. You may expect big trouble, quarrels or a showdown with a stronger opponent.

A billiard table or balls not in play is a sign that there is a lot of gossip and intrigue around you.

Participate in bobsleigh competitions - in order to succeed, you have to take a big risk.

Boxing competitions - for a man to have a good time and the upcoming vacation.

For a woman, this is a harbinger of the fact that several men will seek her love at once.

Winning a boxing fight yourself - to the implementation of plans, losing it to play video games - a sign that you can defeat competitors, achieve the implementation of your plans.

You lose and start to get nervous - such a dream can be a harbinger of intrigues against you.

Playing volleyball is a sign that you are close to your goal.

You play dominoes - after such a dream, you better not engage in trading operations or petty speculation.

For a girl, a dream about playing dominoes can be a harbinger of deception on the part of her lover.

Play blind man's blind man - you are not doing your job or wasting your time.

Take part in a commercial game - bad sign, such a dream worsening financial position or monetary loss.

You play tennis on the court, and you are in good shape - soon you will be promoted, your efforts will be noticed by your superiors.

Play tennis or closely follow the game of friends - thanks to new connections or acquaintances, you will be able to improve your financial situation.

If you play football, your financial situation will soon improve.

Watch a football match on TV - you are in trouble through your own fault.

Playing hockey is a family problem.

For single and unmarried, such a dream can promise a quarrel with a lover.

Watch the game from the side - good sign, you will find success in business and good decision protracted problems.

A game of chess - may be a harbinger of a struggle with more strong enemy or a competitor.

Playing with your friend - such a dream to emerge victorious in this fight.

Playing checkers - a dream can be a harbinger of pleasure, relaxation or a pleasant pastime.

Win the game - to success in a slippery business.

Lose a game of checkers "in giveaway" - you have to face unforeseen difficulties or dishonest people.

Sometimes in a dream we manage to do things that in reality will never work out. We can travel to different countries, fly, fight aliens on alien planets, touch wild animals. Such dreams inspire, surprise and amaze.

One of these dreams may be a dream in which you see a tiger. Dreams with a tiger are usually exciting and interesting. After all, this predator in ancient China was considered a symbol of courage, valor and courage. To see a striped animal in a dream was very honorable. And the shamans did not have a question why the tiger was dreaming.

Today, everything is a little different, and dream books give many interpretations to this image. Indeed, for an accurate prediction, it is necessary to take into account all the circumstances of your dream.

  • Age and gender of the dreamer.
  • Colors.
  • In what environment did you see the predator.
  • His behavior towards you.
  • Your actions.

So, what is the dream of a tiger that a woman dreamed of. Usually such a dream speaks of an imminent meeting with a bright, powerful, valiant man. Who is unlikely to sing serenades under the moonlight, he will immediately declare his desires to you, and it will be very difficult to resist such pressure.

If a man dreamed of a tiger, then this indicates the appearance of an opponent, and possibly a spiritual enemy. Some person will try to break your faith in yourself and dedication. Be alert and do not engage in combat unnecessarily.

If you dreamed of a little tiger cub, then your strength is still not powerful enough to leap forward. You need to have courage, and most importantly - knowledge. The Slavic dream book, answering the question of what the tiger cub is dreaming of, draws attention to the fact that this dream may be a harbinger of replenishment in the family. Also, an option for what a tiger cub is dreaming of is offered by the dream book of the healer Evdokia - such a dream suggests that your enemy is not asleep, but so far you are safe, since he has not yet gained strength and power.

If you dream of a tigress, then soon a purposeful, cunning and prudent woman will appear in your environment, who will be able to achieve her goals in the blink of an eye and fly up the career ladder. You will have a lot to learn from such a woman.

Coloring and behavior of the animal

A tiger in a dream of a standard color portends bright adventures in your life. Perhaps you will experience something new, and even extreme, from which you will get a lot of positive emotions.

But the white tiger is a spiritual symbol. Such a dream portends you an energy rise and access to new level. You may need spiritual growth. Let's look into the Chinese dream book: an albino tiger is a symbol of good luck and prosperity, it unique opportunity connect to the endless energy source of the universe.

Often in dreams, a white predator appears as a kind, enlightened old man. Therefore, what the white tiger dreams of is almost always clear - this is an energetic and spiritual upsurge. And if you dreamed of little white tiger cubs, this portends well-being not only for you, but for your entire family.

Seeing a tiger of an unusual color in a dream is an unexpected outcome of events. Perhaps you are ready for a certain development of the situation, but do not relax, because everything will go very differently.

If the predator is kind, affectionate, and it goes towards you, then it means that nothing threatens you and you can move towards your goal calmly and without obstacles. Moreover, you will have a worthy and power-hungry patron. If you dreamed about a tiger that was not at all kind, but angry, then you made a mistake somewhere and you will need to correct it, otherwise you will be provided with problems in the form of an evil leader or a failed project.

If a predator attacks you, then expect an attack in reality. Someone is planning to influence your career, so try to calculate every step you take. Always analyze in detail what the tiger that attacks is dreaming of, because it can be either a real attack or a loss of self-control.

If a predator is tame, it plays with you and allows you to touch it, then you will have the opportunity to take advantage of a unique chance. Soon the bird of luck will fly next to you, your task is only to grab it by the tail in time.

The situation and details of sleep

If you dream of predators in the wild, then everything is going on as usual and events are developing as it is necessary for future success. If you have a striped animal in your house, then it means that you sheltered your enemy in your environment, and if he seems to live in your house, then this is one of your relatives or friends.

A tiger in a dream in a cage says that it is worth taming your temper, because it can play an unpleasant joke on you. Let's look in spring dream book: The caged tiger also indicates that your enemies are under control. But remember, sometimes your biggest enemy is yourself. If you dreamed of a tiger in a circus, then this means that you are not doing your job. You need a job in which you can show all your strengths and leadership qualities.

If you touch, stroke a predator, then you will be given the opportunity to get what you want at minimal cost. If you ride an animal, you will get such profit and power that you did not even think about. Soon everything in your life will change, and you will appear to others in a new light.

The dream in which tigers appeared to you is very useful, because the tiger brings nobility and honor with it, and knowing what the tiger dreams of will allow you to be more careful on the one hand and more courageous and brave on the other.

Why is the tiger cub dreaming? It's pretty interesting. Many people like this adorable striped animal. And what is the actual interpretation of the dream in which this major representative feline? Worth sorting out.

Modern dream book

This book of interpretations explains in a very accessible way what the tiger cub is dreaming of. In general, you need to know that these “kittens” are symbols of impending danger. But in order to give a precise definition of vision, it is necessary to pay attention to the details.

For example, where the tiger cub was located is important. If the dreamer saw him in a cage, then this, on the contrary, is a good sign. And promises victory over enemies, envious and ill-wishers. And, besides, after such a dream, career growth usually begins and the financial situation improves. Perhaps the dreamer will be given a bonus or an increase in salary.

And what is the dream of a tiger cub that a person holds in his arms? This predicts something. Or rather, it recommends. After a dream with such a plot, a person should consider their prospects and opportunities. It is likely that he does not use them! But in vain, because the dreamer can succeed in achieving good success. Especially successfully interpreted is a dream in which a tiger cub behaved extremely calmly in the hands of a person. This means that the dreamer will be able to “tame” enemies, competitors, envious people and other impartial people.

Interpretation according to the esoteric dream book

If a person sees that a tiger cub is behaving aggressively, then this is not good. The dreamer's friends will turn out to be his real enemies. They are clearly planning something bad. This is what a tiger cub is dreaming of, behaving somewhat viciously - this is worth remembering.

But to see the baby in your house - to the appearance of misunderstandings of various kinds between the dreamer and his child. And if he does not have children, then this simply means some household trifles and minor problems.

What is the dream of a tiger cub in its familiar environment? To not very good incidents that will soon arise in a person's life. If he was sweet and friendly, and even murmured in addition, that's good. So, now in the dreamer's life is a good period for undertakings. If the striped cub also rubbed against his leg - to a happy personal life. To see how the animal eats - to the successful completion of the work begun. But if he began to rage and get angry - to the appearance in life of a serious rival or competitor.


What is the dream of a white tiger cub? Pretty too interest Ask. This baby is the personification of power, influence and success. If a person saw him in a dream in a cage, then this is not good. This means that the authorities or superiors will not keep their promises. You can forget about the pay rise, new position and even prizes. But a new amount of work is provided.

See a white cub surrounded wildlife- to the fact that something will soon happen that will cause envy in the dreamer in relation to other, more successful people. And if the animal attacks, it is, on the contrary, very good. Such a vision usually portends help from friends and the appearance in life of useful individuals with good intentions.

According to Miller's dream book

Why dream of little tiger cubs that a person keeps on a leash? This is a successful solution to problems that have long haunted a person. Playing with them - to commit rash acts. You should be more careful, as you can accidentally do something that later “backfires”.

And why do little tiger cubs who are preparing to attack dream? This is a warning. A person should be wary - it is quite possible that old ill-wishers are intriguing him. If you do not take the situation under control, then troubles can turn into a real disaster. And this dream book also assures that if the cubs run away from a person, then you can relax. Such a vision promises only an improvement in the financial situation. But to see a tiger cub that is trying to catch prey, but it doesn’t work out, is bad. Usually it means that the dreamer does not know how to control the situation and, in general, does not own it. It is worth listening to this and changing something in life.

Other interpretations

Finally, I would like to say a few words about what a tigress with cubs dreams about. Usually this promises the appearance of a serious opponent in a person’s life - and this is not about a career, but about personal life. Therefore, if you want to defend your own, you will have to show perseverance and courage.

If a girl saw herself in a dream reincarnating as a tigress, then this is a wonderful dream. Usually it means her sexuality and attractiveness. And if the temptress has any doubts about her appearance, you don’t have to worry. She can seduce many men.

Seeing a black predator is not good. Usually this promises danger, and when it occurs in real life, a person will have to show the animal instincts living inside him. But the blue tiger portends just incredible luck.

What is the dream of a little tiger cub?

If a tiger is preparing to attack in a dream, then this means that the enemies lie in wait for the dreamer and you need to be very careful not to fall into their nets. The little tiger cub that a person dreamed about in a dream may be a sign that depression will soon visit the dreamer.

If in a dream a person defeats a tiger, then this is a sign that glory awaits a person in reality, good results in work, career advancement and many related successes. A small tiger cub, from which the skin is removed, means that in the near future the dreamer will have such joyful events in life that he could not even imagine. A tiger sitting in a cage means that the dreamer will be able to spoil the plans of the enemies and achieve his goals. If in a dream a tiger cub runs away from the dreamer, then this is a sign that a person will succeed in all the affairs that he has planned.

What does a little tiger cub dream about in an esoteric dream book: to see a tiger cub in a dream is a sign that the dreamer will have negotiations with his superiors. If a person stroked a tiger cub in a dream, in reality he will begin to suck up to his boss.

If in a dream a tiger goes straight at a person, this indicates that the dreamer will confuse all his enemies. If a tiger attacked a person in a dream, then this indicates that the dreamer will worry for a long time because of the failure that happened to him. It is worth taking a sober look at the situation and continue to move forward. But if a person managed to resist the attack of an animal, then success will await the dreamer in all endeavors. A small tiger cub, which ran away from a person in a dream, indicates that the dreamer's enemies will be defeated and will hide in fear.

In a modern dream book, a tiger is a symbol of strength and power. A tiger holding prey in its teeth dreams of encouragement and praise from superiors, possibly in the form of a bonus. If in a dream a person kills a tiger, then this means that in reality a happy fate awaits him. A little tiger cub, who is resting, dreams that a person’s life will proceed calmly, both at work and at home. If in a dream the dreamer himself was a tiger, this suggests that he will enter into a fierce war with his superiors, who oppress him and prevent him from making an independent choice.

A small tiger cub often means that the dreamer has an enemy or an enemy who will do everything to harm. The person who dreamed about this should be more attentive to such people, more often listen to the advice of loved ones.

What the little tiger cub is dreaming of can also be asked from an astrologer or found in many dream books. In general, one has only to correctly decipher the dream and remember all its details in order to make some decisions and draw further conclusions.

Why is the tiger cub dreaming?


Lilac fairy

Good dream.

If you dreamed of a gentle gentle representative of the cat family, responding with a rumbling to stroking, then soon you will have the opportunity to climb up the career ladder or make friends with an influential and powerful person. The universal dream book promises that you will be under his protection. Also, it is possible that you will be able to pacify outbursts of anger, animal instincts, get rid of negative energy.

Ruslan Kostenko

So you have a pet.

Boris Ushakov

There is someone about whom you constantly think, but are afraid to approach.



**ANAR** .

a tiger is a danger, what is small means small, but the danger still awaits you. be careful

Why is the tiger cub dreaming? I dreamed of a small affectionate tiger cub. He purred, caressed ...



Acquaintance with a new friend and until he "grows up" everything will be wonderful, and then keep your eyes open, maybe a stab in the back.


means you warmed the enemy.


Most likely, you will be in big trouble because of some child who seems to be cuddling up to you ... but in the end you will get evil.
If you are a teacher or educator, be careful with this pupil, you can be intrigued because of him. The tiger cub can also symbolize your own child, who, in the end, will grow up and do you harm.


a strong patron or friend who needs to gain strength to help you

The tiger cub grabbed his hand

Dream Interpretation - Deceased

A person who is not indifferent to your heart, but with whom the relationship is again terminated. Not necessarily the one who really died. Holding, kissing a hand is an expression of disposition towards this person, a desire for communication. And the abyss with your phone is just to deprive the connection. Back to you - in the past, you are outside the field of his interests.

Dream Interpretation - Attempt on money

A dream on a very painful topic for the Dreamer - the topic of Love and Money (imbalance of the Material and Spiritual spheres, when Money opposes Feelings and vice versa) Two absolutely diverse Men are two extreme states of the Dreamer's earthly sphere, which indicates a deep mental imbalance tall red-haired Man and Flaw - thin and small dark Man). In order to stabilize the resulting vacuum of the earthly-material sphere, it is necessary to balance your desires to the state of Reasonable Feelings, putting both Feelings and Money in their places (with a grown Hand, the Dreamer takes all her Money from the Closet and hides it in different places- where the Wardrobe symbolizes the Emotional sphere, and it stores all the Money-material sphere, the situation of replacing feelings with money). The Dark Man (failures in the personal sphere) very quickly finds the Dreamer, since she Rests from below on the Sofa, which causes a Hillock - this is an indicator of the Dreamer's excessive attachment to Earthly pleasures, which in the toga deprives her earthly goods and fulfillment of desires. All spheres of our life should be equally developed (The Dreamer distributes Money to different places in a dream - an even distribution of her vital energy), which will lead the beautiful Dreamer out of a comprehensive stagnation, when everything is not as desired. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Mother

The deceased, but alive in a dream, Mom is the internal unconscious discontent of the Dreamer in connection with the unrealized emotional sphere ( personal life, family, children) - Mom is angry with the Dreamer because her daughter did not tell anything (the infringement of the emotion / sphere at one time in favor of another). The bandaged and damaged hand of the Hand means the Dreamer's feelings about personal opportunities that were once missed due to unconsciousness, unavailability, and so on. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Mother

Your anxieties are connected with the actions of your mother during her lifetime, you didn’t let her do something.

Dream Interpretation - Dead

Perhaps deep down you reproach yourself for any action or deed. And subconsciously understand that you are not to blame.

Dream Interpretation - Attic

This Dream again tells the Dreamer to get out of the "zone" of emotional comfort (the Dreamer in the Cozy House climbs the stairs to the Attic) and learn to position herself (to walk on her own and fall, but get up and move on - The skin on her Knees is very tender in a dream, which in reality cannot be, because Man grows by falling). The dreamer and her Beloved are of the same height in a dream - this symbolizes the correspondence of Yin and Yang qualities in reality, the manifestation of the strength of Character and the strength of Emotions. In real life, such a dream speaks of the suppleness and softness of the Dreamer, which is not always beneficial. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - They take blood from me above the elbow with a huge needle

Someone VERY STRONGLY WANTS to convince you of something incomprehensible ... Or to drag you into something. Applying unpleasant things to you, and.. Maybe something that... You should pay attention to your health...

Dream Interpretation - Familiar Guy

The dream shows the predominance of the Dreamer's conscious aspirations and ignoring the emotional sphere (the Dreamer goes to the University in Winter, and the Guy stands in the way and specially waits for Her). The Dreamer moves away from the emotional Guy, but eventually gives up to become a couple - it suggests that consciousness alone without the emotions of the Soul will not lead the Dreamer to harmonious relations(rather - to loneliness), when the two are connected by something more than just a solid calculation. This is what a dream is about, advising the Dreamer to build relationships that are balanced from all sides.

Dream Interpretation - Cleaning cat excrement in a room

I think that you inadvertently plunge into a very unpleasant story, which at first will seem very harmless and completely subject to you. As soon as you understand where you are, you will leave it, but you will feel the "aftertaste" for a long time...

Dream Interpretation - He knocked over the oil boiling from the pan on his leg, burned it

I think that in your life there will be some serious rethinking, shifts into some new side, restrictions. There will be an attempt by your parents to "put you on the right path", but you will not want to accept their point of view. The cat may mean a woman who will try to benefit from your new position. You yourself will perceive such a life in two ways: on the one hand, everything is bad, but on the other hand, there are certain benefits, you can adapt and live on.

Little tiger cub

Dream Interpretation - Little Boy

A dream about the Dreamer himself, who has matured, matured and firmly decided to say goodbye to the "inner timid and indecisive boy" (the boy whispers in an incomprehensible language in a dream). After such a dream, events such as registering a marriage with a chosen one, planning children, climbing the social ladder, when a Person is confident in himself and ready to take full responsibility for his decisions, are possible. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - Little animal

A dream that you may have some kind of trouble due to your inattention, which will make you very nervous and ... if you take active measures in time, then .... Everything will end well.

Dream Interpretation - A small parrot is trying to escape

The dream tells the Dreamer about her outwardly internal unconscious emotions that have run wild (the Dreamer needs to go somewhere very far, and in the hands of the Little Parrot - in reality these are the necessary social aspirations and requirements and the Dreamer's emotions / unconsciousness), which she is trying to "take into her fist" in reality (conscious willpower) and thereby stabilize her external position (the Dreamer barely reached the house with her Parrot and put him in a Cage - limiting the manifestations of emotions / sphere, spiritual comfort in reality, that is, * emotional communication *). Only in this case the Dreamer will achieve external social success (education, formation, development and advancement in society). Sincerely

Dream Interpretation - Small growth

The dream thus shows two components of the human personality - this emotional sphere Dreamers (feelings, desires - a person who likes), but when approaching a person you like, the latter decreases in growth - this situation symbolizes those that arise in the process of life emotional attachments(Yin - qualities, earthly attachments of the human body), which can become an obstacle to Human growth (Yang - qualities, awareness of the spirit) due to excessive adherence to ordinary human attitudes (body, appearance, status, generally accepted attitudes). The Dreamer and her man are standing near the Wall (human frames and limits, known settings) and the Man seems lower, but when moving away from the Wall, he again returns to his prescribed Growth - this situation clearly shows the hidden algorithm in reality " internal growth", when a person moves away from ordinary human measures (traditionally, near the wall) and looks for himself (his true desires and abilities). future due to her youth and inexperience.And to prevent this from happening, the Dreamer had this "encoded" Dream, which will help her become a person conscious and strong in Spirit from the inside, find herself and fulfill her destiny.With respect, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Small growth

A dream about your doubts ... You are analyzing some circumstances of your life and some person, perhaps not your MCH, and so .. In some circumstances .. He seems like this to you, and in others - differently .. Doubtful for you, trying to find the answer to this question, why is this happening ... The dream says that you are finding the answer to this situation ...

Dream Interpretation - Orange little fish in boots

A house is where your soul feels good - these are passions, hobbies - what warms you. Among the grass - your thoughts or ideas - you find an unusual animal - perhaps you will discover some gift or some talent in yourself that was previously unknown to you. It will be some unusual open. A fish can mean a thought, or something hidden in the memory. Orange - associated with emotions, joy. A black tail can mean the ability to protect oneself, black boots - the ability to perform actions, go one's own way, also the ability to protect. Tail like a scorpion - this idea can protect itself. Perhaps this means your new talent or new idea who will help you achieve what you want, will be able to "protect" themselves - will be viable. Good luck!

Dream Interpretation - A small man

The dream does not reassure the Dreamer in feelings - relations with a particular young man will not develop, it will be a pity for the time lost on him. The Dwarf Growth of a Guy, visible from afar - in this case means a distant and meaningless relationship with the MCH. Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - A little girl and a dog drowned

A dream about the need to balance Emotions and Reason, because unconsciously diving into the Emotional abyss (the Dreamer is almost drowning, suffocating), we lose our best spiritual qualities (fidelity, sincerity, disinterestedness - a drowned Dog in a dream is a faithful, devoted friend). Crying in a dream - to the waking awareness of one's unconscious actions (Girl's open eyes - eyes will open to the Emotional situation). Sincerely, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Capricious little girl

The dream calls for self-education (Moon in Virgo). In fact, this trait of your character (a capricious little girl) and it will soon bring you life inconveniences, problems (the child jumped out of the stroller and threw a tantrum .......). You perfectly understand that it is necessary to take measures (after all, she was afraid that she would arrange something again). And you will be able to control yourself, or rather with this pernicious inclination (I held it tightly, took it in my arms). Remember that in cousin You are uncomfortable - this is the same trait

Dream Interpretation - Dream about a little girl

Good evening Larisa! Usually in such a dream a person sees his Soul. This is what we are, but more often we mistakenly identify ourselves with our Mind. Therefore, we see the soul from the outside as a pure child. Save Christ!

The tiger cub grabbed his hand

Dream Interpretation - Worm in the finger

Revealed in themselves a tendency to question (worm) their own active (right; Are you right-handed?) decrees, desires ( forefinger). You want to get rid of it, but it turns out with varying degrees of success. Or maybe we are talking about a bad habit (worm) to point to others (forefinger) ... In any case, the open weakens your influence ...

Dream Interpretation - Worm in the finger

Good afternoon You can say so - once perfect, a forgotten deed will again remind you of yourself, and you will feel guilty with new sharpness and will reproach yourself for what you did. Good luck to you, and be attentive to others - not everything is as smooth and rosy as it might seem at first glance.

Dream Interpretation - Worm in the finger

You need clarity on some issue, but so far you are not getting it

Dream Interpretation - Worm in the finger

The habit of actively pointing to others (forefinger right hand) will pour out negative side for you (worm). But you are already aware of this quality of yours (trying to pull the worm out). As advice - work on yourself in terms of your relationship with others

Dream Interpretation - Handshake

This may be a sign that your loved ones will find mutual understanding with each other.

Dream Interpretation - Worm in the finger

Your activity in the material physical world is conditioned by the influence of other people. Possibly father or brother blood relative, a man, but not a husband). You seek to change your activities, to free yourself from this influence. Perhaps for a joint project with a spouse or the manifestation of their own business qualities.

Dream Interpretation - Rings on the fingers

If you are not going to marry, then such a dream means separation from one of your friends, acquaintances.

Dream Interpretation - Rings on the fingers

Rings are unions that YOU have to conclude in life (not only marriage). They will be "different in shape and size." You will especially remember one: "you will suffer" in it (it was angular in shape and I corrected it several times, either it sat uncomfortable, or it scrolled).

Dreams allow each person to open the curtain of mystery and look into the future. To find out necessary information, you should correctly interpret the plot seen. In most cases, a tiger cub in a dream warns of something, so you need to correctly interpret the dream, taking into account all the little things.

Why is the tiger cub dreaming?

To see a striped animal in a cage in a dream is auspicious sign, which indicates that all the plans of the enemies will be destroyed and the dreamer will be able to improve his affairs. A dream in which a tiger cub runs away is a harbinger of favorable changes in the material sphere. Let's figure out what the tiger cub is dreaming of in a dream with which we managed to play - this is an indication that thanks to our own strength and mind we will be able to achieve good results. If the animal was asleep, it means that the dreamer will not be able to decide on an important act, because he is afraid of harming others.

Night vision, in which a tiger cub behaves aggressively, warns of the occurrence of numerous, but minor problems. The dream book recommends that everything be decided on time so as not to accumulate a huge baggage of troubles. Many are interested in what it means if you dream that a tiger cub is eating - this is a good sign indicating that the dreamer was able to control himself and eventually chose the right direction to achieve the set. Night vision, in which a tiger cub is on a leash, indicates the occurrence of trouble, but in the end it will be possible to deal with them. Seeing in a dream how a tiger cub is born is a harbinger of trouble.

Why is a good tiger cub dreaming?

Such a dream often indicates the secret traits of a person, for example, decisiveness, rigidity and pragmatism. In some cases, a good tiger cub means that it's time to put aside all doubts and act. An affectionate animal is a sign indicating good luck in all endeavors.

Why is a tiger cub dreaming in your arms?

Such a plot is a harbinger, but it is important to note that such a situation is rather shaky. Another dream in which you managed to hold a tiger cub in your arms can be taken as a recommendation that you should use all the opportunities presented.

What is the dream of a tiger cub in the house?

If the animal sleeps peacefully in the house, then in real life there are problems that arise due to a lack of understanding with others. For people who have children, such a dream serves as a recommendation that it is worth reconsidering the attitude towards them.

The tiger is a strong and beautiful animal, graceful, noble and dangerous. A striped handsome man seen in a dream can turn out to be both a cute playful tiger cub and a ferocious predator, the sight of which will wake you up in horror.

The meaning of sleep depends on what kind of tiger he saw: an adult or a small one, friendly or dangerous, what he did and what impression he made on you.

Dreamed of a little tiger cub

tiger in general means danger. If a striped baby appeared in a dream, it means that some small problems will appear soon. Whether you manage to cope with them depends on the behavior of the animal. If he ran away from you, you will effortlessly cope with all the difficulties, but if the animal decided to attack you, you will worry about some failures. If a tiger cub behaves friendly in a dream, plays with you, this is a sign that now is the time to act and cope with all the tasks that arise in front of you.

If you see in a dream a young tiger walking in the taiga, it means that in life there is person to be feared. A woman who has such a dream may have a dangerous one nearby.

Big tiger in a dream

If you dreamed of an adult tiger, this is already a sign that you will have to face a manifestation of power. Moreover, the force can both resist you and come from you. A tiger with prey in its teeth is a sign that appreciate your achievements. A tiger that is watching you is a sign of serious danger. If the tiger is going to attack, you will be in trouble from someone from the environment. If you managed to put a tiger to flight in a dream or defeat it, then you be able to deal with enemies. A tiger sitting in a cage can mean that you will take control of your detractors and, perhaps, benefit for yourself. A trained tiger in a circus is a sign that you know how to control your emotions.

Tiger cub sitting on hands

If you took a tiger cub in your arms in a dream, this may mean that you have all the trump cards in your hands in order to successfully complete all important matters. If the baby behaves calmly - you will prevail over envious people and enemies, if the tiger cub is aggressive, trying to bite - among your inner circle there are people who should be feared. If a tiger cub eats from your hands, you go to make your dream come true the right way.


If the animal does not show aggression, purrs - this is a good sign. You have a lot of strength, opportunities and influence in order to solve the tasks facing you, to overcome the resistance of enemies. Your merits will certainly be appreciated. Playing in a dream with a tiger is an ambiguous plot. Still, a tiger is a dangerous animal, even if it seems kind. Haven't you played too much dangerous game Do you do a lot of rash things? They can have negative consequences.

See an animal in the house

If in a dream a large adult tiger walks around the house, it means that you have let it close to you. dangerous person. Someone among friends or colleagues can present an unpleasant surprise so it's best to be careful. If you dreamed of a tiger that lies on your loved one, there are the person who takes advantage of you. And this is a person from the immediate environment. If a small tiger cub walks around the house in a dream, this may mean a misunderstanding in relations with one's own children. If you dream that you brought home a little tiger cub, you should be more attentive to new acquaintances and to the selection of assistants and subordinates.

Attacks you in a dream

If you dream like this, you can wake up in horror. Tiger attack - a sign of impending failure in some business.

If you managed to drive away the beast that attacked you, in the end you will cope with things, despite the difficulties.

If you managed to sit on a tiger and ride it, you will brilliantly cope with the most hopeless business. Also a sign of future victories is tiger skin seen in a dream.

The white tiger who came in a dream

The white tiger seen in a dream means your bosses and other influential people. If a white tiger sits in a zoo, you will not be promoted in the near future. If you dreamed of a white tiger in the taiga - you envy friends and acquaintances who have achieved more than you. But if a white tiger attacked you, this is a kind of dream. It means that you have a patron who guides you to Right way sometimes even in strange ways. Also, an albino tiger in a dream can mean any unexpected event or surprise.

Dreamed of a tiger and a lion

The tiger and that appeared in a dream mean different concepts. The tiger means danger and ill-wishers, the lion means victory. According to Miller's dream book, their joint appearance in a dream means the victory won at a great cost . If tigers fight in a dream, you will recognize the weaknesses of your enemies, the battle of lions means that opponents will weaken in the fight, and you can use their weaknesses to your advantage. If you fight off the attack of animals, further events in real life depend on victories in a dream. Defeated the lion - your position will be shaken, defeated the tiger - it will become stronger. Seeing the hunt and feast of these predators in a dream is a sign of the dreamer's readiness for experiments in the intimate sphere.

In any case, a tiger in a dream is on the eve of serious events in which you will have to apply all your abilities to achieve success.

The tiger is the personification of not only danger, but also power, strength, and for a woman, a dream involving a tiger is related to her man. This dream means that the dreamer doesn't know her man well He can be an unpredictable person. If a girl dreamed of a tiger skin, she is waiting for a wealthy man. If in a dream a tiger attacks a woman, this may be a warning that love affairs can lead to backfire. A woman who dreamed of a tiger with cubs may soon be faced with the need to defend her own opinion.

The value of an animal for a man

If a man has a dream in which he hears a tiger growling, this is a sign that he woo that woman which he wants to receive. A dream in which a trained tiger appears may be evidence of repressed sexual desires men. If in a dream a man sees himself as a tiger, in life he is disappointed with the current state of affairs, and yearns for those dreams and desires that he could not fulfill.