Official congratulations on the professional holiday to the head. Corporate congratulations in prose

Every profession that only exists in this world is good in its own way. And therefore, no one should condemn the work of another. Everyone who works is worthy of admiration. That is why every person must also congratulate others on every holiday. And since holidays by profession happen every time, then you will definitely find those who can be congratulated. So you can just come up with a good congratulation and send it to the celebrant. And if you don’t succeed at all in coming up with a good text on your own, then you can simply find a large warehouse of such congratulations on our website. Just choose the one you like the most. And do not forget that after all, warm hugs and good words work best.

We wish you every happiness
An abundance of wealthy clients,
The growth of the visible revenue part,
And the rise of joyful moments.
Love mutual and imperishable,
Health, inspired by a dream.
And admire us colleagues more often
With grace and beauty!

Congratulations, what else can I say?
Business on such dates should be forgotten.
A glass of champagne for you.
Yes, so that your success does not sleep.
May you have great ideas
And cherished dreams will come true.
Good luck in everything, creative career,
Special, illuminated by the stars, fate.
Let all the threads lead to you!
Discord will bypass your house!
Successes on the way and prospects await.

Time passes in a fast run,
Well, today we are colleagues!
Professions we celebrate a holiday
We invite friends and relatives!
Let's meet him with dignity
And rest from storms, worries, anxieties!
We wish you love, warmth and inspiration,
Family comfort and warmth,
In problems, only a wise solution,
Attention, dignity, kindness!

We all want, without exception
I wish you all sorts of things:
Good luck, happiness and luck,
And never lose heart
So that a happy ticket falls out,
So that your vacation is not rainy,
Great success at work!
And be held in high esteem by the authorities!

May your world be bright and beautiful
And often visits inspiration!
We wish you new thoughts, perspectives,
Pleasant, fresh, bright impressions!
Let gratitude be from the heart
Gifts are chosen with love!
We value your friendship very much,
We wish you good health with all our hearts!

Let your sail be filled with wind
Success will crown the search!
May all your plans come true
And all wishes will come true!
Let the song of luck not end
And the music of happiness will continue!
May you want more every day
And life will be great!

On the professional holiday of those who follow the path of ensuring proper quality in everything that surrounds us, we want to be of no less quality. Even if words are not a product, not a job or a service, but today they must be impeccable. Therefore, I congratulate you on Quality Day and wish you that every day you have less and less work - so that quality is monitored primarily by manufacturers and performers. Happy holiday! Today I hasten to congratulate you on the international day of quality!
It is thanks to universal quality standards that today we have the opportunity to eat wholesome food, wear good clothes, live in comfortable homes ... This is not a complete list of amenities that are usually called quality in the modern world.
Therefore, on this day, I want to congratulate you on your professional holiday and say “thank you”, because it is thanks to your efforts that we know firsthand what quality is! Quality is the most important component of... everything! And today, on the day of quality, I wish you not only happiness, health, good luck, love, prosperity and recognition, but also quality! High quality of life, high quality relationships, high quality wardrobe items and high quality, not second-rate events. Let your whole life pass in such a way that you can put the highest test on it! Happy quality day to you! Today is a magnificent, very QUALITY holiday! It's called: Quality Day! And this is a great reason to wish you a high QUALITY of life! Let everything be QUALITY: health, personal happiness, career growth and rest! Don't let fake, "low-quality" people get in your way! FRESH ideas for you, REAL feelings, FIRST CLASS highlights! Your work is not at all easy, because there are 1001 quality criteria for each product ... Today, World Quality Day, I congratulate those who vigilantly ensure that only high-quality products enter the market and wish them all the best! Any product, as you know, should be useful, or even pleasing to the eye, and besides, be durable and safe, in a word - high quality. Today the whole world celebrates Quality Day, and I also congratulate you! Let everything in your life be of exceptionally high quality! Why is quality so important to us? For a thing to serve for a long time, justify the hopes and costs ... Without quality, there is no product! Happy Quality Day! May everything that surrounds us be of very high quality, may all life be good and beautiful! The modern market economy overwhelms us with its countless gifts, and almost always, the main criterion by which we make a choice is quality. Today, on World Quality Day, I congratulate you, I wish you all the best and I want to express the hope that one day the quality of all goods will be so good that we will forget that it is otherwise! Happy Quality Day! You make sure that only the best reaches the hands of the end user! Your work is not easy, responsible and very important! Please accept our gratitude for her, as well as wishes for many years and good happiness! Any manufacturer knows that quality is above all, and the rest will follow. Today, on World Quality Day, it's time to congratulate those professionals who are almost entirely responsible for it, and wish them success in their work and personal well-being! You tirelessly and vigilantly monitor the products released into the world, and do not allow a single particle of poor quality! You are true professionals and we can't do without you! Please accept our congratulations on the day of quality! Let your work be easy, and life full of bright pleasant impressions! In order to comply with GOST, standards, so that there are no complaints and problems ... Any production needs quality control specialists ... It depends on their work what the end consumer will receive! Happy Quality Day! Know no worries, and let marriage never elude your keen eyes!

Brother, congratulations. I wish you confident courage and bravery
courage, good deeds and useful deeds, high prosperity and
undeniable victories, great luck and undoubted luck, true love
and real happiness.

I congratulate the kind, brave and magnificent boss from all
souls. I wish you respect and honor at work, success in your work and
good luck, brilliant prospects and great luck, undoubted development and
business prosperity, true love and good happiness.

From the bottom of my heart I congratulate a wonderful person and a brave man. Wish
a smooth and good road to great goals and great victories, I wish
strong strength and excellent health, I wish you good luck on the way and
unquenchable love of the heart.

Congratulations to a great guy. I wish you bright hopes and great
success, sincere happiness and strong love, high prosperity and
true friends, optimal solutions and great ideas, fun
mood and constant good luck, stable well-being and luck in

Mom, I congratulate you. My dear, always be the same
beautiful and the most wonderful, the kindest, sincere, magnificent and
irresistible. I wish you great success in any endeavor, good
good luck on the way to your goals and unquenchable family happiness.

With all my heart I hasten to congratulate a sweet and unique woman. Wish
employment in your favorite business and interesting hobbies of life, well-being and
real happiness, splendor in everything and excellent mood,
good spirits, joyful emotions, great love and good luck.

Congratulations, dear daughter. May all your affairs be crowned
success, let luck and luck be on your way, let it be
wonderful mood and cheerful soul, let respect surround you,
bright happiness and good friends.

Congratulations, dear daughter! I want to always be bright
a star and a warm sun, a sweet girl and a kind person,
sincere friend and creative person. I wish you pleasant life
surprises, good luck, joy, bright hope, strong faith in yourself and

My dear mother, I congratulate you. I want to wish from the bottom of my heart
always stay at the heights of success and the peak of joy, to be
magnificent in everything and believe in your luck, I wish you extraordinary
good health and good hope, unearthly happiness and sincere

On this wonderful day, I want to wish you only one thing -
continue to bloom and decorate with its beauty, radiance and
optimism the whole world! Stay always so feminine and graceful,
bring people warmth and joy with your existence! Don't forget about
that your smile even for a moment, but makes people in this world

Congratulations on Civil Aviation Day in your own words

Beautiful and official congratulations on Civil Aviation Day
colleagues, team, employees in prose with a professional
happy holiday, original and comic wishes to friends text with their own

Now flights are no longer a fantasy, but the daily work of aviators. Who do their job well.
Happy Civil Aviation Day to those who make our flights comfortable and enjoyable.
You continue in the same spirit. And we will be happy to fly on your planes.
Congratulations to colleagues in prose Flying up is no longer a problem. But to do it smoothly and
then soft landing is the work of true professionals. Only
such professionals deserve to fly a passenger plane.
Congratulations on the Civil Aviation Day. May your flights continue to be as smooth and successful as ever. May you not protect the sky of our homeland from enemy attacks
aircraft. But your work is just as important. Only you can lift
into the sky so many unprepared people and make them fly
safe and enjoyable.
Stay professional in your field. Congratulations to all of you on the occasion of the Civil Aviation Day! Now flying under the clouds is available to everyone. For this not
you have to be a bird or a professional pilot. Enough to go to
board the aircraft and trust the pilots of civil aviation. And they, in their
turn, make your flight unforgettable and enjoyable.
On this day
civil aviation, we congratulate all employees on
professional holiday and thank you for being
make dreams of flying available to every person on earth.
Happy civil aviation day to employees in your own words The sky is an unusual world, unfamiliar to airplane passengers.
It seems that open spaces allow you to fly unlimitedly and uncontrollably.
But it's not.
Only the work of a well-coordinated team of employees
civil aviation is able to understand the intricacies of these spaces.
Only together, doing your complex and difficult work, you
ensure a safe flight for unsuspecting passengers.
On Civil Aviation Day, I would like to congratulate all employees and wish you to remain professionals in your field. Today is the professional holiday of those who make the life of mankind
lighter and more comfortable. Now the goods are delivered in a short time. A
the road from city to city, which takes a day, will now pass in just
hour. And all this thanks to the work of civil aviation employees.
We would like to express our gratitude to you on behalf of all mankind for your
irreplaceable work and congratulate you on the international holiday!
The text of congratulations on the professional holiday prose Not only the pilots of the aircraft ensure the flight of passengers.
Dispatchers, technical workers, flight attendants and all those who make
our flights are safe and comfortable today celebrate the triumph
his profession. From the bottom of our hearts we would like to congratulate you on the Civil
aviation! We wish you to remain professionals in the workplace and
happy people everyday life.

Congratulations on Accountant's Day in prose

Happy Russian Accountant Day! May your life balance
the most cherished desires always fully converges with the size of your
material and physical capabilities, incomes constantly exceed
expenses, love only increases every day, and happiness with
Every minute just adds up!

I want to congratulate you on the Russian Accountant's Day and wish you a stable
success at work, impeccable reporting and proper documentation.
Let life be filled with pleasant surprises, memorable
moments, fun meetings and joyful emotions. Great health
and true happiness!

Happy accountant's day in Russia. Let the profession please with well-being,
work brings satisfaction, colleagues appreciate the importance of work, everything
merits will be taken into account, life bonuses will be accrued. Be happy,
loved, gifted by fate, rewarded with kindness.

Congratulations on a wonderful professional holiday - Happy
Russian accountant. I wish you prosperity in life and work,
good health and excellent mood, confident strength and
a bright mind, the absence of errors in work and an undoubted good in

Congratulations on the Russian Accountant's Day and I want to wish you an error-free
work and unimpeded activity, undoubted good luck and high
success, wonderful mood and gallant respect, personal
well-being and real happiness.

I sincerely congratulate you on the Day of the Accountant of Russia and I want to wish
activities with good luck and success, correct reports and easy work,
I wish peace outside the window and great happiness in my soul, I wish joy of the heart and
good mood.

Congratulations on the Russian Accountant's Day and I want to wish you excellent
accounting and correct order in work, great achievements in activities and
incredible success in life. I wish you good health, well-being in
family, great luck and kindness of loved ones.

Accountant, with your professional holiday. I wish you a career
growth, good income, fewer reports¸ hassle and worries. More
peace of mind, family well-being, unforgettable
adventures, new travels, mind-blowing events and let
you are always accompanied by happiness and good luck.

Dear professionals in your field, we congratulate you on the day
Russian accountant! We wish that everything in your work activity
passed without a hitch. So that all reports converge to a penny.
So that everyday work brings positive and good mood! Let
your nerves will always be as strong as steel ropes! Health to you and
confidence in every step and new beginning!

Masters of finance, masters of debits and credits, congratulations
you with your professional holiday. Let everything converge with you
let everything always go well, let there be fewer reports and joy
let there be work. We wish you good income, in the soul of excellent weather.

Congratulations on the day of the lawyer of Russia in prose

Congratulations to all lawyers in Russia on their professional holiday!
I wish that life is always turned to you with its bright and
safe side! Good health, patience and endurance, strength and
energy, inspiration and good luck. I wish you many cases won, internal
satisfaction with their work, prosperity and well-being!

Congratulations to professionals in their field on the holiday - Lawyer's Day
Russia! We wish you to always have an ace up your sleeve, a worthy store of knowledge and
experience, prospects and amazing success! Be healthy, be careful
detailed, thoughtful and versatile! May your work bring
desired income and great pleasure! Good luck and high goals!

Congratulations on your professional holiday, Lawyer's Day in Russia.
I wish: not to come into conflict with Themis; harsh law be on
guardian of interests; fortune to accompany difficult cases; well-being
grow financially; energy does not run out; for the right to do
personal exploits. Justice, steadfastness, peremptoryness!

On Lawyer's Day in Russia, I sincerely congratulate you and wish you seriousness and
importance in business, sincerity and honesty in relationships, love and
kindness in the heart, happiness and joy in the soul, success and constant
victories in activities, creativity and zest in ideas, well-being
and good luck on your journey.

On Lawyer's Day in Russia, from the bottom of my heart I want to wish to hone
their professionalism and show all their abilities in any business,
enjoy great honor and respect, strive for restoration
fairness and achieve all goals. Let it always
life manages to perfectly combine prestige, responsibility and success.

Dear lawyers and legal professionals! Allow today
congratulate you on your professional holiday - Lawyer's Day! AND
although the holiday is very young and is celebrated this year only on the third
time, its establishment at the state level is a recognition
the high role of your profession in the life of society and the state. Be
lawyer - on the one hand, very prestigious and respectable, but with
the other is extremely difficult, since your profession requires a huge
responsibility. We wish you not to forget about your mission!
Professional achievements, success, well-being and new achievements in
your difficult, but very necessary work for people!

Congratulations on the holiday of the guardians of the law, climbers
jurisprudence. We wish your professionalism to serve the good
people. May good luck accompany you, may there be many ahead
brilliant victories. Be always authoritative, independent, healthy and
happy. Happy holiday!

Congratulations on Lawyer's Day in Russia and I wish you from the bottom of my heart
lose dexterity and excellent grip in any business, with confidence and before
to bring any work to an end, to complete each undertaking with victory,
have reliable support in life and great luck.

Dear lawyers! I congratulate you on your professional holiday and
I wish you success in fulfilling your honorable and responsible mission,
in establishing justice. Let the quality of your
work always corresponds to the financial capabilities of your customers!

Dear lawyers, we congratulate you on your professional
holiday. And although this holiday was introduced not so long ago, this does not cancel
its significance. May your home always be cozy and warm, and
family and friends will always be there. We also want individuality,
growth of professionalism, respect and success.

Congratulations on FSB Day 2017 in prose

Congratulations on FSB Day. I wish you endless health and
unlimited luck, brilliant success in activities, high status
and honor of the position, I wish you good health, strength and
courage, I wish you faithful comrades, support and love of relatives and
happy world.

Congratulations on your professional holiday, the day of the employee of the authorities
state and national security! Let the service: be in
the head of the guiding principles; never goes against personal
interests; is always something to be proud of. strength, health,
fortitude, wisdom, courage, cheerfulness.

Your work obliges to be courageous, courageous, persistent,
attentive. You carry out your service honestly and meekly, you protect
state and national security. Thank you! Let the difficulties
which always meet on your way will be easily overcome, and
in personal life we ​​wish not to know problems. Health to you and sincere
calmness. Happy holiday, dear FSB officers!

Congratulations on FSB Day and from the bottom of my heart I wish you a high personal
security, responsibility and successful struggle for peace, great
achievements and invincible success, respect and high honor, good luck and
prosperity, family happiness, love and good health.

Congratulations to all employees of the state and national
holiday security! We wish to always be vigilant in
such painstaking and responsible work, to protect the interests of not only
our country, but also its citizens. And, of course, to be brave,
full of enthusiasm and loyalty to their profession. with honor and
dignity to get out of a difficult situation without losing
self-control. Success not only in the labor field, but also in the personal

Congratulations on FSB Day. I want to wish to always stand on the right
guardian of the security and peace of the Motherland, to remain in any situation
a strong and brave person, in any business to achieve great success and
incredible luck, strive for high goals and your desires, live
in abundance and prosperity.

Congratulations on FSB Day. I wish this holiday to always be
confident in their actions and goals, not for a moment weaken
control over the security and development of society. May our people
culture, values ​​and interests will always be under reliable protection from
influence and interference, both external and internal factors.

Congratulations on the Day of the employee of state and
national security and wish, of course, I want the proper level
protection of citizens and proper security of the country, clear goals and
gallant performance of tasks, bold decisions and great plans, lack of
conflicts in life and the presence of rainbow happiness.

On FSB Day, I wish you to work hard, bravely defend the country and
residents, do not lose a single chance for luck, always rush
forward, comprehending success and victory on the way. I wish you great health,
courage of the heart and courage of the soul. May we be safe
the state, and in the well-being of every citizen.

Congratulations to all employees of state and national
security with a professional holiday! We wish harmony and
orderliness at work. Transparent and timely given information
documentation. Good funding and high level
openness in business. Good health, tempered character and
confidence in the legal base!

Dear colleague! We wish you comfort, harmony and warmth. Wherever you are: whether at home, at work. Thank you for giving everyone present here a sea of ​​inexhaustible optimism, endless cheerfulness and boundless fun. ©

This pleasant evening brought together people with inexhaustible energy, phenomenal performance, excellent professional streak, courage and excitement. People who know what risk is, who know how to take risks, overcoming difficult obstacles. I wish that our common endeavors are always accompanied by good luck! ©

I would like to sincerely wish every colleague present here interest in work in order to achieve success, efficiency in order to complete the work faster and responsibility so that the quality does not suffer. And, of course, a decent salary. Health to all and success in our hard work. ©

Colleagues! I wish you creative success in your work, high quality products and simply prosperity in the business world. Let luck become a faithful companion in all endeavors, personal life - a series of pleasant and very pleasant events, and good mood become an inspiration for new achievements. ©

May the smile never leave your face on this day full of joy! We will congratulate you as a friendly team and see you at the festive table. Let joint work only bring joy, and criticism of your fighting spirit raises. A moment of happiness will be swirled today by a friendly round dance, we wish you to live longer without problems and without worries! ©

I want to congratulate you on this clear and wonderful day. The whole team drives away sleep and laziness on weekdays! Collectively, we strive to take a place under the sun, so I wish you not to lose the desire to fight, to be persistent and persistent in work, so that our company will always be on top! ©

Many days flew by in a year unnoticed, but only one will remain great when the team was created. Group for one! And one for the group! I want to congratulate you colleagues, wish you health and prosperity. So that there are no dark days, but there is understanding in the team! So that severe hardships bypass us, and we, as a family, are very close-knit and friendly! ©

On the day you were born, the sun shone brighter than usual, and this is noticeable in your charming smile and the radiance of your eyes. We wish you on such a beautiful day that there is nothing familiar, and life does not let us forget about us, that the cup of well-being is always heavier than adversity, and health is not occasional, but grows stronger from year to year! ©

Today is your name day, and we want to wish you not to lose strength under any circumstances! Always be with a clear conscience, like the first snow in the vastness of the country. Share grief and joy with loved ones, and they will be faithful to you! Let every year left behind speak not of signs of old age, but of happiness that beats tremblingly in the chest! ©

On the day of the founding of our company, I want to wish you to collect the fruits of the annual labor with pride and happiness. Let this holiday be included on the sheets of the calendar, so that weekdays pass in work and do not go to waste. I wish you honor and respect in the eyes of your colleagues, so that only success awaits you on the way to the top of Olympus! ©

I wish you happiness, joy, kindness and dreams of fulfillment on your birthday! And in work, and in the family, you do not lose perseverance. Be always on top and do not give in to enemies! No matter how fate drives you to suddenly jump down from a cliff, do not hang your nose, but remember about a compromise. The main thing is not to forget about those with whom you walked side by side, with whom you shared your success and were sometimes timid. ©

Name days are a bright holiday, because a person was born. What can I wish? Long and happy years, healthy children and eternal love, so that life pleases every day and is not so fleeting. So that we celebrate your promotions, and do not notice the harsh, cold winters. So that the barriers in your path always break down, and only into experience, and not into bitter tears, they turn. ©

Reliable friends, good health, we want to wish you. After all, there is only one such day in the year, and everyone should know it. May the brightest star in the sky light up for you. Whatever you have in mind, let it come true. Let the Guardian Angel watch over you. In case of danger, touch it with your hand. ©

We have been working for a whole year, colleagues, and now we can safely say that our company has matured and not only managed to get on its feet. Let's wish her prosperity and as many prospects as possible, so that expectations are met and the team does not fall apart. So that the boss is always fair, and that our salary never goes down! ©

From the team I wish you good, smiles, happiness and a sea of ​​warmth. On the day of jam, let life become extraordinarily bright. Let career growth cease to be a dream, because it's time to make dreams come true. Let stones disappear from everyday roads, and less worries settle in the heart. Let there be no sadness, no tears, but success will remain serious. ©

Congratulations on a corporate party in prose.

Birthday in the life of any person is a significant and pleasant event. And, no less significant, are the birthdays of the firm or company. Each team has its own traditions, celebrations of such corporate events. Somewhere they prefer to celebrate only round dates - anniversaries, in another place - it can be a light buffet at lunchtime or a corporate evening in a nearby cafe.

In any case, congratulations are indispensable. And, it has already been proven, you always want to pick up special words. To say them from the heart, beautifully and sincerely, not necessarily in verse. This is where corporate congratulations in prose come in handy, which can be found on our website.

A certain emotional load that allows employees to feel like important people in a team, to realize their importance, to be imbued with common goals, is always carried by a corporate birthday greeting.

A corporate birthday allows not only to sum up the results, to talk about the successes of the company, but also to unite the team with a common atmosphere of solemnity and fun. Funny congratulations at the corporate party will defuse the situation and add even more positive to the holiday.

A professional holiday is a very important date for every person, because we spend an average of 8 hours a day at work. Anyone
Your acquaintance, friend, girlfriend, relatives, colleagues or boss will certainly be pleased to receive congratulations in verse on their professional holiday.

Congratulations on the holiday of spring!

And our site will help
You with a choice of congratulations and poems about the profession. This section contains a large number of congratulations for almost any professional holiday.

And to
It was more convenient for you to search for them - all congratulations, all professional holidays, sorted by date of celebration. There are congratulations for every taste: cool congratulations on a professional holiday, good congratulations for colleagues and serious congratulations for bosses, congratulations in verse and congratulations in prose.

Calendar of professional holidays

Business on such dates should be forgotten.
A glass of champagne for you.
Yes, so that your success does not sleep.
May you have great ideas
And cherished dreams will come true.
Good luck in everything, creative career,
Special, illuminated by the stars, fate.
Let all the threads lead to you!
Discord will bypass your house!
Successes on the way and prospects await.
Time passes in a fast run,
Well, today we are colleagues!

Family comfort and warmth,

Attention, dignity, kindness!
We all want, without exception
I wish you all sorts of things:

Congratulations corporate

Corporate holidays congratulations on a professional holiday in prose
Dear Colleagues! Today, on our professional holiday, I want to thank
Thank you for your daily hard work. I am sure that it is thanks to your efforts that our enterprise with its colossal potential will be able to adequately prove itself in the very near future!
Happy holiday, dear colleagues!
Best wishes to you, your family and friends!
I wish you happiness, health and common success in the development of our beloved enterprise! Corporate congratulations to colleagues
Doesn't let you stand still
Strive only for achievements
May luck await every day
Accompanying you! Corporate holidays congratulations to
teacher's day
Our profession is prestigious,
We need it like air and water!
After all, without a beloved teacher,
No one will ever move forward!
And even if our salary is low, "Money does not bring happiness" they say,
But now modernization is all around,
What teachers work at the school,
And many, and for more than a dozen years! But they teach, mainly, because women,
Which is not more charming! Corporate holidays, congratulations
Dear colleagues, with the best congratulations on this holiday. I wish you creative success, high quality of your products, successful prosperity in the business world. May luck always accompany you in all your affairs, and may there be many good events in your personal life. Corporate holidays congratulations to signalmen
Dear Colleagues!
Signalers are true professionals, devoted to their work forever!
We give people the joy of communication, connecting towns and cities, different countries located thousands and hundreds of thousands of kilometers away!
Let your favorite work be successful!
May there always be true friends, kindness and good mood in your life.
With all my heart I wish you, your families, relatives and friends good health, happiness and prosperity
Good luck and prosperity to our noble profession!
Happy holiday, dear colleagues! Corporate holidays congratulations on
Happy militia
Dear Colleagues!
Today, with great pleasure, I congratulate you on our professional holiday - Police Day. Everyone knows the words from the song "Our service is both dangerous and difficult." And indeed it is. Our profession is one of the most complex, difficult and noble professions. I am sure that at any time each of us is ready to fulfill his professional and civic duty and come to the aid of his neighbor in any situation. From the bottom of my heart I congratulate our veterans, who are the keepers of our best traditions and share their wisdom and experience with pleasure!
Please accept my sincere wishes for well-being, prosperity and the implementation of all your plans!
Good health and peaceful sky above your head! Corporate holidays congratulations on professional holiday
Time passes in a fast run, well, today we are colleagues!
Professions we celebrate a holiday
Let's meet him with dignity
And rest from storms, worries, anxieties!
We wish you love, warmth and inspiration,
Family comfort and warmth,
In problems, only a wise solution,
Attention, dignity, kindness! Congratulations on
new year corporate
To each of my colleagues, I want to wish romance in work, because this will help to achieve success; efficiency in completing tasks, because this will help to get the job done faster; responsibility, because it will improve the quality!
And, whatever one may say, they still won’t give a salary earlier!
So is it worth it to worry about work!? It's time to relax, because today is the New Year!
Let's drink to friendship in our team! Corporate congratulations
Dear friends, today our team celebrates its small anniversary with honor. May luck always be a faithful companion in our team and so that we can adequately resist all the crises that sometimes occur in business and life Corporate congratulations on the holiday
Ladies and gentlemen. You have gathered here all business people with inexhaustible energy, efficiency, creative streak, courage, ability to take risks and overcome all difficulties on the way. I want to wish you good luck in all your undertakings! Corporate holidays congratulations on February 23
Dear Colleagues!
This holiday has a special meaning. It reminds each of us of civic duty and high male destiny. Our sacred duty is to preserve peace and harmony in society and on earth. It is important that our team works stably and confidently, because this is the key not only to our future, but also the future of our children!
I wish everyone
I wish you good health, great happiness, creative work and good luck in all your endeavors! Corporate holidays congratulations on
Happy energy
Dear energy!
Today, on our professional holiday, I want to say that the warmth and comfort in every home, stable work, enterprises, social security of children's institutions and much more depend on us!
The energy sector is constantly developing, and therefore we have a great future!
Dear Colleagues!
May only luck always accompany you!
Good health, prosperity and success in your work!
Prosperity and happiness to you and your families! Corporate congratulations
Dear colleague. Congratulations and we wish you a cozy atmosphere not only at home, but also at work. Let me express
You are our admiration for your cheerfulness and cheerful disposition, which gives us all optimism in our work. Corporate holidays congratulations on professional holiday
May success be in business all year round,
And the career is only going up
And just go
You go ahead
Where great fortune awaits!
Life gives you more chances
Every day will give
Surprise to you! Corporate congratulations
New Year
Together we enter
New Year,
How we were together in this.
Happiness is waiting for us there,
If not in winter, then in summer.
Let's give love
And in the future we will live
Much more fun. Corporate holidays congratulations on
New Year
Just a few minutes
Raising the glasses
Everyone is waiting for the new year
Not thinking about the past!