How to congratulate on a new position. Congratulations on a promotion to a woman

We hasten to congratulate our colleague,
With your promotion!
We wish you great work
We will support you, of course, at the beginning!

And let the world play with bright colors,
Let the soul sing with happiness.
And we wish you further increases,
Grow in your career every year!

Congratulations, colleague
Now with a raise.
Positions worthy of this,
I know without a doubt.

Bring a new post
nice ideas,
Let your income only grow

Let there be enough patience
Strength and will to you.
Joy is given by labor
Just let the corns.

Colleague, from pure heart I congratulate you on the promotion and I want to wish you to confidently take new positions in your activities, boldly move towards success and achieve your goals, perfectly cope with new responsibilities and tasks, have high prosperity in life, true love and undeniable happiness.

WITH new position, colleague,
With promotion!
Let there be enough bread with caviar,
There will be peace and friendship in life!

Everything is running smoothly
And the tops give in
Everything in the family will be all right
And success is pouring into your hands!

You got promoted - hooray! We congratulate you on your promotion and wish you further career advancement. But do not be arrogant and remember us, your faithful and sincere friends! We are happy for you, friend!

Dear, diligent colleague!
We all appreciate your great work.
Congratulations on your promotion! Victory
Let your long journey illuminate.

There are failures in life
But you can easily deal with them.
On a different career ladder
Earn money, get points.

Let everything turn out in the best possible way,
And the new work brings success!
Will you be in the position of that leader
No drop and no big hitches.

With the rise of you
Colleague, congratulations
Growth I your career
I wish you fast.

Let luck lead you
Straight to the top
Competitors on the road
Let them not breathe in the back.

I wish you success
You achieved everything
To the goal, so that your road
It dwindled day by day.

You are my dear colleague,
With your promotion!
Even though sometimes we fought
Know that I am loving.

Congratulations, may victory
It won't be the last one here.
Let those close to you be proud
Let comfort reign in the house.

You are an ace, everyone knows it
Easy way for you.
May all troubles and hardships
You can easily pass.

My sincere congratulations our friend! Made new step up the career ladder, and now we can only wish that the future path was not difficult and thorny. With a promotion, and let it be just the beginning. Good luck and all the best in your new role. And with a new salary!

You did a great job, my colleague,
You were promoted - and this is the highest class,
There is no better and stronger strategist in the world,
Why are you so pretty with us!

We wish that in this new chair,
You did not sit for long, but you went forward,
So that they write about you with might and main in the press,
The enthusiastic people applauded!

We sincerely congratulate you on the promotion,
Let new team shouts "Hurrah!"
We wish you happiness and love,
What a pity that it is time for us to part!

Hooray, finally you got the long-awaited and well-deserved promotion! I congratulate you with all my heart! I hope you don't turn up your nose and we'll all be spending our Friday nights at the bar over a glass of beer.

Today is a new star
Your shoulder straps are added,
And we wish that always
Such updates were pouring in.

Our congratulations are the sweetest of all,
He gives happiness and good luck.
And gives joy, and success,
And maybe a general's dacha!

For the fact that he was given to work entirely,
For the fact that he worked for a common cause,
Found, finally, the hero's reward,
And we are all overjoyed for this!

Colleague, please accept congratulations
With your well-deserved promotion.
To be a “fish in the water” in a new position,
I got used to it quickly and was “on horseback”!

Finally, the management appreciated you. We sincerely congratulate you on your promotion and wish that your career growth does not stop at this stage. With the rise of you, our fairest and good boss!

The title is given only to the best.
You are already among the lucky ones.
Congratulations on this! Improve your life
Got a chance. We are happy for you in our hearts!

With elevation comes seriousness
And responsibility for their actions.
Let a colleague not miss happiness
Let him work in a team in love.

When our boss goes on promotion,
The whole team cries and sings.
We will love you, and without a doubt,
Someday a day will come for us.

You will take us higher with you,
And we will be together in the same ranks,
And the work will move again.
It's like being in paradise under your guidance!

Let them love you there and respect you
And they give huge prizes.
In a career, let them continue to increase
And odes to you, like us, sing!


There are many military ranks
But for you the most important day
When the rank of officer
Like the first premiere.

You have been given a superior.
And there is no bragging.
You honestly deserve it
And he put in a lot of effort.

Now you are a second lieutenant,
And a debutant in officers.
Accept congratulations from us
And this one little rhyme.

Lieutenant colonel

Let's congratulate today
Who gets the title
Who became a lieutenant colonel, and because
Today the sun is shining.
Now young, that young major
Became a position higher, larger,
And our congratulations call this position
Go higher faster.

Congratulations on your promotion
Chief the right decision.
Let things go great
And success will become a habit.

Let there be no place for sadness.
Happiness, joy - with you together.
Let your career grow
It will bring you prosperity!


From the bottom of our hearts we congratulate
Lieutenant, we know it
Will never let you down!

He is now an example for many,
Not afraid of anything!
And in business he is very strict,
Everyone respects him.

Let the road go forward
There will be many tests.
You have enough strength for this
After all, you are the face of Russia!

Stars on shoulder straps shine
And let them shine in the sky.
Congratulations on this title.
This is up a serious way!

I am happy and glad with your promotion,
I wish you success, recognition, awards.
I wish you a career almost to heaven,
So that you carry with dignity, this difficult cross!

I wish you health, good luck, good,
Let this mountain also submit,
So that you always reach new heights,
ABOUT former colleagues you didn't forget!

And we love you, you come to us,
Let our paths not diverge
And if trouble happens to you,
Know that we will help you anywhere and anytime!

You are a master of difficult professions,
Alas, this is how you were born
And according to the laws of all the universe
Your work has been well rewarded.

Resolve issues competently
Your skill, a bright gift.
High let there be career growth
And your fee is fair!

In career growth, you again do not know the barriers!
And again you have achieved new heights!
Today you are extremely happy about this!
We wish you only shooting forward!
Not to stop on the road
Always strived upwards and only upwards!
And if there are troubles and worries
We give you one piece of advice -
Always hold on!

You diligently worked hard.
We missed this time
After all, you rarely went out with your friends.
Bottom line: he deserves a raise.
We want to gain momentum
Climb even higher in your career.
And enthusiasm at work
Yours is getting stronger!

We wish you success in life today,
Less complaints and more praise
The road of life is more authentic
And a lot of joy on it.
May your every working day
IN wonderful holiday turn into
And never doubt a shadow
It won't show in your eyes.

Did you get a promotion for great merit?
For a simple attitude, for love for a great cause,
For the greatness of nature, and simple respect,
For aspiration and honesty, beauty and meekness of character, -
That's why you got this super promotion!

Dear (name), congratulations on another increase At work! Let it be only a good start your successful career growth! I wish to be the best, respected and competent employee! I know that you deserve it! Congratulations on your promotion!

You were promoted, than this is not a reason to get together, to celebrate.
Do not forget your colleagues, help, drag them through the ranks!
Your mind and luck can be envied.
After all, they are what you have achieved.
Don't step out of the way - there is only one way -
Forward in the office - to the director's chair !!!

Your work is appreciated -
Congratulations on your promotion!
So that you do not know problems at work
And in everything to succeed!
To further appreciate you
For your work and success in work,
And so that this step is yours
Was not the last in your rise!

It's done. you have been waiting for this for so long, you have slept with this thought for so long, cherished and shored. you did a lot to make it true. and now - your triumph. YOU are now the beginning! Congratulations. I wish you never forget about the subordinate that you were until recently. Let his image always remind you that you need to lead competently. Be good, professional leader. With promotion!

Our dear mother!
You are very stubborn with us.
If you decide something
Always stand on your own.
Congratulations on your promotion!
Strength to you! Sea of ​​patience!
Do not scold subordinates
Don't forget about family.
Well, we always, than we can,
We will help you, Mom.
In general, always be stubborn,
Our dear mother!

Today we celebrate a new step in your life! Climbing the career ladder is a path that not everyone succeeds, but only worthy and hardworking people! Without a doubt, you are! So let this step be a wonderful reward for your merits!

Congratulations! As they say, a promotion is a proof of a person's professionalism, talent and skills. His ability to improve and go uphill. This is a proof of great trust on the part of colleagues, management, relatives!

You're not a big deal yet
But now it’s not a black man.
In such a position, brother,
You've never been before.

A car is waiting at the entrance
Money is in pockets
Subordinates are nerds
Silent as sheep.
And the boss is always drunk ...

In the morning I sewed shoulder straps,
I painted lampas on my pants,
Now I don't drink moonshine
Cognac should bring me!

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    We wish you success in your hard work.
    You have a lot of strength, and do not relax,
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    We wish to create such a team,
    Any questions are skillfully solved.
    The mayor of the city is always a wise master,
    And he will never fail.
    Under your command - the city will be,
    And the townspeople - worthy of all to live.

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  • Congratulations to Leonid on promotion from colleagues

    Dear Colleague Leonid,
    You are still the individual
    What you don't know sometimes
    How to approach you
    Asking which one.
    But with an increase
    Don't congratulate you
    We can not,
    After all, you are just an ace!
    We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
    And further along the career
    The stairs go up
    Reach those heights
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  • Congratulations on your promotion

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  • Congratulations on promotion

    ____________(Name)! Congratulations on your long awaited promotion! You worked hard and finally your efforts were noticed and appreciated! I wish you to achieve even more in your new position, but not to lose what you have acquired earlier!

  • Congratulations on your new position

    Today we congratulate you on your "new shoulder straps", on promotion, on a well-deserved award! May many worthy people rejoice at your victory, and work in a new post will bring a feeling of complete self-realization and spiritual harmony, as well as an increase in well-being and qualification abilities!

  • Congratulations on promotion to a colleague

    Congratulations on your promotion! You worked for this company for so long, you gave so much time and effort to work! And so! The long-awaited hour has come - you have been promoted! We congratulate you and wish you well-being in business, health and success to you!