Parting words to the head of the new position. Congratulations on the position

You deserve a raise
And on this happy day
Accept from us with respect
This huge congratulations!

We wish that in a new place
You are appreciated from the bottom of your heart.
And we say without any flattery:
You are very good!

For health to help
Go up the steep stairs
For this to be just the beginning
And you have always been a star!

We hasten to congratulate our colleague,
With your promotion!
We wish you great work
We will support you, of course, at the beginning!

And let the world play with bright colors,
Let the soul sing with happiness.
And we wish you further increases,
Grow in your career every year!

You got promoted - hooray! We congratulate you on your promotion and wish you further career advancement. But do not be arrogant and remember us, your faithful and sincere friends! We are happy for you, friend!

My sincere congratulations our friend! Made new step up the career ladder, and now we can only wish that the future path was not difficult and thorny. With a promotion, and let it be just the beginning. Good luck and all the best in your new role. And with a new salary!

Never bored under your wing
You led the whole department forward without a doubt,
Worked great, not knowing laziness
And you got a promotion...

We wish you a loud and glorious career,
And meet a lot of luck along the way.
And even if you are not the main one yet,
But surely success awaits you ahead!

Only through hard work and perseverance
You got your way
So, congratulations on the promotion,
We wish you everything, boss:

So that the chair is new - cozy,
No one was distracted from work.
So that the leadership is sensitive,
After all, change it soon.

You are my dear colleague,
With your promotion!
Even though sometimes we fought
Know that I am loving.

Congratulations, may victory
It won't be the last one here.
Let those close to you be proud
Let comfort reign in the house.

You are an ace, everyone knows it
Easy way for you.
May all troubles and hardships
You can easily pass.

Dear, diligent colleague!
We all appreciate your great work.
Congratulations on your promotion! Victory
Let your long journey illuminate.

There are failures in life
But you can easily deal with them.
On a different career ladder
Earn money, get points.

Let everything turn out in the best possible way,
And the new work brings success!
Will you be in the position of that leader
No drop and no big hitches.

You did a great job, my colleague,
You were promoted - and this is the highest class,
There is no better and stronger strategist in the world,
Why are you so pretty with us!

We wish that in this new chair,
You did not sit for long, but you went forward,
So that they write about you with might and main in the press,
The enthusiastic people applauded!

We sincerely congratulate you on the promotion,
Let new team shouts "Hurrah!"
We wish you happiness and love,
What a pity that it is time for us to part!

Hooray, finally you got the long-awaited and well-deserved promotion! I congratulate you with all my heart! I hope you don't turn up your nose and we'll all be spending our Friday nights at the bar over a glass of beer.

Congratulations on your promotion! It's always nice to know that bosses are people too and can get promoted too. Let it not be the last and our modest boss will become the Biggest Boss. Good luck moving forward and, of course, don't forget about us mere mortals.

In career growth, you again do not know the barriers!
And again you have achieved new heights!
Today you are extremely happy about this!
We wish you only shooting forward!
Not to stop on the road
Always strived upwards and only upwards!
And if there are troubles and worries
We give you one piece of advice -
Always hold on!

You diligently worked hard.
We missed this time
After all, you rarely went out with your friends.
Bottom line: he deserves a raise.
We want to gain momentum
Climb even higher in your career.
And enthusiasm at work
Yours is getting stronger!

We wish you success in life today,
Less complaints and more praise
The road of life is more authentic
And a lot of joy on it.
May your every working day
IN wonderful holiday turn into
And never doubt a shadow
It won't show in your eyes.

Did you get a promotion for great merit?
For a simple attitude, for love for a great cause,
For the greatness of nature, and simple respect,
For aspiration and honesty, beauty and meekness of character, -
That's why you got this super promotion!

Dear (name), congratulations on another increase At work! Let it be only a good start your successful career growth! I wish to be the best, respected and competent employee! I know that you deserve it! Congratulations on your promotion!

You were promoted, than this is not a reason to get together, to celebrate.
Do not forget your colleagues, help, drag them through the ranks!
Your mind and luck can be envied.
After all, they are what you have achieved.
Don't step out of the way - there is only one way -
Forward in the office - to the director's chair !!!

Your work is appreciated -
Congratulations on your promotion!
So that you do not know problems at work
And in everything to succeed!
To further appreciate you
For your work and success in work,
And so that this step is yours
Was not the last in your rise!

It's done. you have been waiting for this for so long, you have slept with this thought for so long, cherished and shored. you did a lot to make it true. and now - your triumph. YOU are now the beginning! Congratulations. I wish you never forget about the subordinate that you were until recently. Let his image always remind you that you need to lead competently. Be good, professional leader. With promotion!

Our dear mother!
You are very stubborn with us.
If you decide something
Always stand on your own.
Congratulations on your promotion!
Strength to you! Sea of ​​patience!
Do not scold subordinates
Don't forget about family.
Well, we always, than we can,
We will help you, Mom.
In general, always be stubborn,
Our dear mother!

Today we celebrate a new step in your life! Climbing the career ladder is a path that not everyone succeeds, but only worthy and hardworking people! Without a doubt, you are! So let this step be a wonderful reward for your merits!

Congratulations! As they say, a promotion is a proof of a person's professionalism, talent and skills. His ability to improve and go uphill. This is a proof of great trust on the part of colleagues, management, relatives!

You're not a big deal yet
But now it’s not a black man.
In such a position, brother,
You've never been before.

A car is waiting at the entrance
Money is in pockets
Subordinates are nerds
Silent as sheep.
And the boss is always drunk ...

With promotion to you, friend!
Good luck, progress!
To be respected by everyone around!
And creative solutions!

So that, moving only up
On the service ladder
You could answer for everything
Making no mistakes.

So that with subordinates always
You were extremely polite.
And, being in business, in labor,
To be cheerful and fresh!


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Congratulations on the promotion
And I wish you success:
May the hard way of labor
Always refunded
Let the bosses not scream
Let luck fly
Let career growth continue
It will be easy, fast and simple!


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Side by side working with you.
We are proud of you - colleague!
With your good deeds
You, on the shoulder, the position of a strategist!

We are ready to rise
All under your guidance!
We congratulate you, with excitement,
With another promotion!

Congratulations on your promotion

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Well, you waited, my friend,
You took your star.
And even though you are not a general,
But now the boss is full of energy.
I congratulate you on this
I wish to conquer further.
Business areas are large
And walk up the stairs!


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Congratulations on your GROWTH!
With a wonderful, joyful moment.

Not every weekday it is -
Therefore - from you, today, it is due!

We are glad that your talent is noticed,
Good luck, good luck and success, dear!

After all, at least something will be added to the salary -
But work, as always, will increase!


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With promotion!

Congratulations on your GROWTH! Takeoff only!
The career ladder is very steep and goes up.

Who works tirelessly, and sparing no effort,
He achieves success, no matter what he says.

When everyone, with excitement, is waiting for rest on Saturday,
The worker thinks only about business, chooses work.

Such a feat is appreciated, and we are very happy for you,
Patience and hard work are rewarded!


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Congratulations, from the bottom of our hearts, on your GROWTH!
Work with more diligence, inspiration!

Now you have subordinates - a friendly series,
They are waiting for commands - they are ready to do everything in a row.

Under your strict guidance of affairs,
Success in work and good luck will always be with us.

We trust you! your talents are undeniable,
With such a boss - we are strong and invincible!

Congratulations on your promotion

Purchased and owned by the site.

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Manage the firm impeccably

I'm raising you
I want to congratulate my son sincerely.
You just take care of yourself
Run the firm impeccably.

For extra income
Focus your efforts.
Don't hurt the common people
Do not allow violence in labor.


Promotion is always exciting and pleasant event. We wish that your worries were only pleasant, the work brought a stable income and moral satisfaction!

We wish you success in your professional field everywhere. May all creative ideas always be successfully implemented and appreciated by the authorities. So that colleagues respect and listen to your opinion. With promotion!

We sincerely congratulate you on your promotion. We wish you enthusiasm and inspiration. Develop creatively and never get upset over trifles!

We sincerely congratulate you on this joyful event. Thanks to your persistent patience and impeccable work, you have become a step higher. We wish that with the promotion of your position, your faith in yourself will grow, working conditions will improve, and your salary will reach unprecedented heights. So that the bosses are favorable, and the work team becomes a second family for you!

No matter what the weather is outside, let it always be clear and sunny in the heart, warm and cozy in the family, and comfortable and safe at work. Let health allow you to work to the fullest, achieving excellent results!

Congratulations on promotion in prose

Well, you have achieved your goal, you have been promoted! Let me congratulate and rejoice with you. I would like to wish that the authorities would always appreciate your professionalism, relatives and friends would support and help you grow further in every possible way. So that you always go to work with pleasure, and from work with a sense of accomplishment. Let good salary inspires you and allows you to spend unforgettable holidays in the most wonderful corners of our planet!

We wish that this increase became the starting point on the way to your amazing career! May every day be easy and joyful. The work environment is inspiring and stimulating. Good luck in your new position!

Someone will say that this is how fate decreed, but we know that your promotion is the result of fruitful work and extraordinary determination. We wish you not to lose your grip, to move on, conquering new heights. Let inspiration never leave you for a minute, and your strong-willed character will never be broken by difficulties and obstacles. decent job only the best get it. You are the best in your business! Congratulations!

With promotion! Be always optimistic and charismatic. Charge your colleagues with positive, please your bosses with new achievements. Health to you and prosperity.

Congratulations on your promotion! You honestly and fairly deserved this position. Work is not always easy, but let it be feasible for you. I wish you Have a good mood, cheerfulness, prosperity. Let your favorite business bring you joy and a considerable salary!

It's nice when your irrepressible thirst for work, talent and perseverance are appreciated. Let this be only the first step of your career ladder. Fear and uncertainty are left far behind, and ahead are experience, success and new achievements. I wish you more such rapid rises.

Congratulations on your promotion. Let the work be a pleasure - easy and interesting, and pay - always on time and on top. Strive for new horizons, create and develop. I wish you patience, fortitude and eternal success on the way to your dream.

There is reason to congratulate you today. Finally, your painstaking, diligent and selfless work has borne its sweet fruits. Never rest on your laurels and boldly move forward, crushing all visible and invisible obstacles on your way.

Congratulations on entering a new serious chapter of your life - new position. I hope this chapter will be the most exciting and interesting page in your life. Just do not linger on it for a long time, gain experience and boldly flip through to the next one. Let your self-improvement and self-development know no boundaries.

You have worked long and selflessly before achieving such a high result. And those who believe in themselves and work with such dedication cannot go unnoticed. I really want to congratulate you on your promotion and wish that this lightning dash was just a warm-up before a serious climb up the career ladder.

There are people for whom career very important in life. And they sacrifice a lot to achieve success in their work. But how difficult it is sometimes to go without looking back and plunge into the routine of working days. And having received a new position, the world becomes more beautiful. After all, you know that everything is not in vain. All hard work has paid off! And when your loved ones are still happy for you, then there is no chapel at all! That is why, you will not be mistaken if at the moment when your close person established himself in a new position, you congratulate him bright congratulations. Here you will find various congratulations on promotion. And then both you and your careerist will be extremely pleased.

Congratulations on your new position!
You have been dreaming about it for a very long time.
I wish you to realize your plans -
Boldly go to your goal!
There is no need to be afraid of new worries -
You can deal with them very easily.
Let work itself be your reward -
You will go far in the service!

New position is excitement
And obligations of new tide!
Don't panic, let inspiration
You will be taken to a calm bay!
You will be able to stay afloat -
You have already been in storms more than once.
Clouds of doubt you only develop,
Your new position is simply class!

Congratulations on your new position
We would like you now
Send on a mysterious path,
Unknown at times!
Don't be afraid of the road
What you have to go through.
Let anxiety go away
Only success favors!

With a new position, colleague,
We congratulate you today!
IN new world start with a run
Forces are not sparing.
Don't get lost in this world
You are no longer a beginner.
Rely on your experience
Catch luck on the hook!

Sometimes it doesn't hurt at all
Dream about something new
These thoughts are not without a trace,
They can always disappear.
That was once a dream
Take a new position.
And out of hundreds of candidates
We are happy to congratulate you!

A new position is the dream of millions,
Shine on the horizon beckons.
And according to quite understandable laws,
The one who cherishes the dream will win.
You need to go to her systematically,
And do not turn off in a long way,
And then naturally
Luck decides to come!

You chose not to give up
Do not regret your labors
And advance in the service,
At least a few steps.
You deserved to win
Congratulations on her!
Don't forget about lunches
With your new position!